Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Why do you want me to come? So you can make more rude comments about Peter and I? If so I think I'll pass. And also I don't want to die tomorrow because I have the worlds largest company to help take care of, so I think I should prepare to survive" Casper sighed still trying to to feel weaker than all the others.
He heard Evan's voice, but took note that his mouth wasn't moving. "Oh. Hey. Welcome to my skull. Find a chair." He joked inwardly, keeping a straight face so the girls wouldn't assume anything was going on. "It's not my place to annihilate a simulation and banish it's computerized soul to the shadow realms, Evan. That's.. wasteful."

"Casper, it was a joke. I'll get you through fine, I swear." He added out loud, glancing over at Casper. Oh, she remembered the Peter comment. Maybe he SHOULD apologize for that now.
"Actually, I should be heading out. I have something to take care of. Marc, finish up here and then come with me. I'd like it if SHIELD was aware of the situation. We'll need to make a few stops first, though." Evan sighed, remembering the Hellfire issue. "Tri and his friend should already be at the Institute. We need to get a move on so finish up anything you have to do here." Evan said, walking out of the door.

'Sorry excuse to try and get him alone in a car for 2 hours.' he thought to himself as he exited. 'But it will help him develop his power...and let me see if he is a threat or an ally.'
"Well that joke made a deep cut. My relationship with him is a lot more than it appears. So please never make a joke about it again" Casper said crossing her arms. "Fine, I'll stay. I'm not swimming though." She sighed.
Ari ignored there conversation and headed to the roof with her violin this time. She taught herself how to use instruments while she was being monitored in SHEILD headquarters. She got to the roof and looked at the stars. She began to play let it go, trying to release a few emotions and maybe see the doctor again. She looked at her star and healed it close to her heart. If wishes upon stars came true, hopefully it would be this one.
Marcus sighed. There went his relaxing pool trip, he supposed. "Alright. I'll tag along for whatever you need me for Evan." He said, giving him a curt nod.

"And.. Casper. About what I said.. I. I'm sorry. I wish I could explain my.. behavior, but I'm still putting the pieces together myself. Just remember that I'm here for you if you need me and all that good stuff." He said quietly, feeling that his apology got lamer and lamer as he went on with it.
Casper sighed and warped her arms around herself and said "Just never assume things about me like that ever again" with a sigh. "Well I'll see you when you come back. I'm going to work on a military attack plan over the phone with the Pentagon now. Bye" Casper waved at him and gave him a quick goodbye hug.
He hesitantly hugged her back, holding on slightly longer than he probably should have. He pinned it on being tired and confused, then walked away with Evan. "So what's the deal here?" He asked, having been away for the Hellfire discussion.
"They're back. They want me. I'm sacred." Evan replied, his voice suddenly flat and stoic. "What else do you need to know?" he asked, a little coldly.
Peyton had freaked out again slightly when the walls started talking once more. Jeez, she complained at herself. She needed to get it together so that she could get out of here. There was a garage of sorts somewhere right? With a bit of surety, Peyton headed for that and found what she was looking for. Now she just needed to find a decent car and she was good to go...
Casper took the elevator up to level 12 and slid her STARK Industries ID into the security scanner so she could access the weapon room. Casper closed and locked the door behind her. She said to herself while looking at all the missiles, bombs, and other STARK explosives "Instead if powers I'm just stuck with instruments of death". She assembled the hand part of the Iron Man suit to her arm and took a shot out of the palm with it making yet another hole in the wall made by either her or Tony.
"Anything else you can tell me, really." He replied, shrugging. He wasn't comfortable with this, he could practically feel Evan's curiosity. Or maybe his new power was doing the feeling for him.

I don't like any of this.
Evan continued to stride down the flights of stairs. "'re oblivious. You're in denial. You are quick too take the path of ease. You don't have about you. Maybe that's why she picked you. Because you are already dead to the world, Scott." He stopped at that point. "Why did I just call you Scott?" he asked himself out loud. He continued to walk, his feelings almost tangible.

"She has a boyfriend." he seethed. "Stark's little Princess thinks she can have it all! " he yelled.
Marcus paused, stopping a few steps behind him. He should have been upset with this. Why am I not upset with this? What happened to me?

"That's.. not what I was talking about, Evan." He replied, not sure how else to respond. With obvious hesitation, he came down the next few steps and rejoined Evan. "Then, two questions. Who's Scott, and why is the second part at all relevant?"
"Scott old friend." Evan whispered, suddenly remembering things he shouldn't. "And the second part matters because....well....she's Emma!" he yelled out loud.

And then the laughing began. He couldn't hold it in because he was in the same position she was in. Almost exactly the same one. "My god! Like mother, like son."
"I.. don't follow." Marcus mumbled, shaking his head a bit. He assumed it all made sense to Evan, but he was completely lost at the moment. Maybe he'd get an explanation.
"Just don't be surprised if she and I have a very bad ass fight scene." Evan grumbled, finally getting to the ground floor. "And it would be very, very bad ass."
"I don't get it. What's going on? Why would you two fight?" Marcus asked, completely bewildered. He knew Evan wasn't exactly Casper's biggest fan, but this was completely new to him. What had happened between them that he had missed? He thought, scrambling through his memories to find some sort of clue.
"So oblivious." Evan groaned, putting his hands in the air. "Just get to the car, Agent Cyclops." he quipped, walking out of the front doors of the lobby. 'Good for nothing, my little pony loving henchman...'
You're going nuts, dude. Marcus thought, trying to make his brain louder. Maybe Evan could hear him if he made his inside-voice louder.

"Look, I don't know what the deal is with Emma and Scott and.. whatever all that is." He said, shrugging. He followed Evan the rest of the way to the car, wishing he could just have an explanation.
Deciding on a car, Pey set about hotwiring it. Once she was done she slammed into the drivers seat, shutting the door behind her. Now to finally get out of here. Putting the car into gear, her foot hit the accelerator and the car started out of the garage and onto the street out the front of the tower. Looking for which way to go, she noticed a couple of the freaks from upstairs through the rolled down window. Damn, which way?
"Jean loved Scott." Evan said before sliding into the black R8 Coupe. "Granted, she was screwing around with Logan, but that's beside the point." he said, pushing the start button on the vehicle.
Crispin sighed. So, was there gonna be a pool party or what? Everyone was leaving. He guessed that was a no. He didn't want to be alone. So he raced up the stairs to the roof to see if Ari wanted company.
"Okay. So.. Jean loved Scott.. Okay." Marcus mumbled, tilting his head to the side. "I still don't get why.. 'she' is Emma.. or why Scott and Jean are the specific people involved.."
"Let's use something called 'context clues'. I called you 'Scott' in the sairwell, right?" He shifted the gears into reverse with his mind. "I just called Casper the Over-Friendly Soon to be Ghost 'Emma'." He backed out, turning the car to escape the parallel park. "So, who the hell do you think the red-haired, green-eyed guy who has close links to Jean Grey would be refered to?!" he asked. Evan's foot stomped the gas pedal, causing the car to peel out into the traffic.

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