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While still fighting Casper thought of another comment to make "Hey Evan! The son of Jean Grey is here, so is Emma Frost, all we need is Scott Summers then it will really be of hell of an awkward party" Casper said laughing while snapping a sim's neck with her legs.
Evan ignored that comment as he stared his mentor head on. "I'm sorry." he said before immobilizing her. "Take your shot Marc." he yelled, creating barriers in the sim's head.
Marcus drew his pistols. He had just intended to be a nuisance, to give the omegas something else to deflect while the others went in for the kill. Then Evan called his name, and he realized maybe he could help more.

He dropped the gun in his left hand, to better stabilize the right. He fired off the entire magazine, all 15 rounds making contact. The first 13 were deflected to the side helplessly before the last two penetrated Jean's defenses. Each entered her skull at full force, leaving two massive exit wounds out the back of her head.
Evan looked mournfully at Jean's duplicate body as it went limp in his hold. He placed it down gently, the drive to protect blazing in his chest. He turned to Iceman, grabbing him and holding him down with his own body. "Ari, burn him! Turn up your heat as high as you can!" He yelled to the girl, taking forceful punches to his body. He felt a snap and groaned when the rib reattached itself almost instantly.
"Alright!!!" She yelled, her hair going into a blazed rage. She jumped into the air and sent a storm of fireballs at the guy before coming down on him with her blazing foot.
Evan leapt back as the massive fire rained down on the simulation, melting him completely. The last one, Emma, stood with her hands on her hips, as if taunting him. "No wonder Jean hates her." he said to himself, closing in on the target. "Everyone!" He yelled, not really knowing how to chip her armor.
"Yeah... They never thought me how to assassinate a diamond in terrorist school so.... I think this one is on you Evan." Casper said.
Ari leaped at the girl and hit her armor directly with her foot. She bounced off and fount the spot right underneath her shoulder piece. She charged and sent a fiery punch right there. It wasn't very effective.
"Don't suppose you can distract her head long enough for us to destroy her body, Evan?" Marcus shouted out, not sure if the plan would work. He had heard of how powerful Emma Frost was.
"I'm on it." Casper said hurdling herself towards Emma Frost and climbing on her back and grabbing her neck in a choke hold. 
"I'll distract her! Evan, use your Phoenix stuff to deteriorate her diamond form" Casper yelled towards him.
"Fine...I guess it's okay sometimes."he said, striding toward the figure. The psychic flames erupted behind him. He flicked his wrist her way, causing the body to splinter and fragment. "Anyone else wanna finish her off?" he asked, wanting to see the power that Marc was denying himself from using.
"I want to." Ari said, jogging backwards. She ran up to her target at full speed and jumped off her armor, sending up a fire blast to boost her. On her way down, she destroyed her with the raging fire kick and finished her off.
He felt it within him. Some deep, primal force that wanted to kill the diamond woman. Just as he nearly let loose, he realized how pointless it would have been to give himself over to that drive. It was a simulation, and his employer would have been disappointed with his choice to grant a final death to a hologram, of all things. Instead, he just watched as Ari's forceful attacks pounded the sim into fragments.
"JARVIS. Turn simulator off" Casper said to her computer butler and they returned to the simulator room where they had started.
The bodies faded into nothingness once again, leaving Evan sighing and panting. "Well, we can work together at least." he said, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Celebratory pool break?" he asked
"Sounds like a plan to me." Marcus answered, laughing a bit. That had gone far better than expected. Maybe he owed Casper an apology.

Or not. She hasn't exactly been the nicest to you anyway.
"I need to finish up some stuff" Casper said hiding her disappointment towards herself because now she was officially the only person in her team that didn't have a special power or mutant ability.
"Like what, Cas? We're gonna be saving the world the next few days. I think the least you can do for yourself is hit the pool with us. After all, you could be dead tomorrow." He joked, taking a light grip of her wrist. "Comon. Please?"
"Hey Marc!" Evan called out, the red taking over his face again. 'You really ought to stop pretending you're still human.' he projected, feeling that this was a conversation to be held in private. 'I know what you are. I'm part of the spark of life...what made you think I wouldn't see Death?' he asked.

"Come on, Casserella, slip on your glass bikini and come to the pool." he laughed.
"That was really confusing. If you want to have a personal talk, I can just go hang out on the roof and look at my star..." Ari said nonchalantly, until she realized she had let it slip. "I mean the stars."

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