Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Ummm no it can't! If you haven't noticed weapons of mass destruction are sort of my thing. Plus I need to test out my new armor from the suits" Casper says easily getting out of her grip and going to the elevator to the weapon room.
"Casper, we've got a world's worth of support behind us. What we need is to work together as a team, not have you run off and be an individual unit." Marcus said, shrugging. "Not that your father would have taught you anything of the sort." He added quietly, hoping she wouldn't hear.
"Fine" Casper groaned, she was used to doing things on her own, and she wasn't exactly a 'team player'. "I need to get my Iron Man arm piece and my guns, grenades and stuff though because thats how I fight. I don't have super powers, I'm just a Middle Eastern assassin" she sighed.
"I'll just do hand on hand combat for now I guess" Casper said putting her long brown hair into a pony fair so it didn't fall in her face while she was fighting.
Marcus looked at the others with a genuine smile. For the first time, he seemed to actually be happy, instead of just putting on a polite face. "This should be good. Finally get to see you people in action. Hope you don't live up to my prior fears."
Ari marched into the practice room, pulling out her pistol. She loaded the bullets and stood in the center. "You guys ready?"
Casper sarcastically clapped at Marcus and said "Who such an encouraging speech. Someone should give you an Oscar" she laughed.
"Well I haven't had a lot of reason to be optimistic so far, seeing as all we've done so far is bicker at each other. Don't disappoint me, Princess." He replied, taking up position nearby Ari. "Evan, you can pick the sim program."
"JARVIS, initiate sequence X250: Brotherhood." Evan said out loud, grinning to himself. "This is a classic, and a piece of cake." He said out loud as a visual of Magneto and his so-called army appeared. "We need to start small, and these guys are as simple as it gets." he yawned, stretching to warm up.
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Casper began running around snapping the neck of Magneto's army. "Feels like the good old days, minus the caves and sand" Casper said joking referring to her origins of her fighting started.
Brooklyn weaved her hair into a quick braid before spinning into action. Using her telekinesis, she bashed two sim soldiers together, and snapped their necks with the flick of her wrist. She maneuvered along with the rest of her team, trying her best to adjust to their slow pace. Brooklyn smiled to herself; she was used to working faster.
Ari lit her hair on fire. She began throwing fireballs at the army. She grinned, and started roundhouse kicking them down one by one.
Marcus knew he'd be out of his league here, especially against the Brotherhood. He had heard of the mutant group before, and was in no hurry to confront any of them, let alone the group. Fortunately, his team seemed to be making easy work of them, which allowed him to follow along, contributing virtually nothing as he observed the combat.
"Marcus, if you are not going to use your gun I'll gladly take it because you guys wouldn't let me go get my weapons" Casper said continuing to attack the army.
Evan formed his telekinetic war-hammer and started swinging it at the helpless drones. It was easy...too easy. He watched as the team easily dispatched the simulations, making good on their power--individually. They needed a challenge that would force them to work together.

"JARVIS, abort current program and initiate X616: OMEGA."

they'd have to be at their best to eliminate the Omega leveled beings. A chill ran down his spine as Jean and Emma Frost replaced the current avatars. Robert Drake appeared next to them, hardened in his Ice Form.
Ari watched as the scene changed. The drones became harder to beat. She hit one a couple of times and kneed him in the gut. The next one boxed with her for a bit until she gave him a severe burn.
A smile crept across Brooklyn's face as the simulation was set a level higher. "It's about time. I've been waiting for a challenge," Brooklyn mused as she tossed some stray strands of hair out of her face. She rolled her neck and launched herself at the sims, moving at a faster pace.
"I've been busy watching, Cas." He replied, smirking at her. Then the battle shifted, a series of Omega class mutants appearing in front of them. His expression quickly turned sour as he realized just how incapable he was against these foes. Two overwhelmingly powerful psychics and the renowned Iceman. What could he do, watch as bullets pinged off helplessly? This was a fight for the others, even more so than the last had been.
Evan launched himself at Emma, spinning into a roundhouse kick. She reacted quickly, encasing herself in a diamond form. The shockwave from the connection blew him backward, with no effect to the simulation at all. "I really need one of those." he grunted, charging in once again. "Work together!" he yelled out, barely missing the Iceman with a punch laced with the TK.

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