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Peyton stirred awake and bolted upright, confusion taking over as she struggled to work out where she was. Then, all at once, the memories of the last few days came crashing back. Oh seven hells what had she gotten into? Getting out of the bed and padding across the room, she decided she needed to get out of there. Leaving the room, Peyton decided to head for the elevator, easiest bet to get out right? However as she rounded the corner she walked straight into some guys
Marcus' phone rang, playing the Imperial March rather loudly. He had forgotten he had set it to that, and would have been embarrassed had the others been around.


"This is Director Fury."

Oh. Oh. Oh. S***.

"Does this mean our orders will be coming down soon, sir?"

"Yes, Marcus. The Oculus is reporting activity as we speak. The Skrull are incoming. Estimated battle strength of thirteen ships, carrying perhaps a total of forty thousand troops."

"Forty thousand, sir?"

"Forty thousand."

"Understood sir. I will prepare the team. We'll be ready when the first one touches our soil."


The call ended abruptly, leaving Marcus alone. "JARVIS, get me everyone in my room's lounge, ASAP." He called out, heading for his room at a brisk jog.

Ari was fiddling with her new necklace that contained a little star when JARVIS came over the intercom. "Marcus is requesting everyone to report to his lounge at once." Ari bolted off her bed and grabbed her suit and put it on. It was black and it hugged her body to avoid making noise. She then grabbed her pistols, quiver, and bow and started running to Marcus' room.

Looks something like this

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-2_15-52-27.jpeg.05e777886d2b73e3e0a49dae2a6dba26.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19692" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-2_15-52-27.jpeg.05e777886d2b73e3e0a49dae2a6dba26.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Casper came up the elevator coming back from an interview with Time Magazine about STARK Industries. Once she go up to the main floor she said "Hey, I'm back!" looking around for the others.
"Yep." Ari said, jogging a bit faster. It wasn't very fast for her taste, but then again she was half cyborg.
"So what happened while I was at my interview?" Casper asks not in that much of a rush to get to the meeting.
Crispin sped past them, almost bowling Casper over. "Sorry!" he called, but he was already in Marcus' room. "We get a mission?" he bounced excitedly.
"Not much in my way. I think the guys had some heart to heart or somthin. I just kinda went to my room and watched TV." Ari said.
Marcus smiled at Crispin as he arrived. "Yeah, kiddo. Finally gonna get to work. Just waiting on a few others."
"I have plans later so lets not have this take forever, ok?" Casper said and slouched buck down in her seat with her feet up on the table.
"That you did, miss." He gave her a small nod and gestured towards one of the few available couches. "Take a seat, get comfortable."

As Casper came in and gave her quick statement, Marcus couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle. "Might wanna change your plans up Cas. Pretty sure the Skrull aren't gonna wait for you and Peter's dinner date."
"WRONG! I am going to a charity fund raiser dinner in behalf of STARK Industries" Casper said crossing her arms. "Don't forget, I have a job on the weekdays so my whole life can't revolve around you and SHIELD." Casper added smirking.
"I think alien invasion overruns charity dinner." Ari said, her face strait the whole time. Now was not the time to be in a joking mood.
"You're dating Parker? Wow," Brooklyn mused before lounging on the couch and giving Marcus her attention.
"Jesus Marcus, see what you have started?" Casper said rolling her eyes at him then turning to Brooklyn "Well... not exactly. Its complicated" Casper said to her.
"It's not complicated at all. You go hook up with him and then feel bad about it, as anyone with two eyes can see." Marcus replied, rolling his eyes at her. "Long story short Cas, your charity dinner is probably coming in second place here, just like you in Parker's heart, as I'm going to assume."
That was it, Casper stomped up to Marcus and slapped him so hard across the face that she left a hand mark on his cheek. "You have no business making commentary about my personal life! At least I'm in somebodies heart, unlike you my friend." Casper turned around and contemplated over weather or not she should just walk away.
Brooklyn's eyes widened. "Um, I don't really know what I just walked into, so unless I have to stay here for a mission briefing I'm gonna go."
"Let's get on with it." Evan grumbled, tired of all the bickering. "We need to get on our jobs, so lets do this for once. Right guys?" he asked, trying to raise team morale.

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