Next Marvel [Inactive]

"SHIELD promised me some information I need if I join this team and follow their mission."

Tri said. "Since we haven't received any mission, Evan and I gonna go take care of something. Do you know anything about the Hellfire Club?"
"Other than being dragged this place beyond your will, meeting two people who remind you dearly of both Scott and Logan, facing multiple threats at the same time, evolving with a power than no one comprehends, and then learning that your mentor is floating around God knows where?" Evan mumbled lowly.

"I'm here for the kitchen and the boys."
"We still don't know, we need to confirm first that the Hellfire Club is back, then..."

Tri pulls out another cigarette. "We crush them"
"We need to leave...soon. I don't think anyone would mind if we took the A3 Coupe." Evan said out loud

"Tri drives, of course." He reached for a cigarette out of Baby Wolverine's pack himself.
"Then think of it as an incentive to keep me alive, otherwise I'll haunt you forever." Evan smirked.

"I'll sing "Friday" while you shower for the rest of your days."

He lit up with a snap of his fingers, taking a long drag.
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She blink once again, pretty surprise as they ask her ''m-me?! b-but.. what can i do?.. i-im just.. me..'' she sigh as she self pity.
"you are a telekinesis and a healer, pretty much useful. Time to get real to the world that fears and hates us, sweetheart."
"I hope Charles is awake...This gives me an opportunity to refresh my knowledge on the Celebro blueprints." Evan said as he grabbed the set of keys for the Audi.
''Isn't the Celebro room where professor X did his thinking..?'' She once met Professor x but it was only once to look around the school.
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"It's way more than what it seems, my dear." Evan replied, tossing the keys to Tri. "It can be salvation or destruction. "Depends on who is behind the wheel." he sighed.
"I'm currently the strongest telepath on Earth. It's for the sake of not going insane that keeps me from using my power everywhere." Evan chimed. He moved from the wall to stand closer to his teammates.

"It's so easy to be corrupted. The force is pure. It is unknowing to the ways of humans. All the hate." He crossed his arms, pondering deeply on his next few words. The look in his eyes were deep--deeper than all the wonders of the universe.

"I don't want to go dark. I fear it--burning the world. I don't have as much self control as my predecessor. I'm impulsive and selfish. I'm not fit to be the Lord of the White Crown. But it is my duty. And I will not fail." he beamed to the girl. He then turned to Tri, impatience growing on his brow.

"Do we have time to be standing here? I'd like to address the issue as swiftly as possible." he said in a tone a little sharper than usual.
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''d-do.. you want to be lord of the white crown?'' she ask, she felt a little worry for Evan as he said all these things about himself.
"Alright, let's go." Tri just finished changing into his costume, he ties his hair back. "You guys can talk on the way"
Marcus sleep was uninterrupted for what felt like the longest time. He heard nothing of the clamor just a few floors beneath him. When he awoke, he saw the robed skeleton of Death standing over him. "The anomaly has been dealt with. For now, you may have a... vacation." She said, before disappearing in a black fog.

Good. One less thing to worry about. Now to just.. go find Evan or Casper. Somebody. He sighed and put on jeans and a leather jacket before leaving his room, headed down to the elevator.
"Marc is awake..." Evan whispered to himself, turning toward the elevator and awaiting his impending arrival. Hopefully, He'd have something to give on the Hellfire Club...

Or on where the anomaly went.
Marcus stepped out, almost blundering right through Evan. "Oh. Hey Evan." He said, nodding a bit. "Apparently our.. issue, has been dealt with. I'm assuming something bigger than us-- err, well, me I guess, dealt with him on an existential level. Think we're.." He stopped himself mid-sentence, recognizing the look on his face. "There's something new, isn't there?"
"Everyday, I wait for SHIELD to actually provide the mission, only to have one follow me anyway." Evan chuckled. "The HellFire Club is back. And they are probably after me. I'm gonna lay low for the meantime...which means I'm basically useless as the Phoenix. But, no one said I couldn't be Fireborn." he grinned, having thought a plan out.

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