Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Really? Buffy marathon?"

Tri said, walking into the living room, sit down on the big sofa while giving Evan a bottle of beer.
"Phoenix power is too much for me to handle, but I can hold my own for a bit."

Tri said, looking at Evan. "Did you figured out what happened to you and Jean?"
"She isn't gone," he said taking a sip of the beer, "But she isn't there. Whatever has happened, it affected the very core of the universe. If I fail, these will be the end of days." He said, flicking the remote until it landed on the channel. That hour's episode featured Dark Willow on top of a semi, trying to kill her friends. "I can relate." Evan sighed, tipping the bottle back once more.
Tri looking at Evan. "I heard about Oculus. Are you sure it'll help? Because it'll take an extremely strong mind to scan the universe."
"Oh I love this episode." Spencer spoke up from behind them. He finished his drink and tossed the glass aside where it simply disappeared. "I've also actually met her and I kid you not, she's a real piece of work."
"Oh...just call me Spencer." He said as a lounge chair appeared behind him. "Can I watch? My bar doesn't get good reception."
Evan took no time with introductions or pleasantries. He jumped over the couch, a solid kick backed by all of his telekinesis landing on the jaw of the anomaly. "Do you not know who I am? I am fire! And life incarnate! Now and forever -- I am PHOENIX!" his voice echoed throughout the building.

He kick flipped off the guy's face, landing on both feet. "And I am pissed."
"Perhaps you'd like some new scenery." Evan said darkly before the setting around them changed. They were in a version of the universe where everyone had died long ago due to an intergalactic virus. He stood on one if its galaxies' sun, beginning to drain the very power from it. As he finished, the star collapsed on itself, shattering into an explosion of light and color. "Brace yourself Tri." Evan growled, having shifted into his new uniform.
"everyone's in the mood to fight today?"

Tri looks at Evan's new costume.

"White Phoenix? How did you...?"

Tri still don't understand what the fuck is happening, but then he smells something, he turns to Spencer.

"You have the same stink as those shadow guys this morning"

Tri grinding his fangs, grunting in his throat.
Spencer tilted his head. "Really? Is this the part where you say 'Praise the sun'?" He said. "Because I want to say it." He took a deep breath. "Praise the su-" He started before stopping. "I'm kidding." The world around them returned to normal. "Now calm the frag down so I can explain to you why I still exist."
"you talk too goddamn much. You attacked us this morning and time for payback!"

Tri jumps at Spencer with all ten claws
"Fine." Evan spat venomously. He waved his hand and released Tri, having him fall to his knees. "Why are you here? And, furthermore, who brought you back?"
"Don't you know Manticore is also a mystical beast?"

Tri broke free from the freezing, he drops down on the ground.

"Red, what do you want to do with this arrogance little shit?"
"Firstly, what do you know of personifications?" He said while righting his fallen lounge chair and sitting on it.
" apparently Lady Balance is ticked off with you." He leaned back. "Will that do or do I need to say more."
"She knows better. Kill me or Jean, you might as well kill yourselves. We are the truest host of the Phoenix. For I am a part of Jean's very soul." He said, stepping closer to the fool. "So, why did who ever this Lady is send you back? You did not and still do not exist."

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