Next Marvel [Inactive]

"I wasn't talking to you Evan" Casper said smirking. "And I'll just have pepperoni" she called out to him. "So Marcus, now it's your turn" Casper said turning to Marcus. "Oh and of corse you can Crispin, help yourself" Casper said smiling to the little boy.
"I plead the Fifth, your honor." Marcus repeated, smirking. "What, never read the Constitution?"
Evan smiled at the little kid. "Of course, just wash your hands and you can start cutting the tomatoes. " He said, while making an apron materialize on his body.

"So Marcus, how do you feel about me?" he joked, smiling ad he kneaded the dough with his mind.
"I'm from Turkey, so no I have not. I have lawyers to do that for me. What is so awful that you can't say about me?" Casper said rolling her eyes.
"Awesome!" he saluted, rushing over to the sink. "Hey," he called. "Why do you guys keep talking about this stuff? Are you all in love or something? 'Cause it's getting annoying. Just saying." He zipped back over to Evan and grabbed a knife.
Dr. Spencer sipped his coffee as he waved away his chessboard. He was slightly offended. His universe? Bah! He shifted dimensions and he DARE claim that a star from outside this dimension was his? He calmed himself down. 'Tis alright.' He thought 'Everyone makes mistakes.'
"Crispin, there is no such thing as love. It's an illusion on the human brain." Casper mumbled under her breath thinking about her and Peter's non present relationship, just a bunch of meaningless hook ups.
"That's a rough way to look at things Cas. Sure, it might be a chemical reaction, but that's just proof that there's something real in it." Marcus said, playfully shoving Casper. "Don't listen to her, Crispin. Casper's a big old cynic."
Key was on the balcony, ahe look down and she felt like going skydiving off it. But she needed to complete a secret mission first before she could do anything else.

(Not here long)
"My mom used to say love was real. My dad said she was a romantic." he stared off into space, his face dead serious. He perked back up a moment later, returning to his normal self.
"I'm going to my room" Casper said patting Crispin on the back. "Goodnight guys! Oh and Marcus, you still need to come up with a better explanation on what you think about me. She playfully kissed Marcus on the cheek then left for her room. ((I have school so I need to get some sleep. See y'all tomorrow))
"That was rather abrupt." Evan said, as he began placing toppings on the pizza. He looked and noticed the kid had disappeared. "So....whats up?" He asked Marc, who had yet to say anything to him.
"Oh, y'know, new cosmic entity type stuff. Trying to figure out being Death's henchman works. Fun stuff, but you probably know that already." Marcus answered, giving a slight shrug.

It didn't register to him for almost a full minute that Casper had pecked at his cheek. "Oh, and if you were asking about serious stuff, I may or not be the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace." He joked.
Spencer finished his coffee before leaving money on his table and leaving. He had to find something to do for a while. He pulled out the remaining cash from the safe and spent it on some ingredients. With a couple bags full of stuff he went to the nearest soup kitchen and left it there. He then entered Willy's "Glad to see that this place hasn't changed since I was last erased." He muttered thankfully.
"It feels weird, doesn't it?" Evan asked as he put away the prepared pizzas, covered in redi-weap. "For some reason, you reacted differently." He tried not to notice that Casper kissed Marc on the cheek. 'I like the girl and all, but I will smite her.' he thought, grabbing a juice pouch before returning to his friend. "And as for sexual harassment, you could just tell her you aren't ready to be invested in that kind of thing yet. You have to keep everyone's best interests at heart."

'Even if it hurts mine.' he thought while sipping his newly opened drink.
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"I didn't even get an explanation, or a choice in the matter. She wouldn't let me even open my mouth." He admitted, running a hand through his hair. "It's.. weird. I don't feel a lot different, most of the time. Unless I'm threatened or someone's dying nearby, at least." He added, then sat up on the counter. "Twas more of a joke, too, about the sexual harassment. She's cute, but I'm not sure she's my type. Maybe it'll develop, maybe not. Think I have to ask my second boss for permission? She didn't give me a pamphlet on how to live as her taxman."
'Pssh...if only you knew...' he thought, knowing that Casper was not exclusive with her feelings at all.

"We are sitting around here like ducks while a person I damn near destroyed is making the world shift and fluctuate toward it's doom. I'm more concerned about that than some little girl who is too greedy for her own good." Evan grumbled. His shorts shifted into a red color.
Spencer almost sneezed but stopped at the last moment. "Huh...someone must've said a half-truth about me..." He said before shrugging. "Meh, not my concern." He said before continuing his drink.
"She's a nice girl, Evan. Means well, I think." He said quietly, feeling like he should defend her but not being too sure of the inclination.

"Then quit changing pants and figure out how we can modify the Oculus. Better things to do than make a fashion statement, as you said." Marcus commented, giving a small shrug. "I think I'm going to take a nap. I could use some time where my own head wasn't making noise. Later, Evan." He smiled and nudged Evan before making his way out to the hall, towards the nearest elevator.
"And I'll just be here...not being able to sleep." Evan grumbled. He sighed, shorts fading back to a pristine white. "I wonder If there is a Buffy marathon on..." he said to himself, walking toward the living room once again.

((think i'm gonna crash...))

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