Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Evan you look like a tomato. Stop blushing like that, it's getting weird" Casper said laughing and hopped onto the kitchen counter top sitting on it. "Hey, can someone grab me a bottle of Bourbon." Casper asked.
Ari snorted as she looked at Evan. The strong man had converted his head to a tomato and it was hilarious.
Spencer reexisted in the cafe once more. He took out his pocket watch and watched as one of its many hand tick around. He put it back in his pocket and ordered coffee. He smiled as he took a sip and remembered Ari. 'I should see her again soon.' He thought before summoning his glass chessboard. He saw that one of the pieces was floating high above the board. He stared at it for a while before chuckling. "Yamato to F5." He said before moving another piece, this one seemed to look like a cannon.
Evan grinned at Ari, but it faded as soon as he saw the pendant. "Where did you get that?" He asked, scrutiny taking a place on his features. "Ariana, who have you been talking to?"
"Evan. She probably just got it from her room. It's just a necklace, nothing special about it" Casper said.
'Really, you're going to lie to a telepath?' he asked rhetorically, 'Who gave you one of my stars?' he asked, knowing a piece of the made universe when he felt it. He didn't speak it out loud, for he might be listening to them. It was easy to connect the others now that they had a piece of the Phoenix Force within them.

"Just tell me." he said calmly.
"Evan why does she have a star. And how could she physically have a star? That is scientifically absolutely impossible."
"Cas...there is a cosmic entity about to make you pizza. Wanna ask that question again?" Evan asked, a little Grey snarkiness showing in his tone.
"I'm sorry for being a scientific genius not a cosmic magic genius. Hurry up with that pizza Mr Cosmic Entity. And why were you blushing and you never answered my question about Marcus." Casper said.
Ari smiled at the locket, recalling the doctor she meet. She held the little star inside the pendant inside her hand. It glowed slightly as she viewed it.

(Sorry, got to sleep. Good night!)
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"You had a question about me?" Marcus asked, having still been within hearing distance. He hadn't ever left, actually.
Casper's phone rings. She checks to see who it was, it was Peter Parker texting her. Casper sighs and texts him back 'Sorry love, I can't come over tonight. I have something's to take care of. xoxox'. 
"Nothing Marcus. I just asked Evan what he thinks of you."
Evan proceeded not to answer any questions, including the ones about Marc. He ran to the kitchen to begin preparing their meal, so no one could see him turning red again.
"So Marc, you still haven't apologized to me yet for trying to kill me today even though you failed" Casper said smiling and walking over towards him.
He sighed and shook his head. "I grew up on the truth, not politeness. The truth is, that wasn't within my control. I'm not apologizing for something I didn't really do." He replied, frowning. He hoped she would understand.
"Ok ok. So since we are on the subject of saying what we think of people, what do you think of me Marcus because you never finished answering my question earlier" Casper said hopeful.
"Knock it off." Evan called out from the background, with various ingredients floating around his head. "You are both acting like children. And, I won't hesitate to let that goffball destroy the universe if it means you two will shut up."

'Besides,' he thought to himself, 'You've got no idea how much he has changed.'
He sighed and looked at her awkwardly. "You first. I've already sort of answered this question for you, I want your opinion on me."
Crispin grimaced. He'd followed them and was now sitting on the counter, eating an apple. "Ew..." he muttered. "Is it gonna get all mushy in here? 'Cause if so, I'm ditching."
"Ok. I think you are very nice and sweet but you drive me crazy sometimes but I'm getting used to it. You don't treat yourself like you should. You are way better than what you tell yourself. You are a stickler for rules but one day that will help you become an agent. You have nice eyes. Did I already mention you drive me crazy? You don't give yourself enough credit and I have 100% faith that you can become a strong leader. Now that's what I think about you Marcus." Casper said. 
"Oh and I'm pretty sure Evan really likes you" Casper added letting out a light laugh.
"Fair enough." Marcus nodded a little and then smirked at her. "I plead the Fifth, your honor." He added, referring to her question.
'Burn! Burn in the deepest pits of--'

"What was that Cas?" Evan asked, his eyes wide in shock and disbelief. "I couldn't hear you while I was making your pizza for you to eat."

"What does everyone like? And no greenhouse tofu crap." He laughed, attempting a subject change again.

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