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The world around them faded as they shifted time and dimension. They were now floating in an empty void. A majestic multicolored explosion started far away from them. "You are now watching the big bang."
"Well, I was thinking of turning it into an enormous microscope..." Evan answered, floating in the air. ""With the Celebro, I am able to pinpoint the minds of almost every person in existence, on Earth. But, If the signal was amplified with your satellite and my new level of being, I could see everything in and outside of existence, period." he said with vigor

'And destroy him permanently.' he thought to himself.
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"You sure about this? I mean Marcus just lectured me about hijacking the satellite and stuff. In order to boost the satellite that much I'm going to have to use one of my dads suits he build for me and fly up into space which Ive done before and its no problem for me but are you sure about this now Evan?" Casper asked.
"Just need it proposed to the Directorate and it's good to go." Marcus commented, nodding at Evan. "I'd prefer for us not to end up with us in some dark hole if we get caught doing it illegally."
"Would you rather the universe fall apart? Your last thoughts would be pure agony as you are ripped apart, atom by atom." He stated, looking Cas in the eye. "This new threat must be eliminated, once and for all.
"No Crispin we are fine. No black holes. And I agree with Evan on this one. We need to do something about this." Casper said.
"Whatever fixes this faster. This power is like a g-string. It looks cool and all, but it's rather uncomfortable." Evan sighed, hoping that by fixing this problem, Jean would return to him.
"Said like a person who wears a g-string." Marcus laughed and patted Evan's shoulder.

"I'll make a call. Back soon." He said, then left the room and phoned SHIELD HQ.
"Evan... please stop comparing things to g-strings! Im mentally scared... Well it looks like we are doing this the 'legal' way." Casper said. "Nasty" Casper added "There is a kid here!"
"Well, at least I know one person is looking." Evan laughed. The reign of terror would be over soon. And, he would get everything back in order.
Ari stood and looked around in awe. The stars were probably her favorite thing, so to see the thing that created the stars and planet earth was spectacular.
Casper walks over and covers Crispin's ears. "I just threw up a little in my mouth!" Casper says pretending to gag.
"Spectacular isn't it?" He asked as two chairs and a table with coffee appeared near them. He took a seat and picked up a dup and took a sip. "This sight never ceases to inspire me."

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