Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Sure, beats staring at everything. Plus, I kind of want to know what this tower hides." Ari said, picking herself off the wall.
"I gotta change first." Tri looks at his t-shirts. It still stains with blood. "Damn...this is one of my favorites."
"Well then why don't you and Ari head out first? I'll be with you guys when I finished changing"

((Gotta sleep. It's 5am here lol. I'll continue with you two later))
"Don't know, don't particularly care. Whoever it is, they're a non-issue." He stated, then turned his phone off.
Spencer waited for Evan to come. He materialized a bag of bread crumbs and started feeding the birds to pass the time.
"Are you bipolar or something cause you can go from being super depressed to angry in less than a second" Casper stated.
"Smooth, Cas. Smooth." He muttered, rolling his eyes. She was getting harder to deal with every passing minute.
"I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get you to trust me. The sooner you learn to trust me the sooner you will learn to trust the others and we can start the mission SHIELD assigned us to complete. And besides I was only joking."
"Well while you go get change.. I'll wonder around" she left tri to get change, she didnt know what ari would do. But she was curious to explore
((Whoaa what did I miss??? When I left we were at pg 55 and now 76??? Give me the synopsis someone plz D= so I know whats going on))
Ari wandered to the roof again, finding the view calming. She took out her guitar, her only memory of her use-to-be-happy life. She put her fingers on the strings and began to play. (For a reference to the song,

. As she strummed, she felt her soul flow out though the words. She sung with her heart and all. The song of a revolution, representing mutants and the are the revolution. Well, that's what it meant to her. As the sun shone above, she began to cry as she sang. She let her emotions go though her song.
Spencer sighed, he either didn't recieve the message or he's ignoring him, either way he's offended. A shadow appeared beside him, carrying a safe. He knocked on it twice and it swung open. "Hmm...there's some files here, I don't need them." The shadow removed the money and flew back to the tower and dumped the safe in the lobby before flying away. Spencer took the money and went to a hospital. He looked around and left the money on the counter before leaving. 
Spencer suddenly He looked around in search of it's source and looked at Stark Tower. 'Why is it always this place?' He thought as he reappeared on the roof before tapping a girl with a guitar.

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And Casper added "You can't just expect the team to work together when you haven't shown them any belief in them. You need to be a leader not just assume the mission is going to fail when you haven even given me or the others a chance."
Crispin watched the exchange for a while before yawning. He was tired, and barely even remembered half of what had happened. He stretched and then curled up in a blanket, yawning again. His green eyes scanned the room, looking for something to entertain him.


Sorry I've been gone! I was at church, so...yeah. Anyway, I'm back! =P
"There's no order to any of this. We have no objective. We've been waiting for a threat, and it hasn't arrived. I'm starting to feel like SHIELD just got us together to see what happened." He said, shrugging.
"We've already dealt with some threats and Evan's little episode yesterday. Listen I can tell you are pretty damn new to this whole 'being in charge' while I on the other hand am very well known to being in charge. I will help you gain respect from the team and help you gain respect for us. I'm going to turn you into a strong leader weather you like it or not. This is your chance to show SHIELD what you've got Marcus." Casper replied hoping to encourage him.
"Caaaaasper...." he yawned a third time. "When do we get to, like....go on a mission or something. Not that the whole almost-getting-killed-by-weird-shadow-things wasn't fun."
Casper didn't even notice Crispin was in Marcus's room till then "I don't know. I'm not the leader of this group Crispin. It is Marcus's hub to answer questions like that. Right Marcus or should I say Agent Gavin" Casper said elbowing Marcus.
'Whatever you want to call me Cas. Don't think you'd listen if I told you to just call me Agent Gavin anyway." He replied, smirking.

"Well Crispin, in all honesty, I'm waiting on SHIELD." He said, walking over to the window. He pointed up into the sky, then looked down to the boy. "Up there, we got a satellite. It's named The Oculus. It does a bunch of science-y stuff, but it tells us when something big is headed for Earth. It's hooked up to my phone right now, and I'm waiting for it to give us a signal."
"Cool." he said, getting up and zipping to the window, almost knocking something over. "So why isn't SHIELD telling us anything?"
"The guys up top really like to talk before letting people like me know anything." He answered, shrugging. "I figure we'll be getting something soon though. Rumor mill says something is coming, but it's not official yet."

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