Next Marvel [Inactive]

The blow stung his face, and he took a few seconds to recover. With a loud crick from his neck, he slowly turned his face to look at her again. "You're right, Casper. I'm not in anybody's heart. But at least I can say that everyone else, in this room, on this planet, is in mine. I care about humanity. I'd die to defend each and every last one of us, if that's what it took. So, like a responsible human being would, I am going to say, once again, that the fate of this entire world is of far more significance than your charity dinner."
"I know I know. I was being sarcastic! Just tell us what our mission is so we can get out of each others hair" Casper said rolling her eyes. I swear that boy is bipolar she thought to herself.
Evan stood in the middle of the room, his pleas for everyone to work together being ignored once again. He sighed, knowing that if these two didn't get their act together, they'd never leave the room. "Ari is right, you two need to get it together. Humanity comes before anything. Stop bickering like two little preschoolers, get your big boy pants on, and let's get briefed." he said in his commanding voice, attempting to lead again.
"Well seeing as Princess Stark has such an urgent affair, I suppose I'll just have to rebrief the others at a later date." Marcus started, rolling his eyes. "My apologies to those of you who were here during this.. discussion." He paused, glancing at those around the room. "We have, after a few days of unexpected calamity, received a signal from the Oculus. The data shown has given us a rough estimate of the size of an incoming Skrull force. Their total fleet strength is an estimated thirteen vessels, although I have also recently been informed that it might be one massive carrier. At it's current distance we cannot specify, but our standing information on Krull vessel mass implies one of those two options. Our troop number estimate is unreliable at best, but we are currently under the assumption that it is somewhere around forty thousand. What this means is that we will have to travel to the hardest hit location on Earth and hope the planet's other defenses can handle the weaker attacks. It is, at this point, reasonable to assume that New York will again be hit, as the city and state are well known for being the center of American super-human activity. Any questions, kids?"
"Can we go smash things as a team now?" Evan asked. "I'm itching to crush something big." He turned to Cas and smiled. "Don't worry, they aren't going anywhere. You examine the remains to your hearts content."
"Quick interjection... If the Skrull are not here yet what are we supposed to do for the time being?" Casper asked.
"Get yourselves ready. Oculus suggests we have about a day until they arrive, so get your head on straight. If you've got any issues with someone in this room, deal with them now. Trust and teamwork first." Marcus replied, glancing at Casper.

"As for Skrull technological capability, it will have to suffice to say that they vastly outpace us. On another hand, every Skrull is a shapeshifter, so for all intents and purposes, we are battling other supers, although they are likely to be less powerful than each of you folks."
"I'll call the mayor and order an evacuation of Manhattan by tomorrow. And I'll inform the pentagram and President." Casper said grabbing her phone and beginning making calls.
"What should I learn first? I'm so excited." Evan chimed. They were finally gonna be a team, rather than the cast of 90210 hit hard with a dose of Chemical X. "Don't we have a simulation room?" Evan asked.
"Aaaand Casper is a step behind SHIELD, just like the rest of the world." Marcus smirked and tapped her shoulder. "No need Cassy, we got that covered already. There's a reason we're the best of the best."
Casper rolled her eyes. "I don't see SHIELD building half of the things STARK Industries is producing now. I'll build that thing you need Evan. Also I need to check up on my weapon inventory soon."
"Perhaps, dear, it is because SHIELD prefers not to flaunt their capacity like your celebrity father." Marcus murmured, rolling his eyes. They had more than their fair share of secret projects locked away, where no one would ever find them.
"Yep...90210..." Evan grumbled. "I'd love to practice with you Ari, but we all need to stop being individual badasses and actually practice together. We can do it the easy way or I can make you guys listen to My Little Pony on repeat for an hour...your call." He said to Cas and Marc, getting fed up with the "will they, won't they".
"How bout, Marcus, we not debate over social power in a life or death situation and get along." Ari said, grabbing his ear. 
"Why don't we all go TOGETHER!" Ari said, forcing her smile and grabbing Casper's ear and hauling both of them out of the room.
Marcus nearly batted the hand away from his ear, but instead decided to just make it easier on himself and follow. "Come on Princess, we've got a simulation to do." He said, grinning.
"Hey chica! Ive got work to do! I need to make a ton of other calls and make alterations to some missiles I bought from the Afghans" Casper said when Ari dragged her.

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