Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Yeah Key. Exactly. You're 15. Which is no age for you to be watching.. my job." He mumbled, rolling his eyes. Kids these days.

He turned the corner and approached Tri's captive. "You can take Key back up to the surface. I can handle it from here."
Key had a feeling on what he was going to do, she didn't like the thought of it though, but she wasn't going to argue with it so she kept her mouth shut, heading over to Tri.
"Hellfire Club. Everything you know about them."

"Screw off."

Marcus punched the mutant in the stomach. He would need some convincing, apparently.

"Hellfire Club."

"Screw. Off." The mutant muttered, spitting on Marcus' shoes.

"Hellfire Club." He repeated, delivering another hard blow to the gut.

The mutant groaned and doubled over.

"HELLFIRE CLUB. WHAT DO YOU KNOW?" He shouted, sweeping the man's legs out from under him. He watched him collapse, then kicked him in the stomach. The man screamed.

"I don't k-know anything, man! I swear! Just leave me alone!"

Wham. Wham. Wham. "Gahhh!"

"Talk!" Marcus barked, slamming the man's head into the concrete floor. Blood dribbled down the man's face, getting in his eyes and mouth. A few teeth had fallen out, but he should still be able to talk.

"I-I heard.. Massachussetts.. Academy." The mutant blubbered, in horrible agony and tears by this point.

Marcus knelt over the man's limp form, watched him pant and heave. "Thank you." He whispered, then pressed all his weight on the man's rib cage. He pushed harder and harder, feeling bone and flesh give way beneath him. It felt.. good. Too good.

Ten minutes later, Marcus rejoined the others. "Massachussetts Academy, Tri. That's all he knew."
"well, that was quick." Tri finished his cigarette. "alright, Red, Marc got us some information, scan the Massachusetts Academy."

"you didn't kill him, did you?" Tri asked Marcus
"Was I not supposed to?" Marcus asked, raising one eyebrow. He hadn't been told otherwise, and he didn't think anyone would miss the guy.
Music blasted out of the STARK Tower and red plastic cups were littered everywhere. Bright colored lights were illuminated everywhere. The STARK Tower was filled with people who Casper might of not even known their first names. Casper and Peter sat at the crowded bar together and Casper said to him "I might die tomorrow so I decided to throw the biggest party in the history of Stark's" and Casper was right about that. Some of the most famous celebrities showed up, Casper hired Zedd and Avicii to DJ, and you could hear the music from 3 blocks away.
Having parked the car, Peyton headed back up stairs to thumping music and as the elevator doors opened, she realised she'd just walked in on a major party... Well this was yet another new thing for her in this freaks how whirlwind.
"I don't have any problem with that." Tri grinned. "and I'm not worried if the whole pack of Morlocks after you." Tri smiles, seems like he did smell something about Marcus.

"You guys ready for a trip to Massachusetts?" Tri asked.
"Charles..." Evan looked down upon the once great man, now only a shell of what he once was.

"Evan Grey. When you suddenly arrived at this school 5 years ago, you were only a boy with massive power. And now you've become a man." Charles removed the Celebro headgear and gestured toward a chair near him.

"Talk with me." he requested. Evan complied, bringing the chair closer so that the man wouldn't have to move. Age had definitely taken it's effect on him, liver spots making themselves apparent on the man.

"You've been fearing the loss of Jean, haven't you?" Charles asked, pressing his fingers together. Evan sighed, placing his hands under his jaw.

"I cant help it, sir. She...balanced it. Now that she is gone, I don't feel very sound anymore. Like I'm a traipse artist and there is no safety net." he looked down at his feet. "Like I'm alone." he whispered. The monologue was interrupted by a message from Tri.

' Alright, Red, Marc got us some information, scan the Massachusetts Academy.'

"Sorry Professor, gotta get some info." Evan said, moving his wheelchair aside. "Be careful, Evan. You are not only opening everyone else's minds, but your mind as well." Charles stated.

Evan slid on the helmet and began channeling his power into the device. He wasted no time, fluidly moving to the Massachusetts Academy, before starting to feel tension. He pushed harder, trying to get past the blocks there. 'S***, they've been expecting me.' he thought as he bashed the barrier down.

"Yes we have, White King." an unfamiliar voice called out before the world went black.
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"We'll see what happens if they do, Doggy-Boy. Don't think they'll try it after they find their buddy, though." Marcus replied, frowning a bit. You're disgusting, Marcus. An animal. That man is nothing more than a pile of broken bone and torn flesh because you got angry. Keep it in check next time, before Death herself gets offended.
"So Casper, you still haven't told me about all this SHIELD stuff" Peter said taking a gulp of booze.

"Its a really long story and I don't even know half of it honestly. I'm just waiting for it to be over" Casper said a bit tipsy.

"So where is this group of yours anyways?" Peter questioned.

"That is a very good question that I don't know the answer to. I think they took off without me. They are not huge fans of 'The Stark Princess' hell, I think they all hate be with a burning passion." Casper replied taking a sip of vodka.

"Plus they all have some amazing ability or supernatural power. I'm the only one without a physical power. So I'm the misfit of the group. They probably left me because I am not special enough compared to the rest of them." Casper added.

"Casper, that group is obviously way to full of themselves because you can basically control and alter technology. I bet none of them have the intelligence and life experience you have. And if you went against any of them in a fight where they were not allowed to used their abilities, you would take them down in less than 30 seconds." Peter replied to her.

"Thanks Peter." Casper sighed looking down at her feet dangling from the high bar stool where she was sitting.
"CASPER!!" Ari roared, marching though the crowd. She was very angry that the hallways and the training room where occupied with noisy guests. "Why are there so many people here?!!!"
The scene was more than blurry each time he tried to open his eyes. A wheelchair tipped over. Blood. Men in suits, hauling him off, out of the mansion. With the last bit of strength he had, Evan sent out a message to Tri and Marc. 'Help...' was all he could manage before passing out again.
"What?" Casper though she heard her name. She then saw Ari and said "Oh I'm having a party to celebrate my possible death tomorrow. Also I figured since I had the tower pretty much to myself I would have a few hundred people over. Its all cool" Casper said to Ari raising her voice over the loud music so Ari could possibly hear her.
"NOTHING IS "COOL" WHEN THERE ARE PEOPLE DANCING ON MY BEAD AND TEARING MY ROOM APART!!!" Ari yelled as her hair started to light up a bit. She was beyond mad at this point.
Brooklyn, who had returned to the STARK tower while the party was in full swing, immediately joined in on the fun. She downed a full cup of beer and found Ari and Casper in the chaos. She waved at them, knowing that from where she stood they wouldn't be able to hear each other; the music was causing the floors to shake.
"With Casper..? It's.. complicated. She's done a fair amount of flirting, or at least Evan thinks so. I.. don't know what I think of her. She'd be an option if I wasn't busy with.. work." Marcus answered Tri, then paused.


"Tri, get us to the Institute, now. Don't care how fast you have to go."
"Ari. We are probably going to die soon so loosen up a bit. Have fun. And besides this is still my home so I can do whatever the hell I want here." Casper said hiccuping. "Oh Ari, this is Peter by the way" she said pointing to the boy sitting in the bar stool next to her. Casper waved back at Brooklyn then went back to listening to Ari.
"Hello. I would enjoy the party but mind you were going to save the world tomorrow and I'd rather you not be incapacitated while a fleet of aliens tries to blow us up." Ari said pointing out the obvious.
Brooklyn couldn't help but notice the anger splayed on Ari's face. With a frown, Brooklyn weaved her way over to her and Casper, grabbing another drink and taking a gulp. "Nice party, Cas. I'm impressed. Sucks that we have a mission and can't do this all the time." She glanced over at Ari. "You don't look like you're enjoying yourself much though."
"Please Ari, none of you are going to let me help because I don't have a special power. I'm completely human. So I'm sorry if I want to have a bit of fun before I'm useless again. I'm sorry for not being born with special abilities or given them." Casper said.
"I wouldn't underestimate her, Ari. I've seen what Tony has done with technology- I wouldn't be surprised if Casper had some own kickass tech up her sleeve," Brooklyn added, trying to lighten the mood. It was a party after all.
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Tri turns the Black Bird around when he heard Evan's calling for help. His face looks really worried. He pushes the speed of the Black Bird to maximum.

"RED!!!" Tri looks around the institute, there are a lot of bodies of the students. His fangs grow, they always grow when he angry. He runs to the Cerebro room.

"Those motherfuckers..." He sniffed out Evan's scent, and some other guys...
"Tri, we need to get to the Massachusetts Academy now. That's probably where they're taking him." Marcus called out, looking around the Institute. "Gotta solve this within twelve hours, we're gonna need Evan tomorrow."

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