Next Marvel [Inactive]

Astrid stretched and walked into the kitchen, she was curious to meet her team mates. Seeing some pancakes on a table Astrid put it on a plate and spooned syrup onto it.

"Hey."She said to the other kids in the room before eating her pancake.
Marcus stood in the corner of the kitchen, thumbing through his PDA. When Astrid entered, he smiled at her and put his device away. "Don't believe we've met yet, Astrid. I'm Agent Marcus Gavin, guess I'm sort of in charge around here. It's great to have you on the team. But I've just been informed that SHIELD has some information for me, so I have to leave. Get comfortable, have a little fun before the work starts, eh?" He said, then made his way up to the rooftop helipad.
"Sure" Astrid replied smiling up at Marcus, he was a lot taller than her."The pancakes were really nice by the way!" Astrid wondered what their mission was and who all her team mates would be, it seemed as though Marcus was the leader anyway.Astrid glugged down her drink and sighed. It was going to be an interesting few days.
"Wait... You weren't here last night. Now who the hell are you?" Casper said to the unfamiliar girl who just spoke to her. ((Sorry if I sound rude I'm just trying to match Tony Stark's personality:))
"Astrid Harvey , actually. And you better not mess with me because I am after all a Demi- god." Astrid said smirking, she loved annoying people." And I was called by SHIELD too."
"Oh hey have you seen a boy named Evan anywhere? I need to talk to him" Casper said remembering her and Evan's plan.
"He just went in the elevator not long ago"

Tri steps into the dining room. "Looks like he and that big dumb ass Scott is gonna brawl. Also, your dad's looking for you."
"Thats wonderful. And I know, I talked to Tony not long ago, and he is leaving for another conference in 30min thats in Hong Kong." Casper said quickly to the girl not even looking at her "JARVIS! Alert Evan to report to me" Casper said to JARVIS "Right away Miss" he replied in his monotone robot voice.
Xavier entered his office, pausing a moment to look around before making his way to behind his desk. He turned his look down to various pages on his desk.

"You can come out, i know you are here."He said calmly but forcefully.

"Damn..."Maria said angrily climbing down from the office ceiling, she stepped in front of the desk crossing her arms."What gave me away?"

"I have my ways." The professors voice echoed in Maria's mind with no movement from him, apart from pointing at one of the seats in front of his desk. "Take a seat."

I am fine, thanks."She retorted taking slightly a back but the professor's powers."I would appreciated if you stay out of my mind, i haven't cleaned up there in awhile."

"As you wish."He said the look in his eye showed a greater understanding to what Maria meant then he indicated."What can I do for you, miss?"

"I wouldn't happened to me!"She cried slamming her hands on the desk, visible sparks began running through her"I have reason to believe you would now."

Xavier did not even flinch his eyes studying her, noting her scars his look turned to that of concern and realization of where she was coming from:

"Experimentation on a mutant...I shouldn't be surprised but..."He muttered sadly turning away looking out of the window behind him for a moment before looking back."I do not know what happened to you but if you let me i can help you find out."

"Why should i trust you? For all i know you could be behind of what happened to me."

"I have no proof otherwise but i can see you didn't find anything to prove i was."He said before leaning forward, he had a tone of voice and look that made Mary believe him."I wasn't involved in what happened to you, my work is set to help mutants like yourself. I want to help you."

"May...Maybe i believe you...What do you want in return?"

"Your help."
Scott finally caught up with Evan. "Let's get this show on the road! I even brought a cheerleader" he points over his shoulder to Brooklyn

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"Maybe you should wait" said Tri to Casper, while grabbing a coke from the fridge. "I want to see the result of their fight."
"If I don't get him now he will die and I won't be able to talk to him. He can go die after I am done with him" Casper said hopping off the bar stool she was sitting on
"He will not die that easily. But I'd be celebrating if he was."

Tri drinks the coke while Casper giving him the look.
Scott had been so pre-occupied by the thought of fight that as he stood there he began to recall something he had just missed. "Did I just see Tri?" He said aloud but to himself. "Nah, he wouldn't be here...hell, I kinda still have second thoughts." He shrugged off the thought and got back into fight mode.

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Watching from the big screen in the dining room. Tri can see Scott is ready for the fight. That stupid ape, he's fighting a telepathy and he doesn't even need his helmet. Or he's just too confident that he's gonna win this fight. Turn around to Astrid, Tri asked "Who do you think is gonna win, little girl?"
"They are both undereducated idiots in my opinion" Casper said starring at the security screen rolling her eyes at the idiotic people she is now forced to work with.
"you're always say that about people you don't like. Remember the first time we met?" Tri asked Casper, eyes still starring at the screen.
"You two are dueling? This will be interesting," Brooklyn replied with an interested expression. She glanced at Scott. "Just remember that you are fighting someone who can read your mind and can counter your moves much faster than I can." She leaned back against the wall and waited for them to begin.
"Should I remember cause I know a whole lot of people and I don't remember half of them cause they were of no importance to me. If we hooked up once I am sorry I don't remember you I obviously much of been hella drunk." Casper said.
"I don't think you were drunk cuz you put a whole nano mag inside me it took me almost a day and a half to heal." Tri said, "anyway, what are you gonna do if this fight got out of hand and they try to kill each other?"
"Ohhhhh that was you! Good times, good times. I'm putting my money on the telekinetic mutant boy. The oaf has no chance against his brain abilities." Casper said remembering Tri and her first encounter again.
"Maybe they both chickened out of this mess" Casper replied shrugging her shoulders "So Tri, how are you enjoying my lovely home so far? Im guessing that SHIELD called you in here just like the other misfits." Casper added taking a sip of Jack Daniels even though she was underaged Tony never cared what she did.

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