Next Marvel [Inactive]

What the hell? The lights on this floor went out.

Marcus responded immediately, assuming it was a hostile entity. He supposed it was a Krull spy of some sort, but he was sorely disappointed to find it was Casper wrestling someone down.

"Casper, off of him. He took the bait, now he's here, and I can either put him in jail for the rest of his natural life or he helps us out." Marcus said, grinning. Nothing like a successful trick pulled off flawlessly.
"Make any funny moves, and I will have your lights out in 2 seconds." Aria said pointing at the boy, making sure he new that she meant business.
"OH HELL NO! HE BROKE INTO MY HOME AND TONY IS GOING TO BE PISSED! Also thanks to him I have to rewire JARVIS which may I add is not easy. I am not letting him go Marcus until he talks!" Casper said angrily letting her former terrorist training kick in.
Scott grinned maliciously as he began to fall off balance, and although as he began to regain balance he drew his right arm back. "Game on!" Scott's face contorted into that of a mad man drive by but one thing, hunger to break something. Scott wasn't sure what his fist had hit, but there was a powerful explosion that pushed him back, but at the same time helped him gain his footing. As soon as he feet were planted he dashed forward at Evan with the plane to full body tackle him and slam him as hard as he could into the ground. "Don't quit on me now, teacher's pet!"
Evan let the man make contact with his body, causing a wave of psionic energy to pulse throughout the room. He rolled and kicked the man off his body, coming back up in a rather tricky maneuver. Evan then started swinging his psychic weapon around, the concrete floor buckling when it was hit. The look in his eyes became stranger and stranger as he continued swinging Scott's way.
Aria put a hand on her shoulder, "Now is not the time to worry about what your dad will think, or to murder a person who need to explain some things. If you would like I could tie him to a chair and burn his feet until he talks."
"I like the way you think. But I got this. NOW TALK!" Casper said slapping him across the face. "Marcus honey, get SHIELD on the phone now!"
"Casper, relax. This was.. the plan, to be honest." He murmured, feeling slightly less proud of his master plan now that Casper was visibly upset with him.
Scott rolled to his feet after being kicked off, surprised that Evan was still okay; He began to walk toward him as he was truck by an unknown force, and at first he was okay with it, but slowly each blow became stronger and stronger and after about the 3rd strike, he was forced to try to block the onslaught. "Your stupid magic tricks are pissing me off!" He drew back both his fists, stepping hard toward Evan and thrusting both his fists toward his face, knowing that he was left completely open to the next powerful blow that came his way. Show me what you got, Wonder-Boy! Scott thought to himself. He knew his own faults and weaknesses but he knew that through experience with those that were better than him he'd be able be break through the galss ceiling he had reached. If it wasn't Evan then his next target was Hulk's son, and even if Evan helped he was still gonna punch that time bomb in the face the next time he saw him. He smirked as he knew he was about to be hit harder than he had been hit in a very long time, all the time hoping that he would at least graze Evan.
"WHAT?! You planned to have a dude break into my property and attempt to break into a room with enough weapons to kill almost everyone in New York City?! You thought I was pissed off at you before but just you wait Marcus!" Casper yelled. "Ari, slap him for me" Casper added towards Ari.
Damien stood next to Brooklyn watching the two fight. He had spent the morning in meditation the way his mother had taught him as a way of controlling his innate rage. When he sensed a fight brewing he decided that it was time to see a bit more of his comrade's abilities. He didn't like the fact that Scott was fighting a telepath....Evan would have a natural advantage against pure strength types like Scott and him. He knew that the Juggernaut used a special helmet in order to protect himself from it and, luckily for Damien, he inherited his father's natural resistance to mental attacks. As he watched them fight he realized that it might be possible to teach Scott how to develop the resistance.

We'll need to fight in order for me to teach him. But he has to win this fight first.

Ari thought this was a good idea at the moment, considering he betrayed what little trust she had for him. Her systems activated and booted up the attack software. She slapped him. Must have hurt because he stumbled backward a foot or two. She smiled. Her system was working perfectly.
"Casper!" Marcus yelled, his cheek stinging from Ari's blow. "You never would have agreed to the plan if I had told you! This one is useful, I needed some way to get his attention and bring him here. It was perfectly safe, I've had SHIELD agents waiting around the building to handle him if this goes wrong."
In his chaotic glee, Evan was too distracted with each strike to anticipate the blow coming for his face. With the connection, Evan was thrown off his feet in an arc. The sick snap could be heard throughout the room. When he landed, he did not move. His body was very still in its unconscious state.

'Give in.'

A powerful burst of the flames ignited in the room, surrounding the young man. The sound of maniacal laughter soon followed, with the body lifting from the ground in a fluid fashion. With a mere thought, Evan's body flew to Scott with lightning speed. A hand gripped the bigger man's shirt, lifting him up into the air.

"Scared yet, Wonder-boy?" The telekinetic asked, his voice deep and dark.
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"Well you can have him cause I'm done!" Casper said getting up and beginning to angrily walk to her room. "How could you use me and my technology like that?! Is that the only reason you need me on this mission?! Just so SHIELD has a place to use as a hotel and to lure that dude in like a mouse trap?!" Casper yelled at Marcus.
" I agree with Casper. That was quite rude. You should be considerate, girls are temperamental." Aria said, bluntly pointing out the obvious.
Damien's eyes flashed when he saw what was happening. A brutal sparring match was fine but this was turning into something else. He knew that he and Scott could take it but the others in the tower were not as durable and if Evan lost control this would get ugly quickly. Damien clenched his jaw and leaped from where he stood into the center of the ring. He grabbed onto Evan's arm and Scotts shirt and pulled them from each other while holding them apart.

He looked at Evan. "You're forgetting where you are....there are some here that cannot survive your powers out of control....focus!"
Scott grinned smugly as his hit connected and sent Evan careening across the room, but that soon faded as flames appeared and then he was suddenly in Evan's grasp lifted off the ground. He wasn't exactly sure what had happened but he knew enough to know that he had somehow triggered something in Evan and that the table had severely tipped to Evan's side. He knew what had to be done in this situation although he didn't like what was going to come, but because he had a dream and goals of his own he wasn't about to stop now. "Not even close, teacher's pet!" He yelled as he raised both hands together high above his head in an attempt to bring them down right on Evan's face with full force. He wasn't sure if his plan would work at all but he figured going all out against an opponent would already had the advantage power-wise would help him progress, but he wasn't too stupid to realize that there was going to be a heavy price to pay for doing this, and in the back of his mind echoed the thought that he just stepped into something that he had no business messing with.
"Casper, I never meant to use you! He showed up earlier than I expected. I intended to handle him myself, not have you find him." Marcus replied, following after her. "Please, just.. listen to me." He was clearly distressed by how all this had gone.
"You should have at least told me Marcus! Ya know, I was starting to like you but now it looks like things have changed a bit" Casper said pressing the button to the elevator waiting for it to come and take her to the maintenance room so she could rewire JARVIS.
" I wouldn't follow her." Aria suggested, watching Casper disappear into the elevator. "If you had any trust at all with this team, you just blew it. Anyway, what are we supposed to do with him," Aria said as she pointed at the intruder.
Marcus stepped in between the elevator doors. They grinded to a stop angrily, but opened back up after a few seconds. "Casper, please. Don't blow this out of proportion. I need you on my side, and I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry, really."
"25...24...23...22..." Spencer whispered under his breath. If this worked he'd be able to get out scott free and complete his contract. "12...11...10..."
"I thought you were my friend! And besides it looks like you already got yourself a new master hacker and terrorist. All SHIELD needs me for is technology, weapon supply, and the tower. Instead you use me as a trap to get a fugitive into one of the most dangerous places he could possibly be!"

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