Next Marvel [Inactive]

"My terms are simple. First, I want my pay, in cash." He said as he took another sip from his drink, making sure he can't slip something into it. "Second, I want compensation for wasted labor, giving you a slap oughta do." He said as he flexed his hand. "Finally, you will respect my policy from here on out."
"The cash is fine. Your compensation is an added 50% cash bonus, as well as not being jailed for the rest of your days. As for policy, you're the hired help, not the leader of the operation. Know your place and we'll get along." He replied, pulling a check from his pocket. He waved it in front of Spencer's face slowly, then set it on the bar. "Deal?"
"And now your back to your bro fight." Aria said as she watched the boys go at it. It was amusing. They looked like toddlers fighting over who gets to have the ball first.
"My policy is 'First come, first serve.'" He said while taking the check. "Just to remind you...and deal." He said. "Now shoo and get the explosives I planted on my way up the tower as a contingency, they're disabled but a little shake." He shook his glass as if to demonstrate. "And they go boom." He finished his drink and got into the car he stole defore driving away.
Marcus left the bar after making the call to some agents. A bomb squad located the explosives and successfully disarmed them with some skill and luck. He didn't return to the tower immediately, as he wasn't ready to confront the others. Casper probably hated him, Aria probably hated him, and the others were all reluctant to even pay attention to him. He needed a day off.
Evan stood up and wobbled. His head was foggy and he felt like crud. "Oh, shit, what the hell happened?" he asked out loud, stumbling to the elevator. 'Big guy must've knocked me out.' he thought as he pressed the button to get to the roof. This was getting crazy. He needed to relax. "Hope the hot tub works." he grumbled, cracking his neck.
It was official. Marcus needed a drink, or seven. He wasn't able to order anywhere public, but Stark was well known for his alcohol supply. He'd just have to put it on his tab, and hope Tony didn't mind.

Marcus returned to the tower on foot, taking his time to stay away from the mess he expected. He walked past everyone who came by him, including several agents. He took the stairs up, knowing most of the other team members used the elevator. It was a long and boring walk, but finally he reached the roof level. It was well known to Stark Tower regulars that the small "facility" on the roof was actually a bar for when Tony couldn't be bothered to wait longer than an elevator ride.

"JARVIS, charge all of today's consumption to my account." He called out, then sat down with a bottle.
Aria decided to go for a swim in the pool and relax her muscles. Let her system adapt more to water. She took the stairs down to the pool.
Spencer was back at his base of operations. He sat down opened his laptop, connecting to Startk Tower's security feeds. He watched the roof and snickered. 'Hello Photoshop material' He said as he froze it and took a picture before continuing to watch.
Evan stepped out of the elevator, his head still pounding like a Bassnectar track. He was too messed up to take a dip after all. Turning to enter the level of the tower, he saw Agent Gavin sitting down with a bottle of liquor.

"Liquid Ow-Away." he grumbled, making his way to the bar. When he finally got to his destination, he slumped into one of the bar-stools.

"Can I get a swig of...whatever the hell that is?" he asked, poking out his lower lip.
Marcus wasn't known for his alcohol tolerance. He hadn't had more than a single drink at any time before, and he wasn't great at stopping himself.

By the time he heard Evan's voice, he was well past tipsy. His speech was inevitably slurred, and he was slow to react. "Knock yourself out mind-reader." He mumbled, sliding the bottle across the bar. It stopped a few feet short of his intended target, but at least it didn't tip over.
Evan brought the bottle to his lips and tilted his head back. He began sucking on the contents like there was no tomorrow. After five or so huge gulps, he stopped, almost immediately feeling the effects. A few more minutes and he was feeling golden. "Can I get a bottle of that please, J man?" he asked the computer, a goofy smile planted on his face.

"So," he said, turning his attention on Agent Bowser Jr., "What's wrong? I hear you.a..a lot." he said, stumbling over the last part.
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He stayed silent for almost a full three minutes, as if his brain was rebooting slowly.

"What's wrong?" He mumbled, barely coherent. He slid his stool a bit closer to Evan, feeling like proximity may make him clearer. "The p-problem is, Evan, that.." He paused, taking another swig from a bottle. "That we're all gonna die. All of us." He blurted out, shaking his head. "I can't lead this team. We've got the Stark Princess, Miss America, a couple children, some class A mutants, all being led by Agent 'Only Remaining Option'. Most of you already hate me, I hate me, and we're closer to killing each other than fighting off some god d*** aliens. We're dead, and everyone else is dead, but nobody sees it yet."
Evan inhaled...then exhaled very slowly. "Don't worry, Marky Marc. You've got a pretty good head on your shoulders. We don't hate you...*hic*...You can lead us. Sure, you've got superwarriors, daughter's of the guys you work for, one intergalactic Mr. Hyde, speedy little kids, and one very irritable cosmic entity on your plate," he giggled at his own use of words," But, you can whip us into shape buddy. Besides, if you won't, who will? Cause if you leave, I leave." he leaned onto his leader, a lopsided smile pointed in the agent's direction. "Come on...Marc? Please smile."
"Do me a favor buddy, when I die, make sure to bury me smiling. That way, I'll make up for all the time I wasn't smiling while I rot in hell." Almost all of his speech was unintelligible at this point, and anyone listening would have heard senseless babbling punctuated by 'ROT IN HELL'.

He finished the rest of his bottle, swayed side to side a few times, then finally blacked out with his head resting on the bar.
"I do everyday." Evan slurred, nudging his newfound drinking buddy. When he got no response, he turned to the man in question.

"Marc....Mar-cus?" Evan watched as his head went down and wasn't surprised at the fact that he was passed out. "Okay, JARVIS, recycle these bottles for me. I have to drag Agent Happypants to his room." Evan tried several times to lift the limp man, who was oddly heavier than he seemed.

After 5 minutes, he remembered he could just lift him with his brain.

" two--" he held Marc in the air for a total of five seconds before dropping him on his face-- the first time.

"Crud!...okay focus..." Evan tried for the fifth time, this time having complete control. He escorted Marc into the elevator, then pressed the button for his floor.
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Casper walked into quite an odd scene after coming back from seeing Peter "What the hell is going on here?!? And why do you two reek of alcohol?!?" Casper said.
"Shhh..." Evan said to Cas. "Marc was stressed. I was beat up. We drank a little and now Marcky is dreaming about My Little Pony," Evan giggled, still buzzing. He squinted at Cas pretty hard before bursting into laughter. "You? And Spiderman? Whoa, I didn't know you were that kind of gal..."
"He looks half dead and you look like you went through a meat grinder. You can go clean yourself up, I'll take care of this drunken sailor over here" Casper said referring to poor Marcus.
"No, Cas...You need to go encrypt your security codes again...that short guy who looked like mega-man? He said something about...suits? And having access to the Tower's system. Marc was thinking about it." Evan slurred. "Besides...I wanna see Marc nak--" a cough interrupted the last part of Evan's sentence, making him lose track of what he was saying.
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"Whoa Whoa Whoa... What the hell happened while I was out with Peter?!" Casper said shocked at all this new info she was just hearing for the first time.
"Damn it..." Tri start to worry when he sees the strange look in Evan's eyes. He rushes to the elevator trying to get to the gym asap.
"Mega-dork got away, because he was hacked into the tower....*hic*" Evan stopped and frowned, then stood up a little straighter. "I'm gonna keep the rest between me and Marc. You know what you need to know. Fix it, Cas." He could hear the girl still fuming about Agent Gavin withholding info. The trust would be demolished, were she to know they met up afterward to discuss a new contract. "I'll take care of him." He said, backing out of the elevator when it reached Gavin's floor. He shot a weak smile at her before the doors closed again.

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