Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Spencer, stop counting or I EMP you and drop you off the side of this building." Marcus shouted, drawing a small spherical device from his pocket. "I AM your friend Casper. Some things just need to be done.. my way. Because you never would have let him stay if you had a choice in the matter. I'm sorry to go over your head, truly. But I didn't see any other way to get this done the way I need it done."
Casper rolled her eyes at him and said "Whatever. You know what, I'll rewire JARVIS later. I'm going to Brooklyn to see my friend Peter cause it looks like I am not needed here anyways."
The blow coming down was easy to feint. Evan was infuriated, droplets of blood slowly dripping their way down his face. He could process nothing other than wanting to immolate the one who dared make him bleed. Slowly, memories bubbled their way to the surface-- a man holding his hand, sitting in the sun. The scene quickly switched and was blood, everywhere. He felt the places where the knife was struck. It was because the one he trusted the most was scared of what he could do.

"You all should be scared." he whispered, the nugget of understanding driving darkness into his heart. He threw Scott in the direction of the wall, then turned his sights on the Oldstrong One.

"Care to die?" he asked, casting a wicked gleam at son of the brute.

'Stop.' The voice in his head rang clear, allowing the darkness in his mind to evaporate. He dropped to his knees, the power fading out . Evan fell unconscious once more, lying on his side with a light snore emitting from his chest.
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Marcus sighed heavily, completely exasperated. He was just doing his job, and the Stark girl would have none of it. As of this event, he was completely out of people on his side. He didn't know what else there was to be done, besides deal with Spencer.

"Spencer, you have officially failed the contract. Your payment has been reneged, and you are expected to comply with another contract. Failure to do so will result in arrest for multiple felonies, insuring your lifetime in jail. Answer quick, I'm less than happy." He said, having given up on Casper.
"How about..." He whispered as a loud crack was heard. "Game on." The lights exploded as they were overloaded by electricity and he fell through a hole and down the elavator shaft.
Marcus watched him fall down the shaft, more tired than anything. The fool didn't understand who had given him the contract, let alone how serious a s***hole he had just gotten himself into.

He raised one hand to his earpiece, tapping the broadcast button. "SHIELD agents, lock the building down. No ways in, no way out. You see the target, overload his systems. If he responds with force, resort to lethal weapons. We can live without him." He called out.

Within moments, the building was practically flooded with suits carrying weapons designed to deal with powered armor. The kid didn't have a chance.
Scott was hurled effortlessly and allowed himself to relax as he smashed into the wall. Evan or whatever he was at the moment was strong enough to effortlessly toss him about, but it wasn't enough to dissuade him from his course, and at this point he didn't care what happened. He grinned widely as he stripped himself from within the wall, but was upset to see that Evan had passed out. He looked to the man who had interfered. "You bastard!" blaming him for what had happened, "Hope you're ready to pay for ruining my fun!" He hopped into the ring, removed Evan safely (tossed him out the ring) and stood face-to face with the guy before him. "Who might you be...I feel like I know you for some reason."
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((Can we pretend Casper is already on her way to see Peter and has left the tower because I have to go. Can you guys get through this situation without me and please not destroy anything in the tower that Casper would have to fix? :) )
Spencer frowned as he intercepted the communication and reached the lobby. This was going to be troublesome. Luckily he had a plan. He pried open the vent and dropped into a storage closet where he disengaged his armor. He peeked out and noticed a lone janitor which he knocked out and took the uniform from. 'Hope this works' He said as he accesed the nearby networks and disrupted it giving feedback to communications and disabling facial recognition. He then picked up a few rags and a spray. He then headed to the underground parking and when he was halted he gave them the excuse "Senor, I must go to clean cars." In his best mexican accent. They let him through. Once he reached a car he liked he hacked it open and drove away, but not before sending a text to a phone he left in the elevator. Data Transfer Complete, Contract Finished
One of the agents heard the phone ring downstairs. He read it, and brought it up to Marcus. After he read it, he sighed and sat down against the wall. "Good work. Now, you have five minutes to return to Stark Tower before I have a SHIELD satellite boil your skin from space. Understood?" He texted back, frowning. He really had not intended for it to go this far.
The moment when the Pheonix possessed Evan locked eyes with Damien almost triggered the change in him. So as Scott flew toward Damien with the intent on brutal leg drop it was with an exceptionally muscular green arm that Damien blocked with. The force of which Scott came at him could be felt and seen as a small concussive wave grew out from where they had connected. Damien growled and he flexed the arm outward and shoved Scott back.

No.....control the rage Damien, He thought to himself as he reverted back. But he could tell Scott wasn't done and Evan was unconscious so Damien grabbed the boy by his shirt and gently lifted him up and laid him in a corner. He then turned his attention back to Scott and pulled out his vambraces as he stepped back into the ring facing him.
"Well, nice job idiot. You offended the girl you like and lost the fugitive." Aria said, inspecting her system.
How about no...see the way I see it, you broke the terms of the contract. Now we can either discuss this, alone, or you smite me and I dedicate my dying thought to sending Iron Man Technology to every organization and giving them backdoors into Stark Tower's Network. I'll text you if you agree to discuss, and don't bother tracking this cell, I went through measures.

He texted back.
Scott smiled. "So now it's your turn." He had seen the arm change and his grin grew wider. "Looks like i found nerd boys son, Let's see that rage, smarty pants! Chemistry ain't gonna help you here!" He quickly stepped in and threw an uppercut to his chin."
The phone buzzed in his pocket. "Aria, I don't get paid to take your crap. If you can't help, find something else to do." He replied coldly.

He fished the phone out of his pocket and read the message. Clock is ticking, Spencer. I am open to discussion, but I just want to inform you ahead of time that I can bury you alive if I don't agree with your terms.
Damien didn't bother blocking or dodging the uppercut and instead used the same instant to send a savage hook into Scott's side. He then got into stance and raised his fists.

"You talk too much"
Marcus read the message. Admittedly, he was rather frustrated with the day's events. Now he had to go out to a bar to talk to a man sitting on a load of garbage files he threatened to use as leverage.

Marcus got up to the helipad quickly. He had been asked to come alone, but nothing was said about coming inconspicuously.

The helicopter dropped him off in a park a block away from the bar. The people on the streets parted for him, assuming he was on important business based on the SHIELD pin stuck to his chest. When he turned into the bar, most of them voiced confusion.

The bouncer nearly carded him, only to see the SHIELD insignia. He let Marcus in without a word, then shut the door, barring all other comers for a short time.

"Well, Spencer. Gimme your terms." He said, after finding him seated at the bar.
Aria stomped away, furious. He had betrayed them, then goes and decides to take things into his own hands when he's the one who wants us to cooperate. Aria marched down into the gym to see it in ruins with Scott and Damien in the ring. "What the h** are you two doing?"
Deep in SHIELD's Main Facility...

"They can't force us to stay in here. One way or another, we will get out." One of the perky voices chimed.

"But sis, we can't work our way out of this one." another added, accompanied by the ringing of chains.

"Geez, can you two stop being so melodramatic?" a third voice quipped. "I chipped my manicure getting these cuffs off. These guys have to pay."

"Girls, focus." the first girl snapped, turning toward the other two with a swish of blonde hair. She looked upon the gorgeous faces that she shared with her sisters. "Those agents want info? They're gonna have to give us what we want," she smirked, "But, not before we take what we can get from them... the Cuckoos are back. And this time, they're better than ever."
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Scott wasn't expecting the attack and bent to the side with a look of pain on his face, but quickly sent another uppercut to the guy's gut this time. "Thanks for joining the party."

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