Next Marvel [Inactive]

((It's late so let's just say while I'm gone Casper is repairing the technology that was messed up and upgrading the security of the tower. Bye guys! I'll be back on when it's morning here in Canada))
Where the hell is Red?"

Tri asked when he got to the gym. "Did the phoenix...?" But then he stop as he see Damien and Scott brawling. He's still pissed at Damien for ripping off his leg in their first encounter in Texas and just left him there after prevent him killing a corrupted SHIELD Agent.

"oh hell no, Pierce. HULK JR.'S MINE!"

With a growling, Tri jump into the battle between two Titans
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An alert suddenly popped up. 'Upgrading huh, thank you for cementing my backdoor in place.' He typed in few lines of code to make it look like his backdoor was part of the system and needed a signal boost. 'Ahh...Now time to photoshop' He thought as he brought up the picture of Marcus and the other guy and made it look like they were kissing and sent the image to everyone with access to Stark Tower's Wifi.
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Astrid watched the fight with interest and smirked as yet a nnother kid jumped into the fight.Stupid...Astrid thought, wasting all their powers on some silly fight. They would injure themselves even before the battle started.

"Would you guys stop already." Astrid said standing up in a failed effort to match their height."If something happened you are not gonna be ready for it." Astrid concluded heading to her room to grab a book. She was not the physical strength kind of kid. A spear and a bit of magic was all she needed to bring someone down.
"Hey guys!" Crispin shot in from nowhere, taking a spot next to Astrid. "Sorry I've been gone. Ya miss me? Of course you did. Anyway, I..." He paused as he caught sight of the brawl before him. "What the heck is going on? What did I miss? In fact, how long have I been gone?!"


Sorry! Been really busy; I hope that's not a problem... =/ ( ^ ^ )0
Aria floated on her back, enjoying the peace. Most of the people here lacked a level head, but she kept hers in check. Overall there were so many people who wanted to beat each other up, it was crazy. Aria hopped out of the pool and dried off. She sat for a while, firing a boomerang into the air, just to watch it come back. She shighed, wondering if anyone trusted her either. After all, she hadn't told them she was basically a creation of SHEILD.
My little pony, my little pony, ah, ahh, aah, ahh, ahh. I used to wonder what friendship could be, until you shared all it's magic with me!

Marcus was, at this point, both a physical and mental wreck. He was more than bruised from Evan's failed attempts to carry him, and now he was listening to anthropomorphic horse versions of his team sing to him about friendship. He was just conscious enough to know he was dreaming, and after the immediate reaction to his mental surroundings, it wasn't so bad. He'd just have to get used to the rainbow colored singing centaurs.
Maria wrote up the elevator of the Stark tower, finding his way to the living quarters of the shield agents. She was apprehensive about working for secret agencies like this, as from what she heard are these types which would do the types of experiment done to her. However the old professor assured her their innocence in that which was strangely enough to convince her, though it didn't mean she wouldn't investigate the matter. The old man came through with his promise to help, providing her with fresh clothes and reading material before sending her here. However the feeling of this place was incredible though so much electricity running through its numerous floors was empowering for someone like her, As the elevator stopped at the intended floor, she was stepped out unsure where to go next looking around for any signs of life.
"Be right back!" Crispin zipped up to the newcomer when he heard the elevator. "Hi there! Who are you?" he grinned, his curly hair a mess.
The materialization of the small boy in front of her took her by surprise, instinctively readying a bolt aiming at the boy before realizing there was no harm intended. She sighed instantly annoyed by the boys tone and cheerfulness.

"None your business, kid and i advice you dont sneak up on people like that."She said continuing to walk past him.
"Hey!" the boy frowned, following. "I didn't sneak up on you! I just came to greet you. You know--good manners? And it kind of is my business. At least, if Miss Maria Hill sent you here. I think. She did send you here, right?" He raised an eyebrow. "I know. If I tell you who I am, will you tell me who you are?" he suggested.
"No. Not a Maria Hill, that Xavier guy and you can if you want though i cant guarantee i will."She said distressingly looking around for somebody else to talk to."Is there an adult i can speak to? Somebody who works here. "
Ari walked though the halls, her hair still wet, when she herd a voice around the corner. She turned to see someone in the elevator. "Newcomer?" She asked.
"Oooohh..." Crispin nodded. "I'm Crispin." At her question he scoffed. "Figures." He noticed Ari as she turned around the corner. "Oh hi, this is...umm...what's your name?"
"I guess so, though i might be in the wrong place. "She said studying the new girl, she found her appearance strangely pleasant and interesting."Eh...I thought i was joining some paramilitary...thing."
"Weap...."She began to saying instinctively the name she was always refereed to in captivity, before reconsidering and thinking of another name."Well, Maria is as good a name as any. You are in charge around here?"
She couldn't help but snicker.

"Lightning fire? Right because of the red hair...Creative. Anyway, what i am i meant to be doing? I was only told to get here i though the old man in the wheelchair would have called ahead about me"
Evan smiled as he dragged the agent back to his room. Of course, Marcus didn't like my little pony (or did he?), but the redhead had to give him some sort of a dream that he could sleep through. The telepath could hear him every second of every day, his poor head filled with such doubt for everything.

"He looks like he hasn't gotten any sleep in days." Evan remarked out loud, placing his leaders body on the suave looking bed. The entire room looked floor looked swanky, leading Evan to wonder how he could make his room look the same. He'd figure it out when Agent Bronie woke up. For now, he sat in the corner, keeping the dream intact.
"You find a room, put down your bags, then hang out. There's nothing much we can do so far, seeing as most of the idiots are being bowheads and either drinking out there sorrows, or fighting them out." Ari said, leaning against the wall.
"Huh...Seriously you guys "hang out"?"She said looking genuinely confused as she looked in to one of the rooms before shaking the look of."Sorry, i am more used to a more spartan and structured ways of living. Is there a place to train?"
"Yeah, there's a gym, but...... Well, how bout you see it for yourself." Aria replied, walking down the hall. They passed Evan and Marcus on there way there. She silently passed, considering they had already betrayed her trust, she didn't want to give them her words. Marcus seemed to be babbling about My Little Pony, so she stayed clear. She lead her into what used to be the gym and now looked more like a bomb site.
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"I see....I am glad it is at least its being used to its fullest."She commented at the sight of the gym."Or is it still under construction i cant tell the difference."
"No, some of our members have powers. They got in a fight, I believe one of them mentioned teachers pet. The one that lost is currently helping the drunk SHEILD agent.

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