Next Marvel [Inactive]

"I suspected as much if the caused this much damage but your kidding me, right? Teacher's pet? First impressions of SHIELD, i am not sure if its a spy agency or a high school. Do you have powers?"
"Okie. I just finished rebooting the security system and rewiring JARVIS and...- Who is this?" Casper said while walking into the room and seeing an unfamiliar face.
"Actually, yes." Ari replied, holing up a finger and summoning fire. She watches Casper walk into the room, asking who she was. "This is... Who are you again?"
"Poor memory for a spy, ai, or is he hat forgettable? "Maria asked with a short laugh before turning to the new person."Maria, i was told i would be of use here."
"No. I'm just tired of doing introductions." Ari said, picking up some pieces of broken ceiling and shoving them to the side.
"Ok Maria, I would introduce myself but everybody already knows who I am. Welcome to our dysfunctional group! Have you talked to Marcus- I mean Agent Gavin yet?"
"WHOA WHOA WHOA!!! What happened to my beautiful ceiling?!?!" Casper yelled noticing Ari was picking up debris of her ceiling.
"Yeah, about that. Scott and Evan got into a fight and they kind of destroyed the gym. Also Marcus is drunk, along with a slightly tipsy Evan." Ari said as she continued to work.
"EVAN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE N O W!!!!!" Casper yelled "JARVIS ALERT EVAN TO COME DOWN HERE NOW!" Casper yelled at Jarvis. "Right away Miss Stark".
"You, eh, kind of ruined him. This is the saddest case of heartbreak I have ever seen. Well that and the fact that he's singing my little pony." Ari commented, chuckling at the thought of the video she took.
"Its JARVIS. He is the world most advanced computer based intelligence program who Tony and I use as our personal butler" then Casper turned her attention to Ari "Me? How did I ruin Marcus? How could I of broken his heart? Its not like we are in a relationship or something. None of this is my fault." Casper said scratching her head in confusion.
"Oh, well never mind then. I guess he's just depressed. But by the way he looks at you, I thought he had already made his move." Ari said.
"Nope. He's cool. But some hacker destroyed his systems and she had to go reboot him." Ari said, lifting up a piece of wall. " Do you have a extra large trash bin?" Ari said looking around, "Or maybe a black hole..."
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"WHAT?!" Casper's eyes went wide at Ari's statement."Made his move?! Marcus doesn't like me. Hell, he most likely hates me. He looks at me like I'm some sort of super star celebrity".
"Sure. If that's what you want to think. Well, my guess is that he likes you. Thank goodness for him, its not to obvious." Ari replied tossing the piece in the trash.
Casper let out a stressful sigh and said "Well Maria it was wonderful meeting you. Once Agent Gavin as we call him, Marcus is sober you should talk to him. He is in charge of this operation with SHIELD. I really need to talk to Evan as soon as possible" then Casper turned to Crispin and said "Hey there boy. how have you been enjoying the tower? Sorry for all the drama going on around here".
At Casper's voice he turned. "It's awesome! Jarvis is so cool." He grinned. "So..." he trailed off. "When do we get a mission? Not that watching two drunk guys kill each other and wreck Stark Tower isn't fun, know, kinda want to stretch my legs...if you know what I mean."

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