Next Marvel [Inactive]

"I told her, that system is inaccurate. Everyone knows you...and that 'thing'." Evan grumbled, taking a seat on the floor. "Twilight Sparkle is...feeling alone. Like this job is taking his life away from him." he stated somberly. "And now he's having that same dream again."
"PARKER?! How do you know about Peter Parker? I only every said his first name. Do you 'other' things about him? Never mind. And obviously I have no clue what he is dreaming about. I'm a ex-terrorist not a mind reader remember? What dream?"
I know," Evan started, ", because last night, you kept making comments. That one thing you thought about...that's what sobered me up. Really? On web?" he chuckled.

"And as for the dreamscape...I'm not gonna disclose his past. But I'll tell you this: He is afraid to die because it is all he knows. Everyone dear to his heart has died. He feels like he can't handle the task aty hand. So, you and I have to help him. We are two of the most dangerous people on the team. Between us, no one is safe. We have to get the others into that mindset and stop screwing around."
He heard voices. They were familiar, and that was comforting.

His eyes flickered open, and he blinked away the sleepiness. But oh god, his head hurt. Like someone had spent an hour hitting it with a brick.

"Who.. who's there?" He murmured, still groggy.
Casper heard Marcus''s groggy voice and immediately jumped up at his side and said "Oh my gosh Marcus are you on? What happened to you?"
Ari sits at the edge of the roof, the wind blowing her hair gently. She sighed, thinking about her mom and dad back home. They would be proud that she followed in there footsteps. She was following the footsteps of the most renown spy team in SHEILD, Hawkeye and Black Widow. She sat there, hands over the edge and thought. Her system was not as good as she though, so she took the time to fix it while siting in the breeze.
"Hey! Glad you're back!" Evan said out loud, surprised by the amount of expression in his voice. He almost sounded giddy. "Promise me you wont start a tab again, lightweight."
"Just.. dizzy. And feeling a bit sick." He answered Casper, shutting his eyes again. Why were they both spinning? They could just stand still for him. "No promises. Don't do those. Tend to blow up in my face." He added, rolling his head side to side.
Scott looks at Tri and grins. "I thought I saw you earlier, what's up! Long time no see!" He glares back at Hulk Jr then back to Tri, "Dude, you have the worst timing."
"Hazreti İsa" Casper mumbled in Turkish as Marcus fell backwards. "Why did you do this to yourself. And I am sorry if I was the cause of any of this. I shouldn't of said what I said yesterday".
Scott crossed his arms irritably. "Fine, but after you get buried in one of these walls I'm stepping in." He lightly jabbed his shoulder before eyeing Damien and leaving the ring. "I'll watch for now." Scott reluctantly left the ring.
Spencer grinned as the image of Marcus drunk kissing some guy was sent to everyone in Stark Tower. He leaned back as he watched the security feed for their reactions.
After exploring around Stark Tower and seeing all that it had to offer, Brooklyn made her way back to the gym. She left shortly after things got pretty intense, so she decided to go back and check in to see what had happened. As she walked in, she noticed a newcomer she didn't recognize standing a few feet away from Scott and Damien in the ring. She quirked an eyebrow at them, and stood beside Scott. "Who's the new guy?" she asked him.
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Casper's phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out to see an unknown number had texted her a picture. Her eyes became huge after she say what the image was. "Umm yeah also Marcus you mind explaining what the hell this picture is of?" She said handing her phone to Marcus.
Damien looked over at the newcomer to the ring and smiled slightly. His last encounter with Tri was quite memorable; he may have lost control a bit but he did warn him.

"I see the leg has grown back quite well....I hope it still works as well", Damien said as he faced him and prepared to fight...."I promise to try and hold back this time."
Marcus stared blankly at the image for a few seconds. Nope, that definitely didn't happen.

"That. That would be a poorly photoshopped image, Miss Stark." He replied, putting some effort into not slurring.
"Don't. Because I won't."

Tri grinding his teeth. He jumps at Damien, throws his hand with five sharp claws into Damien's face.
Casper let out a sarcastic laugh "You know who will find this hilarious... SHIELD, when they get ahold of this picture. Not to mention a picture of one of their future agents who is under age drinking. Marcus you are digging your own grave right now."
Marcus' second phone rang. He fumbled with it, still rather uncoordinated. You got my hair all wrong when you rotated it. Get good, scrub. He replied, taking almost a full minute to type it out accurately.

"Casper, please. Right now, I need a gatorade and advil, not a lecture." He groaned, rubbing his forehead with one hand.

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