Next Marvel [Inactive]

Damien pulls himself up from the rubble and looks around enraged. He couldn't believe he'd actually put him through the floor. He didn't recognize the room they'd fallen into but he did notice Tri's no human form. He rushed over to him and pinned his body to the floor. He raised his fist ready to pound him through to the next floor. At that moment he remembered himself. He looked down at Tri and released him. The battle was done.

As Damien started to calm down and revert back he offered Tri his hand to pull him up...."Did that satisfy your bloodlust or shall we go another round?'
"next time...maybe..."

Tri tries to raise his hand to catch Damien's hand. He really need to rest. 6 hours, at least, so he can regain his strength.
"Don't sweat it Marc." Evan replied, getting up from the floor. He scratched his head while offering a huge grin. The blush was still stamped onto his face. "Just, helping out a friend ya know. We should probably get to the others though. I think its about time we stopped fighting and started training together." he said, heading for the door.

'I won't let you die.' he thought to himself, taking a glance back at the agent.
Ari paced the hall, tying to get rid of this anger. She keep pacing, going back into the gym to continue pacing.
"It came from New York about one block away. I can ask Peter to find the person or I can get this done myself. Your choice." Casper said coming back to the boys after hijacking the phone.
Ari paced and paced, she couldn't keep her rage in. She grabbed a punching bag and hung it up. She began to punch repeatedly over and over again as fast as she could. She couldn't even see her hands anymore. She kept punching until her system said she was punching at over a hundred miles per hour.
Damien smiled as he fully reverted back and grabbed Tri's hand to pull him to his feet.

"Walk it off, that was a good fight we just should be happy."
"Casper. I told you not to make a big deal out of it." Marcus said tiredly. "Honestly. I need this to just. Go away. Please."
"Don't you dare tell me to go away! I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for the sake of the tower and my company because they could be in danger. If I was you I'd be a tad worried considering someone is out to get you! So please don't push me away when I'm trying to help both you and I!" Casper said trying to get Marcus to open up to her.
'Uh oh, they're onto me. Initiating lockdown.' He said as he locked the room they were in and started packing important stuff. He packed a few clothes and his electronics. He returned to the laptop and put in a final command, hacking into the PA system.

"Attention, attention!" He announced. "I as smart if not smarter, admit it."

He started to move.
"Both of you please QUIT YELLING!" Evan screamed, causing the Tower itself to rumble a little. He was fed up with the lack of judgement and leadership between these two. So there was a photo, big whoop.

"Gavin was an adult and if he
chooses to be drunk on his downtime, so be it." he stated in a voice that was even and commanding. He stood straight and crossed his arms, looking at the both of them.

necessary, I will mind wipe everyone involved, but for the moment, we need to focus on the task at hand. So get your a***s in that elevator now!" He glared at them with a seriousness that was blazing.
"I meant.. the situation. Not you." He mumbled, revealing a small frown. He wasn't communicating well, and he was losing control of the team because of it. D*** it all, he wasn't cut out for this.

No. No. No. You can do this. You have to do this, because no one else is left to do this.

Then he was caught completely off guard. Evan's voice caused the floor beneath him to vibrate. "W-where do we need to go?" He asked, completely bewildered.
Ari stopped punching and stalked to the elevator and pressed the button. She paced back and forth in wait, her rage seeping though the seems of her personality. She punched the wall, causing the place to vibrate a little. She paced and waited and waited.
"I'm done! I'll be at Peter Parker's house! You take care of whatever you need to take care of without me. Good luck!" ((My phone is dying and I'm at a hockey game. I gtg))
"We will round up the others, and have a--" He was interrupted by the voice on the PA.

"Are you kidding me!" he said, stepping back and bending space once again.


He appeared behind the hacker, looking tall and god-like. "I've had it with you." he stated before grabbing the guy and teleporting back.


He stepped out of the flames once more, holding the culprit of causing all the distress. "I am majorly pissed off, and all my problems seem to come from you. Now, you have two options. Either you comply to me, or I erase you from existence. My mother has eaten whole galaxies and she has more patience than I. Got my drift?" he asked, daring the hacker to say no. He turned back to Marc.

"Get everyone in the training simulator. If Casper is gone, so be it. She'll get caught up." He stated, tossing the man to the ground.
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Temper, temper, temper. He hoped the telepath was too busy to notice his smirk, or realize what he was thinking. Of course, it occurred to him a few seconds too late that he was similarly quick to snap in his own way, so maybe he shouldn't be holding back giggles.

Marcus patched himself into the Stark Tower PA. "Princess Stark has left for the day, but Evan has suggested we begin training together as a unit without her, seeing as we can simulate her role anyway. All members report to the training simulator for our first group practice."
Ari seethed. Now was not a good time but she went anyway. She got into the room early and tried to calm herself down. She pulled out her I pod and started meditating.
Spencer was surprised with the sudden kidnapping and glared at his captor. 'This place again! Garghdfblja!' He thought and looked around. He focused his remaining strength at scattering all of their files and making it unretrievable by them. Once he felt it scatter he smiled his last and said " Activate Code Twinkle Twinkle F*** You All" With that he exploded into gorey chunks. 
(I don't like people who force other people's characters into something they don't like, good bye)
"I got it." Evan said, before waling over to the remains and touching them. With a white glow, the body disappeared, and so did everyone else's memories of him. 'You never existed...douche.' he thought to himself as he dusted his hands off.

Little did he know that those actions would lead to many different changes in the new timeline he'd created.

"Hey, Marc...did you get taller?" he asked, walking toward the agent.

(you've just been retconned!)
Marcus watched as Evan approached the gorey mess that was once ----

Once.. what? He thought, staring blankly for a few seconds. "Comon Evan. The others are probably waiting for us at the simulator already." He said, shaking away the eerie sensation.
Evan smirked and walked to the elevator with the Agent. 'At least my head wasn't hurting anymore.' he thought as they pushed the button to get to the simulation room. Evan had an idea...he just hoped it would work to bring his team together.
-Peters Apartment-

"I just don't know Peter" Casper said sitting on his bed holding her head in her hands sighing. "The only reason SHIELD wants me to do this mission is because of the supplies I can provide and so they can take over the STARK Tower. And the leader of the group, Marcus thinks we are all weak children who can't preform when that is so untrue. I was trained by the top terrorist organization in the world and achieved a higher ranking than my peers and he knows that" Casper admits as Peter rubs her back. "I think he hates me and thinks I'm just some sort of stuck up sarcastic celebrity who is better than everyone else like Tony. I try to help him, show him kindness, and respect but he just won't come through".

"Casper, you know that you can kick anybodies ass, even mine whenever you want to. So if somebody else thinks you can't you go prove them wrong" Peter says kissing Casper's cheek. Casper sighs and says "Thanks Peter. I guess I should go back to the tower now." Casper gets up to leave but before she does Peter pulls her into his arms and kisses her lips. Casper pulls away from his embrace, waves at him, and heads back to the tower.

-Casper is now back at STARK Tower-
Casper walked into STARK Tower prepared to not take any s**t from nobody. Tony was going to be gone for a few more days so she could get started building the Celebro for Evan. Wait... Since when do I do things for people? He hasn't even been nice to the whole 2 days Ive known him! I'm not building him anything till I get something in return. I'm doing things the Stark way for now on Casper thought to herself while walking towards the elevator in the lobby on her way back to the deck.
Marcus was in the elevator when Casper called it down. He nodded politely at her, not sure what she thought of him at this point. Probably disliked him, as he was pretty sure Evan was the only ally he had at this point.

Say it. Say you're sorry about earlier, for the team.

No. No. You're in charge here. She's an arrogant kid and the others are right to joke about her being the Stark Princess.

For. The. Team.

Neither side won. He stayed silent.

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