Next Marvel [Inactive]

Evan looked at the two, both a little quieter than before the 'erasure' of their problem. 'Maybe I should have left him...but then the mission would still be in jeopardy.'

"Did you have a nice time out, Casper?" he asked, keeping his newfound tone of confidence earned from the forgotten transactions. He still had a hangover, but Marc appeared to be just fine.

'Perks of being part of a cosmic entity.' he groaned inwardly, holding his temples.
Casper rolled her eyes at Marcus's obvious attempt on avoiding her and she finally came out and said what she had been thinking "You know what Marcus? Why don't you like me? Cause I particularly like you. You were nice to be back at HQ. I'm sorry if I said or did anything to offend you! I'm sorry for trying to help you with the picture thing. I'm sorry for getting mad at you because you used STARK Industries as a mouse trap for a fugitive. Just please tell me why you hate me so goddamn much Marcus!" Casper said loosing hope on her and Marcus's relationship/partnership.
And here I was, hoping I would just get to ride the f****** elevator for once! Somebody kill me. Evan, you're in my head, I know. Usually I'm not 100% okay with that, but for the love of god just kill me now this is too much.

"I don't hate you, Casper." He managed, biting his tongue. Did he? He didn't think so. She bothered him sometimes, but it was only because she didn't understand what he was saying.

"Look Cas. You're.." He started, then didn't know how to continue. She was.. something, alright. But he still didn't know quite what, and he didn't know how to reconcile their problems.
He sighed, staring straight at the doors.

"Casper, in my short lifetime, I have seen and done a lot of things. I have seen a god walking through what I called home. I have talked to aliens. I have been shot at by all manner of people. I've observed interrogations of psychopaths." He started, sort of afraid of how she would react.

"I've seen it all. And I still don't know what words I would use to describe you. Take that as you will." He finished. The door opened, in perfect sync with the end of his statement. He stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hall, finally looking like he had some purpose and confidence in his next act.
"Getting your cutie mark?" Even chuckled to himself, amused by Marc's flailing all over the place. He was starting to get the feeling he'd have to mediate the incoming situation. "Thinking about punching Marc. That's a definite. Eventually gonna have to get over what ever petty squabbles that are going on at the moment? That's a hell yes to the both of you."
"Well thats reassuring" Casper said rolling her eyes "And you are not the only one who has seen a lot! I was trained by some of the men who caused 9/11. I went from living in the slums of Turkey, to a cave in Afghanistan, and then here with the Tony Stark. So don't forget that you are not the only one who had been through some s**t. I just choose to look past it." Casper said not hearing the response for Marcus she was hoping to hear.
Spencer looked up from his notebook and took out his pocket watch. "Hmm...this is about the time I got erased." He leaned back and took a sip from his coffee, enjoying the view of New York that the cafe he was in provided. He tucked in his notebook and glass chessboard appeared on the table. " A4" He moved a piece and watched as shadows from all over the city started to enter Stark Tower.
the last thing Tri remember was Damien threw him on his bed and walked out, leaving him tirelessly sleeping. He woke up, thinking about what happened. Now his head is cooled down, he thought maybe Damien didn't know that agent was corrupted and just tried to save a man from being killed. He thought about Wolverine's words: "you could hold your battle with a Hulk longer than me, but no one could hold it forever."

But Damien's right. They did have a good fight, this make Tri's blood boiling all over his body, he hope someday he could fight Damien again, but with a true intention between two fighters, not about some payback shit. Suddenly there's a voice inside his head, and he remember about another important thing.

"I need to talk to Evan." He thought to himself.
He stopped at the sound of her voice. He may not have been her biggest fan, but he figured she at least deserved to be heard.

"Big. Damn. Deal." He hissed, spinning on one heel to face her. Stop now Marcus. Stop now. You'll never come back from this.

"You've been carried by luck the whole way. I've seen your file. I know your story, don't pretend I don't know your past." He said, struggling to maintain a calm tone. "You got lucky. You got picked up by some mercs who needed a blind killer. Then you got experimented on. You didn't earn your skills or capabilities. They were given to you in a god d*** tube." This is it. You've already said it. And now it's all coming out.

"But oh, that's not the end of your thrice-blessed life, is it? No, you get stuck in a cave with Stark. And he adopts you, and you get to live happily ever after, or at least until big bad Agent Gavin shows up and expects you to roll with anything he says." He continued, giving a long pause.

"You don't know me, Casper. That SHIELD file? It's forged, entirely. All of them are, actually. The only accurate ones are hard paper copies, and I burned mine. I didn't grow up on 367, Skylane in Illinois. I didn't apply to join SHIELD. God no. I watched as that bastard Loki tore apart my entire world. I sat in a car with my parents, watching as they were crushed to death by the rubble of a building. Most of my friends died that day, too. I would resign right now if it weren't for the oath I swore. I don't hate you, Casper. But I don't like you, either."
Michael was nervous, waiting in the elevator in Stark Tower, first, recruited to the X-men by Charles Xavier himself! now this... All he knew was that Stark was Iron Man... one of the most important members of the Avengers ... what could this... summons... be? As the elevator stopped, and the doors slid open, Michael walked in, and saw the people he was supposed to meet standing around a circular holo-table, "I.. I'm sorry I'm late... My name is Michael.. or the Risen Warrior... whichever you prefer... what have I missed?"
Casper almost started tearing up a bit. "I'm so sorry Marcus I really lo-" Casper was cut off by yet another new voice. She sniffled "Umm... Marcus thats your cue..." Casper said thinking about maybe just going to Peter's or her other home in California till this whole thing with SHIELD was over because she didn't know what she felt for Marcus anymore.
"Attack." He whispered and as one, the shadows rose up and started to attack everyone in the lobby. "Will some of you move up?" As if following his command, some of them rose to the other floors and started attacking as well. "Now, now, we can't let this place have all the fun, spread out." Some shadows went out and started attacking everyone near the tower. "Much better." He took a sip of his coffee.
Evan was about to warn both of them to cease their fighting when he felt it. It started as a small burn, then grew into a wildfire within his chest. he screamed in pain, ripping off his shirt to reveal the insignia of the Phoenix burned black onto his chest.

"Jean!" he cried out, losing understanding of what was going on.

He still felt her, but it was faint, like she was being subdued. Then the power settled withing him, his green athletic shorts becoming white and yellow instead.

At that moment, a kid walked in, asking what he missed.

"The destruction of the universe." Evan answered before a shadow shattered a window, coming into the building.
Casper heard Evan's pained cries. "EVAN!" she ran over to his side. "Evan Evan Evan can you hear me?!" she yelled. "Oh god no no no! Tri! Scott! Ari! Somebody help!"
"Sorry Casper." Marcus said softly. Evan had just spoken, but he hadn't processed it. The destruction of the universe? What?

Then he heard the glass shatter, and he knew everything was about to go to hell. He didn't stand a chance here, and Casper probably didn't either. If Evan was that concerned, no one short of a cosmic entity would handle this immediate threat.

So he grabbed her by the shoulder and dragged her into the elevator. "He can handle himself. We need to get everyone else together. Now."
"Go get everyone, I'll stay with him" Tri said to Marcus and Casper.

"Red, pull your shit together, we got company" Tri ran to Evan and stand back to back with him.
"Let them get out, this is just the beggining." He said. He was waving a small black stick like a conductor orchestrating destruction. "No no no, throw that chair further." A shadow complied as it picked up a chair and tossed it through a window. "Good, now continue."
"Marcus!" Casper cried out. "He might kill himself! Oh s**t Tony is going to kill me if Evan doesn't kill me first" Casper started hyperventilating and tearing up and put her head in her hands.
"Now's not the time to act like a twelve year old." He barked, growing increasingly frustrated with her. "Evan will be fine. He is practically a god. If I understand correctly, he can't even really be killed, seeing as he's bound to some crazy universe binding force. I'd venture to say he can't even be erased by time travel. He'll be fine. But you and me? We don't get another opportunity." He had lowered his voice, trying to calm her down. She seemed so fragile now. And it was his fault.
"you, too, Casper. Now is not the time to panic. Remember how strong you are, and start shooting at something." Tri shouts at Casper. Then he turns to the new kid that just came in.

"Hey kid, can you fight?"
"Run. Now!" Evan called out to everyone on that floor. "Tri, I don't have time to argue with you now! Jean is gone. Someone tried to kill the Spark. So she gave the majority to me and hid in the deepest part of the White Hot Room." He shielded his friend, casting the white hot flames in the direction of the shadows. They all fell to its brilliant glory.

"We have to move. Come on." he yelled, grabbing tri by the hand. "You can talk on the way down." he said, heading for the window.
"Kindly steal a couple million from their safes. I need something to feed the homeless with." He said as he stopped waving the stick and went to sip his coffee. "Hmm...cold." The coffee became warm once more. "Much better" Multiple shadows broke through the 21st floor and ransacked it, ione found a safe and disappeared with it.
JARVIS' voice rang in the elevator. "Miss Stark, I do believe someone has made off with one of the vaults."

Marcus sighed heavily. What was going on here? "JARVIS, on authority of SHIELD, freeze and mark all confiscated assets." Those bills would be traceable and marked now. He'd know where they went, at least.

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