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Casper saw Marcus in the elevator and said "Oh hey Marc! I was wondering wha- why are you covering your skin?" she said when she saw Marcus trying to cover some of his skin. "Anyways what happened t0 you last night. One moment we were stuck in an elevator together, the next I'm sitting alone in the elevator. I woke up in my room this morning. Did you bring me up there last night or was it Tri or someone?"
Astrid sat up with a start. She had no idea what had just happened. She looked around her but nothing was different. Astrid rubbed her head, all those shadows and then that sudden feeling of power... Astrid ran up the stairs. She needed to find the others.
"Uh. It's nothing. And I. I don't know." He murmured, backing up a step from her. "Just.. I dunno. I need to figure something out."
"you're one of the new recruits?"

Tri blows out some smoke. ""Sorry about the messes, there's supposed to be a guy who'd do the orientation for you but I haven't seen him since the attack."

Tri's looking at Peyton, she looks shy and quiet.
"Recruit?" Peyton questioned. "I guess.... if that's what the suits who showed up and stuck me on a plane over here were going on about, I didn't really understand...." she trailed off, going quiet
"MARCUS! You can't keep hiding things from me! If you haven't noticed hiding things from me has only gotten us in deeper s**t. I know you are in charge of this mission but I play a pretty damn big role in this mission too. I can help you!" Casper said grabbing his shoulder with her hand.
"yeah that's what they do. don't talk much, do you?" Tri scratches his head, he's not really good at dealing with girls, especially quiet girls.

"Do you know where your room would be?"
Her head shook "Usually easier for me that way..." was her answer before her head shook again. "That would be a no, I slept in a random nook between a couple of walls last night"
"yeah, well..." Tri answer Astrid question when he saw her walking toward him "Shits happened...There were some weird shadow guys broke in, but we took care of them. you're kinda late to the party."
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"This doesn't really look like a party...." Peyton commented quietly, wondering what the hell he was on about. It sounded like he was talking just as much rubbish as the suits had on the way here.
"I had fun killing those guys. there're still some empty rooms up there."

Tri said looking at Peyton. "Why don't you go unpack and then join us in the dining room. I hope it's still intact..."
Astrid grinned at Tri's joke before making her way to the dining room. Astrid hoped they were gonna eat something, she was starving!
"The Starks have pretty much everything you need so don't worry."

Tri looks around, he drops the cigarette on the ground and steps on it.

"I could use a beer and a sandwich right now. Wanna join? Hey Astrid, wait for me."
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Peyton paused for a moment before deciding. "Okay" she replied, waiting for him to move so she could follow considering she had no idea where she was going.
Tri and Peyton walk in the dinning room when Astrid is about to eat a big subway.

"Make one for me, will you?" Tri smiles, he opens the fridge and grab a beer, then he turns to Peyton "you want anything?"
She stood awkwardly in the middle of nowhere within the room, not sure what to do with herself as she considered the guy's question. "What is there?" Peyton finally answered, wanting to ask his name as well but feeling awkward enough already.
"Cool!"Astrid answered. Grabbing a loaf of bread out the cuboard.Wow, the Starks had a lot of sandwich fillings.

"What do ya want in it?"Astrid asked.
"Well we have beers, cokes, Jack Daniels,...and pretty much a lot of food here...You want some soda?"

Tri turns back to Peyton, stop for a second, and ask "what's wrong? You seems uncomfortable."
"Whatever, just please talk to me later" Casper said to Marcus and walked off into the kitchen to see Tri Astrid and yet another unfamiliar face.

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