Next Marvel [Inactive]

"I...." her hands twisted round each other constantly in front of her "I.... I just don't know what I'm doing here I guess"
"Well pretty much the same as we. I also don't know what the f...Oh hey, you woke up."

Tri stop talking to Peyton when he sees Casper walks in.

"This is Peyton, she just came here." Tri said to Casper. " I'm hoping you or Marcus would help her for the orientation..."

Tri stops to get the sandwich from Astrid, and he continues " are you feeling?
Astrid greabbed the bacon out of the fridge and sandwiched it between two layers of bread.Astridd then squeezed the ketchup in before handing it to Tri.Astrid turned as Caspar walked in.

"Marcus isn't exactly 'sane' at the moment, I'm working on him. And Astrid, a sandwich is a food. At the moment I'll take the liberty of being in charge of our group of freaks till Marcus is in his right mind again." Casper said hopping onto a bar stool and taking a seat. "Well Peyton if you are from earth you obviously know who I am." Casper said to her taking a gulp of a bottle of Jack Daniels
Her head shook, she seemed to be doing that a lot here. "Uh.... no I don't..... and what do you mean freaks?" Peyton asked, guessing the girl was joking about not being from earth
"Everyone who lives on earth knows who I am. I'm a Stark. Freaks was just a joke cause we are obviously far from normal. Right Tri" Casper said looking at wolf boy.
Scott looks down through the hole clapping. "Way to go, Tri. Stealing my fun and not finishing the job. After they fix this room up. It's me and you Baby Hulk!"

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Tri has a bite at the sandwich, and then his face turns red.

"Astrid...I said a lot of bacons...not a lot of hot sauces..."

He bottoms up the beer til the last drop.

"Yeah...She's Iron Man's daughter..."

Tri turns to Peyton.
"So where are the two other macho men. I heard they have been beating the s**t out of each other." Casper said taking another gulf of Jack.
A look of confusion took over her face although she tried to wipe it off almost but to no avail. She had no idea what to make of any of this at all...
"one of them was me. I had a fight with Damien."

Tri said to Casper, then grab a Soda from the fridge and give it to Peyton. "Here you go"
Casper say that Peyton was confused so with a sigh she said "I'm Casper, Casper Stark. I'm the partial owner of Stark Industries. I'm the adopted daughter of Tony Stark. I'm an Avenger and ex-terrorist from Turkey. I just assumed you knew who I was cause everyone knows who I am" ((sorry for being rude again, just trying to match Tony Stark's personality)).
"Right....." Peyton breathed before starting to slowly creep backwards, slightly scared by these people to say the least.
Ari walked into the kitchen, finally calmed down. She hoped that Caper wouldn't notice the hole in her wall. She walked in to find one of the men that was fighting yesterday and two other women. She stared at Casper and asked "Who are they?"
Scott strolls in. "Stark this, Stark that. We all get it....mind getting the gym fixed. I got a bone to pick with someone..."looks over at Tri, "You, my friend, are definitely gonna be on that list too." He says jokingly as he looks for something to eat.

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Astrid smirked as Tri bit into the sandwich. So what if she'd put in a little extra hot sauce?Astrid sighed at Caspar's underage drinking, what was she doing with herself?Astrid thought throwing Caspar a look of disgust, before biting into her own sandwich.

"Sandwich?"Astrid asked Scott as he walked in.
After backing up, she found herself back up against and wall and just sort of stayed there, watching half in fear and half in curiousity of these people
"OH MY GOSH! Stop breaking things!!!" Casper said annoyed "JARVIS call maintenance to fix the damage in the tower. I don't have time to deal with it" Casper said to JARVIS. "Of corse Miss. Right away miss" he replied.
"I got over my head about an old grudge with Damien. And you, Baby Marko..." Tri looks at Scott "anytime, bub"

"Isn't that the daughter of Hawkeye?"

Tri said as he sees Ari walks in
Ari eyed the man suspiciously, along with Scott. She ignored them for the most part and started getting some cereal.
Peyton jumped. Great, now she must really be going crazy because she was pretty sure a conversation just happened with the walls in which the walls talked back....
"Since Marcus is not here right now its my job to say in his behalf... QUIT IT YOU IDIOTS!" Casper said sighing at the egoistic men in front of her.
Astrid edged over to Peyton who was keaning against the wall.

"Their kinda scary right."Astrid said staring at what looked like the beginning of yet another argument.
"Gesus Casper, you don't have to yell in my ear!" Ari said, attempting to clean up the spilled cereal.

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