Next Marvel [Inactive]

"That's what I'm going to talk to you about! Charles' here bringing a new recruit, and he can senses what happened to you and Jean, too. He wanted me to make sure you're okay...WAIT!!"

Tri growls and then cut the head off a shadow that just broke in from another window.

"What the fuck are they??!!"
"Oh geez I'm sorry for being a little emotional Marcus! This whole experience hasn't exactly been that great. Tony is going to kill me when he gets back from Hong Kong!" Casper stuttered "Also we are doing nothing to help out. Instead we are running like cowards."
"That's enough, leave a note before leaving." He said as a shadow slashed a message into a wall near Evan.

Twinkle Twinkle F*** You All

The shadows suddenly flowed out of the tower and disappeared.
Marcus noticed the elevator had stopped moving. But the doors hadn't opened either. They were stuck in there, together. Of course. He had just chewed her out and ruined her day, and now they were stuck in a broken elevator together.

He reached over and tapped her shoulder. "Cas.. Your elevator is broken." He said simply.
Micheal felt embarrassed for a moment, things were hitting the fan, and he was late to it, but the embarrassment passed quickly as Michael's instinct kicked in, despite the training he had received with the X-men, he wasn't ready, it was all he could do to keep himself from being severely injured, as he dodged the strange aggressors' blows, the moment he could, he drew his golden blade, and instead of simply dodging, he began to block, these blows were too much though, and eventually, they broke his defenses, he was struck in the forehead, and he blacked out.
"You might want to jump now!" Evan yelled out as he hurled himself from a window.

Charles. How did he know? Was he okay too? He feared for what was to be known as the beginning of the end.

As he fell, Evan felt the source of all this madness. The rage of the Dark Phoenix counteracted the need to protect from the Green...

"You aren't getting by that easily, douche!" he screamed out, the fire forming around him once more--this time, in the shape of an enormous bird. It was white hot and enveloped the sky. Evan had embodied the White Crown.
"Fantastic" Casper grumbled. "Now what?! We just sit in here?!" As if one cue the lights of the elevator began to flicker and go out. "Great..." Casper sighed sliding down the wall of the elevator and sitting on the floor hugging her knees.
"Hmm..." Spencer looked at his coffee. "I like the coffee here. Might as well waypoint it." He noticed Evan and smiled. He suddenly ceased to exist in the omniverse.
"Son of a..."

Tri grinding his teeth watching Evan turn his prey into ashes.

"Red, calm the fuck down or I'll calm you down!"

Tri grab onto a wall and try to jump at Evan, but an extremely hot flame pushes him back and burn most of his body. He's getting up, still burning.
He felt the person fade, but he still couldn't feel Jean anymore.

' need a strategy to defeat this guy. Or else, everything is done for." He thought. He decided to locate his friends. Using his now impervious telepathy, he found them in a stuck elevator.

"Really, come on guys. Cas, couldn't fix it?" He asked himself as he bent the laws of space and found himself standing between them.

"We really don't have time, so I'll just do this now and save questions for another time." He said, letting a tiny part of his power envelop his hands. Then he shoved them into his friends' chests, hoping this would be the way.
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Spencer reexisted on the other side of the city. He finished his coffee and strolled down the streets and looking around. "Now start chanting." He whispered. The message etched into the wall started glowing and reappeared near Evan. "Haha" It repeated over and over again.
As Tri is healing, he sees Evan floating still, still burning in a shape of the phoenix.

"What is he doing?"

Then he saw the weird message behind Evan.
"Casper.." Marcus whispered, leaning against the handrail attached to the elevator wall. "I get that by now, you probably don't like me. As a matter of fact, you probably hate me. What I said earlier was rude, impolite, and offensive."

Evan thinks it's over. And here you are, pathetically making your peace with the only person near you.

"I understand why you don't like me. I've invaded your home. I've brought things into it that I never should have."

Then he froze. He saw Evan, heard him. Then the elevator was gone, Casper was gone, Evan was gone. This new place was white. All of it. And it talked to him, for what felt like hours.

The elevator swung back into sight. He heard voices he recognized around him, and nobody spoke. So this is a fraction of the experience of being Evan.
"I dont hate you Marcus, I really like you. What you said was rude but-" Casper looked up and noticed Marcus was gone. "Marcus... No no no not a good time!" she began panicking.
At the sight of his friends not burning away, he folded again; this time appearing before Tri and the new kid. "You two are lucky I can't find anyone else." he said out loud before performing the same actions to both. He knew that Tri would take the power and take it well. He wasn't sure about the kid, but he had no other choice.

"Good luck." he said before folding one more time.
"So, that was the White Hot Room, at least he's not wearing red and gold costume."

Tri thought to himself after receiving one part of Evan's power.
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Evan reappeared behind Spencer, his back to the hacker's.

"I don't know how you survived. You shouldn't exist, period. But I will destroy you, that is a promise." he seethed.

"I suggest you fade from this pane and undo everything you've done. Pronto."
"I don't want too, see because of what you've done, I've changed."

He said as he walked away. "I have become a singularity, I am immune to powers except my own...and Death's, but she likes to get kinky with chains so I'm fine with that." He tossed him a coin. "Thank you for that by the way, expect things to get rather exciting."
The elevator was back. He was back on Earth, thank god.

"Casper." He said, grabbing the girl by the shoulder and shaking her. "Don't let me ---"

It all faded again. Not to white, but to black. But, there was a woman. She was familiar, actually. He had seen her in New York, walking past the car he was trapped in. She had turned to him, and said something, but he hadn't heard it. Now, here she was, again.

The woman's skin fell away, leaving a skeleton in a dark robe. "That's three times, Marcus. Three times you should have died. But that was our deal, yes? Three fewer deaths for you, in return for three lives then. Your parents, and your uncle. I believe it is time we negotiate an additional fee. You've been quite troublesome."

He tried to speak, but found he wasn't able to in this place. He wasn't allowed to even negotiate his deal with death.

"You are my newest Reclaimer, Marcus. I exist to maintain the balance between life and death. Sometimes, a being denies my embrace, and returns to the world of the living. It is your job to... fix, them. Now, go." The skeletal form waved him away, and he was, once again, deposited in the elevator. This time, when he returned, the Force fragment abandoned him, making it's return to Evan.
Casper woke up in her bed berthing heavily. She wasn't sure how she had gotten up there. Did Marcus or Tri bring her up there. As soon as she got up she had a massive head ache. Casper rubbed her hand to her head and walked towards the elevator to see if Marcus was awake and ok.
What just happened to me? This can't be real. I must have been knocked out when Evan tried to help, and that was just a dream. But no, there it was. His left had had an insignia burned into the palm. So what now? I'm some sort of.. grim reaper? She didn't explain anything. Maybe I'm just supposed to keep doing my thing and the opportunity will arise.

He found himself back in the elevator, hopefully for the last time that day. He saw Casper approach, and clenched his hand to avoid letting her see the still raw skin around the mark.
"hey Red, I cleared out those shadow fuckers." Tri talk to Evan telepathically. "You can take your power back now, I don't feel comfortable with it inside me."

Then he looks around and ask himself "Where the hell is everybody?"
Peyton had eventually found a tiny space to hide away in for the night when she'd arrived after finding no one. But she'd found a lot of commotion ringing in her ears as she woke up and had finally decided to venture out, the chaos finally seeming to have calmed down by the sounds of things or whatever. She honestly had no clue what to do with herself but when she heard a voice, she followed it, trying to ignore the state of her surroundings. "I've been asking that question since I got here" Peyton said quietly

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