Next Marvel [Inactive]

"I just came here with your father this morning from California and this happen, haven't been anywhere else in the house yet." Tri said. "SHIELD promised me some information, that's why I'm doing this. Have you heard anything about our first mission?"
"Something about Skrull and Kree invasion. And what kind of info was SHIELD promising you? I bet I can hack into their system in less than a minute and get you that info right now. Also why is SHIELD promising info to an associate of the X-Men?"
"Drop the alcohol, Cas. Info is supposed to arrive today." Marcus said, having walked down to her side. With a smirk, he took the bottle and took a swig for himself, then dropped it down the nearest garbage can.
"You really think thats my only bottle of booze agent man? I'm a Stark, alcohol practically flows through my veins. Well 'info' better arrive soon before I decide to find that 'info' myself." Casper said hopping off the bar stool and walking back behind the bar to get another bottle of booze.
(Where is everyone?) 
Spencer closed his laptop and put it in a bag before heading to the roof of he bilding he was currently on. He set his eyes on Stark Tower. 'Might as well get this contract over with...' He thought as pieces of armor slid from his back and formed his suit. Then with a sprint he jumped to the next building, and the next one, quickly approaching Stark Tower.
"Miss there is an unauthorized life form on the roof of STARK Tower. How would you like me to respond?" JARVIS suddenly reported. "JARVIS, put the tower under lockdown mode and engage weapons ready for attack if necessary" Casper said then turned to the others and said to them "Well its been a nice chat but Ive got to go all 'Avenger' now" and with that Casper ran up to her weapon storage room, put on her gear, grabbed her sniper-rifle, and put on the hand part of the Iron Man suit. ((Casper wears just the hand part that shoots from the palm of the Iron Man suit)) She then headed up to the room fully armed and loaded with the top weapons in the world made by STARK Industries.
"I guess I'll go around abit. She can handle that herself."

Tri said, as he look Casper run out of the dinning room
" said the info will arrive today?"

Tri asked Agent Marcus as they walking around the floor.

"I thought they only give me the info after I finished the missions. I don't even started yet..."
"The mission briefing, Tri. We haven't been told what our job is, actually." He replied, rolling his eyes slightly. This one didn't seem to be quite the brightest, but every group could use a clawed brute.
"I'm asking about the info SHIELD promised me, not about the mission"

Tri can see that look in Marcus' eyes. He sighs, he doesn't even care about what people think about him anymore.
"I'm Casper Stark of the Avengers. I'm going to have to ask you to what business you have on my roof. If I don't like your response I'll shoot without hesitation. Times ticking amigo" Casper yelled while loading her sniper-rifle.
"Gladly." Evan said darkly as he grabbed the larger man's arm and let a little of power augment his strength. He wanted Scott to feel it.

'It might have been a little flashy to start this way, but I've been itching to fight since yesterday.' he thought.

"Mr. Grey, Miss Stark would like a word wi--"

"Not now, JARVIS, I'm a little busy." Evan replied, giving Scott a death stare. He needed to go all out, to beat the brakes off of someone. He then threw a punch, waiting to see how if effected the other man's face.
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Scott knew he was at a slight disadvantage against a mind reader, but all he was thinking about was crush, destroy and smash, and seeing Evan throw a punch he was ready to receive it, or so he thought. The blow landed squarely in his face and for a moment Scott was surprised by the power behind it as he was pushed back a great deal, his head even tilted back. As he slid to a stop, he glared at Evan, "Where has all this been hiding!" He made fists with both hands and slammed them together. "You're a lot better than I remember, I'm gonna enjoy this." He hunched over for a sec before dashing at Evan, interlocking his finger and swinging both arms like a baseball bat for Evan's mid-section, he was going for a home-run hit.
The blow connected, and Evan felt like he was hit by an airplane. The red-head flipped backwards in the air, barely skidding into a crouch. It knocked most of the wind out of him and, if he wasn't who he was, he would have quit on the spot. "Damn, Scott. Did you eat too much spinach this morning?" He asked out loud, before starting a run. As he did this, he threw a wall of force toward the man, hoping to knock him off his feet.
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Brooklyn spectated Scott and Evan with an amused expression on her face. She was thankful that her speed prevented blows like that from taking place during her sparring match with Scott. Evan was pretty surprised by the force Scott had packed into the punch. Brooklyn sent a thought to Evan: Find his blind spots, and use them against him. You should be able to calculate his movements with your powers, so flow with his movements and strike. Avoid getting hit, block if you have to.
Spencer used his powers and overloaded the tower's electrical system, causing a short blackout and concealing him from view. In the darkness he climbed up the building and entered through one of the windows of floor 25. 'Alright, I'm in.' He thought. 'Time to get to floor 12 and outta here.' He snuck into the halls as silent as as a mouse.
"Yeah... I don't think so" Casper said casually to the boy while twirling her fully loaded gun in her hand. "I wouldn't if I where you because this building is fully armed and weaponized and so am I. So i think the smart choice would be to not" Casper jumped on him getting him in a head lock choke hold.
Spencer aimed his Buster and fired, letting the recoil crash them both into a wall. He shrugged her off, not checking if she was conscious or not and lcoked the door behind him by hacking it closed. He then went to a storage closet and went up the vents. He dropped out of the vents at floor 22.
"Is this how you really want to play?" Spencer said as he tried to look for a way out but decided against it, this might actually be beneficial. "Fine, you win."
"I'm a whole lot stronger, tougher, quicker, and smarter than I look. So state what business you have in my property or a bullet goes through your head!"
Scott grinned. "I'm a growing boy." He charged at Evan seeing him charge at him, but in mid-stride he found himself lifted up and morning backwards in mid air. As he landed he had one foot off the ground, and as he looked back at Evan closing on him he scowled. "Damn you...!"

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Evan heard Brooke give him a piece of advice and he smiled, wanting to keep things interesting. He concentrated and in mid-step he formed a war-hammer made of pure psionic energy.

"So you're a big boy, huh? Let's play!" he yelled, swinging the weapon down near the man. A wicked gleam flashed in his eye, a hint of hunger lingering on the edge of his movements.
Aria awoke from her system restart to find that there were loud noises coming from the hall. She picked up her pistols from her bag and kicked open the door. She walked to the vent and dropped until she reached the floor that the noise came from. She saw Casper pinning a man to the wall. She lowered her gun. "What does this guy want?"
Casper turned to Ari and said "Well isn't that the question of the day?" while getting a tighter hold around the boys neck so he would choke.

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