Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Gavin. Marcus Gavin." He stated, extending one hand out to Aria. She seemed nice enough, he supposed. He had seen her file somewhere, and he didn't recognize much beyond the name.
Aria took his hand and shook firmly. She was accustom to seeing shield agents. The serum in her body pulled up an analysis window and she started reading his information.
"Ah Yes! Gavin! I totally knew that!" Casper yelled out still laying on the couch on her phone texting, and not paying any attention to the people around her only listening in once in a while.
Meanwhile, in the Danger Room, Xavier's Institute

The sentinel brought it's fist down, crushing the ground beneath it. Evan performed a duck and rolled into a crouch position. As it's fist came down again, he flexed his power in the direction of the opponent. It took some straining, feeling as though he was moving a tectonic plate. As he lifted the Sentinel higher, the area around him grew brighter and brighter from psionic flames emitting from his body. His eyes became an electric green as he compacted the computerized program meant to portray the colossal beings.


Her voice reverberated within the back of his mind, causing him to lose control and drop the being all together. The program fizzled and became the room it once was in the Institute. Evan walked over and grabbed a towel, wiping the sweat from his brow. Every time the Force would manifest, she'd hold him back. What was the point of having one of the most useful powers in the entirety of existence if it was served to you on a restriction? How would he be able to help anyone at all like that?

'Evan, Nick Fury is requesting your presence for some reason.'

He grinned when he felt the Professor's mind enter his. 'Let him know I'll be there shortly.' Evan replied, grabbing his black sweater and putting it on. "M'Lady, may I use it just this once?" Evan asked out loud, knowing she'd know what he was talking about.

"Just this once." she responded in a way that almost sounded like she was amused. He wasn't gonna wait for her to change his mind. He cast his arms into the air, folding only the space this time, and found himself in the SHIELD Conference Room, surrounded by the psychic flames again. When he stepped out, he almost tripped on his own two feet.

Evan immediately noticed the amount of people in the room and flushed red. "Oh." he said, not wanting to be seen doing what he just did. He knew of the stigma that came with having the Phoenix Force.
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"Hello fire boy who magically appeared out of thin air. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you are one of the mutants...?" Casper smirked at the boy who had just appeared in the room.
Scott was still heated over the Agent's comment and was on the verge on warning him to watch who he mouthed off to when the girl swooped in from the ceiling. He watched everyone say their pleasantries as he simply sat there brooding in silence, and then his eyes widened as a portal opened and some guy stumbled out of it. "Now that was an entrance."
"Guessing you already know who I am, the ginger girl is Ari, the blonde over there is Brooklyn, the loner in the corner's name I still do not know or care to know, and that is future Agent of SHIELD Marcus Gavin".
"Yeah, I was scanning the room before you opened your mouth, Casper." Evan replied, pulling a chair out with mere thought. "And, Aria, your fire couldn't burn a piece of toast the way mine could." he chuckled at the girl's claim.
Brooklyn chucked at Evan's remark to Aria. "We are quite the competitive bunch," she observed. "And yeah, nobody really knows who he is. He isn't very important," Brooklyn said in a stage whisper, smirking over at Scott.
Director Fury and Agent Coulson entered the room and Fury said "I see that most of you guys are here, and as for the ones who decided not to show up... well they are just going to have to figure this out on their own. Now y'all are most likely wondering why the hell y'all were summoned here on such short notice. Coulson, will new explain to you the situation" Fury stated and turned to Agent Coulson.
Marcus immediately snapped to attention when Fury and Coulson arrived. He smoothed out his posture, standing up straight and making eye contact with each of them. He needed to impress them with this. He hoped the others would cooperate enough to make the higher ups consider him a viable field agent. He wouldn't have liked to spend the rest of his days filing papers because the others were impossible to manage.
"Ok I know Miss Stark and Agent Gavin already know who I am and Miss Rogers most likely knows who I am as well. As for the rest of you, I am Agent Coulson of SHIELD. Fellow mutants, Professor Xavier has full knowledge of you being here and has agreed to have the future X-Men and future Avengers team up together along with of corse out current Avenger, Miss Stark, and out fellow soon to be Agent of Shield, Marcus Gavin. You will all team up together to stop a new threat that has come to our attention known as the Kree and Skrull. There will be packets of more information given to you later. As of now you all will train and live in STARK Tower which is now the new HQ for the Avengers."
Aria stayed calm. She already had a bit of a bad reputation with these guys. Meanwhile she analyzed the new guy, figuring out on her own that he was a cocky kind of person.
Scott removed his hood and slowly sat up, slowly regretting actually being talked into coming to this. I def should've kept doing my own thing, he though to himself. Stark Tower...great. That means I'll be seeing a lot more of that Stark charm, he rolled his eyes unconsciously.
"Hold your horses, little guy. " Evan said, standing up. "When did I ever agree to this? Don't you need my consent when making a decision like this?" He was a little ticked off that SHIELD was once again treating people like objects. As his anger flared, the table started to rise from the ground, along with things already on the table.
Brooklyn nodded as she listened to Agent Coulson. Stark Tower, huh? That'll be fun, Brooklyn thought to herself with a sly grin. Who knows what Tony has hidden away in his tower full of lethal technology.
Marcus was in the middle of his own silent cursing when the table in front of him lifted. "Evan. Relax." He said softly, hesitantly stepping towards him with both hands raised in front of his body. "You didn't agree to it, we know. Xavier did. Take your complaints to him, not us." He pointed out.
Scott looked over at Evan and wondered if Evan had remembered him being at the Xavier school. "Hey, Evan. Cool it." He didn't like it anymore than he did, but for now they just needed to listen. No harm in listening after all.
"WHAT?! Come on really?! Why do they have to stay at my place?" Casper complained "Miss Stark, you are well aware that you have the biggest building and most practical building for this. And thank you Gavin for reminding him that Charles Xavier agreed to this as well. Now we have a hellicarrier ready for you guys that will take you to New York City to the STARK Tower. I will be keeping a close eye on you but Agent Gavin will be in charge of keeping you all under control and he will report back to SHIELD about your progress frequently. Gavin, please lead them to the hellicarrier."
"You see, that right there is what I'm getting at. Assumptions." He said, letting the table fall to the ground. "What's the catch?" he asked, arms crossed. He was not happy at the moment. "And you won't get an accurate reading that way, Candlelight." he said to Ari.
"My system never lies." Aria replied in the same voice as earlier. She stood to follow Gavin out the door.
"The catch, Evan, is that we're being sent to deal with aliens who may very well be able to kill us." He said, shrugging.

He looked around the room, making eye contact with his new team. "Ladies, gentlemen, and slightly upset Casper, shall we be on our way?" He asked, smirking at Casper.

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