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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Dante Aguilar
CS Link
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again
May 6th, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
Central District
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again

“That must have really hurt,” — It was funny how caring words, even from complete strangers, would always make him feel tight at the throat. Knotted. Paused. Very funny.

He stood there, wondering if he still had it in him to flush silly whenever a pretty girl showed true concern for him.

“…” — Nah. He knew better.

“Eh…” — He drawled, looking off and hissing low, pretending like a stray gleam from the streetlamps cornering the parking lot had checked him in the eyes. The trick was in not letting anyone see that pause in his eyes, he’d learned. You can hide a lot, just trading glances and not full-on stares.

“Nah, I eat my veggies— I can tough that shit out easy,” — Being a moron also helped to hide it — “Like, I’m a big guy, y’know?” — He cheekily clicked his tongue and hit her with an idiot smile— flashed it with such confidence that it made you wonder why the serpents hadn’t knock a couple teeth out of him last night— flexing one his one good gun (the one that wasn’t wrapped taut on bandages) like a school jock; Hercules pose, twisting the wrist a little. He held it surprisingly long, but it wasn’t surprising when one of the stitches lining his core pulled on the strain.

He felt another string snap out of the few, as if the world itself had told him ‘fuck you’ on big, bold letters, times new roman. Dante feigned a chuckle to hide that low hiss threatening to come out of his mouth. Shrinking, clutching at his side — “Agh…fuck, I’m so fuckin’ funny…” — Punching in another chuckle to further mask that burning sting jabbing at him under the bandages.

Then he finally processed what she’d just said to him — ”If you want, I can try and redo some of them,”

“Oh.” — There was that pause again. Was he flushing now? He had no idea.

Very funny.

“You don’t have to get your hands all leaky on me,” — His usual droopy, baggy eyes softened to allow an easy smile to crease under them. He stood beside the car wondering just how dumb he looked right now. Chest almost bare on the wind, all bruised up, smiling at a random woman he’d just met a couple minutes ago. Yet, it was oddly comfortable-feeling to be half-naked smiling at this girl.

“You don’t have to, but I’d sure as hell appreciate it. You don’t know how many times I’ve ripped through half of these cheap ass bandages just trying to tighten them up again.” — He added.

“I mean,” — He means — "It’d probably take me about 10 more crashes before my coverage gets that high. I’d have a heart attack if I owned this pretty girl and some asshole totaled it.” — Dante placed another curious hand on the top of Nao’s ride, already half-curious. The one side of his brain, the grease monkey, wanting him to pop open the trunk and splay out the innards for him to see. The other side of his brain, the compliant one, telling him that he one day he would have to stop thinking about randomly changing someone’s spark plug upon seeing their car. He really needed to get that tick out of his system. Sooner, not later.

He caught a glimmer of focus crossing her eyes as he laid the question on her, as lazily thought out as it had been. He quirked a brow, one corner of his mouth upturned to an awkward smile— she was really about her fashion, huh? — “Yeah, I don’t sweat easy, should be good.” — Dante hefted both the revealing bodysuit and the blue dress shirt with a tentative look, a short beat before he placed them both back on the trunk and got to loosening the last piece of his top.

Fingers pried on the v-neck, he bent with an effort, another groan. Once it was off, Dante simply stared at the trunk of Nao’s car with that twinge of half-annoyance writ blatant on his glare. He played it off, though. Getting dressed in spite of his cast wasn’t anything he hadn’t gotten used the night before, he started talking with an arm already slipped inside the bodysuit— “You wanna bet on whether or not Tak’s already wooed some babes by now? I bet my one good hand that dumbass’ on his own at the bar makin’ a face. He’s probably just waiting on us to get back”

He chuckled, his other arm already sliding over the armhole of the dress shirt. And there he was. His chisel showing on the long-sleeves, the revealing black slits under the outer layer tossed shade on the plain whiteness of the bandage-work. Almost hid them, but they still showed if you looked past the shadow hard enough. Dante looked down on himself, one ugly glance turning begrudging.

A tug on the lips, he smirked — “Eh, guess looking like a zombie’s the new heat at the parties anyways. Whaddaya think? Gonna have all the chicks saying…” — Dante turned to see eye to eye with the half-blurred reflection on the car’s window, drawling as that begrudging look turned to genuine surprise once he got a good look at himself — “Damn, I wanna take this guy home…”

He checked himself for longer than he should’ve; seeing how the trademark orange shades he always carried around would look on him, even if they mismatched the blue dress shirt and the gold on his eyes.

He turned to Nao with a wide grin, outstretching the good hand and giving her a spin for good measure — “Thoughts?”

Nina Aguilar
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again
May 6th, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
Central District
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again

“Eh-heh…boners…” — She chuckled at the word itself; like a child turning to that one page on that one book in bio-class; just remembering what the guy had misinterpreted about her eye.

She leaned back slightly on the stool, both hands gripped on the cushion as she stared at the bartender pour their drinks. Free drink for the guy, maybe. But free info for her, she practically had him dancing under her thumb. It was a detective-extraordinaire trick Dani had taught her, back when she’d first nagged her own into these wild escapades. You goad your target into giving you what you want by giving them a lick of what they want. Well, not exactly worded like that, but that was about the gist of it.

Nina was a natural at it by this point. Smooth, but harsh, like one of those riverbed pebbles that get jammed under your shoe.

“No need to thank me, m’kay? My pockets are as deep as my heart." — She placed a hand on her kind, graceful heart— not realizing that he hadn’t thanked her once.

Nina leaned back in; one elbow propped on the counter as the free hand whisked the shot off it. She stirred the clear liquid on clean, slow circles. Watching it shimmer on the throbbing lights, with a narrow, hardened gaze before taking a steady swig of it— trying not to give away too much of the fact that she was imitating a character from a black-and-white noir flick. She didn’t know what the hell it was on the glass, but it sure as hell burnt on the way down.

She still had to work on being a lightweight when it came down to drinks; made her less intimidating.

Tak clinked his glass down on the counter, sharing the same intensity in his stare. Nina matched him as he spoke, glaring intently once his hand reached down into his pocket. The tension rose, her eye felt like it was searing her skull split, and then…

A pack of gum.

A pack of gum?

“Hah. C’mon now…Y’ must think I’m some sorta rookball or somethin’,” — She grinned, looking off at the assortment of drinks lining the other end of the bar, flashing her fangs. Nina pulled a hand inside her jacket. Flinging out not one, not two, but three whole sticks of gum, blowing the one already in her mouth and popping the bubble right in front of Tak’s face, as though flaunting it — “Don’t go disrespectin’ me like that again, ‘kay? That’ll tarnish my street-rep, y’know?”

“Here, learn from the best,”
— She slid the trio onto the counter, flicked them towards him — “That’s premium flavor too. Imported.”

She sat there drinking the mere droplets of alcohol still mingling in her glass; there wasn’t any left to make her look cool while she drank, so she settled for what she had. Punting the counter lightly, she spun on her stool to face him — “That ain’t really what I meant, though. I was talking ‘bout the real stuff, y’know…?” — Nina spun on the stool again, this time to gesture behind them at the mass of waving bodies under the disco lights.

“The, ehh, stuff all these creeps are here for. You know…” — She hushed her tone, not knowing who would be listening in — “The em—ai—arr—ee—cee—ele—ee…!” — She whispered, not realizing that she’d just spelled out “Mirecle.” instead of “Miracle.”

Smooth like a pebble, Nina.

Daniela Nazario
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again
May 6th, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
Central District
Nao, Tak, Dante, Nina
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again

The outside had gone muted now. Quiet, sterile. Only booming and sighing a fading echo around the walls, every now and then when the door creaked a little. She was in the restrooms. All the thrill-junkies were right outside, the music was still printed on her eardrum even all the way out here.

She felt alien. Like she was only here carrying herself through inward jeers and a vague sense of duty. Whatever the fuck that meant anymore.

Dani reached out for the sink, ran a hand over porcelain. She’d let the faucet run a bit to drown out those thoughts. She should’ve gotten her info by now. Gotten out before shit hit the fan, made things easier for her when she had to do the legal part of the investigation, on the aftermath. On another occasion, maybe that would’ve been the case. But it was always some shit with Nina.

On every single one of these under-the-counter, mockery pass-ups they’d call ‘investigations’, Dani would always end up being the one to try and see things through with Nina. To the very end. She didn’t know what the hell it was that got to her with this girl, but she just couldn’t get her brother out of her mind in these.

There was no way not to think about him.

She stared off into the mirror, the woman on the other side didn’t look like the one in those memories with him. Back at the church, in the orphanage, he was the only case she’d never managed to solve. Even after all these years, she still didn’t know what happened.

The memories, though twisted, were cloudy and full of hope. Just two kids held together, tooth and nail.

He was the empty space in the night. The darkness wedged between the glimmer, among the stars, filling the gaps. And she was the light itself, holding him together in the endless. Together they were the firmament. On their own, years apart; the night sky was either too dark or too bright.

Some lovey-dovey bullshit like that.

For her, after the numbness of the years had passed her by, Dani had grown out of it. She wasn’t the light anymore; she wasn’t up in the shade either. She was grounded, anchored on the gravity that hits you when you’re an adult. Him? She had seen it in his eyes the last time they saw eye to eye.

That was all he was.

Darkness. Just peering back. Hollow and without purpose

An old mosaic of nightmares she had yet to re-live, didn’t want to. Faded memorandums lost to a damp eyed church boy. Orphan boy. Son to a bastard; bastard himself. Tucking bloodstained hands into his pockets, hiding the bruises on his face from her and the nuns, too fearful to look down upon what the hell he’d done.

To just tell her what the fuck he’d done wrong.

She wanted her voice to be advice and warning then; never put your one solemn prayer on the hands of old saints, little Dante. Don’t cry out for the heavens to weep and wash away the red slipping between your fingers. You'll grow bitter when they disappoint you. You'll never change.

"And you haven't changed a damn bit, have you?"

Yet her voice never came out the last time they were together; teary-eyed and yelling at each other.

That time she froze still, just peering back at him. Grasping at thin air, madly. Looking. Looking for her voice, her advice, feeling out for it. Yet it was gone. The darkness wore her silence like a vow now. She wanted to heal him, like she knew she could. But she couldn’t bear to see him after what he’d done. This orphan, church boy. This bastard. With his blood-stained hands.

"No, you can't change."

No, he was a mosaic of everyone she's ever hated. An almanac of busted lips and broken hands and scars under black hoodies, of blood red rage. Simmering at the seams, cracking his skin open. Carried over from his father, probably. That other bastard.

He was knots in a cord, links in a chain, violence and violence upon violence. Nothing else. Couldn't be anything else.

That’s what she’d spun her restless nightmares to be, just a by-product of what he’d done, whatever happened back at the church. Maybe that’s why she’d grown to always look for answers, dig her nose in where she shouldn’t.

"You won't change."

But she wanted to believe that he had, somewhere along the line.

“Fuck.” — Dani sighed, the faucet had run for long enough. The woman in the mirror looked all the same as before. There was no point in thinking about it right now. She came here for other answers; something more tangible, something she could grasp. This wasn’t, and couldn’t be, just another night thinking about Dante.

“Party’s just getting started, huh…?” — She huffed, sobered up — “Make your first move then, fuckers… I’ll be watching.”

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Lloyd Sorvocah
2021: January 29th
Scene: Rising Butterflies
Littleleaf Zone, East District
Jackson Reese Allesi BriiAngelic BriiAngelic , Lloyd Sorvocah
Rising Butterflies
This arragement was definitely an odd one for Lloyd. Sure, he was still a rookie within the Azure Dragons and his abilities needed to be kept track of. Yet he couldn't shake the feeling that this was different, less official business. Or no, not for the higher-ups at least. He barely remembered the name of the man who was suddenly at his door. Then again, an unannounced appearance is the Azure Dragons' style, sort of. The man was talking about a sparring match with another rookie. Lloyd didn't really mind if anyone wanted to test their abilities on him, or vise versa. So, he agreed on the man's proposal and told him to send any further details through email or cellphone. The man thanked him and turned away. Lloyd thought he saw a glimpse of a grin, but he could easily be mistaken.

Then the day of the match came, and Lloyd had made a few preparations before leaving. He soon left more than on time since he hates being late and having people wait on him. To his surprise, the sparing match was taking place on one of the bridge. 'Already I am at a handicap with the location. Or perhaps, it is a precaution? Or a test even?' he thinks to himself. He looks around for anyone who may be observing him or the general area. Being watched during this sparring match is not out of the question. Lloyd looks at his phone for the time, seeing he was about five minutes, which was perfectly on time for him. It wasn't too long of a wait until he heard his name being shouted by an unfamiliar voice.

Lloyd slowly turns his head, locking eyes with the person who is looking for him. Lloyd kept a serious expression. He wasn't dressed too formally due to the nature of this meet-up. Jeans, casual shoes and a sweater. But what may be more notable, is that Lloyd is quite a bit taller than Jackson. On top of that, why did he have a small suitcase with him? Slowly, Lloyd walks towards Jackson until he is within normal speaking range. "You are the one who is here to spar with me?" he asks. Lloyd looks him up and down. 'He may be an HP and all, but somehow I feel I still have to be careful with him,' he thinks. He then crouches down and opens the suitcase, which is then revealed to be empty, aside from a bicycle chain. Lloyd takes out the chain and starts putting his phone, keys and wallet inside the suitcase. Then he takes of his sweater, quickly folds it, and puts it in there aswell, leaving Lloyd bare-chest and revealing he isn't incredibly toned or muscular, but not thin either. "Personal things in the suitcase. Especially any jewellery like piercings. I am not doing any sparring while you still have piercings in."
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CS Link
Get(ting) Help
Post Arc-3
Jiro's Dojo, South District
Hector, Hitoshi, Ashley, Charlie, Gideon and Kaede

“Ten years?” Hector asked incredulously, looking back at Hitoshi. ”That’s a long time for a Phoenix, thought you of all people would be more conscious of the time we have.”

Or grateful of his time, Hector added in his head. He didn’t miss a beat though in planting a hand on Gideon. ”Oh, he will take you up on it. He will.” Looking back to Hitoshi after giving Gideon a brief look that was sure to strike fear into him, he nodded in agreement to continue the fight.

”Why don’t you and me kick things up a notch too?”

Without waiting for a response, Hector leaped into action, seemingly pumped up by the brief talk. He drew an arm back, and a spiked mallet grew until you couldn’t even tell there was a limb beneath it. He seemed ready to tenderize Hitoshi. As he swung, the weapon feeling like a natural part of his body, the spiked ends morphed and detached, the ends blunting, firing down pellets that were driven by the weapon’s momentum. Of course, he wasn’t going to stab Hitoshi like that, he just wanted to scare him. The mallet was still there though, and Hector aimed at Hitoshi's chest. It wouldn’t crush his bones, but would certainly leave a mark.

New Royals
Kaspian's Club, Central District
Hector, Tri

”What the fuck?” For a moment, Hector doubted himself. Was this really Tri, the Serpent King? He looked like the right guy, but what was he being so blasé about? And there’s no way in hell this guy uses words like unsightly.

You’re fucking unsightly, man.” Hector leaned over to leer at Tri, though maybe he was just figuring his balance out. ”You think you can just come in ‘ere and drink your fucking drink and have your guy telling ME what to do, without me doing something about it?”

Around them, a crowd began to form.

”I know you.” Now Hector really hoped his assumption was correct. ”Don’t you have your swamp to wallow in with all your crackhead underlings? I don’t want you getting too comfortable here.”

Hector grabbed what remained of the table, chucking it towards some of the crowd, then he walked over the glass and the poor servant to get right in the “master”’s face.

”We’re taking it back.”

Hector pointed in Tri’s face as if it wasn’t obvious who he was targeting.

”So why don’t we settle things mano a mano, right here, right now? Stand up. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten intimate with one of yours.” Hector grinned wickedly, waiting for Tri to make his move.

I am (not) your Grandpa!
Calrissian HQ, West District
Samira, Babaruttoth
I am (not) your Grandpa!

Babar hoped that Samira didn’t expect him to be satisfied with just a written note. He was far more shrewd than to allow a deal which would come to define his life going forward to only be recorded on a page of a notebook. Babaruttoth pursed his lips together before opening them. “No offense intended but that may as well be written on a napkin. Not that I don’t trust your intentions, but I will be wanting something notarized in a capacity which allows for accountability for the both of us.” He raised his hands into the air at his sides and bowed his head in capitulation. “That said, as a show of trust we can move forward for now. My potential.” He raised his head and lowered his hands again while resuming to smile. “As far as I can tell it activates whenever somebody kills me. When it isn’t active I am as fragile as a layman so don’t expect a lot of heavy lifting.” He thought briefly on what details were necessary and which weren’t, not wanting to box himself into a trap. “Your grandpa killed me. It was an accident I’m sure. I certainly didn't mean him any ill will and I assure you I don’t have the capability to intimidate a man like that.” He nodded with wide eyes, selling his story with his body as well as his words. “However when I ‘died’” He accompanied the word “died” with finger quotes. “I found I didn’t actually die. I was trapped within Babarutthoth’s head. A shame he went into a coma too, I was there when he was choking on that chicken bone but I was unable to help him. It would seem I’m locked away from interacting with the tangible world in that state.” Babar’s face darkened, his bright expression shifted and became more serious. “I was trapped alone with only his experiences for twenty three years...” His voice trailed off, breaking slightly at the end. Of course he wasn’t actually distraught, but the suffering and the longing he felt during the experience made it easy to manifest the negativity into his voice he thought might carry some weight. He wanted her to know of his suffering. “I was alone with nothing but your stories to listen to. The nurses hardly spoke to the patients there.”

He shook his head, returning to the matter at hand. “Essentially that is the long and short of it. If people kill me I get to ride around in their head and take in all of their experiences. Then when they die I pop out of them. Poof!” Babar smiled widely and made a big gesture with his hands, imitating him exploding out of her grandpa’s chest. “Some other important details. It appears nobody remembers I existed when I die, it's like I’m scrubbed from existence. The evidence I gathered suggests it’s a short timeframe leading up to my death which is erased, but I’ll admit I’m lacking data on the specifics or the extent of this phenomenon. Also I’ve reason to believe I can manifest within the line of sight of whoever killed me. I could look around while your grandpa was asleep, and I suspect he saw me at least once when nobody else could before he lost consciousness.”

Surely she would immediately see the tremendous value in what he was capable of. He spoke plainly. “Does this explanation satisfy you? I can elaborate further if need be.”

{=Clipped Wings Cannot Rebirth=}
South District, The Roost
Charlie, Helva, Pei, Red, Eleanore
Clipped Wings Cannot Rebirth
“Get the fucking shadows out of my way or I’ll shoot you with her.”

One of Eleanore’s clones seemed to be beating it backwards in case anyone was stupid enough to go beyond preventive methods and actually attacked her, but the other three weren’t taking their aim off the pair of Red and Hiyma. The sounds of gunfire were replaced by the scuffling of boot soles against the Roost floor, the three circling and spreading around to find a less obstructed angle. Red’s attempts at either escape or continuing her perceived attack being very quickly quenched should take her slightly off edge, but she’s not going to get held back like she was a drunken wretch in some petty bar scuffle. And then she has the gall to complain, like she wasn’t just trying to slice Hiyma up.

Did she think that looking like a crying kid was about to give everyone collective amnesia? Maybe it was, given how Eleanore was the only one having the correct reaction. Were these the best damn Phoenixes that Pei could call? Trying to meditate the damn situation, if she hadn’t got Red in the knee, might’ve managed to get out before the walls came up. Maybe it’d be smart if this was a casual disagreement, but her fucking sponsoree just got murdered, so not going for the kill made her a patron saint of restraint in her mind. But sure, she’ll breathe, in, out, before snapping regardless, each word leaving her mouth like a rabid dog making one last stand against animal control.

“You just killed a Phoenix right in front of me, traitor. Have you been speeding around and trying to cull the lot of us, was that the blood on you when you walked in? Tracking it all into our own fucking graveyard?”

Eleanore would’ve loved to be a bit more refined in her speech. It didn’t really fit her demeanor, alongside the slightly feral stances she was taking as she found more favorable positions. But she really, couldn’t make herself care about appearances in the slightest, each trigger finger twitching to stress test what was in the way between her shotgun’s barrel and Madam Schiller.

“Be better t’just shoot you right now. You want to change that?”

CS Link
Pre-Arc 3; Nov 11, 2021
Hitoshi, Hiachi
A slight pattering of rain hit the asphalt, announcing the arrival of weather unbefitting of a night out to many save for the most determined or the most desperate for a good time. The neon signs of the South glimmered across the shimmering paths travelled by too many faces to possibly recount, creating a spectacle of colour that glazed itself across every surface of the district. It was bathed in light that The Serenity found itself outshone by its competitors - most of which were larger in capacity and grander in selections. But, more often than not, its the smaller places that were gems among the crowds.

This was one such place, as it offered a staple to any good night out: karaoke. While The Serenity was by no means large, there was a decent space enough for a small gathering inside to host about thirty people in total; both at tables and the bar, people were chatting it up to about half-capacity. This meant that there was plenty of space left for someone's stardom to shine through. Someone's vast, deep, oceanic soul to be heard to the world at large.

Hitoshi didn't know whether he qualified as oceanic, as his inner monologue had described to him, but he did know it was vast. His hair was a bit drenched already from the rain beginning to fall. And he quickly searched for a place to duck into to spend an evening getting his groove on. On this night, especially, people needed to hear both his performance art but also his sorrows and pains. Ever since that damn battle at the mall, he had been spiralling downwards; having shown himself like that to Charlie, losing his cool to such a degree, but also nearly killing a man. Almost going against everything he had stood for. His soul was crying out for salvation in the form of a bottle and a microphone.

He could almost practically taste the liquor; crimson red beauty drenching his lips and throat with its sweet embrace. Come on now, we're almost there boss. To the big event! Allons-y! an inner voice remarked to Hitoshi.

Another fine establishment to never be allowed back into. another commented almost sarcastically.

He walked in through the doors of The Serenity, taking in the smells of cocktails, beer, and a slight undertone of cigarrettes. Welcome home, el capitain. a third voice cheered.

What immediately came to Hitoshi's attention was the karaoke stage, causing a wild grin to plaster itself across his face before he made his way over to the bar. "Two... make that THREE G&Ts please." Hitoshi ordered from the barkeep, before pointing to the karaoke stage at the far end of the establishment. "I'll also be singing. Let the DJ know my tune..." he then said, whispering the last part.

Good choice boss! They'll get a REAL gauge on your soul with that.
Bah, sad as hell. I thought we came here to party?
We follow you into battle, el capitaine!

As he waited for his drinks, he didn't notice at first that nearby there was a girl also ready to drink her misery away. But when he scanned the room he settled on her and looked confused for a moment. "...huh. Missy, aren't you a bit young to be drinking?" he asked to Hiachi.

miki miki
The Hard Way
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 4, 2022 | Daytime
NOPD, West District
Hiachi, Mugen
There are three principles of strength. They are as follows:

— One —

Strength is intrinsic. Power comes from within. It is cultivated through will. It can neither be bestowed nor taken away. It is constant, unyielding.

— Two —

Strength respects only strength. It is the currency of survival. It is the language of the indomitable. The world bends around it, just as hot iron bends under the blacksmith's hammer.

— Three —

Strength is not cruel. It is pure. It doesn’t revel in suffering, but it does not shy from causing it. It is the cold logic of nature. The storm does not intend to uproot trees, but it does not mourn them either.

New Oasis did not understand these principles. Else, the powerless would not lord control over the powerful. Else, there would be no futile attempts to establish order where the only law that mattered was the immutable hierarchy of might.

New Oasis did not know true strength. Not yet.

The West District Police Department was under attack.

The officers of the WDPD's Second Precinct rallied, radios crackling with voices calling for backup, for ambulances. Above the din, the order went out: the square was to be contained, a two-block perimeter secured, and the suspect subdued, by any means necessary.

The sound of their bootfalls resonated down the long corridor under flickering lights, gear jostling with each step. Some of them were HPs. Many of them weren't. It didn't matter. They would meet their foe in battle, nonetheless.

Not a one of them spared a glance at the small girl sidling her way through a cracked door.

As the forces arrayed before him, he gazed into their faces, grim masks hiding the fear that gripped their hearts.

Fear. He could smell it.

Anger, too. The indignant, toothless rage of a weakling who'd finally had enough.

Mugen felt no anger. They were obstacles, nothing more. His mission was one of necessity; it was not driven by malice, but by the mandate of his own existence. To move forward — that alone was truth.

The truth, also, was this: the weak would always invariably challenge the strong, never understanding that it was not a challenge, but an affirmation of the natural order.

Neither side advanced.

Minutes passed, or was it seconds?

Silence settled over them like a shroud.

And then the dam broke. The officers charged, crying out as one, with one voice.

Mugen shifted soundless in reply, his movements not so much seen as felt. The distance between the two sides evaporated in a clap of thunder.

Then, the world erupted.

Mugen exploded into them. His form blurred, crackling like a live wire.

The first officers to reach him were catapulted backward, their armored bodies batted aside, smoldering chaff in the wind.

Before his first targets landed, his eyes, twin gleaming embers, were already fixed on the next.

Each strike, precise.

Each strike, overwhelming.

Each strike, a bolt of blood red lightning.

The sky streaked with crimson.

Shields shattered, armor crumpled. Bodies flew like ragdolls, like trees uprooted in a storm, two, three, and four at a time. They were sent spinning, spiraling through the air, limbs flailing for purchase in a world that had suddenly lost all reason.

Mugen moved through them. He did not stop until they were shattered. When it was over—and it was over quickly—Mugen stood alone amidst the carnage, his expression pinched, his breath steady.

There was no joy in his victory. It was a lesson taught to children, one he didn’t care if they learned. It was simply the act of teaching that mattered.

None of it was personal. It was simply the way of things.

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The Frog In The Well
Post-Arc 3 | June 22nd
North District | Collapsed Worksite
Melody, Sad Sack (NPC)
180 degrees. The other direction, his head tilted. Rows of sharp teeth made up an uncharacteristically forced grin.

The sight of the unblocked passage brought a glint to his eyes. “Thanks for letting us in. Finally got some sense,” he strided past

“Or don’t you?” He neared him, pressing against the implied barrier. “You still don’t get it.

Just as quickly as he picked up the aggression, he promptly dropped it. “You’re lucky…” He said, before ducking beneath . He rolled and sprung back up, only to stop at the main attraction.

Angúo stared. He was looking for something—the darting red pupils gave it away.

Melody Tucker
The Frog In The Well
Post-Arc 3 | June 22nd
North District | Collapsed Worksite
Rem, Kisara, Deirest | Melody, Areith
The Frog in the Well
It was no secret: Melody wasn’t fond of the Angúo that acted like this. There was a tight anger in his core. He only showed this face around a select unlucky few. On most occasions, he was thrilled to inflict violence. Only when violence became necessary did he become frightening.

But she understood—at least, she hoped she did. Melody wasn’t given details on what had happened, but from the way Angúo clutched old objects and frames, she could only guess that the rare important thing had stung him.

She sympathized. At least, she hoped she did.

Melody inched forward, unsure of herself as she clutched Angúo’s hand. Even without any major source of light, Melody felt she stood out. Her tall pink frame wasn’t a normal sight, after all.

How lucky she was to find herself in a room with another pink friend. She stood stoic and cold, but she was pink and having that much in common was enough.

As she stared at the centerpiece, her smile wavered and wobbled. It wasn’t pretty in the slightest, and Melody had hoped to avoid the sight of a decapitated body from now until forever. The mangled corpse looked like a child’s toy strewn out of function. And yet it was flesh and bone, ripped into pieces.

Melody looked left and right for something to do that wasn’t look at the headless body. She remembered her basket, which swung lightly from her gelatinous arm. An offering would be a nice thing to do—a peace offering. That was why she was there, in truth. To ease whatever harm he could cause. She balanced him out nicely.

Regardless of how the Serpents functioned, they wouldn’t outright reject her treats, right?

Melody dug through her basket, before her hand emerged with a plastic-wrapped sandwich in it. She held her hand out to Sad Sack, an attempt at friendliness on her face. “You should have one of these… Do you have any allergies?”
Hiachi Ito
Return To Sender
Hotel Gaul, West District
Post Arc 2 | Night
Hiachi Ito, Passeri Park
Return To Sender
Hiachi’s head involuntarily tilted towards the floor, her eyes avoiding Passeri’s in shame.

She had asked for this, and she had gotten precisely what she wanted. It was irritating to know he was boasting about his win streak to his coworkers, but the real victory was he still saw her that way. The stubborn kid who kept running at him despite it never working before. It was the comfort she had desperately needed.

Hiachi drew a sharp breath in. “No… “ Despite her hesitation, Hiachi was almost certain that Passeri wouldn’t use this truth against her. “He was being serious. We fought a lot—but not like we fought fought, we just… physically fought. For fun.” That’s how it was to Kenki, anyways. Most times Hiachi swung at him, she was serious; but Passeri didn’t need to know that.

Hiachi folded her hands, letting her eyes rest above her propped head. As tempting as telling Passeri about Kenki’s horrific dancing skills or his obsession with a pop group from fifty years ago, she was swiftly reminded of what was most important—keeping herself and the rest of her family separate. Even if it took severing the ties, withholding anything that could be traced back to her, she would do it.

“...No. Thanks for asking… I think… She cleared her throat. ”Knowing was enough. Thank you for bringing me here.”

Her pause after that made it clear. Even though the events that led there were less-than-ideal, Hiachi did consider the outing to be the best use of her time she had spent in a while. That, and the fact she had been fed for the night.

Kisara McDowell
The Frog in the Well
North District | Collapsed Worksite
Post-Arc 3 | June 22nd
Rem, Kisara, Deirest | Melody, Anguo, Areith
The Frog in the Well
The floor? She looked down at the boards beneath her, and tapped her foot on them. Didn't feel too secure. She could probably make an entrance to it if she wanted to. "Then let's find it." As much as she felt that she wasn't going to be a fan of looking for, and subsequently finding a disembodied head, she felt that she should hurry this along. The trespassers had already made their way into the building, with Sack Head doing his best to, and failing at, dissuading them from approaching any closer.

She directed her hand at the floor beneath her. The violet violent energies it issued struck the foundation, tearing it apart, sending shrapnel and smoldering debris across the room. A few pieces bounced off her unmoving and unfazed form. She glanced towards the two newcomers: a pink woman that seemed to be made of viscous liquid, and a straw-blonde man with crimson eyes, her arm still coursing with volatile power, a silent warning towards them. Get in her way, and they'll end up like, and beneath the floorboards.

Which was where she was heading as well. She crouched down beside the wide hole she had created, and peered inside. It smelled terrible. No surprise. It WAS a landfill after all. Time to get some light in there. She gathered the energies in her hand, and closed her fist over it, crushing and compressing it into a small ball, and flung it into the dark, before leaping down after it. The ball lit up the space just enough for her to get a good look around.

She repeated the process again, and this time, held the ball in her hand, like a torch. She began to sift through the location. A head shouldn't be too hard to find…right?

BluEndings BluEndings The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit miki miki thebigfella thebigfella
gxxberkit gxxberkit
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Kiwi Dior Bonheur
Overcast, In Saline
Clemency Private Hospital, Central District
July 7th, 2022 (Morning) || Post-Arc 3
Passeri, Eric, Pei, Dagger, Kiwi, Dante
Overcast, In Saline

Kiwi hadn’t noticed the lady sitting on the bench, jumping once she had heard her voice. How long had she'd been sitting there? “...Haaah. Yeah... a friend,” she smiled. Really, she wanted to ask, but who is she to you? But she figured that wasn’t any of her business.

She pulled her ponytail in front of her with a short laugh. “Nah, nah, nah… they were havin’ a moment, a conversation. I couldn’t just interrupt them like that.”

Instead, as the door clicked open and the cloaked woman exited, they were interrupted.

“Ah… alright. Thanks, girlie,” she acknowledged, waving a hand at the back of the woman’s head.

After a moment, Passeri’s broken voice pushed its way through the door. Kiwi glanced at the lady sitting beside her. “Guess it’s my turn now, ha.” She stood up, turning to the lady with a thoughtful bow. “I’ll see you in the future, maybe?”

Kiwi made her way to the door and gently opened it again, peering over to Passeri. She stepped inside and closed the door.

“Hey, ‘Seri?” she whispered, nearing the hospital bed. “How’s it goin’? Doin’ alright?” She scratched her face. It turned into a worried expression. “I know you prolly ain’t wanna think about it no more. But, can I just ask ya a quick question?”

Her gaze found the window. “D’you know why you got attacked?”

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit simj26 simj26
Nona-me Gregor
Spotting The Wingless
East District
Jozef, Celestine, Keith, Nona-me, Serp + Dragon NPCs
Spotting the Wingless
A good thwack pushed the axe into the Serpent’s shoulder, a great mistake on her part. Nona-me chuckled, pulling the axe away. This was fun!

She glanced over to Keith at the mention of her alias and—

A good kick to her gut and the body of the tall, long-haired woman slamming into her shoved her straight into the wall. Glass audibly cracked, and she could feel liquid soaking her jacket pocket.

Now, Nona-me was floating—but she had much more control over it than the Serpent did.

Pulling her broomaxe close to her center of gravity, her feet left the ground. She peered down towards the group of people now below her, accounting for the Dragons that had come to her aid.

“Aid” had, unfortunately, included attacking the lady she needed to stay alive.

Now effectively horizontal in the air, Nona tilted downward and swooped her hand towards Celestine, grabbing the woman by the braid. With a hard yank, she swung her away from the other Dragon, and towards the hard concrete.

With that handled just about as best as Nona felt like she wanted to, she returned her attention to Flea and, subsequently, the Dragon trying to catch her.

Now this was a good thing!

She smiled, moving herself towards Flea just as the Dragon grabbed onto her jacket. She slid the axe out from under her. “Hey, we got you again!” she chuckled before swinging it. “You suck at ‘tag’, just saying.”

WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten Roda the Red Roda the Red angel doe angel doe
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Reminiscence Dedai
The Frog in the Well
North District | Collapsed Worksite
Post-Arc 3 | June 22nd
Rem, Kisara, (Deirest) | Melody, (Areith)
The Frog in the Well
They’d gotten in.

While annoying, Rem chose not to do anything about it. As long as they minded their business, it was fine. Even when the man had walked up to the pedestal Deirest was laying on, Rem only glanced at him.

He wasn’t here for Deirest. Rem could tell.

The crosshairs settled on Four-Eyes again. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, she was assaulted by debris flying out from the hole Kisara was making in the floor. Rem turned away, covering her head with her arms.

Once it had settled, her arms dropped into her pockets. She shouted down into the hole, “you’re looking for brown shoulder-length hair with orange highlights. Bright orange eyes, if they’re open.”

Rem returned her attention to Four-Eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, and this time, she finished.

“This is Deirest. She’s a snake, trust me.” Her eyes, like the man’s, darted around the room. “You found her here? Okay. Tell me about you.”

Rem gestured towards the woman, specifying, “your group, I mean. Have you gotten your hands on anything? Seen anything you weren’t supposed to? Why would someone target you? Tell me the truth. An entire subsection isn’t targeted for nothing. There’s something.” She had started offensively— she didn’t have the patience for any “nothings” or “I don’t knows” right now. “What is it.”

BluEndings BluEndings miki miki simj26 simj26 The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit thebigfella thebigfella
Kiwi Dior Bonheur
All Eyes On Me
Craig Stevens' Estate
Post Arc 3
Kiwi, Passeri, Hiachi, NPCS
All Eyes On Me
“Ha! I getcha. Second place’s just first loser, ya heard?” Craig closed the door behind her, following Park into the rest of the house. He led her into another room, decorated with a couple of fancy sofas and a low-lying coffee table, the interior of the house being rather light-colored in a nice pastel yellow. Might’ve been his second favorite color, after blue. He smiled, chuckling, “that parent’s got a right mind, though. Ain’t no one catchin’ me lettin’ my son off the hook for skippin’ school work. Don’t matter if he’s the most famous guy in the world, hey?” He nudged her.

With a wave of his hand, he shrugged, “Naaah, my wife worked with the man who did it. I just asked for the walls to be yellow. It’s a nice color, ain’t it? Lively. Good for guests.” He made his way over to a sofa and sat down, draping his arms over the back of it. “Not as good as some snacks, though, huh?”

He thought for a moment. “Hummus and, obviously, crudités. Pigs in a blanket, stuffed mushrooms. Can’t go wrong with some chips, neither. Nothin’ fancy, you know? Casual.”

Craig leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Real talk. I’m real excited to have ya’ on the show, Park. My son’s a big fan, and I can tell you’ll be a hit backstage.” He extended a hand towards her. “It’s nice to meet ya’.”

Kiwi had become silent for the latter half of the hike, observing Passeri and Craig’s conversation. The camera maneuvered in a way so she could get a good look at his face.

An ugly, ugly face. One that she had grown to hate. The fact that he hadn’t gotten retribution for his actions yet just made her angrier. How could he show such a face to anyone?

Hiachi’s voice pierced through Kiwi’s anger, drawing her away from their conversation and switching cameras. Though, she could still faintly hear it anyway.

Kiwi pressed the phone against her ear, looking between the windows Hiachi was in front of.

Through the ear piece, she spoke, “avoid tha’ kitchen at all costs. You’re gonna head into the room with tha’ staircase. Tha files’re upstairs. You’re gonna have to go past his son’s room when you’re up there, so…” she thought for a moment, “don’t try sneakin’ past. His door’ll prolly be closed, so you gotta make your feet sound like they belong.”

“...That make sense to you?”

Kiwi tapped on her desk. “Also, unfortunately, you happen to be all tha’ way on the wrong side of the estate. I dunno how ya did that”—it was because Kiwi had stopped giving instructions halfway through—”but that’s alright. Might just take a second longer.

"You’ll find a hallway upstairs. It’ll turn to tha’ right. Keep followin’ it ‘till ya’ see a fire extinguisher, then you’ll take a door on your right. That’s the study. Straight through is another hallway— but make sure no one’s out in front of it. Kay? Kay."

miki miki The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
New Royals
Kaspian's Club, Central District
Post Arc 2, about a month
Hector, Tri
New Royals

"Unlike someone, I paid for my drink," Tri said mildly with a wide smile that did not match his languid moves or slow speech. He was slightly regretting being a hidden master. It was cool, but having someone so in his face with alcoholic breath was annoying. Also the crowd. If he was just a gangster, he could just send the whole lot asleep and be done with it.

Instead, he had to raise an eyebrow at an insult to his henchmen and himself and let out a chuckle.

Tri snorted a laugh that sounded like a pig. "You seem to forget who you are facing. Crackheads?"

Light exploded right in front of Hector's eyes. It expanded at unimaginable speed, enveloping the whole bar in stainless light. Then, Tri snapped his finger. The light contracted as fast as it expanded, leaving behind an abrupt wave of sobriety in confused patrons as any drunkenness disappeared without a trace. Of course, Hector included. Tri tilted his empty glass in a delicate hold between two fingers (it just looked weird instead of elegant).

"I am the Deacon of the North. All is pure under me." He was being so fucking cool.

"I'm a loyal man. You have beautiful women with you already." He was here to look cool, not to fight. If they really fought he only brought the Sleeping Gas here; they took some time to work on HPs so definitely wouldn't fit the Hidden Master cool. Tri drained his glass with a casual look.


Ok his glass was empty but he just pretended not to notice.

WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten

Write Under Their Noses
March 17th, 2021 || Pre-Arc 1
Rothan And Rothan Pawn Shop, East District
Gift, Javi { Elenion Aura Elenion Aura }
Gift’s been here before. Gift’s shopped here before. To be precise, Gift had bought a pair of slightly too large brand sneakers, roughly two thirds the price he’d have gotten at a retail chain, and he felt pretty proud of the purchase for the next two months before they got some mud on’em. He wasn’t insufferable about it, but… well, he’s paying for it now. He could’ve gotten a better deal just for being a Dragon? He’d have flung himself to the front door of the Azure Dragons kicking and begging if he’d known before. Probably would’ve lost a few teeth getting dragged away, but it’d have been worth it.

Those were pretty good shoes.

He stood across the street from the target, staring up at the building, hair riffling slightly from the wind of the semi-busy street. Three stories tall, not too wide, resembling almost a bookcase in build. Made from cement with obviously faux brickwork, the telltale worn sight of where climbing vines had rooted in and then been torn off showing across patches. Light beamed through the first story windows, slitting out both through open blinds and the iron bars covering the outside of the windows, what movement that could get through betraying the few people inside. And above the ground floor’s door, angled slightly for easy reading of the passerby below, was a decently sized sign.


We take Jewelry and Gold

If you need cash for R&R, you can always come to R&R's!

“What kinda relaxation takes pawning off your necklace, eh?”

Ah, pawn shops. Being the last option of the desperate and the first option of the savvy. Perhaps the levity of that slogan was a bit crass, but it certainly wasn’t doing the Rothan business any harm, given the customer walking out tucking a handful of bills into his pocket and rushing down the street firmly clutching his hat to his head. Gift readjusted the duffle bag on his back, yanking the strap out of the indentation it had left on his shoulder and moving it about an inch to the left.

“Alright, let me see...”

Imitating a sailor, or his skewed perception of one, Gift licked one of his fingers and lifted it up in the air, checking the wind like it would have any effect on what he was about to do even if it wasn’t being diluted by all the cars. Satisfied, he pointed it in between two of the third story windows. The ones singled out were fully shuttered, no possible vision in by the normal kind of human eyes.

“Fairly confident that’s the office. Bet that’s where any and all the most important paperwork’s gotta end up, right? Maybe in a small safe, if we’re too unlucky.”

He wasn’t just saying this because he loved the sound of his own voice. Maybe partially, but it was also for the benefit of his “apprentice”, who he glanced (disappointingly, up) at, all the while tracing his hand down in a zig zag pattern to the front door.

“Stairs inside would lead right up, if we can get past the employees. Cooooould also hit the fire escape on the side, as long as they’re following regulations and we aren’t spotted it’d be a straight ticket to the office.”

A young couple walked past, giving Gift an odd glance that he replied to with a cheerful grin and a joking salute, before turning to fully face Javi. That was a neat name. Slightly a mouthful, but Gift was a professional who would never forget a name, unless it was funny to do so, and right now was serious business. Didn’t matter nothing though, since he wasn’t saying it right now.

“Well, not being noticed. Being seen is fine, I think. Do it all the time on these kind of things! But I’m experienced

(The confidence in how he stated this almost made the mere year Gift had worked for the Dragons seem like decades of tough, scarring exposure.)

and you’re, well, not, at this, unless one of them fireworks can help you out there, so not being seen is probably going to be easier on ya, alright?”

Gift fired off a fingergun and a wink at his partner in crime, before fidgeting with the bag some more. He’s being jokey, despite this being a gang job, but he still seems to mostly mean what he’s saying. Never had to work with someone else, nor show anyone any ropes, so this is all new terrain for him. It’s gotta go… mostly smoothly! Last thing Gift wants is to get too chewed out, and he does have a personal stake here.

Those were pretty good shoes.
jericho s. madden
a daughter's eulogy
south district
2021 | post hurricane
red, jericho
a daughter's eulogy
Jericho watched as a single tear slid down the girl's face, crystallizing, and hesitantly brushed it from her cheek. She didn't seem able to speak, but he understood what she was trying to say.

“Don't worry, kid, I gotcha," He spoke softly, tail curling anxiously as he slipped one arm under her knees and the other behind her back.

She was much smaller than he thought.

With that, Jericho wasted no time rushing home. He paid little mind to anything else, mowing down quite a few people as he ran, leaving those he collided with on the ground cursing and insulting him.

Once through the front door, he carried the girl to the couch and gently set her down, pulling a soft blanket over her to try and warm her up. It wasn't until after that, that he realized he had gotten mud on the couch.

Eh, I can clean it later.

Wandering into the kitchen, Jericho got a glass of water and a straw, returning to the girl and kneeling beside her, “Here, have some water." He held the glass near her, carefully adjusting her head so she could drink, “I didn't do nothin' to it if thas something you were worried about." Rico added quietly, meeting her gaze and holding it evenly.

“I can make ya somethin' to eat later, too, if ya want," Jericho offered, “Probably after you get some strength back, though..."

miki miki
Little Red
Clipped Wings Cannot Rebirth
The Roost, South District
June 20, 2022
Pei, Helva, Charlie, Corvo, Eleanore
Clipped Wings Cannot Rebirth


The volume of Eleanore’s voices could only mean one thing—she was close, closer than anyone else was. She was attempting to get her within the shadow prison Hiyma had locked her in. She could hear kicking, but each impact was swallowed up by the abyss.

Her voice was frenzied. Words poured out of her mouth, each more sharp and indicative than the last. It wasn’t right at all. Eleanore kept her walls high and thick. She was private, calm, collected. She was split into a million pieces and yet one stable pillar; a professional. Seeing them crumble before such a menial event was heart-wrenching.

So Eleanore wasn’t a traitor—something that made the situation far worse. The more she thought of it, the deeper the crook at Red’s lips grew. What the hell was this!? It was gutting to see her act so stupidly. Eleanore was one of the few people that got it. Understood the stakes of what she did, and respected her for it.

But the past was the past. Apparently she had changed. And this random punk of a stranger had become more important than her.

It made Red grit her teeth.

“What the hell is your problem, Ellie!?” Red spat. Now that her reservations had left her, that nickname took on a venomous connotation. “Why are you ganging up on me!? I’m doing you a favor! All he wanted was to waste our time! ”

The words shouted back stung worse than any gunshot. “Shoot me!? Get your damn head checked!” It hurt because it shouldn’t have. As much as Red wanted to taunt her—to make her prove that she was that stupid—she refrained; she couldn’t let it go. “How could I be a traitor if I just killed the traitor!?”

She pounded her fists on the shadow’s walls, just as eager to pounce. Red wanted to maul Eleanore just as much as Eleanore wanted to shoot her. That sore spot in her chest couldn’t exist—not for either of them.

So she screamed; shrill and frenzied:

“Let me OUT! LET ME OUT!!”

She hit the walls with the wooden hilt of her machete.

CS Link
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Katōre, Sankai
Ryutaro, Samira
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Samira nodded in agreement — nowadays, most major cities were nothing but skyscrapers and giant parking garages. Her home country was a nice getaway from all of that and she was sure her friend would appreciate it a lot more should they ever plan a trip together again. There was quite a bit of irony to his words though, even in their own New Oasis, the two of them lived among the concrete jungles — albeit, above it all but nonetheless within its confined walls.

Her eyes followed Ryutaro’s, peering out the same window that revealed old-fashioned-styled buildings in the distance. They were quickly approaching his hometown. She glanced back at him, pondering his question. Samira had seen pretty much everything there was to see in the capital but as far as the countryside, well, she wasn’t sure what there was to see.

“The summer festival sounds exciting,” she nodded, a small smile forming as she remembered when she had attended a Telabiim festival in New Oasis with her dear friend, Mirza. “Other than that, you’re the expert here. Surprise me with all the sightseeing.” Samira offered him a playful wink before leaning her head back against the car seat. “I did bring proper shoes for hiking though if that’s what you’re wondering – though I think I could manage a hike in heels.”

joshuadim joshuadim
Be My Guest
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 7th
West District, Totally Metal Derelict Lot
Passeri, Dagger, Hyun
Be My Guest

She was craving a cigarette. Trapped in the sweltering confines of the metal box they called a 'van' was starting to get to her. Even the trucks that ferried soldiers from one point to another had open spaces for air to enter and exit. Even with the AC on, she felt as if she was suffocating. This was why the woman never liked being in cars. Too small, too little space to maneuver, and it just felt wrong, breathed wrong. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, maintaining her monocular on the venue. She could make out some movement on the second floor. It wasn't exactly anything tactical- more of just general movement, of people milling about.

The desired end result was simple. Evict the current tenants. That was all. Park was right about getting someone else to do this. Dagger was not the right tool for pushing live bodies out of a door. At least, not intact ones. There would be blood, lots of it, if she were to handle the situation, and she doubted that Park wanted that. Dagger wasn't the type to ask questions, she just went for the jugular.

Which was, she presumed, the exact opposite of what their tagalong was. She gave a gruff grunt of affirmation at Park's instruction. She'd leave the rest of the talking to her as well. She really needed that smoke, right now. "I'm gonna get some fresh air," she said, setting her monocular aside before exiting the van.

The air outside wasn't any different. Hot as hell, accompanied by choking humidity. At least it was open space. She lit up a cigarette, and inhaled the toxic fumes, deeply. Tasted like crap, as always, but the nicotine was doing its work. She was already feeling a lot less bothered by the irritable weather conditions.

She gazed up at the second floor of the building. Whatever these squatters were packing, she doubted that a proper hunt was waiting for her inside. She really hoped Moon was up to the task himself. She was in no mood to sink her fangs into prey that just wasn't worth it.

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
Azure Sky Azure Sky
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Hiachi Ito
Hide & Seek
East District
June 30th, 2022 | Daytime
Hiachi, Keith

Any and all confusion she could have had at the exclamation died with the impact to her stomach. Sharp pain gutted her before she was let go, force and physics sending her off the ledge.

With the horrifying realization that she was being hurled directly towards water, Hiachi yelped. It was silly, really. A small noise trying to suppress itself, despite the fact that this was the end of the line. She was headed for the forbidden domain of rushing rapids—a horribly polluted canal she had been banned from swimming in since she was small.

Now’s her chance!

The impact of the water hit the back of her neck first. A sore spot that would remain a sore spot for a while. Then it hit her back, and all the wind in her lungs was promptly knocked out. The frigid water flooded her sleeves and legs, an irritatingly strong chill moving through all of them. She couldn’t do anything about it. And that was what infuriated her—from the start, she couldn’t do anything about it.

She wanted to scream, and she felt it pressing on her lungs. But there was nothing there. No air for a scream, nor a pointless cry for help.

Exhaustion took charge. It had been a long day, hadn’t it? She tumbled with the flow, her limbs slack and rendered partially conscious, away with the water.

CS Link
I am (not) your Grandpa!
Calrissian HQ, West District
Babarutthoth, Samira
I am (not) your Grandpa!
An eyebrow was raised in Babar’s direction as he mentioned her informal contract may as well be a napkin. True as that may be, what good would a notarized document do for him? From what she understood, he didn’t have the resources to hire a third-party official to oversee this deal, and if she were to foot the bill then…Who’s to say she had to hire someone who would enforce her side of the bargain? Wordlessly, she slid the notebook back over to her side before pulling out her phone. She had planned to text her personal assistant, Danielle, to retrieve something more concrete to solidify their agreement but before she could message her, Babar decided to explain his potential anyway.

Her golden eyes shifted from the digital screen to Babar, listening with interest. However, the more he talked, the more she found his potential to be…ridiculous. This was ironic considering she had seen many unique potentials before but this one was completely out of left field, she had to hold herself back from laughing. Samira managed to keep a straight face throughout his explanation though, shifting her focus to how she could use his potential to her benefit. Babar’s ability explained how he knew classified information involving Samira, given she only spoke about it with a very small group of people and to her late grandfather — or this man here, apparently. It was an acceptable explanation but certainly not a sane one.

“I see…” Samira mumbled, trying to wrap her head around the entire concept of it. “So…you inhabit the mind of whoever killed you, and then when they die, you are essentially reborn?” She raised an eyebrow though the question was more for her to say out loud and understand than for him to confirm. “And how do you expect to service me? Are you suggesting you get intentionally killed, retrieve information, and then have me kill whoever killed you?” The idea sounded ridiculous but…no, no…she couldn’t allow herself to risk getting blood on her own hands. For the right price though, another Tiger might…

Vorifengrous Vorifengrous
{=Clipped Wings Cannot Rebirth=}
South District, The Roost
Charlie, Helva, Pei, Red, Eleanore
Clipped Wings Cannot Rebirth
There’s a brief second of silence. It’s a second for everyone else in the room.

It feels about an hour long for Eleanore. Chewing on Red’s answer, letting it digest and burn down to the basic components.


There were two things in that. Confusion and spite. Red truly could not fathom why Eleanore reacted this way, and Red truly thought that Eleanore was an absolutely massive idiot. No one is a champion liar in tone to deceive her there, especially after being shot.

“What the hell is your problem, Ellie!? Why are you ganging up on me!? I’m doing you a favor! All he wanted was to waste our time!”

Ellie. The venom leeched in, choking out neurons and giving Eleanore brand new distracting thoughts. You’re an idiot. You’re not doing the right thing, you’re just fucking things up more. It hit hard enough to shake her a bit. It wouldn’t be enough on it’s own, normally. You’re losing two people here. She’s had to kill people she’s liked, before. That’s just been the job. Ignore it. But you can’t.

It’s not alone.

“Shoot me!? Get your damn head checked! How could I be a traitor if I just killed the traitor!?”

She believes that.

She doesn’t know. She actually doesn’t know.

God, when was the last time they talked? Had Eleanore really never had the chance to say…

“I was sponsoring

And it was shouting. More yelling. More chaos. And the shock of pure, disbelief, just hit her right out of it. Out of her gut reaction. When’d the gut ever do any good? She brings the gun down a bit, not just the one shouting out but the whole lot of them.

“He was MY fucking problem! You just gutted the brat!”

Eleanore breathed through gritted teeth.

This was a bad day.

Hiachi Ito
Lyrical Misery
The Serenity, South District
Pre-Arc 3 | Nov 11, 2021
Hiachi, Hitoshi

It was raining. No one could tell, because over the music and clatter of glass, no one could hear the rhythmic drumming on the roof. But sometimes the air is like that.

Hiachi is alone. Her clothes are damp, splotched with water on her shoulders and head. She’s at the bar, back hunched, trying to silence the voices trying to talk to her.

This is pathetic.

Is there a no-smoking policy inside? It’s so fucking cold…

Boo. Booooooo. I hate karaoke.

She hummed along to the tune, and sipped some more. It was something she knew—had known—in the dredges of her memory. In the background around the house.

Hiachi was oddly fond of the place. It was loud enough to drown herself. But she’d never drag herself to a karaoke bar.

So where were the people who had invited her to this place? Who could tell? They had conspired in intoxicated giggles for a while, before concluding on a plan without her. Somewhere that wasn’t here. Whether or not their departure was cruelly intentioned or not was up to chance. They could have planned to abandon her all along. They could have forgotten her as easily as they remembered the quiet girl who lurked in the back of the classroom. Hiachi would have accepted both without any weight off of her shoulders.

She held her heavy head in her right hand, and an amber beer bottle in her left. Half-empty as she tapped the side with the pad of her finger. She was downing it quickly, so that it had no chance to thaw and remind her that it was flavorless and watery. And then she’d ask, why the hell did I buy this? And the answer would be because I have no money. It’s all I can afford, and if I break budget I’ll want to die for the next month. And then she would finish it, like she finished the last three, not feeling much better about anything.

She took notice of the man who had slid into the barstool beside her. The subdued charismatic type, for sure. His crimson suit was eye-catching. He talked with the bartender like a familiar friend.

When there was nothing shiny left to grab his attention, he turned to her. He asked her a question that made her laugh. Callously, but not towards anyone else.

“HA! Ahahaha. Haha…” And then she coughed, making her outburst misplaced.

Too young. I still look that way. Am I still that way?

“Mmmmmmmmmaybe… How old do you think I am?” She proposed it like a game show question, lifting the bottle to him like a mic. She hardly had the tact or balance, but in her head, it made perfect sense.


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