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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Passeri Park
Overcast, In Saline
Post-Arc 3, July 7th [Morning]
Clemency Private Hospital, Central District
Passeri, Eric, Dagger, Kiwi, Dante, Pei
Overcast, In Saline
"I, um..." While her eyes brightened as Kiwi stepped into the room, it did little to improve Passeri's pallid countenance. Her breath was still shaky, straining to keep the trembling from returning to her voice.

"Sorry... Hi, Kiwi." A smile slipped back over her features like an old, sweaty glove. "I'm doing alright. Just a bit... Tense. Hospital air really gets to after a while, doesn't it?"

Tense. She supposed it wasn't a total lie, but she was feeling much worse than just tense. Kiwi's question only made things worse.

"Sorry?" Surprise flitted across her eyes. She'd prepared so much for questioning but her prior interaction had blown all of that out of her head. Not to mention that this was hardly the face that she'd been expecting to be asking them.

"Er..." Her words fumbled about in her mouth. The lies she'd prepared suddenly felt distant, and she could feel the sickly tang of the truth on her tongue. It was tempting. More tempting than it had been or would be for the rest of the day.

But she bit it back.

Of course she did.

"I think... I think he was a fan?" Every cloud had a silver lining, even one in the shape of being assaulted alone and within an inch of her life. In this case that silver lining was the fact that there had been no witnesses. The truth could be whatever she wanted it to be.

"It was hard to really... Get a read, you know? He just kept going on and on about how I'd betrayed him." Even when stuffing his mouth with lies, Passeri still found herself recalling his voice. The shrill spite that had filled it. The pure, manic glee.

"Somehow. I don't know... He wasn't making any sense." Fear, genuine and raw, tinged the edges of her voice. "Sorry, it's know it's not much. Everything was kind of a blur. It's hard to remember."

It wasn't, but knowing Kiwi, if she fed her more than a few crumbs she'd be able to put the puzzle together without issue... And she needed there to be issues.

"Thanks for stopping by, by the way." She shuffled the subject along. The less they discussed the attack, the better. "I wasn't really expecting anyone from... Well... You know. Have you been doing alright? We haven't caught up since that thing with your uncle. Catch me up, why don't you?"

Interacted: @gxxberkit
Relevant: @simj26
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Little Red
A Daughter’s Eulogy
South District
2021 | Post Hurricane
Red, Jericho
A Daughter’s Eulogy

Red watched him methodically. She watched him leave and return, with a new glass in hand. She squinted as he took the original glass and poured water into the new one.

All the while she forced her mouth into a straight line, and furrowed her brows. Red couldn’t look like she was softening—because in truth, she was. Though very slight, the earnestness with which he responded was kindness she seldom saw anymore.

It wasn’t something Papa would have done, nor her late mother. Yet it felt like something only a parent could care enough to do.

Red nodded her head as the glass was gestured back towards her. She pouted her lower lip, but simultaneously sipped on the straw. She hadn’t realized how dehydrated she had been until she took that first sip. Within seconds, she had the glass in her own hands and was downing the water until only droplets remained.

She wiped her mouth with her wrist. The cold quickly took over, so she handed him back the glass before burying her hands and body underneath the blanket.


A loud growling protruded from her stomach. She clutched her abdomen, feeling her hunger awaken. It burned like the acid was eating itself.

The last thing Red wanted to do was take on the role of a beggar, but she didn’t have any other options. Her consciousness was fading quickly. Red had to eat, or her metabolism would lay waste to her body.

Red rested her head on the armrest and looked at the man. For a moment, she thought of trying to line her eyes with glistening tears and cloying shine. But she laid that thought to rest. Trying to manipulate him when he willingly helped her was unnecessary, and admittedly cruel.

“F… Food,” She mumbled, words softly forming through her cracked lips. “I need food…”

Pavel Orlov
The Welcome Wagon
Post-Arc 3
The Azure Dragon's HQ, East District
Lots of people
The Welcome Wagon
A frown appeared on his face as Mirza entered, making no attempt to hide it. He was one of the last people he wanted to see. Pavel plopped himself down in a chair, cigarette in one had, beer in the other. He let Mirza's words go in one ear and out the other, taking a drag from his cigarette. He was going to smoke where he pleased, it was the only thing stopping him from being an asshole right now. He slowly blinked at the door way, a familiar figure appearing. Kill them. He slowly blinked again, the figure disappearing. Pavel put his beer down, reaching into his pocket for some pills. It seemed his medication was wearing off, nothing a few more pills couldn't solve. He popped them into his mouth, washing it down with the beer.

His eyes caught sight of a new figure, though this one was real, barely recognizing her. He had already forgotten her name and he didn't real care for remembering it. Pavel just made a grunt in response to her question. He was going to let Ruri do all of the important talking. The other arrival, Llyod, announced himself to everybody, garnering another grunt from Pavel. He wasn't liking what he was seeing so far. No one had managed to pique his interest, his gaze shifting back to the door as it waited for more arrivals.

Pavel continued to fill his gullet with beer, smoke permeating from his mouth every so often. He almost didn't notice Keith entering the room, crushing his beer can as he saw the new arrival. A twink? In his gang? He tossed the crushed can towards the trash can, miraculously making the throw. He was about to make his presence known, preparing to lift himself up until he saw Silva's and Kanna's face. He slunk back into the chair, mildly disappointed. If anybody was going to ruin his fun it was going to be them. "How fun..." He mumbled to himself, grabbing his third beer. He might not get a chance to mess with the rookies like he wanted to.

After a few sips from his new beer, he finally got up, flicking his cigarette butt into the trash. Usually, his eyes would lighten up at the sight of his brother but his mood change didn't let that happen. "I start drinking when I wake up, you shouldn't be so surprised." He said, giving Pasha a pat on the shoulder. He would leave his brother alone... for now. It would be good for him to meet some people who aren't all stuck up like those academic types.

He walked past Silva and Kanna, not even giving them a glance to acknowledge their presence. He didn't try to hide his presence as he approached Keith from the back, grabbing his shoulders with some force. He briefly dug his nails into them, letting go as he traveled around to look at the rookie face to face. "Keith was it? I couldn't help but notice you're rather... meek appearance. If you're going to be a proper dragon, we have to change that." Pavel held back some of his words, the only thing stopping him was the presence of other people. He was still going to play around with the rookies, he just had to be careful.
jericho s. madden
a daughter's eulogy
south district
2021 | post hurricane
red, jericho
a daughter's eulogy
Jericho was relieved that she finally accepted the water, leaning back on his heels as he watched her, “Oh, ya know what-" He didn't finish his thought, standing and scampering back to the kitchen, returning a moment later with a pitcher of water in hand.

Before saying anything, he poured himself a glass of water from the pitcher and downed it in one gulp, “So ya know it's safe. I'll leave it here in case you want some more, 'kay?" Jericho informed her as he placed it on the table. He froze, however, when a loud growl reached his ears; he looked at the girl with wide eyes.

"Was that you??" Rico didn't know someone's stomach could be that loud, but he was quick to regain his composure. She didn't really have to ask for food, he knew she must be starving, but he was glad to hear her voice. That meant she was getting some of her strength back.

“Of course, I gots plenty of that," Jericho seemed to understand she needed food ASAP, so he ran back and forth from the kitchen, putting a large array of snacks on the coffee table for her to choose from, “I bought a lotta this recently, so you don't gotta worry about it bein' bad or anything."

On the table before her sat a variety of fresh fruit, vegetables, an assortment of chips, and boxes of cereal; Jericho hadn't been sure what to grab, so he just grabbed it all.

“Oh, but this isn't all I'm gonna feed you, obviously. I jus' don't want ya to have to wait while I cook an actual meal." He smiled sheepishly at her, his long tail curling around his calf nervously as he shoved his hands in his pockets, “Is there anything specific you'd like me to make? I got some chicken in the fridge and pasta in the cabinet, I could prolly make ya something with that..."

Jericho didn't want to go off making just anything, especially when he didn't know if she had any dietary restrictions or allergies. He didn't expect a response right away, though. Rico had a feeling she'd want to get at least some food in her belly before anything else, so he sat on the floor and curled his tail around his feet.

miki miki

Doriɑn Evɑns

"I don't trust anything, or anyone, below the sun"

Scene: The Welcome Wagon
Time: June 27th

I am here: East District, Dragon HQ
With: Jessamine, Keith, Lloyd, Mirza, Pavel, Ruriko, Renjiro

A voice behind Dorian spoke, causing him to snap to attention as he turned to face the newcomer. "Yeah! I just wasn't sure if they were ready yet," he smoothly lied. He wasn't about to admit to someone he didn't really know that one of the men inside had made him uncomfortable. Dorian meekly followed the other Dragon through the door, his eyes searching the room for anyone but the creepy white-haired man. It looked like they were early, actually. Man, Dorian wanted to go home. The smell of cigarette smoke was giving him a headache. And was that really the snack table? The cheapest beer available at the corner store and some cigarettes? What were they, golden age film stars?

Dorian's brave bulwark introduced himself as Lloyd. Dorian nodded, making an active effort to remember that. To those inside the room, if they looked close enough, might notice that he had hid himself behind the other man. At this particular moment, he didn't want to draw the attention of Mr. White Hair. "Hello, I'm Dorian Evans," he said in a kind enough but polite tone, waving to the other two people in the room. The organizers of this meet-up?

The woman greeted him and Lloyd, before introducing those already in the room. Dorian gave her a smile at her introduction. "Nice to meet you all!" he was lying through his teeth. It was nice at least to meet her, and maybe Renjiro. But that Pavel? Dorian eyed him suspiciously, moving to a spot next to the door in case he needed to run. Another man came through the door as Dorian worked on getting settled, announcing that he had brought actual food. Dorian perked up at this: maybe it wouldn't be a waste of time after all? He even told the man that he needed to stop smoking. So far, this Mirza was coming out of this experience Dorian's favorite. Of course, Pavel quite obviously chose to ignore the instruction, instead taking a long drag of his cigarette. "Can we at lesat open a window? The smoke is making me get a headache..." Dorian asked softly. He had to resist the urge to use his charm speak. He didn't need to resort to mental manipulation. He just had to ask politely. He couldn't be the only one that was bothered by the smoke.

After that, it was a whirlwind of people entering the room. Dorian watched Ruriko's flustered face as she tried to greet everyone and answer their questions, trying his best to keep a smirk off his face (and mostly succeeding.) There was so many questions as no one knew what was going on here. Ruriko was trying so hard to explain, but the interruptions were a revolving door. The last interruption had Dorian Snapping to attention, however. The jack of the Dragons, Kanna herself, walked through the door. So he was right about this being some important secret meeting! He was very glad he at least dressed semi-formally. Now he just had to hope that whatever presentation that was there to be given was quick so he could go outside and breathe some actually fresh air.

Ruriko's voice filled the room, announcing what the meeting was actually for. Dorian blinked for a moment. Friends...? He looked at the assorted faces in the room: spaced out Lloyd, who probably didn't even know that Dorian was using him as a shield from the rest of the room. Mirza, the horned boy who brought food and so far Dorian's favorite. The red-haired girl who came in yelling about breaking and entering, which Dorian felt was a valid complaint to have. A man he presumed to be Silva, who had come in with a mewling box. And there was shy little Keith, who braved his way through an introduction to the group. And then there was creepy Pavel, smoking his cigarette and drinking a beer. This...was going to be an experience.

That was when Pavel stood up. Dorian watched him with wary eyes, his body tensed as the man made his way through the room. He grabbed Keith roughly from behind, no doubt intentionally trying to scare him. Dorian's temper flared up inside of him. What was wrong with this guy? He only made it worse by mentioning Keith's meek appearance. The rage boiled over. "Leave him alone, man!" Dorian exploded, his power subconsciously acting on its own. He moved forward to stand beside Keith, his arm going in-between Pavel and Keith. "People are allowed to be nervous. And we're not here to be your personal models." Dorian was thinking way worse, but he didn't want to start a fight here. This man was still his superior. But it was grossing Dorian out that he kept making comments on people's appearances and he needed him to stop. They were supposed to be making friends, right? So why act like a dick like this guy.

((ooc: feeling well enough again to start making some posts! I kept thinking of burns for Pavel but I don't think Dorian would escalate that far))
((King of the Clouds))

Normal Speaking Voice
Siren Voice

Slav Slav WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten Roda the Red Roda the Red @simj26 Jexon Whells Jexon Whells Beann Beann FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
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Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
Clad in Golden Dreams
West District
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 16th, 2022
Passeri, Ezra, Viss, Mark, Jess, Hiachi, Tak, Elias, Jesper
Clad in Golden Dreams

The sound of rushing water echoed through the ceramic bowl of the porcelain throne. Hairy cheeks positioned on top of it, legs spread wide as pants hung around ankles, joined with a worn-out pair of boxers with patterns of pineapple rings.

Tak looked up towards the featureless ceiling; the lights above shone down on him as if he were under a spotlight. His expression lacked any life as usual; the worst had come to pass, and now he was silent.

“Man…” Tak mumbled, reaching a hand up to scratch the back of his scalp as his head dropped down to shift his stare towards the metal door of his stall, a small crease forming where his brows united, lips scrunching up in uncertainty, “The hell am I doin’?”

It was a vague statement that he wouldn’t find an answer to, not from himself or anyone else, and most certainly not out there with the other Tigers. The disappearance of the disruption in his stomach only left him with the distortions of his head. His life had its simplicity pulled away with the numbing reminder of the divide between him and the real masters of the jungle.

As a kid, he would have done something stupid; he would have tried to pick a fight, make some declarations that one day he would abscond to the top of the food chain, like some obnoxious action hero. But he knew better now.

There were lots of things his fists couldn’t reach, more that he couldn’t even begin to grasp. And that feeling is what made him sick. He was so ill that the food he had yesterday decided to come out the other end quite explosively.

“Getting older sucks,” he breathed, reaching over for the roll of toilet paper, folding it around his hand, “A few years ago, I could eat all the curry I wanted and not have my ass explode from it.”

The toilet paper holder rolling on its bearings echoed through the silent restroom until Tak abruptly stopped him in place. His eyes widened a moment before he glanced downward.

He had felt the sensations of tiny little legs crawling across him, and the culprit was found right on his thigh. A giant cockroach, its antenna twitching as it sat there.

“The hell?” Tak expressed surprise, reaching down to pick the cockroach up from its legs, lifting it in front of his face with a blink, “They got roaches in here? Are they too cheap to hire an exterminator?” He questioned, absentmindedly waving the roach around as it moved around its tiny legs, “I better get rid of this guy…if the rich people out there see one of these, they’ll probably shit bricks.”

Without much thought, he dropped the roach down between his legs, a faint plop of it landing in the toilet water below; then, it was back to what he was doing before. His hand again reached towards the toilet paper roll until something made him stop.

“Huh!?” Unlike last time, his reaction was immediate, his head snapping downwards to the floor to see the white tiles had become covered with splotches of insects. House centipedes, ants, beetles, and all types of bugs started to skitter across the ground, coming from underneath the stall. Tak’s legs reflexively raised up, his arms bracing against the walls of the cubicle as he was left with his mouth hanging open in surprise.

Before he could even vocalize his surprise, the beating of wings brought his head upwards, and swarms of flies and wasps swirled overhead, blocking out the lights as they filled the surroundings.

“It’s a whole damn infestation!” Tak blustered out, head snapping upward and downward as he tried to figure out what was happening, “This place sitting on top of a burial ground or something!?” He shouted, voice barely audible over the insect swarm. He could only have the luxury of a bystander momentarily before a feeling in his lower half brought his attention downward once more. His eyes popped out of his skull as he saw his legs entirely covered in bugs, squirming and writhing up his body.


Once again, the scream of the useless rookie echoed through the ballroom, cutting through the tension like a cold knife would to a frozen stick of butter or something like that. The mystery behind the scream was short-lived; it would be better described as a brainteaser.

Strolling out of the bathroom as bugs weaved out into the main hall between his legs and over his head, Tak stood there entirely coated from head to toe in insects as they crawled across his body, squirming and writhing. Despite the current predicament, the rookie didn’t seem too bothered, a hand casually coming to reach up and swipe some of the bugs out of his mouth so he could speak.

“Anyone got any bug spray?”

As soon as he asked that question, the perspective swapped over the panic in the ballroom. Suits screamed and ran for cover; dresses cowered and froze. Many reached for phones, rushing to contact their private security or some other type of enforcement.

Standing there covered in insects, Tak didn’t do much to help quell their worries. A handful of women fainted upon seeing him.

Despite his eyes being hidden under layers of chitin, the visible turning of his head had him trying to understand what was happening, a finger scratching at his bug-coated forehead. There had been a divide grown between the King of the jungle and his pack, one formed by numerous barriers put up in familiar sparkles of pink.

“Eh? What the hell’s goin’ on? You guys gonna do some laser tag or somethin’?” Tak asked, utterly oblivious to the current threat that was currently ongoing. It was a moment of bewilderment before something clicked in his head. Like a thread of sparks beside his head, a connection formed within his mind and his instincts. The feeling in the air, the body language, the gazes, all of it stoked the resting fighter in his gut that had seen it all before; if there was anything he could read, it was killing intent.

“These guys…” Tak mumbled, looking across Markus’ security detail from behind bug-tinted glasses.

“They must be mad about their pay; now they’re tryin’ to take it out on everyone else!” His flawless deduction came into play, and a foot stepped forward, fists clenching.

"You're too old to be throwing money tantrums! Grow up, damnit, and swallow it like the rest of us!" Tak yelled. He was already warmed up, and the itchy sensation spreading throughout his skin and asscrack didn't make him want to play. The ground split beneath his shoes as he forced himself forward, steam flaring from his mouth and leaving a trail behind him as he closed the gap between himself and the assassins.

His fist cocked back, and then his fingers splayed open to form a broad palm, bugs swarming in between his fingers.


As he came to a halt, his sneakers skidded down the ground, leaving a trail of burnt rubber; momentum drove his upper body forward as his waist twisted, his outstretched fingers cutting through the air to strike right into the face of the nearest assassin. His head wrenched back as if his skull had been yanked from his neck, and his sunglasses flew off his face into the sky. As he shot into the air, a mouthful of mushed bugs coated his taste receptors before colliding into a neighboring table, shattering it in half as the linen swelled up beneath his body from the impact before dropping flat.

The bulky man braced a hand against the ground, his body twitching as he tried to get back up and into the fight, but immediately, his cheeks bulged as a disgusting green color engulfed his features. With the guttural sound of him emptying the contents of his stomach, a blur of mosaics splattered wetly on the ground before his eyes rolled into the back of his skull, falling unconscious into a pile of his own vomit.

“Alright!” Tak slammed his fists together, “Who else wants a dose of reality!? I’ll give you the hard-to-swallow taste of adulthood!” He taunted, looking towards the rest of the assassins in his way.

Maybe it would have actually been cool if he wasn’t crawling with insects.

Young-sook Baker [NPC]
Overcast, In Saline
Post-Arc 3, July 7th [Morning]
Clemency Private Hospital, Central District
Passeri, Eric, Dagger, Kiwi, Dante, Pei
Overcast, In Saline
"Mm." Young-sook had never been much for words. A judgemental arch in her brow communicated her thoughts into the back of Kiwi's head. "We probably won't. All the best."

She felt the weight of her novel push down on her lap as she watched the pair of women depart, both in different directions. The woman was as prone to meddling as was to small talk. Even as her son had spiraled deeper and deeper into the muck of society, she'd sat idle. Even with as much as she obscured, she could see that her granddaughter treading a similar path.

She wouldn't make the same mistake twice. That was one of the few things that she and Passeri shared.

The thin trail of damp that leaked from Dagger's coat was like a trail of breadcrumbs. For once, she hadn't been a difficult woman to find.

"Ruthenian brands are shit, you know." Her nose wrinkled as she approached the window. Unlike her granddaughter, she almost matched the snowy woman in height. "Xian... That's the way to go. It's smoother."

It certainly wasn't. Or at least the generic, white-box brand that she was partial to was not. An ornate lighter- one of the few luxuries that Young-sook enjoyed- gleamed between her fingers as she struck the cigarette to life. The bitter smell of cheap, processed tobacco followed close behind.

"You are aware you're supposed to wipe your shoes before coming inside, right? And the rest of you, too." A moment. Young-sook recalled the first woman's words. It was difficult to get a good look at this one's face, but she was sure that she'd seen redness in her eye. She wouldn't pry, per se, but that didn't mean she needed to be delicate either.

"Hardly seems good for the sterility. Mustn't have been terribly worried, hm?"

She took a long drag from her cigarette. It wasn't like she had much room to talk. All she'd done was sit in the hall.

"I would've thought it was someone important, with how you burst through the door."

Interacted: @simj26
Relevant: @gxxberkit
Passeri Park
Overcast, In Saline
Post-Arc 3, July 7th [Evening]
Clemency Private Hospital, Central District
Passeri, Eric, Dagger, Kiwi, Dante, Pei
Overcast, In Saline
A year ago, this would have been shocking.

Today, it wasn't.

Passeri clung to the wheelchair as it sped along. Her teeth were gritted hard, fighting off the dull rivulets of pain that pulsated from her bones which each bump and jerk that the impromptu go-kart made. Between the sound of the engine and the pair of rickety, overworked wheels the commotion that her bombastic kidnapping caused was drowned out. Above it, all she could hear was Pei's mad cackle and even madder rambling.

It was seriously pissing her off. Her helplessness, that is. Back at the supermarket and now today there was nothing that she could do. Whether it was that concrete lunatic or this cackling maniac, she'd been made into a plaything. A toy. She felt pathetic. The anxiety that had been sitting in her chest started to crackle at the edges, taken by the flames of a fresh, hot rage.

"What?" And then it was like somebody had thrown gasoline into the pyre. "A what?."

She didn't need him to repeat himself. Her voice ticked up in volume and pitch. A Serpent. The foul string of syllables rang in her ear like a long, reptilian hiss. A Serpent. A Serpent.

"Of fucking course it was a Serpent." She couldn't keep the venom from her words. Not today. Elise, Kiwi, Eric, Dante... One after another, they had worn her down. There weren't any lies left in her, or at least none with the fortitude to hold back so primal a hate as this.

"Ha!" It was the loudest she'd managed the whole day. A single, wry chuckle. Just when she'd thought it couldn't get any worse, it somehow managed to. It was like a pile of shit that just kept going up. So many years down the line, the North's foul stench still managed to catch up with her.

"What else? Was he mad that we didn't package baggies of crack in the cereal as a toy? Fuck." A Serpent. A Serpent. A Serpent. "And why are you even telling me this? You getting off? Is that what it's all about, you snaggletoothed fuck?"

A Serpent.

It was taking her back. A Serpent. Back to her youth, on the streets of the North. A Serpent. Swelling from her outrage, the vulgarities she'd thought she had left on those streets pushed their way back up her throat. A Serpent.

A. Fucking. Serpent.

Interacted: thebigfella thebigfella
Relevant: N/A
Jackson Reese Alessi
Littleleaf Zone, East District
Janurary 29th, 2021
Jackson, Llyod ( Jexon Whells Jexon Whells )
Rising Butterflies

You know he kinda figured introductions were a given considering he came up approaching Llyod knowing his name. Still it was interesting to see the hard reset this dude took when he pushed a little. Made him curious as to what talking with this dude normally would look like. Still as logical minded as he seemed to be he figured that he wouldn’t be getting much more words in.

“No big deal, formalities can be a pain anyways. So long as both parties are on the same page might as well get to it right?”

He shrugged at the other named his potential. It didn’t tell him nearly what he thought the Llyod probably assumed it did. Whether that was purposeful or accidental he figured he usually went in knowing less anyways. He started to stretch out his shoulder moving it in circular motions. He was wishing he’d brought his lance but that might have been overkill for a spar. He chuckled as the other expressed surprise at Jackson’s sharing.

“Yeah, well I like people to know a bit on mine. Helps avoid people getting caught in the crossfire. ‘Sides its not like I need the upper hand in a spar.”

Didn’t help the initial hesitation he still had using it on non serpents but he figured Lorrin chose this dude specifically because he could hold his own. He’d felt aduqetly ready and the his opponent already did their stretches.

“Nah, all good on my end. THREE, TWO, ONE, GO!”

He took the opportunity at the end of his count to make a quick lunge forward aiming a punch at those scales to see how sturdy they actually were. If the other dodged… well that gave him other answers too.

Artemis Mac Naught
Pre-Arc 1 | December 15th 2020
Goldshire Streets, West District
Missy, Eric ( Roda the Red Roda the Red )
All I Want For Christmas Is Your Money

Okay. So this dude was a broke bitch. That kinda ruined her plans but also didn’t. She just had to loose a few times to him to build up his money then hook the bigger fish watching. Now the question was if this dude was competent enough to keep his cash without her cheating in his favor. She just needed to play fast and loose.

The deck was shuffled. The players assembled. The game a foot! Ah she loved the thrill of things falling into place. She slid the deck into her hand unhiding the king she’d kept separate placing it on the top. She dealt the hands out placing the king into the hand for the other disgusting it with conversation.

“Oh sissy’s great at a gamble! But I wouldn’t say that I measure up in any way. Oh I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Juliet. What’s your name?”

Her hand was filled with decent cards which was going to make this more annoying to lose convincingly. Well she could just place some worse combos out, make a pair instead of a straight. She held her cards close hoping no one could be close enough to see that she was going to be throwing the match.

The last thing she needed was a white knight trying to gas her up.

Caio Santana Coelho
SCENE Music:
Caio's Bedroom, North District
Post-Arc 1/Pre-Arc 2 | September 18th, 2021, 03:10 AM
Tri, Caio
Top and Top

He let the other cling despite the still cold skin If anything he should be glad for the cold considering Sang’s near roasting of them earlier in the day. But cold still wasn’t his favored shit. He felt himself shiver until the warmth came back to the room.

“Geez, needy aren’t you. You’re the one that wanted to wake up in the middle of the night.”

He was too awake now though. Even if Tri did managed to fall back asleep it might be a minute before he could do the same. Instead his eye fell to the ip drive sitting on the night stand. She’d given it practically free of charge and that was always an issue when it came to her. If this info was legit they’d have a big leg up on the dragons.

And better yet he might have a good new batch to research on.

He rached out grabbing the drive and sliding it into the nightstand drawer. There may have been no separating work and life for him, but he should still try to enjoy these moments undisturbed when he could. His brother’s issues, the avoiding getting his head cut off by Yuudai, and the stress of running shit without putting a target on his back didn’t need to exist here.

“You’re right though. It would have been better if you were around. Today was fucking exhausting.”

Tags: Damafaud Damafaud

Lloyd Sorvocah
2021: January 29th
Scene: Rising Butterflies
Littleleaf Zone, East District
Jackson Reese Alessi BriiAngelic BriiAngelic , Lloyd Sorvocah
Rising Butterflies
While Lloyd could understand not wanting friendlies in the crossfire of one's Potential, Lloyd is not a friendly in the scenario, but his opponent. 'What is he talking about with 'upperhand'? If we both had kept our Potentials secret until the match started, there theoretically isn't an upperhand,' Lloyd thinks to himself and lightly shakes his head. So far, Lloyd thinks of Jackson as a bit odd, and arrogant. It didn't help that Jackson's idea of stretching seems to limit itself to the shoulders and arms. But it does not matter all that much to Lloyd. It is a sparring match, no lethal combat. If there is any moment to make mistakes and learn, it was in situations such as this.

When Jackson started counting down, Lloyd solidified his stance and his expression got even more serious. What he did not expect, however, is for Jackson to immediately lunge at him.
'At least he seems to have listened about the element of surprise part,' Lloyd thinks. Though it would not do all that much, since speed is something he himself has aswell. He would use one hand to grab the in coming punch and pull it across Jackson's body to leave the side the punch came from defenseless. This is immediately followed up by a low hook to this open side. If the hit were to land, Lloyd would attempt to follow up with a hook from the other side to Jackson's face.

Lloyd is not using full power in his swings, as he still had to go on speed more to intercept the surprise attack coming from Jackson. On the other hand, due to the scales, his fists are harder than that of the average HP, which means a harder impact to the body. Of course, it is still the question if anything lands at all, or if Jackson has counter-manoeuves of his own.
Jackson Reese Alessi
Littleleaf Zone, East District
Janurary 29th, 2021
Jackson, Llyod ( Jexon Whells Jexon Whells )
Rising Butterflies

His punch was grabbed which was not exactly where he was expecting this to go. The feel of the bite of those scales hit deep into his side like a dumptruck. Thank god he wasn’t an NP cause there was force behind those strikes. He dropped from the punch just in time for the second to graze him more than land a solid hook on him. If there was something he couldn’t afford it was his jaw winding up compromised.

“Got quite the hook there dontcha? Well ain’t that a nice little power you got.”

Okay, so hand-to-hand was a horrible idea with this one. He was going to need to put that distance in and he was still grabbed. So it was time to kick. He aimed a kick as hard as he could to the other’s groin in hopes that the scales might be less effective in an unexpected scrappy fighter’s target. Even if it didn’t though it was more of a distraction measure as he opened up his mouth to start attacking with his song.

“Come join us we want to play, tell us all your fears”

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Lloyd Sorvocah
2021, January 29th
Scene: Rising Butterflies
Littleleaf Zone, East District
Jackson Reese Alessi BriiAngelic BriiAngelic , Lloyd Sorvocah
Rising Butterflies
"The compliment is appreciated," Lloyd says with a straight face, still having a firm hold on Jackson's hand. Though the positivity of the compliment immediately falls into nothing when Jackson goes for a kick to the groin. Lloyd quickly lets go of Jackson's hand to use his former gripping hand to strike down hard on Jackson's shin to send his leg straight back to the ground. "What the hell, man! I understand the tactic, but that is-," Lloyd cuts himself off from calling out the attempted cheapshot when Jackson starts singing.

The moment Jackson's Potential kicks in, Lloyd can feel something hitting his scales. As if thousands of needle-like drills are trying to get through his armour, and succeeding.
'This is not what I expected it to be! It is all over my body!' he thinks to himself while gritting his teeth. But pain is not going to have Lloyd back out of a fight. Pain is normal during combat. He believes that if you cannot handle pain, you shouldn't fight. Lloyd fights plenty, so pain is not something he is unfamiliar with. Though this pain, wrapping around the whole surface of his body, it was definitely something else, something he will not allow himself to endure more than necessary.

Knowing he should not allow Jackson to continue singing freely, and filled with anger over the cheapshot, Lloyd instantly springs into action. As quickly as possible, he closes the distance between him and Jackson and jabs at his chest with reasonable power to knock the air out of him. Because if you don't have air in your lungs, it becomes quite difficult to sing. However, landing those hits is not the immediate priority. Keeping up a relentless assault and forcing Jackson to keep moving or block his attacks is the overall goal. Lloyd's plan is to give Jackson as little room and time to properly breath and sing as possible, and to tire him out.
Caio's Bedroom, North District
Post-Arc 1/Pre-Arc 2 | September 18th(???), 2021, 03:10 AM
Tri, Caio
Top and Top

Tri watched a lot of anime and identified a lot with dense protagonists in romcom. He never knew when a woman was in love with him (never, that's why he could never tell) without several arcs that guided him slowly toward the destination.

At the moment though, Tri identified with the tsunderes. Caio reached to the nightstand and he peered his head over, anticipating, and fell disappointed when all he did was to store that weird box on the night stand. He pouted and squished his face against Caio's nape.

"Baka," he murmured. He was sending signals and it was for nothing. Caio even already called him needy and still didn't get it. Tri thought of revenge. There were biting, squishing, pressing, tickling, but eventually, his tsundere-ness surrendered to a quiet sigh.

"I love you."

He didn't know if it was true, but he didn't feel empty when saying it so it was enough. Not a lot of people said they wanted him around either, so that was satisfying to hear whenever implied.

He wouldn't tell Caio he liked that, though. Tri ran his hand against Caio's arm. The baka needed to figure it out himself.

For now, sleeping with him on this bed, without any problem at mind,

Tri was satisfied.

Tags: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
Jackson Reese Alessi
Littleleaf Zone, East District
Janurary 29th, 2021
Jackson, Llyod ( Jexon Whells Jexon Whells )
Rising Butterflies

It worked? Oh god that was almost surprising enough for him to break the singing. His shin still stung from the dude’s strength. It gave an opening for the other to be unaffected by the pain as he let out a hiss. It was a mistake to not to take the opportunity to make distance as soon as it came considering the other went straight for a jab to the chest. He gasped at the pain breaking his song which was almost certainly the other’s aim.

He went on the defensive manuvering his arms to shield his torso from the oncoming blocks. He should have guessed that an intelligent opponent would be an issue but he was so used to the shock of the pain stunning people that he forgotten he’d literally given the other the biggest of heads up. He brough an arm up just barely ‘blocking’ a hit that had his arm forced down as he shifted his breathing for more vocal control.

“Look into my eyes, find its so appealing. Look into my eyes send your body reeling.”

He had to get the other down with this before his own power started to effect him as well. His eyes flashed twisted the wave directing to more towards the other letting it become worse at the cost of leaving gaps.

Caio Santana Coelho
Caio's Bedroom, North District
Post-Arc 1/Pre-Arc 2 | September 18th, 2021, 03:10 AM
Tri, Caio
Top and Top


How was he the idiot here? As they just established it wasn’t him that went to look cool for ghosts. He felt a smirk come over his face as he twisted back around ready to start another round of their usual back-and-forth banter only to stop when heard the small I love you from the other.

Naturally when your lover confirms their love for you you’re supposed to confirm it back right?

“...........are you sure?”

He found himself rolling back over to face Tri.

He shouldn’t need to say it back. When it came to pleasantries, Caio really had none. People he didn’t care for would get thrown on their ass for daring to come to his house, maybe even thrown in a lab. Besides it wasn’t like he fell into bed with just anyone.

Did he need to say it?

It was a vulnerability that he was comfortable with in theory but somehow his own surprise fucked up the timing of it. He figured it’d just sound insincere now.

He didn’t know what love was for Tri. Still didn’t figure he’d beat out the dead wife nor did he feel the need to. So if that was the case why did he ask? Insecurity wasn’t something he’d had before, but the realization of the weight of the words was something he wanted to be sure of. Knowing an answer didn’t mean you didn’t want to hear it put into words though.

He’d always let his actions show what his words couldn’t so once again he let his actions take reign as he pulled Tri in for a passionate kiss.

Tags: Damafaud Damafaud

Lloyd Sorvocah
2021: January 29th
Scene: Rising Butterflies
Littleleaf Zone, East District
Jackson Reese Alessi BriiAngelic BriiAngelic , Lloyd Sorvocah
Rising Butterflies
For a moment, Lloyd thought he already had Jackson cornered with his relentless flurry of attacks keep him too busy to focus his breathing and ability to sing. It came as a surprise when Jackson regained control and starting singing again despite it all. Now, making sure to literally knock the air out of him became more important. Of course, that would not be as easy when Jackson keeps his defenses there. Not even the occasional swing to the head was enough to break the defenses away. Was his attack pattern too predictable for his opponent?

There was not a lot of time to think about that when the pain seemed to be getting more intense aswell. Lloyd was having difficulty with enduring it. Letting the pain fuel him was only getting him so far. Lloyd thickened his armour, but even that reduced the intensifting pain only a little. The fact that the increasing intensity came from Jackson focusing the direction of his Potential remains unknown to Lloyd. One doesn't have a lot of time to spare when ending constant pain is the goal. However, even if he knows about and realises he could get out of the area of effect, it would be futile. All Jackson would have to do is redirect and he's back where he started. In fact, it would instead be Lloyd who would go on the defense where he to try that tactic.

All Lloyd can really do is make sure Jackson does not get the breathing room to sing. But now he has to be quick because with this focused pain, he would not last long. He continues throwing punches and aims for his nose. The nose is one of the best places to hit if you want to put your opponent on a disadvantage. A good hit causes eyes to tear up, distorting vision. On top of that, a runny nose could make maintaining a proper breathing pattern more difficult. Yet, actually landing this hit was not as important as what would come after. Lloyd would now put his legs into play. After a swift jab aimed at Jackson's nose, he would go for a firm kick to his knee to knock him off-balance. If that were to succeed, Jackson would likely not be as much of a moving target. If that were the case, Lloyd would put his hand firmly over Jackson's mouth to stop him from singing, at which point he assumes the match would be decided.
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I am (not) your Grandpa!
Calrissian HQ, West District
Samira, Babarutthoth
I am (not) your Grandpa!

Babar’s grin filled with certainty and spoke in a way which confirmed both of her questions at once. “Correct! That is precisely what I am suggesting.” Perhaps having people contract killed wasn’t the most practical, nor most subtle way of achieving the end goal of the service he was offering. He decided to make further appeals to her pragmatic side.

“Life in this city is cheap. Even before all this He gestured with his hands generally toward Samira’s direction. The content of his words suggested the gesture referred not just to her, but to everything a woman of her stature represented. “I had seen a corpse a time or two. And I’ve gathered that people in this business tend to die in droves, like rats. I’m not saying YOU need to kill anybody. It’ll happen regardless.” He paused and when he spoke again his voice carried more devious intentions.

“And consider my behavior when I arrived here today. Imagine having to deal with that, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, in magnitudes! I’d be a chink in anyone's sanity. Make them more vulnerable.” The way this man spoke so casually, so confidently about what amounted to being in practice the prolonged deliberate mental torture of a person for the ultimate sake of profit spoke to the bit of his humanity which had withered away and died during his 23 year exodus from the corporeal plane.

“Of course you also won’t have to contribute any resources towards me while I’m on the job. It wouldn’t be practical for me to get paid while dead, anyways I could very well die by mistake and end up trapped for long periods of time...” The segue from ‘I will badger and berate people until they die’ to ‘I am a cost effective asset’ was quick, as though Babar were addressing bullet points in a sales presentation. He was.

New Royals
Kaspian's Club, Central District
Hector, Tri

The continued nonchalant manner in which Tri behaved only made Hector more agitated, increasing the chances that he was about to do something irrational. The laughter was the icing on top.

”How dare you laugh? I’ll fuckin’ show you-” He wasn’t willing to wait for Tri to fight anymore, he was just gonna beat his ass right here… until he was engulfed in a blinding light. He raised a fist to deliver a sloppy punch, but before he could gain momentum he could see his target again. In fact, he could see much more. Everything was so crystal clear — at least by his standards — and he hadn’t realised how gradually blurry his vision was becoming after every drink. Everything was clear, not just his sight but his mind too.

”The fuck was that all about?”

Hector noticed he hadn’t socked the guy in the face yet, and lowered his readied fist. He was still furious, but the fog had lifted now, and with it, his self-control returned. Tri mentioned he was with beautiful women, Hector looked back at them, but they looked far uglier than they did when he picked them up earlier that evening. They seemed to think the same of him, as they sheepishly waved before slinking away through the crowd to find someone better.

”Doesn’t matter, you’ve made your point.” Talk about a buzzkill. Hector wasn’t ready to let things go though. ”My point still stands though. This ain’t your turf.” He reached to grab the glass out of Tri’s hand. Maybe he should thank Tri? Kicking his ass would be a lot easier with his sudden sobriety.

Zentsupa Pei
Overcast, in Saline
Clemency Private Hospital, Central District
July 7th, 2022 (Evening) || Post-Arc 3
Passeri, Eric, Pei, Dagger, Kiwi, Dante
Overcast, in Saline

There it was. Strike deep enough, and naturally, lava would begin to flow; it would meet and burn everything in its way as it crawled to the surface and erupted. No matter how much you piled on top of it, it would eventually breach.

Such was the way of anyone; no matter how many glittery stickers or rainbow-striped tape you use as a filter, what would come through wouldn’t bother bringing any of that foofoo with it.

Passeri’s toxin did nothing when directed at him or the serpents. She lacked any fangs to inject them with. She let them dull and rot until they had fallen out, like an old man who cared more for whiskey than his life, the empty hopes of doing better washed down with another shot.

Disappointment was all that came forth on Pei’s face as he bore down towards Jack, as she frothed and spat out foam from her rabid maw, frenzied and undirected. The sounds of the wheels as they continued to turn, the speed began to slow as the jet engine began to lose its power, sputtering out on fumes.

“Getting off? Don’t kid yourself,” Pei replied; the maniac shouting that usually stemmed from his words had vacated, leaving behind eyes that looked at Passeri without the slightest humor in her tantrum. He had poked holes into the shell, and now that it cracked open, nothing was left but the putrid pulp inside.

If it didn’t interest him, he would let it sit out in the sun and ferment. For the flies and maggots to swarm, fester and eat their fill. Let it rot and feed the soil; that was the only value that her rancor had as it was now.

He turned away from Passeri to glance upwards, his gaze narrowing as he realized his goal was in sight: the elevator. His hand reached forward behind his back and returned with a small slingshot and a rock, a childish weapon among his usual arsenal. He cocked back the rubber strap as it strained against the wooden poles before finally letting it go as the small stone flew out. It slammed against the topmost button, and on cue, the door opened with a welcoming ding, inviting with its warm-lit and wood-laminated interior.

Immediately, Q-Bot’s engine stopped, the flames dying down and leaving a black void. The wheelchair slowed down as the momentum drastically began to decrease, the old, ungreased axles acting as light breaks to bring the wheelchair rolling calmly into the elevator, with only the slightest bump off the opposite wall.

Pei didn’t hesitate to hop off the ride, stepping aside from Passeri to walk towards the elevator controls and push a button. Meanwhile, Q-Bot was unlatched from the bottom of her wheelchair, clattering against the ground as his batteries went utterly empty.

The elevator door closed, and with it came the calming music of the ride, as the shifting within the car soon after brought it moving up the chute. Pei silently stared towards buttons before he decided it was time to look towards Passeri; for a short time, they had the unfortunate fate of knowing each other; this was the longest he had gone without smiling or laughing.

“Everyone’s playing dirty, yet you keep trying to play it clean. It’s no wonder everyone plays against you. In your own house, you never win,”
Pei spoke as self-sure as always, placing his hands on his hips as his lanky form leaned forward, “A sturdy deck can’t be held by those pruned claws. Your house revolves around you, but the jungle is constantly shifting. You know that, yet you keep trying to find the solution within those old ass formulas in your head, right?” Pei questioned, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms, lip curling into a frown as he closed his eyes.

“I’m playing with you, but others are toying with you. Not that I need to tell you,” Pei leaned his head back to pop a piece of gum into his mouth, beginning to chew it between his speaking.

“There’s much more riding on your back than whatever history you have with the snakes, Jack. You gonna keep sitting in that chair backwards like a fucking idiot or use those broken bones of yours?”

The numbers continued to count open, rhythmic dings played upon droning music meant to relax. The atmosphere rode upon the tension as well as the shifting gravity of the elevator.

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
CS Link
To Live in the Shadows
Afternoon, Pre-Arc 1, June 11th 2020
Nameless Warehouse, South District
Charlie, Helva
To Live in the Shadows
Charlie found himself rewarded by his determination, managing to turn the tide of the fight and getting the upper hand against battle-hardened Revenant, glimmers of hope reflected in his eyes, a visage concealed by the deep darkness surrounding them. If he could somehow continue resisting through her attack and countering with his own, he might just well be able to grasp victory.

However, the woman didn't seem all that impressed by Charlie's display of prowess, par of him wish he had been praised further, but it was hard to avoid adressing the elephant in the room. Charlie barely had experience in battle, and arguable he might well had been one of the most inexperienced fighters to ever take on her trial. She also adressed another worrying truth: So far she had yet to use her own ability, a detail easy to forget for the boy, given the majorly passive nature of his own.

"Do your worst, Revenant! I've made up my mind about joining, and you'll get to see just how stubborn I can get" He audibly exhaled through his nose, a rare moment of pride over what was usually one of his bigger flaws. All the while, his battle stance, amateurish as it may have been, remained up, body mind and body preparing for whatever Revenant might be keeping under her sleeve. "Ready when you a-GUH!"

A sudden hand reaching for his shoulder, Charlie was all too unprepared for the sneak attack. A powerful stabbing finding its mark on his side, thrusting itself forward through hardened skin and flesh, managing to dig its way about an inch deep before it stopped. A wave of pain came over Charlie's nervous system, a paralyzing agony which overloaded his brain with an intense sensation. He let out a grunt of pain as the felt the cold steel puncturing his body.

However, just as promised, stuborness found itself to be a blessing in disguise in the face of danger. When push comes to shove, the bull shall over bring the horns.

Gritting his teeth, Charlie resisted throught the pain of the shallow stabbing, throwing his left arm back like a and delivering a hammer strike at his attacker's chest, pushing him away in the process.

Taking deep breaths in order to keep his focus, Charlie turned his head back and forth between the two opponents, anxiety starting to creep in as he shouted in frustration. "I get you wanna play dirty, but bringing someone to help you is just low!"

He raised his arms up, returning to a defensive stance while trying to cover both ends as effective as possible. He needed to find a way to deal with both in the most convenient way, but the time before their next moves was running out fast. The wound on his side, which dyed his jacket red, further ate away at his focus.

Overcast, in Saline
Clemency Private Hospital, Central District
Post Arc 3 || July 7th, 2022
Passeri, Eric, Pei, Dagger, Kiwi, Dante
Overcast, in Saline
The steady hand of a surgeon holding a scalpel, the smile of a nurse while cleaning the elderly, the questions of a therapist that nudged the patient to find the answers on their own. To heal and to mend was a talent that not many were gifted with, be it the body, the mind or the soul. Like a seasoned bricklayer, Passeri's words slid into the cracks of Eric's mask, a powerful binder that restored the pieces in places. Once something broke, there was never a way to completely go back to its former, but who was to say that workarounds couldn't be just as good, if not better.

Eric leaned back against the rest of the guest chair, a hand placed over his eyes as he sighed deeply. "Those are supposed to be my words, you idiot" Donning a new mask, one of smooth ivory with a web of grey lines across, the usual deadpan tone of the detective returned. As flowery and fabricated as her words may be, as big of a mess her body might be, Passeri's spirit was not broken, surviving such a horrific scene was still the same person, bringing peace to Eric's own soul.

He leaned forward once more, a leg moving above the other, hands resting interlocked just over his knee. "Been running on two granola bars for the last twenty-two hours, I'll take you up on that offer, much appreciated, madame" His calm smile, that which was reserved for the worthy few, had returned as well. However it was now brief, as he faked irritation, his arm thrusted forward, his index fingertip soflty pressing against the woman's forehead. "But cut it out, already, I'm the detective here, I'm the one supposed to be worried right now"

He broke off the contact, his shoulders finally giving in to the relaxation.

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit @simj26 thebigfella thebigfella @gxxberkit
Zentsupa Pei
Twister Trickster
Casino, West District
Post-Arc 2 || March 12th, 2022
Artemis, Pei
Twister Trickster

“Kekekek. Looks like that’s another win for me.”

A definitive damnation, a certified ending. Another round found all cards on the table, except one that still hung in gangly hands. Thin fingers rubbed across the gloss of the cards as they reflected under the bright lights from above.

With an uncaring toss, they splattered across the table, unremarkable numbers. A 2 and 7 offset starting hand evolved into a high card by the end, entirely unremarkable, from beginning to end. Yet, the chips slid across the green felt towards his growing stack. It reached high, towering over him in multiple towers surrounding him.

As the time went on, players came and went. Some had gone until they had nothing left; others had called it quits early and retired before things could get any worse. Those who thought they were the best poker players sat at the table and left with only insecurity to fill their empty pockets and wallets.

He did not need a poker face. Instead, he wore only a smirk, as toothy and sharp as a demon, only forgoing the horns and the tail. He leaned back in his seat, resting his arms behind his neck as he slammed his feet onto the table with enough force to cause the chips to shake and stir.

“Kiys! Go ahead and put together my winnings! Kekekekek!” He ordered, and the crimson bat on his shoulder swiftly fluttered his wings, hopping down onto the table, scooping his wings around the chips that were rightfully his master’s, and sliding them across the table. “Here you go! Kikikiki!” He cackled, raising its wings proudly as it brandished the haul towards his commander.

“Tch! I can’t believe I let that runt get another one over on me,” A bitter curse came from one of the suits at the table, and a bead of sweat went down his wrinkled features as he grits his teeth. His gray eyes glanced down at his cards. He had foolishly wasted a four-of-a-kind, which would have won him the pot. He cowardly folded instead of going for it, unprepared to put more money down on a gamble. His eyes narrowed as he turned back towards the blonde who had commanded the table under his thumb.

He thought his poker face was perfect, but that assumption was questioned. With that continuous maniac cackle and that twisted smile, the maniac refused to let anyone pull the wool over his eyes. He called out people for bluffing, he predicted their cards, and he even sometimes would go as far as saying what was in his own hand just to get a rise from them all.

And every time, the game would end with his victory.

The other men at the table could only look downwards, hands clenched into fists, while others dug their nails into their pants. Fingers reached for a pack of cigarettes, just as others reached up to adjust their hat.

The higher the chips rose, the more people came to watch until a small crowd began to form around the table, all watching intently at what was happening. Some wanted him to fall, while others wanted him to rise higher, to the money away from the Tigers.

The air around the table was palpable, and it all swirled above the man who commanded the game, with not a single loss underneath his belt.

“Kekekekekekek! What’s up, you old fart!?” The spiky-eared boy turned towards the dealer, the man’s body posture speaking for itself as it was evidently slouched in defeat, feeling the pull of the Tiger’s claws every passing second.

He could care less for the dealer’s anguish, resting his shoulder against the backrest of his chair as he stared into the eyes of the pathetic kitten.

“Go ahead and deal the next game,” he ordered, his tone dropping to drip with excitement.

There was a moment of pause as the dealer decided his next move, but someone decided it for him before he did. A tap of his shoulder notified him his performance was over; exit stage left, and a new star was taking the show.

The clicking of heels was enough to rouse Pei’s attention; his relaxed posture didn’t change as the new woman appeared on the scene. An analytical gaze and a neutral frown were quickly replaced with a slight smirk, a chuckle coming out from under his breath as he slid his legs off the table, sitting back up properly as he leaned forward.

“Kekekekek, it’s about time they sent someone! Shit was starting to get damn boring!” Pei shouted in brashness, his gaze narrowed only slightly as he focused on “Juliet.”

“Looks like you’ll be a nice change of pace.”

He didn’t bother to return her pleasantries; a simple handshake was far too above him. He only smirked as she asked his name, and that probably wouldn’t have been the end of it--

“Pi-po-po!♩ Don’t think you can just get a handshake from a genius like the professor!” A shrill robotic voice came from out of view; the source of such was quickly revealed as a cube-shaped head hopped up to peer over the table's edge before quickly being brought down to the ground as its hollow body clattered. It continued jumping up and down, arms raising in the air as it shouted, “Professor Pei is a genius! Don’t even think you stand a chance against him! Pi-pi-pi!♩”

Pei suddenly erupted, a sharp kick slamming into the tiny robot and sending him soaring across the air until he nailed some poor innocent soul in the head with enough force to knock them to the ground.

Both the poor man and Q-Bot were left lying there with spirals in their eyes, bodies twitching lifelessly as they were left unconscious. Without care or remorse, Pei turned his attention back towards the new dealer, folding his old cards between his fingers before splaying them out in front of his face.

“Kekekeke! So what’s your deal, shortie? Gonna be the one that finally makes this shit fun!?”

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
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CS Link
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Katōre, Sankai
Ryutaro, Samira
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
"I'm sure you could manage much more than just a hike in heels." Ryu joked, accompanied by a soft chuckle. "As for the sightseeing... I'll have to have a think on that. Refresh my memory on what there is here." It was then that a silent signal from their chauffeur, from a wave of his hand, signalled their imminent arrival. Soon, the vistas outside turned from ancient forestry to farmland. A few tractors strolled in the distance as they worked the tend to the fields their masters watched over, already starting the bud green in the early stages of sprouting. The road itself was not as well-maintained, yet remained traversable for their accommodations. Low stone walls, only up to a person's waist, separated the fields from the road as both the Queen and Ace ventured into the town.

Farms then became traditional wooden houses and buildings, with ceramic roof tiles immaculately decorating their exteriors; every one seemed to be almost hand crafted in nature, showcasing how much artisinal work was put into a single residency. And driving through the small town on its lone, main road, gave the impression that the two had travelled back in time. The old stone-cobble street held various small grasses in its cracks, while certain buildings hosted mosses on their outer walls. The passage of time showed the region's age, but also its resilience in spite of it. The people themselves were content in a smaller existence, so far away from the worries of the rest of the world.

Truthfully, it was an entire world in of itself for someone in Ryu's stature. He was an urban cosmopolitan, and thus stood out like a weed in an immaculate lawn. What was supposedly his birthright was, instead, something so intangibly out of reach despite his great power. And it showed as his eyes trailed on the people and vistas of Katōre. Perhaps, in another life, this is what he would have been lording over - rather than the chaos and ruination of New Oasis' western reaches. I gave up a simple life a long time ago.

It was then that the vehicle both Ryu and Samira were in took a turn off the main road and towards a walled residency that loomed over the village. Its stature was grander in size, but no more in appearance as it retained the same design philosophies as the rest of this quaint place did. Taller walls surrounded its inner sanctum, with a large wooden gate standing proud as the oaken guardian to its interior. It was when the vehicle came to a stop across from them at the roundabout driveway did Ryu step out. And, to his immediate attention, an figure stood at the front of the estate.

Hunched over, with a cane to help her walk, was an old woman who retained an elegence in her demeanor regardless of her many years. And the Tiger Queen, regardless of his position, bowed in familial respect. "Obaasan." Ryu spoke, avoiding eye contact.

CS Link
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Katōre, Sankai
Ryutaro, Samira
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
For a moment the woman was silent, her weary eyes staring straight at her grandson as the moment passed. A soft breeze brushed against the trees of the estate, giving an aura of serenity to the scenery. This was broken, however, by a soft slap that she delivered to Ryu's cheek. It stung only slightly, as she didn't mean for it to hurt. Rather, it was the message that mattered more. "Eighteen years. Not so much as a visit from my only surviving family." she spoke with a croakiness to her inflections. "恥じるべきだよ..."

What had been a steel wall across her face soon gave way to a more tender expression as she then hugged Ryu, who returned it in kind. "I'm sorry." Ryu offered as consolement, only to be shushed. "No need to apologize... at the very least you remembered I existed. Your presence here alone is enough."

"You knew I was coming regardless. There was no way to hide that surprise." Ryu then said, half-jokingly. "Nothing escapes your sight."

"Hmpf. That ought to be a compliment, boy."
she then said, before turning her gaze to Samira. "Oh, I see you've brought a guest."

"Samira, this is my illustrious grandmother - Megumi. Obaasan, Samira."
Ryu said, motioning between the two ladies as he spoke.

"A pleasure." Megumi spoke, extending her frail hand towards the Tiger Ace.

Beann Beann

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