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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Sab'Haal looked up with absolute calm and stoicness as the orbs of fire were drawn down toward the Orc. It was not as impressive as it was disappointing to him.

He then looked down as the Orc yelled at him, speaking broken English with an intermittent word from a tongue he knew not of. Although it was quite obvious she was calling him a demon when taken into context.

After she finished, he sighed and looked at her with a smug facial expression.

"How anti-climactic." He said with a dreary tone, almost like a kid who was told he couldn't stay out any later to play with his friends. The symbols on the staff which he held pulsated with purple light, as the cluster bomb fire attack drained some energy from the staff.

"That is an interesting power you have there." He began, pacing to the left for a few steps and then back to the right. The whole time he maintained eye contact with the Orc and looked deeply into the blue gems of eyes she had.

"You are very curious my green friend." Complemented Sab'Haal, as in five hundred years he rarely saw things that peaked his interest anymore. All this talk about fire helping people, and the theory of innocents and how they didn't deserve to die was sickening to think of.

"I disagree with you however..." The demon began yet again, this time his facial expression turning to one of dispair and resentment.

"I too was once an innocent. Then because of a human, I became what I am today!" He yelled in anger, his eyes beginning to flare with the color of fire as intensely as Kaya's.

"Where is my justice!? Where is my HELP?!" Asked the demon rhetorically, these words had a hollow and painful truth to them but they were also a stall. The entire time he was focusing his energy between him and the staff. He stopped pacing, and looked at Kaya with a now lifeless expression.

The staff which has been pulsating dimmed down and with that, Sab'Haal raised his palm towards Kaya.

"Let's see if you can absorb this." He smirked, as a purple flame began conjuring in his open palm. The shadow magic imbued fire was not simply fire magic, therefore simply absorbing it would work in the demons favor as it would corrupt and distract the mind of someone not capable of wielding it.

The flame shot out in a straight line towards Kaya, followed by a dark and shadowy fog.




Kaya's eyes widened when the demon spoke back to her, not expecting his slew of words. First he seemed sarcastic at her large, taxing, act of absorbing the fire, sounding bored. Then he complimented her, which bewildered the female orc, but then he spoke of how he wasn't always the demon who stood before her. His angry rhetorical questions caused her to back up a couple steps in fear, but she stopped herself, hoping he didn't notice. His gaze, that was burning as bright as hers, eventually became blank as he decided to throw more fire at her, but this one was dark and dangerous looking. Kaya didn't know it would cause harm if she absorbed it, but she knew she was already overheating from the amount of fire she absorbed beforehand and couldn't take anymore for that moment, so she dodged by rolling to the right, arriving within ten feet of the demon on one knee, before rising slowly, her bright blue eyes staring into the demon's as a precaution, wary of his movements.

"You no understand. Not all human innocent. Whole city does not need suffer, even if has bad human." Kaya tried explaining, frustrated with her inability to speak fluent English. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then looked the demon in the eye. "I...am soar-y." Kaya struggled more with the language, but was determined to continue. "You cannot change what you be. But you can do justice through help innocent, end those who 'plague' world. I try to say..fire can help. Can destroy, can help. Both good and bad, sometimes same." Kaya hoped the demon was understanding her broken English, since that was the best she could do until she was taught better.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: Frustrated Location: Dunheim

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Sab'Haal lowered his hand and looked oddly at the Orc. Why was she trying to change his heart when it was so non-existent? Her plight was empty and meaningless to the demon, though it was weird that anyone even cared enough to try. The sound of fear and crying could be heard around them, engulfed by crackling and burning of flames. At this point a wild fire was bound to spread throughout the city within hours if nothing was done to combat the flames. Sab'Haal did not even take a second thought as to why he was doing what he did, it was almost an involuntary will to destroy everything that consumed him right now.

"Why are you saying this? I am beyond help. My world is black and grey." He asked in a curious tone, normally he would mock people for trying to convince him to help people. Though her words were hard to understand they had meaning to them. What if he only killed those who did evil? What if he spared the good people in the world. But how would he know who is good and who is bad?

~ What a foolish idea... ~ The demon muttered in his head, as he looked towards Kaya for her response. He was breathing at an increased rate due to all the destruction he had caused. A few drops of sweat rolled down from his forehead as he raised his hand and wiped his face. The staff he held did not light up and he was not actively summoning forth any more magical energy from his body.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/darkness.jpg.c3fdd76453a409db5fbe80a11cc1e4f3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111004" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/darkness.jpg.c3fdd76453a409db5fbe80a11cc1e4f3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kaya listened to the demon intently, her bright blue eyes attentive. The demon seemed confused, somewhat curious of her efforts. She smiled faintly, glad he understood the meaning she was trying to convey through her scattered English words. She straightened up fully, no longer as fearful as she was before.

"No one past help." Kaya spoke quietly, but the small smile left her face as it became one of sadness. She thought of her village, and how they had abandoned her, but that only made her feelings towards helping people stronger. "Even though people look bad or is beyond save, it best to try. Not let it defeat you. World meant to be grey. Good to have some white to...bellence black." Kaya managed to say, then took a cautious step towards the demon, curious herself. "What happen to make you demon?" Her eyes were not only their natural bright blue, but they were bright with interest, curiosity, and good intention. Her black hair curled over her eyes again, but she paid it no mind as she focused on the demon, surprised that she had been able to communicate with him for this long.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: Curious/Sad Location: Dunheim


Sab'Haal was slightly thrown back at the interest the Orc was taking in him, though he kept his guard up because he knew that eventually someone else would notice the destruction. He looked around and then back towards Kaya. The question she posed was one he himself had not thought of in over 300 years.

"Pain." He said, as he took a step the left and looked up at the roof he was just on. The thoughts of his origin flooding back into his memory. He could envision the death of that fool wizard who thought he could discover the key to immortality by experimenting on Sab'Haal's former body.

"A wizard thought he could become immortal by using dark magic. I was born from the body of a small child to rectify his judgement. I don't know or care for this physical form. I am hatred, I am sorrow, I am fear and I am dread." The demon explained as the staff he held pulsated with red light, the more he spoke the more intense the light grew. Sab'Haal inhaled deeply and slowly as he had a moment of silence. Then without a further word he turned and faced Kaya once again, this time with no more emotion in his face. Sab'Haal slowly removed one of the 8 rings he had on his fingers and grasped it firmly. The red ruby embedded, golden ring was then thrown over to Kaya with the intent of her catching it.

"That ring belongs to one of the most powerful humans I ever killed. He was the last one that tried to convince me that what I was doing was wrong. That was over 130 years ago." He said with a lifeless tone to it, and this was followed by another long and deep breath. The staff which had been pulsating with light dimmed down and the demon focused his energy inward.

"Enough talk." Were the last words he would say, as he aimed his palm outward to his right at a nearby house. A wave of fire spewed outward and towards the wood and stone structure. The demon was intent on causing more destruction, and anyone who was to try to stop him would be seen as an enemy. Truth be told he did not want to fight Kaya, though he did not care for her attempts to try and persuade him to the path of good. It was not a road he knew how to walk, nor would he learn.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c857df716_Fire1.jpg.73f2d422f4973cced1a1d4c2ecb49561.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111024" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c857df716_Fire1.jpg.73f2d422f4973cced1a1d4c2ecb49561.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kaya frowned as the demon told her his story, feeling sympathetic for the demon and how he came to be. He looked upset as he told her how he became the demon who stood in front of the female orc, but his face soon changed to one devoid of emotion, so she couldn't get a read on him. He threw something small at her, which she caught effortlessly, and he began to explain what it was, when she gazed at the ruby embedded gold ring. She looked up with despair, then backed away, subconsciously gripping the ring tightly with her hand, her nails digging into her green flesh. He turned from her and ceased speaking to her, determined to continue his reign of violence and horror. Kaya glanced around desperately, trying to find a way to stop him without violence and as soon as possible, until she finally had an idea.

"Wait!" Kaya cried out, one of her hands outstretched towards the demon, as if to grab him and stop him. She refrained from doing that, quickly pulling her arm back to her as she gazed at the demon, somewhat afraid of him again. "What if...told you there be other city for to destroy?" Kaya asked, hoping that she could tempt him to destroy a different city, one filled with awful people and creatures so that he could do all the damage he wanted. If they were to head to one of the corrupted cities, she could also practice her fighting skills, since it had been a while for her, since she left her village. Please accept, Druntal... Kaya thought to herself, watching the demon with hopeful eyes.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: Hopeful/Sad Location: Dunheim

Aradin leans up against a wall inside of Pandora's estate, figuring that Sab'Haal wouldn't touch this place. He takes out a sharpening stone and begins sharpening his sword, waiting for the smoke to stop rising. "What other fun things do the Gods have in place for me today?" He'd think to him. "I wonder if Pandora has more liquor in here.." He would mumble to himself as he got up and began walking around the building. While exploring, Aradin would take note of the expensive objects that lined the walls. "I wonder if Pandora would notice if all of her silver spoons suddenly disappeared..I don't think she needs them, considering she owes me a lot of money..."

"Ahh, Finally!"
thought Aradin as he found a liquor cabinet. He opens the cabinet and pops open a new bottle of Serrice Ice Brandy, a mildly expensive brand of imported alcohol. "Damn, she really has all of the good stuff.." He mutters to himself as he brings the bottle up to his mouth. He figured he could pass the time here wasted, and wake up sober with everything around him either burned to the ground, or being repaired from burn damage.

While drinking, he was thinking to himself about the benefits of working for a corrupt politician. "I guess it isn't that bad, I'm basically being paid a salary, and an expensive one at that.." It may have been the alcohol, but after a while, Aradin stands up and equips his weapons. He looks for the door, wanting to cause a little chaos himself. "I'm working overtime..." He says, cracking his knuckles.

@Pr0t0typ3str @Morgrim @Anaxileah

(Didn't know who to tag, if anyone)
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Morgrim said:
@Shimakage Thunder // "Nah I am not headed into the city. Neither should you be, that place is a rat's nest. A burning one at that, I saw the columns of black smoke, if I were you I would stay away from there, in fact why don't you stay with me for a few days, you said you wanted to connect with nature after all." The elf boy had a devilish grin on his lips representing the dozens of years of mischief he had caused, to be fair though he gave those bandits a chance and they didn't take it, now they were resigned to their fate. He stood up with a groan, and a few bones popped in and out of place. He stretched each tired limb. "So what's your name chickadee? I am Aerith."
"My name's Isabella..." she replied. When Isabella heard the young elf, Aerith, start talking about how she shouldn't head back into the city, she became a little concerned. "I guess I can come with you for a few days." Isabella said shyly and making the final decision to go with him. However, for more then half the walk, she was rather quiet, with her mind being on her unborn baby.
She was still trying to convince him? For a moment Sab'Haal thought that this green woman was some kind of hallucination, and that someone was playing tricks on him. He was intent on getting paid by that witch Pandora, those fireballs were worth at least 10 gold each.

~ Is she serious? ~ He thought, as the woman mentioned some other city to be destroyed. Oh how much fun the demon was planning on having.

"Fine, when I'm done here, I'll go with you and we can destroy that other city too." He said to Kaya in a laid back and understanding tone. Now, he was not mocking the Orc by any means. He was simply trying to make her understand that he was going to burn this city down if it killed him.

"You can either stop me..." He began, as he put his hands together again in the same prayer motion he did last time he used his cluster bomb.

"Or you can join me." The demon finished as he inhaled deeply, and began mustering energy to launch that same attack. This time, however, it would take him a substantially longer time to do the same attack since he had been wildly spewing magic from himself all day.



Tai turned around when Jass addressed him, asking if they had any spare swords in the villa, following up with being willing to pay any price. Tai had to pause and think for a few moments, trying to remember if they did truly have any weapons in the villa. It took him a few minutes, but then he remembered that they did have a few forged to help protect the villa just in case anything happened. He nodded his head, "Yes, I believe we do have some in the medical wing. You can have one since we haven't had to use them at all, not many people attack a villa filled with the poor" Tai replied with a humble smile before noticing the approach of Atraxia, the monster finally returning. Not much could put Tai on edge, but he was one of those things, if Tai's guess was correct about him, then it could mean something bad; really bad. "It looks like we will be moving shortly, I suggest you hurry Jass, and be careful" the monk warned him about what seemed to be going on, now two of their group members were rushing them, and it didn't help when those two were each a powerful force by themselves.

Natural Selection (Looking For New Members)

Mood: Neutral -> On Edge

With: Everyone in the Villa, direct interaction with Jass @AnimusLight

Themes: Kami.

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Korvox was quietly walking around, not paying attention to his surroundings, sulking at the fact he had been fired again. Fifth time this month, he couldn't seem to hold a job any damn where. Always to many damn rules, policies and regulations. Annoyance after annoyance, he was just fed up with it. He continued to storm around town aimlessly till hear something about a town being destroyed. He honestly thought destroying a town would help him vent and not a bad idea considering almost all the shop keepers in town has fired him for getting to rowdy with the customers. Also he was quite tired of trying to make a honest living, it seemed impossible, but being a criminal seemed more up his alley and was starting to become a very good idea.

He looked around the area curiously to where he heard the voices. He didn't notice anything out of the ordinary till he saw two figures nearby, and they looked like they were having some sort of duel. Curious if they where the ones talking about destroying the town. He eagerly leaped towards the two. When he finally reached them he leaped once more in between the two figures, not caring to identify what they were exactly cause such details were not important to him at that time. As soon as he stood solid between the two he spoke in a calm but mischievous voice "So did ether if you mention destroying some town? If so can I join? I got nothing better to do." He gave a evil grin looking back and forth between the two feeling excited something interesting was about to happen.

@Pr0t0typ3str @Anaxileah
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Pandora had all ready made her way to the guild hall of the forgotten. It was the only guild inside of the city, and bitter rivals of the external guild hall outside of the city know as the death bringers guild. The forgotten was a guild composed currently of a small but elite group of members calling themselves the elemental four. Each member having a power of the four basic earthly elements. Fire, wind, water and earth. Currently two were away in a clan feud in an extermination mission, but the earth and water elemental were manning the fort. Pandora paid both members a pretty penny, and the two set out to the residential district without a weapon in hand. Both were mages and relied solely on their bodies.

"Hey Dare, do you think those idiots will prove any amount of challenge? I hear one is a demon, and there is suppose to be a trained assassin teamed up with him, but I bet you he'll just be hiding and wait for the other to do all the work while he takes the fame, dontcha think?" Garreck had said laughing, he was pumped up and jumping around in enthusiasm. He was ready for anything at this point, and would have loved to wiped the floor with some small time foes.

The other, known as Dare was stoic and quiet. He looked both as if he had a lot on his mind and nothing at all, the signs of an empty expression. "Doubt it, just be careful." A man of few words. He was more careful, but equally prepared and efficient. He had been in over a hundred fights without so much as sustaining a scratch due to his methodical nature, and his defensive posture.

Dare was different then what one would expect of a quiet man, and that was in that he was bulky and muscular. He had toned muscles, and tan skin. He had spent much of his time outside, and training. The man was human, and an impressive six and a half feet. He towered over most other people, but he also had sharp senses capable of seeing and sensing many things. Next up was Garreck, a polar opposite, being both short, scrawny and pale. He wasn't very discerning for any that didn't know his reputation as the most loud mouth and outgoing of the forgotten guild hall.

Both arrived in minutes at the precise location of the three, though both looked at each other and second guessed if they were in the right place. "Hey Dare bear, weren't there suppose to only be one person. Sure the crispy marshmellow is here, but what about those two, we weren't sent to fight an orc and a fool, not that there would be much difference between the two. Should we ask 'em for directions?"

"No, the demon is here, this is what we do, fight, subdue and capture them." Dare said unamused at the nickname he had been given, nonetheless he was here, and would take them on. Garreck was the first to strike and summoned up a tidal wave with his hands. Dozens of people were being drench, but he did succeed in extinguishing all the flames in the immediate area despite the cluster flare that the demon Sab had been releasing every where. If Sab wanted to burn anything down further he would have to deal with Garreck.

"Now come on you three, and be nice and easy prey okay. We only want to arrest you, but if you make us kill you we will, and I really don't want to stain my new boots with blood, so come along now." Garreck continued running his mouth, but Dare said and did nothing other then observe.

@Shimakage Thunder // Aerith had beam a smile. "Don't worry this is the right choice, trust me. You'll get a one on one tour with nature from an expert." Aerith said standing up, and wiping the dirt off from his pants, small little dust clouds forming. He gave her a nod, and moved past her, unashamed of not offering help of walking to a pregnant woman. Aerith in fact had never seen or dealt with a pregnant woman before as in his culture there was almost no reason to procreate. His species lived for hundreds and even thousands of years if they were careful.

@FordtheKiller // The bag of money that had disappeared before just moments ago so ceremoniously returned to the table, as if fading into reality. As it turns out it was a highly potent camouflage spell that masked both physical and magical presence. Beside it was a note. "Don't think I don't know about you stealing from me. For every item missing I will dock your next pay." The note seemed true as the woman wouldn't respect anything missing from her home, even if it was only one of them. Everything to this woman had some kind of sentimental value, whether it was something she purchased on a good day, or a trophy from her latest victim. it would be in Aridan's best interest to leave with nothing other then the coin.
Morgrim said:
@Shimakage Thunder // Aerith had beam a smile. "Don't worry this is the right choice, trust me. You'll get a one on one tour with nature from an expert." Aerith said standing up, and wiping the dirt off from his pants, small little dust clouds forming. He gave her a nod, and moved past her, unashamed of not offering help of walking to a pregnant woman. Aerith in fact had never seen or dealt with a pregnant woman before as in his culture there was almost no reason to procreate. His species lived for hundreds and even thousands of years if they were careful.
Seeing the way he was behaving, Isabella was wondering if this was the man's first time seeing a pregnant woman up-close. However, she decided to cut him some slack for it, because not everyone knew how to treat a mother-to-be. "You seem to know your way around here. Do you go around adventuring a lot?" she asked, attempting to start a conversation with him. The whole time they were walking though, she was holding her large stomach, which did make it harder for her to walk due to change in her center of gravity and her spine being curved inwards, which was the cause of the consistent backache. "Well, if you know anywhere we can rest, let me know. With a baby on the way, its tough for me to walk and stand for extended periods of time." she added, pretty much saying that the baby was heavy.
As Sab'Haal focused his energy towards unleashing a large fire strike another person came between him and Kaya. This was very soon followed by another two coming from around the corner, one evidently a water mage. The other was most certainly a mage of some kind, as Sab'Haal could feel his magical energy and connection with the earth under his feet.

The demon looked towards Kaya and the man who just came between them, keeping his hands together as he continued to focus his magical energy for what was certain to be a fight coming up.

"Green one, I will not destroy this city if you help me defeat these two mages." Sab'Haal said looking towards Kaya. These two mages were obviously some form of peace keeper here. Or maybe, Pandora sent them. It would not be uncommon for the sly woman to pull something like that.

"If you're bored then maybe you can help too." He followed up, speaking to the man who just walked between the Orc and himself. Sab'Haal was still focusing his energy in readiness for a major strike. This would be easily detected by the two mages however as the amount of energy was very large.

@Anaxileah @Mister Veeeee @Morgrim
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Kaya let out a snarl when the demon suggested she join him in destroying Dunheim, but as he was charging up another attack, two mages arrived, as well as a strange-looking man. The man offered to go with them with a frightening grin on his face, which disturbed Kaya immensely, but before she could answer, the demon she was speaking to before offered to let the city go unharmed if she aided in a fight with the two mages. One was water, she could feel it, so she avoided using her powers to hide her weakness.

Kaya nodded to the demon in agreement to his offer, then unsheathed both of her swords, ready to fight. She wanted this fighting to be quick, since she didn't know if this mage deserved to die or not, but it was better than the whole city burning down. She held one sword normally in her right hand but reversed the blade in her other hand and leapt towards the water mage, the reversed sword behind her as the other one dove towards the mage's side. However she feigned the strike with her right hand and brought the other sword around with ferocity, aiming for the mage's leg with a push of strength.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str

@Mister Veeeee Mood: Angry/Determined Location: Dunheim


Jassur Batal

  • Tagging: @HoneyBear-Kat,

"It looks like we will be moving shortly, I suggest you hurry Jass, and be careful."

Jass nods a silent thank you before having a servant of the villa guide him to the medical wing. He has no time to look around once they got there; his guide points out where the weapons are being held. With another nod of thanks, the mercenary enters the storage room. It ins't spacious- that's to be expected- and like what the monk had said, there is enough to protect the inhabitants of the villa who barely gets attacked. Jass makes his way to the larger weapons that are sticking out. It isn't much of a selection and with the amount of time he had, he chooses a steel sword that was leaning against the shelve of other weapons.

Having a feel of the weight, the mercenary approves his choice. The blade is as long as his previous sword but the width is smaller. The cross-guard is slightly wider than the blade but should still prove useful. A large darker color of metal makes a streak from its guard to the tip of the blade. Jass grips harder on the hilt, before turning it once in his hand. He then slides it into the empty sheath strapped behind him, adjusting the leather to the new size.

With a content sigh, the former knight retraces the route back out of the medical wing. Jass feels the weight of the new weapon; though it was lighter, it gives him a sense of assurance. There are a few members of the group he slightly trusts but there are a couple- mostly the new ones- that he will not hesitate to stab if shown hostility. The mercenary stands outside in the courtyard with some of the others. His gaze moves from the necromancer and the blind assassin to the light elf near the pool.

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His head twitched at the suggestion of being 'easy prey,' which seemed to stack on his already existing anger and impulse to suddenly start splitting skulls. "If you not careful your the one that will become the prey Water Boy" he said with growl towards the two mage. The water boy's cocky attitude made him want to crush him flat; quick, fast, and in a hurry. When the demon inquired he could help him fight, he just nodded before he quickly dashed forward, rushing past the mages and stopping just when he passed the water mage. He then quickly dropped to one knee and swung his elbow backward aiming at the water mages lower back, then hopping up in a half twist electrifying his right leg as he aimed a round house kick with it towards the back of the water mages head. Not even noticing or caring the orc was in front of the mage he was attacking. He didn't care for his vision was going red and his focus was completely on the water mage, wanting to crush the loud mouth bastard. Nothing else seemed to exist to him as the goal of defeating this water user was the only thing going through his mind. After his round house kick he pivoted and drew his leg up to his torso and quickly threw out a side kick aimed at the water mage's torso within seconds of the round house kick.

@Pr0t0typ3str @Morgrim @Anaxileah
Aradin chuckles to himself. "That clever witch.." He sighs as he picks up the bag of money, "I guess it's time for me to cause some chaos.." Aradin puts the money in his bag, and heads outside the building. He draws his bow, and douses the tip in fire. He shoots it onto a nearby home, setting it aflame. "Now that you've lived up to your word Pandora, I'll work for you.." He whistles to himself as he continues to catch nearby buildings aflame. "Where is that damn Demon? I could triple the amount of work done if I find him.."

Aradin casually commits arson as he is walking through the city, whistling. He didn't want to directly murder innocents, just set their homes and shops on fire with arrows. Now, he fought back if he encountered some heroic citizens but they usually ran away after a good punch or a kick. He breathes in the smokey air, "Sab must be close I should head towards the smell of ashes.." He thinks to himself as he draws his sword, running toward the huge cloud of smoke filling the air near Sab'Haal. He eventually sees the demon engaged in combat with a few foes, he conjures an illusion spell, cloaking himself from the others as he approached. Since they share the same element, Sab'Haal would most likely feel the spell.

@Pr0t0typ3str @Morgrim @Anaxileah @Mister Veeeee


Ana frowned, slightly unhappy with Tai's answer, but she nodded in understanding. However, she could always just leave the gold in Xochi's room as a parting gift and be on her way, since they all needed to head out soon - so she did just that. The hybrid female made her way from the food table to her room at a hurried pace, not wanting to keep everyone waiting even further. She arrived at her room and lifted the heavy bags, taking the amount she was to carry with her, and then brought the remaining gold to Xochi's room, placing them atop the bed in the green and nature-filled room. After glancing around the room one last time, having brought the clothes she borrowed sometime earlier (let's just say that happened), she jogged back to where the others were waiting in the courtyard.

"Once Ether and Roxii return are we going to depart?" Ana inquired, her green eyes bright with curiosity and eagerness. "Also, how are we going to get to this 'enemy' in time?" Ana made air quotes when she said "enemy," still not sure about everything that was going on. She knew that Gallard was an assbutt and was hurrying the lot of them, but she understood the need to rush, since this guy sounded awful - contaminating people and their homes all throughout the Core doesn't sound pleasant, except for the one causing it all. Ana's green hair was tied back in a small ponytail, so her green hair stayed out of her face as she looked around, the cover she used for her face resting around her neck since she had no reason to use it at that moment.

The female's eyes flitted between the group members, and she smiled faintly, knowing that she was with this group because they were a bunch of misfits that fit together - did that make sense? Either way, she was glad to be there with them, despite Gallard's intrusive entrance, and hoped nothing separated them from one another, at least not for a while.

Tag: @HoneyBear-Kat

@Federoff Mood: Location:

"How wonderful." Sab'Haal cheered with a sense of forced emotion, as this situation could not have turned out more ideal. The two who he thought he would have to fight first, were now fighting the two mages he thought he'd have to fight at the same time. Then, to add even more fun to the game which was to be played another one joined them. This one's essence was familiar, and the cloak which had been employed by the fellow shadow user was obvious to Sab.

~ The assassin. ~ Thought the demon, as he could certainly sense Aradins presence amongst the magic floating in the air. This was going to prove a fun fight indeed. Since both Kaya and Korvox were already launching an initial frontal assault, and Aradin was most likely going to flank from behind, Sab'Haal would have to wait for an opening and launch a decisive attack which high accuracy.

With that, the demon finally unleashed the energy which he had been conjuring forth all this time (At least 10 minutes now). He pulled his hands apart and the same type of blinding fire orb appeared. This time it was brighter and more intense, and it would also act as a distraction to the Water and Earth mage. This bright light was directly behind Kaya and Korvox, so they would not be blinded by it. Though the flare would only last for about 3-4 seconds before Sab'Haal clapped his hands together and consumed the orb.

After a strong and deep breath his right hand aimed at the floor to the right, and slow burning orange flames slowly bellowed out almost like suspended water into the form of a Tiger. This fire was uncharacteristic of natural flames, as it crackled and licked with no haste. Though it was still dynamic and ever changing like fire, it was obviously being heavily manipulated by magic. The burning animal simply stood there, growling slowly as Sab'Haal awaited his opening.

@Mister Veeeee @Anaxileah @FordtheKiller @Morgrim

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c878d8d91_FireTiger.jpg.0d6ee8bfc851bf8c8e45f47bdfe691f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c878d8d91_FireTiger.jpg.0d6ee8bfc851bf8c8e45f47bdfe691f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Javax said:
Roxii SicariusThe Lythari waited at her seat silently as she listened to Xochi pad away, most likely to retrieve some food for her and the hybrid. She was grateful for the female's hospitality. The two had met just yesterday, and she and her monk friend, Tai, were quick to aid the blind, injured assassin. It was refreshing, in a sense, to receive aid from strangers whom asked for nothing in return. However, the lack of asking for a favour made her feel uneasy. It was so unnatural to her now, to stumble across people who were genuinely kind.

An ear swiveled slightly towards the sound of heavy footsteps entering the room accompanied by the familiar Jassur's scent. Out of the entire group present at the villa, Jass was the one she somewhat trusted most, which was a little more than none given her usual trust issues. Aside from the corpse, he was the first one she had encountered when this entire mission began. Not only that, but she actually knew what Jass looked like, unlike Tai or Xochi or any of the other newcomers.

Xochi's soft steps approached the blind wolf-elf, and she heard two plates of food being set on the table, her assumptions confirmed. A variety of scents wafted to her at once, and she reveled in the wondrous creation that is food. Unsure of where each food was placed, however, she conjured a miniscule amount of shadow magic to allow her some sight. She averted her gaze to the plate before her and carefully picked up a piece of bread, proceeding to take small bites out of the food as she dismissed the magic.

Roxii had hardly taken her first bite, though, when Tai sat across from her and inquired of her well-being. The wolven hybrid's ear twitched in agitation, but she only proceeded to swallow her food and respond coolly and honestly, "
I'm still sore and blind, but otherwise fine."

The blind assassin continued to eat to her heart's content, which wasn't too much given her line of work and lifestyle. Once she finished, Xochi grabbed her plate and put it up for her, to which she muttered a "thank you". It wasn't long before the reptilian female entered the room and approached the hybrid. Roxii turned slightly towards the footsteps of Ana as she drew closer. Still, the healer lightly announced her arrival by a gentle touch on her arm. She informed her that the necromancer, Ether, wished to speak with her. Her tone sounded irritated and bitterness dripped off each word. The hybrid considered asking about it, but she knew that she was no good with feelings or anything of that sort, so she opted to allow someone who was more experienced with social situations than her to take care of that.

I will be fine. Thank you," she responded softly, getting up from the table and walking towards where Ana had entered. The elf used an occasional small dosage of shadows to allow her temporary vision as she walked, finding the strategy to be much more beneficial than feeling her way and hoping she didn't fall or run into something. Still, she had to memorize the flash of vision she got during those moments so that she knew which path to take.

Finally, she caught a glimpse of the necromancer's purple mist, Ether's soul essence. The wolf strode up to the male carefully, wondering why he wanted her to meet with him. "
You called?"

Mood: Slightly irritated
Location: Monk Villa, Dining Hall Courtyard

Ether Mesa

"Ah Roxii. I'm glad you showed up. The fact that you made it here without any assistance only makes this easier to explain." The necromancer turns and regards the small assassin for a moment before sighing deeply and muttering a curse. The wound was not, in any way, pretty. Which was a shame because she was good looking. If only she had let me heal her. She might have been spared this. Ether couldn't help but think to himself. Once Ether had decided he had brooded over it enough he continues, "Roxii. You can see me doing this if you try right?" Ether starts to wave his hand back and forth at a moderate pace. "Using the shadows and dark to become your eyes for brief moments at a time. Something akin to a bat. The images are probably blurred or fuzzy but they allow you to 'see' correct? Well, regardless" The sorcerer continued without waiting for a response. "You're going to need to learn how to harness that ability. I was actually born with poor vision, So I learned how to use the shadows to enhance my vision and give me sight beyond what I was capable of. You are blinded now but not unaware. Now whether you like it or not, this little rag tag group of ours needs you. I doubt you are going to like THIS in particular but I'm going to have to teach you how to use the dark as a new set of eyes. It truly was a shame. As an assassin, Roxii's eyes had to sharp. She had to be able to follow the smallest movements to evade attacks, pinpoint fatal points on the body in the middle of combat, search for the key moment to strike a target and disappear before anyone knew what happened. But if this turned out well, Roxii's "Dark Sight" could be several times sharper than Ether's himself. Ether was good but he was no assassin.

"Especially now with this redundant pile of protoplasm that calls himself a paladin lumbering around with us. He hates anything and everything dark. He initially came to kill me Roxii....and he was quite adamant about it. You won't be safe with him about and neither will I. You need to be able to fight back and in your current state it's not going to be possible, at least not successfully."
//Okay so this was a long time due, but before I make my response first I must say something. Because of the loss of members such as Asuna8138 and Coal all posts involving Morgrim between the times of being teleported away and this post I am making are officially non-canon, and thus not a part of the lore. I will first be making a post involving Gallard the meat headed Paladin, and the current combatants of the new arrivals and new characters. After that I will make a super long and detailed post involving all the stuff that has happened to Morgrim in his absence from the first group. Now to start off with post number one.

Garreck and Dare// @Pr0t0typ3str @Mister Veeeee @FordtheKiller

Garreck was all to surprised that he was tag teamed from the beginning by both the orc Kaya, and the lightning user Korvox, it was smart in theory, but both initiated a frontal assault, with the same speed and distance from each other, and thus made a hopelessly predictable attack. Garreck had taken on small armies with his skill involving area of affect and long range damage, two close ranged combatants should be no different. Using a special evasion ability to transform his entire body into water and then reappear some distance away he dodged them both.

"Now what have we here, a green skin far away from home, and a lightning bug trying to take me out." He clapped both his hands, and bellowed over laughing at the two. "I'm afraid you don't have a hope in hell. Now Dorthy (Breaking the fourth wall here) you will have to change up your tactics so your aren't simply a firer version of ol' Tesla (Again breaking the fourth wall), switch up your fighting styles or at least attack from different directions and times." To add insult to injury he had thrown a water ball at each of their faces, the attack was purposefully harmless and meant more to infuriate both of them as opposed to harm, well other then their feelings of course.

Dare though was just observing, and few would have noticed the camouflaged stone skin he had placed over himself, he was ready for most any attack at this point, and would have rather sit around and learned each of their elements and attack patterns before making his own move. He all ready learned that Korvox was a rash lightning user that could charge at high speed and also learned he was a melee focus person over ranged attacks. This would also play into Dare's favour as he was able to absorb most physical attacks and respond with brutish strength capable of knocking out a full grown warrior in one or two easy hits. He wouldn't attack until provoked.

This was about the time that Sab had unleashed the devastating blinding attack, and this was the first step in the right direction, often times to take out a superior foe you would have to weaken their abilities and apply debufs and negative status effects to bring them down to their own level. Still though these two would know that if they couldn't attack directly they could make themselves much harder to harm until the effect wears off. Dare all ready had the stone skin applied, so he remained motionless, but Garreck created an omnidirectional tsunami that would hopefully knock each of them away, and then created dozens of whirpools in them to knock each person off their balance.

Gallard// @All the people at the Villa

"Well you've all had enough time now, let's get out of here. I have a plan to get to the core, and defeat this plague running amuck out of everything, and that's a warp stone. A simple but pricey tool to transport any number of people to another location on the planet, well except for Skyshard. Now let's find and destroy this thing so I can be rid of you all." Gallard meant it, he was under no illusions that no one there liked him, and he had shared feelings about pretty much every single one of them. The group seemed to swim and follow in darkness and it made him more then a little uncomfortable. But the paladin had a certain view about the lesser of two evils, and the plague was a greater threat then each of the people that followed under Morgrim's employ, and currently under what seemed to be Tai's leadership, perhaps one of the only reasonable people in the entire group. Gallard dropped the stone on the ground and then stepped on it crushing it beneath his feet, and when he stood back a rift portal opened up before them all about 10 feet tall and 4 feet wide, enough for anyone in the group. It was selected to head right to the city of heroes, also know as the golden city, and the dwarf city. With the place in lockdown it would be sure to draw some attention with a rift opening, but with Gallard leading the helm they would be allowed to travel unhindered.
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Roxii Sicarius

The wolf-elf took note of the necromancer's sigh and muttered curse of what she assumed to be frustration. Frustrated with what, though? His tone didn't hold any sort of irritation as far as she could tell, so at least the dissatisfaction or resentment wasn't directed towards her...? Either way, it didn't matter too much to her; she wasn't a "people pleaser".

Roxii dwelled on the first inquiry for a moment, wondering if he expected her to do something or if was simply just stupid, and he didn't seem too much like the latter. So she began to utilize her darkness as she had done not long ago just to get here without making a fool of herself. Ether almost immediately explained the tactic she was using, which answered her question. Before she could confirm his explanation, however, Ether was already moving on to the next part of his "presentation". The Lythari listened to him silently as he clarified what she "needed to do" and why, but a short "hmph" escaped her when he mentioned teaching her how to use her magic in this way.

He was right to doubt. She never had a teacher, and she never needed one. The elf always learned by herself, for herself. She was not some child anymore. If anything, she could learn on her own like she had always done. The assassin had always learned by observation—which isn't much of an option at this point—by trial and error, and by being put into life or death situations that forced her to learn. The wolf didn't need someone telling her what to do and how to do it; telling her what she needed to do was enough to put her on edge.

Then again, the male wasn't wrong. Now that Roxii was completely blind, that put her at a complete disadvantage against almost every single potential opponent, including the annoying paladin that Ether mentioned. It was obvious the new man was much larger and stronger than her. Being of dark descent and not being able to exactly see what he was doing put her at the greatest risk. If she allowed her pride to take hold now, then she might as well
write have someone else write her will and then drop dead. And the idea of dying wasn't too appealing currently, especially so early in her life.

After a few moments of mulling over the possibilities between each choice, Roxii finally let out a sigh. "
Okay," the blind wolf answered, giving in to the male's offer. She was proud of her abilities and rather confident with what she could do despite her wounds, but she also wasn't stupid.


Mood: Neutral
Location: Monk Villa, Courtyard

Korvox didn't take the taunt lightly, in fact he blood started to boil and his lighting went red in a bright flash as he converted 100% of his body to its lighting elemental state. The red lighting was the shade of blood and charged even faster this time. closing the gap in twenty-five hundredths of a second coming within 2 feet of the water mage. Then he three right jabs aimed at the head, two left hooks: first one at the ribs second at the head, then moving to the water mages left side where he aimed four roundhouse-kicks aimed at his chest and 2 at the head, then switching feet to deliver 3 round house kicks aimed at the mage's back: first one aimed at the lower back/ the second aimed at the shoulders/ the third aimed towards the middle of the mage's back. Korvox was almost in a blind furry as he quickly made his brutal assault on the water mage with each strike within 2 tenths of second of each other and closing any gap made almost as quickly as the gap was made, if not faster. His small alert kicked off in his brain when first degree burns started covering seventy percent of his body. He wanted to teach this loud mouth mage that stood before him a painful lesson he wouldn't forget.

@Pr0t0typ3str @Anaxileah @FordtheKiller
//A big apology to both @Cloud Nagasake and @AtlasAtrium because I didn't remember to set up the guild for them until now.

A popular foundation that could be found in Landfall was it's many diverse array of guild halls each usually with a theme and small army of people backing it up as members taking on all the chores that both the humble and poor man may have, or a mission handed down from the ruthless and powerful factions to give themselves an each in the war. Now the Core was less known for this foundation because of the fact there was only one, and that was in the city of heroes. The guild hall was known as the hall of the Vigilant, a place for advanced combatants that constantly seek to reinforce their reputation and skills, often to the end goal of trying to take on the Labyrinths of the Aspects. The Labyrinths were a story for another day. Today was the day the Hall of the Vigilant would accept some new members, such as Terra, Gale and Rowe (Belonging to the lovely Cloud and Atlas, welcome noobs xD ).

The guild hall was the most beautiful of all guilds in the entire world as it matched the theme of the rest of the city, being constructed from many precious metals and gem stones likes from the common but beautiful amethyst to the hyper rare and useful aristeel, often times many of the members could be seen drinking at the exquisitely large and well decorated tavern, with it's complimentary meals, and delicious drinks served at discount prices to all members. One would think that people would try to exploit this by joining, and then getting as much before the guild realizes they have no talent, but each member must first pass a initiation before becoming a member. Including the three newest members to be joining.

Other such wonderful amenities are the dozens of bedrooms, the underground hotsprings. specialized training rooms for anything ranging from stealth and thievery based skills like pickpocketing and lockpicking, to brutal physical training methods like the living dolls, special training dummies that can fight back ranging from levels one to thirteen, always selecting a random fighting tactic so that there is no way to master this training method. The guild hall also features several shops including alchemy, arms shops and custom tailors.

(Now that I rambled on enough about it you two can post your characters entering into the guild hall for the first time and introduce your wonderful characters to us.)

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