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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]


The elf finally managed to tighten her bracers, and at long last she was ready. Her quiver was full of arrows, her bow was slung diagonally on one shoulder, and her two short swords (or long daggers) were appropriately tucked into their holsters attached to the quiver. Her lightly armored, leather boots hardly made a sound when she walked on the wood of the Villa to make her way to the kitchen. When she arrived everyone was eating...including Gallard. Her lips tightened to form a line and her nostrils flared at the sight of him again. Her eyes pulled away from the paladin and moved to the table.

She couldnt believe her eyes. Where were the fruits, the vegetables?! All she saw was meat, meat, and more meat. Eleniel grimaced,'Animals...' she thought. Sure there were some fruits on a plate, but the ratio of meat to fruit was HEAVILY outweighed. She squeezed herself between two bodies at the table, leaning over to grab a peduncle of grapes. As soon as her hand grabbed a hold of the supply she need, she leaned back, took some steps away from the table, and leaned on a support beam/pillar that held the place up. One by one she picked off the grapes and popped them into her mouth. Each bite secreted juice that was so refreshing, so sweet. She continued until the stem was clear and empty. The elf looked back at the table, the only other thing she could eat with in that morning feast, was bread. She reminded herself she'd take some on the way out. 'Ill pick what ever I can find while on the journey,' she thought, referring to fruits and other edible plant products.

Gallard announced, yet again, that it was time to go. Eleniel had already been on her feet, waiting, so naturally she was one of the first to actually exit the building. She trotted quickly down the couple steps, and waiting near the pool in the open court yard.

@Morgrim @shadowz1995 @Anaxileah @Javax @Federoff @EVERYONE @ANIMOOSE

Somewhere in the forest in the outskirts of town, young mother to be, huntress and aspiring adventurer Isabella was just returning home, but has gotten lost on the way there. At the moment, she was attempting to escape from a group of bandits, but it was hard for her to run due to the fact that she was carrying another life inside of her. She could barely do anything, but Isabella was very brave to be going around doing things while she was with child. Finally gaining enough distance between her and the bandits chasing her, Isabella decided to go hide behind a few trees and bushes that were close together and kept her head down. Sitting down against a tree, she took a few deep breaths and readied her bow in case any of the bandits would end up coming to find her.
I was hoping people would have posted sooner so I could do all my posts at once, but you have waited long enough.))

The bandits had chased her down for a good twenty minutes straight, never letting up for a moment. They did lose sight of her when she went into the woods though, so they quickly gathered, gave each others some orders, and then spread out to scout the forested area. "Come on guys, lets find the fat bitch, you know what the boss wants." The bandits were part of a brand new clan of bandits called the thunder giants, a tribute to their previous name and band of mercenaries and bandits. Isabelle, had been their first target as the boss had a raidcal plan to kidnap a baby, multiple actually, figuring that he could raise the children to become super soldiers with magical rituals, brutal training, and indoctrination. The thunder god, who was not an actual god was the leader of the bandit clan. He use to be second in command just a few days prior, and now he was riding his power rush and high, ready to steal some gold and supplies, and bring up a new legacy.

The bandits made some cat calls, and noises one would use to call a dog over, but the scoured through every single bush, and climbed some trees to hopefully get a better point of view. It was then when one young bandit had noticed her behind a tree he was about to climb, and pulled out a scimitar. "Ha found you, now come along nice and quiet we promise not to hurt you too much if you come along peacefully now." He was lying.

@Shimakage Thunder
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When the bandit found her, she wanted to panic, but that would alert the other bandits. When he pulled out his scimitar, Isabelle looked at her Crossbow which was loaded. "I don't know about that. I don't trust you." She replied and prayed with her Crossbow, hoping that she wouldn't miss. If she would hit the bandit in the face and hopefully in the right place, she would be able to make her escape. Finally she took her shot, but didn't know where she hit since she made a break for it immediately after pulling the trigger. She continued running, even though that was a little tough because of her current condition. If someone could step in and help her, that would be nice.
Somewhere in Dunheim...

A dwarf gets thrown against a wall in an alleyway with nowhere to run. "Please, tell Corelli that I'll pay him later this week!" The dwarf thrown says to his assailant. The hooded assailant picks up the dwarf and holds him against a wall. "Too late for that Rako, my employer wants either the coin now, or blood. Seeing you've spent his coin on prostitutes and alcohol, I guess its blood you owe.."

Rako spits out blood and spit as he tries to break the grip. "Damn it!" He says, struggling. The Mercenary throws the bleeding dwarf down with his face towards the ground. He then draws his sword and slowly pushes it into one of Rako's knees, causing him to shriek in pain. "I believe Mr. Corelli's words were to make you bleed and suffer before you died." The hooded figure says, cutting the deep tissue of both knees with his blade. "While it typically isn't my style, I have to obey my boss."

The hurting man growls in pain and screams, "Just do what you came to do and end me!" Dogs could be heard barking nearby at the sound of the shriek, and so would the voices of men. The hooded figure curses under his breath and stabs Rako through the head, and quickly makes his escape.

While he didn't do exactly as he promised, Rako Autumn was no more, and his flesh was now food for the stray dogs . He heads back to the bar where he was given the job and his employer's representative begins speaking. "So Mr. Blint, is our "friend" taken care of?" Aradin responds, "He's food for the strays and the rats now." The representative throws him a small pouch full of coin. "Just as promised, 1,000 pieces of coin." Aradin smirks underneath his mask, and smacks the butt of a sultry waitress, ordering some ale. He sighs as he begins drinking. @Morgrim
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The area around Dunheim.

Deep breathing with a very slow interval. The sound of feint wind rustling leaves throughout the forest. A chilling aura slowly accompanied the humanoid, cloaked figure as he walked down the path. A long black staff in hand, with no light gleaming off of it apart from strange symbols resembling Hieroglyphics, or Chinese writing. Piercing eyes scanned the area ahead, and all of sudden he came to a stop. The man looked down at a white flower that was blossoming fully, so innocent and pristine. Sab'Haal stared at the flower... He stared for 15-20 seconds before slowly the flower began to disintegrate as if it was being lit on fire. Flakes of burned petals and stem flew off into the wind as nothing but ashes.

The demon of sorrow continued to follow the path, leaving no trace of the single white flower in the small un-shaded spot in the forest. This feeling that swirled inside him at all times was a constant burden. This burden needed to be shared by others, but others had to first be found.

~ What better way to attract people... than fire? ~ He thought to himself, as Sab'Haal stopped. He turned and looked towards the deep forest, outside of Dunheim. The staff in his hand began to feel more weighted, as all but the very top white symbol lost its light. The top symbol intensified, as Sab'Haal began a long and deep inhale through his nose with his eyes closed. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and let out an enormous wall of fire out from his mouth. The flame erupted and spread throughout an impressive cone in front of him. Leaves, twigs, branches, bugs and all scorched in the intense heat, sending large plumes of smoke floating up towards the sky like a signal flare. This smoke would be visible from miles off, as the area scorched was large.

The lights on the staff slowly returned to normal, as Sab'Haal looked at the destruction before him. Slowly, a smirk formed on his face. He then began chuckeling and slowly after that, a loud and maniacal laugh shot out of him.

"He's Dead!" He yelled freakishly, speaking of the wizard that some 580 years ago turned him into what he was today.

((If anyone wants to interact in some way and is near me I'd be happy to :D ))
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Aradin was approached by a woman, someone who would be known to many as Pandora, the mistress of evil. Aradin had been making a name for himself as someone who was capable, and not entirely morally conscious. This would play out well for her as the manipulative woman she was. As she entered into the bar, most people took a quick look, got from their seats and just left, not even paying for their drinks, nor did the bartender care, this was not the time to be collecting money. As the bar maiden was leaving with the rest of them without a word, Pandora grabbed her wrist and directed her over to the bar. The girl looked panicked, but she didn't dare make a move against the mistress of Dunheim, she could tell that she wanted a drink, and nothing other then dragonsblood golden ale would do for the woman. She sat next to Aradin.

"Well hello there sweet thing, I've been hearing a lot about you, and I'm sure you know all about me. A queen needs to know all the valuable players in her castle, and you've struck me as being quite important, so I want you to do something for me. Okay hun?" She asked in a sing song voice, but behind it was the venomous hint of a woman with power and a deep seeded cynical hatred of anything that was not on her side. "I could use a strong boy like yourself, there is another like you, a person who is more then a mere worm squirming around disgustingly in the mud. There is a man, a wizard different from so many making a mess of things, I would like you to find him, knock him down a peg, and bring him to me, alive please. Thanks hun, do well and there will be a few shiny gold coins in it for you." Pandora so happened to be the second most rich person in Dunheim right now, so a few gold coins, probably equalled a lot more then the cutesy title might imply. Next to Gallard who inherited Tuso's riches she was to be feared as much as the now dead priest, but she can make due on her own threats instead of being a physically weak and fat man that has a hard time scratching his own ass; that being Tuso, not Gallard.

@Pr0t0typ3str @FordtheKiller
It was only by pure luck that Isabelle would be rescued, as a member of the covenant was in the area, though they almost always are, the forest is their home and territory, sharing it with those who deserve it. The boy with the scimitar let out a shriek of deep felt pain before dying on the ground. The bolt pierced a small whole in his brain, and as the blood swept in he lost his vision, and quickly after control over his organs which led to a short but painful death. The scream though was the important part because while it drew the attention of the other five bandits of the thunder god, it drew the attention of Aerith, a mage for the Covenant with a special ability to bend space into his favour.

The very itself seemed to bent and distorted like looking through a wavy sheet of glass before colour and then matter filled the space. A thin man was sitting there, correct sitting not standing, with a smirk on his face. "Hey there." Was all he said as the bandits made themselves known. They didn't like his cocky attitude, and quickly charged him all at once. After all who needed strategy when you have better numbers and strength, that's probably what they thought. The covenant had set up some traps around the area and Aerith would use this to his advantage, swapping the soft solid soil they were about to step into with the pitfall trap leading into a spike pit. They all fell and dropped only to be impaled. "Idiots... Hey lady are you okay, what are you doing out here?"

@Shimakage Thunder
Aradin, with his hood lowered gives the woman a strange look as he sips on his cheap ale. "Well, I certainly didn't expect to get a job from one of the richest people in the city this soon." He says, setting his ale down and asks, "What's this wizard's name?" Aradin inspects Pandora as she speaks and wasn't quite sure why people were fearful of her. He rubs his chin, "I also need to know this guy's location. It'll make it a lot easier for me to find him." His weaponry was sitting next to him, he felt uncomfortable with it currently equipped when he wasn't moving. The bow was finely crafted and durable, and the sheath of his sword was engraved with his family crest on it.

"The mage has an unusual name, something along the lines of Sab'Haal, he clearly isn't from around here. I'll tell you this much, he usually hides around the outskirts of town, but he likes to cause mischief when inside. Look for the panic and fire and you will find him." Pandora had meant the last part metaphorically, but as it turned out it was quite literal at this exact moment. "I hope you have a salamander potion, or else you are going to get burned and badly. You might want to buy one if you are smart, think of it as an investment." There was a heavy sum of gold waiting at the end of this seemingly easy mission, a good 2,000 gold coins, enough to buy a small cottage. What neither the assassin or the mage would realize at this point is that they are both actually entering into a larger game, sheep and wolves, and like the two combined there will be blood.

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"Consider this Sab'Haal already at your door." He says, downing his ale before standing up and leaving the tavern. Aradin thinks to himself, "Outskirts of town, Salamander potion, Sab'Haal. Deliver this guy and I could retire a lot earlier than planned." He uses that thought as motivation as he purchases a Salamander potion from a local alchemist.

After a while, Aradin would make it to the outskirts of Dunheim and begin looking for obvious signs of this mage he has to capture. He peruses the landscape for a while before spotting a huge signal fire, "She was quite literal when she mentioned fire.." He murmured to himself as he walks toward the signal fire. Once the fire itself would come into view, Aradin would put his hood up, and inspect the humanoid figure he spotted tending to the flame. Aradin held the salamander potion in one hand, ready to drink it at a moments notice. Happy with the convenience, he continued on, Sab'Haal could see him approach if he was paying attention. @Pr0t0typ3str
Sensing not only the presence, but the magical capabilities of someone approaching intrigued Sab'Haal. It had been a much shorter wait than he was expecting for someone to notice his camp fire. Without moving a muscle, Sab'Haal stared at the charred floor of the forest, with large embers and small flames still remaining after the initial fire attack. The staff he held was in his right hand, and as Aradin approached Sab'Haal turned to face him. His eyes focused on the Archer before him, clearly an assassin. The fine armor peeked Sab'Haal's interest, as it indicated a man of much more skill than the typical assassin sent after the demon.

The closer that Aradin got to Sab'Haal the more he would surely notice the aura surrounding the demon. Aradin was skilled in Illusion magic, and this was something so he would be able to pick up on the inklings of magic in the air generated by Sab'Haal. Sab'Haal gave an unusually friendly smile towards Aradin.

"Hello." He said, as his blazing eyes inspected the potion in his hand. This sight gave Sab'Haal a decent chuckle, one which he ended abruptly.

"Is that a Salamander potion you have there?" He asked in an almost slightly mocking tone, as he smirked towards Aradin with a devilish grin. The lights on Sab'Haal's staff slowly faded in and out with a breathing effect. @FordtheKiller
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Anaxileah Wylloh

Ana's cheeks turned a light green when Ether teased her, her eyes narrowing and looking down and away from Ether as he spoke, not wanting him to see her face. When he said that he would rather go find food on his own terms, Ana nodded, preparing to turn and head back until he mentioned Roxii. Okay, so, go get Roxii and send her to Ether, and tell Gallard to suck it up and deal with the necromancer being let loose. Shouldn't be too hard. Ana thought to herself sarcastically before nodding in understanding at Ether, her cheeks a bit green from seeing him smile genuinely.

Ana turned from where she was and walked back to the dining room, watching as everyone seemed to be there but Atraxia and Ether. "Paladin, the necromancer wants to retrieve his own nourishment in an alternate fashion rather than be in your presence." Ana spoke monotonously, not wanting the paladin to think she agreed with Ether in not wanting to be anywhere near the paladin, even though she really,
really, didn't want to be there. After announcing that to Gallard, Ana went to speak to Roxii, just as Ether asked. I feel like I'm just a messenger for the group.. Ana thought bitterly as she approached the wolf-elf, touching her arm gently to announce her arrival. "Ether wants you, he's in the courtyard and about to take off to find food on his own terms. Would you like accompaniment on the way to the courtyard, or will you be fine on your own?" Ana asked, her tone conflicting. Why am I in this group? I don't fit in here. Ana continued to think to herself, her mind trying to make a decision of whether or not she should actually stay.


@shadowz1995 @Javax Mood: Meh. Location: Villa.

Aradin stays silent, quickly drinking the Salamander Potion. It was good that he listened to Pandora, the scorching heat of the fire near him would be very pernicious to his over all health. He hopes that his gear will for the most part remain unaffected by the incandescent inferno near him. He sighs as he cracks his knuckles. "I have specific orders to take you alive for a pretty penny."He says as he approaches Sab'Haal. "So be a good guy and come with me without much struggle." Aradin looks at him, "Or you can be humiliated in combat by me, then taken to my employer. Either way, I get what I want."

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"That's an interesting idea, now isn't it?" Sab'Haal replied with a friendly tone to Aradin. Although the concept of a human besting Sab'Haal in combat was laughable at best, he decided it would be more fun to play games instead of go right into direct combat. He had no intention of being captured or anything of that nature, as he knew that there was a massive bounty out on his head wherever he went. Sab'Haal is a well known name, with a hefty price tag.

Sab'Haal smiled convincingly in a way that had no mockery behind it. The entire time since Aradin had been talking to Sab'Haal however; The staff that the demon wielded was being imbued with an immense amount of heat. The runic staff would be several hundreds of degrees Celsius hot to the touch, and this was to play perfectly into Sab'Haals idea of fun.

"I suppose you wouldn't want your target to be armed while in captivity right?" He explained, as he gently tossed the staff in an upright fashion which would be easy to catch with one hand. It would go through the air with a very slow movement speed, not to be confused with hurling the object with negative intent to it. As the staff left the hand of thje demon, Sab'Haal inhaled deeply through his nose. In the couple moments it would take for the staff to reach Aradin, Sab'Haal breathed forward a direct and quick cone of fire at the assassin. This was a distract and strike move, for if Aradin were to catch the staf his hand would be severly burned despite the Salamander Potion guarding against flame styled magic attacks.

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It appeared as if Aradin was engulfed in flames, but the experienced assassin knew better than to just simply walk up to his target and go for a frontal assault. The demon's cone of fire really engulfed an illusion of Aradin, this illusion took up a lot of his magical power but it did its job. The real Aradin was sneaking up behind his target, and knocked an arrow onto his bow. "I had a feeling that would work," Aradin thinks, thinking to himself on how effective the dummy was. "Now all I have to do is get a good shot, and hit him in a non lethal area, such as the back of the knee.."

"Ahhh! It Burns!" The illusion exclaims as it acts like it's on fire. The acting wasn't the best, but to the very ignorant, it would pass as a genuine reaction. The illusion falls to the ground, rolling around as the fire hits it.

Aradin can see this and cringes at the sight of the poor acting, "Note to self, stick to doing wet work, acting is not something I'm good at." He makes his way behind Sab'Haal, about 15 feet behind him. He fires an arrow, which barely misses the Demon, sinking into the ground next to its feet.

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The fact that the man in front of him was not the actual assassin didn't come off as too much of a surprise to Sab'Haal because what good assassin walks up to their target and tries reasoning with a 500 year old demon? The arrow striking the ground next was quite a surprise, as he did not expect the assassin to miss. ~ Did he miss on purpose? ~ The demon thought briefly to himself. Sab'Haal raised both hands towards the air with palms facing the sky, roaring loudly as the ground under Aradin's feet would begin to feel hot and tremble slightly.

Within a few moments a large flame would erupt from under the archer's feet. This was easily telegraphable as it took a few seconds to actually generate the flames in the location behind him, especially while not looking at the target. The flames would generate the shape of a large horned humanoid figure doing the exact pose that Sab'Haal was doing before turning into smoke. This visual effect was not necessary but a display of the level of control that the demon had over fire.
Aradin tumbles out of the way of the apparition which suddenly vanished, "Was that an illusion?" He thought to himself as he gets back on his feet. He grunts to himself, drawing his sword and heading toward the Demon. While running toward Sab, he was thinking. "This guy's specialty is fire eh? I've seen worse, but the sheer control for someone who doesn't look more than 20 is quite impressive.." Aradin had a plan, he didn't yet drink the Salamander Potion he bought earlier. His illusion drank a fake potion for effect, but he didn't.

"Nice spell work for someone who looks young.." He says, complimenting his opponent as he brings his sword over his head and slices downward at Sab. "He might have the power of fire, but lets see how good his reflexes are. "I may be able to out maneuver him if this test shows how quick he moves.." He thinks to himself as his sword descends, he was aiming for a non-vital area, a light gash across the chest was more than enough to stop an average man. That was all he needed.

As soon as Aradin began dashing towards Sab'Haal, the demon rolled over to the runic staff he earlier threw at the illusion of Aradin. He held it in both hands as he raised the staff quickly in a horizontal angle to stop the blade's downward decent. Using enough force to meet Aradin's swipe. Sab'Haal smirked,

"Oh good!" He exclaimed frantically, "I love a good fight!" He yelled at Aradin with a maniacle laugh to follow. Sab'Haal backed away with a quick reverse setp, and used the staff similar to a spear to send a quick jab forward towards Aradin's face. The staff was a blunt instrument so it would obviously not have enough force to pierce anything, but it would be a disarraying strike if it were to hit someone in the temple nonetheless.

After the quick jab he would take a step back in order to try and create distance between him and the obviously melee proficient assassin. Sab'Haal had been in enough battles to know where he fights most effectively from. The staff's symbols began to fade as Sab'Haal inhaled deeply, in anticipation of Aradin's next move.

Aradin holds his head, the sudden pain wasn't expected but he'd deal with it. He growls, kicking up the loose earth under his feet to distract Sab. The dirt flew at the face of the demon, who Aradin maneuvered closer to him. "This guy has some experience in combat, looks like I'll have to play a tad bit dirty." He performs a low kick, with the intent of bringing his opponent to the ground. He stands up, pointing the tip of his blade at the demon with an intense look in his eye.

Dust flew into the air and towards Sab'Haal's eyes, forcing him to close them as to not lose his visibility. This meant that the low kick connected solidly, though instead of falling completely on his back Sab'Haal used the staff and jammed it into the ground. The staff was used as a cane so he could retain his balance, and as he opened his eyes he saw the tip of the blade pointing towards him. Instinctively, the demon opened his mouth and spewed a very direct and narrow plume of fire towards the Assassin. This was something he would have to dodge, since the illusion drinking the potion meant that this man before him was either another illusion or one who was not protected against flames.

Sab'Haal then quickly fell backwards and rolled to a standing position, staff in hand. The runic staff began pulsing with light and then quickly dimmed. Now it was time to bring out the real magic, as Sab'Haal raised his left hand (not wielding the staff) with his palm facing upwards as if he was holding something. Focusing his breathing, his face became fierce and serious as he generated a purple fireball floating above his hands. This fireball was imbued with both fire and shadow magic. It simply floated in place, as Sab'Haal maintained an intense glare, looking at Aradin.

"Who sent you boy?" He asked with a smirk forming with his mouth. Clearly someone wanted Sab'Haal for torture or to exact revenge. To send someone with skills such as this against a target meant this man must have been paid a large sum of money. The archer's hooded armor did not look like any other bandit around these areas, it wasn't armor that was familiar to the demon.

"I haven't had this much of a challenge in the last one hundred years!" He yelled, with a devlish look in his eyes. The ball of purple fire then slowly faded away, and Sab'Haal slammed his open hand into the ground. This caused a purple fog to start forming around Aradin and Sab'Haal within a 30 square meter area. This fog was simply a mind trick, nothing but an illusion. Though this was not a well known fact, as it looked as convincing as real fog.

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Aradin's quick reflexes helped him avoid the cone of fire. He leaned backwards, so far in fact that he lost his balance and fell backwards. He rolled back on his stomach and quickly stood up. "Pandora hired me to bring you too her." He would say, he figured there would be no real reason to hide who his employer was. "Did he say 100 years?" He thought to himself as he readied his blade. "That would explain the skill with fire magic, all that age and experience really make a difference.." His thoughts quickly diverted to the purple fog surrounding him.

"A purple haze to cloud my vision? I see..well I can't see.." He murmurs to himself as he backs up against a nearby tree. He knew he had to protect his back, his weak flank because his opponent had perfect visibility. He shifts his eyes left and right, looking for any sort of attack against him.

"That witch..." Sab'Haal said disgustingly, and then chuckled a little after the fact. "She is more of a demon than I am!" He exclaimed, followed by a loud and eerie laugh. The laugh was part of this mind trick, as he would begin to use anything he could to try and generate fear in his opponent. Since he has extensively used magic in this fight and especially in this last fog spell, Sab'Haal would begin a less demanding approach to this fight. He slowed his breathing down to a steady and silent, almost meditational level of respiration.

"This is not a task for you human." Sab'Haal said assuredly, almost as if he was trying to talk down Aradin into letting his guard down. Sab'Haal slowly stepped forward and stood roughly 11 feet before Aradin. That was about the effective visible range that most would have in theses circumstances, though Aradin's keen senses would most likely give him at least a few extra feet of perception. The fog in front of the two combatants would dissipate slightly, as to offer clear view of each other. The runic staff began to restore light to the symbols spread out amongst the black material.

"I've lived for 583 years, and not once have I met a human that was my equal in combat. Come, Take me to Pandora, and we'll get this straightened out." Sab'haal spoke towards Aradin, with a calm and collected tone. Throughout this entire engagement the demon had barely broken a sweat apart from the use of fire magic multiple times. Throughout those 500+ years he has been in countless battles, to the point that he is more comfortable and relaxed in combat than when not. This also meant that when trying to trick his opponent, he could do it with 100% confidence in his voice and demeanor.

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"Why should I believe you?" He inquired as he looked at the silhouette of the demon through the fog. "Do you expect me to be so gullible? My mentor taught me better than that!" He says to him, locking his eyes on him.

Aradin debates in his mind, "What if he is telling the truth? No, this is just a trick I'm sure of it. I need to come here and complete my contract with Pandora and then retire early.."


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