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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

(Here's a shitty post because shitty mood. (<3)

This is also set a little after Ana's post, so it doesn't include the Ether/random paladin guy thing and whatnot.)

Roxii Sicarius

Roxii was grateful for the presence of the reptilian hybrid. Most of the others had gotten on at least one of her nerves at one point or another, but Ana still had a chance. Even though everyone annoyed her at some point given her "dislike/hate everyone" attitude and "trust no one" outlook, there were still a few people whom she actually enjoyed their presence. This band of misfits and outcasts was the best fit in that category.

Would she ever admit that out loud, though? No.

The blind assassin allowed Anaxileah to guide her towards the resting area. How to get there, she wasn't too sure. From her perspective, she was just kind of walking—though not without a slight falter in her step. When the physical contact ceased between Ana's hand and Roxii's arm, she let out a soft breath that she hadn't realized she had been holding, somewhat like a sigh of relief. Physical contact was still a no.

The other hybrid began asking Roxii about her well-being. She was starting to become irritated by the constant inquiries; the Lythari was an assassin that needed no one and nothing. She didn't need to be checked up on every second, even if she was completely blind. The hybrid can admit that she needed to be tended to at the beginning of her newfound blindness, but she didn't need it anymore.
She was fine.

The wolf let out an aggravated sigh, letting the frustration boil without letting it surface. "I am fine."

To anyone else, it didn't take too long to reach the room. To the wolf-elf, however, it still felt like the journey took forever. It was just step after step after step, unable to look at anything but a constant void of black. Would she technically even be looking at black at this point? The blades that cut into her eyes would render them completely and utterly useless, unlike those who lost their eyesight by inheritance, old age, or through some freak accident. Unfortunately for the elven hybrid, there was no point in saying that she could "only see darkness"; she
was darkness.

Roxii flicked her ears forward towards the door when she heard Ana open it, pinpointing its location. She took a few cautious steps forward, stepping past the healer and into the room. The darkness in the room was strong enough for the shadow elementalist, so at least that was a plus.

When Ana made a comment about the lack of natural light in the room, the assassin let out a huff. "
Oh yes, because the light will obviously bother me now," Roxii mused. She would've rolled her eyes sarcastically at this time, but the reason why she didn't was quite obvious. "I think I will be fine now. Thank you."

[Cue Ana's leave. :L]

After hearing the door close, Roxii allowed herself to slip partially into the Shadow Realm. The room's layout was rather simple with a comfortable bed—one that was at least more comfortable than the ground, a high up tree branch, or a cell—, a bedside table, and a few other pieces of furniture that she cared not to take note of; the bed was her main concern.

Careful not to use too much of her power and taking a moment to memorize the path to the bed, the Lythari slipped back into the mortal realm, carefully walked to the bed, and laid down. She breathed in deeply and let it out slowly, enjoying the feeling of being out of the harsh weather and off of a cold, hard floor. It had been a while since she had slept down in a real bed. In fact ,it had been a while since she had slept in general. It didn't take the blind wolf too long to get situated comfortably on the bed and allow the comforting embrace of sleep to take her, completely oblivious to the events happening elsewhere in the villa.


Mood: Grateful, irritated, tired
Location: Monk Villa

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Yule rather disliked being manhandled as if he was nothing more but a bag of potatoes, but he smiled victoriously even though he was upside down and bobbing along as Bane walked. "I'm going to see the monster anyway, so tough luck-" Yule was stopped short as the minature dragon sunk her teeth in his leg, knocking him out. She unwraveled herself and crawled uponto the man's shoulder. It took her a while to finally talk, since she had to change to the human tongue, but her words finally came out slowly. Her voice was like a hum and slightly musical, but still comprehendable. "I put him to sleep so he wouldn't hear this conversation." She said as she gazed at the man, wisdom lurking beneath her eyes like a deep pool. "I don't trust you, and I know my instincts are right. I don't know why you're pretending to be a companion to him, unless you see him, or me, of use. If its me, I can't be seperated from him. But maybe you already know that, aye? I suggest you cut the act." She snarled.



The elf scoffed at the girl's "its too dark" comment about the room. She could agree more. Raven had let go of Ether to inspect the room further, and proceeded to light a candle. The elf maiden's eyes widened and blinked, as she saw Raven call upon fore out of thin air. She cocked an eyebrow,'How curious...' Like many others in the group, Eleniel was sensitive to magic and other supernatural abilities and such. But from Raven, she didnt detect any magical properties. 'An illusion?' she questioned,'Cant be, there wouldve been other signs...That would explain the change in eye color...' Eleniel, lost in thoughts again, wanted to solve this puzzle of a girl. She was a strange one, an anomaly in the group, after centuries of living Eleniel had never encountered someone so interesting.

Ether warned the elf about his..ritual he was about to perform,"Eleniel i would suggest you leave now..." after explaining why the elf didnt hesitate to respond,"Dont worry, I was leaving anyway, Id rather not be stuck here with the likes of yo--" but he wasnt finished. He actually preferred her to stay. The light elf was taken aback. Her eyes fluttered, her mouth was shut and she looked between the necromancer and Raven. 'He used my name...something must be wrong..' but then again, she thought, he has every right. Something is off about the girl. Confused, the ice queen stuttered,"I-Ill be right outside the door then," she nodded. She turned on her heels, nose in the air, her long silver locks swishing with the movement.

Eleniel closed the door behind her and leaned with her back on the wall right next to it. She stared at the ground for some time, part of her wanted to see what he was going to do. She was curious. She would go back in, but Ether had warned her about the intensity, with the new light in her who knows how she'll be affected. Well that...and because of her pride.

Some minutes passed, and with each minute she grew more and more worried. 'How long must this take?!' Part of her worried about Raven who chose to stay and the other (admittingly) worried about Ether too. Suddenly she felt the change. The same suffocating, coldness she felt when she first met him. But on a larger scale. She could feel her chest tighten and breathing became something she had to focus on. Because her people were beings of light, he had a natural ability to physically see darkness and dark magic. The darkness was like static, chaotic, always shifting and moving, restless. She could see the wisps again, enveloping her and everything else. It was uncomfortable. The dark force tried to cover her, bury her, like it was sucking the light from her body, it wanted it completely dark. Eleniel could even feel her internal fire bending and pushing against it. It was strange though, the elf noticed through the sea of dark, that Ether wasnt emitting the presence (like usual) instead the dark was being drawn to him. Raven suddenly popped into mind, and Eleniel hoped she was alright. The mere minutes felt like eternity, and as time passed the darkness grew stronger. Even its density did so. It transformed from feeling like magic to feeling like physical matter. At least to the hyper sensitive (to dark magic especially) light elf. Whe whirlwind of chaos felt like a sandstorm. The arms and tendrils of the opposing force felt grainy, and quite painful. In defense Eleniel called upon her light, and she too made it physical. She put her hands infront of her chest, widened her stance to hold her ground and infront of her appeared a translucent shield of concentrated light that redirected the dark material else where (think of an umbrella and how the rain just rolls off). She held on and pushed through till the concentrated dark magic vanished. It dissipated in seconds, compared to the long minutes it took to grow. But she couldnt complain, she was thankful it was over. The shield disappeared and she took a moment to gather her bearings. She could breathe again, the constriction left her body, and she felt light again. Though the effort left her exhausted. As her breathing slowed back to a normal rate, Eleniel rested a hand on the wall near the door for support. She looked back to the building where the others are and wondered if they felt something. She assumed she felt its real intensity given her proximity was pretty close to Ether.

Then she remembered,'Raven!' and Eleniel didnt hesitate to barge through the door. Worry written on her usual stale face, she looked at the two and released the breath she had been holding when she saw the two were fine,"Thank the Stars..." she mumbled. Regaining her composure she looked at Ether,"I hope it was worth it...because as long as I am here, you are not going to do that again," her serious tone returned as she dusted her self off and fixed misplaced hairs. She looked at Raven, waiting for a reaction.


Eleniel instinctively ducked from the thunderous clammer. But it was near them, it was back by the rest of the group. How ever the rumbles and sounds of splitting wood only stopped for a moment before growing louder. Before Eleniel could step outside to see what happened, she realized that the sound was not growing louder but moving closer. The buildings in the Villa were connected, and what ever crashed into the lounging room was making its way to the three in the room. A split second decision came to Eleniel. She grabbed Raven by the collar of her jacket, who sat on the bed next to Ether's and threw her toward the necromancer, so that both were behind the petite elf. The now adrenaline boosted ice queen already had her bow ready, notched arrow and all.

The bulldozing mystery showed itself once it made its oh-so-elegant entrance. The being engulfed the once dark room with a bright light. But Eleniel remained unflinched, light was her element, and after Ethers "dark summoning" it felt quite nice, her lethargy left her body with the few moments she spent standing in the strangers light. With a demanding toned it questioned Ether,"You are trespassing, you do not ask the questions here," Eleniel stated, bow drawn now with the same serious/pissed off look she always has.

@Morgrim @shadowz1995


(Long ass post @^@)

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Sibil had quickly gathered all the things she needed. Once she was sure she had everything, the fairy started making her way back to her Master. As she navigated her way through the booths and stream of creatures, something sparkly caught her eye. Sibil stopped and flew forwards towards it. She turned towards the object, closely inspecting it.

When the Fey realized what it was, she quickly paid for it and hurried back to Morgrim. Sibil perched herself on his shoulder. She shrunk the object slightly before putting it in her pouch. When they were alone, she would show him then, the being decided.

A frown settled on her face when she realized that Morgrim was slightly agitated and frustrated. Sibil nodded as she listened. "I'm afraid we'll just have to make do with what we have. If we find someone useful on the way, I'm sure we can convince them to join us," she said, trying to sound optimistic. Sibil left out the part where she would influence their minds...just a bit.

The fairy then sat down. She got comfortable and fluffed at her skirt. "It's very peculiar. I never imagined I'd be in a place like this," Sibil said. She then waited for her Master to finish getting ready.

( @Morgrim )

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    Atraxia stayed quiet for the longest time, alone to himself, his thoughts, and that of his counterpart; the primordial being that lied within him. He ignored everything else, hearing but not really paying attention to the activity around him; they did not interest him, none of them did. He could just kill them off right now, who would miss a bunch of misfits? What would stop him form just slaughtering them? One of blind and the rest were completely drained, or close to it; some were injured heavily while others not so much. No one besides for that light elf and monk could put up much a fight against him, those two being one of the reasons' why he didn't just kill them and move on. Even though he has recovered most of his strength, he still was not at max. Atraxia, in his current condition, could take down either of the; but together he would be putting himself in risk. And as his strength grew, so did that Eleniels' with her new form and power, she would be a very powerful enemy...or a powerful ally.

    In his time of thought, his senses alerted him to the surge of darkness in the area, coming from a room inside this villa, he took notice of it and found it interesting. It was nothing compared to his own, but it sure was powerful; it made him smirk a bit. Not many dark elementalists could impress him, but he sure did. This necromancer was hiding stuff from them, just like that other undead guy...

    Then soon after that, he was forced to take action...

    Someone comes for the darkness, a being of light... the being alerted him before the loud crash,he quickly turning invisible and making his way over to the court; where he witnessed the whole in the wall. He followed his senses and they led him to a darker room where the paladin was confronting Ether, Eleniel, and some random girl. Before arriving he unsheathed his new sword; Banshee. It hummed lightly as he drew it outside but remained quiet for him as he entered the room in secret.

    The monster of a man's eyes pierced through the darkness with ease, he growled lightly as he spoke;
    "I suggest you withdraw your weapon now, otherwise you will die where you stand. No matter how strong you think you are, you will not survive against all of us" he advised the man from his invisible state, not making a single noise as he moved around the move to keep his direct location a secret.

    Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members)
    Location: Villa

    Mood: Angry

    With: Everyone part of this group

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed



Raven Qrow

While Ether settled himself in and spoke to Eleniel, Ms. Qrow placed her bottom on a bed right next to Ether's. She watched the two quietly as they spoke. Ether shot her a glare, but the female was so ditzy and care-free to care, instead she responded with a smile and looked to the elf when Ether did so. She was granted permission to stay and watch, under the condition she doesnt get too close,"Oh yay!" Raven wiggled her bum on the bed, gettling nestled for the show and crossed her legs like a child. Her two tones eyes were bright and eager to see what was going to happen. She giggled at Eleniel's reply, knowing that the elf was a little surprised, when she left Raven looked at Ether with sly, bedroom eyes and a smirk,"If you ask me she seemed a little flattered," she jerked her head toward the door, making it clear she was speaking about the light elf. Raven gasped,"Oh i should probably be quiet. Sorry~" she mimed the action of locking her lips shut with a key, and giggled afterward, cutely shrugging her shoulders.

She watched intently as the necromancer took several breaths, in and then out. Repeating the sequence. And in moments he called upon the darkness, and it obeyed. Raven isnt as hypersensitive to magic as Eleniel is, she cant see it like the elf can, but she can definitely feel it. Changes in the air and even light touches on her skin, she can sense magic around her, and even pinpoint the source.

Darkness flooded in, and with in minutes darkness was in every nook and cranny of the room. She watched as the magic fouled the air surrounding them. The feeling intensified as time passed. She could feel it. The potential of the strength this magic could do. It was settled. She wanted it. The same power he had, she wanted it in her arsenal of abilities. The eerie, cheerful smile she always had morphed into a devious, interested smirk. The power grew still, and so did her desire. She watched as the shadows encased Ether, he looked like the gluttonous cat creature from earlier, she remembered.

The accumulation of darkness continued. Even now it was visible for her. She can see flailing arms of shadow moving toward the summoner. Although she wasnt performing the action herself, the power felt great. Raven's tongue ran across her soft pink lips, thirsty to feel the strength. She watched closely as Ether buried himself im shadow. At that moment, she copied his skill. Unlike most magic and abilities, nothing had to be performed in order for her to "steal" or "mimic" one's magic. It was mental thing. As long as she was there to witness it, or felt the power around her long enough, her body gathered the information on its own, and by mental choice she could choose to mimic the power. It generally takes a while to do so, in a normal case she would have to spend a large amount of time with the person to get a (literal) feel of the power they possess. But Ether's power was so concentrated, so raw, she could take it right away, and she did. Of course, it would take time before she could master it or use it to its full potential (which also means probably following Ether around since she learns through observation), but for now having the opportunity to absorb such an ability was enough for her. She would play with it later.

During the process, a flicker of light magic tickled Raven's 6th sense. She figured it was probably Eleniel but didnt think anything of it. After that, the dark magic dispersed, so quickly, it felt like. The girl wouldve loved for it to stick around longer. However when Eleniel came in she seemed rather relieved. Raven smiled,"That was amazing!" she giggled. She looked to Ether,"You should do things like that more often," she tried to encourage him, for her own personal gain of course. "What can you do with that stuff?! Can you spread darkness, or just absorb it? Ooh! Can you become a shadow? That would be something. Or can you do what that little cat thing does--" she was cut off by Eleniel who grabbed her by the lapels of her jacket. Raven was too busy wondering to even notice the Paladin storming about,"Hey! Watch the jacket!" the girl shouted before being tossed toward Ether. She stumbled a little with the throwing force but caught herself on the bed Ether was on,"That was rude..." she mumbled. The Paladin's voice finally caught her attention and she turned to face him,"Oh...oh my..." she said seriously,"Youre a big boy, arent you?" she shifted from momentarily serious to playful again and laughed cutely. Raven looked down at her jacket and straightened out the wrinkles the light elf had given it, adjusting her chest that peeked through her clothing. With out raising her eyes, she spoke to the intruder while fixing herself up,"You know, barging in like that is very disrespectful. How do you know we werent doing private things in here? We dont even know your name." she looked up at him, crossing her legs and giving an innocent pout,"All you had to do was ask, we wouldve let you in~"

Everything was a game to her. Raven hardly ever took serious situations...seriously. Her mind was stuck in a play-ground sort of land, where everyone was her toy. The only time she snapped into a serious or completely psychotic mode was when someone either dirtied or damaged her snow white jacket, and/or physically hurt her. Other than that, it was play time 24/7.

Tai and a few others rushed to the scene. The especially giddy female peeked from behind Eleniel (who was shorter than Raven anyway) and blinked at the others across from them, the Paladin between them,"Oh, the partys here~" she said loud enough for Eleniel and Ether to hear, "Glad you could join us!" she shouted to Tai and Atraxia.

@Morgrim @shadowz1995 @Federoff

(FINALLY i took really long with this D: i had writer's block so the middle is kinda crappy cause i was trying to get momentum again •-•)

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Ether Mesa

"My oh my, dear warrior of light." The necromancer's voice still contains traces of the raw darkness he was absorbing a second ago. It no longer sounded ethereal but disembodied, inhuman, as if a wraith had possessed the man. The color around his violet irises was now as black as the void. It was a temporary change but it would linger for a few days. As would his personality. Ether's behavior always altered when he absorbed a large amount of dark into his body. It's like if someone turned off the filter in his head. He would behave more true to his darker nature for some time.

The dark mage stands slowly and turns to face the source of the illumination. Ether grins a dark grin before calling darkness to him once more, this time for battle. The shadows casted by the familiar of the knight twitch briefly before jumping to Ether's back. They writhe around the necromancer like a living cloak, tendrils dancing behind him. Every shadow casted by the light and every dark corner in the room seemed to quiver with anxiety. Ether wanted a fight. He wanted to take that familiar and consume it. The paladin, the elf, the girl, the assassin in the room, using darkness as well. All of them. The shadows in the room echoed that desire. They went from slight quivering to visibly shaking and vibrating with killing intent. The necromancer's blood lust was literally felt in the air. How Ether managed to contain himself not even HE will know.

Much like the crazed Raven, Ether traces his tongue across his upper lip. As if the most delicious meal of life was just standing before him, waiting to be devoured.
"Seems like your stalwart, headstrong attitude in life has caused quite a blunder for you." Do something. "As you can see stranger, no manner of demons have been summoned." Give me a reason "No one is harmed." Anything "And no one here besides yourself has caused any form of trouble." Give me a reason to tear you to shreds "You are outnumbered and outmatched buddy. You wont be walking out of here alive if you so much as twitch in a direction we don't like." Nothing will be left of you "So. How about we....talk?" I will consume every atom. Then make you my puppet of flesh. The wraith like voice that emanated from Ether combined with the unmasked hunger behind his eyes made every word sound like a threat to kill. The words themselves were innocent but the execution of them made them unnerving. It was probably only because he had allies in this room that he , once again, held himself back from killing the man in front him.
Paladin Gallard

A paladin was part of a powerful order of magic wielding knights specialized for hunting down and kill dark and paranormal creatures with near zero effort. They are selected from birth, taken from their homes and family in exchange for a pretty sum of gold. Gallard was one such child. Learning how to wield a sword as soon as he could walk, and from there he followed a sadistic training regiment every day of his life for 50 long years, with little food, only the minimum requirement amount of food and an incredibly amount of experience he has become a mountain of evil vanquishing destruction. If he wanted to he could have walked through the wall and it would have made little difference.

He raised his sword higher angling it towards the necromancer. "I will not desist. I have sworn to vanquish evil wherever it may be, and this thing in human form is no different than a demon. I have honour though, and ask you do the same. I challenge him to a duel. If he wins by my honour as a paladin I will leave this premises, if he loses I get his head." He keeps his head held high, but his eyes never leave the necromancer. His words meant for everyone in the room. Though he did ignore Raven, he was never in a mood for games and sarcasm. Being raised as a paladin meant he never played any games, even smiling was responded with a swift smack across the head with a stick. He shares his scars from both his mentors and the demons he had killed.

Gallard scanned the room, he knew he couldn't take them all on, he didn't even want to kill any of them, though it was his duty to take on Ether, and Atraxia. He could sense the being Atraxia even before he entered the room, and it was no surprise that he threatened him. The dark was so often threatened by the light, even a candle could burn through the void with no effort. "I can sense the evil within you as well, just as insatiable as this thing before me." He spoke to Atraxia whilst referring to Ether. "One who commands it versus one who is ruled by it. Wait your turn, I will finish you when I am done with the necromancer." He didn't even bother with Atraxia, though if he knew the weapon he carried with him he would have paid him more attention. Banshee was probably the only thing that could cut through his defences.

"Come on boss, let me deal with mister peek-a-boo, that loser won't stand a chance against me!" The wisp said with jubilant delight and confidence, because while Atraxia may be able to stand a chance against Gallard with the banshee blade it would be useless against the wisp, trying to kill fire with metal is impossible. "Besides I don't like the way this one smells like a bleeding asshole, wrapped in sweaty underwear." The wisp laughed and grinned with his animated features.

@Those in the Villa
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Ether Mesa

Paladin huh? "Hahahaha! So because I have control of the darkness and can manipulate it to my will it makes me a demon? I mean I know I'm no monk but I think calling me a demon is a bit harsh." says Ether in a mocking, sarcastic tone. The shadows surrounding him continue to dance eagerly, wanting to taste the blood of the Paladin, reflecting the user's will. "So because you manipulate the light that makes a being as mighty as an angel? Because I don't think you feel anything like my beloved sparkle queen here." As Ether says this, he gives Eleniel a quick nudge on her waist with his left hand. It was a small nudge as if to move her out of the way but as soon as makes contact with her waist, Ether sends a quick signal into her body with the darkness surrounding him. The elf would probably hate how that felt but the message was clear. No words were sent in the message, merely a thought/feeling. Ether wanted Eleniel to use her new angelic like form to try and talk this Paladin down. Lie if she had to. He would listen to her due to her appearance and the divine light she gave off. At least make him more suggestible. Easier to convince. The necromancer's own blood lust probably also made its way through in the message but that would only make it more clear. If Ether fought now in his current state...it wouldn't end with just the Paladin if the Paladin couldn't take him down.

Anaxileah Wylloh

Ana led Roxii to the darkened room with a frown, concerned for her ally. She knew the girl was exhausted and hurting, the exact opposite of fine, but she would give Roxii her privacy and respect her. Once they had reach the room and Ana commented on the darkness of the room, she flinched at Roxii's sarcastic response, her frown deepening and her bright green eyebrows creasing. "I..I didn't mean it that way.." Ana's look became sad and she turned on her heel to leave Roxii be so she wouldn't cause her any more pain than she already had.

Ana walked down the hall, feeling awful for how insensitive she had been, when she realized the others weren't nearby anymore. Ether, Eleniel, and the new female were no longer in the lounging area, as well as Tai, Atraxia - whom Ana still did not trust- and Xochi, all of them having left the room while she was gone. Darrius and Jass were resting, Ana knew that, and the whereabouts of the feline and the ink creature Innocence were unknown to the lizard hybrid as she wandered the grounds of the villa. After a moment she sat within the garden in the center of the villa property, nearby the pool. She was crouched down on the ground, her knees touching the earth through the clothes she borrowed from Xochi, her feet propping up her rear. She took a deep, calming, breath, relaxing among the flowery scents surrounding the green female. After a moment, Ana began to feel Ether's pull on the darkness, her eyes following the tendrils of darkness slithering towards one of the clinic rooms of the villa. She could feel the shadows as they moved past her, a choking feeling coming upon her as the tendrils passed her by.
Ether must be in there, it seems. Either him or Atraxia. Ana thought to herself, gasping for fresh, untainted, air once the movement of shadows ceased.

Soon after, a loud crashing sound can't from the front of the villa and Ana stood, drawing the bow she had resting across her pale back. The creature that entered was a large man in armor, radiating an aura of light, similar to Eleniel's.
Can't we get a break? Ana thought to herself with an exasperated look and watched as the large man thundered towards the room where Ether most likely was, with Ana following in pursuit with a quiet step. He burst into the room, seemingly angry, and Ana approached well enough so that she could hear him speak but continue to keep her distance. A paladin...interesting. Ana listened as the man explained his reasoning for being there and felt the tension in the room, the challenge between dark and light emanating from the clinical dorm. Ana wasn't sure how Jass and Darrius were still sleeping, but she figured they were so exhausted, they could sleep through anything. Ana thought about Roxii for a moment, considering going back to see her, but thought better of it, based on how sour she was when Ana departed. Ana remained outside the room, not interested in interacting with the strangers present, but also to keep an ear and eye in things if need be.

Tag: Anyone, I guess Mood: Guilty/Concerned/Curious Location: Outside Med Room in Villa


Jassur Batal

  • [The tired former knight enters the scene - for like a minute]

    Tagging: Anyone who even hears the tired mercenary

    Location: Villa

    Character Mood: Pissed

    Animus's Mood: Motivation? What motivation?

With a new change of pants after raiding the closet inside the room he chose, Jass was satisfied. There is also another bed in the room but the former knight would rather fall asleep before one of them decide to barge in the room. He could still hear everyone's conversations; some must have decided to rest because a couple of footsteps could be heard outside in the hallway. It was a pleasant peace and quiet after such a loud and active day. Hell, these past few days were non stop crazy. The mercenary's bag of possessions lie at the end of the bed. Kicking off his boots, the sight of the bed just made him want to pass out already.

Which he graciously did - making sure he's lying on his uninjured side. The pillow was like a small heaven of luxury. Jass didn't even bother pulling the damn covers over him because fuck exhaustion, really.

Luckily, no nightmares haunt his sleep this time. Much appreciated with all this restless running around. He could probably rest easily knowing that he's a step closer to his goal. Jass grumbles in his sleep about no booze in this whole damn villa. A dreamless sleep it was but considering on whats going to happen in the next few minutes - there really isn't much time to be in deep slumber.

@Morgrim but kudos for getting this thing moving. I. hate. the. notification. system. <-my only excuse)

The sound of breaking wood could be heard in the whole villa. Someone must have barged through the front entrance or the remaining people not asleep decided to blow up the villa. The mercenary wished it was the latter. God did he wish it was the latter. The former knight lies in bed, now awake. A few minutes pass before Jass's eyes fly open; the eyes are red shot from sleep. He grits his teeth, then yells, "WHO THE FUCK NOW?!" The mercenary slides out of the comfortable bed, wanting to stab - fuck, he didn't care if he didn't have a sword, he'll use his damn usable hand - the person making all that noise.

Actually caring about what's happening outside the room, Jass puts on the discarded boots he had thrown at the wall. He drags his feet to the door before slamming it open. The former knight blinks his bloodshot eyes before heading to the origin of the disruptive noise. He tugs on the sling carrying his broken arm, adjusting it as he trudges through the hall unwillingly. Maybe he can just pretend he didn't hear the noise. They'll let him off the hook, right?

Jass spots Ana and stands by her, patting her shoulder to announce he's here. He looks to where she's staring with an annoyed frown plastered to his face. He mumbles, "Who now? Who-" His mouth forms a thin line, observing the stranger clad in armor. A knight. A paladin to boot too. Jass takes a deep breath before saying, "Not dealing with this shit." He pats Ana's shoulder again as he heads back the other direction. He grumbles while itching his broken arm, "It had to be a knight? Huh? Rest? Hah, what the hell is rest? Fuck this. Nope. Hah. Nope. I'm sleeping..." The bed is heaven. Lying in bed is life. He would have to agree with his previous bum-self.


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    Xochi watched as the scene played out, why did there always have to be fighting? It seemed like no one could ever just set down their weapons and speak peacefully over a cup of tea, it seemed like there were no manners at all anywhere. Then the paladin that not only broke into her parents small and peaceful villa to try and kill them; all because someone's element was darkness. No other reason it seemed, this saddened her; not only because of the act but the reasoning he thought adjusted his actions just mortified her; her face scrunching up in disdain.

    Continuing to hide behind her guardian, Tai, she pulled on his arm to get his attention from the "paladin" which took a few tries, but eventually she was able to draw his attention for herself for a few minutes. She stared at him, no words spoken from her mouth but rather her eyes and heart.

    "Your right, now pray and get some rest, we will deal with this"
    he replied kindly, Xochi hesitantly nodding before slipping out of the room to go to her room and sleep, she needed it after the long day; even though she did not want to leave her friends, she trusted them to deal with this. She went through the garden, looking at the hole in the wall along the way and causing her to frown a bit more, she sighed before turning away. She needed to forget about it and stop worrying right now, sleep was what she needed. Xochi yawned quietly along the way into the housing wing of the villa, some of the empty bedings they had were already taken by a few of their group members it seemed.

    Walking along to her room, she noticed another room partially open and peaking her curiosity she peaked her head through to see why the door was open and saw that someone was sleeping in the bed. That made sense, but who was it was the question. To sate her curiosity, Xochi slowly and as quietly as she could, squeezed through the opening and stood on her toes to see who it was. It was Roxii, the newly blind wolf-elf assassin, she gasped lightly to see the girl in here; she expected to not see much of her at all. And the girl looked peacefully asleep, probably exhausted herself from everything. She could relate as well, she was very tired, to tired in fact...

    A smiled appeared on her face as a though appeared in her mind, she would probably regret it later but now she was too tired to go anywhere else. She slightly closed the door quietly before making her way over to the bed and slowly laid into the bed and slid one hand underneath Roxii while the other over and trapping Roxii into a hug before resting her head side ways on her back and falling asleep.

    Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members)
    Location: Villa

    Mood: Cautious, Sadden, Tired

    With: Everyone -> Roxii (@Javax

    Themes: Mystery girl, Labyrinth

    Notes: Ha, told you I would do it Java =w=

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Gallard almost growled his disapproval, though he didn't expect them to be easy to convince. He sheaths his sword, but keeps his hand held on the hilt, he would need to be able to react quickly enough to survive should the necromancer, or more importantly the Atraxia took a swung at him. "Monk you should be in tune with the nature of everyone and everything in this world whether it wishes well or ill intent. My training has given me such abilities, and I can taste the blood lust of these creatures of dark. I can sense the one behind me has all ready ended a life while he was here, and this one before me is mere inches away from committing the act in this very room." (Cause why not I'll still use this font colour.)

The wisp just chuckled at the comment from the monk. He wasn't threatened in the slightest, wisps like this were master tricksters, and had exceptional magic capabilities, the monks spells would fall flat against this familiar. Underestimating it would be a sad mistake just because it has the maturity of an imp. Gallard scanned the room, finding a mix match of all different types of peoples mashed together. "I apologize for the damage, but if you felt the same dark force threatening to strangle the life from everything within this building you would have understood the futility of knocking on a door, lives could have been ended in the time someone finally answered if anybody. Now I have sheathed my weapons, I expect you all to do the same out of courtesy." He highly doubted that most of the people in the room would put away their weapons, especially Atraxia, he must've gotten quite attached to a weapon like that in the time he had acquired it, with the fact that such a destructive weapon he would probably have wanted to test it against mortal flesh.

"There are many ways to help save lives monk, and in my experience nothing has proven more reliable then ending the lives of those that command evil and darkness. Tell me, he is a necromancer, how many lives has he ended just for test subjects, just so he may use the full extend of his powers. How many sours have been snared in his web of cruel magic refusing to let them go and find rest?" Gallard wanted to shout at each of them, let them know that Ether truly is evil, whether he means to or not. Whether it can or can not be helped. It was then they mentioned the king

"You are misinformed, with the death of Tuso, and the revelation of the king the Paladin order is disbanded, all the evil those two have swept under the rug was pulled out from under them. I vow to never allow another to tell me who and how to kill, and when to save lives. I will resurrect the Paladin order anew one day to serve all that is good. Now allow me to protect all in the future this man will cross in the future a peaceful end by ending his life now."

@Basically everyone
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Bane watched with a bemused grin as the dragon bit her own master and rendered him completely unconscious. The dragon then spoke to him, being quite honest about her displeasure in Bane's helping hand. "Oh my, you really don't trust me do you? Oh now don't hurt my feelings, I really am just a nice guy try to help out this poor elf here." He said Sarcastically, he honestly didn't care what the dragon thought of him, he was more interested in the elf. He wasn't even thinking of trying to remove the dragon from Yule. He continued on though, regardless of what the dragon would try to do. The city would lead directly into the Core at the gates, opening up into the vast connection of caves habouring dangerous creatures, and a lack of water and food. "Just so you know, you might want to wake him up so he can defend himself."



He looked at the fairy letting out another sigh, he was slightly disappointed, but she did have a point, they could just find some new people, capable and strong to help them, though convincing them would be the real tricky bit, as most of Morgrim's money went on buying supplies, and the rest was for emergencies only. Morgrim knew nothing of the fairies ability to slightly or possibly massively alter one's mind. There were a few people about they could recruit. It looked like there was a band of mercenaries all hanging around waiting for a caravan on something along those lines. "Sibil do me a favour, talk to one or two of those mercenaries over there, try to find someone who would be suited to our specific needs. I would do it, but a pretty young girl like yourself would have a better chance at recruiting them."



Eleniel stood her ground between the Paladin and Ether (as well as Raven). When the armored knight pointed his sword at Ether, the elf pulled her bow string back a little further, waiting to loosen it. To the Eldar, pointing the blade of a sword at another was very offensive, and a threat. And thats exactly how she took it. Her patience was running thin rather quickly with the paladin of light. Ether made a comment behind her, and my did she wish he would just shut up. It was clear the paladin had it out for the necromancer (and Atraxia) and his running mouth was making it worse. The Morgûl nudged Eleniel and the surge of dark energy hat came with it made the elf tense. She jerked away from his touch, and took a small side step away,"Beloved? Dont ever call me that again or I'll rid the world of you myself..." she mumbled to him, keeping her eyes on the armored knight of light (knight light HUE >:3 ba dum tsss). (( Buh Dum Tush! GET IT RIGHT!!! -Loving advice from the master of awesome; Morgrim))However the nudge was a sign for the elf to stick up for Ether, which she never thought she'd do...ever.

Gallard went on and on. He even challenged Ether to a duel. Just between them two. Of couse, the lightborn elf was not okay with that. Was Ether even ready? He seems okay, compared to the way he looked previously, battered and tired. Tai, the monk, had cut in and made a very valid argument. But still, Gallard was stuck on believing that destroying Ether, and now Atraxia, would really solve the problem. The paladin lowered his weapon and verbally expected others to do the same. But how could she? The group was at its most vulnerable now. Night hadnt even come yet for rest, they have wounded that need tending, and others just need a break. Clearly a break wasnt going to happen. For the sake of herself and others, Eleniel complied and lowered her bow, but kept the arrow notched, holding it in place with her index finger from the hand she uses to hold the weapon. She didnt trust him after expressing how much he wanted to "do his duty" as a servant of light, my was a stubborn. But she could relate to him. She too felt the need to diminish the darkness in any way she can, when ever the opportunity came. However, the elf didnt blindingly do so. Impressions are everything, and Eleniel gives chances before judging. Upon meeting Ether, she felt the same way the Paladin did, but sticking around allowed her to see that those who weild darkness arent all bad. And as for Atraxia, Eleniel worked along side him previously, and could say (so far) she dislikes him the least.

The wisp that accomanpied the tresspasser was really beginning to get on her nerves. His mouth was much more annoying than Ether's. The unwavering paladin ended on a very determined note, which only made Eleniel's quills of defense spike up and stick out even more. Her grip tightened on her weapon and the light elf spoke up,"Theres no need for any of that, Ive got them both under my careful watch, Paladin" she lied, "They arent going to do any of the sort you mentioned as long as I am here. The dark energy you felt was merely a healing tactic the darklings use. He did not summon anything..." Eleniel, once again kept her composure when correcting the paladin from his previous accusation that Ether had summoned something. Her posture was straight, chest puffed, nose and chin in the air, and that raised eye brow, keeping that confident demeanor. The petite elvish female looked at the wisp with narrowed eyes that then shifted back to the man clad in armor,"And please do try your best to keep your dog muzzled, hes giving me a headache...." she grumbled the last part. "Your services arent needed here, fellow lightborn they are under my control. These are my captives and I can do as I please with them. And I intend to keep it that way." she reminded him sternly.

@Morgrim @Federoff @shadowz1995

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Tai weakened his grip on his staff when Gallard sheathed his sword, thankfully now they could talk this out instead of fighting, Tai always preferred the peaceful path then the violent one; a cliche for a monk but this was the way he had lived for hundreds upon hundreds of years. He then preceded to listen to the paladin quietly and respectfully, stating that his order had been disbanded and that he had vowed to kill off all evil and darkness, the evil he could understand but darkness did not equal evil. True many greater evils have been darkness, but not everyone who lived and commanded darkness has been evil. That has just been the happenstance.

"True, there are many ways to help people, but not all of them have to be through violence" was the first thing to leave him mouth after a few moments of silence from the monk. He did believe that in fact, there were many ways to help others and many different routes to take, but violence should always be the last in his opinion. "I cannot vouch for the actions nor tell you of them..." there was a slight pause from the monk looking towards the necromancer, then back at the paladin, "That he has commented, but people can change, no matter who they are. But I do that this young man has just risked his life in killing one of the most corrupt men I have seen and has is journeying with us to help rid other parts of the world of evil. Everyone in this room is" Tai explained to the man in a neutral and, somewhat, careful tone as he chose his words wisely; he dd not wish to endanger his allies any further then they already were.

He sighed slightly at hearing that the paladin order had been disbanded, and out of sympathy he began to speak again.
"This news is most saddening, orders such as the paladin order, those that actually do good, are a blessing to the people that struggle from day to day life; you have my sympathies" expressed Tai in a melancholy tone, he had seen his fair share of orders come nad go in his travels. Some were deeply corrupted, while others were genuine in their actions and beliefs; the latter he truly was a fan of. People that dedicated their lives to doing good, if only more people were like that.

"That is admirable of you paladin, and I applaud your decision to rebuild your order better then what it was, I wish you only the best of luck. But killing off those that seek to do good, or perhaps atone for their past..." the monk paused once again to look at Ether, then back at Gallard. "will not help you in your mission. What you can do though is help us do good, perhaps join us and along the way find people who would want to be apart of an order that wishes to do good" Tai explained, this decision he suspected would not happen; but it was a choice in which was always open; in him mind at least. That's when Eleniel, the light-elf, spoke up about owning some of the dark elementalists. He did not speak nor react to this physically, but mentally he disagreed with her lies.He did not believe in ownership of another person, you could only own yourself.

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members)
Location: Villa

Mood: Careful

With: This group

Themes: Kami.

Elie snorted at that. "He's of more use asleep than awake," She said, but finally complied, drawing the toxins out with another bite. Yule slowly regained consciousness, and looked around confusedly. The steady bumping on Bane's gate was extremely comfortable, and soon Yule's eyes were closed again, until Elie pounced on his leg, digging her talons into his thigh. "We're almost there you buffoon, you're not sleeping!" Yule inwardly rolled his eyes, but stayed awake, slowly becoming alert. His back started hurting though, and he started wriggling like a worm. "Let go of me you oaf, it was ok in the beginning but now Id rather walk, thank you very much!" He continued squirming and kicking, and Elie hissed and hopped off of him so she could walk.

Eleniel & Raven Qrow

She couldn't believe it, Tai invited the paladin to join?! Though the monk's words were true she still couldn't believe what she heard. She wanted to protest, to inquire what in Stars name he was thinking. But Tai had a point. Both parties were fighting for one purpose. Even the growing band of outcasts and vagabonds shared one thing in common, that is the mission to stop the corrupted and truly evil in this world. She didn't want the paladin with them, but it wasn't exactly her place to have a say in the matter. Even if the knight denied, Tai's efforts were worth something. It was then that Eleniel realized that she used to be just like Tai. Patient, understanding, and trying to resolve an issue peacefully before the reins are let loose and everything breaks out in chaos. Over the centuries, this light elf has turn bitter and restless. To some people living a long life and experiencing everything there is, could make someone grow wise. But to others, all that knowledge can destroy them. To cause them to distrust others, to act hostile, or in Eleniel's case, incredibly protective and defensive. Watching the world fall to darkness turned her into the ice queen she is.

Eleniel couldn't help but miss the way things used to be. Light was good, always, and darkness was evil. It was much easier to tell the difference and spot the enemy. Now, she stands in defense of a necromancer, anger aiming for a fellow light being. She understood now. If guardians of light could be the enemy, then servants of darkness can be friends. The game has changed so much for the ancient elf....and she struggles to accept it...

Raven, who stood behind the small elf, rather enjoyed the scene. It was exciting, the most action shes gotten since her escape. The young female never really looked for a fight but would take part in one if she must. Her smile remained, while her attention switched from paladin to the group. "The nice man is right, we really should just get along," she giggled, making it sound so easy, like it was the obvious answer. Her comment caused Eleniel to look back her with the most unamused facial expression. At this point the elf couldn't tell if Raven was joking or if shes really that absent minded and naive. The bubbly girl ignored the elf maiden's glare and kept watching everything unfold. "I wonder whats gonna happen," she turned her head to whisper toward Ether behind her. Raven eyed the wisp who seemed very eager to be the first to spill blood. She grinned, blinking her eyes once allowed them to change from both brown (that encaptured Ether's ability) to one pink and the other brown. Like loading a gun different bullets, her bullets changed. She has yet to use the skills she copied from Ether, so she activated another, ice. The ice ability she took from a mage she came across. He wasn't much of a fight but she extended the duration pf the battle to get a chance to mimic his element. Shes had it for a very long time and is one of her go-to abilities. Fire and ice. Opposing forces, thats what she wanted. She was keeping herself prepared should anything happen. Raven often appeared ditsy, but shes a lot more clever and cunning than she seems, and her guard was never down even if it looked like it, its all part of the act. Seemingly harmless. Eyelashes batted, and with a tilt of the head she smirked.


(This is sort of a filler post, hence the reason its eleniel and raven together)
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Ether Mesa

If this damn paladin joins us, we are all fucked beyond words because I will not put up with his idiocy. The scene unfolded before him and the paladin seemed extremely set on killing Ether. Under normal circumstances, the necromancer would never back down from fascist dogs like him. He wouldn't wait for an "honorable duel". Honor is subjective. Different people have different views on honor. Ether would have attacked him outright as soon as he pointed his sword at himself or any of his comrades. But that was just the issue. Ether had comrades around him, in a confined space, that would get caught up in the crossfire. That alone was not only a deterrent but proof that Ether was not some mindless monster as this paladin claimed. With that in mind, the necromancer releases a slow breath and the shadows recede back into their natural places. They take their natural forms once more and the sorcerer takes a pointed look at Eleniel when she claims he belongs to her and is under her control. You wish. But...not bad. Not bad at all Sparkle. You've got some deviant in you after all. Thank the Gods. He crosses his arms and continues to glare down the paladin as everyone seemingly starts to sheathe their weapons. Thankfully the monk and all of his wisdom was able to defuse the situation, if only temporarily. "As the light elf says, Paladin. She wasn't trusting of me either but now she keeps a careful eye and a tight leash on me. She even overwatched this dark ritual of mine to make sure I didn't harm anyone or anything. She wasn't in here with me because she liked being around me. She grit her teeth against the horrible sensation, I'm sure, and made sure that all I was doing was healing. One way or another Paladin. You are wrong about me. I hope you have the honor and decency to be man enough to admit your mistakes. I never killed anyone that didn't deserve it. I didn't experiment on the innocent. I brought no harm to the innocent though I don't go out of my way to help them either. That part you are right on. But I never brought harm to those who didn't do harm unto me or those I care about. So if you don't mind Paladin. Step aside or go out of the room yourself. I'm leaving here with all of my friends unharmed."

Anaxileah Wylloh

Anaxileah watched the situation unfold with careful eyes, ready to make a move if need be. This paladin is treading dangerous waters, with all of us here. Ana thought to herself, frowning slightly. As she listened to them speak, Ana heard a yell from one of the nearby rooms and then watched Jass emerge from one of the doors, surprised that he was up and moving already after having been so exhausted. He patted her arm to let her know she was here, then glared at the paladin, apparently having been woken up by the towering knight. His grumpy expression made Ana chuckle lightly, as did his response to seeing the knight. "Not dealing with this shit." is what came from Jass' mouth, amusing her further. He stalked off after patting her shoulder once more, mumbling about knights and rest, while Ana turned her attention back to the paladin. He had sheathed his weapon, so Ana lowered hers, keeping it in her hands as she watched with her bright green eyes. Her crossbow and gold were in another room, so all she had was her bow, but it was a weapon she trusted greatly and knew it would be a lifetime companion. However, she was beginning to feel the effects of exhaustion and wanted this annoying paladin to leave the premises so that all of them could get some goddamned sleep.


@AnimusLight @Morgrim @Anyone else..? Mood: Tired/Irritated Location: Outside med room

The paladin grit his teeth, but admitted and believed in such much mistake he was being accused of. "It seems one of you at least shares some semblance of sense." He referred to the monk, though he didn't agree with exactly everything he said. He still had no trust of the necromancer, and nearly as little for the demon behind him; Atraxia. He would accompany them for a little while and see where their hearts really did lie. After all the light elf could have had her mind swayed or even altered by one of the dark magic users in his own reasoning, giving them reason to believe they weren't so evil, or just that she possessed light abilities but her heart was as dark as the void.

"Very well monk, I will travel with your group for a short time, if for any reason I believe that I have been lied to by any of you I will be sure to remove the heads of the necromancer and the demon assassin from their shoulders." It wasn't a threat it was a promise, and he was well equipped to deal with such foes. Specialized training and spells allow him to resist almost all forms of dark attacks and deal out a horrendous amount of damage to anything aligned with darkness.



He felt the elf boy kicking and squirming like the child he actually wasn't atop of him as he demanded to be let down, so Bane complied and literally dropped him down onto the ground. "Geez man, no need to be such a whiny little bitch about it, just ask politely like a civilized person." He spoke sarcastically, though he was not at all bitter about Yule being so demanding about something as simple as letting him do his own walking. Honestly Bane didn't understand it, he would have been perfectly happy to let someone carry him all the way to wherever it is he would want to go. Yule just sounded ungrateful to Bane.

There were almost at the last known location of Plague, that being the wellspring of life, the name of the crater of water supplied by the tear of the serpent. The water was completely black and opaque, more viscous then syrup and darker then oil, it was a mess. It also was filled with a diseased looking patches of flesh and chitin, either from a recent kill, or from the effect of Plague's foul magic. "Hey man you're a wiz with healing and stuff right, what's the verdict?" He said motioning to the pool, expecting some sort of answer from the elf.



"I am quite surprised myself as well, not at just you being here, but myself as well. See I lived in a place without danger, yet while being surrounded by it. Warnings were all ways given to us and everyone else except the most experienced mages of my village, now I am descending into the most desolate and dark place in the entire world." He said in wonder, but he was actually kind of excited about the prospect, it would be a true adventure, and give him a chance to become even stronger, become more then he had ever been before. He would conquer a threat and discover new secrets about the blessing and curse that befell him as a child, the mark of death that his body had become. He can still see the arcane markings and decipher the one on his left hand, what power would he be given? "All right, let's go, we best head to the first settlement and find out what we can about the monster we must slay."

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Yule yelped as he hit the ground, but quickly recovered and hopped to his feet with a scowl that barely lasted a minute. Soon he was bounding after Bane, in slight awe of the world around him. Eventually, Bane led him to a disgusting looking body of water. He heard Nie make retching sounds, and he laughed. "Well sir, the verdict is this is nasty and deadly. This mess is taking the life energy of whatever it touches that's alive, of course.. It's kind of interesting." Yale crouched near the edge of it and took a small glass vial from a small medicine bag he wore and scooped up some of the oily mess, taking care to not let it touch him. Who knows when something like that could be of use? Now, to try to fix it. Nie sensed him about to use magic, and she slinked by his side. "I'm not sure how to get rid of something like this." Yule said, and Nie stared at it silently. "Well," Nie began slowly after a few moments, "We could counter the dark magic with our own. It could work." Yule nodded in agreement and laid his hands over the horrendous substance. Soft, golden light flooded from his hands and as soon as it made contact with the dark water, the blackness vanished, leaving behind blue. Yule's magic slowly spread until the entire pool of water was a glimmering turquoise, and Yule cut off his magic and laid down on the grass, which had also seemed to look more healthy. In fact, the entire surrounding area was glimmering. "I don't feel like getting up." Yule murmured.


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    Atraxia watched, and listened, as everyone began to pour into the room; trying to make sense of what was going on and trying to prevent the inevitable, a fight to the death. He did not like this monk, why did he have to intervene with this fight? The assassin could of taken on the paladin with no trouble, for, true he was of darkness; the void, but his powers did not come from the darkness, nor was he a demon. The monster man was something different entirely, and that would would of given him the upper hand in this fight against the so called "righteous paladin" Just thinking about that made him wanna puke.

    And the wisp, or whatever it was called? His daggers would end its spiritual life, even if his new sword could not. AS they talked things out, his anger only deepened for the paladin, but the assassin sheathed his sword; he would just kill him later. When he had a tactical advantage, maybe when the Paladin was fighting a monster that they had to fight as well; two birds only need one stone after all.

    And with this "business" concluded, Atraxia quickly left the building, placing his cloak on while still in his invisible state, he would not risk anything tonight. He went off on his own business, and would arrive back here tomorrow morning to continue with the group...sadly.

    Mood: Hateful, Spiteful

    With: Everyne -> No one

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed



Sibil looked up at the dark natured being. "I see them," she then stood up. She didn't really understand other creatures sometimes. The whole concept of female and male form confused her. The small fairy looked over at the group of men that Morgrim had suggested she go talk to. She then looked back up at him. Sibil thought about suggesting another group along the way. However, she refrained. The being could see the determination in his eyes. It was enough to move even her in the direction he was leaning towards.

"As you wish, Master," she smiled before taking off of his shoulder. Sibil flew over to the group of men. She talked with each of them individually but as soon as she talked about venturing deeper into the Core, each man shook his head. In defeat, the fairy flew back to her master. "I'm sorry," she squeaked, "As soon as I mentioned venturing further into the Core, they would brush me off."

The fairy looked down at the ground as she flew back to his shoulder. Sibil perched herself with a sigh. "I didn't realize there were this many spineless chaps in the world now," the fey mumbled, playing with a strand of her hair.

( @Morgrim )
(I want to continue this rp as much as possible before it gets so slow that it is dead. Please everybody trying to post at least once every two days. I want this to truly involve more then just me and another two or three of you all.)


He still didn't trust the group, and certainly not the two dark-wielders. He would cleanse them some time later, but for now he didn't have much choice but to keep them in line in the very slightly off chance they weren't actually as evil as their aura would suggest. Atraxia bothered him less, necromancers are the life long sworn enemy of all paladin's. Atraxia could be dealt with another time, beside his rage would make him stupid and predictable, so long as he didn't turn over his mind and body to the beast only then would he stand a real chance against Gallard. "Very well, I will be an eye on you all, and if there is really such a dangerous beast about then we won't waste any time, recuperate, and then we will find and kill it if it truly deserves it."



The water did clear, for about 30 seconds before it turned back into the residual corrupted mass of water and flesh tone puss, the pool was not cleansed, because the magic doing this was that of something that can spit in the face of the god without so much as batting an eye. Given Arcanus's hatred and desire to kill this being it was entirely likely that is what happened, though the angel god like creature didn't have pink eye so that is also unlikely. Bane was just there laughing his ass off. "Heh nice magic, maybe you should stick to playing doctor with the dwarves, that was useless." Bane said pulling out a canteen of water and drinking. "Looks like we'll have to find whatever did this, and stop it from there."



Morgrim was disappointed, she couldn't even find one companion, he didn't blame her, but maybe he should have talked to them. His chances were probably weaker though being a disgusting corpse man, not to mention the smell. They would have to go it alone for now, as dangerous as it would be. "All right, I guess we aren't getting any friends coming with us, let's just move out. Or first stop should be the city of heroes, the dwarf city." He pressed on, though only after giving Sibil enough time to land on his shoulder, she'd need her energy.

The journey was a long one, lasting hours long before the reached the next checkpoint, this time he decided not to waste any time, and hired the carriage, that and he was tired from the walking. The cart was pulled by two threshers, beasts with a leathery hide and claws like a mole. They were completely blind but could see with a seismic sense, feeling and causing vibrations in the ground with their claws to make a picture in their heads. This time the journey was cut almost in half, making it to the city in good time, but it was in a state of lockdown, and no one was out. "What do you suppose happened here?"


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