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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]


The elf scoffed. The paladin wasnt going to let up. Guess there was no fighting it, not now at least. But what gives him the right to call the shots? He was on their grounds, their territory. On Tai's and Xochi's more than anyone elses. But Tai's words were spoken, and the elf had to abide by them whether she liked it or not. This was his place so his word was final, and she had to act like it was. Gallard agreed to continue the squabble after everyone had rested so they could have a fair chance. Eleniel shook her head,'Not even a day has passed since we came here and theres already more business to get rid of,' she thought as she looked at the paladin up and down. Then she looked at his wisp friend and gave a short sigh.

Her arrow was put back in its quiver, saved for another day. The light elf took the bow and slung it diagonally over her shoulder, the string snug in her chest while the handle rested beside the quiver on her back. She turned to face both Raven and Ether once the whole hoopla had subsided (wtf i hear someone quacking), but her eyes werent on either of them. She gripped the bow string firmly, a little frustrated with the matter. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, hoping the fresh air would cool her off, "Are we done here?" She opened them to look at Ether, "The longer i stay around you, the further i feel my intelligence descending," she attempted to lighten the mood by changing the subject, but with her attitude currently still annoyed and bothered by the unannounced and uninvited arrival of the armored, so-uncivilized-he-couldnt-even-use-a-door, beast that called himself a paladin, she figured her attempt would fail. Her anger was as clear as day, her inner fire blazing enough that a sword could be forged with it. Still her face managed to keep its composure, but her body language with tightening fists gave it away.

Gallard was the cherry on top of a rather disappointing and disliked day, she worried herself by thinking she may lash out at someone if her buttons kept on being pushed. She needed sometime with herself, or at the very least, less people. After this incident, she wished she could walk away from the group entirely...

Raven next to her, seemed to have taken notice of the elf's tension. Her "playful" remark earned a very unamused look from Eleniel. (My next post will be Ravens so youll know what she says).


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Thanks to the lovely Jass I have been informed that some of you may be waiting for the day to end, so by the power invested in me, by myself as room admin I will end the day.)) By all the craziness that had happened in the day the dual suns poor little radioactive burning hearts could no longer take it and dropped dead onto the other side of the planet plunging this side of the world into chaos. Goodnight little heroes and villains.

Raven Qrow

The especially cheery gal watched everything be handled with thought. From the kind and patient Tai, to the intruding paladin, then to the bold Eleniel, then back at the start of the cycle. Raven would admit, she was itching a little for conflict but what ever happened she wouldnt care. She just let the chips fall as they may. Though watching the whole thing was amusing and entertaining to the girl that hardly ever took anythig seriously. She would smile (as usual) and ocassionally giggle, but wouldnt dare interrupt. She wasnt around long enough to give input, at least she knew her place.

At last the group settled for an agreement (for now), and one Eleniel wasnt too happy about by the looks of it. As for Raven, she still had the ice ability activated. Even though she wasnt using it, you could see frost and fog that would wisp from her hands every now and again. It was strange. The cold magic would come from her hands but her hands stayed warm.

Finally Eleniel looked at Ether, and of course made her subtle insults. Raven could see she was annoyed, angry even. The happy go lucky female touched Eleniel's shoulder with her finger, and a very thing layer of frost spread onto her light, leathery armor,"You should cool down," she laughed and pointed at the artificial frost on the elf's shoulder,"Get it? Cause youre so angry..." She gave a goofy grin after her pun and giggled. Eleniel looked at Raven with a rather murderous glare. She didnt say a word, but it didnt take a genius to see the elf wanted to smack some sense into the girl before her. Raven tried to lighten the mood,"Oh come on, dont have such a short fuse," she continued with the jokes on the petite elf, and nudged her in the arm, trying to get her to smile.

Yule huffed at the man. "Then you do something! All you've done this entire trip is make sarcastic and rude comments and drink. Maybe I'll sit on my ass while you do the work this time, eh?" Yule plopped on the ground, his nose crinkling at the putrid stench wafting in the air but didn't budge. "Go on Bane, slay the beast you cretin." The green grass that had been there turned yellow once more and soon the entire area was just as barren and lifeless as it was before in a matter of seconds. Yule let out a muffled scream of exasperation before laying down on the dry earth in defeat.

(I'm sorry. I got grounded and just got my internet back )

Sibil frowned, looking down at the ground. A faint blush had surfaced on her cheeks. She felt slightly ashamed since she had practically failed Morgrim. They could've really used the extra man power. The small fairy kept quiet, only speaking whenever the man talked to her. The rest of the time she was mostly in thought.

Even though the being had volunteered to go with her Master, she still felt extremely uneasy. Sibil could feel the dark energies swirling all around her. It was suffocating. As a result, her own powers were starting to dwindle. As a creature of light, she did not fair to well in these kinds of environments. The only thing keeping her going was the energy she received from Morgrim through the contract. It did help that the energy was dark.

As they continued to travel on, Sibil started to pay close attention. She was likely one of the very few Fey folk to go this far into the Core. Although her energy was dwindling, she felt a tingle of excitement run down her spine.

Whenever Morgrim got a carriage, she curiously peeked at the creatures pulling it. Sibil felt an urge to go and touch one of them but contained herself. They probably wouldn't be as cute as she viewed them. The small fairy flew off of her Masters shoulder. With a blue glow of her eyes, she turned into her human form.

Her eyes wandered throughout the city. "I have no idea," Sibil murmured, "But I think it would be best to be on alert." Her right hand moved to her sheath where her dagger hanged from her leg.

(@Morgrim )
Ether Mesa

"I....uh.....ugh....."The necromancer's right eye twitches in annoyance at the psychotic female's witticism. That was the most cringe worthy joke I have heard in a long damn time. He shakes his head and returns his attention to the situation before him. The paladin was going to be traveling with them. Lovely. At this point, the necromancer was going to end up killed in his sleep between Atraxia, Eleniel, Raven, and now the Paladin....Well. Ether could feel the noose around his throat tightening. He always lived a dangerous life but now this was the equivalent of taking death on a date. One wrong move and Ether would join the ones he so liked to play with. The necromancer taps the light elf on the shoulder and gently nudges her towards the door. "I doubt I'm the one causing your brain cells to perish. I think the fault for that is the other ones with the bright personalities." Much better. Take notes Raven.
Bane knew now that he may have been pushing it a little far. So he went over to Yule, and laid down beside him, playfully nudging his side. "Heeeey come on now. It was a good effort, but whatever this monster is, it is really powerful, even powerful healing won't work to cure it's sickness. What we need is some help, it'll take more then just the two of us." He said purposely forgetting about the dragon with an attitude, he didn't really take her... or it seriously. Anything that could transform into metal probably didn't have anything in between it's legs. "We are all ready halfway said for a good party. We could our charming healer, a strong tank. Now we just need a mage and some sort of ranger." He chuckled lightly this was probably the nerdiest he would ever get, especially around some one else. "Let's head to the nearest checkpoint, and see if we can recruit a few people to help us, and share in the riches."


(Could anyone please make a character or two either for Morgrim and Sibil to recruit, or for Bane and Yule to recruit. I don't want to make at least four more characters.)
Yule tried ignoring the man, but soon a small smile was on his face. "Fine then. Get off of me you pig." He said jokingly as he got to his feet. He surveyed the dying land and felt immensely sad. Nature was a thing of beauty, and this creature was ruining it. "We need to hurry and kill this stupid beast. It's ruining the last good thing we have in this world, besides alcohol. Lead on Bane since I have no idea what a checkpoint is or where it is." Yule said cheerfully, and Nie settled once more on his shoulders.


Anaxileah Wylloh

Ana's eyebrows furrowed together when the paladin was offered a place to stay with their group. A complete stranger? Here with our group? Just to babysit Ether? Why has this day Benn such an awful one? Ana thought to herself and shook her head, completely done with the situation. Whatever everyone else decided could be done without her, as usual. The reptilian hybrid wandered back through the courtyard, crossing the villa to go to the guest rooms they had prepared. She had a small smile on her face as she passed the flowers in the middle of the courtyard, touching them gently, which caused them to grow larger and sprout more blossoms. Small tranquil moments were always calming to the hybrid, helping her relieve the tension that had built up with the annoying paladin and his presence.

After taking a breather, Ana found an empty room, green and naturally themed, making her feel right at home. Once her green head hit the cushioned bed, she was out like a light.

(There. Sleep happened.)

Tag: No one. Mood: Tired of everything Location: Some random room because SLEEP


Eleniel & Raven Qrow

This ones for you Morg... >.>

The light tap on her shoulder distracted her from her devilish thoughts about the way she wanted to "discipline" Raven. She looked back at the necromancer who nudged her. Her eyes watched his hand make contact with her body and she frowned...but said nothing. No remark, no comment. She was feeling pretty beaten, and she could only imagine how the others were feeling. Compared to an eldar elf (who doesnt sleep) who feels like all her stamina is drained, the others must be feeling it worse. The soft side of Eleniel that was buried underneath her icy-rocky surface told her she wanted to leave the more mortal members to themselves to get some rest, instead of putting up with a creature who doesnt sleep. Ether's comment wouldve made her smirk just a little, earning his first sort-of smile from Eleniel, but she was much to tired to even try. She nodded her head,"You guys get some rest," she paused, and in that pause she could hear a symphony of crickets and other beasts that surrounded the villa serenading everyone inside. The sound traveled through windows and under the cracks of the doors, it was soothing. The perfect indicator of how late it was getting,"Ill be outside, keeping my eyes and ears open...we do not need anymore surprises," she concluded. With that she turned, her long silvery hair flowing with the movement as she headed for the door. Since her people never required sleep, she figured shed walk the premises or wander the surrounding forest. She was light elf, but night time was her favorite time of day. Why? Her people worshiped the stars, the light of the stars was the light she loved best. It was comforting, and nostalgic. Shes seen the same stars for the centuries shes lived. They are the only things that have remained the same in this changing world. She was a light elf, who preferred the time of night, the only time she would ever embrace darkness...

Raven sat quietly on the bed across from Ether, watching them talk to one another. As they did so she took off her snow white jacket, revealing the sleeveless shirt she wore underneath. The jacket was folded and set aside on an empty chair near by. The chair was for nurses or visitors that came by to see the patients in their cots, now it served another purpose. Raven pulled the sheets that were tucked into the bed, slipped herself in and snuggled up. She could hear Eleniel finishing up with Ether, but she ignored the two. Raven's two-toned eyes stared at the wooden ceiling, and for once that plastic smile of hers was gone. She blinked, thinking about cartain things, serious things. She tried to brush them off. Raven turned, facing away from the two, the links around her neck clinking as she did so,"Curse this thing" she whispered, pulling at the cuff. It was futile, obviously. She gave up, thought about something else, and closed her eyes for the night.

(There @Morgrim, i even combined them to make it go faster xD )







[in other words, I'm wakin' Roxii up now. Don't care who's asleep or not.] HERE'S YOUR DAMN POST, MORG

Roxii Sicarius

It didn't take long for the Lythari to fall into the deep abyss of slumber. She had been so exhausted from the long, tiresome weeks of assassinations, escaping from knights, bounty hunters, and bandits, mercenary work, and thieving from a few places. The wolf still needed to pay a few people a visit and pay someone back before they had her head on a pike. But now, not only did she have the stress of multiple people after her head, but she also had to accompany the group on a journey to defeat some living disease. But she didn't know that yet, did she? Since she wasn't in the room at the time orders were given.

Either way, the wolf-elf was granted a few hours of peace and relaxation. The hours of sleep allowed her to escape the physical pain and throbbing she was still experiencing from the previous days' events, but the mental turmoil was immune to the darkness of sleep. In fact, the darkness and being trapped in her head only intensified her thoughts, producing a dream that was far from a paradise; it was a nightmare.

She was back in that horrid place: the bandits' hideout. The thick aroma of sweat, blood, and death barraged her senses. There was the sound of a grinder running somewhere nearby, a steel blade being sharpened. Leather bindings were strapped over her wrists, ankles, and waist, keeping her restrained against the chair she sat in. She struggled a bit, trying to get her hands to slip through the bindings or to break them, but it was no use. She was simply too weak.

Her eyes—
both of her eyes—frantically gazed around the area as she tried to understand why she was there. A man was sharpening a dagger, occasionally bring it up to inspect the blade in the firelight. Her ears swiveled on her head as screaming and crying and boisterous, drunken laughter resonated down the multiple halls to the room she currently occupied. In front of her was a wall where four metal clamps were embedded in the wall, currently open and waiting to bite down and trap its prey.

Young Roxii averted her eyes to two men practically dragging a brunette male into the room, the boy struggling against his captors. His brown wolfen ears were flattened against his head in anger and terror. "
Let me go!" he kept screaming, continuing to fight against the bandits.

Rowan!" Roxii called out desperately, but her voice was lost with the myriad of other prisoners' screams. She struggled against her bindings to get to her brother. His eyes met with hers momentarily. When he recognized her, his ears pricked up and he lunged to get to her and called out to her. The brunette couldn't escape the men's grasp, though, and he was led to the shackles on the wall. They easily overpowered the boy and closed the clamp over his wrists and ankles, suspending him in the air in a sort of 'x' formation.

Rowan and Roxii gazed at each other for a moment in fear, wondering what was going to happen. Their eyes averted to the bandit with the newly-sharpened dagger as the grinder slowed to a stop and he walked over to the brunette. Rowan cowered under the hard gaze of the man, his ears flattened again and his tail practically tucked between his ears like a dog being scolded. There was a moment of silence in the room, save for the ongoing operations in the rest of the hideout.

The bandit turned his head to Roxii, a smirk adorning his features. "
You brought this upon yourself, halfbreed." Then, without warning and still glaring at the female Lythari, he plunged the dagger into Rowan's chest, just below his left shoulder blade. He let out a pained scream, and Roxii reciprocated it as her heart yearned to free him from his pain. He tried to back into the wall as if there was freedom behind him, but he was trapped.

Gore Warning(?)

The male harshly ripped the dagger out of Rowan's skin, allowing the red liquid to pour out and trail down his body. The bandit moved the blade to Rowan's face and placed it above his eye. The brunette squirmed, trying to keep the blade away from his face, but a hand reached up and gripped him by the jaw, keeping his head still. The blade was pushed down and punctured the skin, even going as far as to scrape into the bone. Rowan continued to scream and struggle against the man as he proceeded to go down over Rowan's eye, blinding the male wolf-elf. The man made a deep 'x' over Rowan's eye and copied the technique on the other eye.

Roxii continued to call out to her brother, but he was already becoming exhausted. The bandit brought the blade to the now blind boy's cheek and used the flat side of the blade to move his head. Rowan's head lolled lazily with the blade. "
So weak..." he murmured, disappointment lacing his words. "So boring..."

The man moved the blade to Rowan's stomach, plunged it in without hesitation, and brought the blade up roughly to his neck where he yanked it out. Rowan let out a scream, but his voice was muffled by blood soon enough, the red escaping his mouth like a fountain. His guts could be seen slowly spilling past the torn open wound. Before the boy let go of his last threads of life, the blade went horizontally across his stomach, going perpendicularly with the gaping wound. Now with hardly any resistance, the boy's innards hung out of his body, the blood spilling from his body covering the ground below him and forming a lake of red water.

End Gore

Rowan!" The female gazed at the mutilated body of her brother. Her pounding heart thumped against her eardrums, drowning out her surroundings. Her claws gripped at the chair's arms as she left deep scratches in the wood. "Rowan!" Her voice was hoarse from the constant stress she had put on her vocal chords for the entirety of the torture session. Tears began to obscure her vision, and she couldn't wipe them away to keep the brunette in her sight. The scene was becoming a blur of red on brown, white, and black.

The male Lythari's head lolled forward lazily, and his eyes glazed over. The pain was too much, and he had already lost too much blood. As the boy's soul left his body, a couple bandits came up to unbind the female. The moment she was loose, she lunged forward to embrace her brother and bring him back from the Empty Territory, the supposed afterlife that halfbreeds were sent to since their half-and-half nature is viewed as "unnatural". She didn't want him to have to spend an eternity in a never-ending abyss where he would experience a darkness darker than the void, constant pain, and eventually undergo a loss of self, forgetting everything and everyone whom he had known during his life.

Unfortunately, she wasn't quick enough. One of the men grabbed her by wrapping his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. He easily hugged her to him and lifted her off the ground. The large male started carrying her out of the room, away from her deceased brother. "
No!" she continued to scream, squirming in the male's grasp violently and desperately. "Rowan! Rowan!"

The first thing the Lythari noticed when she was waking up was physical contact. There were arms wrapped around her, and her dazed mind couldn't recognize the scent. The nightmare still fresh in her mind, Roxii practically let out a shriek of terror. "Virōfi fǐr-" Her words were cut short by a thump as she frantically tried to distance herself from the person and, in the process, threw herself off the bed and onto the floor. The wolf-elf cursed quietly to herself at her post-slumber clumsiness.

The blind assassin clambered to her feet and grabbed her bow and an arrow off of the bedside table, getting into a defensive stance and aiming towards the bed within just a couple milliseconds. Her teeth were bared and ears laid back in anger. It wasn't until she froze for a moment that she took in the familiar scent of the person in her bed.
"Xochi?" The elven hybrid's voice cracked slightly, still a bit groggy from the abnormally long sleep she just woke up from. Now that she knew that the person wasn't a threat, her demeanor softened a little bit and she lowered the bow, but she kept her hard, irritated tone. "What are you doing in here?"


"Virōfi fǐr-" = "What th-"

Tag: @Federoff
Mood: Refreshed but irritated
Location: Monk Villa

(Now someone do shock, fun and like and Java will get the rainbow of rp ratings.)
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@Morgrim[/URL], i even combined them to make it go faster xD )

Ether Mesa

The necromancer was anything but exhausted. At least mentally. He had just gathered so much energy and power in one sitting that he felt like it needed to be released some how. However, Ether knew damn well how tired his body was despite all the energy he just absorbed. The young man needed to sleep after all the events that unfolded today.

As he moved, he found a dark section of the villa that had a rather large tree. The necromancer nodded to himself and sat down with his back against it. Beds were no longer comfortable to Ether. Sleeping against trees, rocks, stumps, or dirt had made his body grow accustom and now beds felt like they were trying to drown him in their softness. He would much rather prop up against a wall rather than sleep in a bed. Ether slowly closes his eyes and enters the meditative state that he calls sleep. He lets his dark aura seep out of him, forming a kind of dark radar should anyone or anything approach him during his subconscious state. The images that come to his mind are of his Mother and Father. A time where Ether was just a kid wanting to learn everything he possibly could. He remembers finding out when he was a mage. How proud his father looked when Ether took to spells like a genius. His mother's smile when Ether messed up his alchemic recipes. A time where everything was so much simpler. The world was small. Easy to comprehend. The worries that grow as you grow older were non-existent. Everything was....nice. It wasn't great. But it was nice. The aura that surrounded Ether while he half slept grew thicker with his melancholic emotion. Visible to the regular eye now. The necromancer was just tired and missed the life he once had. The life he could have had if the attack never happened. The miasma persisted into the morning and would continue until someone came to wake the mage up. Chances were he wasn't going to wake up until much later in the day.

Anaxileah Wylloh

Anaxileah's sleep was not as plagued as the others, but she did toss and turn, her brother being on her mind. An image of his face flitted through her mind in her sleep, his look of complete and utter hatred frozen in her mind. She let out a bitter sob and woke up before the sun rose, a couple tears streaming down her face. She hated her brother for betraying her, for leaving her. I was only doing...what was good for us... Ana let out another sob and sat up in the bed, pulling her legs closer to her. She rested her pale, tear-stained, face on her knees, still wearing the outfit she borrowed from Xochi. She felt exposed, but didn't care at that point, feeling conflicting emotions within her. She was supposed to keep everything calm, relaxed, and balanced. She was supposed to be the nice, smiling, and cheerful person in the group, meant to help the others. She wasn't supposed to be like this. Her bare back touched the bedframe, irritating her to the point where she stood up from the bed and left the room, determined to move around and possibly get her brother off her mind.


Ana left the room she had slept in, her gold and weapons inside the room. At this point, she just wanted to get out, get away from the enclosed space, and be closer to her element. The earth always calmed her down, no matter what she was feeling. The emotions stirring within her...the hatred, the sadness, and the betrayal...they weren't like her, and she wanted to fix that. As she wandered around the Villa, Ana thought about the group she was spending time with. Roxii was someone she enjoyed being near or speaking with, even though she had accidentally caused the wolf-elf to snap at her...Ana felt it would be bad to approach her for a while, since she seemed to be upset with Ana (@HoneyBear-Kat), but they seemed alright? Well, the elf did. Her relationship with Ether was quite amusing, as was their constant bickering (
@shadowz1995), Ana thought with a faint chuckle. Atraxia was...Ana couldn't even describe the person...thing. He seemed bipolar to some extent, arguing constantly with something...Ana shrugged, then paid attention to where she had brought herself (@Federoff).

The lizard female had wandered to the middle of the courtyard's garden, nearby the fountain. She looked around, thinking about her group and wondering where everyone went to sleep overnight, since Ana had left early before she could see where anyone had gone. The trees and plants surrounding her in the courtyard were beautiful, especially now that the sun was beginning to rise. The plants surrounding her were beginning to feel the first rays of sunlight, as was the fountain, which Ana seated herself at. She took some of the clear water and cleaned her face with it, hoping that would cleanse her thoughts and remove her brother from them, at least temporarily. However, she wasn't ready for the water to be extremely cold, and let out a small yelp, trying to move away from the cold water. However, this being a character similar to moi, her flailing resulted in the green-haired female falling into the cold water, becoming soaked with cold.

Tag: @Anyone xD Maybe @shadowz1995, depending on what tree he chose for sleeps Mood: Sad/Hateful/Upset -> COLD Location: Room -> Villa Courtyard -> Fountain

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  • proxy.php

    The cloaked individual went out into the night, being careful how he walked like normal; but on a much higher level due to circumstances... He moved through the city like a shadow, it wasn't like he needed to hide from anything in this nearly dead city, but it was just natural to him. Atraxia arrived at his destination later in the night, a bird guild member of Dunheim; his goal was simple, deliver a message to his employer.

    Upon entering, he was greeted by the sight of a man rushing to get out of his house, and potentially the city; after all, it was in ruins after what had just happened, no one would blame him.

    "Sorry sit, but we are closed, you will have to leave now" the man dare spoke to him in a irritated manner, trying to get passed Atraxia so he could leave before anything else happened.

    Atraxia smirked a bit, choosing to not move and continue to block the pathway. The bird owner was about to open his mouth again to speak, but Atraxia's clawed hand quickly caught his throat, preventing him from speaking. He quickly lifted him up and into the air,
    "Listen here, you do not tell me what to do, no one does. Do you understand?" the monster of a man spoke, removing his hood for the man to see who he was; the bird keeper's face quickly going pale as he nodded slightly, the only response he could give. He recognized who it was now, many people knew of him and knew not to get in his way.

    "Good..." Atraxia began, "Now listen closely, I have a message I need you to deliver through bird. Do it now, and you will have your life, understood?" he finished out his command before lowering the man to the ground, releasing his grip on him, and handing him a sealed scroll.

    The bird keeper hesitantly grabbed the scroll and moved to one of his birds, attaching it to it's leg and throwing it out the window for it to fly away to it's destination, he had send a report to his client that the man he wanted dead was no more. The keeper looked back to Atraxia with the pleased face of a child, hoping that he know had his freedom.

    Atraxia nodded his head before stepping away from the door and putting his hood back on, the keeper was free to go. He sighed before getting his things and quickly going towards the door. On the way out, the back of his head met with one of Atraxia's energy daggers, silencing him with nothing more then a gurgle before collapsing to the ground. The monster man stepped over his body before closing the door and wondering into the night...

    Rays from the sun began to rise into the sky, heralding the morning to come, and Atraxia knew that he would have to return to those idiots sooner or later; for him right now though was later, he wanted to prevent the group up for as long as possible, so he stayed on top of the roof and away from everyone else for as long as possible, still in his cloak as he had not yet removed it.

    Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members)



    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


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Bane had laughed, but then Yule made a point about the alcohol, to which he gave the elf a very serious look. "Listen up, right now! If even a single drop of alcohol is at risk I find that fuck face and snap his back in half backwards, and shove his head up his ass!" Clearly Bane felt quite strongly about alcohol and it's safety. Seeing as this diseased being had already ruined several supplies of water for the Core it is entirely possible that he would be able to destroy the sanctity that is alcohol.

Bane forced the elf onto his feet and ushered him forward. "Come on, move that ass of yours there is not a moment to lose." Bane was not afraid to take on this creature, and certainly looked forward to the challenge, all things to consider Bane was a power house and could take on foes that were otherwise much more powerful then himself. He didn't see why Plague should be any different. It was then his ear twitched as he heard something. He dived behind and rock, and pulled Yule there with him. "Hold up, did you hear that. Do you smell that?" Bane said as a repulsive stench filled the entire cavern they were in.


Morgrim had departed the carriage and looked to his travelling companion Sibil. "Huh, yeah looks like the place is completely deserted other for a few guards. I think we should look around and see what is wrong. I think we should split up, just come get me if anything is going wrong or you find something." Morgrim said in a tone that made it clear it was an order, but not in such a way as to come off as horribly rude. Now would be a good time for Sibil to prove what she can do and how well she can handle something on her own. Besides Morgrim was quite introverted, and would like some time to get out his thoughts without others listening.

He left the fey girl and headed to the southern side of the city. The place was magnificent, everything being made out of some precious stone or metal, from the cutlery sitting out at the abandoned stone chairs and tables that belonged to the many restaurants and taverns, and all the way up to grand forty foot statues of immense glory signifying the brave heroes of non-dwarf ancestry that earned a home in the city of heroes. Morgrim observed the statues taking not in the names, one of them belonging to a heavily clad human in armour, and the name plate saying they were Gallard. Morgrim didn't know this man, but his previous travelling companions sure did. It turned out that Gallard was the first human in the cities history, and still the only human to have ever defeated a dragolich. The statues was made from the bones and horns of the dragon thing while the armour was made from solid gold. As Morgrim read on he was disappointed to see a Paladin held with such praise considering it was they who burned down his home town.

Morgrim left the statues to find a guard at the exit into the southern tunnels and hailed him. "Guard, I seek assistance. I need to know what is going on here, and where I can find the diseased creature. It is to my understanding it was spotted somewhere around here."

Morgrim was answered with the deep reverberating voice of the guard. "Look if you are here to fight the thing then it is your funeral, it's currently down through the southern tunnels, luckily it is a straight shot for the new few kilometres, but if it gets to far away you will lose it for sure. The tunnels split up after about 8 kilometres, and then it's just a maze." The guard stood out of the way to let Morgrim pass through.

Morgrim called over Sibil with his new contract with her, somehow having a selective telepathic link. "I have found out where it is heading, it appears we will not need a hunter." Morgrim was called upon by the Dwarf once more. "Just so you know there were a few others who went trying to hunt the creature, guards and mercenaries alike, best you find them if you are going to take it on." The Guard said, and Morgrim was sure to relay the information to Sibil as well. Morgrim awaited the fey girl before heading into the tunnels, moving as fast as he could. In ten minutes he was able to find the first opening in the cavern tunnels to find a diseased looking bed of water. "Looks like he was here."

It was the beginning of a new day, and only one person had an actual nightmare which given the recent events is a relatively low ratio. Gallard only needed about two hours of sleep before feeling fully recuperated, he was use to little to no sleep on most days, and hasn't slept in since he was a very young child. Want and laziness often goes punished in the paladin order, and he saw no reason to be any easier on who would surely be the recruits of the new paladin order he would start. In fact he was closer to securing that dream then he thought, he all ready had a huge inheritance, as the money remaining in the vault would go straight to the paladin order, and Gallard being the highest ranking member would be the one to inherent it.

Heading inside he knocked loudly on each of their doors, banging the hinges with his shields. "All right weaklings, wake up, we have a lot of ground to cover and little time. You each get twenty minutes to dress, arm yourselves and eat breakfast, anyone who takes too long will get a swift kick in the ass from me. Trust me you do not want your ass to be melded to your face from the force of my kick, else you wish you had never been born!" Gallard was all ready taking leadership of the group, and would push them in whatever direction they needed to be pushed in. He was strong and brave, and could handle just about any dark and foreign element in the lands. He didn't care if he had their respect, he just needed their obedience until the mission was over.

Gallard was all ready armed and dressed as he was at all times, ready at a minutes notice. He was undoubtedly one of the first to make the table, and was glad to have a breakfast ready for him by the time he sat down. It was pancakes, various sliced fruits and juices. Bacon and roasted meats along with breads butters and cheese galore. The Villa certainly had a well trained cooking staff. The only other person that seemed to be ready and at the table all ready was Innocence, he was waiting there for hours so he could have another meal. He couldn't literally eat, but he enjoyed the feeling of something inside of his artificial stomach. "MOVE IT!!!" Shouted Gallard as ten minutes had all ready passed.

//I decided that as we spent the last 2 months in the Villa (Literally one rp day.) I will be making Gallard the group leader to advance the story. There is no way in hell I am spending another 2 months to achieve on in rp day.


Two unbearable, annoying, and irritating months have passed since that uncivilized knight appeared. And with every minute his presence crossed passed with hers she wished the darkness just ate her up and took her away...figuritavely speaking of course... The giant went about knocking his little tin shield on the doors, hollering with that gruff voice of his....as if his heavy footsteps didnt make enough noise already... And to Eleniel, just his breathing was a noise loud enough to irritate her.

Eleniel didnt have a room, elves dont sleep (unless they are knocked unconscious of drink a little too heavily...even then their systems are heavily fortified so it takes something verrrry strong and lots of it for it to take effect) she often wandered the buildings or the forest that surrounded them. So far shes spent an immense anount of time in Tai's library, reading the night away. Shes also taken note the den of a family of foxes that dont live too far. A mother and her two kits. But this morning she stood in doors. She was lacing her bracers while walking down the same hall that Gallard was walking up. She could feel his light while she neared the hall, but when she turned the corner her attitude shifted to its natural icy state. Her soft face (that she usually kept hidden around others) quickly disappeared. Just the sight of his face irritated her. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out with a long and low growl. She looked away, for her sake. She didnt want anything to start. Her eyes were fixed on the ties that kept her bracers in place. With every step she took his banging grew louder and louder. She cursed under her breath (in elvish) trying to compose herself. Until she finally had it,"We understand! Its time to get up!" she huffed quietly through gritted teeth. When he walked away (and felt like he did his duty) she watched him with a menacing glare, eyes following him like daggers,"He has no right...taking charge like that...he is the most recent member of this group...and an unwanted one at that..." she said to herself. Eleniel was too caught up in her anger she didnt see (or sense) Raven come from behind her,"I don't knowww~" the cheerful girl chimed. Eleniel didnt jump from the sudden voice beside her, but for a moment she went wide eyed. Raven continued,"I think hes great! Ruthless...assertive...and demanding I like it."

Eleniel raised an eyebrow (like she always does when she judges),"Well, im not surprised," she started. She paused, tightening a lace using her mouth then dropped the lace,"You are twisted as well, not the most orthodox person here," she walked past Raven, struggling to tie her arm brace with one hand. She heard Raven call behind her, offering to help her, but Eleniel shook her head, her silky silver hair swishing as she did.

Mentioned: @Morgrim @Federoff

@shadowz1995 im tagging you or youll never check the rp xD


Raven Qrow

Raven has been with the group for almost two months and the others still dont trust her very much (im sure). But she oblivious to the thoughts the others had about her. She spent most of her time what ever it is she does. Things like pulling pranks on the others, or disappearing for long periods of time outside of the villa, or just following the others around and watching what they do due to her curiosity. Shes even wandered the halls at night only to get caught by Eleniel everytime and be sent back to bed. She wondered how the elf knew everytime, it was like...she never slept. In any case, what Raven did on her freetime was a mystery, but it was more than likely something weird or creepy...or both.

Raven was awake, sitting on her bed when Gallard knocked on her door. She jumped from the surprise. In her hand was a small box with...something in it. She covered the box immediately, incase the knight came in,"Okay! Im up!" she replied right away. She stood silent for a moment, waiting for the diminishing sounds of footsteps. When it was silent she released a sigh of relief and looked back down at the box, covered it, and put it back under her bed.

The chipper girl stood up and went to her door. She turned the knob and opened it slowly. Her head poked out to see who was outside, then she spotted Eleniel anlittle ways down, with her back to her. Raven's smile extended. She stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind her. She slipped on her jacket while she walked the couple steps it took to get to Eleniel and stopped beside her. She could hear the elf speaking ill of the paladin and Raven listened carefully. Then she jumped in, not feeling any guilt of eves dropping,"I don't knowww~" she smiled with her hands behind her back cutely,"I think hes great!" Her two toned eyes looked in the same direction that Gallard wandered off to,"Ruthless...assertive...and demanding! I like it!" she giggled. She blinked at Eleniel who replied by telling Raven that shes pretty similar to Gallard in a way. Raven smiled, taking that as a compliement...when it wasnt supposed to be. She watched Eleniel struggle to tie her bracers. The elf began to walk away when Raven called to her again,"I could help you with that!" but Eleniel only shook her head with out turning to look her. "Okay then," she frowned, but perked up again as she always did.

Raven stood there for a brief moment, rubbing her arm and thinking about something to do. A bored Raven was a dangerous Raven, she'll come up with things and ideas to keep her entertained, often bad things...

@everyone @me

(I just noticed you added that note to my last post, Morg, gdi. Fuckin' nerd.)

Roxii Sicarius

The Lythari didn't expect any sort of response from the girl, especially verbal, given her refusal to speak. The silence that followed her question and the sharp gasp was still somewhat uncomfortable. It didn't last long, though, because Roxii heard the soft footsteps of Xochi lifting herself up off the bed and striding towards her.

The hybrid flinched at the physical contact, but she didn't tense like she normally did, which was rather peculiar for the assassin. She didn't dwell too much on it, though; she was more curious as to what Xochi was going to do now. One of the female's hands made it to the hand that held the bow, and the wolf-elf felt a light squeeze: one that silently asked "Would you please put that away?" Roxii let out a soft sigh and complied, allowing Xochi to guide her hand to the bedside table where it originally sat.

The lycanthrope imagined a smile of satisfaction appearing on Xochi's face, though her mind's image of Xochi was distorted given that she'd never actually seen her. It was an unsettling feeling; traveling with people where half of them, she knew what they looked like, and the other few were simply blurs and distorted pictures that she had to create in her mind.

There was a tug from Xochi and Roxii followed hesitantly, wondering where the young female was going to lead her. The wolf and Xochi had hardly made it to the door of her room when yelling and the sound of banging metal resonated down the hall, getting closer with each hefty footstep. The metal collided with Roxii's door soon enough, the door vibrating on its hinges.
"All right, weaklings, wake up...!" The voice was unfamiliar to her, but it sounded like a male. A rude one, at that. Her nose crinkled in dissatisfaction; did the group add another member? As if they needed any more people...

The two females left the room and Xochi guided her to wherever it was she intended to go. It didn't take too long before the pungent aroma of food barraged her senses and answered her self-inquiry. Tai's strong, calming scent mingled among the smell of food, and she knew that the monk was present in the area as well. There were two others in the area, too: the ominous aura of the Shadow Being and the annoying, inconsiderate male that decided to try to arouse everyone from their slumber in a ten mile radius. The irritated look returned to her face, but she continued to let Xochi guide her to the table and Roxii took a seat carefully. She made sure that she was distanced from the others present.

The unnamed male bellowed a
"Move it!" after some time had passed. If the assassin wasn't blind, she'd send a cold-hearted glare to the man. Who did this man think he was? If he was a part of their group, then he'd be the newest addition, meaning he was the runt of the pack, the omega. He had absolutely no authority to take control and try to lead the group in such a way. If this were to be kept up, the blind assassin would undoubtedly have the male's blood on her hands. Or in her teeth, if she so chose to go that route.


@Federoff @Morgrim
Mood: Chill-ish(?) Aggravated
Location: Monk Villa


Jassur Batal

  • Tagging: @HoneyBear\-Kat - gdi Fluffkins, you nut. There is already a lot of bullcrap posts from Morgrim, Java, and Burrito on here ;U DONT CONTRIBUTE FOR MY SAKE. Also should someone tag Carpe or he out?

After returning to his chosen room, Jass had a minute of blankly staring at the ceiling from the bed. It wasn't long before he finally fell asleep; luckily, this time in a much deeper one that no one from his oddball allies to the new stick-up-the-ass knight could disturb from. As if his luck doubled the night, he received a peaceful sleep with only a pleasant nostalgic dream to relax his mind.

The small clatter of swords were the only sounds being heard early in the morning. The backwater village had most of its population either out trading with nearby villages or still catching some shut eye before another busy day. There wasn't much of a population: around a hundred. A father and his son were usually the first ones up. Many people thought the middle aged man to be insane and heartless for trying to teach the scrawny kid how to fight with a real weapon; but then again, the man did fall in love with an elf. The father knew his kid wouldn't be able to start building skills if he can't grip a sword correctly so he decided to begin slow. "You have talent, Jass." A large warm hand ruffles his hair. "You went easy on me. Again." "Now, now. Natural talent isn't everything. You must create a foundation and build from there. I didn't become a great swordsman in one day, right?" "What is a 'foundation'?" The kid needed schooling and he knew it. Having him here will only stunt his potential. "In good time, son."

Eyelids slightly twitch before opening slightly. The former knight is up but he didn't feel the need to get up while he still had the luxury of sleeping in a very cushion-y bed. His broken arm itched like hell though- probably healing faster with a bit of help from what tiny ounce of magic he has. Despite the wanting of more recovery time, Jass feels refreshed, specially from the catastrophe of events that's been happening in such a short period of time. Jass could run with only three to four hours - the results from his Verdant Knight days - but after being a lazy bum for a good solid year, sleep became a want. Discovering himself to be on his back, the mercenary turns to his non-wounded side letting the new comfortable position try to lull him into another dream. Speaking of dream, Jass doesn't remember whatever he dreamt about, much to his disappointment; he couldn't complain though- anything is better than the nightmares.

A thumping sound from the outside catches his attention. What? Are there more pestering strangers creating holes in the villa again? Jass scrunches his face, "The fu-"

"All right weaklings, wake up, we have a lot of ground to cover and little time. You each get twenty minutes to dress, arm yourselves and eat breakfast, anyone who takes too long will get a swift kick in the ass from me. Trust me you do not want your ass to be melded to your face from the force of my kick, else you wish you had never been born!"

The sound reaches his door and Jass curses into his pillow when - he believes, is probably a shield - hits the wood. The mercenary could only guess with no effort that the knight from last night was causing the ruckus. He doesn't remember anyone in the current group having a shield so it leaves only the commanding knight as the man going around as if he was the leader. Fuck if he knew who's the leader now. With Morgrim disappeared of to somewhere, him and Roxii didn't really have a employer to follow. They did finish what their goal was but being forced here without the half corpse feels like the necromancer cheated his way out of this unwilling new quest of theirs. Jass slowly gets out of bed, thoughts and memories of the previous day running through his head. "Really, where did that bastard go?" he mutters before beginning to put partial of his armor on.

Jass itches his wrapped up arm; this annoying predicament should heal in a day or two if he continued to pour what little magic he has into the healing process. It would leave him vulnerable for a full day but with the luck he feels he has this morning, maybe there won't be any encounters with hostiles. Hopefully. The others were capable anyway and the necessity of having everyone on this quest from that winged-bastard felt unneeded when most of them seemed strong in some way. With only the lower half covered in the new armor, Jass leave the rest in his bag of loot. The empty feel of nothing on his back added to his vulnerability. Maybe he'll ask the monk if there were weapons that he could borrow.

The former knight follows the luring smell to where most of the group were. The villa went all out with providing food to the group. The sight was just unusual, specially these misfits gathering around. It wasn't long till he found himself sitting at the table with the others, feeling uncomfortable with this weird setup. He silently wished they were out of here instead of in a large villa. After just a few minutes, the armor-clad knight shouts, "MOVE IT!" ruining Jass's neutral mood. Did he ever mention that he hated knights? He hated knights. Dark brown eyes glare at self-declared leader; the mercenary won't say anything but silently detest the annoying man.

Anaxileah Wylloh

Anaxileah had left the chilly water of the fountain, the clothes she had borrowed from Xochi now soaked in the freezing water. The cloth dripped with the cold liquid, Ana now wandering back to the common area everyone had lounged around in the day before, shivering the whole way. She spotted Ether resting beside one of the trees inside the villa and passed him by, letting the necromancer sleep, since she knew he needed it. Unexpectedly, Gallard yelled at the entire group to get moving and be ready in twenty minutes while he banged on everyone's doors in order to wake them up. Thankfully Ana didn't have to endure such a rude awakening, but she knew she had to get into a different outfit in order to eat something.

Ana jogged over to the room she was staying in, despite the goosebumps spread across her skin from the cold and the shivering that caused her to slow down. Her blood was naturally colder than everyone else's, so she was losing warmth quickly. Once she reached her room and closed the door behind her, Ana removed the wet, dripping, clothing and dropped it on the floor, quickly putting on her normal garb. Her arms were covered with their wraps, as were her legs, and her top and shorts now clung to her thin frame, allowing her movement to be fluid like and swift. The reptilian hybrid then wrapped her waist, covering up her abdomen up until the wraps reached the edges of her clothes. Once she finished putting her clothing on, now being dry, she slipped on a set of boots that followed the wrapped-style clothing she wore.

Ten minutes had passed by then, so Ana quickly left her room and rushed to the dining area, where she assumed everyone else must be. Once she arrived, she saw the towering paladin looking irritated, Eleniel, the freaky girl that accompanied her, Xochi and Roxii, and Jass. She didn't see Atraxia or Ether, but Tai was also present.
Where's Atraxia at? Is Ether still sleeping? Ana snatched a couple slices of bread before leaving the dining area momentarily to go find Ether or Atraxia in the time they had left before the paladin would begin acting out upon them. Ana headed into the courtyard at the center of the villa, searching for the tree Ether was lying at when she noticed him earlier. He was still there, sound asleep, but Atraxia was nowhere to be found. Ana didn't trust him, but his accompaniment of their group was not something she could complain about, so she kept quiet, as she usually did within the group. Since Atraxia wasn't within view, Ana nudged Ether's leg with her foot, prodding him gently to wake him up.

"Ether?" Ana asked, her green eyes looking down at him while she ate one of the slices of bread she brought with her, until she knelt near him and poked his arm with her slender index finger. "Ether, you need to get up and get some food in you. We're heading out soon." She prodded him again, trying to urge him awake, which didn't seem to be happening as quickly as she wanted him to wake, irritatingly enough.
I just want us to be up and ready as soon as that annoying paladin does, so that he doesn't cause even more trouble like he did last night. Ana thought to herself, her eyebrows furrowed at the thought of his breaking through the front of the villa the previous night. "Come on. Time to get up."


@shadowz1995 Mood: Cold -> Irritated/Hungry Location: Fountain -> Room -> Dining Room -> Courtyard

Ether Mesa

"Mmm....?" The necromancer slowly opens his eyes to see the green haired lady he had traveled with. The one he bled for and the one he risked life and limb to save. She was looking much better than that day for sure. No dying villagers about and all. But she did look tired. Ether disperses the shadowy miasma that had grown around him in his meditation. No need for alarms now that he was fully conscious. "Hey Ana, lookin' great as always." Ether teased. As a cocky half-smile rises on his scarred features, Ether turns his senses towards the Paladin that had burst into the villa the other day. It seemed he was raising quite the ruckus. How.....predictable of him. Immediately establishing himself as leader of the group because he felt empowered and entitled. There is little I hate more than idiotic fascists. Gods I am going to hate my life for a good amount of time. The mage can't help but shake his head and sigh heavily. This was going to get really old really quickly. He glances back up and Ana and gives her a genuine smile this time, "I'll go look for my own food if you don't mind. The further away I am from the self appointed divine ruler over there, the better. Go ahead and give everyone my good morning. Oh....and if you see Roxii....tell her to meet with me. I can do it through the shadows if she likes. Like I did with you and Jassur. I know it's soon but....she needs to start adjusting quick because we are moving out soon...."

"Do me that favor please?"
Ether gives her another genuine smile before slowly rising from the his spot against the tree. A yawn and a few quick stretches causes multiple bones to pop, creak, and crack from the lack of movement through the night. With a nod, he turns and starts walking off towards other areas in the Villa where they may give out or sell food other than the place everyone was currently at.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Morgrim @Javax

Xochi and Tai


Xochi helped Roxii find her way to a seat and sit her down before walking down to where the food was being placed by the butlers and beginning to prepare two plates of the meal, one for her and one for Roxii. Xochi's plate was more modest, containing only a few flapjacks and a few vegetables, while she put a variety on Roxii's plate; due to the fact that she didn't know what Roxii liked. Ranging from flapjacks, to bacon, and even an apple just in case if Roxii liked he stuff Xochi normally ate.

"Good morning Roxii, pray tell, how are you?" Tai asked as he sat across from her, his plate already empty as he had eaten his small ration; the man didn't need to eat much and preferred to only eat when he had too, nothing more and nothing less to survive. He then started to hear Gallard, the new company, start barking orders around at everyone when he had no right to do so, causing Tai to sigh a bit. He understood the urgency that the paladin withheld, it was obvious to both parties that neither wished to stay in the others company longer then needed too, but this was unnecessary. "Ordering them around will not win you their respect, or obedience if that is what you falsely seek, they are still only teenagers on the grasp of adulthood. We all understand the urgency, and they do know what must be done, but give them what little time they have left before they must; yet again, go into the face of danger for their beliefs" The older monk advised the paladin carefully, he did not wish to cause something this early in the morning.


Xochi took both plates and returned to sit next to Roxii, placing her full plate of food in front of her, along with a few utensils to eat with, before beginning to consume her own meal at the normal slow pace she normally ate at; not seeing the need to eat frantically like some people did. To her, food should be savored and eaten at a slow pace to take in each flavor offered by the earth, instead of being shoved down your throat to just get your stomach full. She smiled lighty, giving a small thankful prayer to the earth before placing the first bite into her mouth.

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members)
Location: Villa


Happy, Grateful

Advising, Calm

With: Everyone

Themes: Mystery girl, Labyrinth and Kami.


(Here's just an update of things going on in Aldurin.)

Dunheim. The fires have all been put out, whether by the hydromancers and hard working citizens still able to move and pick things up, or because they have simply run out of life or fuel and withered away into naught but the weak flickers of embers, the shadow imminent death looming over the flames that once burned glorious enough to be spotted from the next town over. More then five hundred people had lost there homes and their food, but there was a silver lining to this doom and death, Tuso was dead. Arcanus was a total dick for sure yeah, but in reality he seemed far more evil then he actual was because he flaunts his power. Arcanus had killed the rat king, had spared the heroes who brought on this destruction, and is trying to destroy the living embodiment of disease and death. Tuso was the real pig and asshole. Due to the high priests death the paladin order was disbanded, the guards were freed, and the temple has fallen. Gallard was one of the few paladins left alive though, and was the senior member which means the contents of the vault went to him.

Any other man, even in the paladin order would have been tempted by all the gold, millions of coins, and great artifacts, but Gallard was not any other man. Giving an order to which few paladin's remained he ordered chariots to take the gold to the street and showered the poor with it, he gave the city to the people. With the Temples gone everyone was now allowed to practice their religion however they see fit, and wherever and whenever they please. Now that everyone was getting everything they needed crime is dropping like flies, and people are helping each other. Lastly with the guards freed from their own roles as 'peacekeepers' to Tuso people could say what they want, do what the want, and weren't forced into slavery for feeding the poor, or missing temple. Dunheim had been through hell, but it is finally looking up. As the heroes are off to find Plague shelters were being build, farms giving free reign to give food to whoever they please, and even a statue of the heroes was being erected in the temple district dubbing them the champions of Dunheim.

Wherever there is good news though bad news is surely stirring up somewhere else, and this is certainly the case. The three major factions of Landfall are engaged in open conflict at the divide. Said to be the center of all of Landfall, and where many wars and battles have been waged. The divide was also named for the absurdly diverse landscape for the small area it inhabited, like the point where the forest, plains and mountains meet. The Silver Legion had started this battle with an informal declaration, which was been selling elven children into slave trade, whether it was sex trade or harsh physical labor, so long as the people paid well that was all they cared about. The Nightwalkers and Covenant had taken up a temporary alliance to fight the Silver Legions vast army and advanced technology. It is an epic battle between the three major factions, where ballistas swarms of infantry and advanced tactics go against a horde of the undead, and elves using old magic and brute force to try and overwhelm the humans. The humans were organized, while the covenant and the nightwalkers didn't know how to fight together so it was messy. This gave the legion and advantage over them. The worst part wasn't losing though, the worst part was being caught, each one had their own ways to deal with prisoners of war, and none of them were pretty. The Legion all to happy to cut of the ears and tails of the elf hybrids and animals that served under then and make them wear it on a collar or belt before being sold into slavery. There was no way to torture the undead so they were burned to ashes. The undead themselves would cannibalize the humans, and add their ranks to the nightwalkers, while the elves would preform rituals to decompose humans slowly using their bodies as nutrients for the earth, believing it to be highly spiritual. The war was ugly, and it would highly unlikely see an end without a clear advantage over the others, like having a group of powerful heroes, or a special weapon.

Plague meanwhile is continuing his mission, and infecting the tears of the serpents across the core. It's hard to disease things that are living underground, all the earth getting in the way, the lesser supply of oxygen, and smaller populations lead to difficulties for him to cleanse the world of every healthy living creature. Disease itself evolves faster then anything else in the world, not sentient being, no plant or cosmic force evolves so quickly as a disease. Plague seeks to mutate the world, but he will need it all bundled together in nice temperatures. He needs to make everything in the Core evacuate to the upper land of Landfall where he could use his newly assimilated soldiers and monsters to rebirth the world. He had all ready experimented on different races with his foul magic creature new creatures. Creatures like the carrier, which was essential for his role in rebirthing the world. Monstrosities that carry his assimilation disease called pax, which could mutate the very cellular level of anything that makes contact with it. The great the quantity the greater the mutations until the person completely loses their mind. Then the Necro hounds that are the resurrected corpses that had been violently reshaped to be similar to fleshy broken dogs with no fur and bleeding mouths. Laslty and his frontline soldier being the giants, creature overfilling with the pax virus bloating them and stretching them to disgusting sizes to crush foes beneath them. Plague had all ready contaminated almost every single natural reserves of water in the Core, and has all ready forced half the population into the few safe places left in the Core, and the others into moving up to Landfall.
Gallard regarded the monk as one of the few sensible around. Xochi he had no real opinion for since she did and spoke little. Not lazy, just not very involved. The others though had histories and dark paths, well most of them. He didn't trust them for this reason. "You misunderstand Monk, I am not here to get their approval or respect, I just need them to prove themselves as not being a danger to the innocent people of Landfall, after that I can leave and go back to rebuilding the paladin order. The city of Dunheim needs me, and while I help as much as I could they will need guidance." Gallard was a big guy, but he had a relatively small amount of food given his stature, you'd think a person over seven feet tall would want to eat all the good meat of a cow, but nope, he just grabbed a few pancakes and slices of bacon, throwing in a apple as well. He took only what he needed. He didn't sleep much either, and had manage to put up a barricade over the hole he had created in the wall. It wasn't pretty, but it would keep out bandits well enough.

It had been twenty minutes in total since his promise about how they would have to move out. "All right each of you got your time, now come on, we've got a beast to slay." Referring to the embodiment of disease. He had all ready packed a duffel bag of supplies, enough to feed a small party for a week. He also had a crossbow, a great sword that he had no trouble wielding in one hand, and a towering shield as large as the sun elf. "Now let's move out before I pick you up one by one and drag you all out of here." He had no been joking and would actually do it if he was tempted, he wanted to waste no time, every second people were losing their lives and their homes being forced to relocate if they were lucky enough to not be infect and mutated in some freakish way.

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