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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

"Because!" Sab'Haal exclaimed loudly and with rage. He raised his arms violently and with that motion erupted grand flames 10 feet tall in height in a 20 square foot circle surrounding both the demon and the archer. A roar followed from the demon, as these were real flames with real heat. The fog that was recently conjured, evaporated as quickly as it appeared.

"You are in my world boy..." The demon explained condescendingly, as his eyes flared orange in the same fashion as the flames he conjured around him. This was a display of power on Sab'Haal's part. Much like in primeval nature, it is not beneficial for animals to fight. If one is wounded even after winning a fight, in nature there is no doctor to go and get yourself treated. Life and death decision are made on the fly, and purely by instinct. So sometimes one animal visibly backs down, or flexes it's muscles to deter a confrontation for the benefit of both animals. For, Sab'Haal and the Assassin were nothing but animals in Sab'Haal's eyes.

"It is not worth the Lion's or the Tiger's time to fight each other when they can both hunt the gazelle." Explained the demon, as he glared deep into Aradin's eyes. His words were not hollow like before, as he was intent on convincing the Archer of the fact regardless. Sab'Haal exhaled deeply after summoning the circle of flames, which continued to persist like a brick wall of a castle.

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"I've been thinking, why don't you come with me and help me complete my bounty." Aradin says, giving in to peace. "I'll bring you too her, hands tied behind your back. Once there, I'll get my money and you can burn through the ropes and attack Pandora." He felt the scorching heat through his armor, and thought his solution would be the best for both of them.

He gives it some more thought. "Hopefully he will agree, if so I wouldn't necessarily call this a defeat. Not a lot of people like Pandora, it would be a civil justice to get rid of her. Just think of all that gold she has saved, all of the money that could be mine. I would give some to orphanages, but I come first.."

The flames that were circling the two slowly began to lower in height and intensity. Sab'Haal breathed slowly and lowered his arms, with a smirk beginning to form at the thought of this deceit. ~ Now there's a thought... ~ Were the words running inside his mind, as he pictured Pandora's burning head mounted on Sab'Haal's staff.

"You know, I like that idea." He said as the flames flickered and sung their last song, fading away into smoke and ashes. The ground where they were was singed, and the large black circle outlined the would-be battlefield like a painting done in oil. The smell of burned plant material filled the air. Sab'Haal threw his staff at Aradin in the same fashion as before, only this time he did not make it a scolding piece of iron.

"I expect my staff the moment we approach Pandora... or I'll behead both of you." He chuckled as his face returned to a neutral and calm manner. The entirety of this fight had made him work up a lot of his magical energies, and the area surrounding Sab'Haal and Aradin was as if the entire forest had already burned down. The fog that was cast earlier spread intense shadow magic, so the air felt heavy, as if gravity's strength was doubled. Getting air was harder than normal for humans and other beings not in tune with magic. Aradin would not feel this effect exactly, but he would be able to sense the presence of the magic since he himself was a shadow magic user.

"Lead the way assassin, you can tie my hands before we get into the city." Explained Sab'Haal, as he would not allow himself to be tied for the length of the walk back to the town. However short it may be.

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Morgrim said:
It was only by pure luck that Isabelle would be rescued, as a member of the covenant was in the area, though they almost always are, the forest is their home and territory, sharing it with those who deserve it. The boy with the scimitar let out a shriek of deep felt pain before dying on the ground. The bolt pierced a small whole in his brain, and as the blood swept in he lost his vision, and quickly after control over his organs which led to a short but painful death. The scream though was the important part because while it drew the attention of the other five bandits of the thunder god, it drew the attention of Aerith, a mage for the Covenant with a special ability to bend space into his favour.
The very itself seemed to bent and distorted like looking through a wavy sheet of glass before colour and then matter filled the space. A thin man was sitting there, correct sitting not standing, with a smirk on his face. "Hey there." Was all he said as the bandits made themselves known. They didn't like his cocky attitude, and quickly charged him all at once. After all who needed strategy when you have better numbers and strength, that's probably what they thought. The covenant had set up some traps around the area and Aerith would use this to his advantage, swapping the soft solid soil they were about to step into with the pitfall trap leading into a spike pit. They all fell and dropped only to be impaled. "Idiots... Hey lady are you okay, what are you doing out here?"

@Shimakage Thunder
"I was just trying to get home. Then I got ambushed." She answered. Isabella really was just trying to get home from wherever she was going. Honestly she just needed some fresh air and time away from the city, wanting to bond with nature, get out more. With the Bandits dead, she was happy. "My name is Isabella by the way and I wanted to say thank you for saving me." She said, introducing herself to the stranger that came to her rescue when she needed it most, considering that she couldn't fend them all off and was greatly outnumbered. Not to mention pregnancy would hinder her abilities and capability to defend herself. So maybe she did get lucky. "You wouldn't be heading back to Dunheim, are you? Because that is where I am headed. I could use the company."
Aradin nods, sheathing his weapon and leading the way back to the city. "Looks like I'll get my money.." He thinks to himself as he leads Sab back to the town. He holds the staff his former enemy once used in his hand, inspecting the item with much curiosity. He was judging by the weight of the object that it could be a good weapon, to beat away animals with. There wasn't much durability it seemed, but looks can be deceiving. Aradin learned that lesson the hard way after a few drinks in the tavern, some of the "ladies" aren't really ladies. Thankfully, he managed to escape the situation before anything awful happened to him or his dignity.

The two arrive at Pandora's manor, Aradin tying Sab'Haal's hands behind his back. "Follow my lead, It has to look like I beat you up a bit.." He would say to his companion as he finishes tying the rope. "I'll give you the staff once I get my money." He says to the Demon, before knocking on the manor's door. "Either way, I'm in a good situation." thought Aradin as he waited for someone to answer the door. "If she overpowers him, I can simply tell her that's not what she hired me for. If he overpowers her, it'll all go according to plan. After this, I'll be 2,000 gold richer..."

@Pr0t0typ3str @Morgrim
After his hands were tied, the lights on Sab'Haal's staff dimmed to a complete darkness. During the trip towards the manor of Pandora, he was controlling his breathing and amassing a great deal of energy inside of himself. This was to be released all at once at the right time. When they arrived at the manor, Sab'Haal smirked.

"The witch lives in a big empty house... Empty like her sould." He said with a distaste in the town of his voice. The plan was simple, and he figured it would be more interesting than simply killing the assassin and moving on with it. When they were walking through the city, Sab'Haal's eyes were glaring around and inspecting all the foolish towns folk. All so safe and comfortable in their little city... This safety was shallow, and it was fake. He would make a meal out of everyone here if he wanted to. After Aradin finished talking and knocked on the door, Sab'Haal closed his eyes and tilted his head downward. From this point on he would not say a word.

@FordtheKiller @Morgrim
A butler answered the door, a well dressed man with gold embedded into his suit, and a platinum pocket watch. He had a condescending air about him even without saying a word. "Ah I see the project is here, very well step inside, but take your shoes off, we don't want to dirty the house." The butler instructed both the men, while secretly harbouring thoughts of watching the two walk along a field of broken glass and rusty nails. These two men were filth compared to him, and less then a soggy pile of steaming shit compared to his mistress Pandora. She was the true queen of this city, and one way or the other she would get exactly what she wants, she always had.

The butler, didn't even bother a second look at the two and lead them down an expansive corridor filled with the finest art the city had to offer, and relics from the path worth tens of dozens of thousands of gold. Of course each was well guarded, by a magical safety net as it was called. A magical field able to register each person's magical wave length of their soul and body, any unregistered wave lengths would be de-constructed at an alarming rate. The effect was unspeakable to watch.

The butler made sure that both arrived at the study where a table had been set up, there were fine pastries sitting in a glass dish in a decorative fashion, along with a fine brandy sitting next to a single glass. Ten minutes passed, and the butler had long since left before Pandora herself had finally arrived. She took a seat adjacent to the two men. "Welcome boys to my humble abode, I see Siegfried had made sure you were comfortable enough. Tell me, why do you think I wanted ol' Sabby here?"

"Listen Lady, I don't care why you wanted to bring him here. I just want my gold so I can leave.." Aradin says in an annoyed tone. It is only natural for a hired assassin to want his money. He looks around the room, then focuses his eyes on Pandora. "Pay me and do what you will with him.."

Aradin thinks to himself, "Do I really have to sit through with her speaking? It's really annoying when I just want to stick to the plan Sab'Haal and I came up with." He feels around the wood on the now dormant staff. "I wonder how this staff works, maybe it's connected to his soul wavelength or some magical science.."

@Pr0t0typ3str @Morgrim
By the time Pandora had made her presence known, Sab'Haal had amassed an enormous amount of magical energy together. With his eyes still closed he breathed so slowly that it was almost as if he was dead. Pandora's voice was almost like an echo at this point, as Sab'Haal had focused so much of his mental energy towards channeling magic through his body.

When Aradin finished his demand of Pandora, the demons eyes opened. He stared off into space, with no emotion on his face whatsoever. At this point the rope which Aradin had tied around his hands was singing and the weakest link, the knot, had pulled apart and the rope fell onto the ground behind Sab'Haal's feet. As soon as the rope hit the ground, the demon leaned forward and slammed both of his arms onto the table between Pandora and the two of them.

He let out a deep grunt...

From the base of his palm radiated a black, almost ink like substance that within a few moments encompassed the entire table with darkness. The shadow grew larger and larger and within 20 seconds surrounded the entire room. Every door was sealed shut with an intense black magic, summoned forth by Sab'Haal. His head lifted and glared at Pandora, his eyes flaring with excitement. A small smirk slowly formed onto his face, one of delight and eagerness.

"Hello mistress..." He spoke slowly, the demon had a wide and hungry smile on his face. He had heard many a tale of Pandora, and it was a great treat to him to be able to see it in person. The staff that Aradin was holding began to light up, one symbol at a time.

"Can I have my staff back please?" He asked kindly, turning his head and looking at Aradin.

@Morgrim @FordtheKiller
Roxii Sicarius

The Lythari waited at her seat silently as she listened to Xochi pad away, most likely to retrieve some food for her and the hybrid. She was grateful for the female's hospitality. The two had met just yesterday, and she and her monk friend, Tai, were quick to aid the blind, injured assassin. It was refreshing, in a sense, to receive aid from strangers whom asked for nothing in return. However, the lack of asking for a favour made her feel uneasy. It was so unnatural to her now, to stumble across people who were genuinely kind.

An ear swiveled slightly towards the sound of heavy footsteps entering the room accompanied by the familiar Jassur's scent. Out of the entire group present at the villa, Jass was the one she somewhat trusted most, which was a little more than none given her usual trust issues. Aside from the corpse, he was the first one she had encountered when this entire mission began. Not only that, but she actually knew what Jass looked like, unlike Tai or Xochi or any of the other newcomers.

Xochi's soft steps approached the blind wolf-elf, and she heard two plates of food being set on the table, her assumptions confirmed. A variety of scents wafted to her at once, and she reveled in the wondrous creation that is food. Unsure of where each food was placed, however, she conjured a miniscule amount of shadow magic to allow her some sight. She averted her gaze to the plate before her and carefully picked up a piece of bread, proceeding to take small bites out of the food as she dismissed the magic.

Roxii had hardly taken her first bite, though, when Tai sat across from her and inquired of her well-being. The wolven hybrid's ear twitched in agitation, but she only proceeded to swallow her food and respond coolly and honestly, "
I'm still sore and blind, but otherwise fine."

The blind assassin continued to eat to her heart's content, which wasn't too much given her line of work and lifestyle. Once she finished, Xochi grabbed her plate and put it up for her, to which she muttered a "thank you". It wasn't long before the reptilian female entered the room and approached the hybrid. Roxii turned slightly towards the footsteps of Ana as she drew closer. Still, the healer lightly announced her arrival by a gentle touch on her arm. She informed her that the necromancer, Ether, wished to speak with her. Her tone sounded irritated and bitterness dripped off each word. The hybrid considered asking about it, but she knew that she was no good with feelings or anything of that sort, so she opted to allow someone who was more experienced with social situations than her to take care of that.

I will be fine. Thank you," she responded softly, getting up from the table and walking towards where Ana had entered. The elf used an occasional small dosage of shadows to allow her temporary vision as she walked, finding the strategy to be much more beneficial than feeling her way and hoping she didn't fall or run into something. Still, she had to memorize the flash of vision she got during those moments so that she knew which path to take.

Finally, she caught a glimpse of the necromancer's purple mist, Ether's soul essence. The wolf strode up to the male carefully, wondering why he wanted her to meet with him. "
You called?"

Mood: Slightly irritated
Location: Monk Villa, Dining Hall Courtyard

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Ana nodded, feeling somewhat out of it. Eleniel had already left the dining area, and now Roxii was headed to Ether in the courtyard so that they could do...whatever it is Ether had done earlier with her and Jass. Ana sat at the table where Roxii had just been sitting and finished the pieces of bread she had grabbed earlier, not noticing her own famished state. She quickly had several strips of bacon and some biscuits, filling her stomach to the point where she was no longer feeling starving. She didn't eat so much so that she would feel like she was in a food coma, but she filled herself to a pleasant amount.

After eating, Ana rose, glancing around the room. Jass was seated at the table still, looking uncomfortable. Raven, still a stranger, was eating breakfast,
looking normal. Ish. Atraxia was still nowhere to be found, Morg had disappeared entirely, and Xochi and Tai were sitting at the table still, eating peacefully and whatnot. Since Ana had her fill of food, she rose from the table and returned to her room, making sure she had each of her weapons and everything stowed away for safe keeping. Where in the world am I going to keep this gold? Ana thought to herself, knowing that heaving around 2000 pieces of gold would be too heavy and would risk the group's safety. That much gold weighed about one hundred fifty pounds, which was too much to carry along with four weapons and a satchel of vials and herbs.

Perhaps...I can store it here? Ana looked between Tai and Xochi for a moment, then an idea had her smiling, her earlier uneasiness dissipating. The string of events that had occurred as of late made her feel discombobulated, causing her to act differently than she normally would. She walked over to Tai, who was only a couple of steps from where she stood, before speaking. "Tai, as we are about to leave, I want to offer my thanks to the villa and those who live here. Out of the rewards I received for being a part of this group in the battle against Tuso, although I didn't do much, I want to give the villa fifteen hundred gold pieces. As thanks for everything." Ana smiled shyly at the monk, hoping he would accept her gift. This was more her style - being kind to everyone, no matter what others thought or said. She could manage carrying 500 gold pieces around with her, so this would work out for both of them (500 gold pieces weigh approx. 40 lbs).


@Javax @Federoff Mood: Cheered Up Location: Villa Dining Area

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@Shimakage Thunder // "Nah I am not headed into the city. Neither should you be, that place is a rat's nest. A burning one at that, I saw the columns of black smoke, if I were you I would stay away from there, in fact why don't you stay with me for a few days, you said you wanted to connect with nature after all." The elf boy had a devilish grin on his lips representing the dozens of years of mischief he had caused, to be fair though he gave those bandits a chance and they didn't take it, now they were resigned to their fate. He stood up with a groan, and a few bones popped in and out of place. He stretched each tired limb. "So what's your name chickadee? I am Aerith."

@Pr0t0typ3str // Pandora was entirely unamused. Not surprised, just annoyed that this had happened. She let out the faintest sigh of disapproval. "Really now, and what makes you think either of you will get away with this. I suggest you take a long sit down, have a drink and discuss this like civilized people. Not like a couple of rowdy demons." She pulled out a small bag of coins holding onto two thousand coins, and looked back towards the assassin. "I took you for more of a mercenary, not a double agent. You know picking both sides with only get yours eyes gouged out, once for each person you betrayed. I'm not joking so you know, I will literally pull out your eyes from your skulls if you don't subdue your bitch, and put a collar on it." She pulled out another thing from under the table, that being an actual collar. Everything she says sounds like a metaphor, but she proves just moments later each time that she plans to exact her plan. "Attacking me will only hurt you in the long run."
"Act like I would do anything to jeopardize a potential profit.." He says, sitting down at the table and propping his feet on the table. He tosses the staff onto the ground. He says, "Your orders were to bring him here, nothing more. I've fulfilled my part of the deal, now pay up Pandora. If you want me to do anything else, you're going to have to offer me much more if you want me to attack Sab here.."

While Aradin was speaking, he was holding a smoke bomb. The smoke bomb was his exit strategy just in case the situation made a turn for the worse. It was filled with a cough powder, along with smoke powder, granting him an easy escape. He never liked dealing with magical types, it's not that he didn't like the challenge, it is just their supercilious attitude toward everything. Sure he used magic, but at least he is humble about it.

@Pr0t0typ3str @Morgrim

(Side note, Sorry about the hiatus. I was pretty busy these past few days.)
Sab'Haal smirked as this was turning out to be more interesting than simply someone being lit on fire. The assassin's response to Pandora made him curious, that meant she didn't in fact want him dead. What was she up to, needing a 500 year old demon in a plan of some sort.

"You've peaked my interest." Sab'Haal said as the staff which hit the ground began shining fairly brightly, levitating itself up towards the demon as he held his palm towards it. The staff made its way through the air into his hands, and with that he himself decided it would be a good time to take a seat.

"Do not be coy, my patience is thin right now." He said with a glib tone of voice, looking at Pandora in the eyes and smiling patiently.

@FordtheKiller @Morgrim
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@Pr0t0typ3str // "Sorry Aradin, but there has been a draw back. Untill I am satisfied with your service you won't got so much as a copper coin. Now Sabby to me you are nothing more then a piece of the puzzle, a means to an end. I don't want you to do anything other then what you do, just direct it where I please." She placed the sack of gold back under the table, but if one were to look at where it went it was all ready gone, as if by magic, but not even Sab would be able to detect a magical presence. She then reached over the table and poured two glasses of the dragonsblood golden ale. "Consider that your payment for now assassin. See what I want is to be on top, right there where Tuso was, but without all that religious bullshit. The only thing I believe in is money and power. I all ready have one, now I just need the other. I just need you two to ruffle some feathers, and cause a little chaos before I sent my private military after you. Simple as that. You'll cause chaos, get caught, be paid and sprung from prison where you will leave this town for ever and enjoy the spoils of your work simple as that."
"Paid for Chaos.." Aradin scoffed a little as he muttered it. "Why in the world would I risk my pride by becoming caught? I have a reputation you know." Aradin grabs the mug of ale and takes a drink from it. Even though his job wasn't the most respected, Aradin had a lot of pride for an assassin. "The pay better be double..no Triple!" He says, still kinda pissed. He chugs the glass of ale, tasting the delicious drink that was provided for him by his patron. He was weighing the pros and cons in his mind. "What will I tell my rival assassins? I got caught for money? I'd never hear the end of it from them. They'd also probably use this as an opportunity to ruin any potential business I have in the future..This could also be the last job I'd ever have to do.."

Sab'Haal listened intently as the woman spoke, and the offer was very interesting indeed. As he figured it would be pointless to just kill her and the assassin right now. The veil of darkness which he had summoned began to peel away and evaporate. It looked like black paint chips disintegrating and floating up towards the ceiling before completely disappearing. The demon took a long and slow inhale, and as he exhaled small amount of smoke came out of his nose like a dragon.

"You do know... I'd probably light the whole city on fire Pandora..." He explained, maintaining a deep stare into her eyes. He was judging whether or not she was lying, in a pathetic attempt to get him to give his life up in the hands of some common guard. The notion was laughable to be honest. However, the demon felt confident in his ability to get himself out of any trouble. So with reluctance he began:

"Fine. I'd love to destroy things with an actual purpose this time..." He smirked, but that quickly faded as he looked at Aradin and then back at Pandora.

"However, if I am to be betrayed by the likes of you two, I will spend the rest of my eternity hunting you down and cooking you." Sab'Haal explained, a creepy smile forming again on his face.

"I might even eat you."

@Morgrim @FordtheKiller
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He had no idea

@Pr0t0typ3str @FordtheKiller // "Well I'm glad you seem convinced demon, but your friend still seems to be on the fence. I want you two to rent yourselves a room, talk over what you think would be the best course of action, and then go through with it. I will be here tomorrow at the same time, keep me waiting and I will make you regret it." She stepped her from her seat, and left the two of them. She would never admit it, but she expected this to go down an entire different route, hence why she had her butler and cleaning staff leave the building not another soul besides those three were in the building, and Pandora soon made her way out. This was only one of her homes, a place where she conducted business and went to leave the hounding of political officials. It served it's purpose, and come tomorrow it would again.
"Why in the world would I sign up for a job for someone who doesn't pay what's due?" Aradin says to the demon. "There's no way I'm even thinking of going along with what she wants. My reputation will be ruined, and it doesn't pay off for me if she won't even pay me for the first damn job" He sighs, standing up. "You go have your fun terrorizing the city, I'll be on my way." He begins thinking to himself, "Why in the world did I expect a corrupt woman like her to actually be honest in a deal. Waste of my time, I'd much rather go to an STD ridden whore house than ruin my reputation as an Assassin.."

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~ Maybe I will. ~ Sab'Haal thought as he did not acknowledge the assassin's remarks. He was already plotting inside his head how he could have the most fun doing this. Though it had not occurred to him, that there might even be other powerful entities within this city which would try and stop him (@Anaxileah ;) ) . This would prove a more fruitful day if it was filled with more skilled combat.

Sab'Haal let a deep sigh out as he too stood up and made his way to the door. After exiting the extravagant building that he was in he looked to his left and then to his right. There were so many wooden buildings in this city, that a nice fire would surely spread as quickly as the hysteria would. The demon walked down the street some and found a large stack of barrels and crates which were easily climbable. So with a joyeous haste he made his way up the structure and onto what seemed to be a tavern roof.

The sight around him was not very impressive, though that would soon change. Why would he have to discuss a plan with a mercenary in order to cause havoc? This was what he lived for!

So, with that being said, Sab'Haal would begin. He channeled massive amounts of energy throughout his body as the staff he held in his hands glowed brightly. His hands rose towards the sky as he thought of the sun, the ever burning sun. The sun would be his inspiration for this. He would do this for the sun. It's bright and intense heat would make Sab'Haal's magics look like nothing more than a candle. Nonetheless, he dropped the staff onto the flat roof. He turned his eye towards a distant house, and with that he grunted, lifting his hand and held his palm open towards it and sent a large explosive fireball the size of a dodgeball arcing over and crashing into the side of the wooden structure.

These explosive would surely cause structural damage though not have the ability to destroy an entire house out-right. After this thrill of seeing the smoke bellowing into the air, he began indiscriminately launching fireball after fireball in all directions with no fear of the consequences. His eyes lit up with excitement every time he could hear an explosion off in the distance. This would surely grab the attention of anyone in the city or around it.

@Morgrim @FordtheKiller

@Morgrim - You can obviously decide what and who is affected by the explosions, and I'm assuming you'll control the guards as well.
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  • proxy.php

    Atraxia waited...and waited...and...waited... What was taking these imbeciles so long to eat breakfast? Gods damn them, they should of already left by now. The faster this was over with, the faster he could return to his solitude and continue onto his next contract and away from prying eyes. He scowled as he jumped down, his cloak now removed and stored away tightly in between his back and the light armor that surrounded it, before walking into the Villa, having enough of this silliness and games they wished to play. First he reached the center of the villa to spot the necromancer and, now completely useless, assassin talking about something. "Hurry up you two, we leave now, with or without you" he growled maliciously, the good old angry and bloodthirsty bundle of joy back and read to kill everything in his path. The others may of not yet healed, but last night had been more then enough for him to recover his energy and be in, near, top form.

    He then arrived in the dinning hall, where everyone else had gathered, taking their time and eating their pathetic breakfast. Emotions from happiness to depression were present in the room, and now his anger was to be added to the mix. Not for long... he thought to himself, his clawed feet making no noise as he swiftly moved. "The Paladin is correct, we have no time for this idleness you all hold dear, the faster we get this done the faster we can all move along with our lives, so hurry up and move it" Atraxia stated in a semi-neutral tone, it being as neutral as he could be. He had heard much of their conversation from on top the roof, his supernatural senses helping him finding out information he may, someday potentially, be used in his favor. Nothing came up, outside of the necromancer that seemed to still be weakened, but he was able to listen to what Gallard had to say. Although he wanted to completely gut the man, he found himself in agreeing with his statement; that they should of already left.

    Natural Selection (Looking For New Members)
    Location: Villa

    Mood: Angry, Annoyed

    With: Everyone in the Villa

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed



Jassur Batal

  • Tagging: @Federoff

    Location: Villa

    Character Mood: ._.

    Animus's Mood: (o - o ) *lists all the shit that must be done before this week ends oh fuck me silly jfc*

Allowing a small amount of food to be ingested, his stomach feels content to have something there. Specially from the night before, he wondered if he did eat anything after Innocence's interesting and "gross" discovery. Jass shakes the thought away immediately, not wanting to remember the black goop he had to clean up form his person.

Everyone was pretty much present- taking note to Roxii's presence and the young miss taking care of her. The monk lectured the impatient knight about respect from the group. The mercenary couldn't help but scoff at the thought of ever respecting a high ranking knight ever again. At the mention of the group's ages, Jass is reminded that most of the members are still kids (in his eyes)- probably barley hitting their twenties. Despite wishing to not be on a quest with this many people, there is the grateful thought that it was a good thing for the unwanted folk to show up down the road. Jass would not have only came out of that battle with just a broken arm if they weren't there- even if some are still (deadly) kids.

The knight's response made him want to laugh out of irony. Most of them have bounties on their heads- "not being a danger" could be proven the opposite if the guy sticks along for the whole journey. The sight of some of the group leaving the table and the self-declared leader threatening to drag them all out, gave Jass's queue to leave the table.

After answering to Ana's gesture, the mercenary follows after Tai believing the monk should solve his first priority. The damn vault, out of all things, had armor, not a weapon that he continues he wish he had. But who is to complain about free shit?

"Hey, you don't happen to have spare swords stored here?" asks Jass. Just cause one arm can't be used doesn't mean he can't use the other. With this group's luck in running into trouble in one day, the former knight feels the need to be armed even though he's probably going to be useless for a full day. It's only the morning and he could feel what small amount of magic he has pour into healing the damned arm faster. "I'll pay whatever."




Kaya'nir Yerzith had been walking for hours. She lost count of how many, and didn't care at that point, since she had been wandering the land of Landfall, just trying to get away from the war between the three factions entirely. Her blue eyes scanned the horizon in search of civilization, but could only see forest, which she didn't like. Dunyik zarkyefa...* Kaya thought to herself in her native Orcish tongue, then proceeded to head towards the edge of the forest, where she would follow it around the large, leafy, area. She didn't like trees, and especially disliked forests, where her mobility and visibility were limited.

After walking around for yet another hour, the orc female finally saw the walls of Dunheim as she reached the end of the forest, and she let out a sigh of relief. Even though the armor she was wearing was comfortable, more so than metal armor would be, she was exhausted and famished. Her stomach growled, and she put a gloved hand on it, right about the blue stone that allowed her to control her wild fire powers. After leaning against a tree for another moment to catch her breath, she walked towards the entrance of the city, only then noticing the large clouds of smoke floating above the city, as if it were on...

"Arvit!"** Kaya exclaimed, rushing into the city, all feelings of fatigue and hunger momentarily having vanished. There were random buildings on fire, and human people rushing from their homes, coughing and choking on the smoke emanating from the wooden structures. Kaya went to help the humans out of their homes, using her strength to lift fallen structures off of people. However, they were afraid of her, and ran from her, begging her to leave them be.
They think...I cause fire? Kaya thought to herself, trying to translate the English phrases being shouted by the humans into her own thoughts. No...other cause fire...who? Her mind was slow in its thought process, but she soon watched a fireball rocket into a building nearby her, which burst into flames and charred pieces of wood flew from the building. The burning pieces hit her skin, but caused no damage and only irritated her as she looked in the direction of the assailant.

A demon. Kaya recognized his kind almost immediately, and here pale blue eyes widened, the female orc moving back a step.
Naye...por druntal...kint?*** Kaya thought to herself in dismay, knowing this species to be one that thirsts for death and violence everywhere it goes. However, Kaya felt that it was important to stop this creature from harming the people of the city, as well as their homes, despite their fear of her. She pursed her lips together, her bottom canines (tusks, whatever) pressed into her upper lip. With a strong, unwavering voice, she called out to the demon, "Druntal! Why you fire the city? If want violence, come fight worthy opponent and not harm innocent!" Kaya yelled, her voice filled with assertion, even though the pale-green-skinned woman was panicking on the inside. Her black, curly, hair fell in front of her face and she blew it up, running a gloved hand through the Mohawk of hair she had, her gaze remaining on the demon the entire time.

*Goddamn trees...


***No...a demon...here?

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str

@Morgrim @FordtheKiller (?) Mood: Confused/Angered Location: Dunheim

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The smoke that was in the air was an all too familiar smell to Sab'Haal. For a moment he halted his fiery destruction, as he heard a loud and striking voice from somewhere. His head turned towards the sound of the voice, and he saw what appeared to be a green woman yelling at him.

~ How interesting... ~ He thought to himself, listening to the challenge issued by the Orc. Sab'Haal had never seen an Orc before, so it came to much of a surprise that this would be the first person to try and stop him.

The demon walked to the very edge of the building, the entire time his hands were held together as if they were praying. He stopped at the edge and took a long, deep inhale.

"Great, you're just in time for the grand finalle." He said as he slowly pulled his hands apart. This motion caused the formation of what looked like a small sun. Almost like a fiery rift in time and space, the small orb flared and exuded a bright light that would be the equivalent of staring up at the sun on a clear day. With that, he raised his hands towards the sky and that is the direction the small orb levitated towards.

When it got about 400 feet in the air, he lowered his hands and looked at the Orc.

"Now, witness the power!" He yelled as he clapped his hands together violently and the orb exploded. This explosion sent roughly 50-65 separate fireballs of the same caliber he had been throwing around in all directions. It was essentiallly a cluster bomb, followed by a massive screaming noise like the largest of fireworks made.

All throughout the city, the thunderous crashing echoed in the distance. The sky as it appeared was burning, in a glorious shower of flames. The demon paid no mind to this, as he quickly grabbed his staff and jumped off of the building. He landed roughly 15 feet in front of Kaya, and stood up.

"I can sense you are one of me, you live by the warmth of fire. Join me, foreigner, and together we will embrace the will of the sun!" He spoke, not even taking the time to ask himself whether or not the woman would even understand what he said. This was truly an interesting day.

@Anaxileah - Posting this before classes today, I shall be on later in the afternoon. :)
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Grand...finale...? Kaya couldn't figure out what the demon meant by that, but it must have alluded to what he did next. He created a small sun in his hands, enlarging it until it became quite enormous, then levitated it up so high up in the sky that the orc female could no longer see it. The demon yelled in glee at that moment, his eyes on her, as he clapped his hands together, sending the large orb into an explosion, becoming several orbs, at least more than 50, all hurtling towards the city in a rain of fire. The noise from the explosion was high-pitched, as of that of fireworks, and caused her ears to ring in pain, since they were sensitive to sound. She covered her ears and shut her eyes in pain, then looked back at the demon, who jumped from the building and landed within fifteen feet of her.

"I can...you are one...me...live by...fire... Join me...the sun!" Were the only words Kaya could understand from the demon, but she could make out that he wanted her to join him and to burn the world with him, it seemed. She snarled, her teeth and lower canines exposed in her growl as she responded with hatred,
"Will never join your kind. Will not destroy innocent. My fire help when can." She glared at him, then raised her hands up above her head, the shoulder guards pressing up against her head. She closed her eyes and willed the orbs to come to her, to absorb into her hands.

There were too many orbs falling from the sky for Kaya to absorb them all, but she took in as much of the orbs as she could, the flames seeping into her body through her palms. Her rough hands were now emanating an intense heat, her hands glowing red. The blue gemstone in her belt began to glow bright blue, containing all of the power Kaya just absorbed, but not enough to prevent her skin from becoming immensely hot. However, she succeeded in her goal to prevent most of the orbs from destroying the city, but a couple still crashed down into buildings and on paths, resulting in screams from the people of Dunheim. Kaya opened her eyes once more, directing her now glowing blue eyes at the demon.

"All druntals* are same. Violence and death, no matter consequence. Innocent do not deserve damage, evils of world deserve damage." Kaya spoke menacingly, despite her poor English. The emotion behind her words was obvious, so that's all that mattered. "Druntals* never learn risk of damage. People rebuild home, try to survive, other city deserve more damage Dun-heem." Kaya pronounced 'Dunheim' incorrectly, but she felt that she had gotten the point across, even with the language difficulty she faced. Her face was contorted by anger and sadness, reminded of the violent ways of the Nightwalkers she had faced when she was captured. The scar on her shoulder blade throbbed as she remembered receiving it, but she tried to keep that out of her mind as she faced her potential opponent - would they fight? If so...is this the day Kaya was going to die? Not at hand of Druntal. Kaya thought to herself, her eyes blazing.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: Furious/Sad (Sadmad) Location: Dun-heem


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