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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Aradin Blint

Since Aradin was in cover, he was able to avoid most damage. He was about to leave the cover when a chunk of one of the rocks breaks off and hits him in the shoulder. The impact dislocated the assassin's shoulder and would break his collarbone. He sat back down as he held his arm.

He cursed to himself as he thought of a way out of this dangerous situation. He thought, "I certainly can't fight my way out..Damn it! This hurts like hell!" He peers out of cover to look around. Aradin sighed as he observed the bubble around him and cursed. His fellow cohort in crime wasn't visible either from where he was at. He couldn't see much of a way out, so he sat back down in cover.

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Korvox was dead asleep and rocks pelted his arms legs and some of his torso leaving fractures and heavy bruising through out his body. Though still barely alive he was going to be stuck in medical care for quiet awhile. That's assuming that he makes it out of this scenario alive.
In the small hamlet of Tarik, the streets were bustling with energy, and the sun shone bright. The ice and snow was finally melting. In the middle of the streets, a lone figure sat by a water fountain and played his Lute.

Quiet song emerged from the figure, but he was for the most part ignored.

That was fine, it had always been fine. They let him stay there, he played his music, everyone was happy.


Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting~

Little darling, it feels like years since it's been clear~

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun~

And I say it's all right~


Here comes the sun, here comes the sun~

And I say it's all right~


Yark wrinkled his nose, and stopped playing.

(no, that doesn't sound right) He thought to himself.

And so, he resumed, this time with another song.


Ahm gonna make a change~

For once in my life~

It gonna feel real good~

Gonna make a difference~

Gonna make it right...


The Gnoll stopped playing. People were staring.

"What'cha lookin' at? Ya ain't ever seen a dog sing?"

Then they stopped. And the cycle continued.
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Kaya managed to strike Garreck in the back of the leg, catching him by surprise with the swiftness of her blade. She grinned at her victory, snarling at the puny mage. However, it was then that she realized what the two mages were doing, her bright blue eyes widening in surprise. The earth mage had created a large wall of rock above them to shield them from the raining meteors created by the demon, while the water mage had covered it with water to try and put out the fire. Thanks to Kaya, his water was now gone, causing the meteors to collide with the stone wall. The wall created by Dare exploded into a bunch of small stones, all of them fast-moving and dangerous. A couple more meteors flew down toward them, and Kaya growled, preparing her weapon.

Out of the corner of her eye, Kaya saw the demon fall to the ground, unconscious, and saw the lightning mage, also unconscious. She didn't care that Garreck was dead, nor that Dare was wounded, since the two of them were her enemies anyway. Any others were hidden from her sight (
@FordtheKiller), so she didn't think of them as she approached the two unconscious men, who weren't too far apart. Her arm was raised to block the falling stones from her face, the small pebbles ricocheting off of her tough skin. As soon as the female reached the two, she turned to face the falling debris and swung her axe at some of the larger stones and boulders, crying out in anger as the stones approached her supposed allies. The stones shattered against her blows, some of the stones hitting her skin, which would result in bruises later. A couple shards managed to slice open her arms a little bit, the only wound that was relatively deep residing in her left bicep.

Despite the pain she felt, she wanted to protect her allies, so she continued what she was doing for a couple moments longer, until the falling stones ceased, and her breath was coming out in short pants. Her tusks pressed against her lips as she exhaled sharply, wincing at the pain in her arms and her legs. She was exhausted after defending the unconscious demon and mage, so she crumpled to the ground, quickly succumbing to unconsciousness.


@Folk Tale @Mister Veeeee @FordtheKiller @Morgrim Mood: Angry/Irritated Location: Dunheim (IN A BUBBLE :D )

At this point it had seemed the only person who was actually conscious was Dare, though badly wounded with a broken arm and leg though. Still he never let a few hardships slow him down from completing his objectives. Even if his parent had just swiftly had a botched brain surgery preformed on him with a pebble. Now he rose to his feet, limping over to the edge of the barrier where he gave the signal to the royal guard. Dozens of heavily armoured soldiers roamed in with fancy armour, and led by the infamous witch Pandora. With a curt nod they all moved to each of the unconscious foes and hauled them over to the prisons where they would be locked up. Luckily the assassin was the only one who went completely unnoticed by the guards, and with the barrier down he would have ample chance to escape.

Pandora would notice this though, though with her reputation at risk all she could do is keep quiet about it. If the assassin was wise he would leave the city with what gold he has all ready made and not try to threaten this. The dungeon would be located at the centre most region of the entire city in a structure built like a fortress, a design that wasn't to appealing to the eye, but with it's central location it gives the guards the most amount of time to look for any escapees. However with it's absurd security and magical barriers it's often a place very few can escape from, each person left unconscious would be carried off into the dungeon in chains. Each though would be locked away in the same cell, who was only occupied by an old man who appeared to be left on his last moments of life. He would sit there until the newly found inmates would wake.
The deep dark blackness which Sab'Haal found himself floating in felt comfortable to the demon. It was like he was free of his body, and his entity was simply floating around in the cosmos. Stars and colorful nebulas, asteroids and shooting stars, universes which looked like they could fit in the palm of his hands. Sab'Haal's magical energy was tied into this netherrealm even he knew not the name of. Whenever he had been brought to the brink of destruction in his mortal form this was where he found himself. Time seemed to have halted here, as the several hours it took for his unconscious body to be dragged to prison felt like years to the demon. He was so far adrift in fact, that when he found himself staring a piercing light he was taken back. His eyes slowly opened to see cold stone, and his body felt sore and tired.

With a few glances left and right, Sab'Haal realized the predicament he was in. Prison, for a tortured demon, how fitting. After a few minutes of lying down to recuperate he sat up and around him lay the combatants of the fight he was just in. The powerful magical barrier surrounding them weighed on his chest heavily. Without much he could do as he was the first to wake of the group that he found himself entangled with, the demon looked at the old man in the cell with them. What was he here for? Probably something insignificant. The demon sat up fully and folded his legs in a meditative stance, and he closed his eyes. Due to the fact that he had exhausted his staffs and his own magical energy during the course of his last fight, he would have to take some time to channel energy from his surroundings. This barrier surrounding them denied him access to the natural magic floating around in the air from the outside world, but the cunning demon had a plan which would be even better. Drawing on the very energies that created the barrier surrounding him, the demon quietly and without motion began meditating. His breathing was slow and steady, completely silent as well.

@Morgrim @Anaxileah @FordtheKiller @Mister Veeeee
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@Mister Veeeee @Anaxileah (I would like to post, so Ana if you could post whenever you have the chance that would be nice. I know Vee that you asked for someone to take over while he was unconscious, but I'll say that 14 hours have past if you would like to post as well.)

@Aleroth (I was hoping you would pm me the preferred post to see what would work out best, I would really like to discuss it.)
Korvox was starting to regaining consciousness he head was swimming and he hurt all over. He didn't move or even open his eyes. Well at least I'm alive for now though wonder what happened and where am I? Damn I hurt all over, I feel like I got stomped on several times. Wish I could at least move but seem it probably be better if I went back to sleep. He tried relaxing some more without moving with little success. He was to stiff to move and his burns weren't that much better yet. These are going to some long days ahead of me. He faded back to sleep after that thought hoping he would feel better when he woke up again.
Morgrim said:
@Mister Veeeee @Anaxileah (I would like to post, so Ana if you could post whenever you have the chance that would be nice. I know Vee that you asked for someone to take over while he was unconscious, but I'll say that 14 hours have past if you would like to post as well.)
@Aleroth (I was hoping you would pm me the preferred post to see what would work out best, I would really like to discuss it.)
I've had a LOT of work. But i'll try and get it done today.

The Cossack pulled into the city of Dunheim, cautiously as her eyes squinted upwards to the sky, noticing the pillars that speckled the air, and as she pulled in, past the gate. Her horse stumbled and nearly fell over, barely catching itself as it's front left hoof hitting a pockmark from what she could only tell was from falling boulders. She looked about and saw several collapsed buildings, more holes and boulders. Upon a closer look were dead bodies, strewn about like discarded waste. This was no new sight for her, and was all the better for her mission; the garrison would be too busy cleaning to stop her.

As the woman atop her horse pulled in front of the tavern she slid off, not attaching the horses bridle to the post, she strode inside purposefully. Despite the bloody events that have just occurred, it was rather full. She turned her body and pushed herself to the front, sitting at the bar. She lifted her hand with a single finger, ordering a mug of ale. As he slid it down to her, she placed a few bits of coin on the bar top. She'd ask him brief questions about what had happened. She listened to the great detail he described it, but what she was most keen in was; where the survivors were taken.

When she exited she grabbed the bite of her stallion, tugging the large mount along. The clip-clop of her horses hooves echoed down the streets. The Barkeep had told her the people of interest were being kept in the local dungeon, the entrance being, undoubtedly, guarded. Maybe less than usual thanks to the attack, but never the less, guards. This means she'd need to either overpower them or sneak around them. From what her contact had said there was a sewer system that led to the entrance hallway of the dungeon, just beyond the Keep's gate. She turned into a backstreet and patted the Black Steed's flank

"Stay here."

Using her Sovnya pole-arm she levered the grate up and slid into the dank sewer. Her boots splashed in the foul, horridly colored water, up to her ankles. The thick leather riding boots kept the muck out of her shoes and began slogging through the thick muck. She wrinkled her nose at the stench with each squelching footfall. She continued the slog and stopped as she noticed the sky grow dark, then completely black. She stopped, just as the sewer dropped. She lifted her hands up through the gloom and bars, moving it aside, then lifting herself up. She dusted her hands clean of the rust and stepped, kicking the gunk off her boots. She began the trek down the stairwell towards the dungeon pits.


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Javax said:
Roxii SicariusRoxii's curiosity dispelled almost immediately at Ether's explanation. She had only heard of rift crystals from writings and tellers but had never encountered any of the like nor experienced how they worked. Teleportation was something she never acquainted herself with too much; it wasn't important enough to the wolf-elf for her to familiarize herself with it.

The blind assassin nodded in acknowledgement when the necromancer finished speaking and silently thanked him for the pulse he sent out for her. She knew she was using too much energy in one sitting, and thus the sigil carved into her chest was beginning to burn. She made sure not to make that evident, though.

The Lythari followed Ether and continued to use the remnants of the pulse to guide her back to the main building, returning to the group that she had left when she went to meet with Ether. With every step, the power from the rift was growing stronger and stronger until the air was almost stifling. The resonance allowed her just enough time to observe the newcomers of the group: the male and female monks and the paladin. No details were available to her, but she was able to get a rough idea of their appearance. She was right: the paladin was
much larger than her, and he could pose as a threat to the blind wolf. The pulsations finally ebbed away, and Roxii was left to the darkness that she now resided in. But that was okay for her; she didn't want to "see" the paladin for too long.


@shadowz1995 @Villa Buddies
Mood: Neutral
Location: Monk Villa, Courtyard Main Building

Ether Mesa

"Well, that was different..." While Ether had known about the incredibly rare and powerful rift crystals, he had never actually stepped through one before. As he appeared on the other side, he noticed that not everyone looked like they were in a very poor condition and had a relatively normal trip. Ether envied them because as he stepped through it felt as if he was spun at impossible speeds, thrown hundreds of feet into the air, and then punched in the head several times. The necromancer crossed the threshold and almost hurled up his stomach on the other side. He only barely managed to keep his composure through the disorientation and heavy nausea. He glanced over to his comrades and saw that no one had noticed his little stumble and silently thanked whatever gods were out there. Ether felt as if he had given them enough trouble with his recent failures in combat. Yes, he had managed to save Ana and even give Roxii a shot at sight beyond sight but the necromancer had been wounded quite badly and was completely useless in the battle against the angels. The blood he had used to heal Ana had costed him his combat prowess and while he didn't regret it, he certainly didn't like it. Then the damn paladin came in to ruin his day after he had taken the time to heal himself by drawing on the dark energies in the monk's Villa. Definitely......a different twist of events.

It only seemed like the day was going to get more interesting as the paladin spoke to the city guards, a goddess appeared (I think?), and Roxii had apparently picked up Morgrim's scent as did Ana. Ether was still human as can be and didn't possess these heightened senses unless he was bolstering himself with magic. He usually would have a passive dark spell enhancing his physical senses at least but Ether felt the events that were to come were going to be incredibly strenuous. The necromancer had decided to save all the mana and energy he could for when fate decided to take a metaphorical shit on them.

(It's just to bring myself back into the game. I'll play it by ear for now but uh help me reintegrate pl0x)


(Couple things: Goddess was only seen by Roxii, no one else. Morg is there with them, currently being looked at with disgust by Mr. Asshole Paladin. Also, y'all don't know, except for Roxii, that Ana is a hybrid and has heightened senses, just to make sure you're aware. c:)

After asking Roxii about Morgrim's presence, the other hybrid seemed to go into some sort of trance and didn't respond until a couple moments after Ana had queried her friend. When the wolf-elf opened her mouth to respond to Ana, she was interrupted by Morgrim himself announcing his presence, his stench following him as it had the last time they met. His arrival hadn't been noticed by Ana, as she was paying too much attention to the blind female's response to...something. She'd have to inquire at a later date. The reptilian hybrid wrinkled her nose at his scent, not used to the strong smell being present once more, and had to resist the urge to cover her nose out of sheer common courtesy. After he spoke, his reaction to Gallard made her chuckle faintly, as well as Roxii's sarcastic and playful tone. Ana's grin faded after a moment, though, as she looked around.

"So Jass is staying behind because of his arm, where are Eleniel, Atraxia, and the strange girl at? Are they not going to join us?" Ana asked the others with a perplexed expression before turning to look back at the portal, noticing Ether's presence. He hadn't been there a moment ago, which led the female to think he came in a while after they had jumped through the portal. Her hearing was also not as well trained as the others' so she hadn't noticed any earlier. "Are you alright, Ether?" Ana glanced at the taller male in his dark, mysterious attire, raising an arched, green, slender eyebrow at him. Her bright green eyes flicked back and forth between Ether, Morgrim, and Roxii, as well as the irritating paladin as she waited for a response from someone.

Tag: @HoneyBear-Kat

@AnimusLight Mood: Unsure/Curious Location: City of Heroes, The Core

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The dark surrounded Kaya, giving the orcish female a comforting sensation. Back when she was held captive by the Nightwalkers faction of Landfall, Kaya felt grateful when she was submerged into the darkness of her slumber after the days of torture she endured, thanks to her refusal to help the enemy by making armor and weaponry. However, when she awoke, the prison cell was all too real, and made her panic momentarily because of how similar it was to her life in captivity with the Nightwalkers. When her eyelids had risen and her vision had become less blurry, the female let out a frightened yell and sat up immediately, pressing herself against the cold, wet, stone wall that was already at her back. Her light blue eyes were wide with fear, her heart hammering against her rib cage. After a few seconds her slow brain caught up with her other senses, and she relaxed somewhat, understanding that she was no longer with the Nightwalkers and recalling the day before.

When her memory returned to her, Kaya looked down at her bloodied arms and could see that the wounds had dried up, the blood no longer seeping from where the stone pieces had penetrated her tough flesh. Since her wounds were no longer an issue, Kaya turned her thoughts to the others in the cell with her. The demon, whom Kaya made sure to stay far away from at that moment, had been awake before she had her freak out, and was now...meditating? Kaya's eyebrows furrowed at the demon's behavior, but her gaze switched to the others in the cell before she made up her mind on whether or not she should speak. The lightning mage had awoken for what seemed like a moment, but drifted back to sleep, so he was of no concern to the orc woman. An old man accompanied them, and Kaya couldn't get a read on him, so she chose to leave him be for the moment. She noticed that the arrow-shooter from earlier was not present, which caused her to wonder where he was, but because she wasn't bright, she didn't give it much thought.

Kaya looked back towards the demon and spoke, since there was nothing else she could do, which bothered her.
"Druntal. What you do?" She asked, the foreign language on her tongue irritating her. She wished to speak her own language all the time, but no one would understand her, so she tried to speak English. Although it was sort of pointless, since she was still difficult to understand.

(For those of you who forgot, Druntal is demon :3)


@FordtheKiller @Folk Tale @Morgrim @Mister Veeeee @Irina Peltavaskiy (?) Mood: Panicky/Curious Location: Jaillllllll

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(Im glad my complaint of not getting alerts is emotionally funny and appearently a great scene xD )
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat](Im glad my complaint of not getting alerts is emotionally funny and appearently a great scene xD )

(v spook)


Ireythalli had seen Daedalus grin when she had returned, causing her cheeks to redden, and she continued to watch him after she seated herself, observing his actions as he removed a blanket-like cloth from their bag and moved over to her on his knees, quite amusingly, to drape it around her. Alli murmured a quiet 'Thank you,' and pulled it closer to her, her cheeks reddening moreso than before. He took the meat she had placed down beside the fire and began slicing it with his blade, his muscles visible by the shadows generated by the fire. The sun was already low in the sky, (@Morgrim I'm assuming they are in a different part of the country that is at a different time because reasons xD ) so the fire was beginning to stand out in the increasing darkness.

After he sliced up some of the meat and handed a slice to Alli, she took it graciously and began eating immediately, the meat almost disappearing as soon as she had grabbed hold of it. Her stomach growled quite loudly, much to Alli's embarrassment. "Sorry...they didn't feed me in the prison." Alli spoke softly, then her eyes widened as she realized her mistake.
He doesn't know I was in the prison with him! I hope he doesn't notice... "Sorry for being soaking wet when I came back. Do you like the meat?" Alli spoke slightly louder than before, trying to deter his train of thought from what she had last said.

Tag: @Folk Tale Mood: Worried Location: Campsite

The warm fire crackling, the sun lowering off in the distance. A faint smell of flowers was carried by the wind towards his nose. Daedalus took a moment to appreciate all that was around him, as this whole ordeal showed him how easily it all could have been taken away. When Alli smoke Daedalus raised an eyebrow... Prison? His thoughts drifted towards all the events that occured and he tried to piece together how she was in the prison with him yet came after he escaped..?

Daedalus was confused at first and he couldn't figured it out, though the thought of the large pheonix with him in the prison stuck out in his head. He felt familiar with it the moment he saw the bird. Though not sure of it, Daedalus contemplated the possibility of Alli being said bird. Not voicing his thoughts Daedalus smiled at Alli, and leaned over to the meat and sliced off another piece. He ate one and sliced off once more, handing it to Alli.

"I think it hits the spot perfectly, though it could use a little salt." The man said as he took a sigh of releaf, swallowing as to not talk with his mouth full. Daedalus then looked up at the sky, and stared. His heart rate was relaxed, as well as his breathing. For the first time in a while, his mind was at ease.

"Now if we could just figure out where we are..."

Is there anyone else we are waiting on before I make a post. I would like to make sure everyone gets a turn to post.
Long, long overdue, but here is a crumby post to get things moving along for all our lovable convicts.))

The old man was a frail old being, but even he had enough light in his eyes to see that this bunch before him was a capable, albeit betrayed bunch, they too by the witch queen known as Pandora. "Heh heh heh, young lost souls, all along, wandering in the dark, and you yourselves confided into the devil did you not?" A observation not at all directed to the one of the group that actually looked like a devil. "Well with a little luck you will get out of here, I am in fact the one who built this place, and it's secrets still whisper to me." What he vary well had been saying could be the full and honest truth, the prison itself was one of the newest additions to the city, even if newest meant over forty years old. "I'm afraid my child was built that no one man could ever escape, even I, but a group of rouge adventurers, you may yet stand a chance."

The old dying man produced a white looking archaic key from his dusty clothes, and upon closer inspection it had grooves and naturally occurring lines in the pattern giving away the fact it was made from bone, even a long time ago the old man shared a cell, but where the other perished he had endured. "I cannot escape this place, but you may have a chance, you will have to retrieve your gear, and sneak past the guards, do not take them lightly, though this task will not be coming to you for free, when you escape I need you to do something, go to the old elm tree twelve miles north of this city, look under the exposed roots for a small chest, it has something for my daughter, a gift long due. Bring it to her as a favor, then make sure you never suffer the same fate as I." The old man said giving the key to them, and then closing his eyes for the last time.
Sab'Haal did not open his eyes while this cryptic and possibly senile old man spoke. I'm fact, he didn't even pay attention to the first part of his initial speech to the group. The reason behind this was since Sab'Haal was awoken much earlier than the others in the group, by the time Kaya had arose and begun asking questions he was in the final stages of restoring his focus and energy. Druntal, what an odd yet familiar word that the orc female spoke.

After the old man finished speaking about the prison, the key which he gave to the group and the location which they were to go to after they made their attempt at an escape, the demon waiting a few moments before opening his eyes and looking at Kaya. He took one last deep breath and stood up.

"Magic." He said simply, with an emotionless and focused facial expression. Sab'Haal could sense that the old man in the room had passed away, though he neglected to say anything about the topic as it would not help them escape.

~Or would it..?~ He thought to himself, as maybe the fact that one of the cellmates died would be reason enough to draw the guards attention. Without much haste the demon walked up to the cell wall and looked left and then right.

"Oh guards... I believe my friend here has died." He said loudly, looking back and fourth to see if there were any nearby guards who could investigate.

@Morgrim @Anaxileah @Mister Veeeee @FordtheKiller
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