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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

After an arrow went unnoticed by Korvox's head, he quickly retreated after an un-ignorable alarm went off in his head letting him know near thirty percent of his demon body was started to develop second degree burns. Immediately he reverted to his regular non-boosted lighting state. He barely manage to doge the water jets and after he put fifty feet in distance he reverted back to his demon form and dropped to his knees exhausted. His burns were seventy-five percent first degree and twenty-five percent second degree. The burns covered his entire body and steam rose off his body, all his clothing (except his metallic pants that were specially made for him) had been incinerated. The pants appeared to be made of a dull and unpolished silver, they felt cool and un irritable against his skin. He bowed his head in surrender as he sat back against the building that was a few feet behind him cross legged. He kept his back from touching the wall so it didn't irritate his burned skin. The burns hurt quite a bit and he felt like passing out but he kept himself awake he couldn't fall asleep here, he wasn't out of danger yet.

He hated losing but he had to surrender, if he kept it up at that pace and let second degree burns cover over sixty percent of his body he would been in a comatose state for at least a week and wouldn't wake till he completely healed. He silently watched the rest of the battle no longer in the mood to do much other than sit there. He may hated the loss and hated he lost to such a loud mouth stranger, but he valued his life more than his pride still and he didn't plan on dying just yet. Not when has yet to make something of himself. He tried to slow his breathing and calm down some as he watched the rest of the fight unfold not sure what was in store for him. Also not noticing some of his ribs were crack from being clipped by a water jet or two. Then the world went dark as he fell asleep with his eyes open, not even realizing he was drifting in the first place. His drooped down and his body leaned against the building behind him as he passed out from exhaustion.

@Morgrim @FordtheKiller @Folk Tale @Anaxileah
Aerith // The boy elf looked grim for a brief moment before apologizing to the woman. "Sadly no, there are no beds, these places are not meant for luxury, only necessity, and not to mention that beds are a fire hazard, you'll have to use the floor." Aerith demonstrated by laying down at the curve in the wall using it as a natural groove to assist his posture, and admittedly was a little bit comfortable. "So when is the little monster going to pop out, it looks like it's got quite comfy sitting there inside of your tummy." Aerith noted cluelessly about the womans pregnant status.

Gallard // He didn't bother waiting for the rest of them, obviously half of them would think of this as some trap. He didn't care so long as each of them would follow. They had a mission to complete, and their innocence to prove. Only after seeing them vanquishing the beast of evil would he trust them enough to let them out of his sight. On the other side of the rift they would appear in the city of heroes, and a half dozen guards would quickly come to assess their newest arrivals. One guard took a quick look at Gallard, and signalled for the others to stand down, which they all did. "Welcome hero, it is good to see you, especially it such trying times. I assume this is your back-up then?"

"They are a group of dark users, it is against my better judgement, but they claim to be heroes, so I am taking them here to fight this 'Plague' as the beast is taking to calling itself. I'm here to keep an eye on them, and I hope you will do the same, watch out for them." The guard nodded in agreement to what the paladin had to say, it was then they were filled in on the other details. "They have been reports of two escapists on the loose from bouldergate prison, they have take down at least a dozen guards, and we are still cleaning up the mess. If you see anyone suspicious on your way through the town make sure to bring them in."

Gallard decided to gather them all together in at the bridge leading into the hall of empires, a bridge made from black steel and hanging over a bridge of lava which gave off most of the light in the entire place, along with the many magma veins along the wall, because there were no suns inside the underground city, without the fiery magma veins the place would be dark as a moonless night. "All right everyone, it looks like we are going to split up into two groups and see what we can find out about our enemy, scout the area, and investigate the locals to see what you can all turn up, then report back here in an hour."
Morgrim said:
Aerith // The boy elf looked grim for a brief moment before apologizing to the woman. "Sadly no, there are no beds, these places are not meant for luxury, only necessity, and not to mention that beds are a fire hazard, you'll have to use the floor." Aerith demonstrated by laying down at the curve in the wall using it as a natural groove to assist his posture, and admittedly was a little bit comfortable. "So when is the little monster going to pop out, it looks like it's got quite comfy sitting there inside of your tummy." Aerith noted cluelessly about the womans pregnant status.
Well, it wasn't like she was laying on concrete or anything, so Isabella didn't really complain, and just made do with what she had. "That's fine, as long as I'm comfortable." She said before sitting down and relaxing similarly to Aerith. She was still holding her belly of course. When he asked about when she was going to give birth, Isabella looked down. The baby started kicking when the Elf called it a monster. "Not for another Month at least. But its not a Monster inside me...Its a little girl. So I'm having a daughter." She mused when the boy seemed clueless. As she relaxed, she sighed before using her arm taking off her quiver and her cloak, which she was using as a Pillow and Blanket respectively.
A representative off the guild came forward to find the scam artist, and three new recruits, excluding the wolf that was among them. He quirked an eyebrow as the scam artist was surrounded by hundreds of icy needles, and how the silver haired boy was indifferent to the entire situation. "Enough! You three are all ready onto a bad start, first brining in pets, and then threatening civilians so harshly even if they are scum. You can come with me, I will get you outfitted for this guild, and see if you actually have what it takes to be part of our selective group." The representative was an average sized man with nothing spectacular looking about him, he was oddly average, but seemed to hold onto some type of power.

//Short post I know, but the next one in response to the guildies will be much longer. @Cloud Nagasake @AtlasAtrium

Terra T. Estella

  • Tagging:

Terra had slightly jumped from the startling call from a man behind him and the other two near the desk. He had turned to acknowledge the alarming voice and to his surprise it was a man of the standard size for a male adult. He seemed to lack in intimidation, but the bellowing voice he heard had seemed to escape from his very lips. Terra had rubbed the top of Theos' head as he himself raise his free hand to rub the back of his head, awkward and feeling weighted down with massive guilt. He had no idea that bringing pets into the guild building was against the rules, but taking that personally he counts Theos and the rest of his summons as companions, friends...well summons! "This is a bit too overwhelming now..." the boy remarked to the alpha, catching his attention and receiving a head gesture to start moving towards the man.

"Go on Terra." Theos whispered to him as he nudge the palm of his hand with a damp nose. Alright,then...Terra though as he began to quickly, but carefully make his way towards the unknown guild official, disregarding the other two he had seem beforehand and stopping once he was at a safe distance of three to four yards between himself and the official. He had brushed his hair out of his face and glanced to the man, his eyes only catching a glimpse of him before swiftly shifting to another person walking, then back to the official, then away once more. He tried he hardest not to stare down the man or witnessing he return the rude favor.

"Threatening?" Rowe shrugged, turning to Gale. "Do you know what he's talking about?" He leaned to the side and saw that the man by the door was no longer surrounded by ice - he was, however, quite drenched. The scam artist shot them both an extremely hostile glare.

"Nope," Gale shook his head. "These jokesters, am I right?" The hooded man punched Rowe in the shoulder extremely hard, quite possibly intentionally. Readjusting her tilted hat with a scowl, she turned around and decked him back in the face with at least twice as much force, sending him sprawling to the floor.

"Oh my, are you alright, Gale?" the witch muttered sarcastically, her hand over her mouth as she stared down at the filth. "What are you doing on the ground?"

"Got knocked out by some crazy witch," he said, wiping the blood from his nose and staggering to his feet. Gale immediately swung his arm forward to punch Rowe again, but she caught his wrist and twisted it behind his back. "Ow, ow." His arm still bent, he turned turned his attention back to the guild representative. "So, uh, this little test or whatever. Sounds cool, let's do it." As he said this, the backs of his legs began to silently warp into another form.

"Sorry," Rowe apologized to the rep, kicking in the back of Gale's legs and slamming him down to his knees before he could shape-shift. "My friend is kind of an idiot. We won't cause anymore trouble." Her eyes briefly met with the child that was signing up next to them. "Can't speak for the kid, though."


@Morgrim @Cloud Nagasake
Aradin grunted, moving to some nearby crates for cover. He would strike once his foes were tired, it was typically what he did. He uncloaked himself and waited for an opportunity. "This must be a strong magic user." He thought to himself as he dove for cover. He noticed fireballs falling from the sky, and was glad he was in cover.

He thought a flurry of thoughts while in cover."Pandora better make this worth it, money after all is the primary factor in my work. I've had worse jobs, but this is up there. Who would have thought that a magic user of that aptitude would be against the Demon Sab'Haal and I."

@Folk Tale @Mister Veeeee @Morgrim

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//Sorry this took way too long, I've been having a little trouble motivating myself to make some posts.

@Namie // The road that Sylvester had been taking was one of the most densely populated in all of Landfall, varied in it's pathways and the psychological profiles of each person that walked that same road. From merchants, to adventurers, to highwaymen and even the homeless. Not to mention a girl from the land of Skyshard. One particular individual had found it odd that a little girl was walking all on her own on a densely populated road. Initial thought would have been to help escort the girl back to the city of Dunheim, but at this point there were still flames and chaos in the city, so this traveller had decided they would help this girl get to were she needed to be.

The individual was a ambiguous looking person, who sounded equally so. They were slim and pale with short black hair, and sharp looking eyes. They were coming from the other side of the road, with their original intention being to go to Dunheim, but with the sight of flames their motivation was dwindling. "Hello there little girl, what brings you to walking around all alone on this road, and where are you heading? I see you have a map so the least I can guess is that you have a destination in mind."
@AtlasAtrium @Cloud Nagasake // The representative was all ready mildly unamused with the two newest recruits, and would be glad to weed out their actual abilities with the infamous test that he had for them. He lead them both down a long narrow hallway, which was highly out of character for the building itself, being more akin to a palace or fortress. The hallway was devoid of any sort of character or design without so much as a trophy or a sign, but all too soon they would all make their arrival in a dark spherical room equally devoid of anything other then a row of chairs parallel to each other.

"Now I want all of you to take a seat and drink the fluid I offer you, if you don't you can kiss your chances of being here goodbye. It's a special drink that will bring out the test, something within each of you." He remained vague about what exactly the test was or what the fluid was made from, but in reality it was a mind altering substance that would force each of it's consumers to see something that was not actually there, something that could test their will as opposed to their bodies, because being part of this guild meant more then just having skills and muscles, but it was about character.
Gale and Rowe followed the man down the hallway, glaring at each other and bickering silently the entire way. When they were both offered a drink that was supposedly part of the test, Rowe gave her partner a knowing look.

"Could be poison or something," she said, taking one and shoving it into Gale's hands. She took a seat and folded one leg over the other, watching expectantly. "Go on, you can take it first." He only shrugged and lifted it to his lips.

"Bottoms up." He stopped halfway. "Just kidding." Suddenly leaning over, he crammed it into Rowe's mouth, who forcibly choked it down.

"Augh! What the hell?" the witch sputtered, coughing as she beat her chest with her fist. "I think half of that went down the wrong pipe!"

"Sucks to be you," he snickered, downing his own share.


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Roxii Sicarius

The wolf-elf hesitated in the room, listening intently as the remains of the pulse dissipated which left her in the familiar darkness. She waited as some of the group members entered the portal and ended up god knows where. The blind assassin didn't trust this paladin one bit, but she knew her and the group were on a mission. Plus, the others were able to see; they could at least get glimpses of what's on the other side of the portal. Perhaps she could as well, if she experimented with the technique Ether taught her.

Putting this concept to the test, Roxii allowed herself to merge with the shadows once again, but she didn't send out a pulse. This action was much more controlled, and the hybrid was able to follow the shadows of her present comrades and follow them to the portal. It was similar to an out-of-body experience, but her own body didn't move. Her soul traversed this unusual terrain until she was near the portal. She touched it with her void black hand, and it allowed her to get a glimpse of the other side. A barren city in a place that she had only been once before: the Core.

Now that her inquiries had been answered, the wolf returned back to her mortal body and let out a slow breath. If this was the location of their new quest, then she didn't have much of a choice. Before her suspicions could return and cause her to become overly paranoid, Roxii strode up to the portal and stepped through it.

The sensation was similar to the unusual feeling she felt soon after her newfound blindness. Teleprotation, no doubt. It didn't take long before she ended up in the dwarven city. It was silent albeit the paladin's conversation with the city's guards. She wasn't listening to them, though, because she was focused on something much more peculiar.

The elven assassin didn't like this place too much. She remembered being in the Core for a mission a few years ago; the experience was
not one she'd like to repeat. But now that she was back, she was far from pleased. It was extremely hot, the air was dry and hard-to-breathe, and horrible stenches floated on the air. But there was one stench that she couldn't miss.

With a slight head tilt and ears perked up, Roxii recognized the scent immediately, despite the slight age it was receiving.

Tag: @Villa Group and whatever awytuvij
Mood: Neutral Suspicious Intrigued
Location: Aldurin, Monk Villa Core, Dwarven City

(Pretty sure we're in the same city that Morgrim and Sibil visited not long ago? I don't know if they're still here or whatever, but maybe I can help bring the two groups back together. >u< )

Terra T. Estella

  • Tagging:

Once the man demanded the three to follow him through the seemingly unfit hallway, compared to the rest of the guild and it's decorative and interior design this took the cake with out of place and outward creepiness. "Where is he leading us too?" Terra thought, not wanting to utter a word and remaining silent unlike the older two that continued to verbally harass each other as they followed the man. Theos had pawed beside Terra and seemed rather collected with all of this. He was good for keeping his cool and if he believes nothing is wrong then nothing would go wrong. After a few minutes their had arrived at a room, taking on a round shape with nothing on the inside, but lined up chairs. A bit too skeptical all of this was, but Theos hadn't shown any signs of dismay. Terra had walked in and taken a seat just as the man told them too and calmly taken up the drink he offered. "Strange...flavor?" he whispered, taking note of the two siting near, one of them in particular who was choking on the fluid. "Um...are you alright?"



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Kaya let out a grunt when the electric man was knocked out of combat and when the demon she had agreed to work with was losing his battle against the earth man. The water man looked worn and beat from the electric man's previous flurry of attacks, so Kaya decided to go for him before trying to attack the earth mage. However, she felt that they were not going to succeed, and that this battle would end poorly.

The green orc female swung her weapon at the water mage's leg after moving behind him, which wasn't difficult because of his distraction with the lightning mage. She tried to keep quiet as she did, rather than letting out her battle cry, for fear of the earth mage seeing or hearing her as she assaulted his opponent. After this...would they survive? Would the two fighters win and kill them all, or send them to a prison? Kaya wondered these thoughts to herself in her own language, concerned about their outcome.


@Morgrim Mood: Angry/Worried Location: Dunheim



Alli nodded as Dae separated them, suggesting that they find a place to stay since they weren't going to find any nearby cities any time soon. They were in the middle of nowhere as far as they were concerned, so they needed to find a place to stay and gather some food. After he finished speaking Alli walked back to the middle of the road and grabbed the bag of armor Dae had placed down, bringing it back over to them. She looked around, observing the forest, before she spoke. "We should head further into the forest so that we aren't spotted by any passerby." Alli looked up at Dae and then averted her gaze, a light blush creeping onto her pale face. She marched into the forest with the bag of armor slung over her shoulder in search of a clearing of some sorts that they could set up camp in. Her outfit allowed her to maneuver better, but she wasn't used to wearing such relaxed clothing. When she wasn't in her armor, she didn't feel as tense as usual.

With a sigh she continued into the forest, expecting Dae to follow her. Soon enough they came to a clearing, and about twenty feet away was a river with a slow current. "This seems adequate. Since you're more injured than I and refuse to heal yourself, I'll go get us food. You collect some wood, okay? Don't carry too much." Alli told Dae and grabbed his injured hand gently, kissing it lightly. After she did so she smiled faintly and then walked in the opposite direction with her sword in hand.

Tag: @Folk Tale Mood: Happy Location: Forest Outside the Core



Anaxileah watched as the others went through the large portal that was created by the teleportation stone Gallard had activated, then did the same. Once she walked through the swirling portal she blinked, her eyes adjusting to her new surroundings. It was incredibly warm, which Ana appreciated, and it looked rather intriguing, with the magma tunnels lining the ceiling and walls, providing light and undoubtedly warmth for this underground city. It was appealing in its own way, and the warmth made Ana relax, her cold blood appreciating the heat.

Gallard immediately began speaking to the guards, who were speaking about two escaped convicts or something similar. However, that is not what caught Ana's attention - it was Roxii who did.
"Morgrim?" Was the word uttered from the wolf-elf's mouth, and as Ana sniffed in the same manner, she could smell him too. The reptilian female wrinkled her nose, looking around. "Do you think he's still here, Roxii? His scent is sort of fading...perhaps he was here before and recently left?" Ana asked, resisting the urge to pinch her nose so she couldn't inhale the stench left behind by the rotting corpse.


@Javax @Morgrim @Others? Mood: Curious/Grossed Out Location: City of Heroes in the Core


As Alli made her way through the woods before him Daedalus followed, his eyes scanning the area around them for any sight of others or any animals which would cause them any problems. He also was admiring the beautiful and lively Forrest, which only got more pretty as they came up to the clearing near the river. The steady sound of water rolling gently down the rock bed under it, a few birds chirping their evening songs off in the distance.

As they set their stuff down and Alli approached him, he smiled. She raised his hand and kissed it gently which was definitely a play from his book, but he let it slide this time with a wink. After she told him to get wood he nodded and watched as she walked passed him, he set down the cape-like cloth he wore over his shoulders and stretched his arms and shoulders.

~ I don't have an axe... ~ Thought the paladin as he schemed how he would acquire a method for obtaining larger pieces of wood. Crack! Snap! Smaller branches were broken up into pieces for the light to medium starting wood for the fire. After he acquired enough to generate the heat required for larger pieces to burn he thought of an idea.

Since kindling and a spark would be fairly easy to get his hands on the man approached a larger tree and drew his sword. He stood before the tree and targeted a fairly thick branch at its base, and he swung swiftly down as if he was chopping a man's arm off. The blade being a sharp as it is, lodged itself into the thick branch and almost cut through the entirety of it. For the remaining few inches Daedalus released his grip of the blade and allowed it to hang in the tree, lodged firmly and not moving. He lifted up a fairly large stone with his good hand and grunted, sending the large stone swinging into the blade and completing its path through the thick branch.

The large limb from the tree hit the floor and made a crashing noise which was absorbed fairly well by all the dead leaves, grass and trees surrounding the area. The river as well washed away some of the sound from echoing far enough away to worry about someone hearing. Daedalus then related this process and chopped down 4-5 large branches. When they were on the floor he used the same method for cutting them into smaller pieces, laying the blade on the branch and swinging the stone down to force the blade through the wood.

Next, it was time for some kindling. Daedalus found a nearby pine tree and plucked out copious amounts of needles. When he accrued a significant pile he bundled it all up on a clearing he made on the floor, surrounded by large stones so that the fire would not spread farther than the established border of rock. His hands hovered over the pile of needles, and he began breathing slowly. Magical energy exhuded from his hands as a warm, white light eminated from his palms. The light was very intense and dried out the needles within 20-30 seconds.

Now that all the pieces of the puzzle were in place, a hut of smaller twigs placed around like a Native American tent encompassing the majority of the kindling, it was time for the final component. Fire. The paladin placed his blade with the tip wedged in the kindling, at an angle where the handle was higher up. He held a small rock in his hands and he swung down on the edge of the blade, striking the steel and creating sparks that flew into the kindling.

"Success!" Excitedly let out Daedalus as he smiled, the flame beginning like a small animal being born. It consumed the kindling like a smothering rain consumed the thirsty soil. Slowly and with care he laid down larger and larger twigs as the fire grew in size and heat. Eventually it got to the point where he finally laid the first big piece on the fire and he sat down. He laid back and took a deep breathe, looking away from the fire while laying on his back. Surely by this time, Alli would be coming back with something to fill his empty stomach with.
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I do apologize for all the delays, I have recently been losing my inspiration for rp and find it increasingly difficult to keep up and make active posts, I always try my best, but I am not always as motivated as I should be.//

Morgrim has had a very long journey from the day not long ago, when the city burned, and his arch nemesis who had fell victim to Morgrim's blade. With a familiar freed from their ethereal imprisonment it had been an interesting journey, but it only littered his life with more questions, and more personal missions to accomplish. He had unlocked some nifty new powers like the power to move his soul from one undead body to the next, and new tier levels of darkness and poison, and to only believe this was one stage in eleven more to go. Morgrim was not a man of many vices, but revenge and power were high up on his list, and the call to grew stronger, enough so that he could command many new powers. This would lead him to the Core where he would have to hunt down the creature known as plague.

The journey was shepherded by the aspect of death known as necros, a god of death a disease from his throne in the ethereal planes, Skyshard. What an aspect would want with Morgrim is completely unknown, but not all aspects are known for being kind, in fact this was only the beginning, and Morgrim was the first. For they would be calling on their new champions, as now was the beginning of a new era. The rise of the cultists, and the calling of the champions. With the thirteen aspects there are only so many champions that could be chosen, and the first was Roxxi.

Roxxi would have a special connection to this goddess of sight. Minerva the aspect of sight and clairvoyance, a being said to know the outcomes of the future. Though a rumour the goddess is sure to let her champions believe this. The aspect of sight would appear as a tall slender woman with four wings, each decorated with a dozen eyes, each of which had different coloured eyes and shaped pupils. Though ironically Roxxi would not be able to see this woman's actually appearance, only the outline of everything about her. Enough to give the wolf elf some perspective, but not nearly enough to be entirely weirded out by her appearance, luckily the goddess knew of Necros's plan to empower his new champion Morgrim, and that acted in opposition to her plans.

"Careful wolf, you mustn't trust everything the corpse says, he is a changed man from when you last saw him, it is best you keep your senses about you around him, and you mustn't allow him to strike the killing blow, it must be you who slays the disease." The woman said in an ever distorting voice, but she would leave with a gift, a pulsating ball of mystical energy that would link itself to the wolf elf, a ball of telekinetic energy that could sense, and even destroy things in it's path.

Morgrim was there in the town, though he was just about to make his exit before the band of rag-tag heroes had made their appearance, and he was astonished to see them. He approached each of them before being grabbed by the throat by the paladin who proceeded to throw him on the ground by the brute of a man. He coughed up a small amount of blood. "Oh hot damn, who the fuck is your new friend, he's got a death grip like a pissed of lover." The paladin didn't like this, but he wouldn't kill a person is the city of heroes, there was a lovely dungeon that could hold the mage forever, or at least try to.
For the three that drank the silvery fluid they would find themselves unconscious, and then awakening in a forest, though no one was around them, it was a test of survival. With no food, no water and no visibility they would have to rely on skills and instinct to get them across this forested area. In the immediate surrounding there was several rocks, a large boulder that was damp on one side, a clearing off in the distance, mudded patches of ground, and trees whose branches only reached out after 30 ft in the air. There was the sound of birds insistently chirping away in an annoying sing-song tone. What would you do?

The sun could not be seen through the foliage, not even the rays, in fact the light was pale and coming from the ground as if by some otherworldy form, not only that but it was neither hot nor cold, unlike what a lightless forest should be. On your own you have to find your way out to survive, but after getting food because all of a sudden you realized you are starving with a growling belly, and dry lips.

@AtlasAtrium @Cloud Nagasake


Alli smiled at Dae before she left his side, following the river further in the forest. She only remained at its side for navigational purposes, but she kept her distance from the river, trying to keep far away from the water. She hated it and was deathly afraid of the water, so she made sure to steer clear of the clear, churning, liquid. Her small feet padded through the forest, the skirt of her outfit flowing behind her as she walked quietly, keeping a sharp eye out for any game she could get. After hurrying to go a bit farther, Alli stopped where she was immediately, sensing something. The predator in her, her Phoenix, burned within her, alerting her of an animal's presence. Immediately after that feeling began resonating throughout her, she climbed the tree nearest to her, resting on the lowest branch, which was about as tall as Dae was

After a couple more minutes of waiting Alli heard some crashing noises, which sounded like trees. She didn't dare to move, as the noise scared a stag to jog over to her area, slowing at the river to drink some water. It was in no immediate danger to anything else, so Alli assumed the noise had come from Dae, and continued to crouch on the branch. Her sword was already withdrawn, her gaze frozen on the stag that knelt by the river to satisfy its thirst. With a leap Alli approached the ground quickly, slicing her blade through the neck of the stag as she fell to the river. With a shriek she ran from the water, momentarily forgetting about the stag, and hugged herself, the clothing she now wore completely damp. She looked at the water with fear in her eyes before taking a couple deep breaths to calm herself. Another moment passed and she had calmed herself mostly, so she proceeded to grab the now deceased stag's leg and dragged it on the ground, following the dreadful river back to the camp.

Once she arrived she dropped the stag's leg, making a small noise, before approaching the fire that Dae had made, determined to become warm after landing in the water which now made her cold. Despite her natural warmth, water did an efficient job of neutralizing that warmth, leaving her in a bout of shivers. "F-food." Alli stammered, not looking Dae in the eye.

Tag: @Folk Tale Mood: Cold/Frightened Location: Camp -> River -> Camp

Relaxing theme:


Daedalus had almost fell asleep while Alli was away. His eyes were closed and his whole body relaxed, exhausted even, from all the stuff which had happened today. He had not yet gotten the chance to catch his breath, let alone eat or drink something. The man had long, deep and now slowing breaths as his mind drifted off into dream-land. Right as he was on the cusp of falling asleep he heard a noise, and this caused him to open his eyes and lift his head. Slightly startled he looked at the approaching figure and made it out to be Alli. Delighted to see her, his face formed a small smile that only grew larger as he saw the meat she brought back.

He sat up and yawned, stretching his arms out which caused him to wince unnoticeably while doing so. His skin was raw and beat up, his hand hurt like all hell and he could feel his stomach eating itself. The hungry man's mouth salivated instantly at the smell of the bloody leg which Alli had brought back. It was no fine meal but at this point anything would satisfy him. Daedalus then noticed Alli shivering, and the drops of water dripping from her fresh pair of clothes. He noticed that she was quiet and distraught, though he did not know how far her hatred of water actually went. The man sat up further and walked on his knees over to the bag that was laid out next to the two, inside it was a cape like piece of cloth which would act as a very good blanket. Now that the fire was a full and crackling being of energy, it was sufficient to dry out anything around it in a good hour.

In the mean time Daedalus took the blanket/cape and walked back over to Alli, still walking on his knees due to a lack of effort to stand up fully. With a smile as warm as the fire he had created, the man wrapped the blanket across her back, over her shoulders. It was big enough to cover most of her body, and almost wrapped her completely like a cocoon. Since she did not look like she was in the mood to do anything but stay next to the fire, Daedalus made his way over to the leg of stag which she had earlier dropped next to the campfire. The blade he possessed would be perfect to make thin slices of meat, which would be easier to eat than simply tearing into the thing with ones mouth. Lifting the blade slowly by the handle he placed the leg on a large and flat rock which fortunately was embedded into the earth only a foot away from the circle which he made the fire in. The sharp metal sliced through the meat like butter, and he made a few thin (Although still sufficiently sized) slices and leaned over to Alli, offering the meat to her.


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Roxii Sicarius

The wolf-elf contemplated Ana's inquiry for a moment. Could he still be here? It was plausible; the rotting male's scent was distinct and rather strong, so if he left it wouldn't have been too long ago. Perhaps a few minutes ago, at the most. If they left now while Morgrim's stench was still strong, the group would be able to easily catch up to him and, for the most part, reunite. It would also be easier given that the band of misfits had two animalistic hybrids that could follow scents and track down targets.

Roxii opened her mouth to respond to the healer, but no words came out as the darkness she now lived in was illuminated. She closed her mouth and gazed at the peculiar figure that stood before her. The blind assassin guessed that the figure was a woman, but its overall silhouette and shape was unusual.
A goddess...? The wolf wasn't too accustomed to being confronted or contacted by the mighty deities of the land, nor did she ever acknowledge their existence. She figured they existed but with mild faith and reverence. So when this feminine deity revealed herself to the Lythari as such, she couldn't help but be slightly shocked and anxious.

The elven hybrid listened curiously to the goddess' words with confusion and interest. The "corpse" was referring to Morgrim, no doubt, but what did she mean by "changed man"? It had hardly been a day or so since she had last seen the mage. What possibly could've happened to him in the short duration that he and the group were separated? As for her slaying the disease, how would she do that? She had no doubts that she could train herself back up to her full potential despite her blindness, but taking down a large, deadly, and seemingly unstoppable force that not even a powerful king would dare go out and defeat himself? Even to the confident and proud hybrid, the idea seemed absurd. And why must it be
her? The goddess better not be trying to use her as a pawn in some "game" amongst gods...

The deity took her leave, and Roxii was left to the darkness of blindness once again. However, a strange feeling came over the wolf hybrid as the goddess left, and she couldn't help but shiver as a chill ran down her spine.
What did that damn goddess do...?

Roxii remembered that she still had to answer the reptilian hybrid, so she opened her mouth again to respond. "
I–" Once again, the assassin was interrupted. Due to the unusual confrontation, the wolf-elf was distracted even further, so she didn't even notice the nearing footsteps of the rotting man nor the thump of him hitting the ground. It wasn't until she heard his voice that she realized Morgrim was present. He still sounded like the same cocky bastard from when she'd last seen him, so surely not much could've changed. "I believe he is still here," Roxii finally answered, an air of sarcasm and slight playfulness emanating off her tone.


@Anaxileah @Morgrim @Idek
Mood: Confused emotions all 'round ye
Location: Core, City of Heroes

The skirmish in the city was getting completely out of hand at this point, not only had everyone been evacuated, or ran for their pitiful lives, but the area had been put in a quarantine bubble, a special spell used by the cities mage division of their militia to trap and stop criminals from having free reign on their destruction. The area currently covered is just over two hundred feet, large enough that the raining meteors would not be blocked from the bubble, which means each person inside wouldn't have much chance of escape. Both the earth and water mage had saw this and knew that this was bad, dare was even slightly unnerved believing that for the first time in his life his stone skin spell would not protect him, and a scratch would finally be laid upon him. He retracted the rest of his earth spells and set upon building a magically infused wall above everyone, and the water mage Garreck coated the rocks in a heavy layer of water to at least extinguish most of the flame. With this was happening though both were distracted and vulnerable. The orc taking a chance at stealth, would have an attack that would land striking him right in the leg and crippling him, and losing concentration over the spell meaning that while the fireballs hit the levitating stone would would only connect with rock.

While the stone wall blocked the bulk of the damage the rocks protected them would all explode from the superheated force making it rain small stones. The first to connect with a person would be Dare the stone mage and it would shatter the bone in one of his arms a break his left foot forcing him to the ground, yelling in pain and clutching to his wounds, the second would hit Garreck, but he was less fortunate and a small fast moving stone was launched right through his head coming from and angle. His eyes going completely dead as both blood and brain matter went spewing out of the large hole in his head, and quite obviously died. (The extent of the damage to each of your characters is up to you.)

@FordtheKiller @Mister Veeeee @Anaxileah @Folk Tale

As his vision became slightly fuzzy due to the extreme exhaustion of his magical energy, Sab'Haal smiled at the sight above him. Glorious fire rained from the sky as if it was the end of all days. His smile was interrupted by a cough which sprayed a small amount of blood on to the ground before him. Still on his knees, Sab'Haal could not find the energy he needed to stand up. The two mages creating their barrier of water and stone made the demon slightly apprehensive as to the outcome of his last attack, though the Orc woman's successful sabotage of the water mage could not have been timed better. The sound of the collision between the exploding fireballs and dry stone was deafening. Shrapnel flew through the air as well as smoke and sparks.

Instinctively and exhaustedly, the demon fell forward onto his face and lay there with his hands covering his head. Searing pain followed soon as many sharp and glowing orange stone shards pelted his forearms and back. Blood oozed from the multiple small wounds. His face winced in pain though a part of him rejoiced. Rejoicing in the fact that his destruction was successful. It was at his point, however, that the full extent of his exhaustion kicked in and he found himself blacking out before he could look up to see what had happened to everyone else. His mind drifted away into darkness, not knowing whether or not it would come back to this physical body.

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