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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Daedalus formed a confused look on his face as he looked down towards his chest, realizing his shirt was on backwards. He looked up with a playful look to his face, he then shrugged for obviously it was too late to do anything about it now. Agreeing with her decision to scavenge the guard barracks he proceeded to go with her, checking the drawers and chests on the opposite room as she was in order to cover more ground. Wincing in pain as he opened everything using only his left hand. He lifted some random clothes from one drawer and he found a cloth shirt that was freshly cleaned. Biting the neck of the shirt he tore the sleeves with his left hand into long strips. After he acquired a few strips he sat onto one of the guards beds and tried to wrap his hand with one of the strips.

"Damnit!" He exclaimed as he accidentally bumped the wound with one of his fingers. This sent a jolt of pain throughout his body, drops of blood splattering onto the floor in a steady and timed fashion. His face scrunched up in pain as he let out a slow and steady breathe. He simply sat there holding his right hand's wrist with his left hand and squeezing tightly. For a few moments he couldn't find himself able to move. The torn sleeves on the bedside next to him, he would try to heal himself using magic but he was too hungry, too thirsty and too tired. He had not slept the entire time he was in captivity and they had not fed or gave him water. Slowly he leaned forward but stopped himself, noticing he almost lost consciousness for a moment.


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{Time: Afternoon to Evening} | {Overview: The Start is Never Easy} | {Place: Farm on the Outskirts of Burning Dunheim}
Sylvester approached the quaint farmhouse. Tools and other necessities lay about the yard and she briefly watched one muscular horse grazing about the field, without a care in the world. The smoke rising from Dunheim now seemed far away yet one could easily see that there might be a reason to be alarmed. Sylvester, on the other hand, felt aloof and was more interested in finding her way around Landfall. So, she strode up to the door of the house and gave it rowdy determined knock. "Hello? Is there anyone home perhaps?" She yelled. The faint stirrings of life flittered about inside. However, no answer came. She tried again, "Hello? I would just like a moment of your time." She knocked again, this time more firmly. Again, no reply. Sylvester frowned and began a steady pounding on the door. This time surely...She thought to herself.

The door swung open just a crack and a surprised Sylvester flinched back. "What do ya want little girl? I'm busy." The gruff man rebuked her from behind the door. His age was evident in the way he stooped, how his face had tiny wrinkles here and there, and his graying hair balded in terrible areas. "Well?" He prompted when Sylvester simply stared.
"I'm sorry! I just wanted to know if you had some advice for a beginner traveler. Perhaps a map.." She trailed off shyly. The man glared at her for what seemed like ages before finally stepping back and letting the door swing open. "Get in here. I don't want you attracting anymore attention than ya already have. What's a girl like yourself doing running around near here? Haven't ya seen the fires in Dunheim? Thas a good way to git ya'self killed round here." The older gentleman scolded. Sylvester wrung her left hand, as her right was occupied by holding her staff. "I apologize." She replied weakly, unsure how to act towards the fellow. She was probably older than him by the years, yet he acted as if she was just a child. The feeling wasn't unfamiliar, but frustrating all the same. "I did see the fires. Do you know what happened?" She inquired. The old man turned to a dresser and starting flipping through some papers. "I ain't sure. Probably some rough necks from the core or something. The whole world's dun freaked out and we blue collars are left to clean it all up." The old man sighed, picking up a dusty folded map. "My son is over in Dunheim delivering my vegetables. I was here packing up and waiting for him to come running back, ye old coward he is. I figured he be back by now." The old man waved the map at her and Sylvester nodded, listening intently. The old man continued, "Name is Delacruz. I used to live in the core but with all the cult folk running around ruining stuff I ain't want nothing to do down there. I came here to live with my son." He gave her the map finally and Sylvester carefully placed it in her satchel. "Thank you." She replied. Sylvester furrowed her brow, "Delacruz, you say 'cult', what does that mean?" The girl questioned. The old man looked to her incredulously. "Really? You ain't seen or been through dem gates? Strange areas. Nothing I ever seen before in my life. Them cult-" He paused considering her question, "Cultists or cult people are them crazy people who believe in some crazy religion. Usually not da religion us normal people believe in. Usually. I don't know what dem folk we talking about believe." He explained. "Anyway them cultists are bad people and you stay away from them, ya hear?" Sylvester nodded, noting his fatherly tone. "Yes, I will do so if possible. There are many things I wish to experience." She smiled in reply. Delacruz frowned at her, "You a naive girl aintcha. I been meaning to ask you but, what's with your eyes. Got them rings in em. Aint no human have eyes like those. Nothing against you, I seen plenty of monsters in my lifetime. You the least of my worries." Sylvester shrugged. "I'm not sure. I wasn't raised by my real mother, and my father seems to have been a fae." She replied stoically. The old man gazed at her, the silence lapsing into awkwardness. Sylvester stood abruptly and bowed. "I really must thank you but I suppose I should be going. I've taken up enough of your time." She straightened and began towards the door. The old man who now leaned on the old dresser nodded. "Ain't no problem. Be sure to come back after this trouble is gone. My son ain't such a great listener like you are, the fool, might be a bit nicer round here to have someone to talk to with my old age. Take the dirt road out east. Its marked on your map. Take ya away from the city." Delacruz finally smiled and shooed her out.

Sylvester peered at the map and walked east, heading towards a city named Vitae. She pondered over all she had learned. What interested her most was the talk of Cultists. She had not been taught anything about people like them and if they didn't follow Arcanism what did they follow? Were there things they could teach her? Were they good people or people that endangered others? Many of these questions flitted through her mind and eventually she came to a conclusion.

"I guess I have to find out for myself."



Alli was able to grab a couple small pouches of gold coins, which would be enough for food for one of them. We could ration...unless I find more money on the way. Alli had an idea of how to find more money but her train of thought was interrupted by Daedalus' exclaim. "Could you keep it down? We don't want to get ca-" Alli trailed off when she turned around to find Dae gripping his right hand with his left, blood exiting the wound at a quick pace. The hybrid female rushed over to where Dae sat atop a guard's bed, getting down to her armored knees to look up at him and help him. "Why didn't you ask for help in the first place? Gods...why do you have to be such an idiot when it comes to you getting hurt, Dae..." Alli muttered as she removed her wrist bracers, placing them on the floor beside her as she reached for the cloth strips with one hand, then reaching for Dad's injured hand with the other.

"Next time, ask me." Alli glared into Dae's eyes before looking back down at his hand, worry causing her eyebrows to furrow together as she focused on bandaging his hand up. She took the cloth strips and knotted them together, making sure to keep the knots small, then began wrapping his hand, first around the top of his palm and then in between each finger. She was glad he was complying, but it was most likely just because of his current state. Alli looked up at him once more in concern, her eyes searching his.
He looks like he's going to faint any moment now...and I'm not strong enough to carry him...He needs something to wake him up... Alli thought hard, looking around for some form of food or water. She finished wrapping his hand and held it a moment longer than she needed to, then rose to search the cupboards for food. Her side stung now, and she gripped it a moment in pain, but wiped her blood on her armor's cloth, then continued her search. She found some bread and cheese, looking to be someone's snack for later. "Sorry.." She muttered before returning to Dae's side. She pressed the bread to his mouth, urging him to eat. "Don't fight me and eat it, Daedalus." The urgency in her tone once again expressed how concerned she was, especially with the use of his full first name rather than his nickname.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: Worried/In Pain Location: Barracks

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As Alli wrapped the wound on his hand he couldn't help but stare deeply into her eyes. The connection between them sparked as she looked back into his. While she held his hand after wrapping it, he could almost feel his body trying to lean forward and kiss her. It was not the time for this though... They needed to be focused on surviving and escaping the city. Even though this obvious fact existed he still found it hard to resist the urge. He swallowed a small pit he felt in his throat and simply smiled back at her.

"Sorry, I guess I didn't realize how bad it was." He chuckled emptily, as a small portion of his teeth could be seen through his smile. His heart felt like it was beating a mile a minute as he looked at her, almost physically unable to move but more because of his feelings rather than his wounds. As to not cause any awkward scenes he took a deep breathe and nodded, biting on the piece of bread she eventually stuffed into his face. The woman obviously was messing with him as she was pushing the bread more than necessary and this cause him to cough and laugh at the same time. Almost choking on the bread he continued coughing and chuckling intermittently.

"Alli!" He giggled as he could barely swallow the over sized piece of bread he bit off. With his non injured hand he wrapped his fingers around her wrist, in a very gentle fashion with no force applied. His eyes met hers again and he could remember a time very similar to this.

~ Flash back ~

As they finished a mission a few years back only moments after narrowly escaping a bandit camp, his leg had been cut open and of course it was her that was bandaging him up. She always seemed to take care of him when he needed it most, and he would try his very best to care for her when she needed it. Ever since they first met there was some odd connection between them, and it wasn't just being partners though that must have had something to do with it. It was a very similar scene to this one... They stared into each other's eyes back then just like they were now.

Daedalus had to mentally snap himself out of the flashback as he took another piece of bread and gobbled it up, barely even chewing it a few times. Arising from the bed he gently pulled onto her arm so she would stand up with him. Yet again, that urge was there but he fought against it with all his might. Resisting this urge right now turned out to be harder than escaping the prison and fighting those guards.

"Let's go, we have to get out of here. You lead the way." He said to her as he gently raised her hand and kissed it like a King would his Queen. This was a sign of appreciation not only for this one act of dressing his wound but for all the times she had been there for him. A smile formed on his face as he would await for her to lead the way out of the city. She was more familiar with this as she was the one who had the map when they were preparing for this mission.



His eyes and his smile... Damn it! I need to think about something else... Alli chastised herself, knowing she had other things that needed thought. She had only been thinking about his smile and his eyes while she helped take care of his hand, similar to the several other occasions she had to dress his wounds after a battle. Once she brought the food and began shoving it towards his mouth, urging him to eat, he obliged, consuming too much at once while her hand pressed against the bread, causing him to cough and laugh at the same time, which resulted in him choking on the bread while chuckling. Alli began to freak out, but the sound of his laughter and his giggles made her relax, letting out a relieved sigh. She gave him another piece of bread, which he ate quickly, and then he rose, pulling her up with him. His hand on her wrist, she was pulled towards him as they rose, and she was pressed against him, immobile because of surprise and shock. Dae then pulled her hand up to his light pink lips and kissed the back of her hand, which although it appeared delicate was actually rough from training for so many years. Her face immediately turned a deep red and she let out a huff before turning around, picking up her bracers, and walking towards the Barracks' door.

Without looking over her shoulder, Alli spoke out loud with an unwavering voice, trying not to show how large of an impact he had on her, making her want him even more. She focused on where they were going, still ignoring the wounds she had. "It's this way towards the back entrance of the city, the less populated one. This path passes through the market, and hopefully we can grab some supplies on the way out." Alli spoke with determination as she walked through the streets, expecting Dae to follow. However, as soon as they came upon people, she looked back at him, realizing how strange they'd look parading through town in the manner they were. She slowed to a stop, then when he caught up, she slid her arm around his as he had intended to do earlier. The market seemed to be where everyone was, including the guards, but once they became a part of the crowd, they would be indistinguishable. Alli yanked on Daedalus, urging him to hurry as she pulled on his good arm.

"Come on!" She whispered fiercely to him as they pushed past people, then a large group of rich nobles. Alli took the opportunity of her bumping into someone to apologize and offer to help them, proceeding to lighten the weight of their coin purse by...oh...20 gold pieces? The person she stole from was carrying a lot and was some random fat man, who didn't even notice the little like lightening of his load. Alli grinned at Dae as they continued through the market, and the two continued through it, stopping to purchase food and a change of clothes for either of them that would blend them in with the people, which would help them escape.

"Dae, we have to find somewhere to change into these clothes so that the guards will let us through. I have some leather bands we can use to tie our hair back, making us look slightly different. Any ideas of where we can do the whole clothing swap thing? I have a bag for the armor and weapons, but I don't know where we could possibly change." Alli looked around in despair, frustrated with the market's structure.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: Frustrated/In Pain/Embarrassed Location: Markets of City of Heroes Carrying: Bag filled with clothes and food, sword, shield, and wearing armor.

As they made there way through the busy market streets, all sorts of commotion could be heard. People bartering for the prices of goods, fine shoes walking on stone flooring, music could also be heard in the background as a travelling barter group were trying to make money by playing. All of these sights were irrelevant as he walked with Alli, arms locked together. He was impressed by her swift ability to acquire enough money to get food and different clothing. The entire time he was walking with her he was looking at the wound on her side, and when they came upon a clearing with less people he stopped and looked at her with concern.

"I think that there is an alleyway around this corner behind a large stack of crates, my father once showed me when I was younger though I could be wrong. Let me help you patch that up." He said to her referring to the cut on her side. If they could find the right alley, which they would indeed as they came around the corner. It was a narrow road between large houses, and there wasn't a person in sight. The crates which had been a wall of wood were slightly ajar and had enough space that someone could easily climb over without having to crawl. The alleyway behind the crates was closed off so that there were no other ways to get in.

"Ladies first." Daedalus said as he helped Alli climb over the lower crates and past the crates stacked upon them. He himself then climbed over with more effort as his right hand still stung despite being heavily bandaged. The bandages and their clothes were dirty and mostly covered in random patches of blood. Before he would tend to himself he looked at the wound on Alli's side and gently pressed his uninjured hand on it. Channelling his now fairly restored magical energy through the palm of his hand he began disinfecting the wound with an aura of holy light emanating onto the wound. Within 15-20 seconds the wound closed and would stop bleeding unless she moved excessively or it was torn open again.

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"I'll look away and watch the alley entrance so that no one will disturb you while you change." He said to her as he would then proceed to face the crates they just jumped over and look out for people passing buy. The coast seemed clear and he couldn't hear any footsteps approaching.



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In Alli's frustration, Dae was able to provide a solution again, just like he always has whenever she's been distressed. She let out a faint smile, which was rare for her, before listening to him and walking around the corner, pushing past the strangers surrounding Daedalus and her. Once they reached the alleyway blocked off by crates, Dae offered a hand to her in his gentlemanly nature, helping her climb over the crates before climbing over them himself. Once they were both behind the safety of the crates, Dae turned towards her, his hand outstretched to touch where her wound was. She hid her arm behind her, knowing he didn't know about it, then winced as his palm touched her cut, making it sting. His hand was warm against her skin, though, which Alli didn't mind. She wanted to feel more of him, wanted to kiss him, but she kept that desire beneath the surface, allowing him to heal her with his warmth. She remained still, allowing the wound to close fully.

"Thank you." She murmured quietly as he removed his hand from her waist, then told her he'd make sure no one came to disturb them. She nodded, trusting him wholly, and turned around herself, feeling awkward changing so close to him. If she had been facing him, she'd have felt even more nervous. So, she faced the back wall of the alley and removed her armor, the blood from the wound on her arm still flowing. It hurt like hell, and was deep enough for stitches, but she ignored it as she changed into the new clothes she had grabbed, which were clean and relatively fresh.


Once she wiggled into the blouse and the skirt, she needed help with the corset - that was the only thing able to hold her up, so she needed aid. "Um...Dae...I need help with the corset. Could you tie the back for me?" Alli asked, blushing as she asked him, avoiding eye contact. His pair of clothing was folded neatly on a crate beside her, and her arms held the corset in place, just waiting for assistance.


Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: In Pain/Embarrassed Location: Alley in the City of Heroes Carrying: Armor, sword, and shield, wearing the peasant clothes.
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Daedalus kept his eyes out for anyone who would be returning home from shopping though it seemed like that wouldn't happen thankfully. As he could hear Alli begin changing he made sure not to turn around so she would feel more comfortable. Although that wouldn't last too long as he could hear her ask for help with the tieng of the corset of her blouse. As he turned around and looked at the back of Alli, he finally got the moment to appreciate the beautiful flowing head of hair she had. He took a few steps forward and gently used both hands to part her hair as it was in the way of the string used to tie the corset.

"Yeah, no problem." Allowing her hair to flow over in front of her, he slowly began tightening the string and threading it through the individual holes that were on the back of the corset. In order not to say anything stupid, which he normally would do in a situation like this, he simply kept quite while tying the string together tight enough so that it wouldn't fall off but not too tight that it would be uncomfortable. Though his heart was racing at this very moment, and he was glad she wasn't looking at him for he too was finding himself flustered. As he finished up he realized it would be quite difficult to put on a shirt, let alone armor with his hand bandaged up. It was difficult enough tying the corset up, but he would need to ask her with help taking off his armor.

"I might need you to uh... help me remove my armor, I can't really move my right hand's fingers very well and it hurts when I grip things tightly." The paladin humbly requested. "There we go. You look beautiful Alli." He said to her sincerely, as the woman truly had an aura of beauty surrounding her that was impossible to ignore. Daedalus smiled and took a step back, using his uninjured hand to behind undoing the belt-like straps that were holding his armor on. That was the easy part, but pulling the shirt under it off and taking off the forearm gaurds would be difficult without the assistance of someone or the ability to use both hands.



Alli blushed when she felt her hair being parted, the long bunches of red-gold hair flowing down across her pale shoulders, such were slightly revealed by the blouse. She shivered slightly when her skin was grazed by his fingertips, and she waited quietly while Dae tied the strings of get corset in place. Once he finished, she reached, letting her hair fall back in place. Before she could turn toward him and thank him, he said that he'd need help with his outfit change as well. Alli turned with a nod, agreeing to help him while a blush crept across her face. He...called me beautiful... Alli thought to herself as the blush spread from her cheeks across her face, even to her ears.

She started with his forearm guards, gently untying them with care and precision. She took each one off in approximately five seconds each, placing them in the bag.
Now for his shirt...how do I do this without making my wound worse? Alli reached up, removing the plated armor first, before gently pulling the fabric of Daedalus' shirt so that it could be removed with ease. She helped him pull it over his head, one again seeing his chest, covered with strong muscle underneath his light, golden, skin. Her fingers grazed his warmth lightly as she helped him remove the top, then she reached towards the top he was to put on. "Do you need help putting this on too...?" Alli asked, seeming shy for once in her life.

When she reached up, helping pull the shirt over his head, her wound burned, more blood oozing from the wound and down her arm, staining the white blouse she had just put on.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: In Pain/Embarrassed Location: Alleyway in the City of Heroes Carrying: Armor, sword, shield, wearing peasant clothes.

As Alli helped him to dress like a civilian and spared him the pain and frustration of doing things with a bum hand, he couldn't help but notice the blood beginning to leach through her blouses sleeve. When she was done he grabbed her hand gently as if he was going to kiss it again but instead he pulled back the sleeve to reveal the wound she had been hiding this entire time. He knew she could be stubborn when it came to these things so he didn't say anything about the fact that she hid it. Without saying a word he laid his other hand which was wrapped up over the wound and would begin to apply his healing magic to at least stop the wound from bleeding further.

"Quite the situation we've found ourselves in don't you think?" He said as the healing magic flowed from his hand onto hers. It would sting a little but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. It was important to make sure they were in the best shape they could be when they left this alley, it was unknown whether or not the entire city guard was out after them. Also, it would be a shame to ruin a nice blouse by bleeding on it he thought to himself. Daedalus couldn't help but notice that Alli was blushing, and this in turn made him blush.

Like the awkward man he was this caused him to chuckle, and come up with a pretty stupid joke off the top of his head.

"Hey, you're not turning into a pheonix are you?" He asked, giggling perhaps a bit more than he should as he found it quite funny actually. Teasing Alli was one of his favorite things to do, and he followed the joke up with a wink. Though he was playing a joke on himself really, as he didn't know she actually could turn into a pheonix. It was quite the ironic situation.



Alli flinched when Dae grabbed her hands, and turned her head from him in a huff when he pulled up her sleeve and found the oozing wound. Without a word from either of them, Daedalus healed her. Again. Why does he always have to notice.. Alli thought to herself, irritated with the fact that every time she was hurt, Dae always managed to find out about it and wasted his magic on her. He needed to keep his energy up, but he healed her anyway. Idiot... Alli looked at him as she thought this, but she felt valued and important, which was quite the opposite of her thoughts. When she looked at him, she saw him blushing as well, so she looked away again until he spoke.

Alli froze.
...He couldn't have found out...it's impossible... She looked up at him in terror, her eyes full of fear. Does he think I'm a monster now? Alli looked even more panicked then, but the joking tone he had assumed indicates that he didn't know and was simply making a joke out of it. She let out a sigh of relief, then shook her head, helping Dae into the leather tunic. "You have a strange sense of humor, Dae." She muttered, trying to hide the relief in her voice. She helped him into his tunic, which was tighter on his abdomen than the loose long-sleeved shirt, so it hugged his muscular torso, making Alli's heart ache. He looks so handsome... Alli found herself thinking, then shook her head. She grabbed the cloak she picked out for him that would indicate he's a traveler, and she'd be the woman traveling with him, according to passerby. She grabbed the leather strips she acquired and tied her long red-gold hair into a bun, causing it to look like ordinary red hair, the gold concealed.

"Dae, I know you're going to laugh, but I need you to get down on your knees so I can actually reach your hair." Ally muttered, looking unamused. He always teased her, especially about her height.
I swear, if he says something I will remember and burn him later. Alli thought with menace, determined for revenge at being called small.

Tag: @Folk Tale Mood: Irritated/Panicked Location: Alleyway in City of Heroes

The entire time they had been together in this strange alleyway Daedalus had been admiring Alli, almost too much so as he found himself quite distracted. To him right now it felt like they were actually here on some kind of leisure trip, and not fighting for their lives trying to escape. As she blushed further at his joke and turned her head, he could not help but appreciate the gorgeousness of her face.

"Hey, I say stupid things when I'm nervous. Cut me some slack will you?" The blonde haired man explained light heartedly as he slowly lowered to one knee and made his haired accessible to his shorter partner. As he looked up at her in this stance he could feel the moment that was in the air. It was silent, as no one was around. It was passionate as he could look her deep into her eyes and actually take the time to look at every thing that made her what she was today.

"You know, I've never seen you from this angle Alli." Daedalus remarked with a small grin forming on his face. He couldn't resist but tease her a little to lighten the mood of this heavy situation. He knew she would probably slap him or end up getting back at him eventually but it was worth it.

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The corners of Alli's lips turned upwards slightly, forming a small smile, and she turned to look back at him, watching him get down on one knee. Before she walked around to the back of him in order to tie his hair back, she noticed him staring at her. She didn't think much of it at first, thinking he was just watching for her reaction to his poor sense of humor, but as she looked back at him for longer, she realized he was looking at her, everything about her. The thought made her feel a little self-conscious, her cheeks a light pink in embarrassment, before she opened her mouth to ask, "Why are you staring at me?" Alli looked down at him in wonder, then narrowed her eyes once he made a small, teasing, remark.

If one thought about it, his head was level with her chest - which is how Alli took it. She scrunched up her nose in annoyance and punched his good shoulder, hard. "Take that, you jerk." She joked back, then walked around him, her skirt flowing behind her. Once behind him, she gathered up his soft, blond, hair, her fingers brushing across his ears, the top of his forehead, and his neck. After placing all of the hair in one hand, she grabbed one of the other leather strips and tied it into a small ponytail at the base of his skull, the blond hair trailing down to the base of his neck. She made sure the ponytail was extra tight, pulling on his hair a little bit for his earlier remark, and then left from where she stood behind him, walking over to the bag of armor and clothing, placing his armor in there as well.

After a moment she turned towards him, raising an eyebrow. "One, you can stand now, you freaking giant. Two, are you ready to go? We're going to have to take a caravan out of the city, so we can hide in a shipment caravan or something similar. Sound good?" She asked, lifting the bag with the arm Daedalus had just healed. She walked over to him, waiting for him to stand, and admired him from this angle while she still could - his shoulder was cut into, as was his elbow, which both needed to be addressed, but he had used up enough magic already, and Alli knew how taxing that could be. They could get more bandages on the way to the caravan, though, so all was well.

Except for the fact that she desperately wanted to kiss him. That wasn't okay. She kept thinking about the curvature of his lips and how soft they looked, as well as how they would fit against her own.
This is not the time to be thinking this! Alli told herself firmly, but couldn't help it as his eyes were now more revealed, their bright blue sparkling from the light of the city, and his face illuminated, looking happy. How could she not think about that?

Tag: @Folk Tale Mood: Amused/Irritated/Conflicted Location: Alleyway in the City of Heroes

Roxii Sicarius

Roxii's curiosity dispelled almost immediately at Ether's explanation. She had only heard of rift crystals from writings and tellers but had never encountered any of the like nor experienced how they worked. Teleportation was something she never acquainted herself with too much; it wasn't important enough to the wolf-elf for her to familiarize herself with it.

The blind assassin nodded in acknowledgement when the necromancer finished speaking and silently thanked him for the pulse he sent out for her. She knew she was using too much energy in one sitting, and thus the sigil carved into her chest was beginning to burn. She made sure not to make that evident, though.

The Lythari followed Ether and continued to use the remnants of the pulse to guide her back to the main building, returning to the group that she had left when she went to meet with Ether. With every step, the power from the rift was growing stronger and stronger until the air was almost stifling. The resonance allowed her just enough time to observe the newcomers of the group: the male and female monks and the paladin. No details were available to her, but she was able to get a rough idea of their appearance. She was right: the paladin was
much larger than her, and he could pose as a threat to the blind wolf. The pulsations finally ebbed away, and Roxii was left to the darkness that she now resided in. But that was okay for her; she didn't want to "see" the paladin for too long.


@shadowz1995 @Villa Buddies
Mood: Neutral
Location: Monk Villa, Courtyard Main Building

As Alli punched him in the shoulder he knew the remark he made had gotten to her a little which made him giggle, then as she pulled his hair: "Ow." He mumbled followed by a little giggle as it was nothing he couldn't handle. It was times like these he could take a step back and relax in the midst of all the calamity which was their average day fighting in the silver legion. When Alli began explaining the plan to leave the city Daedalus stood up and stretched his arms out a little and also rolled his shoulders around to relax the tension he felt in them. He turned toward Alli and nodded, ready to leave the city.

"Hide in a shipping caravan? We're turning out to be like real agents." Said the paladin with a chuckle, as the thought seemed rather interesting to him. He was easily amused with his light hearted personality though he knew when to be serious if the situation required so. Daedalus walked towards Alli and releived her of the bag she was carrying, as it would be ungentlemanlike if the woman were to carry everything.

"Allow me M'Lady." He said softly. As he leant in to get the bag from her and carry it, he had to come within a few inches of her face with his. At that moment he locked eyes with her. It felt as if time was standing still, his heart racing like a boy with a crush. After getting the bag he cursed himself in the head for just not getting it over with and trying to kiss her then and there. If she didn't reciprocate it would make it awkward for the rest of the journey out of the city. So he stood there holding the bag in the uninjured hand, with a slight inner frustration he tried to conceal. He was just ready to get out of here and move on from this city.

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Alli rolled her eyes at Dae's silly remark, and she shook her head. "Don't be ridiculous. We're refugees, now. Escaping from the city. Traitors, for some odd reason." Alli shrugged and was about to climb over one of the crates when Dae suddenly leaned close to her, grabbing the bag from her hand. She would have protested on any other occasion, but his face was within inches of hers - she could see the golden flecks in his blue eyes, the wrinkling in the corners of his eyes when he truly smiled at her, the way his mouth relaxed into a smile rather than a frown, hinting at his lighthearted nature. Her golden eyes widened as she looked into his sky blue ones, surprise displayed across her pale face. Her heart was pounding in her chest, to the point where she could swear he could hear it. Their eyes locked onto each other's and they stayed like that a moment before Dae leaned back with the back, looking...masked. What is he thinking? Alli wondered, confusion on her face.

"U-um..." Alli stuttered a moment, trying to find words as her face kept its bright pink hue from the close encounter. "L-let's hurry." Alli told him, keeping her eyes off of his figure. She vaulted the nearest crate, waited for Dae to follow, and they wove through the crowds of people, headed for the exit from the city. Only caravans were being allowed out, since the city was closed off at that point because of Plague, the infamous villain tearing the Core apart. A caravan was coming up ahead, filled with bags of grain and covered with a tarp, led by a little old man, which would provide the perfect exit. As the caravan approached, a group of guards neared the exit, and Alli tensed, moving closer to Dae, hugging his arm. They weren't noticed, and just before the caravan drove through the gates, Dae and Alli climbed into the back, the driver just thinking he had driven over a bump.

The caravan drove through the tunnels leading out of the Core, eventually reaching the surface. Daedalus and Ireythalli remained quiet in the back of the caravan, not speaking a word so as to avoid risking being noticed. As soon as they reached the surface, it looked like sunlight had spilled across the land, and the area they had come out upon looked green and alive, opposite to the City of Heroes' environment. Alli and Dae left the caravan, jumping out and rolling onto the group so as to avoid further injury, the old man and his caravan continuing on. The little old man called behind him, as if he had known the entire time, "Good luck, you two!" With a chuckle he continued on his merry way, and Alli gave Dae an incredulous look before glancing at their surroundings. They had gotten off at the entrance to a forest (not the one outside Dunheim), and she wasn't sure where they were. "How did he know we were on there?" She asked, still in awe. Her face was amusing, one of utter disbelief and shock.

Tag: @Folk Tale Mood: Confused/Shocked/Nervous Location: Alleyway -> Caravan -> Forest Outside the Core

Daedalus found himself thinking too much about what had happened in the alleyway between him and Alli while they made there way through the city. He was thankful for the fact that his partner was so resourceful, and she would find there way unto a caravan that would lead them out of the city exit. During the entire caravan ride they had to be as quiet as they could be, but that was easy for Daedalus as he would be quiet either way. He was quiet because he was caught in a whirlwind of thought, unable to understand his own feelings. No, that wasn't right, he could understand his feelings and that was for damn sure. He wanted her. That was the bottom line of things. It was more than that though, she meant a lot to him. She made his heart race, she made his mind wander, his palms sweaty and his breathing heavy.

So as the caravan made its way out of the city and they looked at each other with interest, he could only give back to her a smile that was one of admiration that she was in front of him. This was not enough though, and he would have to do something to lift this burden off of his chest. He could hardly breathe how much it felt like someone was pressing down on top of him.

After they had rolled out of the caravan, and the driver of the caravan yelled out good luck, at first Daedalus looked towards the distancing caravan with a curious look. Without saying a word though, he turned his look back towards Alli. She was still looking at the caravan with confusion and this gave him a chance to admire the woman as she was. Her determined, strong and elegant stance. Her flowing hair, dynamic like fire as if it was born from the sun.

Without further a due the paladin would gently grab her right wrist with his left hand, and wall backwards slowly and pull her into the tree line. He kept his eyes locked towards hers the entire time, a confident and decisive look in his face. With one fluid motion he spun her around and used his right hand to support her back as he leaned forward, the motion would come as a complete surprise to her but it didn't matter. The bag which he had carried contiaining their armor had been dropped a few seconds ago in the middle of the street. Now, as he stared into the eyes of the woman he couldn't stop thinking of he finally felt calm.

"Alli..." He began, making sure to maintain a firm hold so she wouldn't fall.

"I can't stop thinking about you." The paladin explained, as he slowly leaned his face towards hers. Finally, as his heart beat out of his chest and butterflies flew through his stomach like an open field at dusk, he would muster the unwavering courage to kiss her.



Alli frowned as she watched the old man ride away, still perplexed with his knowledge of their presence in the back of the caravan. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, by Dae, who gently grabbed her wrist and began pulling her towards the edge of the forest, looking into her eyes the whole time. She blinked in surprise, wondering what he was doing. Dae had dropped their armor in the middle of the road, and was tugging on her arm. "Dae, what are you-" Her sentence was cut off by an abrupt twirl she went through, the hybrid female suddenly pressed against Dae, his injured hand holding her up by her waist. He continued looking into her eyes, and she found that she couldn't look away.

"Alli...I can't stop thinking about you."

Alli's eyes widened at this confession, surprised that he felt this way towards her, and that it equaled the feelings she felt towards him. The paladin then proceeded to lean towards her, his face nearing hers.
Is this...is this really happening? Alli thought to herself, then smiled a true, genuine, smile. She allowed herself to be kissed by Daedalus, her lips pressed against his. Her eyes closed, her mind solely on them, what was happening between the two. He tasted sweet, and she wanted to savor the moment, since she didn't know if or when it would happen again. Alli's long, dark, eyelashes rested on her cheekbones, her eyes crinkling on the edges. He really does feel this way about me... Alli thought as she kissed him back passionately, trying to express all she was feeling into their kiss.

Tag: @Folk Tale Mood: Confused/Surprised/Happy Location: Forest Outside the Core

As their lips met, Daedalus could only find himself filled with happiness. His wounds did not hurt, his worries did not bother him, and his nights were now filled with sunlight. Everything that he had waited for felt like it had been brought to him. The kiss would last a few moments, passionate and as fiery as the phoenix before him. His eyes were lit up like torches, he opened them after kissing her and met her beautiful orange jewels again for the first time in what felt like years. He had not the words to speak, but he had the feelings to express and he had done just that in this one kiss. His breathing had relaxed and his heart rate slowed to a less-than-200 beats per minute rate. He leaned backward and allowed the woman to stand up straight, still holding her close and in the comfortable silence they found themselves engulfed in.

I love you, was what he wanted to say but he found it too hard to make his mouth move. He found it too hard to think, and too hard to feel. He let himself relax in the moment which he would remember for the rest of his life. Along with that moment were moments of joy, laughing with Alli in grass fields lit by warm and bathing sunlight. Eating together in packed restaurants and taverns in cities unknown, figuring out everything together. He would remember back to back scenarios, where only she stood before him and a blade to the throat. But, she never let him down and from this point on... he would not let her down.

"I love you." He said, as his eyes focused onto hers. This was a phrase long over due, even if it was to be said without reciprocation. Daedalus could feel the heavy weight coming off of his chest as from this point onward, even if she did not love him the same way he loved her, at least she would know that in him she always had someone who would be on her side. She would always have a light that illuminated her darkness. She would always have a sun that rose to her dawn.

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    Atraxia kept his eye on the paladin as he produced a stone, a warping stone to be more specific; it creating a portal upon use for them to travel through. He did not trust this portal as he had no way of knowing if he was just warping them to a place to be captured or slaughtered, for all they knew it could be a trap waiting to be sprung. With these thoughts in mind, Atraxia thought it best to be the LAST person to go, if it was a trap then he would allow the others to be his bait, if it wasn't; then they would survive as well. Simply as that. Why take unnecessary risks in life when you can avoid them all together?

    When everyone else had gone through the portal, Atraxia took his turn, stepping through the portal and arriving at some sort of city, appearing to be on full scale lock done for whatever reason. His icy blue eyes scanned their surroundings, there was no trap but there were signs of other people about, he would have to be wary of them, his guard would not drop for a second. At least one of them had to be on lookout, and he wasn't going to rely on the incapabilities of others that would ultimately just impair him anyways.

    Natural Selection (Looking For New Members)
    Location: Villa -> where ever the portal is taking them

    Mood: Suspicious

    With: Villa Groiup

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed




Alli felt blissfully happy for the first time in her life as her lips met with Dae's. One of her hands touched his cheek, her thumb running gently over the fresh wound's scab, which would soon turn into a scar. Her other hand was holding onto the fabrics that covered his chest, her heart thumping as he held her close to him. After their kiss ended he looked into her golden eyes and she looked into his sky blue ones, and she found she couldn't move her gaze, even if she wanted to, and she didn't. His eyes were bright with happiness and joy, and he leaned back so that the two of them could stand upright once more, but he held her close to him still. She relaxed her body against his, feeling tranquil in his arms.

She rested her forehead on his chest, still recuperating from the effects of the passionate kiss, and she thought about all of the things they had done together. They fought foes, bickered amongst one another occasionally, and he teased her all the time. She originally found it irritating, his lighthearted and joking nature, but she felt drawn to it, and she fell for him even more over the amount of years they knew each other. She really...loved him.

"I love you."

Alli looked up at him, her eyes wide as he said this.
Did he just say...what I think he said...? Alli blinked a couple times, as if she didn't understand what he said for a moment. Her lips parted slightly, the hybrid female speechless as she looked into his eyes. He really means it... Tears began falling from Alli's golden eyes, streaming down her pale face. Her parents were the only people who ever loved her, and they had died when she was young. Ever since then she had avoided people, avoided relationships, whether they be friendships or more, except for Daedalus, because they were partners and always sent together when given missions thanks to their skills. She grew closer to him, and now it seemed that he felt the same...

"I love you, too, Daedalus." Alli's voice cracked through her tears and her smile, both of which were rare from her. The amount of feelings she had for him couldn't be contained any longer, and she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, wanting this moment to never end.
I really do love you...

Tag: @Folk Tale Mood: Happy/In Love Location: Forest Outside the Core

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There was a soft and gentle breeze that flew through the forest. The trees wiggled calmly as a few leaves would come off of their twigs and flow steadily onto the floor. The hairs on the back of his hands would raise slightly at the cool gusts, and his hair would mildly move to the side which the wind was blowing. Daedalus stood there hugging Alli tightly, not willing to let go of the woman as he never knew when a moment like this was to happen again. His heart had a warm and full sensation to it, happiness and joy coursed through his veins and made his wounds almost non-existant. After several moments he leaned his head back and loosened the tight-gripped hug which the two had embraced each other with. A smile as wide as Dunheim encompassed his face.

"Let's find somewhere we can rest for the night, M'lady." The paladin suggested as eventually dusk would be upon them. They were in an unknown forrest as of now, with little supplies to last for a long journey. This moment would linger on inside of him for a long time to come, but the reality of the situation required them to move and set up camp before they were potentially spotted by a patrol of guards.

"I could stand here if your arms forever, but I'm kind of hungry." Daedalus giggled lightly, not trying to sound as if he was eager to let go of her. Though he couldn't resist teasing Alli a little bit, in fact now he found it even more enjoyable to tease her. The fact of the matter was, her smile made him smile. Her laugh made him weak, it made him let his guard down and lit up his eyes. So any chance he could get to see her smile, he could not resist. His head turned to the right and then to the left, his eyes looking far away and trying to make out any familiarities of the forest they found themselves in. Unfortunately nothing here felt as if he had seen it before, and they had been on the caravan for an extensive period of time travelling in an unknown direction.

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Okay just for the record I like to keep things as lore friendly as possible, but moving 30 ft in one third-hundredth of a second is too op, try toning it down, even if it does weigh heavily on the characters body one shot kill moves and unblockables aren't fair to anyone.//

The attack hit Garreck like a ton of bricks, and this time the jokes were aside and it was time to get serious, though with a nose broken, several missing teeth and a eye forced shut from the bruise and swelling that arised several seconds after the attack Garreck was in no good mood. This though caused Dare to snicker ever so quietly, not many people could put on a show, but then the tri-formed fire attack was coming right at him, and he constantly dashed back hoping to evade the attack. There was no doubt that the demon had skills, but Dare was smarter and stronger then Garreck, and he wouldn't be taken down so easily. He pounded on the ground with both his fists, and forcibly shot the ground up around him in a perfect circle of Stone pavement and solid earth, the initial damage of the fire attack would be evaded, but some of the heat would get through, and cause Dare to sweat profusely, not to mention quickly dehydrate from all the rapid excess of fluids. The effect would cause him to be slightly dizzy, but it was more then most had done in over 12 years to him so he was impressed, but he had a fair assessment of the person he was combating.

Dare bound his magic to the rock and separated it into over a hndred smaller, albeit sharp and strong pieces, exactly like bullets, he would then spread it out in a 180 decree arc closing in as opposed to spreading out around the fire mage. Dare then launched pieces of the stone in random patterns at random intervals at equally random speeds, the amount of variations be so diverse that predicting them would be impossible for most sentient species. Mean while this was happening Dare was creating a stone golem clone of himself and spread out in opposite directions. The one to the left was launching earth spikes, while the one to the right brandished a sword made from mage-bane, a metal that can absorb them dissipate magic directly at it's source, the plus side is that it can sap magic from anything, down side is that the same effect would be applied to Dare as his magic is nullified. It would only take them several seconds for both to be pouncing upon the demon and unleashing their violently efficient attacks.

Garreck wiped away as much of the blood as he could, but there was a faint hissing sound approaching him, he quickly recognized this as an arrow and blasted a stream of water in the direction, luckily having crushed the around to splints of wood, still though it was expertly aim and posed some threat. The same person who was launching arrows was now attacking the lightning user, and this confused him slightly, but he decided to take advantage of this and launched high powered stream of water jets at Korvox. The water was fiercer then fire-hoses and could send people flying, and even sprang and fracture bone if it hits, a force just shy of killing whoever it impacts. Kaya went completely unnoticed as Garreck was infused with rage towards Korvox, and Dare was completely occupied with Sab, this meant she would get a free attack, on pretty much whomever she desires, possibly a battle deciding blow.

//It should be mentioned that the fight was indeed for the characters to lose and the elementals to succeed. Intended for the reason of having the characters betrayed, locked up and then rely on a clever prison break and being labelled as rouges. This would mean that they would have to move onto the next venture, and find new places and missions to be had. If you would all prefer though we can have you succeed in defeating them, but it would have completely different results that I haven't thought out yet.

@FordtheKiller @Folk Tale @Anaxileah @Mister Veeeee
Bang bang bang! The earth spikes launched at him connected for the most part. Sab'Haal had been battleing all day and he was tired. His reactions were slower than normal, his reading of the situation was less than ideal. The demon rolled to the left, only to avoid a fatal earth spike. Like a rocket one of the initial earth spikes hit Sab'Haal's right hand, initially to be used to cushion his roll but it ended up a pin cushion for spiked rock. Blood spewed through the air like pink mist from the wailing hand of the demon as he evaded all but two of the earth spikes. The other unfortunately caught his right foot in the evasive roll and caused him to awkardly land in a kneeling position with a wounded and broken ankle, and a broken and bleeding hand.

~ The audacity! ~ Screamed the exhausted demon in his head, as the staff which had been left on the floor during the course of the evasive roll diminished all of its magical energy in one synergetic flow of power towards Sab'Haal.

"Hahahahahahaha!" The demon laughed wildly, no body hit him! No body, not an ancient slayer of demons, not an assassin, and definitely not some pompous earth mage. The thought infuriated Sab'Haal and prevented him from thinking clearly, so without hesitation the irradical demon would summon all of his remaining power into one grand strike. The energy channeled inward, his hands quickly clapping together. A long and deep breath inward, and one final breath outward as blood came out of his right nostril. He slammed both hands onto the ground violently. No one was leaving this fight without being burned.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" The demon screamed, as his hands hit the ground and caused what felt like a minor earthquake. From the sky erupted 20 grand meteor-like fireballs that would fall within a 100 square foot radius of the combatants including Sab'Haal. This attack would drain Sab'Haal of all of his remaining magical energy and would strike indiscriminately around them, so no one was specifically targeted. However; the fireballs themselves would each cause an explosion the size of 10 by 10 square feet each, with enough force to knock down a meter thick stone wall. After he cast the spell the demon stood up and laughed what last breath he had left inside of him to fight today, and fell to his knees. His fists supporting him buried into the ground, a proud grin forming on his face as he knew he would soon likely pass out due to the stress of releasing so much magical energy all at once.

((Let me know if this is too much morgrim and I'll change it))

@Anaxileah @Morgrim @FordtheKiller @Mister Veeeee

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