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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]


"Hurry up, m'lady." Daedalus teased back to Alli, an amused look upon his slender face. His blond hair flew across it as he stood ten feet in front of her, allowing her to catch up - his strides were considerably larger than hers, thanks to his height (which irritated her when he took advantage of that fact). Once she caught up to him, her lungs feeling like they would burst, she spoke between staggering breaths, "You know...it's not...fair...that you're...taller." She glared at him, then looked around through the City of Heroes. It was as glorious as the Silver Legion had said...Alli gaped at it in awe, then looked over at Dae and saw him doing the same thing. She smiled as she looked at him and then back at the city. They were to find some priest who was supposed to be corrupt...or was it opposed? The Silver Legion didn't really emphasize, and they weren't always morally correct...but Dae and her had left the Silver Legion, deeming this mission as their last.

Alli's red-gold hair, trailing down her back, flipped over her shoulder as she turned towards Dae, opening her mouth to talk, when they were suddenly surrounded by ten guards or more. "Halt!" They cried, among other insults and accusations, declaring that the two had committed treason. Alli looked at Daedalus in surprise and fear, wondering what was going to happen in this strange city they did not know. The soldiers restrained the two of them, pulling them into two different directions, since Alli wasn't deemed important enough to keep in a magical cell, seeming to be human. "Dae!" She cried out, fearful. She broke free from them for a moment, running blindly away from the soldiers and away from Dae, knowing that running towards him would just help her become caught once more. She ran through a couple of the alleys, temporarily escaping their capture, then removed her armor and began her transformation into a phoenix, hoping she could find a way to help Dae in her mystical form.

Alli let out a cry, hid her armor with her beak, and then launched herself into the air, flying towards the soldiers that were trying to catch hold of Daedalus. She landed on one of them and ignited herself with fire, thus lighting the soldier on fire before moving on to another soldier whose eye she shoved her beak into, ripping it out with a loud shriek. However, the soldiers seemed pretty prepared and threw a net over her that nullified all magic. From there it was a bit hazy...but Alli remembered hearing sounds of pain coming from...herself.

Alli awoke in a cage, her feathered body curled up against the grey, rusted, bars. She uttered a weak cry, her yellow eyes looking around at her surroundings. She was at the end of a hall, other jail cells lining the hall and her cage was also inside one. Each cell seemed to have more than one person in it, which meant...there were others nearby her. She turned, her wings hunched up so that she would fit in the cage, at least one part of her in constant contact with the cage. There were two other people in the cell with her, but she couldn't see them because of the shadows. When she tried using her fire to illuminate the room, her cage sparked, causing her to feel a slightly painful shock. She cried again, then tried to see who was in the cell as best she could, occasionally glancing out of the cage and toward the hallway, trying to think of a way to escape.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: Irritated/In Pain Location: Jail Cell...somewhere in the City of Heroes?

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This post correlates with the one above it ^

Her hair... Flowing like gold dust in the air, as the sun gleaned down and illuminated her beauty. ~ Why can't I stop thinking about her hair? ~ The blonde haired, 6 foot tall man thought as he stood in the corner of his dank and dark cell. In this cold metal cage he couldnt help but think about the warmth of Alli's fiery personality. Daedalus looked around with his piercing blue eyes in an analytical fashion, looking at guard patterns, looking for blind spots. Constantly, however, his train of thought was interrupted by the thought of her. A flashback drew in his head from how they arrived in this unfavorable situation.

Those guards knew, they had to. They must have been paid off. What had happened to her? Last he remembered was getting hit in the back of the had by a hard object. His vision faded as he saw the feathers of the pheonix floating in front of him as she landed. Everything after that was black.

~ Think Daedalus, think... ~ He said to himself as he tried to formulate a plan as to how he would get out and find her. Though the more he thought about how he'd get out, the more he would get frustrated at how dark it was, if only there were light.

~ Light! That's it! ~ An epiphany hit him on the head like Alli did once with that glass when he was picking on her for her shyness in speaking in front of many people back in the silver legion.

At this point a guard was walking down the hallway and it was time, this would have to be done on the fly now. He couldn't wait longer for risk of more guards coming.

"Guard, help!" He yelled as he approached the front of the cage he was in. As the guard came up to investigate what was going on, Daedalus closed his hands together in front of him as if he was holding a gift for someone.

"What is it?!" The impatient and irritated guard asked as he approached the cage, his hand gripping the handle of his blade. The keys for all the cages around jingled on his waist. Daedalus at this point opened his hands up and a blinding light shined at the guard, causing him to take his dominant hand off the handle of his sword and cover his eyes. Quickly, however, Daedalus grabbed the neck area of the floth shirt under the guards armor and yanked hard. The guards face hit the cage and through the spacing of cage Daedalus punch the guard in the face, keeping a firm grim on his clothes so he would not go anywhere.

Instinctively Daedalus grabbed the key ring and tore it off the belt of the guard. Then, with a quick blow to the neck the guard fell back and was unconscious. Daedalus then began fiddling around with the keys and moved over to unlock the large sliding cage door which had been barring him from freedom.

~ I have to find Alli. ~ He thought to himself as he took the guards blade and walked down the hallway, his senses on full alert. As he made his way through what as a labyrinth of hallways and cafes, many prisoners looked at him in his ragged robes and asked to be let out. He would do no such thing but it was quite distracting as he couldn't hear if guards were around the other corner.

Suddenly he came to a stop. As he turned his head to the right he saw what appeared to be a cage at the far end of a hallway housing a large shadowy figure. As he crept closer to the cage at the end he began lighting the way with his right hand, and he immediately smiled with relief. The light from the palm of his hand shined like a flashlight on the elegant feathers of the bird before him. It was extraordinary... The yellow suns that she had for eyes, it filled him with a sense of wonder.

The paladin approached, leaving only a faint flooding light coming from his hand as he lay the sword down on the ground. He approached the birds face and he reached his hand out gently. The back of his hand gently rubbing against the birds cheek. "Who would cage something so beautiful?" Daedalus asked out loud, as he stared into her eyes. A strange familiarity could be felt between the two. He reached for the keyring and began unlocking the cage, and opening the door wide open.

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"We're turning around."

"How long are you going to stand there and pout? Quit being a baby and get over here." Rowe shifted the position of the staff leaning against her shoulder, shooting Gale a less-than-amused look. "We don't have all day."

"We do, actually," Gale replied curtly, hopping down from the stair railing he'd been balancing on. "And so do they." He jerked a thumb toward the impressively decorated doorway. While both of them had been on the road for several years, it was only recently that they had crossed paths again under the strangest of circumstances. Rowe was none too happy to come face to face with the aloof shape shifter as her first reunion with the Weavers since the battle that had divided them.

"We won't find them if we don't ask the right people. This could be our ticket to bringing us back together," she insisted, resting her hands on her hips. His gaze leveled with hers for a second before he jumped up a few steps past her. She turned her head with a hint of a scowl.

"No way in hell," he shook his head. "Have you even taken a look around? Gold and glitter as far as the eye can see, I can only imagine how far they've stuck their heads up their own asses to achieve this level of narcissim."

"You've got to learn how to follow the money," Rowe said, rubbing her fingers together. "With connections like this, we could narrow down our search by a margin of years, if that's how long it takes. I know it's not our guild, but if you don't start taking strides, you'll be wandering forever."

"Alright, alright, quit barking," Gale yawned, covering his mouth with one hand and lazily dismissing her with the other. "We'll join. But if it turns out they're useless, I'm taking my business elsewhere."

"What 'business?'" she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose and following the man up the stairway.

When the doors opened, the first to stand in their way was some burly looking thug standing a good head taller than either of the two. His muscular arms crossed over his chest and he rested his weight against the door frame, grinning down at them.

"I'm not dealing with this-"

"Hold it." Rowe snagged Gale's shoulder as he was about to turn around and walk away. "Maybe he's here to welcome new members."

"I think 'welcoming' is the last thing on his mind," he muttered under his breath as he gave in to the woman's grip and faced forward again.

"Hey." The larger man drew his chin up and sneered. "Here to join?"

"Yes," Rowe nodded. "May we enter?"

"Sure, sure," he said, still grinning as he gave them room to pass. They didn't make it far before his arm stretched out and stopped them. "But not for free." She squinted at the man as though he had just told her to jump off a bridge.

"Excuse me?" she asked, keeping her calm for the time being. "I was not aware that there was an entrance fee."

"There is now." He glanced over his shoulder for a moment. "It's, uh. . . a new rule."

"Beg someone else for money," Gale remarked offhandedly as he casually walked past the man.

"You little rat!" Before he could reach him, the muscle man found that he was stuck in place, his boots frozen to the floor below him. He spun around wildly to find that Rowe was slipping past him as well. He shattered the ice with pure leg strength and his hand snapped out quickly, grasping for the woman's throat. He was stopped short by a single icicle that floated an inch from his face, rotating slowly before Rowe's fingertips. Undeterred, he snapped, "If you really think I'm scared of one little-" The man blinked, and the one little icicle had multiplied into dozens, rotating in circles around every joint in his body.

"Sneeze and you'll never move again," Rowe said, dusting off her frosty hands before promptly turning her back to him and walking away. She stopped briefly to say one thing: "I'll get rid of them if you pay me." But Rowe didn't wait for a response and left, the icicles still floating dangerously close.


"It's not like you to cause a scene," Gale commented without turning his head, gesturing his partner over. "Hurry up, I've already got both of our names in."

"I had to deal with it because you went ahead without me," Rowe grumbled, readjusting her hat. "You're always like this." But with that said, she couldn't help but admire her extravagant surroundings - she was not familiar with such luxurious arrangements. "This place. . . say what you will, but it's beautiful in here." Gale drummed his fingers impatiently on the counter.

"You really think is worth the time?"

"Better spent than trying to carry your drunk, dead weight around," came the snappy retort.

"Oho, I'm sorry," Gale couldn't help but grin. "Nobody asked you to follow me."

"Don't act like we're not in this together," Rowe sighed, resting her hand on the back of her neck. "Just turn back around and listen to what they have to tell us before they shoo us out for wasting their time."
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Javax said:
Roxii SicariusThe wolf-elf took note of the necromancer's sigh and muttered curse of what she assumed to be frustration. Frustrated with what, though? His tone didn't hold any sort of irritation as far as she could tell, so at least the dissatisfaction or resentment wasn't directed towards her...? Either way, it didn't matter too much to her; she wasn't a "people pleaser".

Roxii dwelled on the first inquiry for a moment, wondering if he expected her to do something or if was simply just stupid, and he didn't seem too much like the latter. So she began to utilize her darkness as she had done not long ago just to get here without making a fool of herself. Ether almost immediately explained the tactic she was using, which answered her question. Before she could confirm his explanation, however, Ether was already moving on to the next part of his "presentation". The Lythari listened to him silently as he clarified what she "needed to do" and why, but a short "hmph" escaped her when he mentioned teaching her how to use her magic in this way.

He was right to doubt. She never had a teacher, and she never needed one. The elf always learned by herself, for herself. She was not some child anymore. If anything, she could learn on her own like she had always done. The assassin had always learned by observation—which isn't much of an option at this point—by trial and error, and by being put into life or death situations that forced her to learn. The wolf didn't need someone telling her what to do and how to do it; telling her what she needed to do was enough to put her on edge.

Then again, the male wasn't wrong. Now that Roxii was completely blind, that put her at a complete disadvantage against almost every single potential opponent, including the annoying paladin that Ether mentioned. It was obvious the new man was much larger and stronger than her. Being of dark descent and not being able to exactly see what he was doing put her at the greatest risk. If she allowed her pride to take hold now, then she might as well
write have someone else write her will and then drop dead. And the idea of dying wasn't too appealing currently, especially so early in her life.

After a few moments of mulling over the possibilities between each choice, Roxii finally let out a sigh. "
Okay," the blind wolf answered, giving in to the male's offer. She was proud of her abilities and rather confident with what she could do despite her wounds, but she also wasn't stupid.


Mood: Neutral
Location: Monk Villa, Courtyard

Ether Mesa

The necromancer lets out a breath he didn't notice he was holding until the small assassin agreed to his thoughts. He knew that Roxii was not foolish and would be able to see the reason in his plans but he also knew that receiving help was not something she liked doing. She confirmed that when he tried to save her from a crippling injury back in the vault. Whether it be because of pride or some other unknown notion didn't matter at this point. The fact was that she had actually agreed and Ether felt much better knowing that she might be able to recover her battle prowess and, if his thoughts are correct, even improve her skills beyond from when she actually had her sight.

"Alright, I don't know exactly how well versed you are in the dark arts so let's just call this a recap. Maybe you'll learn something who knows but pay attention. It's all important even if you already know it." The mage takes a breath before starting his mini lecture. "The dark is something you and many others in the world have used as a tool. A weapon. Something to assist in their lives. Whether that be for combat, for wisdom, for hunting, for immortality, or in your case, for sight beyond sight. You use it to shift into Void as I like to call it. The plane of existence adjacent to the one we are currently in. Essentially making yourself to truly 'vanish'. A skill that most assassins dream of having."

Ether gives a short pause to let it sink in before continuing.
"But there are very few that have managed to merge with the dark. That is what I am going to try to teach you Roxii. To truly become one with the dark. Shadows are every you can think of. If light exists in any space so does dark. When light is absent darkness still remains. What you are going to learn in these few minutes before we head back to the others is to fuse your senses with the surrounding shadow." The necromancer takes a few steps closer to her and stops about half a foot apart. Just close enough for what Ether wanted to do. "Now I'm going to try and show you but you are going to have to let me influence your dark aura. Not like in the vault. It's more showing you how to do it yourself rather than teaching you. We quite frankly don't have the time for a full lesson. Now, if you don't mind...."

Without making physical contact, Ether closes his eyes and gently reaches out with his shadowy presence until it comes into contact with Roxii's own essence. It was not invasive nor intrusive but more of a guiding touch, encouraging her darkness follow along with what he was about to do. It was up to Roxii if this would be successful or not. Once Ether felt comfortable enough, he takes a slow inhale through the nose and exhales equally as slow through the mouth. In that moment, Ether merged his sense of sight, sound, and touch with all things dark within their immediate vicinity. Every shadow from every tree. From every animal nearby. The shadow of each individual blade of grass. Of the insects in hiding. Everything that could cast a shadow was now part of Ether and a part of Roxii if she so chose. This technique was not just limited to shadow in the physical world. Ether also drew upon the
other dimension. The Void. Using its influence to see where shadow could not exist in their plane of existence. The places that were illuminated now became visible through the dark.

Without using his eyes, Ether could see the entire area around himself as if he were a god looking through a microscope. The smallest of details were known to him now. He could "see" without seeing. Hell, with the amount of detail he could look at and the fact that he didn't even need to turn his head to do so or examine things carefully gives this method a huge advantage over only using eyesight. This was something Ether liked calling
True Sight. He did, however, keep the range of the ability limited to their immediate vicinity for fear of overwhelming Roxii with all the information the dark can give. Hopefully, she could see how it feels and functions enough for her to at least be aware of her surroundings....well more aware.


Alli gave up trying to see those she shared the cell with when she heard a commotion of noise coming from the hall. A tall man was walking through the halls in search of something, and was holding the large ring of keys that were capable of unlocking each cell there. The prisoners around him all begged for release, but the tall man ignored them, and seemed to be able to produce some form of light. How could that be? I only know of one light-wielder, and that's... Alli thought to herself before she recognized the man who was walking around, the phoenix letting out a cry of happiness. Daedalus! She thought with relief, glad to know he wasn't hurt. She felt a bit guilty for running away from him and not being able to help him, even in her magical form, but she pushed her guilt aside as he approached her, fear taking hold of her large, feathered, body. What if he recognizes me? What will I do?! She panicked a moment, but when he caressed her cheek and spoke to her, it seemed evident that she was in the clear. He didn't know it was her.

"Who would cage something so beautiful?" The paladin had said, and if she were a human, she would have blushed, although he probably wouldn't say that to her if she was human. She let out a soft caw as she rubbed her face on his hand, then watched as he opened the door to her small cage with the golden key on the keyring. She immediately exited, not able to withstand the smallness of the cage for so long, and spread her wings as she stood on the ground, itching to fly again. The hallways were too narrow to fly, but she was able to stretch and ignite herself with fire once more. After doing so, she put out the flames so she would be safe to touch, then she leapt up to the paladin's shoulder and sat there, rubbing her head against his cheek, eager to leave. She made a coo sound, similar to that of a pigeon's, indicating that she was going to accompany him out of the prison.

The female phoenix was ready to go, but she felt this sense of urgency, this need to hunt.
Oh no... Alli thought to herself, knowing what was going to happen soon if she didn't revert back to her human form. She was going to become a full phoenix, rather than herself, and she wouldn't be able to control the urges she'd have to hunt whatever she could - that meant she could hurt someone she cared about. Alli looked at Daedalus out of the corner of her eye, worried about what would happen. I hope we get out of here soon enough... She thought to herself as she looked down the halls, wondering where the exit would be, and glad the guards weren't anywhere nearby.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: Relieved/Guilty/Worried Location: Underground Prisons in City of Heroes

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Kaya let out a grunt when she missed her attack, not anticipating that the lightning being would attempt an attack at the same region she would on the same person, which irritated her. Bad plan of fight, fight better alone, Kaya thought to herself in annoyance, then looked at the puny water mage as he taunted them. The blinding light Sab'Haal had created seemed to work, temporary blinding their opponents, but this led to the water one creating a whole bunch of water for them to be hit by and knocked around with. Whirlpools appeared around them as well as the large wave of water. How am I to avoid water?! Kaya thought to herself, knowing she was not skilled in anything magic or whatever may involve getting out of the way of it. In order to counteract all of the water, Kaya would have to unleash a large amount of fire or something like that...

For once in her life, a bright idea came to Kaya - she could remove her blue stone and let her fire control her for the time being. It would allow her to turn most of the water into steam, making another visual deterrence, and would prevent her from getting wet. So she did just that. Kaya was engulfed in flames, her stone in her hand as she spread her aura of flame around her to let the water that neared her turn into steam. Once the wave of water passed over her and turned back into hot water vapor, she moved toward the water mage, her entire being outlined with flames. She placed the stone back on her belt, which reduced the fire back to being within her bloodstream, then looked at the mages, her axe in hand.
One enemy quiet, other noisy...means quiet more powerful, but quiet not attack, so focus on noisy. Kaya thought in her mind, then looked at the lightning mage, hoping he would understand this tactic she was willing to try.

Lightning went through water with ease, electrocuting anyone touching it. If the water mage were to try turning into water or wanted to utilize it again, the electric man could use his powers on the water itself, electrocuting the mage. Kaya could burn away any attempts at escaping through water, preventing him from getting away from lightning man. This was the only idea Kaya could come up with, since battle was her kind of thing and magic...not so much. She was already beside him and muttered quietly to him as best she could, hoping he understood the broken English she spoke.

(@Pr0t0typ3str Mood: Irritated/Thoughtful Location:

-~ Daedalus Lexian ~-

The flames that were conjured by the majestic bird were a sight to behold. They were like a campfire after a long day of travelling through the forest. His eyes lit up at the sight and he was taken back at first, though as the flames quickly died down and the bird returned to his normal state a slight flashback occurred in his head. It was brief, and very fuzzy but he could just barely make out the floating orange feathers of the bird that was in front of him when he was taken out earlier. The thought made him curious but only for a moment, as the bird before him jumped onto his shoulders.

As the beak of the bird rubbed against his cheek Daedalus couldn't help but giggle a little bit. The Paladin reciprocated by taking his right hand and lightly scratching the top of her head as she rubbed against his face. He was very fond of all animals, especially bird. They were always the most interesting and intelligent of the wildlife he had encountered in his days. This one felt very special, almost like he was drawn towards it by some unseen force. After a few seconds he let out a sigh as he looked down the hallway at all the prisoners, who were now baffled as to what was happening in the pirson. ~ We have to get out of here. ~ The thought arose in his head as he began walking forward down the hallway, still holding the guard's blade in his left hand.

Every corner he would peak out of carefully, and as he made his way through the maze of hallways he could hear a lot of talking. The prisoners seemed to be purposely creating a lot of noise by talking, shouting, yelling, stomping and rattaling the bars of the cells. This was all in an attempt to muffle the sound of Daedalus and Alli making their way through the prison. It seemed as if the prisoners were willing to help anyone escape as they knew how terrible the conditions of this particular prison was. Daedalus suddenly stopped, and looked to his left. He raised his hand forward and he saw two guards talking to each other in front of a large wooden door. This door was much larger than any door in the prison and was surely the way out. Though, they would have to first deal with the guards who know acknowledged their presence due to the light source being shined at them.

"We're going to have to take them out my new friend." He said as he readied the blade in his left hand. The close quarters combat situation he found himself in was comfortable as he had been in many before. Though, he had never fought with a bird before. This day was proving to be more and more interesting by the minute. Now, if he could just live to see the sunlight again he would be content. ~ I have to find Alli. ~ He thought to himself, completely oblivious to the fact that he had already in fact found her. @Anaxileah
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./~ Sab'Haal ~.

The demon which had been observing the beginning of the engagement was at this point unimpressed. He had been watching the movements of the two mages and they reminded him of a time when he was only 30 or 40 years in his demon form. There was a man who called himself Ulrich, and he claimed to be the best fire mage in the world. When he had met Sab'Haal on the road he had offered Sab'Haal a challenge. He had proclaimed that if Sab'Haal were to best him in a duel of fire that he would give him a magical ring. The fool was no match for the demon, though it took 4 hours to take the man out. It was a fun fight, and it reminded him of the now silent and unmoving earth mage before him. Always silent, always looking for an opening and studying the movements of his enemy. It was as smart fighting style, though it would prove useless in the face of overwhelming power.

It was now that Sab'Haal would attack. The flaming tiger which he had conjured rushed forward and to the left, under the cover of the now massive cloud of steam that was generated by Kaya and the water mage. Every foot step that touched the ground became a singed paw print within moments. As the tiger rushed forward, Sab'Haal launched a guided fire ball projectile towards the earth mage (@Morgrim). The fire ball would reach the earth mage within 3-4 seconds, while the flaming tiger apparition would reach him in 5-6 seconds. This was two parts of a three-pronged attack, however, as Sab'Haal roared loudly. He raised both hands violently, and began to conjure a 4-4 foot radius flame spout which would appear under the earth mage's feet in 3 seconds.

So: The tiger ran, 1 second after the fireball flew, 5 seconds left until the tiger would reach the earth mage and 4 seconds until the guided fireball would as well. 2 seconds after the Tiger had left, the flames would begin conjuring. Therefore at the 5 second mark the Tiger would reach the Earth mage and the flames under him would ignite. 4 seconds, however, was the time needed for the fireball to reach the targed so at thte 5 second mark all three attacks would be on point. The Tiger would be able to run through the flames if they were dodged and would continue to pursue the earth mage until it was negated by other magic.

@Mister Veeeee @FordtheKiller



Ireythalli crooned when Daedalus scratched the top of her head, ruffling her feathers up so that they stuck up in the wrong direction. She ran her wing I've her head, smoothing the feathers down as they continued through the prison. The other prisoners began shaking the doors of their cells and hooting and hollering, frightening Alli into scouting closer towards Dae's head, her claws digging into his shoulder slightly in her momentary fear. After a moment she relaxed, realizing that they were trying to mask the escapees' footsteps, and loosened her grip on Dae's shoulder, letting out a soft caw in apology.

Eventually the two came upon two guards, alerted by Dae's light source, and he told her that it was time to fight, and that she'd need to assist him. She glared at him when he said "new friend," tempted to peck him for it, but right otherwise. Her eyes flashed red a moment, but she shook her head, returning to yellow, which indicated that the human was in charge. She leapt off of Dae's shoulder, her wings held close to her as she spiraled towards the guard farther from the two while the one nearest to Daedalus clashed swords with him. The guard then swiped his sword towards Dae's leg, not aiming to cut it off but to feint an attack and punch Dae in the throat instead. The guard Alli dove toward was not prepared for the bird to attack and was stabbed in the throat by her beak, letting out a garbled scream. He swung his sword at her, slicing her wing, but was eventually dead as her beak tore several blood vessels. Once she killed him, she backed away and watched Daedalus fight, her wing dripping golden blood.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: In Pain/Eager Location: Prison Entrance

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Terra T. Estella

  • Tagging:

Terra strodes through the glorious and ebullient streets of the city with his body and head comfortably hidden within the confinds of his dark denim and grey striped cloak made from his most prized possession. His loyal first summon and pack leader, Theos had accompanied the young boy by his side as he sniffed the streets and surrounding citizens for any hostile intentions he could sense through the atmosphere."The people are less likely to attack a any given moment Terra. It seems our luck had gotten better since our most previous stop."The alpha spoke in a strong and sophisticated tone as he continued to paw behind Terra. Noticing his complete silent and utter disregard to acknowledge his observation he nugged his master's leg with his head and whimpered like a needy pup. Without muttering a single word, Terra looked down upon Theos and made eye contact with him, though his own eyes were concealed by the large hood on his head.Giving him an air of chilling mystery. "Your odd silence is giving me the assumption that your not ok."Terra had seemed to remain silent for several seconds of pregant silence and awkward staring contest before looking back up to face his forward destination. The large, luxurious building of the City of Heros Guild.

The two came to a hault upon reaching its fabulously decorated staircase when they noticed a figure up ahead, seemingly motionless."Things seemed to have already gone out of hand."They continued up the stairs for several seconds, not having a another word spoken until they have reached the top. The figure had began to reveal a large man who was being held hostage due to dozens on sharp icicles levitating near his body. Terra had attempted to walk past the stranger without being noticed, but he stopped once he was acknowledged by the man and pleaded to aid. Simply putting it, Terra had no intentions of assisting the man in any way possible and by sticking to his first mind he continued to walk through the doors and towards the sign-up desk. Theos had taken a quick whiff to the air and followed up behind Terra to the desk."That was a strange outcome...whatever he did to provoke whoever it was it must have been bad?"The alpha sat down in front of the sign-up desk while Terra looked over the application to sign his name."It was just the outcome of Fate."Terra replied, placing the pen back on the desk and letting the large hood slide down the back of his head once he brought it up."You speak now, Young Zombie?" Theos remarked, jokingly before continuing with his serious tone of voice."What enabled you to be so quiet Terra?"

Terra had turned away from the desk and sighed to himself before walking to the nearest corner where not many other members where around. He didn't want to make Theos worry with his thoughts and emotions, but he didn't want to hold in the pain of not being honest with himself and talking to someone about it. Though he knew that if anyone was available ask for advice or even just to talk to he knew to turn to Theos."I just wanted to keep to myself and think for a while, but I don't know if I can do that for any longer. I felt as though my life was only short lived, but I have experienced so much during the time my homeland was destroyed and i've been traveling with you and the rest of the pack by my side. What would be the outcome after all of this? Me joining the guild in hope to find someone as pointless and barbaric as my brother! Though it was my naive mind that conceived the idea from the beginning. What could I possible achieve through this act Theos?" Terra's questioning when on for what it seemed minutes though he had only just begun. Theos was quite surprised with Terra's barrage of questions and felt that at any given moment he would break down into tears which wouldn't be the worst thing as of now, but for the sake of his dignity. Theos shushed Terra, by gently placing one paw on his stomach and gesturing him to kneel down."Look at me Terra, everything will be fine. There is no need to question the outcome from your present, though if you want to know the real reason to why you question it is because your curiosity peaks. Which is to be expected from a boy your age. That's where all of this constant doubt originates from."

Theos spoke in a wise tone, which was rather soothing to Terra though it didn't seem to give him the answer he so desperately desired. He held his head low and let his white hair fall and dangle to shadow his baby blue eyes."Thanks Theos...but my curiosity isn't the reason why I question Destiny..." His remark was brief and held a cold tone towards the alpha and made his ears and tail fall and cause him to shudder on the inside."Terra..." Theos was speechless, he had no counter claim for Terra and as a result felt that he has lost this argument. He quickly brought up another topic in an enthusiastic tone. "We should listen up for any important information a Guild Official will give us. We'll need it." Terra had stood up and looked back to the sign-up desk where two others he hadn't noticed before, who had just recently signed up, stood awaiting any news on new members joining.



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As Alli left his shoulders and passed the guard nearest to them, Daedalus stared into the eyes of the guard attacking him. The sword he had in his left hand quickly rose to impact with the guards swiping blade, this caused a loud clanging noise from the metals colliding. The paladin continued to glare into the guards eyes as the punch he threw struck Daedalus's throat, his head only budging slightly as he took the blow with little effect. The guard was slightly surprised at the fact that his punch was ill effective. Daedalus stepped forward while still maintaining the intense stare down, the guard swallowing the pit in his throat.

The paladin simply replied with a quick and forceful right hook of his own which landed square on the side of the head of the guard. This was quickly followed by Daedalus dropping the blade he had in his left hand and quickly throwing another hook which rocked the jaw of the guard before him. A step forward followed by a hard right knee made the guard bend forward, with another right elbow aimed straight at the back of his head sent him to the ground unconscious. The paladin would avoid killing unless it was completely unnecessary. This trait was something he stuck to as he would not be the judge of who's life gets taken away if his wasn't in danger.

Although, Daedalus admired the quick and decisive kill executed by the pheonix before him. He walked forward and smiled casually, as he reached for the key ring he kept with him from the first guard. After some fiddling around with several different keys he finally found the one that unlocked the door to the outside of the prison. It was very possible that there would be more guards on the outside, but the sunlight coming through the cracks of the door indicated this led outside. The paladin looked back at the graceful avian behind him and looked into her eyes,

"When I open this door I want you to fly away. You're free now." He said with a light hearted and friendly tone of voice. Though he did not show it, he was not certain if he would be able to escape. This city was large and there were probably going to be many guards in between him and freedom. It would be a tough fight to get out and it was one he was ready for. While he looked into her eyes he felt strong, he felt like he could fly himself. For some odd reason, she gave him the courage to face this challenge. @Anaxileah


Alli let out a sad caw at Daedalus once he finished knocking the other guard unconscious, regretting having to leave his side, but she couldn't do much to help him while she was in phoenix form. Once the door opened behind Dae and the sunlight flooded in, the Phoenix spread her wings, bathing in the sunlight that spread upon her. Her wings looked as if they were on fire in the sun, and she took flight, allowing her wings to bring her up into the air.

Alli flew over the city, letting out a cry a she spread her large wings, now aflame as she flew across the sky. Undoubtedly she gained the attention of guards and the citizens, but that was intended, so that Dae would have an easier chance in escaping. The phoenix then dove into the city, her goodness going out as she dove with intense speed, aiming for the spot she hid her armor and weapons in. One moment she was in the sky and on fire, the next she disappeared from everyone's view and landed in the shadows. Her armor was where she left it, so she began to Change. It took five minutes and left her sweaty and in pain, but she managed to transform back into her human form.
I need to get to Dae! Alli thought to herself with a sense of urgency that got her into her armor faster than she had before, neglecting the wound bleeding profusely from her arm, and on her way to the prison, avoiding guards and citizens on the way by any means necessary (which may or may not have included running across rooftops). Soon enough she reached the prison, which now had about five guards present. She jumped down from the rooftop she was on with a shout and landed on top of a guard, bringing him down with her in a not-so-graceful manner.

She only has her sword and shield with her, but that should help Dae enough. She grabbed her sword from where it fell on the ground beside her and rolled off of the guard she landed on and knocked unconscious, standing up beside Dae. Her arm was bleeding still, but her armor covered most of the wound so that it wasn't too noticeable.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: Determined/In Pain Location: Outside the Prison



{Time: Early Morning} | {Overview: Beginning The Day With Goodbye} | {Place: Peaceful Skyshard Forest Near Elven Village}
The great beast looked down on the dark-skinned girl, seeming worrisome and hyper. "Sylvie, dear, shouldn't you bring more than that?" The beast drew close to the girl, its round pupil-less golden eyes giving her the run down. "Didn't one of the elf-folk give you a nice human dress to wear? Must you wear those ragged clothes Owl gave you?" The clothes the beast referred to were a pretty white color but torn around the edges and seemingly old fashioned. Sylvester had made alterations over the years and preferred them. After all, they had been with her since her childhood days. Sylvester smiled and reached up to touch the beast's nose. It's long white fur was soft here and she stroked it gently. "Mama, I told you I like this dress. Owl may be eccentric but it does suit me." She replied gently. Her bright green eyes showed her affection towards the great big guardian of the forest. Here in Skyshard, where there were no huge societies like in Landfall, sometimes beasts of old became the rulers of certain domains. For the medium size forest Sylvester lived in, Guardian as most of the other denizens aptly named her mama, ruled and protected the land.

"I suppose. What of your friends? Is anyone going with you? I don't want you going down alone to that corrupted place. Owl said-" Sylvester raised a hand to stop the beast from rambling on,
"Ma, I will be fine. I can speak the language perfectly and I have my staff. I will be okay. Plus, you know that Skyshards' creatures don't fit in Landfall. You taught me that didn't you?" Sylvester smiled then began in a gruff monotone voice, "The forest creatures don't belong in human cities. They can't speak like you or I do and they get mistreated. Shame on-" Sylvester stopped as the beast blew a huge big breath and returned the favor. "When did you become such a sassy child?" Guardian spoke sarcastically. Sylvester sighed and moved in to hug the beasts chest. Even though Sylvester could only hold as section of its fur because of Guardians size, the sentiment was well-intended and Guardian moved a paw to gently hold her back. "I love you Mama, thank you for raising me. I promise I'll come back. I just want to see the world my mother would have shown me." Sylvester stepped back with those words. Guardian replied, "I know. I never meant to keep you tied to this place for this long already. Go, see the world and when you come back things will be as they should. Owl is waiting for you near the village entrance."

{Time: Afternoon to Evening} | {Overview: Departure and Arrival} | {Place: From Skyshard to the Skies over Landfall, Dunheim}

Sylvester clung to the neck feathers of Owl's back. After saying goodbye to the mages who helped her with her magic in the village and saying goodbye to the Guardians goofy son who she had grown up with, she boarded Owl's back and got on her way. Owl, Papa as she was made to call the old Fae bird, flew silently threw the skies and they descended upon Landfall. Adrenaline raced through her system, making her heart flutter. When she could take no more she yelled over the wind.
"Papa, what if the humans find my eyes strange? What if I misspeak?" Sylvester worried. Owl turned his head and looked upon the brown teenager. "You doubt yourself? Hooow uncharacteristic of you." He hooted. Sylvester sighed and nodded even though she didn't want to agree. "I know. But, is it normal for creatures such as myself to feel like this when confronted with new places? This fluttering in my chest like the beat of your wings?" She questioned. Owl was quiet for a moment before replying. "I believe so. The heart can be a feeble thing. So, that is why you have to will it to be strong. Whhooo can say if all creatures feel the same but trust in your own instincts."

The rest of the journey was quiet. When they came through the cloud cover and burst upon sight of the fields and large masses that she had learned about, a feeling of admiration came upon her.
"Wow!" she exclaimed with a wide smile. "Mama was right about the creatures below being good at building. Look at that!" She pointed towards a large city that covered most of the area. Smoke rose from the building and an inquisitive Sylvester asked, "Owl, why do they need so many forges? What do they need all that fire for?" Her green eyes widened as Owl tilted and circled the city from a distance. "No, thoooose are not forges. I can hear the wishes of thoose who seek salvation like your mother did. It is appropriate to assume the city is under attack. From whoo, I am not sure." Owl informed. Sylvester's mood fell and she gazed down at the city, searching the quarters for an assailant. From there in the sky, she could see most of the big picture details and now that she knew those weren't forge fires, she noticed a larger fire near a certain area. There, she could see faintly what looked like the flames moving and being controlled but she couldn't make out why or how. "You shouldn't get involved. I will take you to the outer walls, from there you can go where you please but please listen. Guardian will tear my wings apart if you don't come back." Owl's head swiveled until she could see his whole face. His perfectly circular red eyes that easily were bigger than her outspread hand peered into hers. "Yes, Papa. I understand what you mean." She responded quietly.

Minutes later Owl landed in the cover of a patch of forest. It's giant wings stirred the leaves and she slipped from his back to land on the soft earth. She glanced about and checked her satchel before stepping around to face Owl.
"Papa, thank you. If you hadn't of been so hard on Mama, I might not have been able to come here." She thanked him. Owl seemed to stare at her but she knew he was only listening to things that she couldn't hear. "You are already becoming older, as much as you are still a babe in our eyes, we must not keep you from learning about this world. Fate is a path that you must travel down yourself." Owl ushered her to his breast with his wings to hug her one last time. Sylvester returned his hug and when he unfurled his wings, she stepped back. Owl plucked three of his feathers and placed them in her hands. "Take these. When you go to return to us, wish upon these. I will surely hear you. Don't lose them." Owl paused once. "I do not know what love and hate are, feelings such as these are lost to me after so long but I know that you are precious to me. You are my daughter even though I have no children. Come back soon." With that, Owl took off towards the skies and his form was lost to the clouds. Sylvester waited until she could see him no more and then turned towards the forest. Since the city was ablaze, she was unsure where to start. First, she figured it would be good to gather resources. "A map.." She mumbled. That would serve her well. She started towards the direction of a farmhouse she had seen from above. The creatures living there might perhaps have some kind of map for her to use.

As the door opened and the great phoenix flied away Daedalus looked at the 5-6 awestruck guards as they stared up at the sky. Unfortunately he didn't have enough time to admire the grace that emanated from the flying fire which was in bird form. Though he did take a moment to look up and it filled him with a warm feeling. Almost instinctively he walked to the right as he saw a guard which was not looking at him. In fact, none of the guards were looking at him at all. This distraction was to be utilized to its fullest extent as the paladin darted to the right and behind the wall of what looked like guard barracks or something. He took off his shirt as it was stained and ragged and reminded him of when he was poor. He threw the shirt onto the ground and moved silently over to the closest singled out guard. The man was staring up at the sky, using his hand to cover his eyes from the bright sun.

At this point he would see no more sun, as Daedalus delivered a quick and decisive blow to the back of his head. This sent the man forward in an unconscious state, only to be dragged behind the same building Daedalus was just behind. With haste the paladin removed what armor he could from the guard, though the plate body proved to be too much of a hassle as he was limited for time. So there he was, two blades in hand with no shirt on, wearing the slightly armored leggings of a City of Heroes guard. He stood up and approached the larger courtyard, as the guards spoke amongst themselves. One guard looked over and stopped mid sentence, and curiously stared at Daedalus.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" He exclaimed as the shirtless and sweaty paladin stared at him with two blades in hand. At this point, luckily, one guard had an armored woman drop onto him and this caused quite the panic amongst the guards. Her golden-red hair flowed in the wind majestically. Her movements were familiar, and she was obviously very skilled at what she was doing. As she arose from her role and stood next to him, he could come up with no words besides to smile.

"M'lady." He said with a smirk to follow, his eyes looking over to hers. It seems that instead of him having to find her it was she that found him. This day seemed to get better and better from how it started. The paladin took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. He would stand here without saying a word and simply enjoy the moment forever. Unfortunately, the guards felt like doing no such thing. Without allowing the two to even have a formal greeting, one attacked haphazardly towards the two. He swung his sword like a wild man, slashing downward at Daedalus, and other guards followed attacking both Alli and Daedalus at the same time. The paladin raised both swords in an X shape, stopping the blade of the first guard. A swift and violent front kick to the chest sent the man backward onto his back. His sword flew a couple of feet away and he looked back at it, but before he could make a run for it it was time to die. Two blades which were once wielded by guards of the same uniform as this one, impaled the man in the stomach and chest. Daedalus then withdrew the blades from the man's body, as it was time for more.



Alli gazed up at Daedalus, momentarily distracted by his lack of a shirt. He was quite muscular, which was expected after several years of training in the Silver Legion, but sometimes it still shocked her and made her heart skip a beat. He smirked at her, giving her his usual greeting, referring to her as "m'lady." She stuck her tongue out at him, then turned to look at the guard that approached her, snarling as he thrust his sword towards her, aiming for her side. She dodged the attack so that it didn't penetrate the desired location, but it sliced her side, angering her further. Her yellow eyes, the same color as they were in phoenix form flashed red in her anger, and she swung around, her sword in her right hand as it cut into the man's arm, hitting bone. She didn't dare allow it to go further, not as willing to kill as she was when she was in her bird form, so when the guard yelled out in pain from the sword cutting between the pieces of his armor and into his flesh, she slammed her shield into his head, knocking him unconscious.

Alli returned beside Daedalus, noticing that he had killed the guard. The wound in her side was shallow, but still dripped blood onto her silver colored armor. "You killed him?" She asked incredulously, then recalled the soldier whose neck she dug her beak into and shook her head. "Never mind that. Where are your things? Your armor and your sword?" She asked before another soldier neared her, clashing his sword against hers. There were only two more, and the other one being slightly larger than the others. He approached Dae cautiously, appearing to be smarter than the others. Dae had two swords, the guard only had one, up until he grabbed one of the swords of his fallen allies. He looked between Alli and Dae, deeming Daedalus as the bigger threat, and advanced upon him, swinging one sword towards the paladin's abdomen and the other towards his arm, making sure to be prepared for any attempts at a block.

"You aren't going to find your shit, you traitors! We've confiscated them and are going through them in the barracks right now to find out who sent you two!" The guard fighting Alli yelled, clashing swords with her once more. She smirked at him, mentally thanking him for the information he just gave them, then swung around once more, spiraling with her blade so that it went through a weak spot in the armor covering his neck, lodging itself in his neck, killing him. Her spiral was similar to the one she did as a phoenix, since it was like her own signature move. Once he was dead, Alli used her foot to dislodge her sword from the guard's neck, and she looked at Dae, waiting for him to finish up with his own opponent. Her eyes changed back from red to yellow, and her side was oozing blood, as well as the deeper cut on her arm that she received earlier. She held her arm behind her to hide the blood, her eyes flicking between Daedalus and the larger soldier they were up against. Since they were just outside the prison not many people were present, and those that were left the area so as to avoid being injured.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: In Pain/Determined Location: Just Outside the Prison

Okay I have not read all the posts because once again after a very long time we have an active group, but I will be posting for Shimikage because I forgot to do that other.//

@Shimakage Thunder // Aerith nodded quickly, obviously being able to tell that pregnancy has taken it's tool on this woman, plus all the walking around that she had been doing, not all were blessed with astral magic, being able to create rifts from one place to another, in fact it was seen as a blessing since only godly beings have had this power. Still though it was incredibly taxing doing this when moving organic material, and impossible to move other living creatures, thus why he is walking right now instead of warping to a safe place to rest. He goes under her shoulder and uses his back to help alleviate some of the extra weight she is carrying, and leads her to what the Ares elves call dens. Small underground safe havens, resembling a rabbits den, only large enough for the elves, and most other sentient beings. The walk is only about ten more minutes, but the location is so well hidden that it's no wonder anyone else would have an impossible time finding it without pre-disclosed information.

He removes scrap wood and leaves from a small hole in the ground, and then he slides down it showing Isabella what she would have to do through example. When she does she would be able to find the entire rooms were made from the earth, carved out expertly by animals under the influence of the Ares elves species. There would be a warm fire in the centre of the room for warmth and cooking, even though warmth was in abundance as the earthen walls trapped in all the heat, so the den felt more akin to a sauna.
Aradin chuckles to himself, the sheer power of this fight was insane. He planted himself into cover, drawing two arrows and notching them onto his bow. "Damn, I don't know who the Orc is, but she seems to be on our side.." He thought to himself as he pulled the string back. Hopefully, Sab'Haal knew where he was and would direct his magic away from him.

He lets go of the bow string, the two arrows flying toward his enemies. Hopefully he got the jump on them. He comes out of hiding, with his blade, and sneaks up on the Lightning Mage, and attempts to stab the wizard before he notices Aradin come close. "Money Money Money, Here I come!"

@Pr0t0typ3str @Mister Veeeee
"Good question." Daedalus responded to Alli as he had no clue where any of his things were. Though that question was answered rather quickly by the idiot of a guard fighting Alli. This entire time Daedalus was focused on fighting, his breathing was controlled and steady. As the larger guard approached him he looked into the giant's eyes with determination. The dual sword attack was trickier to block than the average swipe. So instead of trying to get into a close confrontation he threw the sword he held in his right hand towards the guard, this caused the man to deflect the thrown object using his swords. In the same motion he rolled backwards and created a slight distance in between him and the guard.

For a split second unfortunately, Daedalus caught himself thinking about the good old days of how him and Alli used to train together while in the Silver Legion. This was not helped by the fact that the girl he spent so much time with was watching him fight. He glanced over quickly towards Alli as he could see the cut that she had on her side, the red color of blood and he found himself distracted at the wrong time. Before he knew it there was the edge of a longsword moving through the air towards his face. Instinctively he arched his back and leaned backwards, luckily enough to not get his head cut completely off. The blade began its slice from the top of his left cheek and ended right under his bottom lip. The wound was fairly shallow but it stung like nothing else. This leaning backward meant Daedalus was off balance, and the guard took advantage of that fact by swiping with the other blade.

At this point there was too much distance between Alli and the two fighters that she would not be able to interfere, so it was time to make bold moves. He raised his right hand and stopped the blade with his bare open palm. It did not have the force to chop the hand clean off but it lodged in between his index and middle finger, cutting down about an inch. The blade stopped and the guard looked at Daedalus with almost slight confusion, as the paladin quickly dropped on one knee and lunged his blade toward the Guard's stomach. The attack was successful, though it was not the end of it...

The guard spit out blood all over Daedalus's face, this caused him to squint his eyes. Then with the last bit of strength the dying man had he rasied his right hand's blade and swung down towards the paladin's neck. This attack too would be dodged but only narrowly. Leaning to the right into a roll the blade skidded along the bare shoulder of Daedalus's left arm. It took some skin off and cut his elbow a bit but it was better than losing an arm. This roll was accompanied by a twisting of the blade that was in the guard's stomach. Violently he grunted as he fell forward, Daedalus letting the blade go and as the man's weight pushed down onto it, the blade went deeper in. It was ugly, and it was messy. Though, it got the job done. Daedalus was on his knees and breathing deeply, fists into the ground as he looked back up towards Alli. His eyes showed a glimmer of certainty however, as he would not show the woman any weakness when they both needed to be strong. He simply smiled, as if nothing had happened. Though this time the smile was a bit tired, and he quickly winced in pain of his bleeding hand.

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Roxii Sicarius

The blind Lythari listened intently to Ether's explanation of darkness and the various uses it has. His miniature lecture about darkness included information that she already knew, though he worded it in a way that made more sense to her. She knew most of it, but in the sense that she knew the concept of it but never applied a definition or explanation to it.

Roxii almost furrowed her brow at the mention of "merging with darkness", but the sharp pain that accompanied the movement deterred her from doing so. Still, the concept was one that she had never considered nor heard of. The wolf-elf had always referred to the shadows as an
extension of herself; not as something that was an embodiment of herself. And the fact that Ether intended to teach her how to accomplish this feat made the assassin all the more anxious yet intrigued.

She involuntarily tensed as she heard Ether approach but refrained from keeping the distance between them; he meant no harm. She hoped. The wolf considered his words as he explained what he was about to do, then waited in the darkness of her blindness for what he talked about. It didn't take long before she felt something touch her aura—Ether, no doubt, given the familiarity of his soul essence. It was a feeling she wasn't too accustomed to, so it felt a bit unusual; similar to feathers being brushed over one's skin in a delicate fashion. A shiver trailed down her spine at the uncomfortable sensation, but she maintained the contact nonetheless.

The blind assassin followed suit as Ether silently demonstrated the "merge", concentrating carefully so as not to fail on her first try. (Failure was—and is—never an option for the assassin.) It took longer than Ether given that he had more experience with the art, but Roxii finally allowed herself to coalesce with the surrounding shadows. Not only that, but she followed the necromancer's method of drawing upon the energies of the Shadow Realm—or the Void, he liked to call it. The experience was one that slightly overwhelmed her, both with excitement and a sort of fear. Because of this, the elf held herself back from using her full potential. She could see her surroundings to the same boundaries that Ether had set, careful not to tread any further, but the details weren't as defined as they could be.

However, this resistance didn't last for long as she opened up a bit. The details began to become more defined, and she turned, gazing at the two shadow users' surroundings. It still held the same appearance as to when she personally walked in the Shadow Realm—a deep contrast between black and white with a tinge of blood red—, but the fuzziness wasn't there and her senses weren't as acute. To think that she'd never see the world as it is anymore, with its various hues and vibrance. It was never something she valued beforehand, but perhaps one never does value what they have until it's gone.

Roxii faltered for a moment, and she dropped the fusion with the shadows. There was an unusual energy emanating from the direction of the villa building she had left from. It was an interesting sort of energy; one that the wolf-elf had never encountered before. She tilted her head slightly as her ears perked up in curiosity, but she had lost touch with the darkness so she didn't know what it was. "
What is that?" the blind Lythari inquired.


@shadowz1995 | @Morgrim (Somewhat)
Mood: Neutral Excited/Fearful Curious
Location: Monk Villa, Courtyard

((I'm glad you remembered me though))

When Aerith went under her shoulder and supported her standing, Isabella was able to breath a sigh of relief. The baby was indeed heavy, but it seemed that the elf was able to recognize that. When they made it to what seemed to be a Den, a smile came on her face, which meant that she could now have some time to catch her breath and rest after spending quite a bit of time being cornered by bandits left and right. "I hate to be impolite, and I really appreciate the safe haven you're providing for me, but there wouldn't happen to be a bed around here, would there?" She asked while they were relaxing by a warm fire.

Gently caressing her belly to ease the pain before holding it to alleviate the aching in both her lower abdomen and her lower back, which seemed to get the worst of it due to the weight of the baby pulling her spine inwards.



"Geez, Dae, try not to kill yourself, okay? I don't want to have to be there to save your butt every time you're hurt." Alli teased, helping Dae up by pulling on his other arm, allowing her entire body weight to aid her in lifting the six foot tall man from his knees on the ground. Once she helped him up, she looked around, blood trickling from her wounds. "The barracks should be empty as of right now, since it's around noontime as of this moment." Alli looked up at the sky before looking back at Dae, his slender face gazing at hers. His eyes were a most peaceful blue, like the calmness of the ocean washing over her, or the bright blue sky on a warm sunny day. Alli blinked, realizing she had been staring, and blushed, looking towards the barracks once more.

"We can go in there, get your things, you can change while I guard outside, and then we can get out of here. Sound good?" She asked him, already heading towards the barracks. She had no idea where the guards were, only hoping that they were out eating lunch or guarding other locations like she assumed. Her red-gold hair shimmered in the sunlight, looking as if it were on fire, similar to the feathers of the phoenix. Her hair tickled her back, causing her to twitch, which made her injured side hurt, while her arm was already throbbing in pain. The blood on her arm and side were both now clearly visible, but her arm hadn't been hit during her fights, so it should be strange to Dae, but that didn't occur to her as she neared the barracks door.

As Alli walked, she thought about Dae, the very blond who stood a couple feet behind her. They were both hurt and had nothing to bring with them on whatever journey they made out of the city, which would also prove to be difficult, since the city was closed off to outsiders at that moment. Perhaps there would be a shipment of goods arriving as they left? It was a long shot, but it was all they'd get. On the way out of the city Alli would try to steal things for them, or maybe steal money to get said things for them. Clothes, food, and medical supplies - which could also be in the barracks. Alli looked back at Daedalus, raising a long, slender, eyebrow at him and asked, "You comin'?"

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: In Pain/Eager to Leave Location: Outside Prison and Barracks

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The paladin accepted her help to his feet and he let out a deep sigh, looking her in the eyes as she stood before him. "I'll make sure to only let him hit me once next time." Daedalus retorted jokingly as he winked at Alli. He chuckled lightly and it made the stinging of his hand go a way. The woman sure knew how to make him laugh despite a time like this. He nodded to her next question as he made his way towards the barracks. It was going to be awkward to ask but he just realized he couldn't move the fingers on his right hand very well. Praying that it wasn't going to be permanent he opened the door to the barracks with his left uninjured hand and walked in.

Hastily he looked around and luckily his supplies were laid out across a table as it was being examined by guards prior to them ending their shift early. He decided he would simply grab his gloves and boots and put them in a small satchel pouch he had. Painfully he tied the satchel around his waist, grabbing his shirt and putting it over his head. Clumsily he began to put it on backwards and ended up with the laces on the back in place of the front, this would be clearly visible to Alli. After finishing gearing up he lifted his blade up. The glimmering runes on the metal relieved the stinging sensation which he had in his hand. It also filled him with a sense of relief as he felt more at ease when he had his sword.

The barrack door opened and the sweaty and beat up paladin exited out. His eyes reflecting the sunlight as he looked at Alli's hair. It was a shame that they were pressed for time as he could admire it all day. The paladin sheathed his holy blade and walked up to Alli. He had an idea which would make it easier for them to walk through the city without looking suspect. Using his left arm he held it out towards Alli in the fashion a man arriving with a woman to a party would hold her hand. His elbow stuck out and his arm was bent, signaling for her to put her arm through and they could walk as a couple that didn't look like they just killed a dozen guards on duty.

"Shall we?" He asked, noticing the blood on her hand. This sight made him slightly uneasy though he refused to show it. "We should get somewhere safe and get some bandages as well." Thje paladin said as he would walk forward with Alli if she gave him his hand. @Anaxileah
Javax said:
Roxii SicariusThe blind Lythari listened intently to Ether's explanation of darkness and the various uses it has. His miniature lecture about darkness included information that she already knew, though he worded it in a way that made more sense to her. She knew most of it, but in the sense that she knew the concept of it but never applied a definition or explanation to it.

Roxii almost furrowed her brow at the mention of "merging with darkness", but the sharp pain that accompanied the movement deterred her from doing so. Still, the concept was one that she had never considered nor heard of. The wolf-elf had always referred to the shadows as an
extension of herself; not as something that was an embodiment of herself. And the fact that Ether intended to teach her how to accomplish this feat made the assassin all the more anxious yet intrigued.

She involuntarily tensed as she heard Ether approach but refrained from keeping the distance between them; he meant no harm. She hoped. The wolf considered his words as he explained what he was about to do, then waited in the darkness of her blindness for what he talked about. It didn't take long before she felt something touch her aura—Ether, no doubt, given the familiarity of his soul essence. It was a feeling she wasn't too accustomed to, so it felt a bit unusual; similar to feathers being brushed over one's skin in a delicate fashion. A shiver trailed down her spine at the uncomfortable sensation, but she maintained the contact nonetheless.

The blind assassin followed suit as Ether silently demonstrated the "merge", concentrating carefully so as not to fail on her first try. (Failure was—and is—never an option for the assassin.) It took longer than Ether given that he had more experience with the art, but Roxii finally allowed herself to coalesce with the surrounding shadows. Not only that, but she followed the necromancer's method of drawing upon the energies of the Shadow Realm—or the Void, he liked to call it. The experience was one that slightly overwhelmed her, both with excitement and a sort of fear. Because of this, the elf held herself back from using her full potential. She could see her surroundings to the same boundaries that Ether had set, careful not to tread any further, but the details weren't as defined as they could be.

However, this resistance didn't last for long as she opened up a bit. The details began to become more defined, and she turned, gazing at the two shadow users' surroundings. It still held the same appearance as to when she personally walked in the Shadow Realm—a deep contrast between black and white with a tinge of blood red—, but the fuzziness wasn't there and her senses weren't as acute. To think that she'd never see the world as it is anymore, with its various hues and vibrance. It was never something she valued beforehand, but perhaps one never does value what they have until it's gone.

Roxii faltered for a moment, and she dropped the fusion with the shadows. There was an unusual energy emanating from the direction of the villa building she had left from. It was an interesting sort of energy; one that the wolf-elf had never encountered before. She tilted her head slightly as her ears perked up in curiosity, but she had lost touch with the darkness so she didn't know what it was. "
What is that?" the blind Lythari inquired.

Tag: @HoneyBear-Kat

@Federoff @Anyone I missed



Alli grinned at Dae, not noticing any of his uneasiness with her wounds. She watched him enter the barracks and let the door close behind him, her back to it so that she could keep guard. No one was nearby...perhaps a festival was occurring? Alli took the opportunity to hide the bodies of the guards in nearby bushes, avoiding any possible interactions with any passerby. Once she finished, Daedalus exited the barracks, his top on backwards and his sword sheathed. He looked relatively normal, except for the wounds and backwards shirt. Alli frowned and raised an eyebrow at him before opening her mouth to speak.

"You do know that's backwards, right?" She asked, a hand placed on her armored hip. She walked towards him, reaching up to wipe the small stream of blood coming from his fresh wound. "This is going to scar..." She murmured, but noticed the wound was already beginning to heal, starting to form a scab on his light, gold-colored, skin. She smiled before turning from him to face the barracks. "Maybe we can find some money here, as well as medical supplies." Alli spoke as she opened the door, wrinkling her nose at the smell that radiated from the barracks. "Gods, it reeks in here. Smells just like home." Alli snorted and then began searching through the different cubbies owned by the different guards, searching for coin. "Check for bandages, will ya? We want to hurry and get out of here as soon a possible." Alli asked, rummaging through the guards' belongings.

Tag: @Pr0t0typ3str Mood: Eager/In Pain Location: Barracks


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