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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Bane smirked amused, so the elf had some skill, or maybe it was just the dragon he had, and in fact the elf could have been a total pussy when it came to fighting, either way he was defended, and he would be to eager to be bitten with some venomous concoction from a dragon. Reptiles always had the nastiest poisons. "All right, lead on then if you know the way out, I'm dying to get a drink of that gold dew mead. I hear the stuff is heavenly." He licked his lips in thought revealing a pointed tongue, and several sharp looking teeth. He followed Vance keeping his eyes on him, he wouldn't trust the thief for as long as he lived, he liked his possessions, and any one who would take them would have their head removed.

The pathway though was the correct one, as they were all ready close to the exit to begin with. Petty crimes like drunken brawls and stealing cutlery were not considered a huge priority. With only a few minutes they would be in the central processing building, which would lead right to the exit and into the city where they would be free. As soon as Bane recognized this he would start right off into a sprint and kick his way through the front door sending it shattering in a dozen different pieces. "Hurry up numbnuts, I don't want to be slacking because of you two trying to admire the scenery." @GingerBread @Coal
Innocence noticed that the cat woman was a little tense, especially with the way her fur was standing up on it's ends, and how she seemed awfully defensive for no reason, especially to a woman that seemed as innocent as himself. He then jumped up from behind the cat woman and wrapped his arms around her, making a gurgling squee noise. "Hugs and love.... My friend...." He was completely clueless to the fact though that this cat would absolutely hate him for it, but it was not a deep concern of his at the moment.


Morgrim noticed the faery girl had returned, and he gave a small suppressed smile. "Good to see you have returned, it is time for us to leave now, I hope you have everything that you need." He waved to the barmaiden werewolf, and laid down a small coin purse for her. Morgrim travelled slowly so that Sibil wouldn't fall down, that and he enjoyed taking things slowly.

"So tell me Sibil, what are you hopes for the future, I mean you must want to do more then just travel with me. You must want to see or do some things aside from what I have on my agenda." He stopped just in front of the veil around the town, a mass of black magic keeping the town in a state of permanent stasis of darkness for all the night dwelling creatures. With a breath he passing through, feeling the raw unrefined force of the magic passing through his body as he passed through it. The he heading along the path of the spider crossroad.

Vance followed after Bane after he'd kicked the door down "Tch, such a lack of anything resembling intelligence" Vance muttered as he looked Bane over, seeing if he would have anything worth stealing. Vance didn't really find anything worth stealing from him, right now anyways. "So i take it we're heading to get inebriated" He stated, liking the idea of being around inebriated people as they were normally easy to steal off of, like taking candy from a particularly stupid infant.

@Morgrim @Coal
Yule followed after the two slowly. For all he knew as soon as they got outside they might do something, like steal Nie or whatever people like them did. They could try all they wanted; Nie was permanently affixed to him, body and soul. She had explained their bond a few years back. If he died she would no longer be attached to the mortal world. That was rather interesting, Yule thought. Nie apparently was some sort of guardian spirit. Sge still wouldn't tell him why she was given to him, and whenever he tried to talk about it she put him to sleep. "There is a lot of danger out there." Nie said quietly. "Probably, we're with these two dolts." Yule replied with a chuckle, but the dragon hissed. "There are more people out there, and some are worse than our companions." Nie started shrinking slowly, and Yule gave her a frown. "Don't revert in your other form, I'll need your help Nie." Yule said, but Nie shook her head. "You'll get too much attention, and I sense attention out there is bad." She finally turned into a golden ring, which Yule slipped onto his index finger before hurrying up to catch the two men.

@GingerBread @Morgrim
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((So... Let's just say a certain Khajiit were to claw a certain shadow-person-thing, would her paw just pass right though him or would it make contact? @Morgrim ))
(Ewwww!!! Coal just fingered a dragon!)

Bane skipped merrily along the streets taking in long whiffs of the.... well the semi fresh air. I mean it was actually quite thin given how far they were underground. The city of heroes being one of the farthest reaching cities in the entirety of the Core. It wasn't hard to find a tavern in the place, there was one every ten buildings or so or would be brew masters of the dwarvern race. Though the drunken dragon tavern is the real prize that bane was after, famous for it's golden dew mead. "Come on you two dimwits, it's time to get our drink on!"

Two guards were passing by, and you can guess what happened... they were some damn stupid and unpaid that they were completely oblivious to the fact these three had escaped the prison after taking on a small platoon of guards with minimal effort. So the two guards walked on by and Bane just laughed with a huge grin on his face. Not a single thing was going to stop him from getting his drink he craved for over four months. So he walked on into the bar and ordered up three of the drinks.

@Coal @GingerBread

(It would make contact, but he is made of ink right now, he has no pain centre, nor an actual brain to allow him to feel such pain. Still though the cat doesn't know that.)

Vance Followed Bane into the tavern, taking note of all the inebriated inhabitants Like i said, Stealing from drunkards with be just too easy Vance thought as he walked over next to Bane "Do you even have any coin to pay for those?" He asked with a grin plastered on his face, not remembering Bane or the other boy taking anything out of the chests. Vance decided to get a drink and got some Ale, taking a small sip as he paid the Bartender.

Vance Decided to study the crowd that was in the Tavern, his eyes quickly scanning the crowd and picking out a 3 or 4 people who might have some decent stuff worth selling on them and they were Inebriated as well, so that would make things much easier. Vance grabbed his drink as he continued to scan the crowd, taking leisurely sips every now and then.

@Coal @Morgrim
"See something you like mate?" He noticed Vance scanning the crowd of people, and a knowing smirk was plastered on his lips as he filled his belly with one of the sweetest most divine tasting drinks, and not to mention one of the most expensive given how it was a gold coin for a single mug, while most other mugs were only 2 or 3 silver coins in price. "Why don't you look at something really amazing, like these damn pecs I worked so hard on." He said with a laugh, balling his hand into a fist and pounding his chest once. Given his comedic nature he truly did have amazing abs as far as people down in the Core go, which is quite a statement since a quarter of the population were trained and experienced blacksmiths. "And don't worry how I will pay, I got my methods one way or another." What the hell did he mean by that, would probably be a reasonable thought. "What about you elf, what are you going to drink? I imagine it would take a lot to get you drunk considered your species amazing metabolism. I mean do you even have to exercise to get those muscles of yours?" Now that was odd, he went from insulting the boy not long ago to complimenting him.

@Coal @GingerBread
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((lol @Morgrim ))

Yule was in awe at the bustle of the city, and even the dark tavern that had a certain smoky smell to it. Men were shouting and drinking, not caring if it got on their clothes or other people. He faintly heard one of the men talking to him, and it took a moment to process it.

"Drink? Me? Uh.." Yule studied what the man was drinking, at it was utterly foreign to him. The only drinks Yule was aware of was water and juice made from the forest berried in his home city, and that was 900 years ago. He was about to ask for some water until he remembered who he was in company with. Water would further damage the way he was seen by these two. Instead, he turned to who seemed to be the owner,

"Sir, may I ask what is your strongest beverage?" Yule said over the ruckus of the tavern. The portly man raised an eyebrow at that, but grabbed a mug and began mixing different drinks before smacking it on the table before him. "This is 2 gold pieces boy. The Drunken Dragon Fireball. You better have the money." The man said gruffly. Yule simply laid out a diamond the size of a fingernail, and the man quickly snatched it up.

"All drinks after that are paid for young man." The owner said with a wink before shuffling off, presumably putting it in a safer place. Cole had found a lot of precious gems in the Core due to his powers, and apparently they still had worth. Yule picked up the drink and with one swig drained it. It had a nice bite to it, but at the same time was rather sweet.

He turned to the men accompanying him, and grinned, foam clinging to his upper lip.

"I haven't had something this great in 900 years!" Yule quickly waved at the man to refill his drink.

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Vance noticed the boy Pay for his drink with a diamond "Drink up" Vance cheered as he took another swig of his Ale, knowing that once the boy was drunk enough it would be easy to steal from him Stupid child This'll be too easy, Though elves generally take longer to get drunk, he's still naive as well Vance thought before he caught a nicely sized sack of coin, The man looked drunker than any normal person should be able to get Bingo Vance thought as he began to approach the man

When Vance got close enough he stepped into a nearby shadow, becoming invisible before quickly swiping the man's coin without anyone noticing and making his Way back to the bar
"I'll have a glass of milk" Vance told the bar attendant, before turning around and noticing he was getting a weird look "Do you not have milk?" Vance asked, raising an eyebrow at the man. All Vance got in response was a dumbfounded shake of the head "Shame, I'll have water then please" Vance told him throwing him a couple of Silver pieces, not caring that he was probably over paying, it wasn't his money after all. Vance smiled as he got his glass of water If i want to rob these idiots blind then i'm going to have to stay sober Vance thought as he took a large sip of the water.

@Morgrim @Coal
Bane was drinking up, mug after mug being refilled in and endless cycle as his belly literally starts to round out and distend, only a little, but still noticeably. He pats his belly shamelessly and let's out a bestial belch the like of which even dwarves don't have the alcoholic capacity to store and unleash in one audible noise. "Ahhhh, that was simple amazing! So what's my bill come to." The bartender had been keeping a tally on bane to see how many drinks he had had, and it came to over 12 mugs in all, meaning twelve solid gold coins that needed to be given to the stout man. But as my man Bane had stated he had a plan. So he politely grabbed the receipt from the man and shoved it in Vances mouth as he opened up for a drink of water, and he jumped from his seat.

"Good day Barkeep, my good friend Vance there will pay the bill!" He ran out the door laughing. After all the thief to act first usually comes away with all the gold, and Vance was simply more impatient and devious. The barkeeper though knowing that Bane will be far to gone to catch up to he grabs the neck of Vances shirt and pulls his head down to be level with him. "All right pal, your friend skipped out which means you gotta pay the bill. Now hand over ten gold, and I'll be keeping my eye on you!" Well he could pay, or have the guards that past by just moments ago rushing back in, it was up to him. For some unknown reason though Yule was absolved from all this, it seemed the dwarf didn't think the elf would due any harm, after all most races of elf were known for being honourable and noble people.

@Coal @GingerBread
Vance just looked at the dwarf "Ah, well you see, i've intrusted all my gold to this Elf, you know how trustworthy elves are after all" Vance said as he motioned towards Yule before giving him a hearty slap on the back "Now you give him the money boy and I'll meet you outside, I've got to meet with a important client" Vance said as he hastily walked out of the Tavern with an air of importance surrounding him.

Pulling up his face covering and hood before looking around and trying spot Bane
"He's so getting framed for something, maybe a murder, Maybe a theft, either way i'll make sure he rots in prison Vance thought as he started to make his way far away from the tavern.

@Morgrim (I knew this would happen) @Coal (You can have the bill :P )
Yule was rather confused at what happened, until he remembered what Nie said. They were in the dungeons for a reason, so acts like this was common. The dwarf turned to him, although he looked less angry. Before he could say anything, Yule slid two more diamonds over the counter top. The dwarf gathered them, but gave the boy a serious look. "Your acquaintances are trouble, and you can't be the scapegoat forever." The dwarf slid the diamonds back but Yule refused. "No harm done. If im around them at least I have some protection. This place is foreign to me." He gave the man a half-hearted smile before slipping out the door. His eyes glanced over the crowd until he spotted a familiar scruffy man. He sighed and ran towards him.

@Morgrim @GingerBread
Bane walks back over to the elf, which would surely reveal his position to Vance, so he gives him some time to catch up before he opens his mouth, and gives them both a friendly wave. "Oh you really are a mean one Mr. Vance, using that poor boy as a decoy. At least you had it coming, him? He's as innocent as a newborn babe, You know until it starts screaming for mothers milk and pulling the tails of cats." Though Yule was far more innocent then those two, he did incapacitate an entire group of guards just doing their duty, though Bane was still uncertain whether it was a sedative type poison, or a lethal kind. Nothing he would lose any sleep over though. "So where are we headed next kiddos? Up for some fun in the Core, or are we going to the surface?"

@Coal @GingerBread
Sibil nodded silently, looking up at him. She waved goodbye to the werewolves she could see. Hopefully they would like the gift that she left. The fairy had taken it upon herself to make them a type of sauce that was used often in Fey cooking. It tasted like whatever the user wished it to taste like.

After a few moments of traveling, Sibil stood up on his shoulder. The necklace that she wore around her neck had begun to glow. It was a update from the spirits she had sent.

Her eyes closed quickly and when they reopened, they were electric blue. The usual sign that she was using her powers. "The Wisps are close to the Core Master. They'll reach their destination in 30 minutes," she reported. The fairy then shook her head slightly, allowing her eyes to change to their natural color.

Whenever Morgrim spoke about her wanting to do something on her own, she looked up. "If you are of a familiar standing, it's unusual for you to want something other then a Master or whatever your Master wishes. However, since I am both Fairy and familiar, I do have many things I want to do. Yet I am not allowed to. Not without permission at least," Sibil explained.

The Fey then tilted her head to the side. "I would love to go visit my family," Sibil said softly, pointing upwards. You could barely make the shape out, but it was evident something was floating high up in the sky. She then turned to look at Morgrim, "I would also like to find the Kenkō stones." She grinned, "Their 7 different types of stones that hold immense healing power. A single stone can cure any illness! But if you put them all together, it's said that you can bring any living thing back from the brink of death."

( @Morgrim )
"You guys can go wherever you want. As long it's away from me" Vance looked them both over Even if they had more gold than a king, i wouldn't stay with them any longer. They've caused me nothing but trouble Vance glared slightly at Bane, silently voicing his disapproval "Well if i'm unlucky i'll see you two children again" Vance began to walk off, his eyes scanning the town for valuable looking places and people as well as escape roots if he attracted the attention of the guards again.

@Coal @Morgrim
Yule stared at the retreating man before laughing. "Well someone is mad. Its your fault you know." He said as he glanced at the other man. Their little party was already breaking up, which wasn't exactly surprising. These guys had no morals. He was glad to see the other man leave though. His constant use of the word "children" was infuriating. "I guess our group is disbanding. It was an adventure alright." Yule said to the man with a grin.


Anaxileah Wylloh

Ana nodded with a smile as she gently brought her hand down to Roxii's arm, making sure she could sense Ana the entire time. She understood that Roxii didn't completely want help, so Ana would only lead her in the general direction, and the ground of the villa was thankfully smooth, without any bumps or messed up steps. She tugged gently on Roxii's arm, pulling her down the corridor. "The beds are this way, I'll lead you to a room that suits you." Ana smiled at the wolf-elf hybrid and removed her hand from Roxii's arm, allowing the female to walk on her own. "I'll tell you if there's anything to watch out for, but for now you can continue walking forward without obstacles. So...how's everything going? I mean, I understand that you're exhausted and overwhelmed, but if there's anything you need, I'll get it for you." Ana smiled warmly at Roxii, then stopped at a doorway to a room with heavy curtains blocking the windows.

"This room seems nice, it has curtains that block the sunlight, so it should be dark enough to sleep in." Ana smiled at the wolf hybrid and held open the door, then gently touched Roxii's arm so she'd know where Ana was, rather than relying on her own form of seeing.


@Javax @Anyone else Mood: Tired Location: Villa

Bane snorted, and gave a very confused look at Yule's statement. "The fuck are you talking about?! You and I are sticking together mate, we don't need that stick in the mud to have fun!" He wrapped a muscled arm around Yule's head and brought him in close. After al Bane quite liked the kid for some unknown reason, maybe it was the fact he incapacitating an entire room of guards with literally zero effort on his part. This guy knew what he was doing he thought to himself. "So Elf, are we headed to Landfall, or sticking around here in the Core where the booze is it's finest?" He gave the Elf a hard, but well meaning slap on his back. @Coal
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Yule gave out a yelp as the man smacked him on his back and nearly sent him flying onto the ground. He was rather skinny and gangly looking, since he had no type of exercise or anything the past couple of centuries. Yule gave the man a confused look. "What is a Landfall?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed. A lot of things had changed since Yule had been out in the world, and it was confusing. "I was planning on heading back to my hometown." He looked around, gazing at the dusty roads filled with loud people and the smell of sweat lingering in the air. "Its much nicer than this place." He turned back to the man. "I don't even know your name."



Though her muscle memory allowed her to lace her bracers without a thought, the elf's mind was else where. She couldnt help but wonder what these changes will bring into her life. These physical additions can change her entirely. Perhaps now she will learn to be patient, or she'll learn to submit to these changes rather than fight against them. What ever was to come, she dreaded it, and wasnt looking forward to this altered future.

The necromancer's taunting words barged itself into her thoughts, disrupting them entirely. The petite elf, already annoyed, set her arms to her side as she finished adjusting her clothing. Her eyes closed, with eyebrows pinched together, hands balled into fists and a tight lipped frown. Slowly releasing a deep breath, she turned to face the morgûl that teased,"I do believe your mouth is much to big for you, Morgûl." Her eye brow raised when he continued, she couldnt believe him. He was in no condition to start anything, but that didnt keep Eleniel from giving into bantering,"Against you?" she scoffed and a very small, almost unnoticeable smirk appeared,"I could defeat you even as a small child. After youve healed maybe its you who might stand a chance against me...that is, if I go easy." Her back leaned against the fireplace mantle,"All bark and no bite," she mumbled, but muttered loud enough for him to hear.

Her gaze moved to Atraxia who had came back from who knows where. He really was strange, and something was a little different about him since he walked back through the door. Perhaps it was the way he removed himself from the rest of the group? No no. Thats normal, Eleniel didnt strike the large assassin as the type to involve himself in group affairs, much like herself. Maybe it was the faint scent of blood that followed him? Could be an injury. The elf observed him, and couldnt spot a wound any where. Well what ever the case, its best she doesnt get involved.

There was lots of movement going on in the room. It was getting a little stuffy with the amount of bodies that occupied it. The elf scrunched her nose, annoyed with the commotion. At the door was a feline creature, shes only ever seen a few of her kind and interacted with even less during her centuries of travel. The green haired girl that stuck close to Ether before, seemed to have it covered. Eleniel had levels of comfort and trust with people. The brand new newcomers, she didnt trust at all. She barely had any trust in the big group, but it was more than the feline or the oddly bubbly girl that sat among them, making herself at home rather quickly. The very little trust she had with the group was mostly invested in Atraxia, though she hated to admit, they were alike in some ways. And having the chance to work with him at her side, even for a brief period of time, she could see shed trust him more than anyone else. But despite that, she steered clear from him. Getting too close to anyone could be a potential liability. Eleniel glared at the necromancer once again,'Him i would never trust...'

(Never say never Eleniel)

Tai came stood in the room and asked if anyone had any idea where they were going to next. Eleniel surely had no clue. She was stuck with the group because of the king and the mission hes put them on. If she had a choice, shed leave now. She shrugged in response,"Whether we have an idea or not, we're in no condition to get moving again. Our priority should be our health. Then, we should worry about our next move." she spoke up. If anyone heard her or not, she didnt know, and didnt really care.

@Federoff @shadowz1995

(Ahh! I'm so sorry I'm taking so long to respond.) Bane just gave a hearty laugh at the much smaller man and patted his back once more. "You don't know what Landfall is, geez you must've been living under a rock." Oh what an awful pun considering they lived underground. Bane was about to ask him about Yule's home town, but suddenly a small army of dwarf soldiers came rushing through the streets dressed in heavy looking armour, and carrying equally heavy looking weapons that could probably crack a giant's head open just with the blunt end.

"Everyone! Get inside your homes now! This is an emergency, stay there until we retrieve you!" The guards broke apart into different groups spreading the message while all simultaneously heading for the iron gate leading further down into the bowels of the Core. What could cause all this commotion for one of the most powerful and well fortified cities in the entire world.

"Yo, wanna go check it out? Oh and by the way I'm Bane, as in the bane of your existence, a little joke my parents had with me." He chuckled softly and awaited an answer.

With everyone on such high alert and heading into their houses it would be difficult to steal from anyone in particular, and shopkeepers took a few short moments to gather up every thing from their stalls and lock their shops up so no one could steal anything. Needless to say Vance would almost certainly be guaranteed prison time if he stole something at this moment. The guards would also be sure to check his every orifice for a way out, like the magic key or lockpicks.

@Coal @GingerBread

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