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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Sibil's eyes widened at Morgrim. She looked as if her Master had ordered her to kill her entire family and clan. The small fey furiously flew up, fluttering in front of his face. One of her eyes seemed to twitch as she spoke.

"Master Morgrim! Never suggest something like that! Never! You are my Master and I am your familiar! Thus, I am an extension of your being and will!" She ranted, "Wherever you go, I go! It's my job as a familiar to stay with my Master! Just because I dislike something does not mean I got to just take the easy way out!"

By the time she was done fully ranting, her chest was heaving and her face was red. Sibil flew back down to the table, landing on top of it. The small fairy then sat back down. "Excuse my tone Master," she said softly. A hint of embarrassment shined in her voice.

The fairy then looked up. "It would benefit us greatly if we gather more numbers. It would certainly give us a higher chance of survival," the Fey said. She then thought for a moment before her eyes lit up. "One of my wisps! I can send a wisp ahead of us to the Core. They can help is scout ahead!"

( @Morgrim )
(I would like to apologize for the delay on posts, and quality. I have had to prepare for surgery, and this morning I got my wisdom teeth pulled out. I will try to increase the frequency of posts through my own, thank you.)

Morgrim was taken aback by the sternness of the faery companion he was now going to be travelling with. He can see that her time spent with Tuso has done a number on her psyche and emotionally. She was strong headed and stubborn, and seemed to lash out at every few statements that Morgrim had to say. Clearly this was going to take a little work, but he owed it to the girl, he free'd her, and hit her upside the head with those iron shackles. He shrugged and played it off nonchalantly. "If you say so girl, but you got a temper on you, if you want us both to survive we better work on some synergy between us. All right?" He stated, sternly at that. Morgrim wouldn't use his position as her new master to boss her around, but he was saying this for both of their benefit.

"Huh, your sprites? I suppose that would be a very good idea, if they are able to pull through. Okay send them out when you are ready. Now let's gather our resources and head out." Morgrim said finishing the last of his meal and grabbing his mirror staff. The weapon dribbled with potent poisons, and decorated itself as a large bone with a skull atop of it, the skull of a horned beast with razor sharp canine teeth. "Gather your crystals I will meet you at the well on the outskirts of town, on the south side. There is someone we should meet, a legendary smith." Morgrim was referring to Par-tan, the Chorzon girl back from the Core. It was about time she came back, and Morgrim knew where to find her, but he knew nothing of the two new companions she is currently travelling with.

Par-tan lowered her hand from the covers. She may have been pretty weak in body, and her mind was only strong enough to create advanced constructs, but fighting wise she was a talentless, spineless lizard. That is unlikely to change, but the truly smart have always created tools to achieve what they can not. Still though, these two had experience, and both would of likely teamed up on her. She sighed and then shook her head. "Very well, I guess I will trust you two for a little while longer, now let's go. I have a place close by to where we can stay and get my things ready. And after all I will need at least one of you two to help me test the equipment." She said so blatantly, and shrugged, while continuing down the road of the rat.

The path would lead to a small farming village, a village that had just yesterday been surrounding by bandits, and enslaved until a group of dark heroes came and saved them. Leaving them to their fate the heroes continued with their mission, while the town itself was open up to another attack at any time in the future, but luckily that is not the case, and they are still in the clear. Par-tan though the villages blacksmith would have something that could protect them though if the three can make it there safely.

"Look one of you should tell me a little bit about yourself, it's hard to trust you if you don't give me anything, and we would work better as a team, not strangers." She stated, hoping to end the silence.

@TechEwok @CarpeNoctem1213
Vance leant against the wall of the prison cell Damn, i shouldn't have tried to pry gems off the wall He thought as he sat against the wall not showing any emotion on his face To be fair i would've been fine if that ass didn't rat me out, i payed him to keep silent and then he goes and rats me out Vance thought bitterly as he stood up and started pacing They took my possessions off of me, now i'm going to have to steal them back He turned away from the door and reached into his mouth and pulled out a small key Glad i thought to hide this under my tongue Vance walked over the the cell door and inserted the key into the lock. As he did this he felt some of his energy get sucked out of him before the lock clicked. Swinging open the door Vance walked out of the cell, keeping an eye out for any guards prowling around.

There had been a man waiting in the shadows of the cell with Vance. The man let out a smirk as the prisoner pulled a key out of his mouth. "Well.... Look-i here, a thief eh?" The man rose to his feet, the first time he would get to move his legs in over four months. He had platinum white hair and a goatee. He was fairly well built with strong muscles lining his body. They were easy to see as prisoners in the city of heroes were stripped down into their underwear and nothing else. The man felt no shame though with exposing his body, and had even less of a care for social norms. He followed Vance nonchalantly. "So what's your deal mate, getting yourself locked up in that cell with me. Don't tell me you're another cocky thief who tried to steal from the city of heroes?" He had his hands behind his head, stretching them in each direction, the muscles popping noisily as he did.

The prison was even deeper underground than the city itself, the only lighting coming from torches lined symmetrically along the walls on either side. The dim light, and warm was welcoming to the White haired man, putting him in such a delightful mood that he dared to let out a little whistle just loud enough to attract the attention of two of the guards who were playing a card game. The guards like damn well nearly everybody in the city of heroes were dwarves decorated in platinum armor with diamond serrated weapons. "Halt! Go back to your cell!"

"Well now, what are you gonna do boss?" Said the naked prisoner.
Vance mentally sighed as the other man caused two guards to come running up to him Time to test out my acting, make sure i'm not rusty He thought as he turned his full attention towards the guards

"Cell?" Vance asked, his face full of confusion "I don't have a cell, i was chasing a street urchin who had stolen my clothes, i saw him run into here after i chased him out of my room" Vance said, trying to look behind the guards and also looking behind himself "Have you seen him?" He asked, continuing to look around, squinting at random intervals to try to make it look like he was trying to make out a small figure.

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The thing about those two guards is they were too stupid to fool, they wouldn't believe what anyone would say unless they were wearing similar armour to them, and getting a human to fit into clothes made for a dwarf... well good luck. "Do we look stupid, get back in your cell!" Said one of the guards dumbly. His very dialogue reeks of stupidity, but he had authority over the two men trying to escape. Some times words would work, sometimes they would excel, and at times like this they would absolutely fail. So the naked man grips his hand into a fist and smirks at the two men.

"Sorry fella's, but you can take the carrot or the stick, and you guys don't exactly give us carrots here, so yeah..." He kicks both of the dwarfs in the face, seeing as his feet would be level with their heads. The kick itself is so strong it puts a dent in both of the men's helmets and knocks them both unconscious. "Child's play. Now if you are done being a diplomat come on, I hear these pint sized fellows have the best brew this side of the Core."
Vance looked at the man in disgust "Violent cretin" He muttered under his breath before following the man. Putting on an innocent charade Vance turned to the man "Thanks for your help back there. I just needed the money to buy some food, i haven't eaten in weeks" He said, sounding like he was about to burst into tears "Can you help me find my belongings, they took something belonging to my late wife, i begged them to let me keep it but to no avail. I only broke out to try to get it." Vance said, looking at the ground and to the side slightly, as if he was trying to hide tears. "It's..... It's the only thing i have left to remind me of her"

"Freakin' crybaby, fine I'll help you find your lost possession, what is it?" He said, stepping over the unconscious bodies of the two guards. The two wouldn't sustain any real damage, besides dwarfs were known for being hard headed, though this may not be exactly what people meant. The man was more so curious as to what a man appalled by violence was doing in literally the most violent place on the planet. Still though maybe it would make for a drinking buddy that wouldn't try to stab him in the back. A problem they would face though is that the dungeon was a maze, closer to a labyrinth for all the scum of the core to spend their days rotting. They would have to find their way through the place the only hint being the runes on the walls. "I hope you can read runes, or else we may be stuck here for a while."
"It's.....It's a small steel dagger" Vance replied, still keeping up the charade as he followed the man I can't wait to rob this guy blind He thought as he walked over to a rune on the wall slowly running his fingers over it as if it would help him understand it before standing up and looking down a hall way "I think it says to go this way"

"You think? I suppose that means I'm going to be stuck lost with you for some time. What is your name?" He didn't like this guy all ready, he rubbed him the wrong way figuratively, and probably soon literally as well. For now he was stuck with him though, so he would at least try to learn his name. He could just ditch him as soon as he found his own way out. The rune that followed in the next room was not similar at all, it was pretty indistinguishable as to what exactly it would translate to, and perhaps this was not even a real rune at all. There were too many possibilities.
Svenna Zenith

Svenna relaxes--as much as a military-trained dragon can relax, anyway--and continues following Par-tan. The dragon mulls over the lizard woman's request for a few moments before deciding that it's best that she answers. She has history on Landfall, something the Castellan is unable to boast, so Svenna can actually provide details the angelic being cannot.

"I've lived in the area for about a decade now, moving from one place to another, serving those that I find honorable enough to employ my weapon to their service. I have an affinity for wind and lightning magics and my fighting style usually involves at least one of the two, though I try to avoid conflict if at all possible." She keeps details at a bare minimum, if the lizard woman wishes to pry further, she won't hesitate to answer, but for now a life story isn't necessary.

Svenna looks at the area around the path that they're taking and recognizes enough details to realize which direction they're going. She's visited the village at the end of this trail a few times on business, usually to get supplies. The people are very friendly, but she's never taken the time to get to know any of them personally.


@Morgrim @TechEwok Mood: Neutral Location: Road to village place Equipment


Yule wandered the halls aimlessly, his energy nearly drained. Count on the Captain to make Yule heal every guard's problems from headaches to boils. His small dragon companion was in her usual spot; circled around his torso with her head on his right shoulder. They both hated the Core. It was dark and gloomy, and you could always hear the sounds of prisoners wailing, which didn't help boost the morale. Yule couldn't even remember how long he had been trapped down here, or how many generations of Captains and guards he ha treated. Everything was becoming a blur. He couldn't even remember what the sun looked like. "The sun is yellow you dimwit." Nie said in a mocking tone.

"Stop reading my mind you overgrown rat-snake." He said in annoyance, but the dragon just chuckled, but then quickly tensed.

"There are two figures ahead, and they're not guards. Most likely prisoners." She hissed.

"Maybe they're escaping. I could join them." Yule said, but the dragon snorted.

"Like you would be of any use, garden boy."

"I healed your irritated scale so maybe you should show some res-" Yule froze as the two figures approached him.

@Morgrim @GingerBread
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"I'm Vance and i haven't had to read runes for a long time, so i might be a bit rusty is all" Vance replied, not wanting to give the man his name but also wanting to keep his starving beggar ruse going. Vance was just following along the path when he saw a figure in the distance. He started Walking up to them with an air of confidence surrounding him "Hello! Would you happen to know the way out of here?" He asked, hoping that he wouldn't be attacked on sight.

@Morgrim @Coal
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Darrius Vrag

Darrius snorts at Raven's comment about the villa's popularity, earning himself a warning look from the servant bandaging him up. "Looks like it," he grunts. He's honestly starting to get very uncomfortable with all these new people showing up. Most of the others don't seem to know them either, which unsettles him, because any one of these new people could be spies sent by the king to track their progress on this damned mission of his. He shrugs it off, at the moment he's exhausted and would much rather be in bed recovering his strength. I bet they've got some nice beds in this place, he thinks to himself, longing to just lay down and sleep until his magic energy is restored. Jass seems to share the same feeling, because the mercenary stands and leaves to find a place to rest.

When the servant finishes with the bandages Darrius picks up the armor scattered on the floor, still wincing a bit as bending over puts pressure on his ribs; he puts the pieces into the bag of holding and straightens up, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck a couple of times. "That feels better," he says, a relieved but tired tone in his voice.

Tag: @HoneyBear-Kat

@AnimusLight Mood: Exhausted Location: Villa Music Equipment

Yule nearly ran away as one of the figures strode right up to him. "Hello! Would you happen to know the way out of here?" The man said. Yule took in his raggedy appearance, before turning to Nie.

"I told you." The dragon hissed, as she gazed at the man.

"I might have a chance now Nie. We can finally be outside, in nature, where we belong!"

"He is not to be trusted. I sense it." She stated as she fixed her golden eyes on the strange man. "You should call the guards before he ends up skinning you alive and wearing your skin as a coat."

"Your imagination horrifies me Nie. I'm going to join them if I can. I haven't given up, unlike you." He said stiffly, and the dragon dug her nails into his arm in agitation, but didn't reply.

To everyone besides Nie and Yule, the entire conversation sounded like reptilian hissing.

Yule turned to the man and addressed him in the common tongue.

"I don't know the way out, but I would like to join the group. I can assist in healing and other things. I've been trapped down here for centuries, and I rather miss the outside world," Yule said.

@GingerBread @Morgrim
Useless kid, doesn't even know the way out, but i can't say no to him joining our little 'Group' if i want to keep this charade going. Vance thought, getting annoyed at all the people around him but not showing any emotion besides happiness on his face "Sure, the more the merrier" Vance replied to the boy, giving him a smile He seems to be naive though, maybe i can use that to my advantage He thought, coming up with a plan "We were looking for where they put the prisoners gear" He said as he took on a sadder expression "You see they took.... something special from me when they locked me in here...... A small gift from my wife...... before she passed away" Vance told the boy, looking to the ground and slightly to the side as he willed a tear to come out of his eye.

@Coal @Morgrim
Nie snorted at that.

"All he speaks is lies. I should snack on his tongue."

Yule made a disgusted face at the dragon.

"Well, if it was something useful or pleasing to the eye, most likely one of the guards has it. They take prisoner's items." Yule said, and the dragon huffed in annoyance.

@GingerBread @Morgrim
"It was a small steel dagger, I don't think it would be particularly appealing to them" Vance replied, slowly lifting his head up "It means a lot to me. So if you help me get it back, i will be indebted to you" He said in a slightly begging voice as he looked the boy in the eyes, his own eyes glistening with sadness "I think they put all my possessions in a locked chest, my memory is a bit fuzzy though, they managed to hit me over the head quite hard" Vance told the boy, it was the only part that he was telling the truth about.

@Coal @Morgrim
Yule shrugged. "Finding the place down here might take years. You can waste your time searching, but I'm ready to get out of here. I've been trapped for far too long." He said nonchalantly.

Nie nodded in approval of that, her golden eyes staring at the man in annoyance. Steam curled out of her nostrils as she shuffled on the boy's shoulder.

Vance looked at the boy sadly "I guess this is where we part ways then because i can't leave without it, It means to much to me" He said as he began to walk down an adjacent corridor, running his fingers across the wall I knew these idiots would be useless to me Vance thought, still keeping a sad look on his face.

@Coal @Morgrim
"He's going to get himself killed." Yule said, but Nie sniffed.

"Good riddance."

She sighed when she saw his sad look.

"Fine, go ahead. See you on the other side."

He smiled and ran so he could catch up with the man.

"I'll help, but I'm not exactly the type for doing the dirty work, which is probably ok because you seem adjusted to it." Yule said.


Anaxileah Wylloh

As Innocence and the Khajiit were too close to Ana, she skirted out from in between them and allowed the rest of the villa's inhabitants to converse amongst one another as the sun began to set. Ana wanted to be out amongst the trees, despite the villa's beautiful architecture, because she needed to feel more at home, so she wanted to forage and possibly hunt. When she hunted animals, she believed it to be ritualistic and sacred, as she made an exchange of life with each animal she hunted by cutting her palm and allowing her green blood to drop from her newly injured hand onto the smooth blades of grass. However, as she left the villa, she no longer felt the need to shoot anything and just wanted to explore the trees around the group's location, curiosity taking control of her. The golden rays of sunlight that covered the leaves and grass were absolutely beautiful, enhancing the work of Mother Nature. Ana smiled as she walked around, keeping the location of the villa somewhere in her mind so she wouldn't become lost while she meandered about. Upon walking, Ana discovered a couple helpful plants that would aid with wounds and also enhance some abilities so she proceeded to pick the beautiful plants and replace them when she finished.

Moonflower was common in this area, it seemed, and enhances light wielders' abilities as well as eyesight during the night, so the reptilian hybrid quickly grabbed a couple blooms of Moonflower and placed them in one of her vials, then waved her hand over the vial, turning the flowers into a soft white mixture that had a faint glow. Ana used her Earth magic to repair the plant and continued on her way. Another plant she came upon was Tigrilia, a fire flower; these flowers weren't common in many places, so its presence confused Ana and caused her to be slightly suspicious of its presence, but then assumed that the elemental peace of the villa could be affecting the land, which seemed positive in Ana's opinion. She proceeded to pick the red-orange flowers and put them in separate vials from her satchel, then proceeded to wave her hand over the remaining stems, producing new buds in their wake. Ana smiled as she healed the flowers with her small amount of Earth magic, then continued on her way.

After walking for ten more minutes from the villa in the northern direction, Ana discovered a stream not far off, one of clear, rushing, water and containing fish. The water would be cold to her sensitive skin, but it would be refreshing, so Ana knelt beside the stream and brought her cupped hands beneath the water to scoop the cold liquid and then brought it to her face with a relieved sigh, feeling refreshed from the sudden burst of cold water. The green-haired female took two more vials from her satchel and filled them to the brim with water before placing them carefully back into her satchel. She had seven vials total, so she now had three remaining that were empty. However, it was beginning to grow dark, so Ana figured she'd head back to the villa, or at least nearby it. With a growl sounding from her stomach, Ana decided heading back to the villa would be smartest, so she began trekking back to the relaxing building, her bare feet now dirty from walking through the trees and along the shore of the stream.

Once Ana returned to the villa, she came into the building through the entrance and returned to the room the remainder of the group was in, then grabbed some of the food that was brought out by more of the helpers around the villa. After eating enough to keep her full until she hunted once more, Ana noticed Roxii looking quite uncomfortable with the scrutiny of everyone else upon her and her new state. The reptilian female frowned and approached Roxii, looking down at her with a faint smile. She gently touched Roxii's shoulder with her now unwrapped hand and quickly ran a hand through her green hair with the hand she wasn't using. Her tattoo and scales felt strange as they were exposed from the low-cut back of the top, but it was a good strange that Ana ignored as she focused on Roxii. "Would you like to leave the room? I could walk with you outside or we could find the sleeping quarters here, as the sun is setting and you need your rest, my friend." Ana spoke in a quiet murmur to the wolf-elf, smiling the entirety of her verbiage. She knew Roxii could at least sense ana's friendliness, and that's what Ana intended.


@Javax @Anyone else~ Mood: Curious/Concerned Location: Villa entrance -> Outside -> Villa

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Vance looked at the boy with a confused expression "Dirty work? what do you mean?" He asked, not sure what the boy was implying as he continued down the hall stopping when he saw a rune I recognize this one, this should be the way to my stuff Vance thought as he started walking in where the rune told him to go.

@Coal @Morgrim

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