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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

@GingerBread @Coal I appreciate the enthusiasm is your frequency of posts, but give everyone who is present to the group time to respond. I was only gone for an hour and it feels like you guys were all ready ignoring my character. Remember quality not quantity.))

The man nodded his head absently. "Vance eh, all right. Sound like a freakin' vampire to me, but whatever. My name is Bane. Now let's go." It was then not only a few minutes later that they had bumped into an elf boy, or man given his actual age. Bane recognized this man. He never needed the healing services, but he recognized the man healing some of the other prisoners and mostly the guards at every opportunity. "So it's you huh, guess someone got a runny nose and they called you in huh?" Bane look at the smaller man with no hint of admiration.

Bane was lucky to be born with a unique fortitude and healing capabilities so he had never needed to see a healer a day in his life, but that doesn't mean they don't exist to him. This guy though, he had heard him complaining many times while he rested in his cell, what a whiner, still complaining about getting out of here and seeing the green of Landfall. "Hold on, you're telling me you don't know your way around here?! You've been here for months or years even, and you have no clue! What kind of worthless?!- He all ready grew tired of the boy, but he asked to come along, and he just sighed. "Ugh, very well, come with us, but we are leaving you as soon as you prove useless, all right?" He stated while following the human thief.
((oh sorry))

Yule simply shrugged at the mans comments. He had it easier than them, so they probably were going to be spiteful.

"I'll leave as soon as we get above ground. Even sooner, if given the chance." Yule said wryly. These two were like children to him, and it was rather annoying. Nie sensed his thoughts, and made a sound of agreement. The man walked off, and Yule followed behind.

"These numbskulls are going to get us killed. I planned on living at least 1000 years you know." Nie hissed.

Yule laughed at that. "Be calm Nie. If we approach a bunch of guards, you and I don't even know these men."

@Morgrim @GingerBread
Vance continued walking through the hallways, stopping a couple of times when he thought he heard some guards. Vance stopped confidently in front of a archway, turning around to face Bane and the other boy "So there might be some guards in there.... So who wants to go first?" He asked, trying to keep his voice below a whisper, as to not alert the guards

@Coal @Morgrim (Sorry man)
Yule shrugged. "I've healed nearly every guard in this place. They wouldn't bother me, but what do I need to do? Distract them or something? I can put them to sleep as well." He stated. Whatever this man was searching for better be important. Yule didn't know what the other man was doing with the likes of him.

@Morgrim @GingerBread
"That could be useful, all right boy, go ahead, put them to sleep." Bane didn't want to waste a moment. The sooner he could get back to debauchery and causing chaos the happier he would be. He loved to mess with the little folk of the land, seeing so much anger in such small bodies always made him laugh. "So tell me now, how to you plan to put them to sleep... boring them to death with talk?" Bane had little patience, and would love to move on as soon as possible.
"Don't call me boy. I'm far from it. And I'd stop attempting to mock me if i were you. I could march in there and tell them you two escaped, and in a matter of minutes the entire place would be swamped with guards. I may lose my chance to get out of here, but that's fine with me. I've waited for centuries, and I can wait a hundred more." Yule stated icily. Yule knew he wasn't built for attacking and all that like the other men, but he wouldn't get pushed around because of it.

@Morgrim @GingerBread
Why do i get stuck with these incompetent morons, i could've been done by now if Bane didn't follow me out. I am a master thief, yet here i am, in a prison being forced to listen to two 'Children' bickering Vance thought, getting annoyed but still keeping his helpless expression, not letting either of them know how annoyed he was getting "Just go do it" Vance hissed at the boy before taking on a nicer tone "Please.... I need that dagger" Vance said, looking like he was about to cry.

@Morgrim @Coal
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Sorry Ginger, but Ana is right, One liners aren't allowed, I'll let it slide this time, but if it happens again I will remove the comment.
Yule pretended to be extremely interested in the wall. "This dagger must be very useful if you're in such a rush to retrieve it." He said as his eyes slid back to the scruffy man. "If you get it, you might be stronger than you were before. You might even attempt attacking us. I'm not sure I want to aid you, now that I think about it.." Yule said, with a smirk on his features. Nie made a gurgling sound, that translated to laughter. Finally his ways of getting someone frustrated were being used on someone else instead of her.


Castellan Serra

  • Tagging: @Morgrim @CarpeNoctem1213


    Svenna, Par-tan


    Road of the Rat

Par-tan's removal from the covers lessened Serra's attentiveness though she stayed alert. She was unaware of this test that the woman was going to test anything. What was she going to test? What would be the equipment she was using and why? Serra was concerned about what the test would result in. Is her identity in danger? The conclusions were roaming through her mind and were put to a halt after Par-tan asked for information. Trust. Right.

"Like I've told you before, I am Castellan Serra. Castellan, or captain, of a regiment for a faction I have no ties to. A defender of law and realm. I'm not from around here and I would like to find some... purpose. That is why I wander these lands." she said calmly, omitting certain details but still speaking truths.

Serra watched as Svenna explained herself. She learned more of the woman and realized that her affinity would narrow down her lineage to one of the dragon clans of storm or wind. That was a great relief to Serra. She had nothing to fear around this woman. That would make travelling this land much easier and that also means they had a way of leaving in a hurry, if need be. This made the Castellan feel at ease, at least for the time being. There was still much in the day that could turn for the worse.

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  • Fantasy-Girl-Wallpaper-7.jpg

    Xochi moved out of the way for Ana when she turned around and began walking towards the rest of the group; going about her own business while leaving the strange cat hybrid out in the doorway. She turned her attention to the feline, but before she was able to act, a strange being of darkness emerged from nowhere and began to run off with the cat creature. How many people were here anyways?

    She raised an eyebrow and stood there for a second in utter confusion before snapping out of it and quickly following the strange dou, all the way up to the kitchen where they seemed to stop and get into a small argument with the chief before getting some food for the cat. Xochi silently watched out of curiosity as the two interacted from the doorway.


    @shadowz1995 @GoldenWolf @CarpeNoctem1213 I think that's everyone lol)
    Themes: Kami.


(Hey yall, finals are over, im not home at the moment but when i am ill reply c:)
Roxii Sicarius

There was a moment of silence after the assassin spewed the short, venomous reply, but the monk's voice calm when he finally spoke. He had plenty of patience, and Roxii admired that. She certainly had a lack of patience with people, especially ignorant ones. The blind assassin flicked her ears and listened to his footsteps retreat back into the building, and she tried to recreate his steps, placing her hand on the wall of guide her. She just wanted to be inside and have someone show her—more like guide her—where she could rest. The wolf-elf hadn't slept in quite a few days, and she was due for some much needed rest. And why pass up such an opportunity: in a monk villa where peace and serenity practically radiated.

The hybrid followed the wall and leaned against it a few paces from the doorway, unsure of the layout of the room. Walking
blindly into a room full of people would perhaps not be the best idea. She took a silent deep breath, taking in all of the scents around. Everyone familiar still seems to be present, excluding Jass, whose scent seemed dimmer than the rest—probably to go find somewhere to rest. Ana's seemed a bit faint as well, as if she left the building altogether. There were a few new scents, including the Khajiit and an unusual girl that radiated with insanity. There was another presence in the area, one that didn't necessarily have a scent but Roxii could feel them. It seemed rather familiar.

The shadow soul? The aura of the soul was strong, and she recognized its presence from the previous night. She wanted to talk to it sometime, but that would be saved for another time.

The soft patter of footsteps approaching her made her realize that Anaxileah had returned. A walk, perhaps, given the aroma of vegetation and nature that covered the healer. The hand touched her shoulder, and the hybrid couldn't help but twitch at the contact. She knew the healer didn't intend to bring any harm, but it was a reflex. Ana inquired if the elven hybrid would like to either leave the building or go rest, and she could practically feel her dead heart urging her towards the latter choice. But the wolf didn't want to sound too desperate. The assassin was meant to go long periods of time without sleep, rest, food, or water. A simple inquiry was not going to break that. She tilted her head slightly to act as though she were thinking. "
A light slumber sounds rather captivating," Roxii responded softly.


@Federoff @Anaxileah @Anyone, I guess?
Mood: Irritated
Location: Monk Villa

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I give up, I Give up. These people are too stupid to reason with Vance thought as he squeezed the bridge of his nose "Fine, i'll go do it myself, you children can stay and bicker together" Vance said, looking annoyed with the both of them. Vance suddenly disappeared into the shadows before reappearing a couple of seconds later above the two guards on some rafters in the room he was just outside of.

Letting out a low whistle, Vance alerted the guards to his location making them look up before he dropped on top of one of them, planting his feet in the guard's face. Vance threw a punch at the other guard, hurting his hand slightly in the process
Crap, these guards have strong heads Vance thought before picking up the knocked out guards helmet and hitting the other guard in the face with it, knocking that guard out as well.

Vance started dusting himself off, as if the act of being violent had physically dirtied him
God i hate having to be violent Vance thought before moving over to a chest Looks like it's locked, good thing i have a key He thought before looking around to make sure no one was looking. He then pulled the key out of his mouth once more. Vance put the key into the lock, smiling when he heard it click.

Opening up the chest Vance first checked that it was his items in the chest before he started to rifle through the chest to make sure all his items were there. Once he was satisfied that none of his possessions had gone 'missing' he started donning his gear.

@Coal @Morgrim (Sorry about the repost, but i feel this version works better)
As she held the plate of tuna Nitiri looked around for somewhere to sit. Finding a small counter near the entrance to the kitchen she put the plate down and licked her lips (er, muzzle) and picked off a piece of the meat, promptly shoving it into her mouth and swallowing it. Flicking her whiskers the Khajiit growled, "I've tasted better," in her own pessimistic way.

But of course she continued to eat it, quickly swallowing hand over fist of the fish. It actually tasted quite well, but of course she wasn't about to admit it. Cleaning her paws with her sandpaper tongue Nitiri looked up to see a lady standing at the door. She paused with her tongue still sticking out and narrowed her eyes, finishing her lick and bushing up her tail.

"Is there a problem?" she growled.

Bane just laughs at Vance, he sure was a weirdo, or at the very least out of place. He let's him handle the two guards, which he does rather un-proficiently. He saunters over to the man with a shit-eating grin. "Man, you hit like a girl, you really expect to get out of here with a punch like that."

It's worth mentioning that Bane had none of his things inside of the prisoner's belongings chest, nothing more then a plain white shirt and pants, that is because he never brought anything with him. He was a master at hand to hand combat, and the occasional kick now and then. He had the blessings of the lightning element enhancing his speed and striking power which he uses in combat. That was not his true gift though, something perhaps that would be seen later by the two, or maybe never at all.

The sound of the guards yelling drew the attention of the others in the labyrinth though, and guards came pouring in from both sides. Brandishing spears and swords they threatened the group, pushing them back. It was until one of the guards noticed the elf healer amongst them. "Yule! Get away from those prisoners now, and report back to the med bay. You don't want to end up sharing a cell with one of these morons do you?!"


Xochi carefully observed the strange feline creature as it took its, free, food and walk over to sit near the entrance of the kitchen; where she happened to be. She kept silent as it quickly fed itself, devouring the food in a...barbaric manner; instead of eating like a human or a cat; the creature ate like a combination of both. This was strange, everything the feline did enchanted her to some degree, maybe it had to do with the mystery of the creature. Xochi didn't understand why, but she found it alluring, and of course cute like any other cat, it had to do with how little she understood it.

Unbeknownst to her, she had fallen into a sort of trance for a while, occupied with her own thoughts and theories on what it could be, and was snapped out of it after the creature spoke once more; this time towards her. She blinked her hazelnut eyes once to find it staring up at her, asking what the problem was; it was seemed to be a sort of venomous way. She gulped silently, not sure of what to do; for she could not speak and didn't have to many ways of communicating with strangers. After what seemed to be ages, in reality only a few moments, she just smiled warmly and waved as a greeting; not like there was much else she could do.

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members)
Location: Villa

Mood: Curious

With: Nitiri, Innocence (@GoldenWolf @Morgrim )

Themes: Mystery girl, Labyrinth

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Vance had just finished putting on his normal attire, attaching all his gear and placing his dagger in its sheath when he found himself surrounded by guards. Well this is a pain He thought, his eyes scanning the room to look for a viable way out. I don't think the rafters will work this time, even if i did sneak up there one of these two would give me away Vance thought trying to assess all the the possible ways out

I think my only option is to help these guys out of here and ditch them later
He thought as he slightly turned his head in Banes direction and slowly moving his hands to his smoke bombs "How many guards do you think you could take out if they couldn't see?" Vance asked keeping his voice low, trying to make sure only Bane could hear even though he knew it was probably pointless; Vance hated having to resort to violence but it was the only viable option right now, unless he wanted to end up in that prison cell again.

@Morgrim @Coal
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Par-tan was somewhat satisfied with the answers she was given. They certainly weren't a very forthcoming folk whoever they were. The sun's set over in the distance leaving the world illuminated by the blue moon hanging over the sky line, accentuating the luminosity of the varied coloured stars. Par-tan used the secondary film behind her eye lids to cover her eyes. Her pupils took on a noticeable cyan blue colour that lit up her eyes, this would allow her to see perfectly clearly in the dark. A trait thanks to the Chorzon's nocturnal nature. In only a few hours more they would make it back to the town, where all the peaceful villagers and farmers slept without nary a guard. No wonder they got caught by the bandits in the first place, this town needed Par-tan, no matter what anybody said.

"All right you two, we are here. Get your bearings and look around, make sure everything is all right. We don't need any bandits interfering. Meet me in the centre of town in twenty minutes." With that she headed to her home, the largest in the town with an attached forge along with other science-y looking equipment. She took her caravan over to the house, and when it was all out of eye or ear shot she unravels her new toy.

@CarpeNoctem1213 @TechEwok
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Yule immediately recognized the guard. Kilen was his name, and he was what the humans referred to as "an asshole." He called Yule all the way to his chambers just to make his slight cough lessen. Yule didn't learn healing magic for this nonsense. Nie noticed the boys agitation, and turned her yellow eyes on him.

"Do it." Yule said quietly. In a golden flash, the dragon was on Kilen and sinking her teeth in his neck. She repeated this for every guard, and they didn't even ave any time to realize what was happening until the toxins took effect. They all slumped to the ground.

"I am closer to freedom than I've ever been. Nobody's stopping me." Yule said, and Nie returned to his shoulder. He gave her a quick scratch behind her ears in gratitude, then he turned to the other men. "Now what?"

@Morgrim @GingerBread
Nitiri's eye twitched. These people were so weird. Couldn't get a simple answer from anyone these days. "Hello?? I said is there an issue?" The Khajiit talked slower, licking her paw once more to rid her claw of a forgotten piece of fish. Maybe this girl was slow. If that was the case, the group she had meet not long ago had gone far downhill. Standing up and throwing the plate at the chef, (in which she earned a furious response when the platter hit the floor an smashed) she took a few steps toward the woman.

Crossing her arms, Nitiri's tail swept over the floor in half agitation, half fear. She was agitated because despite the Khajiit's obvious saltiness, she still waved nonchalantly at her (which pissed the cat off for some reason or another.) Nitiri was slightly frightened because she didn't know this person, and why she couldn't talk. Maybe she had some sort of contagious curse or something. The Khajiit was always suspicious, and this emotion intensified around this weird lady.

"Look's like you can do something besides complain and bicker, boy" Vance said, his helpless and sad disposition gone and replaced with a cocky and arrogant one. Looks like i can just leave, didn't even need to get my hands dirty. And it's nice to know what that lizard he has can do Vance thought, mentally noting that the dragon, could either knock out or kill people, Vance didn't want to dirty his hands checking so he just assumed it was both until proven otherwise.

"Anyway... We should get going"
Vance stated as he retrieved his rope and small sack of money, which he noted was feeling lighter than before from the chest as he hadn't had time to grab them because of the guards that came charging in. "I'll bet all the money i have left that's the way out" Vance said as he pointed towards the doorway from which the guards had come from.

@Coal @Morgrim
Sibil looked up at him. "Forgive me if I seem rude or in anyway offensive to you Master, but that comment was very insulting to me as a familiar," she said softly. She looked up at him before sighing. "It wasn't so much as my temper. More of my pride that shone through. Pride as a familiar. You're familiar."

Sibil then stood up from the table. "As you wish. If you'd excuse me." She was excited to meet with her wisps. They always brought her such joy. Whenever they spoke, it sounds like the ringing of small bells. That sound often reminded her of her childhood.

The fairy flew to where she could have some privacy. Once she found a quiet little spot tucked away from the tavern, she closed her eyes. Sibil murmured a few words in the Ancient tongue. Whenever she opened her eyes, they had switched from their usual green to the blue. A small white crystal floated in front of her, seemingly illuminating light.

As if sensing the light, one by one, three wisps appeared in front of Sibil. She gave them their orders, to which they hesitantly agreed to. The Fey watched as they disappeared within the wind. She stared after them for a moment before finally letting the crystal drop. Her eyes faded into their normal color.

Sibil bent down, picking the white crystal up from the ground. She sighed and strung it up into a necklace. Fastening it around her neck, the small being flew up and headed back towards her Master. When she found him, she perched herself onto his shoulder.

( @Morgrim )
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Xochi tilted her head to the side once the female feline began speaking, this time in a slower paced voice; she asking the same question again but this time, with frustration again. She shook her head from side to side, she didn't have nor see any problem, the girl was just curious about the cat creature; that was all.

How could she explain to the feline why she couldn't talk, how could she explain that she was just curious? When was Tai when you needed him? all these questions, and more, ran through her mind, but no answers. What a situation, almost as bad as being in the presence of the blind assassin; not to say that she didn't like her, but a blind and a mute have little ways of communication. A few droplets of sweat spawned on her forehead as she continued to look for an answer, but none came to mind. So she just continued to force a small smile, remaining quiet as she had no other choice

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members)
Location: Villa

Mood: Curious, Nervous

With: Nitiri, Innocence (@GoldenWolf @Morgrim )

Themes: Mystery girl, Labyrinth


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