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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]


Sage looked at Frey in fear at the fact that she wanted to fight, she really didn't want to do that. It scared her and she hated fighting, she'd prefer healing people over fighting any day. She was relieved when Freya said for them to go over to the villa and postpone their fight so she lead the way and walked over to the villa. Sage walked over to the girls and tapped one of their shoulders, specifically the more reptilian one.

"Excuse me we just want to see if you have any medicine" Sage said quietly.

"I mean if you even live here" She added quickly.


@shadowz1995 Mood: terrified/relieved/shy Location: the villia

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(Sorry for the delay, but I will post tomorrow to all people waiting for a response from me, thank you.)
The Legate swears. A person had aproached the Villa and knocked. Both good and bad. They were most likely to be upsetted by a second.. 'guest'. Though it was good, of they were hostile the person at the villa would die instead of her. "Easily worth the risk, bud." She pats the neck of the horse. Now noticing as she drew nearerx they were in conversation, the one outside seemed angered or fristrated at the otherx arms folded and body posture defensive. Gaiana pulled the horse into a slow tro as she cane within ear rang of the two. She craned her neck to hwar now, knowing sooner or later she was to be spotted. Gaiana turned her head at the sound of hoives scratching the ground: an anxious horse. She dre her massive horse besides the other persons horse and left it untied.. knowing her own horse would either kill or cripple anyone but her who attempted to ride him. She stuck to the shadows, slinking closer to the door until she was but a few meters awayx then she listened.

(I apologize for the hiatus, my phone was left on the bus over the weekend and I could not retrieve it, and I only post off my phone.)
(Here; have a fairly long post. ;w;)

Roxii Sicarius

The wolf allowed the man to guide her to the medical building, but he also gave her the capability of driving herself along the path, which aided in maintaining her sense of pride. She disliked being treated as though she couldn't take care of herself or if she had to be pitied; it made her feel weak.

Volkan's words, however, didn't ease her irritation. Being cared for so closely made her feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. Addressing her as "
Miss Roxii" caused a look of disapproval and disgust flash across her features, but it was gone as soon as it came. No one ever referred to her in such a manner, especially with her background of being a merciless assassin and a rabid, uncontrollable dog. It simply did not fit with her character, and she wanted to keep it that way.

Once the blind assassin was seated, the monk began to work, narrating his actions so as not to alarm her and to offer some comfort. She was somewhat grateful for the considerate action; she didn't jump at every point of contact he made. After the bloodied bandages were removed, there was a moment of silence and hesitation, and the soft "
Oh my" somewhat concerned her. Was it really that bad? Now that she was rendered sightless, the wolf-elf would never be able to see the severity of the wound. It aggravated her in a way, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Volkan warned her of the impending pain that would accompany his cleaning of the wound, but she already knew that it would hurt. A lot. There were plenty of wounds she had suffered that were perhaps far worse, but given the location of the laceration, it would sting much more. So, instead of retorting with the prideful comeback she'd normally give, Roxii stayed silent as the monk cleaned the wound. She anticipated pain correctly; the moment the rag made contact with the raw flesh the hybrid winced, but she stayed still all the same.

It took a bit longer than she had expected for him to finish, but soon enough, her injured eyed had been cleaned and bandaged once again. The Lythari listened as he explained the future schedule she'd have the follow. When he asked her if he ought to guide her back, she nodded once with slight hesitation. She had half a mind to walk
blindly back to the others by either following her now-heightened senses or slipping into the Shadow Realm, but she knew better than to do such stupid things. Her senses wouldn't be able to see dips and obstacles in front of her, and the elf hybrid knew that using her dark magic would only tire her out. So she went with the best, most logical option.

The man linked his arm with her similarly to how he had when he led her to the medical building and guided her to the same building that the rest of her accomplices were located. Roxii began to lose herself in her thoughts again, thinking of how much had changed within the past couple of days. And to think that just yesterday morning she was completing another assassination contract. Now, she had become acquainted with a half-rotten man that burned her nostrils from a mile away, a former knight that wanted to clear his name, an obnoxious necromancer who seemed to have a fetish for spilling his own blood, a hybrid reptilian healer who seemed unnecessarily ashamed of her heritage, a bipolar legend that liked to argue with himself, and a demon smuggler. Along with these are the newcomers, as well: the glowing nightlight, the wise old man, and the silent female. There were a few others whom she had encountered, but...

The elven hybrid was brought back to reality by Volkan's words. "
Friend of yours?"

She wondered what he meant for a moment—or more so
who he was referring to—when a familiar scent barraged her senses. One that she hoped she'd never encounter again, and her voice confirmed the other's identity: "Is the rest of your circus inside?" There was another scent of someone nearby—very close by—, but she was already focused on the unwanted character at the door. Roxii's ears laid back angrily as a low grumble resonated from the back of her throat, the vibrations causing trembles of pain to travel throughout her chest that she ignored. "Feline."

Tag: @LegateGaiana (Kind of?) Mood: Prideful, irritated Location: Monk villa


  • proxy.php

    Atraxia stared out the window, not caring for all the interactions going on; he had his own problems to worry about. He did not need people to feed for him, he could hunt. He did not need charity, the job of an assassin as legendary as himself paid more then well; he could just retire now but he wants to kill; taste the delicious taste of fresh blood. He did not need people to take care of him, he is independent, he is lethal, he is a monster waiting to kill...


    Here he was, with not even half his strength as he usually had, inside a villa that he would normally be killing its owner, he growled at this thought. How could he be so weak right now? He mustn't let this weakness show, the monster must be strong. His nose and ear's detected everything, the cat from before returning, a new person that they didn't even know, in fact actually two others. Another sharp and guttural growl emerged, if only he could just kill those new comers for meat; he was hungry.

    It was hungry...

    Very well then, time to hunt... Atraxia thought to himself before silently getting up and slowly walking around the group, past the incoming Roxii and Volkaan, and into the garden in the middle. He looked around, it was so peaceful and disgusting, he needed to find something to kill and to kill fast. The man then noticed that next to the stairs coming down, their was another flight leading to a small tunnel; he went their and smelt a flow of air, it lead to somewhere else. He would have to remember this for later...

    Atraxia continued to look around and a few birds, chickens and turkies, just wandering around in a small pen they had. They didn't seem to be kept for food, more of pets. They were going crazy when he approached them, fearing for their lives; and rightfully so. Well, if they didn't mind... he thought to himself before reaching for the turkey, his claws piercing its fatty belly; silencing it in one fell swoop.

    The first bite, he ripped off it's head, swallowing it after letting his sharp fangs quickly tear through the meat...

    The second bite got most of the entrails, his favorite part of the animal; especially the heart...

    Three more bites and he was done, the turkey was gone and blood stained his face...

    It was a sad amount of meat, but it would have to do for know; he didn't want them to grow suspicious... So he went over to the pond and cupped his hands, getting some of the cool cool liquid and washing his face clean of blood before returning to the group; his aura of hatred and bloodshed following him like normal... Atraxia entered the building and reclaimed his chair by the window, glancing a malicious look with, his now glowing red eyes, at the cat at the door before sitting back down.

    Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members)
    Location: Main group-> Middle of Villa -> Main group again

    Mood: Angered, detesting, spiteful, hungry -> Satisfied, Angry

    With: No one in particular

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


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Raven Qrow

Raven watched as the elf, Eleniel, came by, dropping something on the lap of Ether. There was something about her that said "Dont talk to me" and Raven wasnt planning to. "Well shes nice..." the girl muttered when the icy elf left their presence after shooting a disapproving look. Her attention was caught by Darrius again, who explained that Jassur and Ether where more like acquaintances than anything,"Not...friends?" she looked at the other two sitting across from them again, but this time with a much less friendly look. There was a sharp and quick thought that crossed her mind, an instinct from her insanity that told her to get rid of them. The girl didnt have many friends, actually she didnt have any, and now that Darrius had a conversation with her, her twisted head already believes that makes them friends. She was protective, whether or not thats a good thing, who knows in this case. Luckily she managed to cast the idea aside, her smile returning.

A small and strange creature dashed across the room, eating all the food that was on the table, and the tray with it,"Oh dear," her put a hand to her chest under her once binding chains. It moved like a shadow.She had never seen anything like it. When the being stopped moving about, she can see it made out to be a cat shape. But that was no cat, she wasnt sure what it was. It bulged a bit, with a swollen belly. What ever it was, it was was horrid, and quite frightening to the girl. She shifted and scooted an inch or two on the couch, away from the creature. She pointed at it,"What is that?" she didnt ask anyone in particular. As soon as she ended her question, the demented cat-like thing coughed up a whole turkey into the lap of one of guys infront of her. Raven grimaced, she swallowed a sudden moisture that floods in preparation for the components in her stomach that wanted to climb its way back to the surface. She successfully supressed the disgusting feeling and turned away from the sight,"That was disturbing," she whispered. The sudden laughs of Darrius beside her, made her jump. She smiled again, laughing was contagious. Unfortunately the laughter didnt last long, pain had overwhelmed laughter, and it was clear Darrius was experiencing just that. She wanted to help somehow, but before she could act, the smuggler called for some help already. She watched as he took apart his armor and his clothing underneath. Heterochromic eyes blinked twice, changing their colors each time; silver and brown with one blink, then back to brown and pink with the next. Suddenly she remembered that staring was rude (a lesson she only learned recently) and looked away, acting aloof.

Lucky for her, her scrambled mind called for a short attention span. The door, that she had recently entered through, opened once again, revealing yet another face. A new one to the sadistic female. She grinned. Raven moved and twisted her body so that she faced the door now, her back side facing Ether and Jassur. Her knees were pushing down on the cushion, while her flat tummy pressed against the back of the couch. She wanted a good look at the newcomer that decided to join them. "The Villa sure is popular, isnt it?" She said to Darrius, but still facing and smiling at the feline, before turning back around and sitting on her bottom, listening while the necromancer wore the patience of the winged elf. Raven bit her lip, feeling suspense and tension rise.


Mentioned: @shadowz1995 @AnimusLight @myselflol @GoldenWolf

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Anaxileah Wylloh

(sorry .-. I happen to be busy .-.)

Ana raised an eyebrow at the Khajiit, the corners of her mouth tugging downwards into a frown. "My...allies are here, if that's what you mean to say." Ana frowned further, her eyebrows knitted together. "I'm pretty sure you're not welcome here, Khajiit, but if it's sustenance you require, then we should be more than happy to give them to you so you may be on your way as soon as possible, seeing that not many here appreciate your presence." Ana mustered up as warm a smile she could manage and gripped her bow tighter, eager to hunt. Atraxia had passed them by, and the presence of newcomers bothered Ana, but she said nothing for now. "Don't try anything, miss, because there are multiple assassins here and other skilled fighters who can tell if you steal something, understood?" Ana understood the desire to steal, but that wasn't a good reason to allow her to do as much.

Ana turned from the front door, showing her back to the feline in an act of submission, so she wouldn't start a fight. She was meant to heal, not fight, but she would do either if need be. Ana approached the couch with the newcomer and smiled at her, nodding with a warm gaze. "Welcome to the villa, miss. My name is Ana, I'm the healer of the group. Pleased to meet ya." And spoke quickly, then approached the door once more, passing by the feline. She needed to get out,

Tag: @HoneyBear-Kat

@GoldenWolf @Federoff? @Anyone else Mood: Irritated/Respectful Location: Villa -> Outside

@LegateGaiana If you could edit it your last post to correct the spelling mistakes it would make it a lot easier for me and the others to understand, thank you.))


Morgrim heard the knocking on his door, and with a long slugish moan and groan he rolled out of the bed, literally. His face was the first thing to connect to the floor, and then the rest of his body soon after. Of course the only person that would be knocking on his door would be his new familiar, and given how quiet the actual knocking is it was definitely her, even Morgrim's ears could tell that. Dispersing the blankets from his body he quickly dressed and made himself as presentable as something like himself could become, he answered the door. "Ah, good morning Sibil, could to see you, you sure are an early riser aren't you. Well let's get some breakfast and then head out, unless you want to stay longer."

He highly doubted that as she was a forest faery, and thus a creature that embraces magic of light and earthly elements, not the darkness of a city that knows only the night. Morgrim quite liked the town it was one of the few places he could settle down and relax, free of the usual judgement. Though he was a little eager to move on and go to the Core now that he knew his mission, both personal and by contract, both leading to the exact same thing, but yielding different results. "Do you have anything you need to do first though Sibil, we do have some time to spare I suppose."

There were two meals waiting downstairs for them prepared by the werewolf barmaid. First was Morgrim's meal a grilled Pheasant, caught just this morning, and for Sibil there was a spring water held in a leaf crafted cup and various berries of different flavours and points of origin in the forest, all safe to eat for a faery, though some might due a number on a humans stomach. The room would not be available to them for another night though unless they paid for it.

@CarpeNoctem1213 @TechEwok

What Par-tan had her hands on was no ordinary weapon, something even capable of taking on an immortal like them, but it was in rough condition and would not be usable in it's current condition. She let go and grumbled, rolling her eyes at the two of them. "Very well, but don't push me, I don't do well with a lack of information. Especially from those travelling with me." She continued on down the east road leading to a town unfamiliar to them, but not a town unfamiliar to heroics and strong warriors. The town that Morgrim and his own group have saved from a group of bandits. Par-tan had a workshop though, and the town could use an old friend, and their guardian.. Th journey will take just under a day to get their, and the trip will be left to relative silence unless her two travelling companions will have a lot to say. It's really all up to them.
Poster's dank note: I got my ice cream. My anxiety levels be rising. And they be saying they want the dankest shit ever. SO I BRING IT. I BRING IT!!!

All the peoples in the living room agree on having the dankest part-aaye in the big-ass house. Why not, when they got a room full of peoples inside a dank villa. Before the scalely-ass could leave, her face does a derp smirk and squawks, "For da part-ayes! Bring out your booze!" with that last statement in the voice of the cart dude in Mont Python. The cat burglar hisses doing a barrel roll over the couch, smacking into the juat necormancer and the buff-cake.

The juat stands up yelling "the cats are attacking!" which causes the blind-af-wolf to fucking flip out. She sniffs out the cat burglar and tackles the feline - I CANT SPELL BURUGLAR FOR BUTTS SAKE - sending them both over the couch again and landing onto the floor. MrAngst-eats-all-the-birds kicks down the door with bird feathers and buttnuggets in his mouth. He says with muffled birdy parts stuff in mouth, "HA GWOT TWAH FOOT!" His eyes are still red af meaning the Fangiest of Fangs is up and about. He returns to his seat snarling at anyone coming to the meats of meats he claims. Loving the fucking chaos, Quothe-the-Raven vibrates in her seat. She then jumps on top of the coffee table and kicks the ink af turkey into the horned-boop's blarg face. He burns THAT BIRD on the spot with his "satan loves you" fire. Shadow-butt squawks, feeling the inky bird's nonexistent pain like a child of his own. He slaps horn-boop and the two derps slap each other causing an ink mess.

The hippy monk spontaneously creates wine with his mountain powers and sprays that shit out of his fingers. Buff cake squeals like a dumbass, shoves Quothe-the-Raven off the coffee table and does a fucking rain dance on top of the table. The damn wine is doing a "HALLELUJAH ITS RAINING wine" sequence and horned-boop does a John Cena on poor Shadow-butt's ass. He joins the layered cake on top of the table and the two do a Singing in the Rain dance sequence like if Gene Kelly actually existed in this world. The winged-elf-butt pops a vein in her wings, making the wings dank red. She knees the juat necromancer, who' still yelling, in the face because of his previous comment. The two battle it out with rock paper scissors to see who gets to break the table.

Mc-bunnster and Dragon-af lady enter the dank villa by making a hole in the wall like the koolaid man. Joining them is the army-lady on her horse. Nonexistent trumpets start playing in the background. The sub-god from previously teleports in the room with the missing-af necromancer and his tiny af companion. He swiggles, "Holy buttnuggets its the beginning of Armageddon. Explains the diseased asshole. He be dat four horse-man shit." The missing necromancer does a sonic roll out of the winged dude's grip with his tiny companion. The two land and the necrophiliac flings out beer cans from under his robe. Everyone fucking flips out and halts whatever they are doing to chug that shit down while the wine still continues to rain from the ceiling. The two other winged ass creatures from far away spontaneously blow a hole in the roof wanting to join the turnt part-aye.

The winged-elf-butt wins the rock paper scissors after over 9 thousand tries. She flips the necromancer and sends him flying into the part-ayeing assbutts on the table. The three fly out the koolaid hole in the wall. The winged elf butt grabs hold of the scaley ass who's still chugging the beer and the two backflip into the coffee table, causing it to split in half. Splinters the size of large sticks fly all over, stabbing a couple of the peoples. Turns out there was an end-of-the-world button under the table. Their asses have pressed it after their John Cena dank finale. The world fucking blows up. The sun laughs at the blown up world. Then is blows up to. Great job guys. The misfits have dumbfuckedup.
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Sibil waited patiently for an answer from her Master. She winced whenever two loud banging noises were heard, coming from the other side of the door. "Is everything alright Master?" She questioned, flying back and forth in a straight line, almost as if she were pacing. Was he in some type of distress? Or maybe in pain?

The small being waited somewhat impatiently for another sign from him until she heard the door opening. Her eyes widened slightly before she went to defense mode. She placed a hand on her pouch and looked up at the figure in the doorway. Sibil sighed in relief before tilting her head to the side to look up at Morgrim.

She greeted him before listening. "I certainly do not fancy early risings. I'm not fond of early mornings actually. I just wasn't aware at which time you awoke," the creature rubbed the back of her head, "I honestly believed you would already be up."

She gave an apologetic smile before frowning slightly. "The creatures here are lovely, I'm just not particularly fond of darkness as you already know," Sibil answered softly. "However, I do need to stop by a shop and pick up a few crystals. The wisps respond to me better if I have an opal crystal but the last one I had...was taken and sold by Tuso."

Sibil followed him patiently as he walked downstairs. She sat down on top of the table, her eyes sparkling at the different types of berries. The small being quickly grabbed one, shoving the whole thing into her mouth. "This is delicious!" Sibil then set to work eating quickly.

After a few moments, she was done eating. The fairy then turned to look up at Morgrim. "Are meeting your companions on the way to the core?" She questioned.

( @Morgrim )
(Eh it was a rushed, shitty post. Now that I'm all hopped on some tea I can focus better. Allow me to just redo my last one completely.)

The Legate remained on track, quite ironic. She had been 'bear tracking'; making her way through the forested area close enough to see the trail but far enough away to disappear if she needed. Her neck craned, cold green eyes looking upwards to the Villa. The path her horse had left was large, but it would appear to be untrampeled by nightfall, not like anyone was following her. Tossing a brief glance behind her, she turned back around reassured she wasn't being followed.

"Either a pompous ass owns it, or everyone inside is dead. What do you think bud?"

She casually said to the horse beneath her, trying to distract her from all the possible negative things and all the things that could go wrong when she got to the Villa, the horse simply responded to her voice with a long, low and gruff snort.

"A dead pompous ass, huh? Good call."

She taps her spiked heels into his flanks, ushering the beast forward at a faster pace. She looked down briefly to readjust her sword on her hip before looking back up. Her heavy equipment and armor bounced, jangling loudly with each shuddering step of the horse. The noise painfully loud in the silent area. She shook her head and guided the horse to the road.

She pulled up to a stop, approximately 20 meters away, dropping off her horse then guiding him into the shade.


She gave the simple command and the horse stood there stupidly. Gaiana briskly turned and started toward the Villa. The Legate felt more than exposed, even in her heavy armor, going into an unknown environment always had her worked up, and for some reason, today, Gaiana's tingling sensation or intuition sone may say, was extraordinarily active, stomach light, muscles tensed, and eyes fixed and hard, she approached the door.

With much nerve racking anticipation she knocked, her gauntlets making three, hard, solid thuds on the wooden doors. Subconsciously the Legionaire straightened her posture, tightened her jaw muscle and furrowed her brow.

(Once again, allow me to apologize, autocorrect usually fixes my mistakes. Mot sure what went wrong but it did and I'm glad I got a chance to make a real post.)
The Khajiit watched the woman in irritation as she spoke. Whiskers twitching as she mentioned stealing and "skilled fighters" Nitiri once again tightened her grip on the small pouch of coins she carried. "Yeah yeah, whatever." She growled when she finished, ignoring the lady's effort of kindness. Tail twitching as she entered the building, Nitiri's hackles rose, her scenes bristling in apparent fear at the multitude of people around.

. . . ((I have no idea what else to say D: Anyway Imma be going out to eat so it may be awhile for me to respond I guess))
(Well someone has got to make the kitty cat feel welcome, it sounds like it will be up to Xochi, and me as well.)

Innocence noticed the newcomer, and a faint memory of a grumpy cat in the dark flashed back in his mind. The cat who use to carry around, and by the looks of it still does carry around all her material wealth with her on her back. Innocence was all too happy to make friends wherever they come, and in whatever shapes, sizes or colours. This cat would be no different, so Innocence pops up from his seating position, and the food along with the tray falls right through his stomach onto the floor with a inky sounding clang. He Rushes over to the cat, and wraps her up in a big inky hug. "Welcome friend..... Good to see you....." He let's go off her from the hug, but wraps a hand around her paw and drags her off to the kitchen where the chef would undoubtedly cooking up a substitute for the meal that Innocence had so jubilantly taken from the master cook. "Hungry.....?"
First, she jumped from the noise of a meal, plate and all, falling to the floor. Backing up as some sort of shadow creature neared her her, Nitiri then hissed in confusion as the thing enfolded her in some sort of a hug. "Wh-what?" She hissed when it spoke.

Trying to tug her paw away from the thing but failing, Nitiri unwillingly trailed after the shadowy figure as it, he, she supposed, leaded her to what looked (and smelled) like the kitchen.

At the dark figure's offer of food the Khajiit twitched her whiskers. At the mention of food she realized she was hungry, her stomach starting to rumble at the prospect of a good meal. A diet of salted beef and bread rolls didn't fair well in the Khajiit's stomach, so Nitiri nodded and stepped a little quicker beside the shadow.

Morgrim was quite surprised by the faeries answer, a faery that was a late riser, that was new to him. At least to what little extend of fae traditions that he had. He brushes the hair out of his eyes, and pulls his hood back up to cover his appearance. "My companions, I have no idea where they are now, but I hope to find them there, I don't think we can take out the enemy with just the two of us." He said with a nod, and proceeded to head through the door, closing it and locking it behind him. He digs into the meal, mostly in silence, chewing the fresh crispy meat, developing a particular soft spot for the wings and gnawing on them, even the few bits of remaining marrow.

"Just so you know this is going to be a suicide mission, if you have any business you would like to get sorted out now would be a good time, there is a chance neither of us will make it back." He spoke calmly as if this was all average day business. He kept the bone for himself, but slides the plate back to the fluffy looking werewolf in the barmaids clothes. He then heard about the crystals and nod in understanding. "All right, will you need any coin to make the purchase, or will you be all right?"

Sibil looked up slightly. "When you're asleep, you're vulnerable. I like to get as much sleep as my body will allow," she said simply, "I've gone 2 months with at sleep before." The small being then turned back to her cup filled with water. She kept listening to what he said, nodding every now and then to show she was listening to him.

Her body tensed slightly whenever the Core was mentioned. She wouldn't deny the fact that she already knew what Morgrim was telling her. Sibil let out a small sigh. "I'm very well aware of that fact. My people don't fair too well in places like that," she mumbled. "I imagine I would die sooner if I didn't have company coming with me. The only reason I even dare go is because my Master wishes to venture there."

The fairy then stood up from where she was sitting on the table. "I think I can handle it. The crystals usually only cost around 3 gold coins," Sibil then flew up to Morgrims shoulder. "Anything you need while I'm going outside?" She questioned. Her head tilting to the side.

( @Morgrim )
Okay a response for the greedy cat, and the tiny faery. As promised.))

Innocence was happy to see the cat again, he thought that she was cute and fluffy, and even more so funny. She seemed so oddly attached to something that was highly valuable, but practically useless. Maybe it was because it was shiny, and most cat's like shiny things. Innocence once remembered figuring out that if you hold a piece of glass in the sun light just right you can make a light, he did this when a tiger emerged from the forest and failed at mauling his face off, because Innocence technically didn't have one at the time. After a few flashy tricks with the light the tiger was playful as a pussy cat, and he abused this fact for hours. Maybe he would do the same to Nitiri, but he figured she would want to eat too, so the kitchen was the main destination as of the exact moment. The chef was busy away cooking and sweating up a storm trying to make a new meal to cover for the loss of twenty pounds of meat thanks to Innocence, and when he saw the shadow soul enter he threw and unused pan at him.

"YOU! How dare you steal an entire turkey! That could have fed at least ten good people, and you took it all for yourself? Now look at what I have to do, working twice as hard just to make sure everyone gets a meal!" Innocence just lowered his head in shame at the realization that other people needed that meal "But..... But my friend is hungry...... Something for her...... Please......" The cook sighed, but agreed, and plated about a pound of Tuna that she could have, cat's like fish and he had more then enough tuna since they are usually around eighty pounds a catch.

Morgrim could understand how the faery did not want to venture into the Core, it was practically the most dangerous place on the entire planet seeing how far down you go, so he made an offer. "You know Sibil you do not have to accompany me to the Core, I know how dangerous it is, and I know how most faeries hate the dark so if you desire you may stay up here in landfall and condone your own business for as long as you like. If I ever desperately need you I can summon you."

He wasn't trying to call her useless he was just trying to grant her some safety and freedom from what would come, this would not be an easy battle, but it is all Morgrim has right now, because his enemy is not yet dead. Tuso was only the beginning. There was also the entire paladin order, and then the rest of the divine nine, and even then he wants to take on the entire religion of Arcanism. Morgrim was always ambitious, and he wants to spit in the face of the god and watch him weep as everything he built and stand for falls apart around him, right before he kills the angel himself. Morgrim had only that after it was the paladin order that destroyed his home, his family and his only friend.

"I.... I suppose I can put the mission on hold for a little while for you Sibil, it's up to you whether we go right away or later. It might be best to gather our strength, and some reinforcements before we go to the Core." He admitted with a sigh, and a little bit more then a little hesitation.

As she followed the shadowy-thing across the large living area (with a few wary looks trailing after her) Nitiri glanced at him and noticed him looking at her pouch. Narrowing her eyes she pulled the strings so the glinting coin pieces weren't visible. Looking forward, still slightly scowling, she stepped through the door to the kitchen.

As soon as the door shut behind them, a big sweaty chef, looking like a tomato, whipped his head forward and started yelling at the shadowy thingy; earning a jump and quiet hiss from the Khajiit. Slightly irritated afterward that she hadn't caught the figures name yet, (so far he, er, it was only referred to as "you".) Twitching her tail at the statement of her being "friends" with the creature, Nitiri started hotly, "Hey, who ever said-.." She trailed off as the scent of fish wafted through the air as a platter of tuna was brought from behind the chef's counter.

Licking her muzzle and twitching her whiskers, Nitiri eagerly took the hefty meal and took a deep sniff, grinning silently to herself.


Jassur Batal

  • Tagging: -

    Location: Villa

    Character Mood: Tired

    Animus's Mood:

Jass couldn't help but sigh when he thought today was going to end calmly. The arrival of the cat burgular reminded him of the tiresome events the previous day. So many unnecessary people were met and trouble seemed to spontaneously appear for the group of misfits. Jass didn't hate the overgrown cat; there isn't really much to hate, really.

The presence did annoy him and also to the blind assassin. Her shenanigans almost harmed Innocence. Though, Jass did like the share of money he received when Morgrim splitted the cat's money. The Khajiit wouldn't have forgotten some of the shit they've done to her already (lol). The mercenary wondered if that unfortunate horse was still with her. The whole split up in the forest was very quick that he'd almost forgotten they had other people with them at the camp. Not that it mattered much now anyways.

Innocence drags the Khajiit off to the kitchen to the benefit for all the irritated members in the room. The former knight glances down at his pants covered in ink. He couldn't decide if he wanted to deem it the shadow soul's "unusual" vomit but that would only make things worse for him. Jass gets up from his seat and tells the others, "I'm calling it a day." He picks up his bag of treasures, leaving the discarded guard armor on the floor. He didn't feel like picking the beaten up metal.

Jass speaks with one of the servants, asking where they were all going to sleep. The guy guides him somewhere (because I still have no clue so I'm going vague on this) where the mercenary is able to change and pass out on something comfortable other than the forest ground he's been sleeping on for more than a week. It reminded him of the not-so-pleasant way of meeting the missing necromancer.

Roxii Sicarius

Even though the wolf couldn't see the Khajiit, the scent alone was enough to make her turn her nose up in agitation and disgust. What was that doing here? The last time the hybrid saw her was in the forest yesterday, where everyone had split up and escaped from that cluster of knights. Too much had gone on for the assassin to keep track of everyone, including the cat, and see where everyone had gone. She figured that the cat had either been captured, killed, or escaped far far away to distance herself from the obnoxious group of misfits and outcasts. Unfortunately, the feline was still in the vicinity, much closer to her and her accomplices than she desired.

Roxii's growling was reduced to a low rumble as the other assassin passed by, the thick aroma of hunger and anger following him. Soon after, the monk approached. It was difficult to not notice his presence; he was a rather large man that had a step that couldn't be considered light, and his unique scent grew stronger with each passing step. There was a moment of silence—perhaps doing some nonverbal gestures that weren't for the wolf-elf—before Tai cleared his throat, probably to make himself known to the blind female if she didn't notice him already.

The elven hybrid scrunched her face up in irritation at the monk's inquiry. All of these people have been asking about her well-being and watching her every move the moment she lost her sight. It was tolerable at first because she knew she needed some guidance, aid, and time to cope, but she was fine now. Did they all think they could pity her? She wasn't a puppy that needed to be looked after every second of the day; the elf could take care of herself. The hybrid may be blind, but she wasn't helpless. "
I am fine," she spat, though with less venom than what she would normally spew.

The Shadow wanted to leave the monk and enter the building again, or even to just wander around away from everyone else, but she couldn't. She had no idea what her surroundings were, and she dared not use her magic. The blind assassin didn't mean to be harsh with Tai, but they didn't need to look after her. She was just as capable to take care of herself as she was when she had
both of her eyes. These people weren't her caretakers; they were simply people who were there to help when need be. And now was not one of those "need be" times.


Mood: Irritated
Location: Monk villa


The Legate brwatged out, grinning. Someone was home. The grin wasn't a nice grin, oh far from actually, it was a small given to someone you hated and you were repressing a deep hatred for them. She ground her teeth slightly through the fake smile and stalked backwards before turning to the side of the villa.

She lowered herself down so she was in a belly-dragging prone position. She then crawled and slithered towards the wall, the only sounds would be the ambient noise and the occasional scratch on the dirt 'quieter than a mouse fart 100 meters away' as her old instructor put it.

Once she was at the wall she popped to a kneel and ever so slowly creeped to a window. Fixing her hood over her head, bare of a helm, Gaiana peered from the corner, where a bush was, hopefuly concealing hthe corner of her head from any quick glances.

She would count everybody in the room bur would stay looking in but ready to Jack rabbit out.

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