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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Raven Qrow

The odd girl nodded and listened intently as Darrius listed things he liked,"Ooh alcohol~ I'm not much of a drinker, Im a light weight," she giggled. Aside from not having the liver to drink her life away, i dont think anyone would want her drunk in the first place. Shes got a couple loose screws as it is. Lost all her marbles. Raven raised her hand to scratch at the cuff and chain stuck around her neck. She pulled away from it a little then pushed her attention back to the demon in front of her. But Darrius had stopped, clarifying if he heard her right. Raven nodded,"Mhm! You heard right, sir~" her honey sweet voice rang from that creepy, immovable smile of hers. "Though, im not trying to anymore. Its one of my 'issues'," she used air quotes and winked. It was never an issue to her. She had no remorse, her brain didnt think it was an abnormal thing to do; hence the insanity. She labeled it as an issue to Darrius as a mock toward those that called her a problem. Her parents, the wardens at the mental house, and those that heard rumors about her. "So dont worry! Im learning to redirect that behavior toward bad people~!" her smile beaming. She leaned her head to the right, her eyes following the same direction,"Even though...I cant exactly promise your safety..." she mumbled,"Im sure you'll be okay," she giggled cutely as she reassured him.

The tiefling looked across to Jassur and Ether sitting across. Raven's two-toned eyes followed his gaze,"Hm?" She blinked at the other two,"Oh, are those your friends?" She flashed a grin toward them,"Hi there~" the perky girl gave a small wave and returned her hand to her lap. She turned her head to look at Darrius again,"They seem nice."

Her eyes moved to look at everyone else behind Darrius,"Are all these people your friends?" for once the smile disappeared as she looked at each of their faces, studying them. "I wish i had a lot of friends," a tinge of sadness snuck its way into her voice. But the lonely reminder moved on, and she smiled again,"I had a friend once! She was nice." Was...interesting... She stopped the story from going any further. The "friend" she spoke of, was a girl in her childhood, the same girl that resulted in Raven's imprisonment.

(She killed her •-•)

@CarpeNoctem1213 @AnimusLight @shadowz1995


Anaxileah Wylloh

Ana smiled when Xochi nodded and beckoned for Ana to follow her, grateful for the girl's kindness. Ana placed her things down against the wall, trusting that her allies would not touch anything, including her bow, daggers, and throwing knives, determined to be calm and peaceful in the villa. She followed Xochi through the villa, admiring the beauty and relaxing atmosphere. It calmed Ana, after all of the fighting and stress that had been going on, allowing the tension to roll off of her shoulders. She could now relax, as they were all in a safe environment - or so she hoped (apparently everyone just WALTZES over here...). Ana followed Xochi through a couple twists and turns in the villa until they reached a room that caused Ana to stop breathing for a moment.

The room was absolutely beautiful. Completely taken over by nature itself, the room was filled with plants, flowers, and more, enveloping everything in it with a serene gracefulness. Vines were all around her room, her bed, and her furniture was all themed around nature, most of it looking as if it came from the forest the way it was. "This...is your room...?" Ana asked, her mouth agape, once she was able to breathe once more. The wonder of the room was so amazing, it wowed Ana. She felt at home here, surrounded by the element she was strong in, and that element was Xochi's as well. "It's marvelous..." Ana murmured as she was shown to the dresser located in Xochi's room, where the mute revealed clothing similar to hers. They were close to the same size, since Ana only weighed a few more pounds than Xochi and was two inches shorter, but the height could affect her movement, so she would roll up the pant legs to the outfit she chose, which thankfully concealed her most of her lower back. However, the top dipped low enough into her back that it revealed some of the faded green scales and her entire tattoo, but she figured her group would've found out eventually, despite her attempt to hide it.

Excluding the armor-style things and the weapon and the beads. Only the clothing, and the top wraps around the neck, low at the back. No shoes, either.

Ana began unwrapping the bandages around her waist, not caring about Xochi being in the same room, since they were both females. Her green scales were now revealed, but she continued with putting on the outfit as if nothing had changed. She slipped the top on over her head, her short green hair springing back up into its normal bouncy/messy appearance when she finished. She then pulled on the pants of the outfit, rolled up the pant legs, and remained barefoot, her pale and slender legs showing from the knee down. When she had finished changing, she looked up at Xochi, having pointedly been avoiding looking at the girl's face, afraid of what she'd think of her. Nonetheless, the lizard hybrid looked up at Xochi, nervousness plain on her pale face, as she waited for a reaction from the girl.

Tag: @Federoff Mood: Awed/Nervous Location: Xochi's room in villa

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Morgrim's source gathering was most revolved around buying some people drinks, and listening in on others conversations, not the most capable spy, but more often then not he learned what he needed to. Some rumours spread around about merchants from the core coming up early from trades, because entire beds of water have been corrupted by some sort of virulent water born plague. Tears of the serpent turning black and producing sludge instead of normal water. Several had been infected, and even more each day. With no more then a dozen known locations of the tears it would soon become a crisis that all of civilized places in the core would be traumatized by. 20 gold coins later and several hours Morgrim decides to turn in, and head to his room. He is thankful for the moments of rest he will now be granted, it had been far too long before he has had a peaceful sleep. The beds were large and generous, and the pillows full of fur or feathers from the beast that have been hunted to produce the highly protein based meals in the Den.

Morgrim had some time to reflect on all that has happened in the past two days, the village they saved, the troublesome companions they have made, and the surge in weirdos they have encountered. With the only upside being the reward, and killing Tuso, now they had to serve on a mission for someone even more pompous and corrupt then Tuso himself. It almost felt like they were moving backwards instead of forward, but Morgrim knew two things as of this moment. First of all Arcanus is not invincible, tough for sure, but he has fears so much that he sends a group of angel slayers of assassins instead of himself. Secondly this beast of disease while evil may have answers to take out Arcanus. Morgrim knew very little of plague, but he felt almost connected to it in some way. It a creature deformed and shunned from civilized land, a power over death and disease, and something that is willing to do the darkest of deeds for reasons unknown. Morgrim though could not relate in all aspects, he would not tolerate the genocide of an entire continent simply because the one causing it has enough power to do so. For now, sleep. So he closed his eyes and slipped off into the void that is his own subconscious.
(This one is for you Animus.) Innocence with all the pride and joy of a child at doing something on his own for the first time rushes over to his friend Jass, it took a little running around to find out where the buffing warrior was, but he was with most of the others in the library licking their wounds and socializing. Innocence looks even weirder then usually with a twenty pound dead bird in his stomach, but he hasn't lost any of his excitement or agility over it. He pokes Jass on the face to get his attention and pulls a distorted looking smile. "I... Ate.... So full....." He opens his mouth and in an attempt to show that he can now eat, and wanted to give Jass a memento, so he pushes the ink covered bird up from his stomach and throws it up write on Jass's lap, and then smiles. "For you....." He then goes over to the plate of snacks and proceeds in inhaling the entire tray, literally. He just grabs the tray and all the food on it and shoves it down his mouth, body visibly distorting and distending trying to accommodate room for the new addition and mass added to his body.
(And now for Par-tan)

The wandering saleswoman and smith seemed to pick up on subtle differences in the two companions, they seemed to have some sort of kinship for each other all ready despite just meeting, like they were not telling her something. Not to mention they were far better equipped, and carry different stances then most who travel on Landfall. They were not entirely normal by any means and she could sense this. "Hey you two, what's going on? Is there something you ain't telling me? I didn't get as far as I did by keeping my ears closed, so what are you hiding?" The statement was ironic because she didn't have any actual ears, just small inverted holes in both sides of her head to allow for hearing.

"So you know I hate being kept in the dark so if you got something you're hiding you better spill it now, or this is going to be a short journey." She stood her ground, putting the rest on hold so that she can confirm her suspicions of the two. For all she knew they could have secretly been bandits or highwaymen trying to get in on her goods and leave her in a ditch to die. She wasn't to keen on dying, and even less so towards being robbed by some common thugs. Just in case though she reached a hand under the canvas covering her cart. One wrong move and she would attack. A little jumpy but you can never bee too careful.

Castellan Serra

  • Tagging: @Morgrim @CarpeNoctem1213


    Par-tan, Svenna


    Spider's Crossing

"You needn't worry. All that I've told you have been truths. I don't believe there is anything you should be suspicious of." Serra said with a hand lifted in deterrence.

She continued, "You picked me out of the crowd. I offered to help you with your task. Nothing has changed, at least not on my end of the bargain." She looked into the Chorzon woman's eyes. "Only thing I have to hide is my own past and that is of no concern to you." Serra said steely.

Her attitude changing, the questioning putting her on the defensive. Serra had no intentions on telling her the reasons that brought her here, or anyone for that matter. She did not trust the mortals on Landfall and her pride wouldn't allow her to relive the moments of her banishment. Serra adjusted herself to be a few paces within reach of Par-tan, allowing her room to defend herself and restrain the feathered reptile woman. There weren't any immediate danger though it never hurt to be prepared for everything.

Serra awaited Svenna's response and watched them both steadily. Her hand was still up and away from her weapon, showing she was not hostile. There was no reason to bring conflict and understanding that two out of the three were capable of devastating destruction, it would be unfavorable for Par-tan to engage them. Serra was hoping it didn't come to that, it would be senseless and wasteful.

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  • Fantasy-Girl-Wallpaper-7.jpg

    Xochi smiled lightly at Ana's reaction, it was the reaction that many people had when they saw her room; which she found odd as this was a recurring sight in where she was from. It was a simple nature room, but she loved it and felt right at home all huddled up and surrounded by nature. Once Ana began to look through her clothing for something to borrow, she didn't mind letting her just have the clothing since she never came over here, she patiently waited while sitting down on a chair covered in roots; thinking about the wolf-assassin girl and worrying about how she was going to cope now being blind. She blanked out while worrying, but was brought back to the real world when she heard the unwrapping of bandages, it seemed Ana had found herself the outfit she wanted.

    Xochi looked over to the girl, who was in the middle of changing, not bothered by the fact that she was somewhat undressing, since she had long shared time with other girls back at her home; but what did throw her off was that she saw something sparkle from the sunlight coming in from the windows. They were green and patterned, like she was scaled. Xochi made a o shape with her mouth, That's interesting, is she part reptilian or dragon? she pondered to herself, once more going back into her thoughts.

    After a few moments the mute girl realized that Ana was now staring back at her, nervously awaiting her opinion apparently. She took a whole look at the clothing she picked out, it was a simple thing she wore when at the sanctuary temple nearby. Xochi smiled and clapped slightly before getting up and rushing over to her side, giving two thumbs up and a slight hug. After making it apparent that she approved of the clothing choice, it suited the mysterious girl in her opinion, she then changed her expression to one of a query, pointing at her lower back with a face that read that she was wondering about the scales, curiosity and excitement melding together on her face.

    Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members)
    Location: Villa, her room

    Mood: Checked out, Supportive, Curious, Excited

    With: Ana (@Anaxileah

    Themes: Mystery girl


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Sibil woke up the next morning, right as the sun was breaking across the land. She sat up and stretched slightly, her back popping as she did so. Her head turned towards the window before sighing. She felt more energized then she had in a long time.

It felt comforting to know that even she could come back from the pathetic state she had been in not too long ago. Sibil then shook her head. She wouldn't think about it much, she decided. Wiping the sleep out of her eyes, she swung her legs out of the bed and stood up.

The fairy had no idea if her Master would be up already. It would certainly surprise her if he was. Morgrim had seemed exceptionally tired yesterday, whether he admitted it or not.

With a slight twitch of her finger, the Feys eyes turned blue and she was back to her fairy self again. A breathe of relief came with it. While being in human form was less stressful on her powers and body, it made her feel like she was suffocating. Her eyes slowly turned back to their forest green.

She made her way on to the drawer. On top of it set a mirror. Sibil did a once over before fixing her outfit slightly. The small being then started adjusting her pouches and checking for things she had and needed. In all, it took her about 7 minutes.

Standing back up, she flew back down to the bed. She stretched one last time before finally heading to the door. If haste was needed, they needed to get a move on.

Wiggling her way through the key hole, Sibil flew to the room left of hers. She considered what she should do for a moment. Finally, she decided on just knocking.

( @Morgrim )

Nitiri stretched her back, feeling each of her backbones pop. "I've been on this stupid horse too long." She growled, flicking her tail in annoyance. She had been on the forest road for about a good hour when a large house looking thing appeared in the distance. Almost concealed by the trees ahead Nitiri figured it was probably some noble-owned villa.

Perking her ears she quickly drew her hood over her head and urged the stallion to move faster.
Perhaps the family wasn't home, she could pillage a bit and maybe spend the day for rest. A grin on her face at the thought, Nitiri eventually approached the building a few minutes after. Her cheery disposition quickly faded, her eyes narrowing as she spotted glints of candles and light from the place. Growling, she thought Can I get a goddamn break??

The Khajiit quickly dismounted and tied her horse to a nearby tree. Taking an small empty sack from one of the saddlebags Nitiri filled the sack with as many coins as she could. Leaving the rest with the stallion she snarled, "Stay here," before approaching the villa.

Slinking towards the front door, Nitiri tried the door. Locked. She rolled her eyes, of course it was locked. Clearing her throat she stood up straight and sighed. Maybe these people were nice and would just let her stay and leave without a problem, as long as they didn't notice a few belongings missing. Nitiri knocked on the door
tentatively but loud enough for it to be heard as she waited by the door.

@anyone i guess :l

((Sorry for shitty post))


Tai placed his hand on her shoulder. Soft, gentle and comforting. But despite the feathery light touch, her muscles jerked then tensed. Her nerves sent a surge of instinct to her brain. Normally, the elf became extremely defensive when someone touched her, resulting a dagger to their throats. She shot him a side long look, turning her head slightly to look at his hand, her eyes trailing his arm to look at his face. The next few words the monk spoke were true. Though she didnt admit it (because she would definitely hate doing so) she was afraid. What will these changes mean for her in the future? She was angry and confused. But once again, Tai had a point, she may come to like them, the changes might be useful. But what if she doesnt? Too many questions circled her head, none of which she could answer.

The light elf's body relaxed when Tai moved away for a brief moment. She could feel his presence move back to the desk, picking something up, and returning to Eleniel. He angled the mirror so reveal the wings behind her. Silvery eyes took a quick glance, but she immediately turned her face away from the mirror. She didnt want to see them. She didnt want to be reminded. Her head shook, silver hair swishing as she did. The petite female turned her body to face the larger monk. Her hand, small and a bit shakey, lowered the mirror out of sight,"I believe... I may need some time to accept this," her voice was quiet, matching his hushed and soft tone. Eleniel's face softened to show genuine concern, an expression she almost forgot how to show. There was something about Tai that made her feel calm and collected, even if she was internally panicking. After taking a deep breath she gave a small bow, grateful for his advice and care. And strode out the room with heavy, angry steps, boots thumping the wooden floors. She brushed past him, picking up the gold she set down before stepping back into the living room. Her gaze moved to spot Atraxia sitting at the window by himself. She scoffed and looked at Ether who sat on the couch, awake and...talkative. Once again she walked with purpose, untying the bags of gold from eachother as she made her way. She stopped infront of him, one arm raising a single gold filled sack. Eleniel bent slightly toward him, her eyes narrowed and glaring at him,"Not...a single...word..." she hissed, referring to her new appearance, and dropped the heavy weighted bag into his lap. She knew his type, she knew he would be the type to comment or make a remark about the way she looked now, but she wasnt going to have any of it.

She threw the other bag, of her own claimed treasure over her shoulder, her free hand on her hip and turned to walk away. But she stopped, eyeing Jassur, Darrius, and Raven. With her normal, icy look she observed each of them, and gave an audible,"Hm!", a sound of judgement, before walking off to her own lonesome corner near the room's fireplace.

She stopped look at the mantle, not that it was interesting, it was just something to look at while she thought. Thinking about the wings and runes, no doubt. Her eyes moved to her exposed arm, the one she used to show Tai the runes. Quickly setting her gold down, she turned on her heels, leaning against the side of the fire place mantle to lace up her sleeves and bracers to its original state, covering the symbols on her fair skin.

@shadowz1995 @Federoff

Mentioned: @CarpeNoctem1213 @AnimusLight

Ria slept attentively alone, a small little opening under a ledge provided shade and cover, although the rock floor wasn't to comfy. The noise of twilight city, woke Ria, who snarled in anger and slowly got up, stretching her huge form, extending her front legs in front of her. She yawned and walked out from under the ledge to the daylight. The forest all around her, it was generally peaceful thankfully, nobody seemed to be intruding. Yet feeling hungry, Ria quickly found a deer, Ria sprinted through the woods, the scents of twilight getting near as she chased the deer. Edging closer and closer she jumped over a called tree and jumped once more, her large paws reaching the deers rear end, claws digging into the rear and taking the deer down, the deer screamed until Ria dug into its throat, ripping into its flesh. Ria layed down and continued her meal.

Jassur Batal

  • Tagging: @Morgrim

    Location: Villa

    Character Mood: wtf

    Animus's Mood: "....."

Raven's like to harm others is odd but it did fit what the mercenary thought of her. He still wondered if the monk and mute lady even knew this insane woman. She did show up out of no-where. He wasn't focusing on who's coming in and out of the room with all these student's of Volkan and servants who are helping the group, walking about. Darrius looks back at him an Ether with a look of shock. He couldn't blame him; if the former knight wasn't relaxed he would have probably taken the statement as a threat. Gods, did he need a drink. Just one night he'd like to get hammered and pass out on a bed (IvotedrinkingcontestwithDarrius). Reminded him of his old self but without the repetitive drunk state every day and the feeling of the world ending.

The insane lady turns her attention to them, much to Jass's displeasure. He nods in response to her short wave, not bothering to join in the two's conversation. She then returns to talk to the smuggler. Something pokes the side of his face, startling him. Jass scrunches up his face in confusion; he finds Innocence back in the room with them. The mercenary asks, "Where'd you go off to, Inn-" His words are cut short when he notices the unusual shape in Innocence's form. "I... Ate.... So full....." The shadow soul opens his mouth as if trying to show something to the puzzled mercenary. Jass stares at the open mouth - rather wide than he thought it could open. "That's great, Innocence. Can you even taste food?" Something seems to be coming up from inside, bathing in ink. The round shape from his body seems to travel up with whatever. Jass senses something bad or just completely odd will happen.

Like what he expected, the contents from inside the shadow soul's mouth winds up on his lap; good thing it didn't ruin the sling and splint though he'd going to need new pants. Jass's whole body freezes as his mouth forms a thin line. The... black thing, whatever 'it' was - well, now that he looked at it, the thing looked like a cooked bird. Biting his lips, he glances at Innocence, feeling the shadow's self- content. "For you....." If he wasn't the receiving end of what Innocence up-chucked, he'd probably be laughing his ass off. He watches Innocence leave the work he's done to head to the table with the tray of snacks. In an instant the snacks and even the tray were sucked into Innocence which causes him to grow more in mass. Jass mumbles, "Gods..." feeling half amazed and half grossed-out.

As if to fill the empty space that's now on the table, Jass makes his way to the shadow soul, holding the inked turkey, then placing it where the tray used to sat. He examines the now larger body of the shadow soul, "...That doesn't hurt?" asking about the new contents inside him. If Innocence was using a body out of something cleaner than ink, this ability would actually be useful. Just not with the ink though.

Jass's attention turns to the sound of loud steps. The elf-angel enters, looking upset. She places what seems to be Ether's share of gold onto the necromancer's lap. Again, she looked mighty pissed. She looks at everyone in the room, including to himself before making her way near the fireplace. With his share of women over the years, he's come to understand to not interrupt a woman's needed alone time. Remembering the tantrum his friend Elizabeth used to have when disturbing her lone silence in the past gave the mercenary slight chills.

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Anaxileah Wylloh

Ana's cheeks turned a pale green when Xochi embraced her, but Ana hugged the female back with a faint smile. When Xochi gave her a questioning gaze, and opened her mouth to explain. "I'm half reptilian, half human. It's why my blood is green, my hair, eyes, and blush are all green, as well as why I have scales on my back. That's the only place, though, so it's way to hide." Ana spoke stiffly and looked down, somewhat shamefully, and murmured, "I was taught to hide them...because people were so judgemental. They're also my weak spot. My point of...vulnerability." Ana chose her words carefully, feeling guilty for hiding it. She then decided that she'd leave the room, give the group time to notice and ask, in case they really wanted to know. Roxii probably already knew from her sense of smell, but the others...Ana wasn't so sure.

Ana nodded in thanks to Xochi for the clothing and padded out of the room on her bare feet, the cool breeze blowing past her. Her hair moved in multiple directions, ruining any chance at keeping it tidy, as she returned to what was left of the group, containing a new addition. Ana raised an eyebrow, but said nothing as she sat on the opposite arm of the couch that Ether and Jass were on.

"How is everyone?" She asked, inserting herself into the conversation with a faint smile. She wanted to make sure everyone was okay, but as her stomach growled, she realized they weren't the only ones in need of nourishment. Ana could always go a long time without eating, but it had been a while, and she needed something, something meaty. Ana grabbed her bow and her quiver of arrows, announcing that she was going to go hunt a bit, and went to the door of the villa to open it. However, she had smelled a feline scent when she approached it and opened the door cautiously to reveal the Khajiit from earlier. Ana's eyes narrowed as she looked at the feline, peering at the female. "Where have
you been?" Ana asked, caution and wariness in her voice. Her outfit was an orange and brown color, matching her natural appearance, and she was barely, her pale feet upon the stone of the floor. Her back was to the group, undoubtedly revealing her tattoo and scales, but Ana was more concerned with the thieving acquaintance they had made beforehand.

Tag: @HoneyBear-Kat

@AnimusLight @CarpeNoctem1213 @Federoff Mood: Wary/Concerned/Curious Location: Villa

Darrius Vrag

Darrius chuckles slightly at Raven's question about his 'friends,' shaking his head a bit. "I haven't even known them for a whole day, can't really say if we're friends or not, to be honest." He's only just began to trust them. As a smuggler, trust is hard to come by, and even harder to give out. The only thing keeping him with this group at the moment is the orders of the king, not to mention the fact that almost all of them are amazing fighters, something that Darrius respects above all else. The Raven girl, while unstable, may prove to be a useful ally, so Darrius decides to put his initial feelings aside for now, but he makes a mental note to watch his back around her.

Innocence comes into the room not long after he finishes his sentence; the being's body is oddly distended, it looks like the Shadow Soul devoured the whole damn bird, which earns another grin from the tiefling, but when he upchucks the inky bird onto Jass' lap, Darrius loses it. He laughs so hard that not only is he, amazingly, able to ignore the shooting pain in his ribs, he also rolls off the couch's arm and crashes to the floor, clutching his chest and gasping for air as he howls with laughter. He's too busy laughing to notice the arrival of the light elf or her scornful look at the group.

The laughter subsides after a few minutes and turns into a groan of pain as the throbbing in his ribs catches his attention. He drags himself up off the floor, still holding his chest with one arm, and waves over the servant who's been bustling around helping everyone. There comes a point where Darrius realizes it's time to stop being stubborn and ask for help, and he's reached it. He begins carefully unlatching his armor and setting it on the floor behind the couch. Underneath the armor, he's wearing form-fitting clothes that cling to his muscular form and keep the armor from rubbing his skin raw when he moves. He strips off the shirt as well, revealing deep purple bruises on his arms and ribcage that somehow manage to stand out against his red skin, and holds his arms up so that the servant can attend to his injuries without having to work around his arms.

Tag: @HoneyBear-Kat

@Morgrim @AnimusLight Mood: Amused Location: Villa Living Room Music Equipment

(Whoo, stripping! lol)
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Svenna Zenith

Svenna raises an eyebrow at the lizard-woman, but her face remains otherwise unreadable. Svenna has no particular quarrels with those of Landfall knowing her origins, but to reveal hers would also reveal that of the Castellan's, something that Svenna is very sure she would not appreciate, so she decides to omit that particular detail as well. "I offered my help because I know these lands, if I intended to harm you, I could easily have done it when we were free of the crowd. All that you need to know is that I am a capable warrior who is willing to assist you on your journey with no monetary compensation required, and that I do not appreciate being threatened." Her eyes jump to the woman's hand under the cart's canvas and she readies herself to grab her own weapon if need be.

Svenna doesn't see Par-tan getting very far with whatever weapon she's clutching under the canvas. Two immortal warriors against a common being of Landfall is practically unfair, the woman would lie bleeding on the ground before the weapon even left the confines of her cart. Svenna gives the woman a commanding look, one that conveys her seriousness, and the order to stand down before the other two have to injure or kill her.


@Morgrim @TechEwok Mood: Come at me, bro Location: Spider's Crossroad Equipment

Nitiri jumped slightly at the woman who had answered the door. It was the same one from before, that lizard-lady was with the group that had taken her captive and had stolen her gold! Well, at least that's how the Khajiit saw it in her mind. The group leader, Morgim, (she remembered) had taken her gold away and made Nitiri travel with them for a short while before she snuck off, minus her own gold at that.

Shaking her head in surprise, Nitiri recoiled slightly and curled her lip. In response to her question the Khajiit merely snarled, "Nowhere you've been thankfully." Nitiri tightened her grip on the small sack that held some of her coins, her hackles bristling as she smelt more people (creatures, elves, wolves, you get the point,) inside the villa.

Flicking her tail towards the inside of the building, Nitiri retorted with a question of her own. "Is the rest of your circus inside?" She smirked and folded her arms (er, paws?) across her chest, her tail flicking slowly back and forth across the ground.

Ether Mesa

"And here I thought you couldn't look any better. Now your nickname really does apply sparkle." Ether throws in the light verbal jab despite the warning Eleniel had given him. She seemed rather distressed and the shock had not subsided from her eyes. It was quite distracting considering how bright they were now. But maybe that was what she needed right now. An outlet. So the necromancer throws another verbal jab in an attempt to get her distracted. "Now your appearance matches that 'Holier than thou' personality you have. But look on the bright side Elf. At least now you stand a decent chance of winning a fight against me." Ether coughs out a laugh before doubling over in pain but the smile did not leave his face.

Ether watches Ana enter the room through the dark aura he had set around the area. Well, felt was a more accurate word than watched.
She changed her outfit? Looks real nice on her. The necromancer chokes out a "hey" towards the reptilian before chuckling and immediately regretting it. "Gods....pain....my only weakness...hahahaha."

The dark sorcerer lapses into silence now that no one is addressing him and just feels with the darkness he has around the area to know what is happening or what is being said. Ether's perception had begun to worsen and he was on the verge of passing out once more. The lack of blood took a heavier toll on the necromancer and he had decided to stop relying on his physical senses to know what was happening around him.

Freya Banten

"Oh boy. Looks like they went through a hell of a fight. A lot of them look pretty strong too! If it was just you and me, I doubt you would have survived Sage. Which is WHY I want to spar with you. You need to get used to protecting yourself as well. I'm REALLY good Sage. But I'm not omnipresent. I can't be two places at once and if I am stuck fighting to preserve my own life, how am I going to save yours at the same time?" The female draconian's brow furrows in both irritation and concern. It was a situation she would truly like to avoid if she could help it. But the swordswoman could not deny the possibility and it wasn't a slight one either. Freya felt that Sage needed to at least know how to hang on long enough for Freya to come to her rescue. At least to delay the enemy until she made it.

The dragon lady sighs heavily before shaking her head causing her hair to jerk back and forth rapidly.
"Alright. We will postpone it but we WILL practice. I'm not gonna have you slacking either kay? Now, lets go to the sick bay and see if we can't buy any medicines from the people of the Villa hm?"

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