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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]


(I'm sorry for not posting last night, I had an emotional breakdown. Here is my...eh...post)

When the group left for the villa, Ana struggled with her weight of gold and trinkets despite the accepted help of Xochi, whom Ana was beginning to like more because of her gentle appearance and her obvious connection to the earth, similar to Ana's. Perhaps more trust would be established between the two, to a point where they could be friends and good allies. When Xochi and Tai brought the group to the villa, she began to trust them even more.

The journey itself took half an hour, and Ana kept an eye on Roxii for the duration of the venture, making sure she didn't fall over anything along the path. Thankfully the path was mostly flat with a small amount of obstacles, allowing the trip to be a smooth one. Once the group reached the villa, Ana marveled at its beauty and natural simplicity. It was a building that she herself would probably live in, which is why she enjoyed it so. The cultural architecture of the buildings, the relaxing array of colors in the scheme, and the soothing sound of birds, the lapping of water in a fountain in the courtyard, and the breeze of the wind upon the group.

Once the group entered the villa, Tai spoke to a butler, Volkan, and then led them to a room with two couches, a small coffee table, and a couple plants. He laid Ether down on one of the couches and soon disappeared, allowing other strangers to come tend to the group, mainly for healing their wounds. Since Ana was not injured, this did not apply to her, so she remained standing and leaned against one of the walls in the room in a position where she could see everyone in it. Tai soon disappeared, and Eleniel was in and out, but Darrius and Jass visibly relaxed, and Ether awoke. Roxii was being tended to by the servants of the villa, as were her other injured teammates, except for the stubborn Jass. Ana chuckled and closed her eyes, relaxing against the wall she rested upon.

Not long after she closed her eyes did Ana's scales start to itch. She opened her bright green eyes and ran a hand through her messy, peridot-colored hair before approaching Xochi, not noticing the new arrival, as she was relaxed in the atmosphere of the villa. On approaching Xochi, Ana nudged her gently with her elbow in a silent greeting. "Hey, um...do you possibly have clothing I can borrow until I can purchase my own?" Ana asked in a hushed tone as her wraps continued to chafe her delicate scales. She needed to change soon, otherwise her scales were going to get infected and would then have to be treated, which could not be allowed. Ana looked at Xochi with a pleading look, biting her lip to avoid scratching at the bright green scales along her lower back.


@Federoff Mood: Irritated/Relaxed Location: The Villa


Raven Qrow

Thankfully someone replied almost immediately. Beside her sat a rather large demonic being. Her eyes scanned over him, taking note of his large horns, and whipping tail. Her plastic smile stretched a little wider as she let out a giggle, she thought the couch looked too small for someone like him, it was a funny sight to see someone so brawny on a pretty couch. She took one more sip of her tea while its hot then set it on the table infront of her. Sitting back, she scratched her neck under the chain links, it was uncomfortable. Her big doe eyes looked at him again,"Private?" she took interest,"Well, whats the big secret?" she brought her knees onto the couch, moving to sit on them, facing Darrius,"Dont worry~! I wont tell~!" She nodded repeatedly with a big grin.

She really was a curious creature. Eighteen and finally out in the big ol' world, everything seemed brand new. She missed a lot during some of the most important years of her adolescence. Most people would go back to their home, to search and reunite with their family. Not Raven...she would probably kill them if she saw them again.

Being so close to Darrius, she could feel his power. And she liked it. She hasnt been so close to anyone, or a group for that matter, since escaping. Her senses were spiked and sensitive, she could feel power coming from most people in the room. Her head tilted while she looked at the demon sitting with her. She wanted to see more of the power she was feeling. Her eyes blinked, and their colors changed. Normally, her right eye is a rosy pink, when the left is brown. This time, the colors switched places, a sign she was ready to mimick Darrius' ability at any given moment. "How about, I tell you a secret," she placed her fingertips to her chest,"then you tell me what this 'private' secret is," her hand pointed at him. It was a fair trade for her. Raven really was like an open book, so she wasnt really giving anything up. "How does that sound~?" she smiled confidently.




The elf grew nervous when Tai begun to stroke his beard. What was he thinking about? What was it that he couldnt just say? Eleniel waited worriedly. The elf wasnt the type to be so strung up like this, but Tai's nervousness made her concerned.

Finally he spoke. He started with the book she held in her hand. She was relieved to hear that she wasnt in any sort of trouble, and that Tai was more than happy to lend the tome to her. With her head, she gave a small bow in thanks. Her arms moved to her side, feeling relaxed now that she knew her snooping was pardoned. If that is what he was trying to say then why did it take so long to say it? In anycase, Eleniel was gracious. She took a step toward the door, but stopped when Tai Moved infront of her.

This earned a a scrunched nose, and pouty lips from the stopped elf. Eleniel looked up at him, a little annoyed he got in her way. She had thought the monk had finished but appearently not. Still, she politely held her tongue and allowed him to continue. He called the subject a more "pressing matter" and boldly stated that the changes he mentioned were her changes. Her eyebrows pinched together, concern rising back. Tai calmly walked past her to a table directly behind her. Her heart raced,'What does he mean?' Tai reached for something then stopped to speak once again, holding something his hand. Her eyes darted to what he held then back up at him. He warned her about the changes she would see, but also mentioned something about a gifted power. Finally, the monk's hand extended, revealing the held item as a mirror. Eleniel quickly set the bags of gold down at her feet, and placed the book on the table that was next to her now. She took the mirror with both hands. The mirror seemed a normal size in the hand of Tai, but unlike him, she has to use both of her significantly smaller hands to hold it.

The mirror was already faced up, and the first thing she noticed was her eyes. No longer the dazzling blue she loved, but a plain silver. Her eyes widened at her reflection, and she raised the mirror to eye level, arms extended between her self and Tai. By doing so she caught a glimpse of the tips of her new wings on her back. Eleniel inhaled a sharp gasp,"WHAT?!" She yelled,"But--How...H-How did this happen?!" The elf turned her head trying to get a better look but it was no use,"What are these...these...wretched things?! I want them off!" She placed the mirror back down on the table harshly, creating a clank from the collision. She placed her right hand down onto the table,"I assume thats what these are then..." she hissed through gritted teeth. Her left hand frantically untied and unbuckled her sleeves apart so she has more room to roll them up. After doing so, she can see the full rune on the back of her hand clearly now. She turned her arm over and saw another rune on the inside of her forearm. Eleniel covered her mouth with her left hand, still looking at her arm. She shook her head and spoke with a muffled voice through her hand,"What is happening to me?!" Her eyes looked back up to Tai, glossy, fighting back the formation of tears. Certainly it was quite a shock.

Once again she collected her self, and the shock turned to anger. The elf moved both arms to her sides, and she turned away from the monk, pacing back and forth slightly,"Rhaich! Amarth faeg! Manen turu hen lárë na nin?! Im ped ed nánë i Ara... Inyë rach i Ara!" Her elvish spat fire with every word. Finally she stopped and pinched the bridge of her nose, her back facing Tai,"I am going to kill him...."

(Probably the only time you'll ever see her losing her head like this xD )


(Just going to shimmy my way in on a character intro.)

The Legate looked around from atop her warhorse. She stood ontop of the highly disciplined animal's saddle, the back of the animal more than strong enough to support her. The sun shined down on her once polished armor. It was scratched, battered and muddied, all on purpose of course. She had to blend in, while she wasn't the quietest she could still hide. She cast her gaze towards Dunheim, the town too big for her preferance. Gaiana slowly turned until she saw a smaller village, perched towards a woodline. This was more suitable.

She sat down, grabbing the reins she tapped her armored boot heels into the flanks of the horse, literally spurring it into action. Ahe set off at a fast canter towards the wodded settlement. She needed to send a message to the Legion, then restock. As she went towards the town the Legate did notice the sky clear of clouds and then become sunny in the west, quite suddenly. "No doubt some wizard." She patted her long time companions mane as it trotted forward. When she finally arrived the populace appeared less than hospitable to her. She pulled the War horse off to the side, put her helmet into a saddle bag and flipped a mottled grey, brown and green cloak up, concealing her. She stepped out again, hiding from view, and lead her horse. She tied the reigns off onto a taverns support bar, then headed towards the market place.

(Not sure how good it was.)

@anyone interested
(You have to create a CS and get accepted before you make any more posts. Otherwise no one will acknowledge the posts you make.)
"I... I have no idea." Morgrim said. The being was an anomaly in all aspects, unknown and quite a bit weird there was no way to get a bead on what exactly it was, but Morgrim had only one idea, and that the being was somehow connected to the artefact he touched when he was a child. The thing that turned him into what he is now. Morgrim had long been aware of the many runes that scattered his body, the ones that now also cover Elelenial, even though Mogrim does not yet know about that. There are now eleven of the markings on his body instead of twelve. Morgrim thought for the longest time they were meaningless, but now he see's them as what they are, a challenge.

He takes a look at the one on his right hand, on the back of his hand and the lines seem to move into coherent letters that he can make out. The next challenge is exclusive to him, and it is to bond with the flesh of the fallen. Given his new abilities and his current goal it seems as if destiny was in play with his actions, he has to kill and take over the body of Plague, the being of disease. "Hmm, well I think it would be best for you to get some rest now, but I know what needs to be done tomorrow, we will have to go to the Core. My previous companions should be heading there once they heal up, we however can not waste any time with it. Now get some rest, I have some preparations to make." He said, leaving the Fae girl to the room.

"You aren't wrong, but you aren't really write either, I do not NEED another swordswoman, but I suppose it cannot hurt. I'm not going to pay you for tagging along though so you know." She was not aware of either of their nature, and true forms. If she was her manners would be different towards them for certain. "If you are looking for some coin though I could throw a job both of your ways, but for now just get me home safely." She said in a demanding tone since they both seemed inclinded to help her for whatever reason, though if what she did succeeds she wouldn't need help from anyone ever again. She then spins on her heels and walks down the opposite path of the golden road, a road that would split of into the spiders crossroad, named for the fact it is the central point between eight different locations, and for the eight roads that move out in each of those directions. If they didn't follow her she would very simply leave them behind.

@CarpeNoctem1213 @TechEwok
Svenna Zenith

Svenna nods stiffly, glancing at Par-tan and back to the angelic being, seeing the spark of recognition in her eyes. "I agree. It seems things are rather," she looks around at the crowd outside the gates, "unstable. An extra warrior would lessen the chance of trouble arising. And I do not require payment." She turns her attention to the lizard-woman, her face blank, but her eyes showing something akin to irritation at the treasure hunter's rather demanding attitude. Svenna rarely takes anything personally, but disrespect--even from those ignorant of her station--tries her patience.

The lizard-woman doesn't wait for a response from the other two before taking off through the crowd toward what the populace of Landfall call the Spider's Crossroad. Svenna falls into step behind her without hesitation, sparing a look back at the angel woman as she goes. "If you do not mind, might I ask your name?"


@Morgrim @TechEwok Mood: Neutral Location: Outside Dunheim Equipment

Darrius Vrag

Darrius tilts his head as the girl talks, his expression becoming more and more quizzical the more she talks. He's really not sure if she's entirely there at all. He's met his share of nuts, but this one just seems really strange, especially with the eye thing, really, who's eyes just randomly switched colors like that, unless by magic. She doesn't seem particularly threatening though, not to someone who just helped take down an angel at any rate, so he decides to humor her and her questions. Maybe he'll get something useful out of her, like how she stumbled across them out of the blue.

"How 'bout we just start out simple for now, huh?" He smirks again, a bit of flirtatiousness slipping into his voice, and props his elbow up on the back of the couch (He's still sitting on the arm rest, by the by). No one could really blame him (probably), she's fairly attractive, and flirting is one of his best modes of persuasion when it comes to unknown parties of either sex. "Name's Darrius. And you?"

Tag: @HoneyBear\-Kat Mood: Conniving Location: Villa Living Room

Music Equipment

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Castellan Serra

  • Tagging: @Morgrim , @CarpeNoctem1213


    Par-tan, Svenna


    Spider's Crossing

"I never said you needed anything nor did I ask for payment." Serra muttered with disapproval. 'All I want is some familiarity. A sense of security and normalcy.' she thought to herself as she followed the smith.

Serra walks along with Svenna, trailing slightly behind Par-tan. Serra watches the disguised dragon with moderate interest. She was curious in learning more about her and her time in Landfall. She knew that there were those that ventured to Landfall from Skyshard, though she never considered it herself. She was meticulously determining Svenna's origins as she analyzed her. That was until the dragon broke her concentration with a question.

"My name is Serra, Castellan Serra." She said again, the sting less than before. She hid the embarrassment of staring at the woman. It was said to be rude to stare. Serra stiffened a bit and looked at the path ahead. "Do you know these parts well, Svenna?"


  • Fantasy-Girl-Wallpaper-7.jpg

    Xochi walked with Ana and Roxii as they made their way over to the small and old estate her parents had built so many years ago when they were first starting out in Dunheim, it was a nice and relaxing escape from the city and it reminded her a lot of home. The city was so different in every aspect compared to Vitae, her least favorite differences being the air quality and how the city was ran, it was so much dirtier and crueler then Vitae; she hated it. How she wished that she could help all the poor people that have to deal with all these conditions in Dunheim, but alas; she is but one person, an impossible task for anyone, let alone a teenager.

    They arrived to the villa(vanilla) about half an hour after they started their walking from the accursed palace, the scenery slowly changing until it seemed that time itself reversed around them, the villa seeming so out of place in a modern themed town. She took a deep breath in upon arrival, the air here was so much cleaner then the polluted air of Dunheim, it reminded her of her home and brought a small smile to her face. She smiled even more when Volkan came rushing up to them, worried about them as always, he was more of a childhood friend then a butler to her, kind and caring and always ready to help anyone at a moments notice; this was Volkan.

    She didn't dare follow Roxii and Volkan towards the clinic they had, not only would she probably pass out from seeing the wound on Roxii's eye but she would feel awkward due to the silence that would be emitted from her in the presence of the, newly, blind girl. So Xochi just followed the rest of the group into the main building, Volkans students coming in and offering their services with foods and medical treatment, she taking a small cup of tea and an apple as she didn't eat much.

    She sipped her tea and watched in silence as everyone went about their own business, the moody assassin at the window, Eleniel going to Volkan's study, etc... She sighed lighty at the fact that she would just be sitting their in silence as everyone began to interact with each other, but her attitude quickly changed when she felt someone lightly nudge their elbow against her; it was Ana. She turned herh ead slightly with a curious look on her face, wondering what she could want; revealing that she wanted to borrow some clothing, no reasoning behind it though. It was weird, but she did not mind it, and even smiled a bit as she nodded before finishing her tea and standing up, motioning for Ana to folow her.

    Xochi went outside and around the pool to the left, going inside the long building which contained housing for everyone here, including her parents room when they visited here as well; which was a rarity. When the got to her room she opened the door to reveal what looked like a secret garden, plans, flowers, and fruits and vegetables growing everywhere in the room;a true nature room. Her bed, along with other furniture, matched the theme of the old timey nature theme of the villa and her room, almost blending into the environment around it. She walked inside, both feeling and looking like she was finally back home, and towards her wooden dresser to where she kept all her clothes and slowly opened it up, it revealing a small arrange of clothing to what she was wearing to a bit more simpler. She turned around and smiled a bit, gesturing for her to have herself a pick.

    @HoneyBear-Kat )

    Theme: Kami.


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Raven Qrow

The quirky girl puckered her lips into a pout when Darrius redirected the conversation from telling secrets to introductions. She really wanted to know what they were chit chatting about. In anycase, she went along. He went first, then it was her turn,"Im Raven! My full name is Raven Qrow, but people just called me Raven so my last name is unimportant," she shrugged and brushed it off.

Raven smiled wider when Darrius flashed her that smirk. Its not because he was being flirtatious, in fact, shes oblivious when it comes to realizing that someone is flirting with her. However, when its the other way around, she makes her intentions pretty clear. In anycase, the reason his smirked amused her, was because she thought he was being friendly and opening up to her. She just wanted to know that secret, but a smirk or a smile is progress, right? At least, that was her mentality... Still, she couldnt help but wonder why he channeled the conversation else where. Maybe he wanted to get to know her first? Hmm...yes that must be it! "Oh!" she said,"I get it! You just want to know me before you tell me anything! Okay well...lets see," she put a finger to her lip and her eyes darted else where,"Hmm..." Her mind scavanged for anything interesting. Her childhood wasnt anything to brag about, and her teen years were wasted away in a cage. Instead, she decided to talk about things she likes,"I like food, and talking, hurting people...oh! And i like meeting new people!" she grinned at him, placing both hands in her lap and shrugging cutely. "Okay, now its your turn, right?" Her head tilted to the side when she asked honestly. She wasnt sure how to talk to people, exactly, but she was trying her best. The girl always got a thrill when meeting a stranger, people were interesting to her; unfortunately, shes a danger to those that cant defend themselves. Raven made a small squeal of excitement,"This is fun! Are you having fun? Im having fun!" If she were a dog, her tail would be wagging vigorously...


Sibil watched him closely for a moment before nodding. "As you wish," she said. The fairy then retreated into the room. She took a deep breath before plopping down in the bed.

They were going to the core tomorrow. Every inch of her body filled with dread. The beings of Skyshard hardly ever journeyed far beyond their domain, a few going farther to Landfall. But not one had ever willingly made the journey to the Core. Creatures of light simply didn't belong in the realm of the dark.

Sibil already didn't do well in dark places. But on top of that, she would probably have to journey through caves. Something that she tries hardest to avoid. The only thing she could hope for was that her powers help produce enough light. But she couldn't depend on it.

The Fey gripped one of her throwing knives tightly. For some reason, gripping them made her feel better. She of course didn't hate the dark creatures herself, she was weary of the element itself.

Looking up at the ceiling, her eyes wandered along the few cracks that had formed over the years. A slight tremor of anger then ran through her. But not at anyone but herself. She had let herself get into a new contract without getting to know the person first...Could really trust Morgrim? But then again that's what the months contract was there for, wasn't it?

Sibil sat back up and reached for her pouch which sat on a stand near her bed. A small sigh ran through her. It wasn't very good of a familiar to question their master. She dug through it until she found what she was looking for. A small vial was pulled from within. She pulled the cork out before quickly downing the contents.

That was sure to help her stop thinking and make her go to sleep. Sibil's eyes already started to drop as she laid back down. She had a feeling it was going to be a long day tomorrow. With one last squeeze of her knife, the fairy's eyes shut.

( @Morgrim )

Ether Mesa

"Fuck any and all gods in existence that power is coming from the sparkle? Lords help us she has become extremely powerful in the time I was out. Now I'm not even sure if I can take her." The necromancer shoots out an aura of darkness like an invisible fog, spreading out roughly a hundred feet from his position. Using it like probes or sensors, he feels around for anything and everything. He takes in Roxii's condition, Ana's well-being, and spends a bit more time focusing on Eleniel. Gods be damned. She's like a baby angel now. Ha! Interesting

It was then that Ether decided to focus on the demon on the same couch as Jass and him. Jassur didn't seem to react in any kind of way towards him, so Ether assumed that he had helped in the fight against the Marquis. The dark mage struggles and grunts in pain as he sits himself up properly to face whoever the demon was facing. He had made it clear that she was not known to their sadly ever growing group and while it was still bothering him, Ether was in too much pain to care at that moment. He turns to the girl that introduced herself as Raven. The demon was apparently called Darius. The necromancer's violet eyes scan them both and while he could not do much physically, Ether had begun to gather the remnants of his power to give himself strength and prepare should anything happen. Ether was very weak at the moment and caution was what needed to be used right now.

"So, now we have a few new people Jassur. You failed to mention that part. Great. And now with...uh....Raven right? That makes 4 that I don't know. By the way, you should probably get that arm set in a splint big guy. You want it to recover not break further." With a grimace, the sorcerer removes his hood and shakes out his raven, black hair. Despite what Ana, said he probably could use a trim. Or at least a comb. I wonder if Ana is good with hair? She looks like she could be.... Ether closes his bloody left eye and just looks with his uninjured right eye. The necromancer was using his senses with darkness to see everything around him more than his actual sight. One of his eyes were injured and his vision was blurred and foggy due to the low levels of blood in his body.
((Sorry guys. I would've posted a LONG time ago but I have a lot of tests this week unfortunately. If I can find the time I may be able to join up, sorry. :l
(Gonna try to just make my way in)

The provisions were bought than a less than a nice man, his stature matching his rude and non-subtle displeasure towards the Legate and the Silver Legion. She couls barely contain herself, the short, built and ugly merchant ranting on and on about how the Solver Legion was the root of all problems.

'I could kill him.. and maybe his family..'

She thought silently to herself before she left, leaving and finding a courier. This timr the small scrawny kid was a farcry from the merchant. Respectful and courteous he quickly accepted, and darted off.

Upon this last deed filled she headed out, trotting on the back of her War Horse, Torbuk. No real meaning behind the name. Gaiana now looked around, following the main trail, looking for a place to lay low. From the center of the field she saw an older styled villa. Way far off but the Legate saw it and maybe it was abandoned, not like that was her luck but... maybe.

She slowly tugged the gracefully beast's reigns and started a trot towards it.

"Come on Tory. I'll feed ya when we get there," the Legate promised the beast.

For the next 30 minutes or so they approached the old villa, until it loomed infront of her around 30 to 50 meters away. She tried squinting to make anything out but couldn't. She bent her head real quick in a prayer for the best of luck and started forward again, walking slower, trying to present herself as non threatening, futie attempt with all her Heavy armor.

@at anyone

Jassur Batal

  • Tagging: -

    Location: Villa

    Character Mood: Neutral

    Animus's Mood: "Almost finished half the battle" = @_@

The former knight couldn't help but snort at Ether's statement. He couldn't agree more; meeting so many people in such a short amount of time is ridiculous. Even he had trouble keeping up with the new faces while fighting the angels. Friend or foe is hard to determine when strangers appear before fighting. The mercenary didn't think the fight would end without any deaths on their side. They are all lucky to even be spared by the sudden appearance of the sub-god. Unfortunately, Roxii had the short end of the stick; Jass couldn't image what she was going through now. To not be able to see, he would never wish that upon anyone, even his enemies.

Jass eyes the tea set arrangement in slight interest. He didn't feel like bothering to get food; all he could think of is sleeping on a bed rather than the ground, again. The original group didn't get anything in their stomach for quite a long time, though the mercenary did believe they've gone through longer periods of not eating anything. Jass did agree with the necromancer's last statement. It's annoying to keep inflicting pain on himself because he forgets he should use only one arm. He'll wait his turn though, accepting that his injuries aren't as bad as everyone else's. Hell, the necromancer should get checked up after being passed out from whatever Jass didn't know.

The stranger appearing has the mercenary slightly tensed. She didn't seem like the other residents of the villa. The mismatch eye color only reminded him of Raven Qrow, she calls herself. People who were jumpy and hyper all the time made him uncomfortable. Those are the types who would keep pestering for answers that shouldn't be pried. Jass glances at Darrius, watching the smuggler interact with the young woman. Her ramblings about the things she liked only received a raise eyebrow from Jass. He couldn't believe Darrius was even humoring her with responses.

One of Volkan's students offers help stabilize the broken arm. He might as well get it over with, seeing that its only his arm he wants worked on. Deep cuts and bruises were already healing anyway. The student gets the splint finished on his arm. It takes a few fusses from another student to get Jass to agree having a clothed sling to support the arm. It didn't feel right, having restriction on a limb. But remembering the last time he broke a bone and not doing the correct treatment, shuts his complaints; that damn injury took longer than it should to heal. With the armor off, getting the sling on for the splinted arm had no problems.

Jass adjusts the sling when the students are finished, while listening to the chatter between the smuggler and the insane. He then notices a missing member of the group; where the hell is Innocence, he wondered, not knowing the shadow soul's current objective.

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Svenna Zenith

Svenna looks at Serra from the corner of her eye, not turning her head from the direction they're walking. "An impressive title, I would like to hear the story behind it. Another time, though, perhaps," her curiosity about an angelic soldier exiled for her home almost overrules her sense of propriety in this situation, but centuries of military service taught Svenna a lot about practicality, even in social situations, so she holds herself back from questioning Serra about current events in Skyshard. "As for my knowledge of this area, I know it rather well. I've spent a little over a decade here, selling my services to those worthy of it. The area we're approaching is known as the Spider's Crossroad, aptly named because of the eight paths that converge there."

She directs her next question at Par-tan, her gaze shifting to the woman's back. "Where shall we be going from there?" The woman's haste to get moving hadn't left any time for questions about where they'd be going, or what they'd be doing for that matter, and Svenna isn't a fan of not knowing what she's doing under any circumstances. Storm Dragons have very strict laws about military leaders divulging all relevant information to those who serve under them, sending soldiers in blind is the fastest way to get them killed or the mission screwed up.


@TechEwok @Morgrim Mood: Curious Location: Path to Spider's Crossroad Equipment

Darrius Vrag

Darrius' smirk slips a bit and he blinks at the girl a few times before speaking, a little taken aback by her sudden outburst. "I, er, I like alcohol and fighting, music is good, too--" he stops mid-sentence and he gives her a quizzical look. "Did you say you like hurting people?" He's really not sure what to think of her anymore. She looks deranged and a bit naive and innocent, but apparently her insanity goes a bit further than her oddly social nature.

The fact that she's looking at this all like a game doesn't help much, either. If she suddenly snaps and decides to attack them, the only two that could really do anything would be the monk and his friend, maybe the elf, but who knows how that light's affected her. His tail flicks back and forth as he thinks, almost knocking several things off the table beside the couch. He glances over at Jass and Ether on the other couch, giving them a WTF? look.

Tag: @HoneyBear-Kat

@AnimusLight @shadowz1995 Mood: Confused, Slightly Guarded Location: Villa Living Room Music Equipment


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