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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

(As promised a response.)

"I wouldn't lock you away somewhere, do not worry, we can start the contract for a month, that sounds good to me. Now let's get you to a shop with some clothes, shouldn't be too hard around here." What he meant by that is that the town was very in roots with celebrations and art of a darker style, there would be few things that Sibil would find the most appealing, but it was either Halloween themed clothing, or just some of the more standard attire. Though Morgrim's knowledge of Fae fashion was never much focused on in school. He would guess dresses made of leaves, or something similar, for now though he would let Sibil look around.

The town itself was filled with many sentient beings that would be considered monsters by most human kind, but they were all a rather friendly bunch at least from what could be seen. Morgrim took the faery to an outfitter that specialises in clothes from small and shapeshifting creatures. Most of the material was made from a specialized elastic material that could stretch from being as small as a few inches to around ten feet tall and wide. The tailor was a woman arachnid, known more commonly as a drider, spider legs and abdomen, and the upper half of a human, usually a woman, male driders are a rare and elusive species. Much of her merchandise was made by her personal supply of silk, and is highly tough and lightweight, making great armour for anybody who does not want to be weighed down, though the amount of drider silk clothing is only for display as each outfit has to be made custom for the person buying it. "Hello there, and welcome to my abode, do you see anything that strikes your interest, do let me know. My customers are very important to me." The woman said with a smile.

"Look around, Sibil, if you spot something you like just bring it to the counter, I'll be happy to pay for it, but I only have some much money I can spend, after all my prize was Tuso, not a pile of gold." Said Morgrim, with the drider giving a confused look, but remaining unquestioning of what he was referring to.

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The small being nodded and smiled. She was happy that Morgrim was willing to try a month. "You said there were others right? When do I get to meet them?" She questioned excitedly. While being a trickster type of creature, fairies loved social contact with others. Sibil was interested to see what kind of people Morgrim had made bonds with.

Sibil looked around the area one last time before they entered the shop. A small shudder went through her whenever a slight breeze blew through.

She blinked slightly whenever she saw the owner. The small fairy tensed slightly. She wasn't accustomed to most of the dark descending creatures here. However she knew it was rude to judge based on appearance and prejudice alone.

Looking up at Morgrim, she smiled. "You don't have to pay! I can take care of it myself!" Sibil then flew off of his shoulder and looked around. After a moment she found one that she liked. It was a simple two piece outfit.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.539a300a83f8b773ece2ae5af04e554f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87358" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.539a300a83f8b773ece2ae5af04e554f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The small fairy then went up to the counter, laying it gently on top. She then turned up towards Morgrim. "What do you think?" She questioned, looking back down at the outfit.



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Innocence felt like he was blown off almost because he did not get a straight answer from Jass, but the rest of the people started moving out, and Innocence didn't know how to get out of this place, for now he would follow the rest of the group. Once he get's out of the place, and the city for that matter he may have a bearing of where to go. He follow for now, silent as usual, taking nothing but the words from the books as his prize. He did not fight, and suffered little as an intangible being, or at least used to being one.

As each of the heroes and anti-heroes alike leave the castle estate that was Tuso's home the city had some billows of smoke, but the rats, along with all the rich and corrupt men and women of the city lay dead in the streets of the sky district. Bodies were being piled onto carts and brought to bonfires where they were burned in the streets, the rats struck with disease and any survivors or even the dead would pose a threat, survivors of the attack were lead out of the walls with whatever possessions they could take, forcibly removed from their homes and their lives, and the dead, well as already stated, they burned. The guards would be happy to see the band of rag-tag heroes out of their hair for good, and thus made sure to move out of their way as they passed.

@Everyone but Asuna

"I am no master of fashion, but it looks like it suits you, if you don't mind my asking where did you get the money to afford an outfit for yourself?" He stated as he looked around from over a clothes hook. The thought of a new outfit would never occur to him, his robes provided no physical protection, but the enchantment and the history that made it an extension of himself, vestments of the reaper, only a dozen existed, and most are guarded by cults of necromancer's or undead loving groups like vampires and necromorphs. "As long as you like it and it fits that's all that matters.

Sibil looked up before chuckling. "You're funny Master Morgrim," she grinned before paying for the outfit. "I merely asked how I looked is all. It's important for a familiar to please their master, no matter how seemingly small the subject is."

The small fairy then looked at him. She arched one eyebrow slightly. "Before we left, I managed to swipe some gold that had been sitting on one of Tuso's tables," Sibil said softly.

"I guess I could've taken more for you. Forgive me. I wasn't thinking at the time." She then dug around in her leg pouch before pulling out some gold coins. "Here we are! For you!" She smiled and put them in his hand. Although the coins were about as big as she was, Sibil could manage to carry 3 at a time.

The fey then grabbed the outfit from the counter and flew into one of Morgrims front pockets. "Excuse me for a moment," she said. After about 5 minutes, Sibil emerged out, fully dressed in her new outfit. She smiled widely and flew around his head. "This feels much nicer then what I was previously wearing!"

Sibil then perched herself back on Morgrims shoulder, her blonde hair now tied up into a high ponytail. "Where to now?" She questioned. The fairy was excited to meet Morgrims companions. They all seemed like interesting people. But at the same time, she also felt like curling up and going to sleep.

The small being wasn't use to using so much energy, seeing as she barely had an oppurtunity to do anything with Tuso as her master. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, the movements and actions were starting to tire out her body.

( @Morgrim )
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Darrius Vrag

Darrius walks at the back of the main group next to Innocence, who seems to be lost in thought. Or, at least Darrius thinks he is. The Shadow Soul doesn't have a face really, so there really isn't much to see. As they exit the palace and walk through the smokey streets of Dunheim, the guard's slightly relieved gazes following after them, Darrius looks around thoughtfully.

He's spent several years in Dunheim smuggling all sorts of things in and out for various people; it had been a good business, profitable, up until this whole venture. Not that his time here was always pleasant, after all, under the rule of Tuso and those like him, Darrius hadn't much likes to think think of the city as a home, but at the same time he feels a bit of sentimentality towards this place, and actually feels a bit of remorse about having to leave. He'll honestly miss homeless kids around the Splinter Den who liked to hang around outside his door and badger him with questions about his trips outside the walls and grin like mad when he'd tell them outlandish stories about fighting off dragons and stealing from kings--made up, of course, but they didn't have to know it. He has a soft spot for kids, especially the less fortunate ones, one of his guilty secrets.

When they exit the city, he takes a look back at the upper portion, specifically Tuso's palace, and flips the bird at the extravagant building. "Marna desh on freshna, bastard," he mutters under his breath before turning back to the others.

The trip is pretty boring for Darrius, nothing but walking down tree-lined roads until they reach their destination, which earns another impressed whistle from the tiefling. The place is huge, at least compared to most, and the fact that they have staff waiting for their beck and call raises an eyebrow from Darrius. He's learned not to trust rich people any farther than he can throw their stacks of gold, but the monk and the girl seem to be good people, so for the moment he's glad to give them a chance, especially if it means free medical attention to his broken ribs and many bruises.

Tag: @Everyone Mood: Bored Location: Villa

Music Equipment

*Marna desh on freshna: "Hells consume you."



Sage looked at Freya in fear of fighting her. She never liked fighting, it kinda scared her. That's why she always, in the mornings anyway, stayed in the background and provided support. Though she couldn't do that at night and Freya was probably trying to teach her not to be so afraid.

"Freya I don't want to" Sage said softly, looking at the ground in the process. That's when Sage noticed the people walking into the Villa and it made her curious.

"I wonder who those people are" Sage said aloud, not meaning to. She was just the curious type, it was in her nature to be curious. IT was just how she was. Those people peeked her curiosity. They looked like they had been in a vicious battle and barely survived. It looked that bad and she didn't know how right she was.


@shadowz1995 @Everyone else Mood: frightened/curious Location: Near the Villa

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Morgrim looked down to the Faery girl, cocking his eyebrow at realizing that she had just changed inside his own clothes, he felt a little bit odd about that to say the least. "You know I'm sure you could have asked to use a changing room, but whatever makes you float..." He shrugged it off and gave an analytical look down to her new outfit, it was suitable for her, though Morgrim wasn't very confident in his own opinion, he hadn't an eye for fashion. "Mhmm, yes I do suppose that looks good on you, certainly fitting as far as all the things in the shop go. And keep the coins." He refused the money she offered for two reasons, the first she could use it more then him, secondly taking money from someone so poor, and taking such a petty sum almost felt belong him, and he has done some very low things in his past to survive and get what he wanted.

The drider shopkeeper was all to happy to take the money though, see that the Faery had paid just enough, the material amount to make the outfit was so small that the total only came to one 2 silver coins, which Morgrim could help but stifle a laugh at, either she was a very generous woman or the supply and demand was something so un-use to common city merchandising. Normally stuff like that would cost at least five times as much. "Ah, now don't mind your friend, the outfit looks absolutely wonderful on you. It speaks stories of who you are and your tastes, clothes are the finest form of expression after all next to words. Wear your clothes with pride young Faery, and if you don't mind spread the name of the kind tailor who sold it to you." The woman said with a smile, though her teeth were much sharper in certain places than that of a human.

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Sibil looked up at Morgrim, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. Had she offended him? "The reason I changed inside your pocket was merely because it was more convenient then me flying all the way to the dressing room and then back. I would have done it that way, except I'm afraid that my body isn't as used to me exerting as much energy as I have today," she frowned.

The fey could feel each inch of her body screaming for a break. She swore she could almost feel her back muscles begging for a back. Although not known extensively, flying does exert an amount of energy from a fairy.

Since the wings are connected to the back muscles, their quite similar to the rest of the muscles. If you suddenly start flying and put an extra amount of force behind it, it would be about the same as running a marathon without any preparation.

"It's been a long time since I've actually flown around. I was always in my human form around Tuso. He said that it disgusted him to see me so small and...abnormal as he called it. It was a sign of weakness. Apparently he didn't like to be reminded that there are other beings besides humans. It scared him, I think," she said. The thoughts danced through her mind before she shook them off.

Sibil then turned her attention back to her Master. She shrugged when he didn't take the gold. "If you say so, Master Morgrim." The fey was somewhat relieved though. She would soon have to start saving up again. The ingredients for the medicine she makes doesn't come cheap. Nor did the ones for her potions. She shrunk the gold in size before putting them back in her pouch.

The small fairy then looked up at the shopkeeper. Sibil offered a polite smile, "I suppose you're right." She then turned her head up. The being studied Morgrim a moment, trying to decide if he showed any signs of being tired or at least wanting some sort of break. When she found none, Sibil sighed. She'd just have to ask instead to make sure.

"Do you think it would be possible to find somewhere to rest?" She questioned. "No offense Master Morgrim...your shoulder is quite comfy after all, however I do believe that a bed or even couch would be more suitable for me to sleep on."

Sibil gave an embarrassed, ashamed smile. They hadn't even officially made the contract and already she was requesting something like this. It was ridiculous. She should've been able to travel as long as her Master could.

( @Morgrim )
Now that the Faery had mentioned it she does look worse for wear despite the new outfit she could probably use a little bit of a break. He gave a short nod, but his expression was unreadable. "All right, I can spare the money to get you a room at a Tavern, unless you would like to sleep in a bag, given your small size." He did often carry around a lesser enchanted bag of holding with him where he went. It was invaluable to him, and with the fact it has an endless amount of space for holding, it's restriction being the amount of weight it can hold like all bags of holding. Seeing as Sibil is only four inches tall she couldn't weigh more then a few fries.

"Actually have you ever been inside a bag of holding? If so what's it like?" He questioned the tired girl while picking her up in his hand. He would walk to the Tavern in the small city of monsters, they had many, if they appreciated anything as much as their fashion it was their love for food and even more so drink. Alcohol must go straight to a faery's head given their small stature, but would probably do hell to their ability to fly, in fact the thought of her buzzing around in a drunken mess made the walking corpse laugh a deep nasally laugh that sounded grotesque like the rest of his body.

It was only about five minutes of walking before they make it to one of the more popular taverns, a place called the den. It was built and managed by a family of werewolves, and the one working the table was a plush looking werewolf female with a shiny poofy coat that glistened in the candle light. "Welcome to the den, can I interest you in a room or perhaps some freshly caught food? All of it from outside the dome for the freshest most natural flavour." She said with a look of pride. Few of the residents of the dark city would dare tread outside of the walls, but werewolves are some of the bravest creatures around.

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Sibil smiled in relief only to have her eyes widen in horror. "Master Morgrim! Just because I am of small stature does not mean you can simply toss me into a bag such as that!" She fumed slightly. The small being then quieted down slightly as she was scooped up into his hand.

"Holding bags are terrible if you're a living being! It's like time, mass, or anything exists at all. All you know is that you're there in the dark, floating infinitely unless something comes along and decides that it needs you. And once they do need you, one might pray that you don't have motion sickness. It's bumpy," she wheezed, shuttering slightly at the thought.

Sibil had only had the pleasure of being in one once. It was around the time of her 6th birthday and her cousins came over. As a dare, Sibil had flown down to the land below. She accidentally got tangled up and managed to get herself into a holding bag. Sibil couldn't say how long she had stayed in there for sure, but she did know that it was a horrible place to be.

The small Fey breathed a sigh of relief whenever she realized that they were in the tavern. Sibil smiled kindly at the werewolves. She always has had a fondness for creatures considered dangerous to her people. She admired the werewolves blindly. They were brave and adventurous.

The fairy politely turned down her offer, but requested a glass of water from the werewolf. She then thanked her. The fey turned and looked up at Morgrim. "If you don't mind Master, I'd like to change into human form."

( @Morgrim )
(See that's how fast all of you should post, losers. @Everyone except Sibil. xD )

"Ah well I'll make sure as to not drop you in there." He says to Sibil while directing his attention back to the barkeeper, and hides a smile behind his hood. He had a sort of affection for wolves, and even had a dire wolf as a companion when he was but a child. "Yes, gladly, I what's your freshest kill?" He asked to which the werewolf responded.

"Ah, a man of good tastes I see, well our most fresh game would have to be the sabre elk, hunted just this morning, and all ready prepared. The meat is quite juicy I hope you like it that way." She said, and with a snap of her fingers one of her brothers came into the room with a large bronze platter with two racks of ribs still juicy, but with nice grill marks and steam rising from the meat. It looks so tender and good, and Morgrim can barely resist, so he just dumps one gold and five silver on the table. It may seem like a lot, but the meal itself was around 8 pounds, meant mostly as a meal for either a family, or at least one transformed werewolf.

Morgrim takes his seat and snaps his wrist extending a bony blade from within his hand as a utensil. He looks to Sibil at her question, and shrugs his shoulders. "I don't see why not, sure go ahead. Would you like to tell me a little bit about the kind of contract you would like to set up. I currently have several contracts, but they are all flesh contracts. You know the standard with creatures of the underworld, I haven't ever set one up with a forest dwelling spirit, so best you tell me the terms and conditions." He then slices into the meat, the blade slicing through as if it was hot butter. He chuckled in admiration for the fine meat, and jabbed the cooked flesh with a fork and bit into it. With the jagged hole in his cheek it was easy to see him chewing the meal, he had learned long ago to tilt his head to the left so that the meat wouldn't fall right out of his mouth.

Sibil tired hard not to wrinkle her nose at the piece of meet. While the fairy wasn't completely vegetarian, she still had some trouble looking at the used to be animal. The only meat that she really ever ate was that from the Great Green Snake, a scared snake that the Fairy folk would often an eat at times during celebrations.

Ignoring his eating habits, she then turned back towards Morgrim and smiled. "Thank you!" Even though she didn't want to go back to human form, it would save her a considerable amount of energy by reducing the amount of flying.

The small being then hopped down onto the floor. Her eyes turned from the forest green to an electric blue, a sign she was using her powers. There was sudden surge of brilliant green light and a slight smoke trail. Once the everything started to clear, a figure standing there started to become clearer.

Standing where the small fairy had once been, was a taller, more human like version. Sibil's usual blonde hair was more brown then blonde now. Her ears were still pointed, but her wings had disappeared. The outfit she had been wearing had enlarged with her.

Sibil then took a seat across from Morgrim. She listened to him for a moment before nodding. "I see," she said shortly. "It's a blood-magic binding contract. While it may seem like a hard concept to grasp, it's quite easy. As far as terms and conditions go, that's up to the Master. I'll ask you during the contract the basic questions and so forth. It'll only take around 5 minutes," she explained.

( @Morgrim I don't know whether to be happy or sad. This just means that they have a life and I don't. )
(Not true, most of them just have homework, or like to spend their time playing games. Most of them only socialize a little more then I do, which is very little. At least as far as I know. If you claim you don't have a life you'll have to say the same about me.)

Morgrim was actually for once surprised, he was not aware that a faery would engage in a blood contract as a familiar, he would have assumed a magic binding contract, but blood would allow people without magic to enact a contract, and it would allow energy to be transferred more easily, so he shouldn't be all that surprised. "Well okay then, ask away." He sat waiting to hear what questions. Now was probably the best time to be asking him a string series of questions anyway. Unlike most animals when he had food in his mouth he would happily engage with other people, unlike most snakes and other animals. He took a swig from his healing water and let out a refreshed sigh while the food was being washed down.

"Well let's hear it, best not to keep me waiting. "He playfully jabbed at the full sized Faery woman now that a simple bump wouldn't result in her getting a broken rib or anything like that. In all honestly though he preferred her in her faery form, though she was really no different then having a different colour hair cut and her size.

Sibils eyes flashed slightly, a slightly sinister tone in her voice. It always brought her great joy in surprising the new Masters when they found out exactly how the contract worked. Since no two bindings are alike, it makes it more difficult for those who are curious.

"Are you sure you'd like to start the contract ceremony right now...while you're eating? "Her tone had changed again, coming out as curious but a little but sympathetic. "I suppose you wouldn't know of course, since every contract is different, depending on the familiar."

The fairy then grinned. It would be easier to get it over with, wouldn't it? Her blue eyes watched him like a hawk. She then abruptly stood up and bit her thumb. As soon as she did, blood dripped in a small little stream, flowing down her hand. She let a single drop hit the floor before she mouthed something inaudible. The green light from before erupted, light shining each and every way.

After the light cleared, there was a whole different scenery. It was green pasture, sunlight streaming down while flowers grew. In the distance, you could hear numerous waterfalls. However, it was strange. Even though the sun was shining, there was no warmth. You couldn't even feel a breeze as the tree branches danced in front of your eyes.

"Before you become alarmed, we haven't changed locations...exactly. This is...one of my memories," she turned towards him. "The reason I said that it was different for every familiar is because the contract takes place where few can touch or even see. By sealing the contract here, it shows that we trust our master enough to share our minds."

"Now, Morgrim," Sibil said, "We both agreed a month yes?" She waited for conformation. "And if we do not work out as Master and Familiar, this contract is void and holds no meaning to that future if it should come, yes?"

( @Morgrim )

Jassur Batal

  • Tagging: @Morgrim, I has mentioned: @CarpeNoctem1213 , @Federoff

    Location: Villa

    Character Mood: Neutral

    Animus's Mood: "Can I just lie down for eternity and not move"

The disappearance of Morgrim has got Jass wondering where the damn half corpse ran off to. He didn't appear with them in the vault; it had to mean the necromancer had another reward different to them. Did it really require for him to be far away from them though? The mercenary reassures himself the capable half corpse it fine. The job is done and the former knight has been paid more than he thought he would ever gain in the past decade. Hell, he probably wouldn't have this much money when he was under the Verdant Knights command.

Walking beside Innocence and Darrius, the group gets out of Tuso's palace was a quietly. Jass wished he could depart from the group to do his own personal problems but because of the orders from the sub-god, he'll have to suck it up and stick with this band of misfits. He also had Innocence to think about; he was getting a little too sentimental with the shadow soul for his own good (itwasprobablytheneededhuglolololol)The shuffling group of injured people make their way through the city with the surviving cityfolk and guardsmen staring. Even though they looked like shit, the city itself look like it went through its own hell as well. The smell of burning corpses reminded him of what he's done in the past. (BRINGOUTURDEAD) Some structures were destroy; really, what happened outside, he thought. Jass will have to get answers from either Ether or Ana. The mercenary sighs, making sure not to step on a dead rat. Today's just full of questions.

The smuggler's gesture towards the upper half of Dunheim received yet another faint grin from the mercenary. Despite Darrius's appearance to Jass's dislike, flipping the bird is a universal language which the former knight did agree its rational use on the palace. He should probably rethink that dislike about demon-like species - though a memory of a previous encounter with a malicious demon sends a shiver up his spine and a reminder to continue being wary around the smuggler.

Reaching the young mute lady's villa took half an hour. It felt slightly longer with the bag full of treasures he carried, swung over one shoulder. The villa looked extravagant but enough that it wasn't as fancy as some of what the rich aristocrats will flaunt. While examining his surroundings, Jass continues to follow the group to what seems to be a garden with an open pool. After minutes of listening in on the monk and an elven man named Volkan, he nods when hearing the rest were to head to the middle building.

The group follows the monk into the middle building, a place with a large seating area. Ether is placed on a couch and the monk says he'll be back with aid. Jass wasn't sure if he should finally relax, not wanting to lower his guard. He thought if he sat down he'd probably succumb to falling asleep - the last thing he wanted to do. Jass could see the hospitality with their hosts but being barley acquainted doesn't help much lowering his guard. The assassin current in the room, sits by the window with a chair. Even though he did help their group fight the angels, Jass did not trust him now that the battle is done. He's seen glimpses of what this guy is hiding or holding or - Jass wasn't sure what it was, this "other side" but it is a potential threat if it is ever unleashed on this group. Though... Jass did see a few interesting things while fighting the angels and he will keep a lookout for possible trouble.

The former knight heads to the couch Ether's sleeping on. He places his bag gently on the rug then half sits and leans on the arm of the couch. The armor inside clank when it settles on the ground. His eyes scan the room wearily, observing everyone's current state. He then speaks up to Innocence who seemed out of place with the group. The shadow soul now-inky body continued to mystify him. "Been to any place like this, Innocence?"



It was about time the group began moving. Like Atraxia, the elf preferred to linger in the back by her lonesome. However, as she trailed closely, she could help but think about what the assassin told her. He didnt catch most of explanation, too preoccupied with regrouping than listening, but gave enough attention to know that she had went almost into a paralysis state after touching the orb. She shouldve asked further questions buuuuut it was too late for that, and she didnt want to bother him now. Through most of the trek to the Villa, a hand was glued to her chin, while her eyes stayed stuck to the ground she walked on, thinking about what that orb was. By this time, she hadnt noticed her physical changes, nor did she remember the way her body felt as the changes occured; and no one had told her about them either. She was unaware.

A part of her felt a little disappointed that the orb shattered the way it did, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Atleast they reached the Villa. The atmosphere was significantly more tranquil. And those that inhabited the small town appeared to live at a leisurely pace. It was definitely relaxing. The houses and other structures seemed to be stuck in time. With cracks in the walls, and plants that became to large to tame, the age of this villa was physical as it was visible. But despite its run-down features, there was a certain beauty even Eleniel could not over look. The elf, as well as the rest of the group, followed the monk down a set of stairs that opened into a garden and courtyard. In the middle was a pool, and surrounding it were three main buildings. A small team of butlers passed through, quickly noticing the monk and his young companion, and coming to their aid immediately. He frantically questioned the two, and the monk summarized the events that had taken place not too long ago. Introductions were exchanged, and the monk les them once again, around the centered pool and into the building parallel to it.

Looks can be deceiving. When Eleniel stepped inside, she was slightly taken back. The inside was much more attractive, the outside served as a humble shell. The group quickly filled the lounge room, and as she walked in further, there were doors that connected to other spaces. One led to a dining room, hopefully the group would move in there soon; the other, she took note of, seemed like a study, the walls were lined with books and tomes, instantly pulling at the elf's affinity for knowledge. She quickly stored the existence of the room into her memory, reminding herself to inspect the place later. Her eyes moved to Tai, who was gentely setting an unconscious necromancer down. She watched for a while. 'There is something about him...' she thought, eyes narrowing at the monk. He seemed familiar to her though she couldnt put her finger on it.

Mentioned: @Federoff @shadowz1995

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Ether Mesa

"Ugh......what the...." As Ether awakens he can feel every individual muscle in his system protesting to the sudden call to function. His head throbbed something nasty and his body cried out in pain. The necromancer's violet eyes slowly open up and it was then he realized he had actually passed out. How....how much time has gone by since I lost consciousness. Wait..... At that moment, Ether bolts upright, despite the agony it caused him. His magic already at work, he starts pushing out dark presence, sensing for any threats nearby. It took the necromancer a few moments to realize that Jassur was actually sitting right in front of him and he probably would have seen Ether's alert state just now. Jassur without his armor on? That means that they are as safe as safe can be.

"Hey Jass. Damn you were amazing last night. I can't even remember what happened haha." Ether jests and laughs when he does which draws a sharp inhale of pain. His ribs were still broken from the link with Roxii. Why the hell did I even do that? Not too long ago we were trying to kill each other and now? Ha. Now I find myself in a bad way for HER well being. The hell is up with me. "Jests aside, what have I missed Jass? Where are we? and what is that ungodly....well I should say godly, source of light nearby. Like CHRIST it is powerful. It feels on par with the angels you guys were engaged in combat with. Also, hows Roxii? Her vision was gone..."

At the mention of Roxii, Ether's hand shoots up to his left eye in sharp stab of pain. The left eye was still completely blood red and looked like it was about to start crying blood once more. It had a strange contrast to the luminescent purple of his iris.

Nitiri pulled up her hood and shifted the bow slung over her back. Flicking the reigns of her horse's bridle, she stole a quick glace at the sky. She flicked her whiskers in irritation, seeing distant but dark grey thunderclouds looming over the horizon. Nudging her reddish brown stallion on the flank she moved into a trot, nearing the city of Dunheim.

Shit. She growled mentally. She never really kept track of where she was wanted, being a low key bandit as she was, but she wasn't taking chances. Quickly veering off the main road, with a confused grunt from the horse, Nitiri planned to make a wide half circle around the city. It might some time to her trip, but better safe than sorry.

She quickly regretted this decision, as the ground was now wet from the light drizzle overhead. With every step of his hooves her horse kicked up wet dirt that soon clung to her boots and splattered on the saddlebags.

A low growl rumbling in the back of her throat Nitiri flicked her tail back and forth across the horse's backside, tightening her grip on the reigns in anger. Why did I ever leave that last town? Pickings were easy there, no competition, no one suspected a thing about me! Letting out a long and drawn out sigh, Nitiri kicked her horse's side again. "Faster, you dumb thing." She snarled.

But she knew the reason she left, and it was mostly because she was just plain bored of the town. Nitiri had forgotten how she had over 20,000 pounds of bounty waiting anywhere she went, and was paying for it now. She had gotten about to the halfway point of her semicircle route at this point and had decided to rest for a moment. Slowing down and hopping off her steed Nitiri rummaged through one of the saddlebags, digging her hands through pounds of gold.

One bag was filled with supplies, the other with gold. The Khajiit preferred the latter.

((I'll just leave it at this for now and let everyone get settled in the villa before I get over there :P ))

((And yes I know how crappy this post was, I haven't been on in a while, lemme warm myself up a bit o3o))
(I didn't think it was crappy we have had long since past many crappy posts, some no longer then a single sentence.)
Morgrim had been a little bit surprised by the action, one second he was eating his meal, and the next he was in a grassy plains. Though he was not really there in the traditional sense as it was all a memory, and illusion put up by the Faery to show a level of trust in him. He wouldn't admit it, but he would rather be back in the tavern and eating his meal, and his growling stomach made sure of that. He had no illusion skills, and thus he couldn't just conjure up any more food, best to just fill the contract. "Yes, that will be no problem. A month should be good as any amount of time to start. I don't imagine that there will be any penmanship involved in this, so how will we do this?"

At this moment he would have liked to have some more skills in manipulation of the mind, but not only did he not have the element for it, the process is completely different to cast magic like that. It is far more involved and delicate, like sowing dozens of things together all at once, dark magic is more based around summoning and taming dark magic, and in ways involved a different kind of charisma. Maybe one day though if he finds an psionic stone he could begin an endeavour in more elemental practices.


Raven Qrow

The day was coming to a close. It wasnt exactly sunset, but it was clear most of the day had already passed. Bright yellow sunshine already begun its transformation into droopy rays if gold. On a narrow hidden path, tucked beneath the canopy of a forest, trekked a lone girl. She carried nothing but two small tomahawks for protection, and a very small pack on her back with enough food for 2-3 days at best, if rationed modestly. Though her appearance wasnt entirely modest. Her choice of clothing allowed the skin of her hips to peek through, the lapels of her coat opened up to a low cut top at the chest. She isnt entirely showy, but the small exposed areas were a little provocative in an innocent way (if that exists). Hips swayed with everystep, the rocking motion making her hair swing to and fro. Her whole body seemed to move rhythmically, like a metronome, and the small axes that dangled in their holsters on either side of her hips flowed with the movement as well.

"I need a break," she sighed, wiping her brow. Her heterochromic eyes scanned the environment that hid her. A metal cuff sat clasped around her neck with atleast three chain links still attached and hanging just past where her collar bones meet. A hand moved to tug at the links, while she shifted her neck away, getting a deeper, more fulfilling, breath of air.

Her eyes blinked and squinted as the sun poked through the branches of the trees, beaming into her face,"Ack!" she would grunt every time it was directed into her pupils. Not too far she could spot the roof of a building through the brush and foliage,"Hmm.." She smiled and tilted her head. Raven always wore a smile, even at the worst times. Yes she was the joyous type, but some would say that the smile had hidden meaning. They would say that she smiles at the thought of her victims, or that she remembers the look they had before death that she found so amusing, or the way it felt when she killed them with her bare hands as they begged for mercy. It was a twisted, dark smile, not a sign of cheer at all. The corners of her lips stretched and curled as her methods of torture swirled in that pretty little head of hers. But she did have frowny or upset moments, but the plastic smile always returned. As she neared the structure, she came to realize it was a small villa,"Maybe they have some food to spare~," she convinced herself, and strolled right onto the premises with out a worry or care.

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The group that had been sent to defeat a creature of disease and famine may be resting, but their target certainly isn't. Plague has long lost his name, and most of his mind in a tragic attempt to better himself and other species as a whole. Though if you ask him he would say he has succeeded. Now more powerful then ever and running ramped throughout the Core there is very little that can stop him in his power lust, and his hunger for all things living. His mutated, diseased hounds return from the reconnaissance mission they were sent out on, and they have all ready located three cities, and tears of the serpent. Now for where his fun will begin...

(More to come once all you guys start posting.)
Sibil watched him closely. She could tell he was uncomfortable. Her body tensed slightly. A wave of uneasiness hit her as his thoughts ran over her on. While she wanted to say something to him, to reassure she wasn't playing any games and that he would be able to eat shortly, she choose to keep her mouth shut.

In retrospect, she hadn't expected this memory to be shown. Sibil needed to get this over with before the actual memory took place and not just the scenery. The fairys eyes wandered over to the waterfall, her fists clenching.

"No," she laughed coldly. It was almost a flip had switched in her personality. Sibil really did hate the forming of the contract. Every time it was performed, she became tense and rigid, no emotion showing through. The Fey turned back towards Morgrim.

She studied him for a moment. The fairy then closed her eyes, wanting to waste no more time. When she opened them, one was its regular forest green while the other was a shocking blue.

Although it was surprising to most the first time, the fey started to radiate raw power. She may've not been the most powerful creature alive, she could obviously hold her on. "Morgrim. Draw blood from your finger," she said softly, although the commanding tone in her voice shined through. In turn, the fairy did the same.

She reached forward, touching the bleeding finger to his. As soon as their blood touched one another, a crackle was heard. Sibil started chanting a few words in the Fey's natural tongue. Her face was drawn in concentration. She spoke one final phrase and looked up at him with a relieved smile. Suddenly there was a flash and just like that, they were sitting back in the tavern.

Sibil panted slightly, trying to shake off the feeling that the place had give her as sweat broke out from her forehead. She looked up at Morgrim. "It's done," she said. "Now you can officially use my powers and resources as you see fit, Master."

It was obvious that her mood had gone back to normal. She looked down at the table. The fairy then took a swig of her water. "If you'd excuse me, I'm going to retire for the night. Did you check about the rooms?" She questioned.

( @Morgrim )

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