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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

(Here's a crappy post 'cause I don't really feel good. .-.

Also, Fed, Roxii was tending to her own wound in the Shadow Realm; not Ether's. Wasn't sure if that was clear or whatever.)

Roxii Sicarius

The wolf listened to the monk's words for a moment, but she stayed silent. He was correct, but she wasn't going to admit that. Being told what to do and when to do it was not something she enjoyed, but she knew better than to retort. So, instead of snapping at him like she normally would at someone and wasting more energy, the hybrid tuned out his voice and focused on her own thoughts.

Being blind was certainly a new experience for the wolf-elf. Sure, she would be able to do simple things due to her enhanced sense of sight, smell, the sixth sense her wolfen blood granted her, and her shadow elementalist qualities—most important, her Shadow Realm capabilities. But how would she be able to fight now? She didn't rely to much on sight, anyway, but it still helped to see the blade aimed at her throat or the punch hurtling towards her face. And if she were captured or in some other sticky situation, she could analyze and observe her surroundings to find a for-the-most -part-easy way out.

Roxii furrowed her brow slightly—fortunately, it didn't hurt as badly as before due to the fact that she's begun to get used to the pain. Despite her exceptional combat skills at this present day, it took the hybrid a while to fight and defend herself, much less wield a bow or sword. Now, she had to learn how to fight all over again. The idea was more frustrating and irritating than upsetting. The time it would take to restore her back to her full potential—and beyond that, if possible—would take much longer than she'd like to admit. She just hoped that someone among their group could aid her in learning how to fight and defend herself without depending on her sight at all.

The Lythari was knocked out of her thoughts when she felt a cool liquid make contact with her skin. She tensed, unsure of what it was at first, but then she honed in on her senses and scented Anaxileah right next to her. Perhaps she was finally applying healing items? As if to answer her question, she could feel the immediate effects of the healing liquid. Soon after, Ana was applying a salve to the other wounds. Relief began to overtake her senses, and before she knew it, a vial was being pushed into her hand. The healer prompted her to drink it. Roxii hesitated, memories of poisons and betrayals flashing by in her now nonexistent vision. But she trusted this female much more than those people. Surely she wouldn't risk giving her a fatal tonic in the presence of all these others? The assassin grasped the vial and hesitated again, going over the pros and cons of this decision. Finally, she succumbed and tipped the vial up, allowing the tonic to flow down her throat. It wasn't the more appetizing thing she had ever ingested, but there have been worse. Much worse.

Once the vial was emptied, she coughed and held the vial out, waiting for Ana to take possession of it once again. The wet tonic and her dry throat clashed roughly, but it wasn't long before the items' healing properties began to kick in. "
Thank you," she said quietly.


@Anaxileah Mood: Pained, lost in thought Location: Treasury

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Jassur Batal

  • Tagging: @Morgrim , @CarpeNoctem1213

    Location: Tuso's Library

    Character Mood: Mixed Feelings

    Animus's Mood: ;U

Turning through the Demise of Aspects part of the book, Jass halts at a page that catches his eye - the title precisely, Shadow Souls. He wasn't much of a book lover but when it comes to something or someone he knew personally, he wouldn't mind reading a few pages without getting bored. Eyes scanning through, Jass is intrigued by the contents of the text. Nothing is known of why this happens or where they appear, when they return they return to where they were last seen. The mercenary remembers finding Innocence by that cottage in the woods. The shadow scared the living daylights out of him - the former knight won't admit it - when Innocence first appeared. If what the text says is somewhat true, then does that mean the shadow was last seen there?

Innocence's form appears over his shoulder. Jass glances over the other, noticing Darrius checking out the other books. He looks back at the book in his hand. Jass nods, "There is definitely something. Look here," not knowing the shadow couldn't read. Luckily, Jass reads out the text for Innocence,"It says the longer an aspect remains tangible and present the more of their former memories they retain. So far, you've been doing well. You did say you remember some small bits? For now, its best you never return to that first place we met." The part that made the former knight wonder is the mention of ether. The shadow already meets the requirements for manipulating the substance. Jass didn't feel the need to inform the final note, seeing that Innocence is getting his wish to remember bits and pieces of his memory. Maybe with the small parts Innocence deems important, they could come possibly come up with a name. The Book of Aspects is useful knowledge to carry; maybe the others will also take interest.

Now for what he's searching for... the mercenary makes his way to a somewhat clear table. Jass marks the Shadow Soul's page by folding the page partially. He flips through the pages, wondering if the Demise of Aspects section had anything about the town, the mission - anything. Jass reaches two pages in the book with something shoved into the binding. His eyebrows scrunch up; did Tuso leave this here? The former knight tugs at the shoved object, discovering it to be a half-torn letter of some sort. He turns the paper in his hand. The word Verdant in bold letters, cause his eyes to wide.

"Damnit, I find this now but its missing half of it. Curse you Tuso," he frowns. The mercenary tries to read the text on the letter. This is about that mission; he could tell from the list of names that are mostly shown at the top part. Jass mutters to himself, "Rituals.... something about the townsfolk being selected...... they believed the orders, its secrecy and followed them dutifully with no questions asked.... my group..." His eyes narrow at the initials signed at the bottom of the page. The letters H and F are printed in red ink with the ink stamp he knows who it belongs to. Henry Florentine, the right-hand of the commander of the Verdant Knights. Jass stares at the signature, telling himself mentally to not rip what's left of the letter in pieces. The right hand is one of the conspirators? What was his gain in this scheme - and collaborating with Tuso? It's as if fate was against him and his group of friends from the start. Jass thought Sir Florentine was a courageous man with the ideal heart of a knight that many aspire to be. The letter not only left Jass with answers but more questions.

The mercenary glances down to the page where the paper was shoved in. The sub-title read the Slaughter of Cesterfield. It has been quite some time since that incident so the book is sure to have his mission in a painful summary of that night. A village of only five hundred living souls were gone the next day. A band of ten knights were spotted slaughtering the mostly-unarmed town. A burnt-out fire was later found with tremendous amounts of ash and bone. Not everything was burned but most of the houses were clean of any signs of survivors. Most of the corpses were to have been in that fire. Verdant Knights officals deal to the matter and have-

Jass closes the book, causing small particles of dust to fly in the air. He pauses; his hand still on the front cover until the mercenary talks to the other two in the library. Jass picks up the book in his only good arm, "Found what I'm looking for also. We should head back to the others. I'm sure they would want to search through this maze of bookshelves. I have no idea what else you could find in here. Got anything good, Darrius?" He raises an eyebrow at the horned-guy. They really should get moving; don't want all the treasures to be taken by the new arrivals to the group. The empty feeling on his back reminded the mercenary to invest in a new sword once he gets his share.


  • proxy.php

    Atraxia nodded his head at the girls statement, and request; she would only help him if absolutely necessary; back to the hating game it was, and no one could hate better then Atraxia, no one. He grunted a bit as he began to stand up, using the wall as his support as he did so. His energy was coming back faster then previously, so he would be able to at least walk; even if strained. Just as long as no one pissed him off too badly (good luck with that

    xD ) he would be alright, not death by

    it today. He slowly moved over towards the treasure to collect his "fair share", ew. HE almost puked just at the thought of the word; fair. When had life ever been fair to him? Never... If he wasn't in this bad of a condition then he would risk trying to take more, but for now; he wasn't sure what the king was capable of.

    Once collecting the gold he was promised by the king something else caught his eye, it was a hilt of a blade sticking out of the piles of gold. How much stuff did the bastard Tuso collect? Atraxia moved over closer to the hilt before reaching out with his clawed hand and pulling out the hilt, revealing a blade of sorts. Whatever it was it was enchanted, and he liked it. He lifted his clawed hand up high so he could inspect the blade, he smirked a bit, the blade seemed good.
    "Hmm? What's this?" he asked out loud as he took a closer look, the actual blade seemed to be vibrating, and quite fast as well. It was almost impossible to detect for others, but for him it was easier. "Interesting" he thought out loud before swinging it, hearing the vibrating blade ring through the air as it cut through it. It felt good, this was his he thought to himself.

    He turned his head to the side when his ears detected footprints, whoever it was they were female, and afraid. The scent of fear, he loved it. It was like a drug to him and the beast. She held up a piece of paper to him, was she mute or something? Either way the paper read for him to follow the group for a place to rest. He didn't like being in a group, but he didn't enjoy the idea of dying either... He would comply for now. Atraxia turned back around to inspect the sword once more, this time the hilt though as it had an engraving on it.
    The Banshee's Blade it read. Not a bad name at all.

    @HoneyBear-Kat @HoneyBear-Kat @Sheaon13 @shadowz1995 )

    Themes: Mystery girl, Labyrinth and Kami.




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(Here goes nothing lol)

Darrius Vrag

Darrius looks over at Jass as he snaps the book shut then glances at the shelf where he'd replaced the book, letting out a snort, which he regrets as soon as the sharp pain it causes in his ribs reaches his brain. "Something we shoulda had before this shit," he says, his tone is joking, but he's honestly pretty serious about the statement. "Book on angels, nothin' we need now. Let's get back to the others before they clean the place out." He starts forward, grabbing the candle on the way, making sure to keep close enough to Innocence that it doesn't fade away into the shadows. His limp is almost entirely gone at this point, since it was mostly caused by his low stamina, which is mostly restored now. He's got an arm wrapped around his ribcage in an attempt to keep them from being jarred by his walking, though, and winces every time he takes a step down the staircase. The wound on the side of his head has stopped bleeding and the blood, which really isn't that noticeable against his already red skin anyway, has started to dry and crack.

When they exit the library, Darrius blows out the candle and tosses it onto the ground at the edge of a pile of coins, then makes his way over to the artifact room he'd seen on his way to join Jass outside the library. As he steps in there's a flare of light and he instinctively flinches back, expecting another angel, but after a second it registers that the flare of light was gentle, comforting, not violent and menacing like the flare from the angel. He looks over to see the elf girl enveloped in a golden glow that seems to be transforming her, turning her into something he'd never seen before. He stares as the glow fades, but turns his attention away long enough to grab one of the bags of holding with the hand not wrapped around himself and examine it before flipping it open, shoveling a small pile of gold into it, and swinging the strap over his head and onto the opposite shoulder. He grins at the bag. "Gods bless these things." He looks over at the elf girl again, and at this point it seems like the transformation has complete, he's a little taken aback at how beautiful she looks like this. She'd been pretty before, from what little he'd seen during the battle, but now she has a literal radiance about her. He lets out an impressed whistle.

Tag: @HoneyBear\-Kat Mood: Neutral Location: Artifact Room

Music Equipment

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"Ah yes, well finding them will be a little bit of a problem. I have no idea where exactly where they are. The King sent me here and them somewhere else. For now I think it will be better to get you acclimatized to the world. Let's go, it's a little ways away to the nearest town." Morgrim offered a hand to the Faery girl Sibil, though given her size it was more meant as to carry her around then anything else. "Or are you feeling strong enough to walk?" Morgrim didn't know much about how the transformation would tax her, or if it was a seamless and effortless ability of a faery, but either or he wouldn't mind either way, he could do with relaxing for the first time in a decade since what happened to him as a child.


What Jassur had no idea was is that Innocence is his identity even when he was an aspect. It was due to the fall of Innocence that much of the world has fallen into times of war and conflict, why people feel more inclined to do what is harmful for gain or entertainment. All Innocence knew of this though is his name. There was a few memories of the past but only one of importance, a creature had met with Innocence long ago when he was just newly a shadow soul, and when many of his memories were still intact. It was of a man, a mage who was often sickly and spent much of his time with Innocence. The man's name was striken from his memories, but not what he looked like, a scrawny and pathetic looking man that appeared as if he had only eaten scraps for his meals and spent his afternoons wasted in the chapels for healing. The man had actually spent his time at health spa's where odd treatments were used, like leeches, potions made with strange and seemingly useless ingredients and needles dipped into different fluids. The man was fraught with not only curing diseases, but evolving beyond them so that they may never touch and harm another mortal creature ever again.

This man's research would bring him to the core, but for what Innocence did not know, it was a place he could never travel, the darkness of the core would keep him lost for the light never touches there without fire, and he could have been waiting decades, centuries or even millennia before light would find it's way to him down there. It was where he said his first, and last goodbye to someone who had once been his closest friend.

"Don't need light now.... Thank you.... Must go to Core when ready....." Innocence's voice had changed now, it sounding almost bubbly, literally like water that was boiling, as his voice was trying to force it's way through the inky substance that is now his body. He did not let on why they needed to go to the core, to find his friend who he had long been waiting for and never known, but this was important to him, more than anything else before, and he would do it whether Jass and the others would come or not. For the first time in over a thousand years he felt he had a purpose.

(Animus when I said they reappear in they last place they where I meant the exact location of where they are when the light goes out, not the cabin just for clarification. Kind of a sad story, but Innocence spent every day by the cabin waiting and not knowing why, but it was for his friend to return.)

Anaxileah Wylloh

Ana smiled as Roxii seemed to be recovering from her wounds thanks to the healing tonic and the salves, and watched as the vial was handed back to her. "I hope this is helping, Roxii. Thank you for trusting me." Ana smiled and took the vial with her pale, slender, hands, then placed it back in her satchel, closing the cloth pack with its small drawstring as it rested against her hip. When a safe place was mentioned, Ana nodded, her smile growing. "I think someplace safe to stay would be ideal, thank you. And I think you'd be of better aid if you carried Ether, Mister...?" Ana did not know his name still, but she shrugged either way. "I will aid Roxii should she need help. I do not know where Morgrim, the rotting corpse is, but I can smell the others and sense that they are on their way here. We will be altogether once more soon enough, my friend." Ana said softly and turned back to Roxii and Ether. Ether was still unconscious, but the tonic was visibly helping him recover, as she could see the color return to his pale skin. The tonic was having the same effect on Roxii, which was good.

Ana murmured quietly to the wolf-elf that she would return momentarily as she stood and turned towards the heaps of dusty treasures that were present. She had intended on making a quick decision, readily grabbing the 8000 gold pieces she was promised, pleased with the weight of the gold. It was gathered up in a large bag, which she slung over her shoulder, and she then proceeded to look around the treasury. She frowned as she continued walking around, not seeing anything that appealed to her bright green eyes. Ana felt guilty about not being injured during the battle, thinking that she should have been in the same position and stayed to aid them. She bit her lip as she continued walking, guilt clouding her mind, until she came upon a weapon that DID appeal to the hybrid. There was a crossbow atop the heaps of treasure, with a bundle of arrows beside it. She had no idea what these arrows were capable of, but this was her choice - archery (or anything with aim and distance) appealed to the hybrid, and she grinned, her teeth shining in the dim light. She grabbed the crossbow and bundle of arrows, her arms now full of things to carry. "Wonderful..." Ana muttered to herself in a sarcastic manner, since her wrapped arms were full. When they reached the safe villa, Ana was definitely going to get a different outfit to change into, but she needed to ensure that it covered her back, as always.

Around the same time Ana was choosing her treasure, Eleniel was searching for one of her own. Ana watched as the light elf considered the options present in the large room, and finally seemed to settle on an orb that was in a glass case. Ana raised an eyebrow at Eleniel, wondering what this choice was going to do, and had her thoughts answered almost immediately. As soon as Eleniel touched the orb, light shone from Eleniel, an almost blinding white light. When Ana was capable of looking at Eleniel again without pain or dots in her vision, her jaw dropped. Eleniel had wings, and had several runes on her person, all of it glowing a bright white. She was so bright she could've been her own sun. 'What did that orb do to her..?' Ana thought to herself, trying not to laugh. The light elf was marvelously beautiful, moreso than before, but DAMN was she brighter than the damn sun itself. The other demon man had returned and was looking at Eleniel in an admiring manner, and Ana resisted the urge to snicker as she made her way back to Roxii, shaking her head in amusement. Once Ana reached Roxii, she knelt to the ground with her things in her arms and placed them on the ground gently. Roxii, is there anything from the Treasury you want other than gold? I don't know if you can smell what's in here or not, but if you want, I can tell you the different things in here that aren't gold." Ana offered to the wolf-elf, smiling faintly as she spoke softly to the girl, fully aware of her sensitive ears.

Tag: @HoneyBear-Kat

@CarpeNoctem1213 @shadowz1995 Mood: Amused/Guilty Location: Treasury

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Sibil nodded and tilted her head to the side, her blonde hair falling in stands over her shoulder. "If he's talking about...no it couldn't be," she mumbled. It had been a while since she had last seen the King. No doubt he was still a crazy, egotistical lunatic.

After thinking over what she had been told for a moment, the small fairy then lightly stepped into the mans much larger hand. "If you really don't mind Sir Morgim. It's been quite a while since I've actually walked a great distance. I don't think it would be the best idea for me to take everything all at once. Even flying is putting a strain on me."

Her smile fell for a moment. "Isn't that sad? A fairy who's whole being aches when she uses her wings." Sibil clenched her fists before looking back down. No. She wouldn't think of negatives at this point. She'd been through too much in the last hour alone.

She then smiled up at him before looking at the door. The dreary thoughts from before were slowly drifting away from her. Excitement was now coursing throughout her veins.

"I can't believe I'm getting to go outside!" Sibil squealed, absolute delight threading her voice as she spoke. "It's been ages since I've felt the sun!" As she talked, her wings began to flutter slightly.

A bright flush then spread across her cheeks. "Sorry Sir Morgrim. I got a little to excited," she mumbled, looking down. As a ex-fairy noble, Sibil still had habits of what was considered 'proper' etiquette for them.

As he carried her out, Sibil spoke softly. She had already sat down on his hand, looking up at him. "Are you traveling by yourself or with companions perhaps?" She questioned. The Fey then looked over his appearance. A conclusion was then drawn. "You're a hero!"

"Oh! I've bet you've had lots of fun adventures!" She hummed, "And you've probably fought dozens of monsters!" Sibil knew she could've come off as slightly annoying, even a little bit childish. She just felt so fascinated with the outside world now that she was free. 15 years was a long time to be isolated from anything.

The small being then sighed slightly. "You said we were going into a small town yes?" She asked. "D-Do you think it would be possible if I searched for new clothes? I've had these for a few years now. They're probably on their last threads honestly."

Sibil then turned back forwards. "I wonder if the wisps still know of me," she murmured, the thought occurring to her. Before she had entered the contract with Tuso, Sibil had gained the trust of another type of Fey creature; the wisps. They were magical spirits of the dead. Wisps had numerous uses; from helping heal wounds to combat. The wisps had also become valuable companions of hers.

( @Morgrim )
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A small tap on the shoulder distracted the elf from her trance. When she turned it was Xochi. Eleniel hadnt seen her, she didnt know that Xochi was the one who saved Roxii from being attacked any further. She had only spotted her when the whole group was teleported into the vault they sit in now. The girl held a sign,"We are planning to head to a safe place to rest up," her eyes looked up briefly at the stranger before continuing,"and that you should follow the monk,Tai," she read aloud. The elf never planned on staying with the group. She only joined this band for the same of killing Tuso. She sighed, thinking. Right now she just wanted to be with this orb. Eleniel nodded,"Alright then, I will, thank you," she said with a smile and bowed woth her head. Anything to get Xochi to leave her.

However as soon as the stranger left, The orb felt different in her hands. Her attention was back on the artifact. The orb was glowing brighter than before. Something was...off. She moved quickly to set it back down, but before she did, it shattered. Thousands of tiny little pieces exploded into the air. She turned her face, trying to avoid the shards.

But there was silence. No sound, the light pitter-patter of falling shrapnel was..nonexistant. She turned again to face the explosion. But what she witnessed was...extraordinary. The cloud of shards became...delicate...light. The hovered in place for a moment, twinkling, like tiny stars. Eleniel stared in awe at the phenomena that surrounded her. The small lights reflected off Eleniel's eyes, turning them into star-filled galaxies of sapphire. The sight was peaceful, beautiful. She raised a hand slowly, moving to touch one of them. Before she could even lay a finger on one, they moved toward her body. Each of them pressed into her skin. It wasnt painful, but it left prickles all over her skin. As they set in, so did the orb's light. She can feel the foreign light traveling through her body, swirling and mixing into the pool or her own, self-born light. It felt warm and comfortable, somewhat invigorating and refreshing. Her previous exhaustion had left her body, she felt...brand new. A bright light emitted on the surface of her body then quickly faded.

Once everything seemed to return to normal, Eleniel looked down at her body. She patted her arms, her stomach, then her legs, wondering if it did anything to her. There was nothing. It was quiet once again. The elf looked at the podium, eyeing it suspiciously. Why was it kept hidden and protected? She ignored the inquiry, if it did no harm then why bother?

Or did it?

Eleniel turned from it, she looked to the group in the other side of the room and made her way over. But just a few steps were taken before the room began to spin. Then suddenly, it hit her. There was a force that pressed on her, making her stumble and stagger. She helplessly raised a hand to the front of her forehead, trying to stabalized and quiet her feeling of vertigo. The force pressed harder. To keep herself from falling, she deliberately sank to her knees, bent over on all fours. Her body trembled with power, and the light that had faded, surfaced once again, but this time it blazed and was blinding to the normal eye.

It shined bright off her body in the dingey light of the treasure room. The skin between her shoulder blades, on either side of her spine, began to tear and part. The elf gasped for breath and her back arched with a deafening ringing in her ears. The contents in her stomach churned and bubbled. Her hands tightened into fists, as tendrils sprouted from the gapes. They branched out into the shape of wings. Wings made of light and pure energy, transluscent and intangible, but still physically visible. The feeling wasnt as painful as youd think, but it was definitely uncomfortable. Her eyes teared up from the feeling, and turned from their luminous azure color to white from the overwhelming power of the orb. Fists still balled up, she watched as a rune appeared on each of the back of her hands. Though she cant see them, there were more. One, between her collar bones, on her chest. Another on the back of her neck. Then another on her stomach. And some lined the insides of her arms.

The wings were fully fledged, and the transformation ceased, leaving her body a trembling mess, radiant with visible light, curled up into a cringing, elvish heap on the ground.


Mentioned: ...no one really xD

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(someone get me some gold Goddammit!!! I will not be left out! Get me the extra 2K as well! I dont need anything there.)

  • proxy.php

    After a while of admiring his new sword, Atraxia then preceded to pick up the sheath for the blade and then loop it around so it was on his back, now he would not have to worry about carrying it. He turned around, and was about to head back with the other group to this "safe place" the mute girl spoke about, but halfway through his turn, something caught his eye. The ball Eleniel had was now gone and she layed on the floor, wings now sprouting out of her back. He raised a quizzical eyebrow, this was new. The girl's body seemed to be covered in some sort of runes, he could not make out what they said, and he light was stronger then before. He mentally sighed, Is she some sort of angel elf now? he asked himself as before he did not feel the presences of what an angel had in them, but in her; now he does. This could be either good or bad, good for the group but bad for him. Now he would actually have somewhat of a challenge, he chuckled slightly at that thought. It had been a while since he had a good challenge, perhaps she would now bring that to the table. He walked over to the girl before squatting down onto his clawed legs, silent as always; even in his condition right now. He swiftly shook her shoulder lightly with his clawed hand, using little force to do so. "You there angel-elf? It looks like we are leaving" Atraxia asked the girl before giving reasoning behind why he was asking if she was awake, he didn't feel like having to carry dead weight, and it looked like no one else was in good condition either.

    @HoneyBear-Kat )

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed[/color]


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It was strange. She wasnt unconscious, but she felt like she was sleeping while her body continued to tremble on the ground, the surge of power involunarily pulling at her nerves the way electricity would when it came in contact with the body. As soon as Atraxia put his hand on her, the symptoms instantly vanished. He shook her lightly, and in a split second her eyes shot open and her body jolted back to life. She sat up, grabbing his wrist firmly away from her, with a dagger in her other hand. She had grabbed it in a flash, it was second nature when she was surprised like that. Whe she realized who it was trying to wake her, her facial features softed and she let him go,"Oh...sorry." Her heart was still beating at a fast pace from sudden awakening. Eleniel placed the dagger back in its place,"Whats going on?" She looked at herself on the ground. The elf winced and put a hand to her head,"Ouch..." she whispered. Slowly, she brought her self to her knees then up on her feet. "What happened?" She asked herself more than Atraxia, slightly confused. A little distance away was the rest of the group, beginning to leave the vault. She blinked and tapped on the assassin's shoulder,"Hurry. Lets go!" when she moved her body ached. She was sore from the convulsions of her muscles and fired nerves.

In truth, she doesnt remember much. She remembers picking up the orb, Xochi explaining that they were going to leave, and next thing she knew she was on the ground. Eleniel stared at the ground, thinking of what could have happened. It was perplexing. Still, she was unaware of the bodily changes that took place. She continued to blink as she walked, rubbing her eyes occasionally. Eleniel's vision was still sort of blurry, her new vision had not set in yet. A quiet grunt came from her frustration, the blurriness hadnt settled yet. She wasnt blind, she could still see it was just a little cloudy...it was irritating.

Making her way to the group she passed by heaps and hills of gold. She needed soemthing to live off of. Even though she didnt want to take anything, living was essential and the current currency was gold. She felt a tinge of guilt, but if the King gave it willingly, and she was taking it out of necessesity and not out if selfish desire, then it wasnt wrong right?. Lucky for her some of the gold sat in ready-to-go sacks of leather. Seems convenient. She picked up one. It was a little heavy but she could manage. Her gaze moved back to the group, watching an unconscious Ether be slung over the monk's shoulder like a freshly hunted animal, limp and dangling. What about his share? The elf's ethics and morals plucked a heart string. She sighed, shaking her head. Her mind said to forget about him, since they didnt get along very well initially, but her heart leaned closer to being thoughtful and doing whats right. "Gui hen ert, Morgul..." she whispered with resentment. Eleniel hesitantly picked up another bag full of gold coins. The weight doubled now. Still she kept in mind how unfair it would be if he came back with nothing just because he wasnt currently present. She tied the drawstrings of each sack together and slung it of her shoulder, much like how Tai wore Ether.

(I know this ones kinda short n crappy but im a little busy sorry :P )


Mentioned: @shadowz1995

Translation: "Just this once, necromancer"

(GUYS! If someone got his share already, please tell meh, I don't remember reading it anywhere or nah thanks <3)

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(...Meh. .-.)

Roxii Sicarius

The Lythari stayed silent as Tai and Ana discussed moving locations. Getting away from here was definitely on her top five priorities list. She didn't want to spend more time than necessary in this hell hole, despite the fact that the group was surrounded by mounds of gold and priceless valuables.

She sat in the solitary darkness of her blindness and continued to wonder what she was to do now. The hybrid hadn't gotten too far into her thoughts when she felt a calming light fill the room. Her dark soul cringed at the brightness, but not in pain; simply in shock and fear. What had caused that burst of light? Had another angel entered the treasury? Hopefully not; she didn't feel like engaging in another battle. A whistle echoed throughout the room once the light dissipated, and she could feel the awe resonate throughout the room. Roxii tilted her head to the side and perked her ears, attempting to catch any clues as to what was going on. Unfortunately, the answer was not clear, so she left it alone.

The wolf-elf heard the healer return, setting down some plundered items. Anaxileah asked her if she wanted anything specific from the treasury. She hesitated, trying to remember what she had seen while she was in her Shadow Realm state. Most of the items were of no significance to her; though if there were a new set of daggers, that would have been wonderful, especially since one of her daggers was abandoned back in the dining hall and the other had been broken by the force of the fall.

Roxii thought over the items one more moment. "
The gold will be fine," she answered truthfully. "It will put me that much closer to paying off my bounty."


@Anaxileah Mood: Confused Location: Treasury

Morgrim looked down to the faery girl in his hand. It was quite the odd sight to have a sentient being no larger then one of his own fingers on his body and making requests, and while it was odd, it certainly didn't annoy him even with her questions. "A hero, no no. I am no hero. My mission was revenge, though freeing you was certainly a bonus, slavery is just wrong and I hope to end it some day, but for now I need to get stronger." Having his hand held up constantly would start to bother him after the first few minutes as gravity constantly pushed down on his pathetic muscles. He raised his hand higher so that it was right in front of his shoulder and offered Sibil a place there.

"If you don't mind. And sure we can get you some clothes, not many places sell clothes that small, most faeries stay in the forests ever since the inquisition. I'm sure you know all about it, when Tuso ordered all non human's to be captured for purposes of slavery. You faeries are quite tricky fellows and managed to escape the towns with as few as possible getting out. That will all end soon, but there are a few places that are still a safe haven for your kind." Morgrim was heading to a small town that even someone like him is accepted at; Bleak Coast Falls. The town to Morgrim is very reminiscent of what his village was like in Eldergloom, only Bleak Coast was filled with all sorts of people, only very few of them were humans. There was a lot of undead creatures that were smart enough not to attack everyone on sight like zombies, and then fae creatures along with anthro's as well. It would be a good place for both of them to relax. The journey would take a few hours, and it was filled mostly with small talk and details about events that have transpired over the past five years, since before that Morgrim had spent his time in hiding in the ruins of his broken home. He talked about what his home used to be like. Peaceful, friendly, everybody knew each other, and the collage for magic they had. It was his dream to become a powerful necromancer like those before him in his village, and that he has become, but today has shown him how far he has to come. His best attempts were only enough to weak and harm and angel with the help of over a half dozen people. "So would you mind telling me a bit about what life was like for you before your contract was signed to Tuso?"


(Going to work be back in five hours.)
Sibil looked up at him. The small fey then leaped up onto his shoulder. "No? Well I think you are," she hummed and leaned back. "You must be a little bit of one if you took the time to help me. I'm sure you've helped lots of others!"

She then tilted her head to the other side. "It's my fault I suppose. Since I'm a familiar, my only purpose is to serve a master. It's what my calling is, so to speak. However, I let my nature get the best of me. Tuso was the first beingI had seen in a while at that...at that time and I jumped at the chance. I didn't get to see what Tuso was truly like before I formed a contract with him. By then it was too late."

The small fairy then shut her mouth, looking forward as Morgrim walked along the road. She listened as he talked for a while. It was interesting to hear about the mans life. Sibil would add comments every now and then before going back to being quiet.

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise whenever he asked her the question. "My life before Tuso, hm?" She tilted her head back, looking at the sky. You could faintly see the floating islands up above. The small being raised her right arm up, her hand extending outward, almost as if she were trying to touch one of them.

"I used to live in Skyshard," Sibil said softly, her hand coming back down to her side. "I was born into a sort of noble family of the Fey people. The youngest of four sisters. Living there was so...peaceful."

She then frowned, the blissful look from before disappearing from her face. "Then when I was around 15, I started expressing signs of being a familiar. The following month, a familiar brand appears on my wrist." She slowly flew up in front of him and showed him the triangle in the middle of a circle engraved on her skin.

"While it isn't uncommon for fey people, especially the fairys, to be familiars, it's still frowned upon by nobles," she said. "I was immediately disowned. So I just started to drift. I served a few masters over the years. Then I met Evf. He was a fire dragon that lived in the Nyx forest. I served him for a good 200 years. It was some of the best times I've ever had."

A dark look then fell upon her face. "He sent me to go trade for some things in the market. Whenever I got back...Evf was slain." The small fairy then went silent, sitting back down on Morgrims shoulder.

( @Morgrim )
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Atraxia did not hesitate either when Eleniel responded by grabbing his arm and moving it away, he catching the girls arm with the dagger in it and squeezing down tightly, to the point where his claws were threatening to puncture her skin. He didn't know why exactly at why she rebuke, his best guess being it was only a natural by her, and if that was true; he didn't blame her. That would of been his natural response, except with him just knifing that person in the throat without giving them much of a chance to explain there actions. He smirked a bit, awaiting to see what her next actions were. After a few moments she released his hand, apologizing for the sudden actions, and after that he released her's from his grasp; leaving a visible red mark from his clawed hands.

The light-elf (Er...Angel elf?) looked confused at what just happened, asking for exactly what happened; and so he filled her in that she went unconscious for a few good moments before he came to wake her up before she advised him to hurry to catch up with the rest of the group and then ran off. He turned around and mentally sighed, the group wasn't even moving yet, just prepping to leave. He slowly walked towards them,stopping to keep his distance from them, he didn't need no interactions that could potentially cause him to go berserk.
How did I get myself into this? Atraxia asked himself sourly, he didn't like this too much...at least he got something to make this worth, but now he needed to cash in onto his contract when he could. The assassin wanted the other half that was promised, he was the type of guy that had you pay half up front and then the other half when the job was finished.


Theme: The Monster- Disturbed[/color]

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"That is quite a place to live I imagine, I have never been there, and I never will be able to. The sun elves, will make sure of that, they aren't particularly fond of the undead, even if it is half undead like myself." He said with a little bit of a sky. Morgrim would love to see all of the world, the good and the bad, he certainly had the immortality to do so, but not the resources or skill depending on the location. Still though what he and those who follow him would have to embark on in the future will be more then enough to last his immortal lifespan.

"Now that I think about it I am not sure which of my group would be best suited as your master. I can't ever imagine Roxii wanting a faery to be her familiar, she kinda has a wolf fetish, and she can be kinda bitchy. Jass may not be the most suitable for you, he strikes me as the kind of person that drowns them self in alcohol and sex, and maybe a few tears. Ana is a strange girl, probably the most suitable, but like I said she is odd and looks like she is hiding something. There is a necromancer, though very unlike me. He's a bit of a masochist, or at the very least emotional. He cuts himself every time there is a confrontation, and sometimes just for the hell of it. There were others as well, but I never really got to meet any of them I was teleported away from them as soon as the fight was over." Morgrim sums up each of them in perhaps the most pessimistic way possible, and without a word about himself. His could smell himself, and he didn't think of himself as a bad person, just not a hero. All he had to say about himself, at least his personality and discerning physical traits have all ready been spoken.

"I suppose Ana would be the best choice for you as far as all things go. If you don't mind my asking, exactly how long can you go before you start to... fade?" Morgrim knew a bit about familiars, and the best way to describe what happens to a familiar when unbound for too long is something his village called the fade. A process in which a familiar's life force is drained from their body with the inability to natural create their own energy, thus the need to have a contract. Their own body essentially consumes itself in an attempt to have enough energy just to do day to day activities, let alone getting in all sorts of fights. The time it takes for fading using varies from familiars, some lasting only a year, and others being able to go decades without a master.

The small beings let out a 'tsk'. "Elves," she said with a sigh. "Some are just bitter," she said with a laugh before looking up at him. "One day, you'll be able to visit."

Her gaze then floated back down as Sibil listened to him. "I see. So that's all I have to choose from?" She questioned. The small fey then hummed before standing and flying around Morgrims head. The fairy twirled in the air. She often flew around whenever she needed to think or clear her mind about something.

Sibil stopped whenever he asked her another question. "Before I fade..?" The fairy came back to a landing on his shoulder. "Usually about two years. But since I didn't get the proper life energy from Tuso, probably less then that." She then looked up at him. "The only reason I probably didn't fade when I was in a contract with Tuso was because of the contract itself." The contracts magical qualities allowed for a small transfer of life energy from the master to the familiar. It made sure that the familiar would have a boost of health to help serve their master better.

She then went back to the before conversation. "Well since you can't decide who would be a best fit, why don't you just be my master?" She suggested. "You can even decide the length and terms!" Her wings fluttered slightly, her excitement clear.

( @Morgrim )
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Jassur Batal

  • Tagging: @ Shit idk everyone?

    Location: Tuso's Library

    Character Mood: Calm

    Animus's Mood: just shit & sick af

While heading to the where they first entered, Jass was lost in thought, thinking about the information he received from the book. It was a blank state of mind, trying to let the knowledge sink in. Innocence's odd voice snaps him out of his trance; did the shadow soul just say they should go to the Core? Jass frowns, not understanding what's so important about going to Core, for Innocence. They would have a higher chance of loosing their life because of the unknown possibility to how long a journey is down there and what types of creatures they would encounter. From what he got in the Book of Aspects is the magic substance, ether, can be found there at a higher chance. He remembers the knights talking about how it is extremely dangerous down there - traveling through those underground tunnels. They've once sent a squad to escort researchers but they've never returned.

The mercenary will have to ask the shadow about Innocence's reason to go there later. For now, treasures await. Jass follows after the two, reaching the treasure vault. A blinding light flashes when he enters with Darrius. "Great, what now?" he mutters,waiting for the light to fade. The elf woman who joined them mid battle is turning into an angel-elf? The wings on her back remind him of the enemies they just fought a while ago. Shaking his head slightly, he shrugs off the odd event. Stepping on a couple of gold coins, he eyes the group. Most of them went for some interesting items Tuso has displayed. Ether's passed out, probably from doing whatever he did to the blind assassin. Ana's tending to her now. Darrius went for a bag of holding and Jass chuckles hearing the smuggler's comment. The former knight makes his way to the armor that catches his eye.

The armor looked far more interesting than the other valuables on display, probably cause he doesn't know how to use most of them. He wasn't in need for new armor but having something that looks durable than his own won't be harmful to keep. Facing off with those angels made him realize that his current medium plated one stored away will not last long if he decided to wear it during the battle. Before Jass gets closer to the armor stand, he picks up his share of gold; this will surely pay off his bounty but he'll have to head back to Doncaster and confront the Verdant Knights.

Jass has the Book of Aspects under his broken arm as checked out the armor. The mercenary picks up the helmet, feeling the weight. It isn't heavy at all, reminding him of his personal armor. Nodding in acceptance, Jass unbuckles the guard boots then kicks it off into the pile of gold. He slides on the new armor's boots, getting the feeling of its fit. He places the Book of Aspects into the helmet, so its protected while he shoves everything into the bag of gold. The whole leather bag looked ridiculously full. The mercenary turns to the others, "So have we decided where to leave?" not knowing they've already decided to head to a villa.

"Huh, I haven't thought about it, but maybe it would be better for you to decide on to how long. I don't mind you tagging along for as long as you want to, besides having you be able to appear at any moment would be very handy." He turned around watching her swirl around his head with an amused little smirk. By now they were just on the outskirts of the town, though it had an odd state of architecture. There was a sphere of pure magic around the town that the residents called the twilight guard. The town had been founded by a group of vampire wizards, and the twilight guard was a means to give safety to all creatures of the night. Which was nice for Morgrim. The skin does terrible things to him if he stays out and bakes in the sun.

"Well let's at least try to keep it to a small amount of time for a trial run, see if we are a compatible match, if we are we can re-sign the contract, if not then we can find another master for you. It would be best for you to decide how long exactly, something that is comfortable for you, and myself." Morgrim heads up to the sphere of darkness and places his bona-fide (Puns!) hand on it. A doorway opens up in the sphere recognizing Morgrim as something not entirely human and he passes through with the Faery following. "So how long do you think would be a good trial run?"

Sibil grinned happily before nodding. She could already tell that Morgrim was a kind person, no matter whether he tried to deny it or not. Although it surprised her slightly how considerate he was being. Usually, the soon-to-be master would make every part of the contract, no questions asked and the familiar would go along happily.

However, this person was actually giving her a choice. She, a familiar, was being given the oppurtunity to make the contract on her own terms.

She contiuned to think about it for a moment more before getting slightly sidetracked by the border. "Wow," she whispered. Her stomach started to feel slightly uneasy. By nature, all Feys are creatures of light. Being close to something that looked so dark made her weary.

Sibil cautiously followed the man, her eyes darting everywhere. The fairy immediately landed on Morgrims shoulder, not being entirely comfortable in the dark, unfamiliar setting. However, she knew if Morgrim felt even slightly at peace here, then she would be okay.

The fey then looked up whenever Morgrim asked about a length of time. "What about...a month or so? If we're compatible as familiar and master, then we can extend it as you said. If we're not, then the contract can end there," she smiled and tilted her head to the side. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulders.

The fairys expression then turned hard. "However, my only condition is that you...you don't lock me away anywhere," she said softly, although her tone was domineering.

Sibil was about to say something else to him whenever something suddenly caught her attention. Her head spun around. A low humming sound reached her ears as she turned in the direction it was coming from. Her eyes narrowed, the usual forest green switching to an electric blue.

The fairy's right hand slowly moved to the small pouch she had strapped to her right leg. From it she pulled a small blue bead. Sibil then crushed it in her palm before blowing the now blue dust into the air. Everything was silent for a moment until a sudden gust of wind swept over the pair, with it three small figures came.

Standing in front of them were three different floating bluish-clear beings. They took on a form similar to her own but they didn't have any real defining features. Just the wings, body, and ears were outlined so you could make out a shape.

The small fairy made a sound of surprise. "What do you know?" Sibil said, "Looks like they didn't aboandon me after all." A smile then graced her face as she turned to look back up at Morgrim, her eyes still electric blue.

"These are the wisps I was talking about earlier, if you remember," she said as she looked back down at the wisps. "They probably sensed my presence as soon as I was freed from the contract and started to seek me out." Since Sibil had been imprisoned in a magic-concealing room, the wisps couldn't have tracked her on her magic scent. And she had been away from them for too long for the wisps to track her physical scent.

Her eyes raked over each one of them. Although the wisps physical form was nothing special, their magical abilities were exceptional. It was certainly no surprise that they could track her so easily.

"Now that I think about it, they probably knew where I was whenever I was first freed. They just didn't feel like coming at that moment, the lazy things. And since I didn't order them..." Her eyes widened and she looked up at Morgrim. "Sorry! I've been rambling!" She apologized.

Sibil flushed slightly before lifting her hand. With a flick of her wrist, the three wisps disappeared into thin air. "They'll come back when I summon them," she said. "Now...about the contract."

( @Morgrim )
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Darrius Vrag

Darrius breaks out of his reverie as the others start wandering toward the exit and looks over at Jass, nodding. "Yeah. I heard the monk talking about some villa or something we can stay in. Much as I like being surrounded by gold, I wanna get outta this place." He starts walking toward the others, but stops midstep, remembering that he left his chain wrapped around the angel's wing back in the dining hall. He sighs and holds out his hand in front of him as if waiting for someone to put something in it and stares intently at it.

A black flame appears in his palm and flickers weakly like a candle in a high wind. The flames continue flicking for a moment, then sputter out with a small hiss. "Ch'nes," he mutters to himself. His chain is his prized possession, the runes on its surface not only allow the weapon to be covered in hellfire without being damaged, they also bind the weapon to Darrius and allow him to summon it from almost anywhere, unfortunately, his magic power is still depleted, so he can't summon it right now. He glares at the space where the flame had flickered the moment before, then closes his hand into a fist and lowers it to his side. He doesn't so much care about leaving the weapon behind--after all, he can summon it back in about a day when his power is restored--he's more upset about being powerless. It makes him feel useless. He sighs and continues his trek through the piles of gold to catch up with the others.

Tag: @Everyone Mood: Neutral Location: Treasure Room

Music Equipment

*Ch'nes: "Shit"

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Ana nodded when Roxii requested extra gold as her reward, and gently lowered her things in front of Roxii to go retrieve the gold. She lifted up two pouches of gold, one heavier than the other, and brought it back to Roxii, noticing that Jass and the demon man had both returned. Eleniel had also picked up extra gold, most likely for Ether since she had already chosen her glowing orb as her reward. 'She looks like a torch...' Ana thought to herself with a chuckle, then joined the group once more. "Sorry for not responding sooner, I wanted to get Roxii's reward for her immediately. Xochi can come beside Roxii and I as we travel, sure. I have no problem with it." Ana shrugged, then looked at the demon man. "This man is correct, although I never got his name. Is everyone other than Morgrim here? Jass, Roxii, Ether, Eleniel, Tai, Atraxia, Xochi...demon man...um...me...I think that's everyone?" Ana rambled off to herself, then looked to see that most people had chosen their rewards - Roxii with gold, Eleniel and her orb, Jass and some armor, Ether and more gold, Atraxia and his blade, Tai and Xochi with gold? Ana wasn't sure what they got, but she knew most of them had their rewards.

"Now that all of us are here together, we should head to the villa after Tai and Xochi's lead. I am not sure as to where Morgrim is, but we should head on so that we don't have to remain in this horrid palace any longer." As Ana spoke, she shivered from the corrupt feeling she got from the palace. It felt dirty and evil, causing Ana to want to leave as soon as possible. She grabbed both her bags and Roxii's, not wanting Roxii to have to carry anything so she could heal, and almost immediately fell over from the weight of so much gold and her weapons. After a moment of struggling, she stood and was able to remain standing, then requested, "Tai, can you lead the way to this villa you mentioned? I hope it's nearby..." Ana muttered the last part to herself as she tried shifting the weight of the gold to a better position, but to no avail. This stuff was going to be heavy the entire journey...

Tag: @HoneyBear-Kat

@AnimusLight @CarpeNoctem1213 @shadowz1995 @Federoff @Morgrim Mood: Overwhelmed/Creeped out Location: Treasury

Alert! I have made the new location, which we are going to be including soon in the story - Vitae, City of Life, as been created. It is described in the Settings/Locations Tab, so please check it out! :)
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  • proxy.php

    Atraxia met eyes with the monk when he looked at him, it was obvious the man did not trust him, it did not bother the assassin. Not only was he not trusted his entire life, but it was not his job to be trusted. It was to kill, plain and simple; unless on an undercover section of a op, then he would try to gain trust, but for now, he did not care one bit. With a mental sigh, he began to follow the rest of the group, trailing towards the back so he did not have to deal with anything that might push him off the edge, but was close enough so he could keep up and follow them easily. All his focus was either on not running into anything and keeping up, or on keeping his inner spirit at bay; he did not feel like transforming right now and causing himself even more problems.

    Atraxia's breathing was still slightly heavy, but it was better from before as now he had some energy compared to none. Once they arrived, he stayed in the back as he scanned his surroundings as the Monk told them what to do, along with a new face; one of their "butlers" as he called him. The place wasn't anything fancy at all, it actually looked somewhat worn down; but it was better then most of the city. He forced his body to move once again when they walked into the middle building, it was a living room next to a dining area; it had multiple chairs and couches, along with a few tables with plants on them as decorations. He took one of the chairs and moved himself to a window before sitting down in it. IT felt good to sit down, it allowed him time to regain his energy.

    This place, it makes me want to barf...


    Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members)
    Location: Treasury Room -> All the way to the Villa

    Mood: Angry, Tired

    With: No one in particular

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed



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