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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

(Im gonna try the BBC thing since everyone else is i feel left out cx)


The King's voice rumbled in her ears. As she peered over at the others, she was sort of happy, they were being let off the hook so easily. Well, that is, with exception to a special "mission" the King assigned to the group. Why did he want them to do the dirty work? Surely he can just kill what ever it is he wants gone. Theres more to this than whats on the surface. It was clear everyone was beaten. No one had the energy nor the physical stamina to fight a King, not even all together. The fight she had waited for would have to be saved for another day yet again. For now, everyone must worry about themselves, and each other. The wounded especially. They needed the most attention.

Her thoughts were cut short. The elf's fair and soft skin began to tingle and prickle all over, leaving visible bumps. It was a very uncomfortable feeling. She couldnt control it, and the sensation made her uneasy. She felt another weight of pressure, squeezing her, but this time it wasnt dark. Her face tilted down to look at her hands as her nerves danced under the surface. When she looked back up, her and the others were in an entirely different room. They had teleported, by the King! One small hand clenched her stomach, she felt sick. The brief second it took for them to teleport, she could feel the heaviness of the King's power and it was sickening. He was indeed a powerful creature. Eleniel felt slightly dizzy, but she snapped out of it.

Ocean blue eyes had a chance to take a good look around. There was gold everywhere. And not just gold, but shiny jems and metals beyond what you can comprehend. The room was dimmly lit, but the little light that stood made the gold seem luminous im the dinge of the vault. Infront of her was a small chest on the ground; she slowly crouched beside it, and with one hand, delicately lifted the lid from is wealthy base. Inside was a beautiful diadem, and a dagger, its sheath jewled and twinkling in the shy lighting. These werent just treasures, but also ancient artifacts. The elvish female closed the lid just as carefully as she opened it. Her posture straightened, and once again she looked at those in the room. The king teleported everyone, even Roxii and Ether, who had seemed to disappear.

Even in the darkness of the hidden vault, the elf radiated a soft and gentle glow. Her eyes were just as luminous as the sapphire gems found in the chest, and her silvery white hair was as lusterous as ever. Her people adored light, but favored the light of the stars at night. Her people, The Eldar, literally means "people of the stars". The dark tinge in the room called out to her light, and made it seep through, but no where near as harsh as before. It is almost as if it were calm, just ever slightly visible. And Eleniel could feel it, cause at this moment, she could relief entering her with every breath she took in.

In the corner of her eye, a faint twinkle caught her gaze. Curious, she carefully made her way to the object, being careful not to slip on any loose gold coins that were scattered about. The thing that caught her eye was buried under a small heap of coin. She bent over, brushing some coins past, until the object unveiled itself. It shone and lit up in her eyes, just by touching it she could feel a connection with her people. It was a betrothal necklace, made of Eldar silver (what her bow is made out of) embellished in pure white stone and gems of starlight, interlacing into a beautiful and intricate design. It was too bad it was here for who knows how long. Her azure eyes dazzled even more so than before. She knew what this was. The eldar had made their own jewlery and accessories. They were made and kept to themselves, as ceremonial artifacts and heirlooms to pass down through time. But how did this end up here? Eleniel couldnt release it from her grasp. Its been centuries since her people perished, and since then she hasnt come across anything Eldar-made. This wasnt only historic and valuable, it held a sentimental and precious meaning to her. She told herself she wouldnt take anything, even though the King did say the vault was theirs to take. But this was an opportunity she couldnt let go, its been so long, who knows how long itll be before she comes across something like this again? Her belt held a small pouch, it was usually empty incase she came across some herbs or fruit through out her travels, but this time it held someting far more priceless to her. She held it here for now.

With just her eyes, she looked around, in case there were more elvish jewels. But none could be found. She didnt want to take anything else, but there was a small dent of disappointment with claiming just one. The thrill of seeing such ancient belongings that she only thought would forever be memory. 'I suppose my hopes were just too high...' She thought. Eleniel continued to wander, observing all the things Tuso had stored away.

Mentioned: @shadowz1995 @Anaxileah @Morgrim

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  • proxy.php

    Atraxia watched as the scene unfolded with the king, he teleporting them to a treasury vault, he looked around to see the piles upon piles of gold. It was a lot, he admitted to himself, and perhaps this was worth it as the prize was good, but his contract. He still needed to complete it, hopefully his client could wait out longer, whoever it was. Then he would have a true reward he reminded himself. And with that he fell back down to the floor, unable to support himself any longer, not in the state he was energy wise after that. The last bit of energy he has is currently being focused on keeping the spirit within him from going on an rampage. For now he must rest, then later Atraxia could act. He finally removed his hand from his face as the pain was retreating for now. Hopefully they had a healer in their little band of misfits that could help him, but that he thought, was probably a slim to nothing possibility.

    Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
    Location: Palace -> Treasury

    Mood: Angered

    With: Everyone

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


Roxii Sicarius

The wolf listened silently as Xochi and Ana communicated, Ana assigning the jobs to both of them to take care of the now-blind assassin. She felt useless just sitting there, but she knew that she didn't need to be doing anything. Hell, there was hardly anything she could do anyway. It took her quite a while to accommodate to losing one eye, but now both eyes? Being able to do what she could just a few minutes ago seemed impossible now. How was she to do anything now? The thought of having to abandon assassinations somewhat terrified her. That was her prime line of work, and it was what she was good at. She couldn't give that up. But would she have to now that she was rendered entirely blind?

Roxii heard the other hybrid approach her and begin cleaning the laceration, causing her to wince at the tremors of pain that accompanied the action. She tried to stay as still as possible, though, so that Ana didn't cause more harm to her than intended. Xochi disappeared out a door behind her. It wasn't long before the mute girl returned, and the smell of various plants entered her senses. It seemed like she was preparing some herbs. The hybrid then felt the bandages begin circling around her head, covering her useless eyes. Suddenly, the severity of the situation dawned on her.

She was blind.

An unfamiliar feeling began rising up in her chest, feeling as if it were choking her. She'd never be able to see sunlight again. Or the grace of nature. Or the architecture of many towns, both beautiful and run-down, large and small. The elf will never see the way light bounces off of the ripples of the water, or how flames devour everything in its path and dance in the air in a tango of lively dancers, or how the smoke rises and billows above, rising into the sky until it disperses into the atmosphere. She won't ever see the sporadic flicker of lightning as the electrical charges battle each other in a war among the storm clouds. The sparkling stars and luminescent moon will never be seen again by the eyes of the wolf hybrid. The melting colours of sunsets and sunrises no longer exist to the hybrid except as a memory of the past. She'll never see the way a blade slices through flesh or how an arrow pierces her target. She won't see Ana or Jassur or Morgrim, Ether, Darrius, Xochi, the monk, Tai, the elf, Elenial, or Ryu or any others she had met within the short lifespan of the mission. And she'll never see what any new strangers look like. The only images she'll ever see are the memories imprinted in her head, but not even those will sustain her thirst for sight again.

The Lythari barely caught the end of Ana's words, but she didn't respond. She didn't know what the reptilian had all said, and she didn't know what to say. Better to remain silent. Once Ana finished bandaging the wolf-elf's wound, she explained what else was going to happen to finish the healing process with the injured wolf. And with that, the other hybrid was off to find more resources.

It wasn't long before the elf felt a familiar tingling throughout her body. Her injuries weren't helping, but it wasn't enough to make the hybrid react harshly. The teleportation was short, but it made her feel uneasy nonetheless. Especially since she had no clue who was behind the teleportation, why she was being teleported, who she was being teleported with, and where she was being teleported. It was only when the sensation eased that she scented the others nearby. All of them, actually. Good; so they had all been grouped together. But why? And who did it? Roxii slightly flattened her ears in lack of comfort, unsure of how to react. Only then did she realize what the unfamiliar feeling was. It was something she hadn't experienced since she was a young child:


@Federoff , @Anaxileah @Everyone Mood: Confused, uneasy Location: With Xochi, Ana in separate palace room Everyone in treasury



Lillif growled, he didn't want his money, it felt like an insult to him. It was annoying too, but what else could he do. Lillif walked over to Eleniel and smiled a little bit, at least this would give him an excuse to spend more time with her.

"Are you alright?" He asked worried about her.

Tag: @HoneyBear\-Kat Mood: Annoyed/Angry/Worried Location: Treasure room


Ryu was confused, why did the king offer them gold for taking out the angels. He growled in his throat, disgusted at the king. It was annoying to him. He also would throw away his servants lives like it was nothing. Though there was little he could do about it, it wasn't like he was strong enough to take him.

Tag: @Everyone Mood: Confused/Angry/Annoyed Location: treasure room

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The necromancer's eyes widen in realization of the magic at work around his person. Before the dark mage can open his mouth to utter a counter spell, he's teleported into a large room. A large room filled with gold, jewelry, gems, metals, and artifacts. However, Ether's attention wasn't on the riches but rather the sudden scent of blood that filled the air. It was coming from multiple people, some of which Ether has never actually met but everyone seemed to be on the same side. As Ether takes a good look at all those gathered around him, his gaze falls on the bloodied form of a small girl. It takes Ether a few seconds to process who it actually is. Roxii...

The necromancer's thoughts come to a screeching halt and he immediately reacts. Despite his own injuries, Ether sprints towards Roxii's battered form and slides to her, stopping just before touching her body. "Back off! Let me handle this!" He spits out. Ether immediately begins scanning her body for how severe the injuries were. Broken arm, looks like shattered ribs...probably a good five of them maybe more, many minor lacerations, her eyes f....fuck her eyes. Injured beyond repair, her dark powers are also out of wack and its affecting her regeneration. Dammit dammit dammit! "Roxii! It's me Ether! Ok I'm going to merge our auras and minds alright? Its gonna be through a dark link so it should feel natural to you but you HAVE to let me in Roxii."

Without waiting for approval, Ether sets himself to work. He relinquishes the hold on his blood magic and the effects are immediate. He almost passes out right then and there but he hangs on to his consciousness through sheer willpower. The shadows burst forth from Ether's body and begins to surround the two in a dark, shadowy embrace. Ether felt right at home but this wasn't the time for that. Much like the time when he linked Jassur and Ana's minds together, Ether links Roxii's mind with his own, though the wolf-elf could easily resist it with her own dark power if she tried. Simultaneously, Ether starts merging their dark essences together. This would act like a equilibrium for Roxii. Ether's own life force and dark essence would mesh with Roxii and begin to stabilize her injuries and her dark powers. But this was a two-way link and Roxii's injuries and disoriented energy would mar Ether's already injured life force but the exchange would stabilize between the two in relative harmony if Roxii fully accepts the merging.

Jassur Batal

Jass grits his teeth, thinking he'll be a pawn in another overpowered person's command. He partially became a mercenary so he could choose what he wanted to do, not some corrupt winged-asshole who thinks of others lowly than him. The sub-god asks them to take down a diseased creature. A few questions come to mind but mostly, why couldn't the guy do it himself instead of asking their "pitiful lives" to complete the task? The creature is either 1) some kind of powerful being that even the god couldn't handle, 2) a god-warding disease that would be really useful if it was on their side, 3) Or the sub-god doesn't bother sparing time for the thing and wants others to do his work. Jass bites his lip; it's probably the latter.

Before he can speak his thoughts on the situation, he finds himself in a room full of treasures. The former knight's eyes widen at the sudden teleportation. He blinks a couple of times before examining his surroundings. Everyone was here, even Roxii who disappeared - Jass curses noticing the bandages wrapped around her eyes. Jass notices Ether, who runs to the wounded assassin first. He must have also been teleported here; rather convenient than searching for him later on. The necromancer also didn't look too good - what happened out there? "Shit, Roxii..." Jass limps to the two, trudging over the piles of gold coins. He'll pick some up later after checking on his friend.

The mercenary halts a foot away from them, watching Ether do some kind of magic thing on her. A shadow-like aura emits from the two, causing the mercenary to step back. He frowns, staring at the bloody bandages. She can't see anymore then... He didn't want to pity her, seeing the assassin has always been strong. Not wanting to disturb whatever Ether was doing, Jass's gaze wanders to a door a few feet away from them. A sign read: Records of History and Magic. It made sense for Tuso's precious stored documentations and books to be near the vault. Jass wasn't expecting it to be inside though. Man, was that fat pig paranoid.

The mercenary's heart skips a beat. This is what he's been looking for - answers. Torn between staying to check up on everyone's well-being (it's a knight-habit he couldn't get rid of) and entering the library, Jass slowly heads to the silver-colored door. He glances at everyone; they all looked like shit, even the strangers he still hasn't been acquainted with. Despite being somewhat healed, he still felt the exhaustion and injuries he couldn't ignore. Also, where did their other necromancer go? Morgrim should have been teleported with them, or so he thought. The location of the corrupted priest made him wonder if the job was done or not. Jass feels the need to drink something strong after this.

| Tag:

@Javax , @shadowz1995 | Character's Mood: Anxious | Animus's Mood: Meh |


Darrius Vrag

"I'm fine, go" Darrius says to the monk, a hint of defensiveness slipping into his voice. The last thing he wants right now is someone to fuss over him and treat him like a defenseless child. He takes a second to ready himself and straightens up, taking his weight off the monk's side. He wobbles for a second, but at least his strength seems to be returning. It'll be a while before his stamina replenishes itself, but for the moment at least he's able to stand. He takes a step back from the monk, wanting to put a bit of distance between them. Not that he wasn't grateful for the help--which he didn't want to admit to himself, let alone anyone else--he just doesn't fully trust the man just yet. His mind wanders to the task that the king set for them. Clearly the king is powerful, what reason would he have to send their rag-tag group on an assassination mission. He's a sub-god, surely he could end the thing with a single blow. Unless it's a threat to him, which might make it a powerful ally, or an enemy that is nearly impossible to defeat.

He's broken out of his train of thought by the sudden flare of dark energy in the room and looks toward the source to see a man in a dark cloak kneeling in front of the she-wolf--Roxii, right? Damn, she looks bad. the bandages over her eyes are stained with blood and she looks like hell. A dark mass of energy is pouring from the mans' body, surrounding the two. The energy seems to be stabilizing the girl, but the man looks just about as ready to pass out as Darrius is. He wonders in the back of his mind what the guy must've been doing outside the castle that had ended in this condition. He shakes his head, mostly to himself, and turns away, limping toward the mercenary who had wandered over to a door. "Hell of a fight, huh?" He says weakly, stopping just behind the merc and staring at the sign.


@AnimusLight Mood: Resigned Location: Treasure Room Music

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Anaxileah Wylloh

Ana had been rushing towards the kitchen when the large presence felt stronger. 'That's strange...' Ana thought to herself as she reached the kitchen, expecting people to be there, but found it empty instead. She found a couple rolls of bread and grabbed a chunk of meat for Roxii, then found a couple flasks of water and grabbed them as well. Just as she was on her way back, she felt this strange feeling surround her, temporarily suffocating her. When the stuffy feeling disappeared, Ana swiveled her head around as she observed her new surroundings, seeing that the entire group was there, as well as a couple she didn't recognize (Darrius and Tai). Xochi had the herbs and flowers as she had promised, and Roxii was beside her, but Ether was also there, strangely enough. He also seemed to be expending what energy she had left. She rushed over to the three, her eyes widening as she came closer to see what was happening. "Ether, what are you doing?? I was about to heal her...And you're taxing yourself again!" She exclaimed, frustrated with him.

Ana went to Xochi and took the flowers and herbs with a nod, then waved her hand over them. They began to glow green, blue, and purple momentarily, turning one of the plants into an active regenerative salve that would heal open wounds, another into a cell-repairing salve that would repair bones, and the last plant into a restorative liquid that would restore the energy of the person who drank it, depending on how much they consumed. She took each of these plants and changed them one at a time, then used the earth magic she had and put them into the vials she removed from her satchel, which were empty beforehand. If Ether would allow her, she'd be able to treat both of them. However, it was then that Ana noticed the being that had teleported them there, causing her to almost drop the vials. The King was there, and was absolutely intimidating. Tuso was somewhere behind him, Ana could smell that, but her eyes were on the King.

Tag: @Sheaon13

@CarpeNoctem1213 Mood: Worried/Terrified Location: The King's Vault

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Xochi and Tai


Tai nodded his head slightly, it was quite obvious the demon was to proud to admit needing help, but he would not push it onto him. "Very well then, get some rest, you did good today" he replied kindly before walking over to the group that was huddling over the wounded assassin. He watched for a bit, watching as Xochi and Ana worked on using herbs to create medicines for the girl's injuries, while the necromancer, who's name was revealed to be Ether, was trying to link with the injured girl and heal her wounds; the problem being that, he too, was injured and shouldn't be preforming this ritual. Once he arrived near the group, he squatted near Xochi, placing a comforting arm on her shoulder and nodding slightly. "Pray do not worry child, it will work out" he smiled slightly before turning his head to Ana and Ether, "Both of you as well, we need to work together. Ether, calm down, we will make sure that your friend will make it; but sacrificing yourself isn't the way" he warned both of them before Xochi preceded to pull on his cloth a bit, like a little child trying to get someone's attention.


He turned his head back over to Xochi with a raised eyebrow, no words were spoken but communication did take place it seemed. "Yes, I agree Xochi" Tai smiled lightly before returning his attention to the fallen assassin, "My name is Tai, I am the monk from before. Pray tell, how do you fair right now?" he asked in his gentle wise-old man voice, wishing to hear indepth from the one who had to bear the injuries just how bad they were.

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Treasury rooom



Concerned, Understanding

With: all, direct contact with Darruis, Ana, Ether, and Roxii (
@CarpeNoctem1213 , @Anaxileah , @shadowz1995 , @Javax )

Themes: Mystery girl, Labyrinth and Kami.


Roxii Sicarius

An ear perked up as hurried footsteps drew nearer, the person they belonged to screeching to a halt in front of her. She recognized the male's scent immediately. "Back off!" Ether spat, clearly letting the others know that he should be the one to aid the dark magic user. The hybrid almost laughed at his urgency; and to think that they were just attempting to kill each other the day before. Now the necromancer was trying to take care of the wolf girl by himself. How ironic.

She could practically feel his eyes trailing over her as he inspected the severity of her injuries, making her feel uncomfortable. The wolf stayed still as he concluded his examination, telling her what he was going to do. Before she could retort or reject the "offer", Ether had already set to work. She could feel his presence ebb into her mind, and she instinctively put up seemingly impenetrable walls to block the male out. His dark aura was a bit more difficult to stop. It seeped through the invisible wall she put up.

The small amount dark essence that seeped in was comforting and the pain actually began to subside. She frowned slightly and her brow furrowed, which caused her to wince. The male was in pain, and he hardly had much life in his soul essence. What he was doing at this point was practically suicide. She knew he meant well, but if he continued, he would either pass out. Or worse.

The assassin tried to focus on keeping the necromancer out so that he didn't kill himself, but she could hear every single movement around them in high definition. The scents of so many people in one area wasn't helping her focus, either. Ana's outburst to Ether brought her back to the task at hand, and with one easy push, she allowed the pain to return to her body as the male's essence and mind were unbound from her own.

Roxii knew he wouldn't like her response, but she'd rather them both be alive than one sacrificing his soul essence for the other. She hesitantly reached forward with her unbroken arm and placed her hand on his shoulder—though the seemingly simple action was difficult given that she wasn't one hundred percent positive if her hand would make it to where it was intended. Fortunately, she knew what he looked like and how tall he was, so she didn't miss like she had feared.

The wolf-elf tilted her head slightly, much like a concerned mutt. "You are injured," she stated slowly. It was only three words, but each one hurt and her lungs still burned. However, she ignored it and continued. "Listen to Anaxileah. If you continue, more harm will be done to you than necessary."

The blind assassin heard another set of footsteps approach, and she recognized their scent to be the monk from earlier. He introduced himself as Tai, and Roxii removed her hand from Ether. "I suppose I am still alive. Though death sounds more appealing than the pain I am currently experiencing," the elf admitted.


@shadowz1995 @Anaxileah @Federoff Mood: Pained, concerned Location: Treasury

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In Tuso's reading room there was quite the odd sight to behold, it was innocence. The element of darkness was sitting there trapped in the room by a pentagram of candles. Of all things to take the intangible being it was light warping his ability to escape. Because of the pentagram shape it constantly keeps him trapped there, even the slightest movement would distort him, and moving past the candle would make him lost in darkness once again. He noticed Jass, and the newcomer; Darrius both standing there. If he could weep tears of joy he would. "Jass..... Please help me.... Extinguish all but one....." Clearly he was talking about the candles as they were one of the only things of interest in the room, besides the many glass containers, holding the more valuable books in place, and the many bookshelves holding a well spring of knowledge and history in those four walls. Of course if anyone was feeling particularly evil they could leave Innocence there or extinguish all the candles so he would be trapped in the darkness, lost and forgotten again.

The treasury had many great treasures, but there were also sub-sections of the vault separated by heavy doors that have all been unlocked curtsey of the king. He had no need for these material possessions, and decided a well funded expedition and task force could be helpful in destroying the creature of disease. Connected to the Treasury was another vault filled with equipment that only the most wealthy could afford. There were three bags of holding with the number 1,000 written on the side, a suit of Aeristeel armour designed, a crossbow dubbed the heartseeker, and a crystal shard and an orb. The orb was on a podium and sealed in a glass container, there was no plaque or note, just a picture of a tribal tattoo of a sun. The crystal was no sealed, but sitting on a shelf it glowed aquamarine and gave off a sort of energy, these were all the things of interest, the rest almost looked like junk or antique. Perhaps of value to a merchant or collector but none at all to practical adventurers. @Everyone in the Vault

Jassur Batal

The statement from the smuggler lets out a sigh from Jass, "Ironically, yes. You would think those 'holy' assholes would be more merciful. This is what happens when religious people think their religion is better. 'Punish the infidels.' I can imagine." He breaks his gaze away from the door, watching the commotion around Roxii. At least everyone is alive and oddly gained two others to the already large group. It would make defeating this, "disease creature," less chaotic. They'll have to heal first and Jass will have to get acquainted with the strangers, seeing that they were all stuck in the same boat. The damn sub-god did say that everyone who's teleported to the vault is going to be following his request.

The mercenary's habit for wanting more money, itches at the sight of the gold coins piled high. He returns his attention back to the door; that's his highest interest, whatever was in here. Jass reaches for the door knob, noticing the door is locked. With a bit of strength, he forces the lock and swings the door wide open. The former knight steps inside first, looking around Tuso's library. The place is awfully dark but Jass could see the shelves full of important books and glass containers holding unidentifiable things. Dust coated the area in layers; this place is hardly touched. The smell of old books is strong and Jass holds back the need to sneeze because of all the dust particles flying around. Tuso probably only comes here once in a while to add to his massive collection. The documents the former knight's looking for has got to be in here somewhere.

A small light emits farther inside the library. Jass sees a shadowy figure surrounded by candles in a pentagram formation. The first thing that comes to mind is the shadow he met in the woods. Jass calls out, "Innocence?" The poor shadow pleas for him to extinguish all the candle but one. Didn't the shadow need light to survive? The mercenary hurries to the creature's side. The mercenary glances over his shoulder, "Darrius, do you know any normal fire magic? He looks back at Innocence, beginning to extinguish the candles one by one, leaving only one on. He makes sure its near Innocence, afraid the shadow will disappear again.

"I thought we've lost you. How did you end up here?" the former knight asks, holding onto the candle.

Tag: @CarpeNoctem1213 @Morgrim | Character's Mood: Hope | Animus's Mood: panic |

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Darrius Vrag

Darrius lets out a humorless snort at the mercenary's statement as he breaks the lock off the door. "'Specially when a majority of them use dark magic," he says, following Jass into the dark room. His devilish eyes allow him to see better than most in the dark, and the room at large looks the equivalent of dimly lit to Darrius. In this kind of lighting he can only see in shades of grey, so it still isn't the best condition for reading, which is what the room seems to be for. There are rows and rows of dusty old books, some in glass containers and some just sitting out on shelves. From what he can see of the closer ones they're everything from rare military texts to books on magic. He makes a mental note to look around for any books over demonic magic. Not that he really expected anything, but with Tuso's hunger for hoarding power, he might have a few stashed somewhere. After all, everyone has some dirty little secrets hidden away.

The dim light in the center of the room catches his eye at the same time it does Jass', and the mercenary seems to recognize the shadowy figure trapped inside the pentagram the light is coming from. Darrius tilts his head at the sight and follows Jass, examining the circle. The magic emanating from it is strong enough that he can practically see the intangible wall of energy holding the being within it. Why would Tuso go through all this trouble to keep an incorporeal being locked up? "Careful," he cautions Jass, "that's some strong binding magic. Our man Tuso was into some dark shit." He approaches the circle at a slower pace than Jass, still limping, and gives him a sheepish look when he asks about his magic. "Sorry, I only know how to make hellfire. And on top of that, my power is almost completely drained. My devil form takes a lot to keep up." He looks at Innocence, his gaze scrutinizing. "What is this thing, anyway?"

Tag: @AnimusLight @Morgrim Mood: Surprised Location: Library


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Back at Morgrim's base of operations, not really just a cave with all his stuff he is standing in front of Tuso, blocked only by the fairy familiar. Morgrim cocked his brow, there were no traditional faeries where he came from, but there were still studies on them. Usually forest dwelling creatures that love to cause mischief among unwary travellers. She did look worn out and tattered, and is probably in no mood for jokes as per the usual nature of faeries. "I'm sorry creature, but I need you to step out of the way I have unfinished business with this man, and he needs 'tending to'. He said emphasizing the last bit to make sure it was clear his goal was not to help him.

"No, don't listen to that maniac! You belong to me, and you will do what I say, kill him!" Order the fat man in a desperate attempt to be free from his binds and to walk away, ironic considering how he trapped the faery in such similar situations and was now order her to free him when this is her chance at a life of freedom once more.


Surely there were other jewels and treasures that caught her eye but none tempted her to take them. The small elf held one hand behind her back, while the other poked and prodded at the abundant wealth infront of her. Curiosity always brought out a different side of the icy elf. She looked like a small child. Bright eyed, a rested, soft expression. Very unlike the scowl that seemed almost permanent on her face. In stead of being pinched together, her eyebrows were relaxed, the tight lipped frown she typically wore, was replaced by loose, gentley pursed lips; pink and smooth. And those hypnotic sapphire gems for eyes, twinkled with the reflections of the treasure infront of her. With out her emotionless, or, dissappointed facial expressions, the inherited elvish-beauty really poked through, rosy cheeks and all.

Her petite body slightly bent over a lovely wooden table that carried gold coins, amethyst, rubies, and emeralds, lit by a single candle sitting in an ivory candle holder with carvings on and through it. She leaned in closer, almost nosing a raw cluster of amethyst. She could see hundereds of copies of herself in the geometric angles of the crystals,"Wow..." she whispered, her eyes blinking with intrigue. A single, slender finger was placed at the top point of the amethyst cluster, with the same delicate weight and pressure of a dove's feather. She just wanted to touch it, thats all.

"Are you alright?" The voice behind her caught her off guard. She jumped then stiffened. Her hand immediately retracted and hid behind her back. Eleniel turned on her heels, her head shrunk into her shoulders. It almost seemed like she felt she was in trouble for touching. She tilted her head slightly upward to see Lilif and she relaxed. Eleniel exhaled,"Oh, yes im--im alright," she stuttered a bit, feeling a little embarassed for jumping like that. She was just so interested in the beauty of the treasures she was in her own little word of questions and curiosity. His voice shocked her back into reality. She looked past him, at the others,"I can not say the same for everyone else, however." Her tone sounded a little saddened. Her gaze landed on Roxii, being surrounded by almost everyone. The frown returned again,"She needs space...crowding her might just send her in a panic...." she said quietly, "especially if shes blind...her other senses will be extremely sensitive." From the corner of her eye she saw Atraxia fall to the ground. "Come help me," she said to Lilif as she brushed past him, jogging to Atraxia. She knelt beside him,"Assassain," again not using names to avoid any attachments,"Are you feeling alright?" Her eyes scanned his body, searching for any visible wounds. But she didnt notice any. Must be something else...

@Sheaon13 @Federoff

Mentioned: @Javax @everyone

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Sibil watched between Tuso and the figure closely. Confusion was all that the fey felt, for she had no idea what was going on. The fairy waited for someone to speak. The hooded figure finally spoke up. She listened intently to his words, her heart leaping whenever the mans intentions were made clear. It was no surprise to her that someone wanted her master dead. He was an awful and corrupt man that had no business breathing in this world. If anything, she had thought this day would've come sooner.

The fairy had no intentions on protecting him unless it was something she couldn't help. As long as her master didn't order her to do anything, she wouldn't interfere with the strangers plans. This in itself should've said something about Tuso himself. Usually the fey were peaceful folk and didn't enjoy violence. They usually encouraged peace. A few had even been known to protect other races in battles.

Understanding the situation, Sibil turned towards the man with a small smile. "Please do not refer to me as a 'creature'. I believe I am civil minded enough and I do believe that that is not simply what I am," she spoke lightly, her voice ringing out across the cave. Sibil then tilted her head. "Concerncing Tuso however. Do as you please-"

The sentence was cut short however. Like a flip had been switched on, she appeared in front of the mysterious man in a flash. The fairys eyes had turned from their usual forest green color to an electric blue. Her right palm went immediately to her dagger, pulling it from its sheath. As she got closer, she could start to make out some of the mans features. Sibil's eyes widened whenever she got close enough to see completely underneath his cloak. She'd never seen anything like him before. Her shock quickly passed though.

A sharp pain went through her as she hesitated. The longer she waited to carry out her masters command, the more the pain increased. If she could hold off the effects, she could be herself some time.

Sibil needed to think. She was most definitely at her weakest point right now. No way would she be able to actually put up a fight against this being. And the fairy most certainly wasn't going to die for the sake of Tuso. Sibil's mind was going as fast as it could, trying to think of ways were she wouldn't interfere.

"Do listen to me carefully," she said in a soft tone, as to not let Tuso hear. "I'll have no choice but to attack you until one of us is dead. If you have an iron weapon or anything with iron, plunge it into my stomach. It won't be enough to kill me but it should be enough to render me incapable of attacking you. Then when you get over there, cut out his tongue or do something so that way he can't talk."

She said everything very quickly, sweat starting to form on her forehead. It had been a full 5 minutes since Tuso had gaven the order. Sibil knew she could only last for another 5 before she would give in fully to the command. The fairys eyes flashed between green and blue, the grip on her dagger becoming like steel.

( @Morgrim )
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Lillif looked at the others and her with worry in his eyes. He hoped they would be alright, even if he didn't know most of them. He was truly a kind hearted demon. Lillif followed Eleniel over to the assassin to help her with whatever she needed. He looked at the assassin in worry.

"Are you okay? Do you need any help" Lillif asked, worry in his tone.

Tag: @HoneyBear\-Kat Mood: Worried Location: Treasure room

Please edit this to a more suitable length!
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(LOL Jass needs a new sword, though the armor wouldn't be so bad to take...)

Jassur Batal

"Innocence, is well.... we aren't exactly sure. According to Morgrim, it's a shadow soul. Some kind of being that is said to be a reflection of an aspect. Supposedly, shadow souls are the shell of their former selves that have no memory, no power, and is only something that can only watch." Jass explains. "They disappear when there are no light sources. That I know but why did you leave that morning when those knights found us?" He directs the question to the shadow. The former knight looks at the surrounding bookshelves, remembering his purpose in here. In addition to that, he reminds himself of the promise he made while Innocence was with them - clues to finding it's true origin.

The mercenary frowns, "We might possibly find your true self in one of these books but I don't know where to start looking...." Morgrim would be of help but where was that damn half-corpse? Jass has a feeling, if this current job - killing Tuso - is being finished, it would be the necromancer's doing. Was that Morgrim's "reward" then from the king? Jass lets out a sigh. Searching for a document about Innocence without any information made him wonder if he'll find what he's looking for. The former knight remembers the name of mission, the people involved, and the report. Where does he begin his search in all this mess?

The contents of the glass containers look gross with the books beside it. Jass has a feeling he didn't want to find out whatever is in there. The candle flame, close to Innocence, barley lights up the confined library. It's only confined because of how dense it is. The need for fresh air instead of dust and book smell increases. For Innocence's current situation, they had to get the shadow out of there. The light inside the treasury vault should provide enough for the creature to exist. Darrius left the door open so the light streaming from where they entered is slightly visible even with the dense bookshelves obscuring most of it.

| Tag:

@Morgrim , @CarpeNoctem1213 | Character's Mood: Neutral | Animus's Mood: Half-assed | Music |


  • proxy.php

    Atraxia listened to the others go about their business while laying on the floor, some crowding around the wolf-elf while others went for the gems and what not. He scoffed at them all, worrying about others but the most important person; yourself. In this world it was either kill or be killed, and right now all of them should be dead...yet they weren't. His attention was caught by the sound of footsteps approaching him, he didn't bother to turn to face whoever was coming, as soon they would be next to him. A few moments later, he was right, it was the Light Elf; Eleniel, asking if he was feeling alright. He mentally chuckled at this, if only...if only. "My energy is drained, what little I have left is being used to make sure you all don't die right here" his respond was plain and blunt to her question, he didn't care how he sounded; like normal. His breathing was somewhat labored, it as constant yet audible, as if he was going through unseen pain; his claws and fangs slightly sharper then last seen.

    When the demon boy arrived, he slightly scowled at him, as if to say
    get away. What does he want? It's not like he can help at all, not only is his energy drained as well but he is weak, unfit to be here and unfit to live... thought Atraxia to himself before bringing his head back to Eleniel, "What is the status of the rest of this group?" the assassin asked in his plain and angry tone, if they were here they might as well be useful to him.

    @HoneyBear-Kat @Sheaon13 )

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


As the assassin pushes Ether out of her mind, the necromancer can't help a small smile. Ether had forgotten it was a two - way link and she could probably feel how faded he was from consciousness. But the smile had not originated from that. Ether, if only for a brief moment, had successfully synched with Roxii. He had felt her pain subside and her essence stabilize. Which was good because the pain he HAD felt from the wolf -elf was next to unbearable. In the brief moment of synchronization, Ether had accomplished what he had originally wanted to do. He eased her pain and stabilized her power. She could even speak clearer than she had been it seemed. Less pained. Hell she even cracked a joke.

Speaking of cracks, Ether felt the new ache coming from his lower right ribs. Cracked not broken like they should have been. Ether's left eye had become bloodshot and was starting to tear up with blood. That wound couldn't be healed unless if the goddess of the night herself descended. Roxii would have to learn to fight with shadows like he had. Well, if he couldn't heal her completely he could at least teach her how to cope.

The necromancer's vision begins to fade to complete black as the depths of unconsciousness pull him back. The blood magic no longer active, the three lost pints of blood in his body now caught up with him along with the forced sustaining of it with blood magic. Oh he was going to pay dearly for this if he ever woke up again. Though no one could see his face, Ether gives out a pained chuckle and speaks before he falls to the dark, "Roxii...make sure....the sparkle elf....doesn't kill me.... while I'm out...kinda like her spitefulness...." As the necromancer's body falls backwards limply, a small spurt of blood escapes his mouth. "Ah...her lungs too....." Were his final thoughts before his head hit the ground with a hard thump!

Even while unconscious, Ether's shadow still quivered in place. As if still trying to move under his influence. The necromancer hadn't fallen fully unconscious in years and it seemed this was the first time he had gotten some true rest. Despite it not being exactly how he would've liked.

(And then he died. The end.)
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Morgrim didn't even hesitate with the faerie, though he had no intention of potentially killing the magical little creature. He grabbed an iron shackle and bashed her upside the head as hard as he could to daze her because he knew the contract bound creature would not allow him to lay a hand, or a blade on Tuso for as long as she was capable. He had hoped that it would be enough to keep her incapacitated. "Sorry, I do not want to hurt you at all, but it had to be done." Morgrim then drew his attention back to Tuso. The priest was laying shackled to a flat table laying down on a 180 degree angle so that all he would be able to see is the ceiling.

The floor was cold an unforgiving, made from the stone of the earth and covered in dust and blood, a gross landing for the faerie, and a smell so repulsive those not use to it would be hard pressed not to puke up their guts all over the floor. Buckets were placed both in front and behind the slab of metal that Tuso was laying on, and while they were mostly empty the additional amounts of blood could only lead to the conclusion that it housed the many severed body parts, and once again soon will. Morgrim would take the Fae creatures advice though and he pulled out an elegantly smooth bone knife that he kept concealed inside the joints of his wrist. Tuso screamed, begging for a last bit of mercy, offering treasure and power, but Morgrim had little to say. "For all the pain you caused, and all the lives you ending I will be saving this world from everything you are, but not spare you the mercy of death."

Morgrim pressed the knife into Tuso's mouth silencing the fat fuck for the rest of eternity. With a sloppy cut across the inside of his mouth he severed the tongue and pulled it out. The slippery appendage wriggling around slightly as the nerves inside the muscle shit down one by one. Tuso was choking on his own blood and gurgling incoherently, but Morgrim shoved a dirty rag in his mouth, giving Tuso the ability to breath, but not sparing him the pain or possibility of an infection. It was only a few more seconds before Tuso would fall into unconsciousness, but Morgrim would not even let him get away with that.

Morgrim heads over to another table lined with equipment, some metal spikes each about half a foot in length and no more then two inches wide narrowing down at the tips. There was an stone with an energy symbol carved into it that sparked with electricity. There was also a custom built machine, a drill supported by a metal base with four copper wires attach to a clamp made from metal. Clearly it was meant to attach the stone with the spikes. There was also a bone saw and a knife along other tools. Morgrim was going to leave the Faerie be for now while he continues.

Morgrim grabs a straight razor from the table and cuts the man's hair off, not with the skill and precision of a barber, but in a clumsy way that shows a lack of care for what happens to him. When the hair is left in naught but unattractive patches he draws lines atop his bald head with charcoal to show where the blade would be cutting into. Morgrim grabs hold of the bone saw, a blade that glistens in the faint candle light and shines with a reflective edge that shouts sharpness he cuts into Tuso's head. Blood drips down his head, and flesh falls of with each completed cut on the man's head, Tuso wakes with a harrowing shout of pain. The trauma causing his to scream and spit everywhere in a mess that blends with his own blood. Morgrim peels away more and more flesh dropping it into the buckets on either side of the table that he is strapped down onto.

Brain matter is now exposed as he removes the skull cap, but instead of placing it in a bucket with blood and flesh he places it over Tuso's eyes and nose so that all he would see and smell is how close he is to dying, how he is being torn apart piece by piece. Blood and darkness would be his last senses. Morgrim then jams the spikes into his brain, this time with surgical precision and know how. Each spike paralysing another piece of Tuso. One disconnecting him from his own body, and another labotomizing him completely, the other two spikes would be used to trigger him in a desired affect. Morgrim attaches the drill machine atop his head and secures it in place with leather straps and attaches the stone, it shocks him back into reality, and transforms him into a sort of zombie, aware and retaining his identity, but stopping him from acting of his own free will, the cruellest form of slavery that Morgrim could conceive for the man he hated far more than any other.

With what he did to Tuso complete he turns back to the faerie who would now have been fully recovered from the attack. "I do apologize for what I did, but I did not want to harm you any more then need be. I hope you are all right?" He went over to a water basin in the room and retrieved a small cup for her, though in comparison to her body it would be like comparing the size of Morgrim to the room he stood in. "Here drink, and don't mind the mess he had it coming."


Innocence was distorted with every candle that was removed, but when there was only one he regained his human shape, though still lacking all the details as he was just a being made from shadow. "Thank you...." He didn't have much to say, though he meant the thanks he gave, he tested his freedom by moving around, and breathed a sigh of relief when he could. "Follow...." He lead on Jass and the newcomer Darrius up a flight of stairs onto the second floor of the library. He kept moving until he found a glass case with a book inside. It was triple locked, but a good swing with a blunt instrument would be able to break it. Inside was the book of aspects, and in it every detail that was recorded by both mortal and immortal races on what aspects are, and what happened to them, though of course it could all just be speculations, but it was too great a chance to pass up. "This is what you and I seek..... But one more thing....."

Innocence had remembered spent some time completely away and thus he was given time to reflect and even remember a few things of his past, that is that he could take an inanimate material and become one with it. He heads over to a few opened books and touches the words, the ink on the pages. The dark lines are absorbed into his body and he takes on a new texture completely, ink. He does this with many of the books he finds still opened and absorbs the ink from each page until he whole body is the same texture and material that once fitted the books. He heads over to Jass and wraps his arms around the mercenary. And Jass would actually be able to feel the hug. Innocence took on physical form.
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Sibil stared at the figure in confusion as he grabbed one of the many iron shackles laying about the floor. Her small mouth formed into an 'O' shape once she realized what the other being was fixing to do. She braced herself for the impact, her whole body tensing. The sound of sizzling filled the room as the iron made contact with the side of her face.

The small creature let out a horrible cry of pain, a small hiss escaping her lips as she fell to the disgusting ground. Memories of past experiences in the room came flooding back to her as she groaned. Stars danced in her head as she laid on bloody floor.

Whenever she got hold of her bearings, the fairy could faintly hear yells of agony. After a moment, she realized who they were coming from. Sibil tried to ignore the loud plea's and screams of her former master, the familiar side of her trying to push forward and force her to go help.

In an effort to block out the screams, she closed her eyes and thought about the positives. In a few moments, Sibil would finally be free from the monster. No more iron shackles or dark rooms. No more bruises or scratches. And no more God forsaken murders.

Her eyes reopened whenever she heard the last of the screams stop. It felt like a sudden heaviness was lifted from her soul, the feeling of the horrible contract breaking. She was free. Finally and absolutely free.

Sibil slowly sat up and looked towards the table. One glance and she suddenly felt queasy. This is never what she wanted or had dreamed of. But in the back of her mind, she knew that the fat bastard had deserved it. The fairy looked up as she heard the being approach her.

"It's quite alrighty," Sibil said as she sat up slowly, "I've had worse done to me before." The fairy gave a kind smile and looked down at her bruise and scarred arms.

She then looked back up whenever the man held out a cup of water. "If you would be so kind to take off the shackles around my ankles? I would've done it myself but I'm not really fond of iron. My powers are completely useless against it. If you could take them off, I could turn to a human sized form. I'm afraid I don't have enough power at the moment."

The shackles were part of the reason that Sibil hadn't killed Tuso herself. Iron usually wavers a fey's power. The fairy was no exception.

( @Morgrim )
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