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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]


I followed Eleniel as she went towards the place we were supposed to go. I was confused though, why did we need to hurry? I didn't understand. Was someone hurt? If so I would need to help them, if they weren't with Tuso or the king that is. I quickly worked my way to a group fighting some angels. There I saw a redheaded boy angel that looked very confused. He seemed to be in deep thought, like he was contemplating something. It also seemed as if something was bothering him. I pulled out my bow, ready to fight when necessary. I notched an arrow, ready to let it loose on the angels. I noticed the wolf-elf that the assassin had described was fighting an angel. She looked to be in pain, hurting from an attack. This looked bad, I wanted to rush down and help her. I wanted to heal her wounds and help her. I just hoped the Eleniel gave me the okay to do so. My muscles tensed, trying to stop my reaction from going down there and helping her.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Federoff


I wished I knew what to do. Tuso had always been so kind to me so he couldn't be bad right? I didn't get it. Why couldn't I understand. I stood there, unmoving, thinking about what to do. What Tuso was really like. I hoped he was really who I thought he was.

@Morgrim @HoneyBear-Kat @CarpeNoctem1213 @AnimusLight


How could then not sense it? Or, more precisely, how could they not sense what was not there? It had been like a blanket to him, covering the whole castle even when he wasn't there, but now it was gone. How though? How was this possible? It was like he didn't even exist anymore in the town nor the palace, the power he sensed before simply...vanished. Before he could turn around and explain, the elf girl suddenly took off in what looked to be a run. He sighed before going after her, due to the size difference within three steps he was already trailing right behind her and had to actually cut down on his step size to make sure he wouldn't bulldoze the girl down.
"I don't know if you sensed it before, but Tuso's power was incredible, even if it was tainted light. But now...it's gone, completely gone. Somehow he simply disappeared, he isn't here or in the town..." he explained to the elf and to the demon boy in a quiet whisper as he waited for Eleniel to descend the stairs before doing so himself, but unlike her he just jumped to the bottom of the flight, landing without any noise being made. Strong like bull, light like feather was a way to describe his technique.

Then they continued onward, Atraxia staying in the middle of the group of three so that way he could stop either one from entering into a bad situation, he could simply stop to prevent the demon from going on and grab a hold of the elf to prevent her from running into something bad. Once they arrived they came upon a scene in where the wolf-elf assassin, Roxii, Jassur, and the demon he had yet met; Darrius, fighting two angels that were obviously much stronger then the other ones from before. They felt weaker though, as if they had been poisoned, and that they were slowly growing stronger. Strangely enough though, the undead one leading the group was no where to be found. Did he go back to help Ether and the other girl?

He quickly analyzed the situation, Roxii seemed to be handling her angel to a good point, she would not need much help, the demon obviously would need more help as it seemed the mercenary was on his last leg.
"Eleniel, go help Roxii, I trust you with that" was his first statement he whispered to the group of three, the word trust felt weird coming out of his mouth, and even though he was still facadeing to a point, this would be the first time he would every say that to anyone. But with a fight, he knew that the girl would at least meet his standards, so good.

Next he turned to the demon,
"Boy, see the mercenary barely able to stand up? He needs help, quickly to his aid" was his next command, still in a whisper but still harsh like his normal attitude. He may of seemed bossy at the moment, and he kinda was (lol), but he was right now assuring the best route to victory without sacrifice. His strategy was tactful, the two elves could easily take on the one angel, while he and the stronger demon could easily take on the wounded one. He had significant doubt the weaker demon could even survive a blow from one of them, let alone fight them to the death. Atraxia quickly launched himself up and over, unsheathing his energy knives from their hiding place while in the air and landing in front of Darrius in a fighting stance, ready to strike or defend at a moments notice. At the same time while in the air, he unleashed a few of his "black eggs", capsules that contained crush up sand, glass, dust, dirt, and metal that exploded on contact. Once they exploded, they got into the angel's eyes and would leave him temporarily blind along with unclear vision for a while; long enough for them to finish the battle.

"Can you get up and fight or am I going to have to finish this alone?"
the assassin asked the demon man, with both a serious and a somewhat taunting tone. Atraxia had walked in on him just taking a blow, but he wanted to know if he still could fight or not

@HoneyBear-Kat ,

@Javax @AnimusLight @CarpeNoctem1213 )
Theme: The Monster- Disturbed



I nodded to the assassin as I let loose some arrows, aiming for the angel that had attacked the mercenary as the assassin called him. Using this distraction to my advantage I rushed towards the mercenary, and stood in front of him, well the table to be exact, with a dagger in one hand.

"Hey assassin, can you cover me while I treat his wounds?" I asked, worried about this person.

@AnimusLight @Morgrim @Federoff
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(*cries* I'm missing everything ;-; I'll think of something later tonight or tomorrow)

The elf stopped at the bottom of the stairs, mostly because she was waiting for the other two, and partially cause she didnt know which way they should go. Atraxia, however, caught up fast, and seemed to have an idea of where to go next. She followed him,"Disappeared?" she cocked an eyebrow. Now that he mentioned it, she never sensed him at all. Thats what light does to other light-beings, it matches their own, slipping under the radar. If anything it just felt like she was sensing her own light. But if what the assassin stated was true, then that is a problem.

Atraxia continued to lead; into a large room they went. There she spotted the party they have been searching for, it wasnt that hard to notice. But her attention was focused more on who they were battling. "Angels..." Eleniel said in disbelief. Angels were supposed to be like her. Celestial beings fighting against evil, not with it! If these were Tuso's guards then this changes things, suddenly, she had no feelings for them. Nor did she intend to offer mercy. Seeing them on the opposing side, struck a nerve. She was angry. How could they do that?

On the other hand, Eleniel realized that these angels were the reason she couldnt sense them or Tuso earlier. They too hold light. It all made sense now.

On the other side of the grand room was a chimney,'We should have picked that as our breakage point,' she thought. Her sapphire eyes quickly looked to the large assassin while he quickly distributed instructions. He assigned the Light-elf to help the Wolf-Elf. With out a word, or any sign of acknowledgement to Atraxia's command, she quickly made her way to Roxii's side, as Atraxia called her.

Eleniel watched as Roxii slashed the back of the angel's legs from behind him. The small elf, slowing her pace just a tad, drew her bow string, as far back as her shoulder blades allowed her and with a deep breath opened her hand, inertia launching the arrow to cut through the air and hitting its mark on the angel's left bicep (or it didnt, do they take damage that way?). Attaching the silvery bow back onto her back, time bought by the impaling arrow, she and ran to Roxii's side. The angle was a spire compared to Eleniel. Comparing them side by side, youd think the elf was but a child. Eleniel looked up at the beastly humanoid, emotionless, planning. Any previous thoughts of Atraxia's largness was over shadowed by the creature infront of her.


(Also @Anaxileah let us know if theres a way we could help you jump back in)
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I saw the other angels get attacked and I looked around me, was I really on the right side? I didn't know what to think of Tuso now. The necromancer messed with what I thought was truth. It didn't help that I had never been out of this place before. I looked and saw the elf come in and help the wolf-elf, She was right near me like the wolf-elf was. Though I payed this no heed as I continued to ask my question in my mind.

"I don't get it! I don't understand! Why would Tuso lie to me! He has to be kind, caring leader I think he is right?" I asked myself aloud, finally voicing some of my thoughts. Was my whole reincarnated life wasted serving a man that was evil? Was it all for nothing?! Did I serve someone who is evil? I didn't understand at all! I just wanted to know the truth, but would the truth shake my world as much as I thought it would?

@HoneyBear-Kat @Javax

Jassur Batal

The mercenary has himself propped on his elbows. He watches wearily at Darrius fighting the guardian. The smuggler is thrown onto the ground after his good attempt to take down the angel. Jass curses, trying to slide himself off the table. His whole body burned from whatever bone he broke - most likely his left arm because he landed on that side. Footsteps approach the former knight and he looks up. Who's this? He spots that infamous assassin, Fang, going to Darrius's aid. Jade turns back to the guy in front of him. Despite the trouble the assassin has caused them, if they were willing to help, Jass would take the offer. But could they trust them? The mercenary groans, finally getting himself off the table. Yup, it's his arm.

If Fang was here, then what was the situation outside? Jass wondered if Ana and Ether were going to appear. He clutches his injured arm, leaning against the table as support. He wearily looks over the one who's offering to heal him. Friend or foe? Shit, who cares. He calls out to the two fighting the guardian, "Hurry up before he's in full power." Sadly did he not know that the angel has regained his strength. The beating of wings was the first indicator. Jass frowns while muttering, "Well...shit."

Jass tells the guy beside him, "If you are to heal me, make it quick or you will have more to heal." He didn't want to leave the others fighting some diving being who's at full power. Just from fighting the damn winged-man a moment ago, he could tell they were a powerful race. The mercenary hopes the damage he and the smuggler has inflicted will help with the fight. But from the looks of it, most likely this battle will end in their victory with the new people coming in. Jass reminds himself to go into Tuso's office after this is over.

(Did this with half a brain. Yay)

| Tag: @Sheaon13 | Character's Mood: Hopeful | Animus's Mood: Tired | Music |


I heard him talk and quickly went to work casting what few healing spells I knew. Hopefully this would help him, even if it was just a little. I knew it couldn't heal the worst of the wounds but it should take care of most of them.

"I don't know a lot about healing but that should help, even if just a little" I stated, concern for this mercenary was in my tone.

"Also one called Anaxileah and another called Ether sent us as the one called Ether is injured" I said, silently hoping that Ether was alright even if I hadn't known him that long. I turned my head before he could, hopefully, see my demonic features under my hood. It wasn't like I liked being a demon. I hated it if I was honest. I wanted to help people, not scare them. Most people would hate me just for what I am and I hated it. I hated being a demon.

Ana watched as Lillif, Atraxia - or Fang - and Eleniel left Ether and Ana behind while the trio scaled the palace and entered through a balcony. It was smart, and definitely the wisest of entries to the palace, but Ana needed a quicker method of she were to help her allies as soon as possible. She turned back to Ether, still concerned for his health, but trusted in his ability to take care of himself. She nodded to him, then ran to the palace. Since she had a running start, she'd have a higher chance of reaching the rooftops with minimal effort and as quickly as she could. Once Ana was close enough to see the ledge of the rooftop clearly, she jumped.

Ana landed on the rooftop, the heel of left foot resting on the edge of the building. Thanks to her reptilian half, she was able to reach the top of the building safely and quickly. She checked her satchel and throwing knives, making sure nothing had fallen or become loose. Once Ana checked that she had everything, she bounded toward a different entrance, one she was definitely small enough to enter: the chimney. She reached the bulky pillar coming out of the building's roof, then stepped into it, wedging her toes in between the bricks that held up the structure. She lowered herself down the chimney as swiftly as she could manage, careful not to slip. Somehow, she managed to slip anyway, and her scales - underneath the wrap she was wearing - hit the bricks behind her. She winced in pain and felt a scale or two fall off, and knew that she'd have some blood on her back. Damn, these bricks are sharp. Ana thought to herself as she continued down the chimney, nearing the bottom. She heard noises that resembled fighting as she continued to shimmy down the chimney. I hope everyone's okay... Ana's eyebrows furrowed in concern and she hurried her descent. Once she reached the bottom, coughing slightly from the stirred up cloud of soot. Once the soot cleared, she saw quite the intriguing spectacle.

Ana's allies were fighting angels. Two angels, against her six... No.... Seven... Allies? One member didn't look familiar to her, so she assumed they were a friend of Morgrim's. Jass and Roxii were hurt, as was the stranger, Lillif was helping Jass, and Atraxia and Eleniel were helping Roxii and Darrius. Where's Morgrim? Ana wondered to herself and looked around, confused. She wouldn't be of any help to her allies at the moment, since the angels seemed impervious to simple attacks, such as an arrow shot from her bow. She didn't have any more herbs on her, so she couldn't help with wounds, causing Ana to feel quite useless in the fight. She skirted around the fight and looked down a hall, searching for her rotting corpse of a friend.

Darrius shakes his head to clear it and the stars fade from his vision, albeit slowly, as he looks up at the group of newcomers who instantly burst into action, running to assist the others who obviously weren't fairing very well. The strange male that entered with the others lands in front of Darrius as he starts to get up, throwing some sort of objects that explode into a shower of debris that cause the angel to stumble back, clutching at his eyes with his free hand. The male then turns his attention to Darrius, who narrows his eyes at the question, but smirks and answers with a cocky tone in his voice as he stands. "I'm fine, but if you want to take on that grimpha Silan* by yourself, I won't stop you. Might be some good entertainment."

He's not sure what to think of this one. There's something in his eyes, something cold and dark that makes Darrius wary of him. Darrius comes to the conclusion that this man, even if he is helping them, isn't actually here to help. He's here for his own reasons, but at the moment, Darrius doesn't care, help is help, even if it comes from someone who would probably kill you if you so much as looked at him wrong.

Darrius pulls himself out of his train of thought and, as he finishes speaking, hellfire bursts into being around both his hands, licking up his arms to a point just above his elbows. He clenches and unclenches his fists, glaring at the angel who already seems to be recovering from the strange things the assassin used on him. "No time to think about it now," he says, bounding forward and aiming a punch at an opening in the armor at the angel's side. When the fist connects with the unprotected section, the flames flare up for an instant, adding more damage to the hit. The angel screams in pain and thrashes around with his mace, but he's still blinded and Darrius manages to jump and roll backward out of the way, narrowly missing the weapon, and stops about ten feet from the still-thrashing angel.


* "Heaven's lapdog." in Infernal. It's a common insult used toward angels by devils.

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Although the wound wasn't visible to the naked eye, the assassin's entire body was screaming at the pain that was erupting from her abdomen. Being cut in the flesh was one thing, but what she did caused the blade to pass through her soul essence, creating a literal tear in her spirit. The concept was similar to internal bleeding and damage, but on a much more painful scale that should be tended to as soon as possible. But tending to that kind of wound was impossible at the moment. There was too much going on. At least she wasn't sliced in half and already dead; she could deal with the pain for a bit longer.

The wolf-elf noticed the scent of others approaching, two of which she recognized: the devious assassin, Fang, and the small group's comrade, Anaxileah. There were two others that she didn't recognize, but if Ana was traveling with them, they couldn't be too much of a problem. The other group converged with theirs and immediately began aiding her, the mercenary, and the demon in their battle. Hopefully the seven—and possible eight—of them would be able to take down these monsters soon.

Roxii heard the familiar sound of a bow being drawn back and and arrow being unleashed into the air. It made her tense for a moment; it came from her left, and she didn't have her left peripheral vision. Fortunately, the arrow wasn't aimed at her. The projectile entered her vision when it collided with the angel's bicep, puncturing the armor due to the amount of force behind it and plunging into his flesh. The person—or elf, actually—behind the projectile ran up to her side, poised and ready for an attack. Turning her head slightly to the other elf, her ears flicked in confusion yet thankfulness. The assassin may be one that worked alone most of the time, but when help was needed she'd accept it.

The elf who stood beside her made Roxii feel both at ease and unsettled. They were both similar in height, so at least Roxii wasn't the significantly shortest member of the group anymore, but there was something that made her want to retract from the other. It was obvious why; the wolf was a dark elementalist and the other wielded light. She was sure that the other felt the same, but they couldn't focus on that now. They had nine-foot tower of angelian idiot to take down.

With a curt nod to the other elf, the wolf ignored the searing pain resonating throughout her body and ran forward, sheathing one of her daggers. Because of the quick combined attacks from her and the new stranger, the angel had faltered to the ground for a split moment. Roxii took this chance to leap up and land on his back, using one hand to have her claws dig into the exposed skin of the back of his neck and the other wielding her dagger. The angel began to try to reach the small assassin, but he wasn't flexible enough to reach that far. His wings began to move and flutter and flap, and Roxii knew she didn't have much time before the angel would be able to fly completely.

She noticed that his armor left a sliver of room for his wings to move. Without a second thought, she plunged her dagger in the crevice, the blade puncturing the area where his wing and back met. He let out a bellow of pain and anger, trying to shake her off more violently. Her claws dug into the angel's skin even more, trying to keep her grip as she began trying to saw through the limb that allowed him flight. It was difficult to maneuver between the armor covering his body and the armor that covered his wings, but his flesh and bones were soft. If she could just sever most of it, he'd be ground-ridden.


(Er... I tried. ;- ;)


Atraxia nodded his head at the demon before returning his attention to the blind angel, who was now covering his eyes with a free hand. Bad choice, that would do nothing; the man let out a smirk at that. His icy blue eyes began to scan his armor for any sign of faltering or opening, in the meantime Darrius the demon started to rush towards the angel. Good, let him fight while I analyze he though to himself as he started to identify possible weaknesses, the armor seemed similar to a few people he had fought but was still different. Maybe he could try using his previous knowledge on it, but perhaps not...

His analyze, and train of thought, was finished and derailed when he heard the painful cry of the angel getting punched in the side by the demon, bringing him back to the reality of the situation. He had no more time, he had to act. With great haste, Atraxia silently rushes forward towards the, still blind, angel, lunging one of his energy daggers into the shoulder area, finding the small space create to allow movement of the arm and going right through the mans shoulder; the tip of the dagger almost coming out of the other side; a loud cry of pain being produced. At the same time, he hooked his other arm around; aiming to insert his other energy dagger into the side of his head, but instead ending up in the angel's other arm as he had charged up to punch him; he producing a second cry while Atraxia smirked, it wasn't what he was aiming for but it still got good results.

The angel was fed up with the man, and without much option, tried to kick Atraxia away, but with his fast reaction time he was able to removed both his daggers and enter a unstable defensive stance with his arms crossed in front of him. He was flung backwards by the force of his kick, but did not ever leave the ground; his clawed feet scratching against the stone and producing the loud noise of metal on metal.
Although, Atraxia did end up crashing into a, already, flipped over table and sending parts of the table flying everywhere.

Ouch that hurt...

Time to kill!

...Indeed it is...

It took him a few moments but he eventually emerged from the small cloud, small cuts visible from the table and his eyes glowing a malice red. He rolled one of his shoulders before cracking his neck,
"Prepare to fucking die angel" he cursed the man in a slightly lower toned voice.

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Inside Palace

Mood: Calculating, Angered

With: Everyone basically (lol)

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


Being so close to Roxii, the elf maiden could feel the opposing power sticking right half of her body, closest to the wolf-elf at her side. This time the sensation didnt affect her like it usually does. It felt like nothing more than a soft breeze against her skin, light and feathery. Nothing like the heavy pressure she felt near Ether. Perhaps it was because of her own Light. Being so close to the angel as well, Eleniel's light was sizing up to the angel's, asserting its dominance, making its self known. It burned deep with in the depths of her soul, growing as it challenged the towering humanoid. Anger toward the hypocrisy of the angel's kindled the flame that was already growing into a radience with in. Its kind of a good thing Ether wasnt there...

At the corner of her eye, Eleniel noticed Roxii looking her, triggering the elf to return the same gaze. The wolf hybrid gave a nod and Eleniel threw one back. They didnt have to say any words, she knew that meant Roxii was going in for another attack. Eleniel figured shed help from afar, trying to keep him distracted. Her small hand reached for an arrow, notched it, and drew the bow once more. She picked up the familiar sound of wood being stretched and bent under the pressure. The bow string lined with her nose. Now. The archer exhaled, releasing the bow. Archery was systematic. In order to get the result you want, you must first follow steps that will get you there. Its different for everyone, everyone has their own system, their own way of preparing to hit their mark. The string snapped back into place, pulling the arrow as it did so. The fletchings on the shaft picked up the wind around it, carrying the few strands of silver hair that strayed by her cheek. The arrow flew, and hit the breast plate of the armor. Unfortunately, the armor protecting the vital areas, such as the chest, seemed more efficient than the rest, than say, the arm she managed to hit. A loud clang resounded when the arrow bounced off. Eleniel clicked her tongue with impatience. One after another she let them loose, aiming for difference areas but still had the same result,"Rhaich!" she cursed loudy in her tongue.

The bow was attached back on her back; she had to take different measures. If that was going to get his attention, then what was? Suddenly it came to her,'The arrow!' Like Roxii, Eleniel climbed onto the frustrated beast. One hand gripped the shaft of the arrow lodged into his arm, and with as much strength as she could muster, pushed the thorn further into his flesh. He flailed about but still seemed occupied by the wolf on his back. She had to try harder, she needed to divert his attention! The light-born gripped the arrow with both hands now and puhed even harder than before, her arms shaking as she did. When she thought it went deep enough, Eleniel snapped the shaft off, so that the angel had no chance of pulling the irritation out. By now the angel was thrashing about like a mad bull, mostly from Roxii's doing, but also in part of Eleniel's. Hopefully his arm was in enough pain to stop him from trying to reach Roxii behind him. His movements became more wild and sparratic, causing Eleniel to lose her grip and quickly hop off before she fell off. Sending her in a staggering dance backwards to regain her balance.

The few steps that she took back, got her close enough to someone she hadnt noticed was behind them the whole time. Yet another stranger, who seemed to be in a panic, contemplating whether or not he was on the right side of this fight. With out turning to face him she spoke, "Best make up your mind," she threatened. If he sided with Tuso, then he too would have to pay the same consequence as the angels. She ignored him, for now, and looked back to the problematic monstrosity at hand. Her head tilted slightly when she watched Roxii go at his wings. Of course! Why didnt she think of that earlier! With out its wings, an angel is hardly an angel, and to them, less of a threat. Now with daggers in hand, the elf mimicked Roxii, and targeted the other wing.

But amidst the struggle, she stopped for a second, but it seemed like forever. It felt

like time had slowed. She looked to Roxii beside her, going at the wing. For a moment, Eleniel felt...confused. All her life, Angels were supposed to fight for the same causes as her people. They were supposed to be good, fighting for those that cant stand on their own.....But these were no angels....

The light with in her grew again. Setting a blaze to the unjust and haneous acts of these "angels" that acted as tinder for her fire. She was furious! Beyond furious if possible! She struggled with the winged being, mimicking Roxii's method. She wanted this thing dead, as punishment for what he stood for. Her light pushed and wrestled against his. Eleniel's light never exposes itself at this level, but then again, shes never fought an enemy like this, she needs all the power she can get.


(Are they even wearing helmets?)

(And sorry i know its a long post •-•)


EDITED (sorry @Morgrim ;x;)
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"Grgh!" Ether recoils as if a flash fire had been set off in front of his face. Light and a lot of it. Ether had been feeling the presence of light growing within the passing moments. Steadily increasing in power but now something was completely outshining them. The other lights he wasn't familiar with but this one was all but too known. The lightborn. Eleniel, Ether thought. That was her name. The damn elf was having some sort of light against light field day within that palace. The light that burned him wasn't really an actual light. It was deeper than that. It was as if light was being radiated from within the soul of the elf and illuminating the darkness that was his own. Ether pushes back against the radiance with his inner shadows so as not to have the light distract him from his job at hand. Luckily, the scene had remained quiet. All the guards seem to either be dead or have fled the city after the bombing. A lucky break for the first time in his life.
(I'll have to say disregard the last two posts of Honey's post. Killing and maiming are controlled by me, don't mean to sound bossy sorry.) The greatsword wielding angel let out a bestial roar as Roxxi was trying to sever the wing. While his hands could not reach her he flew up into the air before it would be too late to ever fly again, and once at the ceiling, almost 35ft in the air he flapped his wings in the opposite direction, letting gravity and acceleration push him down at great speed, with Roxxi on his back she would feet the full weight off the speed, weight and impact of the blow. Anything less then human would be killed in an instant, but Roxxi would just barely be left alive from the blow, though not without harming the angel. As his back hits the ground the force sends the dagger right through the tendon of his wing and cuts it right off. Now reducing to a screaming wall of flesh missing half of what makes him what he is he realizes that he won't be able to stop them all. And his Mace wielding brother will be in the same boat if he doesn't do something, so he activates his final ability, a self-sacrificing ability that completely destroys the body and soul of the angel using it, but in turn damages the soul of everything with a dark element tied to it, such as necromancy, shadow magic, curses and hexs, all things along those lines.

Morgrim returns from capturing Tuso, but finds that the angel boy is still there, blocked by the rune, and seemingly contemplating everything that has been said, even though they were very few words. "Still here, protecting your master like some desperate pup. I thought I told you to go to the slums and ask all those that are suffering what man he really is. Or have you all ready realized? Perhaps you should leave, or better yet fight for the right side, the victims, not the victors." It was then a blast of light white went off shining through the secret exit and flooding the room, Morgrim doesn't know what it is, but it spells the attack of an angel, much like the one in front of him. "What the hell was that?!"

The entire dining room is flooded with the light, blinding those that are not of a dark element, and directly attacking the soul of those in the rooms that are. The only saving grace is that because there are three people in the room of dark elements in the room the damage is divided among them, normally enough to defeated a full fledged and powerful demon it has been reduced to a crippling pain with no permanent effect on them. Though for the downside, besides the pain it had brought to them all, it completely restores the second angel back to full health, and not only that he transforms into an Arch Angel. Now with four wings and granted an ethereal weapon, the heavens spear made entirely from light magic. The angel is both even more powerful and even more pissed, especially at Roxxi his first new attack is aimed right at her, and with a massive reach he spins the spear around in a sideways swing meant to cut her head into two, but he just narrowly hits her, still not use to his new body and strength and cuts right into her eye slicing directly through the pupil into her right eye, completely blinding her.
Ellena had been sitting at the caravan while this strange cat man reached into the fires and revealed a secret entrance into some sort of home or underground lab, or whatever mysterious thing or place a giant cat black smith may be interested in, and she took this as a note to follow him, besides a small part of her was curious as to where it lead, and what might be inside without a single notion as to stealing anything, it was not her way. She followed the furry man and question. "So Tiercil... I don't really think the name suits you so much, so metallic and cold you know, not like a cat at all. I think for now I will call you fuzzy buns, cause you know..." She trailed on with nonsense mostly just to see if she could get a laugh out of the man he seemed far to stoic and noble. Not her kind of people. @TheSadMummy

I looked to the sourcer, uncertain weather I should trust him or not. I was reminded of all the things Tuso has tried to hide from me. They flash through my head like a movie, I just ignored them till now. I realized now that this necromancer was right Tuso had been lying to me. I guess deep down I always knew that I just didn't want to admit it. I could only hope I could make up for my mistakes now.

"I'll join you, I don't think I can handle being on the wrong side any longer" I decided "Besides you're going to need help with the Arch Angel"

And the angel cuts of Ana's leg! Oooooh Nooooooez! Trololololololololol! (Just kidding Ana)
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As Darrius prepares to continue his assault on the angel after the being flings the assassin across the room, he hears the sound of wings flapping and turns in time to see the other angel fall from the ceiling, the wolf-elf girl clinging to his back. The dagger that was apparently embedded in its wing joint slips all the way through and the wing falls off with a quiet thump as the angel hits the ground. It lets out a roar of pain and its body begins to glow moments before it bursts into a blinding light. Darrius yells in pain and crumples to the ground as the light strikes him. He curls up on the ground, wrapping his arms around his head in a feeble attempt to escape the burning light. He squeezes his eyes shut and clenches his teeth to keep more screams from escaping his lips as his very soul burns with crippling pain not unlike the pain that his hellfire induces in those it's used on. Were he not in such pain, he'd laugh at the irony of the situation, but at the moment, he's left releasing growls of pain at the back of his throat as he tries not to writhe in agony.

After what feels like an eternity, the light fades from his eyelids. He groans internally and refuses to move, his soul still searing with fainter, but still intense pain. His eyes open slowly and he blinks once, twice, but his vision remains dark and murky, as if he'd looked at the sun for too long and now has dark shapes swimming across his vision as his eyes attempt to recover from the bombardment of the light. In the meantime, he sees a huge shape lumber forward and make some sort of other movement with some sort of bright light-his vision is still recovering and he only sees watery images-and the faint sound of flesh slicing. He rolls over onto his stomach, his torso now held slightly off the ground by his wobbling elbows as he squints and tries to see through the murk. Havne*, he thinks weakly to himself. This is going south fast. We have to do... something.... He tries to push himself up, getting unsteadily up onto one knee, his vision now clear enough that he can barely make out the still-blurry form of the angel standing over Roxxi, who is prone on the ground. He glares up at the angel, his body still shaky and weak, a growl building up in his throat as his eyes begin to glow dark purple.


* Infernal for "Damn." or "Dammit."
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The moment the angel left the ground, the wolf-elf knew she had made a mistake. She had the right idea—sever the angel's most vital characteristic and weapon—, but she hadn't been quick enough. Her claws dug deeper into his flesh to keep from falling and in fear; heights were not a favourite of her's. She kept her grip on the dagger, though, and tried to finish separating the wing from the angel's body before they were too high up. Unfortunately, he had moved too fast. The assassin stopped cutting at the wing when they had reached a height of about twenty feet, knowing fairly well that the drop would be too much if she cut the wing. What she didn't expect was when he stopped a good ways up in the air and began pummeling back to the ground, sacrificing his own well-being to dislodge the elf from his back.

It felt as though the drop was going in slow motion. The angel was going backwards into the ground, putting Roxii at the mercy of either being crushed by the fall or under the angel's weight. She looked over at the injured Jass and the stranger who was helping him. Then her gaze shifted to Darrius and Fang battling the other angel. The new elf comrade who was helping her momentarily. The strange boy who seemed confused by all of this. Her eyes widened and ears flattened against her head as she gazed at the ground again and the dawn of realization flooded her mind.
I'm going to die. Those words repeated in her mind over and over as the ground continued to move closer. When they were about ten feet from the ground, she closed her eyes and hugged her body closer to the angel as if trying to escape the fate below her. She knew that was impossible, though.

A sickening
crack sounded as she made contact with the ground, and Roxii wished that that was enough. Unfortunately, the large, nine foot, greatsword-wielding brute that she was attacking landed on top of her as well, crushing her underneath his weight. When they hit the ground, however, the wolf's death-drip on the dagger combined with the impact allowed the blade to cut right through the rest of the attached wing, severing it completely from his body. She let out a gasp at the intense pain ravaging her body, letting go of the angel and her dagger. Landing that hard on the ground knocked the breath out of her lungs, causing her to cough as her body attempted to take in the precious oxygen around her.

The angel got up, still letting out horrid screams of pain. The wolf had no energy to get up, so she stayed still on the ground, coughing up blood as she tried to regulate her breathing. She'd never felt this much pain in her life. She wished she'd just died upon impact, but no; now she was suffering on the ground, her entire body and soul consumed with agony. The angel began doing... something. She couldn't think straight, and she didn't understand what he was doing. It was only when the wave of blinding light was emitted that she began to understand what he was doing. The light burned the shadow elementalist's soul, singeing her darkness. She writhed as the invisible flames ignited.

Once the flames subsided, the assassin took a moment to catch her breath and regulate her breathing. The short amount of time she was given to compose herself she used to begin evenly distributing the pain throughout her body so that she could move. Roxii began pushing herself up off of the ground and groaned in pain at each movement. She hadn't moved much before noticing the attack of the newly-made arch-angel. The Heaven's Spear sped through the air, not even air friction slowing it down. The assassin didn't have the strength to move out of the way entirely. Instead, her eyes widened and she looked on in fear and shock as the weapon drew closer and closer.

Finally, it made contact. The head grazed through her right eye and the skin around it. She let out a horrifying shriek at the stinging, agonizing pain. The elf cupped her hands over her face and clenched her wounded eye closed. Thick, red blood seeped out from the wound, traveling down her face and covering her hands. Still sitting on the ground, she bent forward and put her head between her knees, biting back the urge to scream.
I'm blind! her mind screamed. I'm completely blind!

  • proxy.php

    Atraxia began to charge towards the angel, both daggers ready to be plunged into their targets and annihilate it, that was the beauty of weapons, they didn't care, they didn't feel; all it was is pure destruction waiting to be delivered onto the foe of it's wielder. No prejudices, just death. Before he could come close to even getting near the mace angel, a sudden surge of power enveloped the angel and he sensed something was about to happen. Quickly he turned away and tried to protect himself but the blinding light came to fast, it was the second worst pain he had ever felt in his life. It burned badly, even though his skin was not on fire; the surge of divine light hurt him so. Even if he was only half dark, it still hurt like a bitch.

    He groaned a bit after a few moments of being gazed into silence, his vision slowly returning to him from the white void, everything was bright and it stung to stare at something; it felt like a lot of his power was suddenly gone from that blast; he never felt this weak unless after letting
    it loose and on a rampage. Out of pear spite for the enemy, Atraxia managed to gather up enough strength to stand out of pure spite and hate for the angels, he now noticing that only one angel was left after that attack. He entered a shaking stance, trying to somehow fight after that, but something began to quickly push at his mind.

    The time is now!!!! LET ME KILL THEM ALL! DEVOUR THEM!

    "No, not now!" he cursed at himself, collapsing to the ground while holding his right eye, he felt the spirit pushing at his mind, trying to break free and take control. It was drawing from the rage that Atraxia used to try and stand earlier. It laughed inside his mind, he felt his blood beginning to boil at this point; it took all his energy and concentration from this point to prevent it from coming loose. He looked in pain..and mentally unstable.

    You know its the only way!


    Come on...only for a little


    Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
    Location: Palace

    Mood: Angry, Unstable

    With: Everyone, no direct mention though

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


The pain ravaging her body was nearly unbearable, and the wolf didn't understand how she was still alive. Her heartbeat was pounding in her ears like a loud drum, beating against her eardrums and blocking out all surrounding sounds. She couldn't see what was going on around her, and she was in so much pain that she couldn't focus on what she could hear or smell. Everything was intermingling, confusing the hell out of her.

There were muffled sounds surrounding her and moving throughout the room as the monk conjured the mist cloud, but the wolf didn't know what was happening. She didn't care. Everything
hurt. A few moments went by and she felt a hand on her shoulder, but she had no strength to react. How was she to? She couldn't see who it was, and for all she knew, it could be Ether, or Ana, or Jass, or even Morgrim. Attacking could produce unnecessary and undesirable outcomes. Then again, it could be a stranger looking to take advantage of her vulnerability. Judging by the gentleness behind the touch, the hand didn't seem like it would want to bring harm to her, but one could only guess.

The voice that accompanied the hand was one she didn't recognize, so it was definitely a stranger. Although his words seemed muffled by the pounding in her ears, she caught a few words, such as "
worry not" and "trust". Not long after, there was another stranger positioning themselves under her, trying to get her up off of the ground. Roxii attempted to comply, struggling to stand. She definitely had a few broken ribs, but what else was broken or fractured? She had no idea yet. The stranger once again spoke and his words were more clear again. He introduced the other that was helping her as "Xochi" and what they were doing.

The wolf-elf reached her left arm around Xochi to make it easier for her to carry her and allowed her to support her as they walked—well, the new girl walked; Roxii hobbled and staggered on her unstable, aching legs. She just hoped that this female wasn't leading her to a trap or her death. She could still feel the warm liquid trickling down her face, and the wolf was pretty sure she had many more cuts, bruises, and the like covering her body. Where they were, she wouldn't be able to tell until she felt the stinging agony that was sure to come.

As they passed by what she assumed to be the entrance of the dining hall, the hybrid recognized the decaying scent of Morgrim nearby and much stronger than the scent he had left when he went to track down Tuso. However, her mind was still too jumbled to pinpoint his location. Well, at least he was okay from what she could tell. Xochi and Roxii walked for what seemed like hours. Not being able to see
really made the Lythari uncomfortable. How far were they from the battle? Where were they going? Were they going to stay inside the palace walls or go back outside? Did this girl even know where they were going? What if the two ran into hostile guards. Would the girl be able to defend them both? The elven hybrid wouldn't be able to do much; not with the pain ravaging her body and the obvious blindness.

Roxii trusted Xochi's judgement, though. After what felt like forever, the wolf noticed the change in atmosphere as they left the spacious hallway and entered a smaller room. Judging by the smell, it seemed to be one of the cook's rooms, but not the aggravating "Great" Orviati's room. His scent wasn't anywhere nearby. The blind hybrid allowed Xochi to lead her further in the room, but the pain was almost too much from all this moving around. The assassin collapsed out of the girl's grasp and to the ground, the armor disguise she had acquired at the beginning of the mission clanging on the ground and resonating throughout the room and down the hall a ways down. She landed on her right side and the moment her arm made contact with the ground, she knew one of the bones—perhaps even both—below her elbow were fractured. She let out short yell at the tremors of pain.
"Wyȕfirid ȕen Ruǐse!" she cursed in her native tongue.


"Wyȕfiri’d ȕen Ruǐse!" - "Mother of Hell!"
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