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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]



Atraxia watched as the man dawned armor and left the hallway, Atraxia didn't know what exactly he was heading towards but he had a guess. Whoever was causing the explosions had just gifted him with the opportunity with time; this was excellent. He then noticed some more action going on and decided to follow from above, he saw two things. Poison affecting the angelic guards, and the other group finally acting within the palace. They were out of luck though, the king was gone for now; and he didn't know how long the creature would be gone for. Something else was quite interesting, they had less people; a split up perhaps? Not the brightest idea in their shed that's for sure...

Nah he wouldn't help,
Let this be a test, if they can take out these "hyper" guards, then they could be of use when fighting Tuso. It was rare, but Atraxia admitted to himself it may be more trouble then his other clients. How did he know this? Cause his client payed his more...heafty prices for when he had to put his head on the line.

More of group, outside palace. New person, Light strong. Kill now!?!?!?!

No not yet, killing will come not to these people, not in contract. May be useful he tried to explain to it, not getting the best of results as all it was was death in one of its most primordial states. But the info was definitely of use. Keeping to his invisible state, Atraxia quickly and silently ran across the rooftop to where the other part of the group was at the front of the palace...with guards still there. Could they not figure out how to kill guard or something? He expected this much from some of their group, but the necromancer was there as well. It was almost a facepalm. He looked back to his traps, most had gone off already and killed plenty of guards; few remained alive.

He mentally sighed. Great, if he wanted to manipulate this group to helping him, he would have to play nice for now. Atraxia pulled out his two energy daggers before jumping down, turning off his invisibility as he came closer to the ground. His daggers landed right inside the middle part of the heads of two guards before slashing down through the middle, both clean cuts that split the bodies in half each.

The man landed on the ground with a very light noise due to the slowing down the two guard so gracefully "volunteered" to do for him, his aura of complete blood lust, bloodshed and hatred following him like normal; despite him being a 180 of normal.
"Well, well, well, looks like we meet once again. Now what are "prisoners" like yourselves doing here?" he chuckled lightly as he stood up to reach his full height,placing air quotes around the word Prisoners. HE wasn't exactly the best at humor, but he found it kinda necessary to go with their little show from earlier.

@HoneyBear-Kat )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed[/color]

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(I sense a continuous rivalry that could potentially be very entertaining xD i like this)


He said it. The words. Those words that usually gets the tongue cut off of who ever spoke them. Eleniel was irked by the Necromancer's comment on her height. And it was physically obvious it bothered her. Her body tensed, her jaw was clenched and an eyebrow twitched along with a glare that could shoot daggers from a mile away. She knew she was short, but when ever someone mocked her about the matter, or pointed it out, a spark ignites in her chest and flares into something bigger. But she extinguished it as quick as she could. She bit her tongue, letting him slide by this time. Next time she wont be so merciful.

However, despite his physical weakness, she could feel his life force fighting. Being a necromancer, she could only assume he could feel when something is on the verge of death. And since they were opposites, she could feel something's life. And his was barely clinging. She could feel it draining out if his body when he amped up his dark magic. Prickles went up the elf's spine as he did so, and she felt that change in pressure once more. It was bothersome, it made her feel heavy and slow. Suddenly she could feel a strong burst of the life he had left. He was a fighter. Her eyes quickly darted to him, he looked stiff and less lethargic now. She noticed his hand twiddling with something, but unknowingly, it was his wound. With all his strength he sputtered out,"What ever we are going to do, we better do it soon!"

"The Morgûl is right, we must act fast. Can your allies handle themselves in there?" Her finger pointed to the palace a little ways from them. If all else fails, everyones cover must be blown if it means getting out of this operation alive and helping those that are inside.

There was a familiar sound of metal cutting through air and then through flesh, coming from behind her. She took no chances. Upon instictive reaction, in the blink of an eye, the elf readied her bow and quickly turned to face who ever it was that crept up on them, her silky, silver hair swishing in the process. "Well, well, well, looks like we meet once again," he patronized,"Now what are 'prisoners' like yourselves doing here?" Eleniel did not answer. She waited on the rest of the group, hopefully they recognized him before she released an arrow between his eyes. Her grip on the bow, with a drawn string, tightened. The elvish-metal frame glinting as she did. He was tall. He looked like a tower from below. Much bigger compared to the small elf, but still, she stood her ground. The tiny female stared at him, unwavering, she was not going to move on account of his size. She was unafraid.



***reminder that Morgûl is elvish for "necromancer"...i think thats going to be his nickname from now on xD

(I picture a little chihuahua trying to stand up against a wolf
xD )
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"Ah if isn't the hateful assassin from yesterday. Had your fill of death for the day? Or you just couldn't stay away from Roxii's 'charming' personality?" The necromancer always got smart when he felt endangered (and didn't feel like he was dying) . He turns to the voice of the assassin he had once met. Ether had felt his presence approaching from the shadows much like he had last time except this time Ether was familiar with the aura of this person so he wasn't surprised when he decided to reveal himself to them. "We are trying to get inside to find someway to assist the others inside. I'm not in the greatest of shapes and Ana isn't exactly a brawler and I don't know the capabilities of the sparkle elf." This drew a grin from underneath the dark mage's cloak. Ether couldn't fight this man and win but he sure as hell would give him a scar to remember him by. The necromancer tilts his head towards the assassin and he speaks in a mocking tone but every word was laced with the threat of violence should he be attacked, " If you could so kindly dispatch those guards up ahead as you so kindly have done for almost every living being in the area with your little 'traps' I would be very grateful." Ether can feel all of the slain guards and civilians in the surrounding area with his aura projected out so far. One of the abilities of being a necromancer was that you could see the memories of the thralls you bring back. Ether could see every gruesome death caused by this man. They deserved every second of it and Ether actually felt like praising the assassin. Not that he would ever let that one out. This one was cocky enough about his abilities.

I sighed at the tension that was being caused by the two of them. I suppose it's only natural for light and dark necromancers to fight, but still it didn't make it any less annoying. I continued to listen to them then I saw the assassin take out the guards as well as the necromancer's reply. I smirked in amusement as he forgot about me, now most people would be annoyed, not me I'm more amused than anything.

"So you took out the guards for us, huh?" I asked with a smile, that made my job a hell of alot easier.

"Well at least I didn't have to come up with some complicated plan" I smiled.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Federoff


Atraxia watched as each had their own response, ranging from trying to stand up to him to happiness and all in between; disgusting he thought to himself. At least, about half of them that is. He smirked at the elves response and the necromancer tried to be humorous, too bad Atraxia was little fan of that type of humor. "The little wannabe you mean? Please" he replied with a little venom, rolling his icy blue eyes at that thought. The only reason she was even alive still was that Atraxia didn't find her worth his time to kill; that was all. No competition at all. The elves response was something he hated but at the same time approved of, he didn't like people who disobeyed him but he had to admire their courage...or their stupidity "Like your fire elf, good thing to have" greeted the man. "Actually, I'm here to offer a deal" he responded to Ether's brass comments, he was pushing it all too well. He was in no position to try and threaten him, it was obvious that the necromancer had little fight left in him, he wasn't even worth fighting at this time. "Look let's be honest here, we all want the same thing" a break in his sentence occurs as the yelling of a guard with a spear comes charging at him. When the man gets close enough, Atraxia's left hand quickly swings up , the dagger landing perfectly in the middle of the man's two eyes, killing him instantly,his face remained flat and "You want him dead, you want him dead, (etc...)" the man pointed to each person with his sharp claw, "and my employer wants him dead, so why not instead of going suicide by doing this alone we all team up for this?" Atraxia continued on with a small smirk continuing to be on his face; "And trust me when I say none of us are capable of killing the man on our own, if my client is paying my...hefty surcharge for risking my life then we will need to" the monster of a man finished his spill, it was plain and simple, either live together or die alone.

@Sheaon13 , @HoneyBear-Kat )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

Ana was confused at what was going on, but just continued listening to what was being said by everyone present. The aura of hatred coming from the new arrival, who she recalled from earlier in the forest, was quite bothersome, causing her to take an involuntary step back. Her hip ached a little, mostly because of her psychological remembrance of the wound, and she looked around at the people around her. Ether, a light-wielding elf that was rather beautiful and surprisingly small, a demon who was quite interesting, although Ana could not figure out why, and the blue newcomer who was bothering Ana mentally. Her head was aching again, this time from the overwhelming smells from the different beings and the smells of the city, all overloading her nose. She looked at the ground before shutting her eyes, then pinched the bridge of her nose, willing the headache to go away. While they were still talking, Ana looked up once more and sighed.

"If we're all after the same thing, I see no reason as to why we can't hurry up and take care of the threat together. This bickering is wasting time." Ana spoke in an aggravated tone, looking pointedly at Ether and the female elf. "So let's exchange names and promise not to stab each other in the back, then be on our way. I'm Anaxileah." Ana continued to look irritated and put both of her hands on her hips, shifting her weight to one leg as she waited for the others to quit with their blabbering. Her ears were hurting, as was her nose, and she just wanted to leave the city.

Mentioned: @HoneyBear-Kat @Sheaon13 @Federoff

She stood in position for a short while, her finger itching to loose that arrow. But it seemed some were familiar with this beast of a man. Disappointing, really. She lowered her arms, unarming the bow, thrusting the arrow back into its quiver with a heaved sigh. Her arms crossed and she turned her back to the assassain, facing the initial group once again. Eyebrow's pinched together, and eyes closed, Eleniel kept quiet as the others talked. The title "sparkle elf" grabbed her attention though. In an instant her eyes opened to see Ether in front of her. Who else could it be. She shot that murderous glare once again. 'Ilûvatar, anath andreth..' she pleaded with the elvish god.

Then the voice of the assassain poked at her. Judging by his previous interactions with the rest of the group, Eleniel couldnt tell if he was genuinely admiring her or if this was just mockery. Its best to play it safe,"Flattery will get you no where with me," she said bluntly. She didnt turn to face him when she spoke. But she did look over her shoulder,"So i suggest you keep it to yourself." her words spat poison. The elf developed this rugged and calloused personality from events in her past. One, being that her line of elf is (to her knowledge) extinct. Obviously that would turn anyone's heart to stone. But even before that, she was tough and cold. Hundreds of years prior, Eleniel was a captain of the elf king's guard. A position that required an iron fist and a strong will. However, the thought of him possibly giving an honest compliment did cross her mind. She turned to face him. Perhaps she was being too harsh,"...but thank you..." she muttered under her breath, then turned toward the others again, not really caring whether he caught that or not. She wont repeat it.

The tower pf a man continued with a proposition. In short, he suggested it would make sense for him to join them. His reasoning was valid. In the end they all did want the same outcome. But how could she trust him? Infact....how could she trust any of them? Eleniel's seemingly luminous eyes scanned the faces of those near her. He did add something that piqued her interest though. The fact that his employer was paying good money for this. What did he mean when he said they were in capable of completing this on their own? Too many questions were arising. One things for sure, if the task is as hard as the assassain makes it to be, then splitting up should be their last option. After all two out of the five in the alliance, were wounded or weakened. They cant be alone.

Next to speak was the green female. Her dislike for conflict, it seems, would come in handy with such a mix of people in this party. She maybe the only one able to get everyone level-headed once again. Eleniel nodded in agreement. The bickering was wasting time.

But its sooooo amusing...

(*** translation: "Iluvatar, give me patience")

@Sheaon13 @shadowz1995 @Anaxileah

(Sorry this ones kinda sloppy, im a wee bit tired cx)
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I smiled as the the elf decided to go with this guy. She was the one I was following after all, I couldn't let her go alone. Especially since I swore to the fact that I would protect her with my life, well sliently anyway. She just reminded me so much of my mother that I wouldn't let her be killed too. I heard the other girl state that we should say our names and a smile crossed my lips. She was willing to work with us too.

"My name is Lillif, I figure since we're going to be working together that you should be allowed to know" I stated.
"Ether Mesa. Long as you don't try to kill me or Ana then I won't have to kill you. Hope that's understood." Ether takes a glance at this new little group that had formed and shakes his head slightly. The necromancer had had enough of the new people coming around but at this point what could he do? He couldn't protect Ana on his own, he could barely fight, and he felt as of his life was hanging by a thread. No matter how much he disliked them, he needed them to survive what was coming. He just hoped that their skills would be enough.

'Anaxileah, Ether, Lilif...' she repeated the names in her head, trying to embed them into her long term memory. Remembering names was a skill she did not have. Shes lived for many years, shes met all types of people, and a large number of them. At times she confuses the names, seeing as how some current aquaintences might often remind her of past ones. Occasionally, her tongue may slip and accidentally call someone by the wrong name, which is usually why she prefers nicknames.

Nicknames have another purpose. Eleniel has seen generations come and go, and most of the people shes spent time with dont have life spans as long as hers. Its heartbreaking. To become so attached but know that, inevitably, theyre going to slip through her fingers one day too. Death was a thief, at leasst thats how she saw it. At any given moment, he could come rip her relationships and bonds apart. Which, by the way, is another reason shes so harsh. She tries to distance herself. And calling people by their nicknames, instead of their actual names, is one way she can trick her mind and heart into avoiding any close relationship to form. Names are important to the Eldar elves. They, literally, define who you are, according to their culture. Like our "oh-so-loving" elf here. "Eleniel..." she stated after Lilif....or rather, hesitated. The confidence that usually came off of her was gone for that moment she muttered her name. Eleniel. Her name is who she is. "Daughter of the stars", is what it translates to. There is a special history there, but she would never share anything that personal to people she just met. So, she simply just stated her name and that was that.

Eleniel had no surname. Not yet atleast. To the Eldar elves, you earned a surname, it was more like a title. Her father, for example, was Andúnë Minnónar, which means "Andúnë First Born." One of the first born children of Ilúvatar, one of the first elves to walk on this world.

(Yayyyyy history as filler xD )

@Sheaon13 @Anaxileah


Atraxia remained silent as everyone put in their opinions and what not, ultimately it was decided that they would partner up for now. Check. He had no doubt in his mind though, it's not like they had much of a choice with their only other prime fighter in no state to fight for now. A small smirk of approval came upon his face, "The name's Atraxia, or you can call me Fang. Either one works" the spiteful man replied, the only reason he gave them his name was for the trust value; nothing more, Atraxia would of gladly kept his name a secret but it was obvious they did not trust him, and for good reason.

"Now that we've gotten that out of the way..."


the man started but quickly stopped, his whole body stiffening as his head quickly snapped to the right, slightly shaking as if he was trying to control something.
"No not now!" he scolded what seemed to be nothing, his fangs and claws looking much sharper then before; his eyes once more turning into the malicious glowing red state, the look of pure death. It took a few moments but after a while he was able to keep the spirit down for now, he returned to his normal position and began to speak where he left off; as if nothing happened; his eyes back to their piercing, and disturbing color. "As Ether has pointed out, nearly the whole guard is dead, few remain. It is no problem for me to just go in and finish the job; but we can take a stealth approach" Atraxia paused before pointing up. "Roof's are one way if we go by stealth, and I can easily get those who cannot get up on their own" the monster man finished returning his Icy blue gaze back to the group.

@Sheaon13 ,@HoneyBear-Kat )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

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(Ooh, stealth! Now we're talkin!)


Wide eyed, she blinked at Atraxia who stood before her. Something was rather off about him. The elf observed him. He had no cuts or wounds, so he couldnt be fighting pain. What ever it was it made her uncomfortable. She could feel his struggle, standing so close to him. She swallowed, trying to rid the tightness that formed in her throat. 'He needs to be wached more than the necromancer...' She thought. Hes a bomb waiting to explode.

For now, Eleniel casted the matter aside. There were more important things at hand at this moment. She leaned to one side, and placed a hand on her hip while the mysterious assassain suggested another idea. She nodded,"If its stealth you need, then I could take care of that." It may have come off a little cocky, but Eleniel is the least boastful person. Shes only thinking logically. The necromancer could possibly handle the stealth matter, but hes wounded, and from what Eleniel felt before, straining himself will just cause him to be a liability for the rest of them. As for Anaxileah, all that the elf could gather was that she wasnt confident enough to do things on her own. But Eleniel was the perfect candidate for a scout. Elves are light on their feet, even capable of walking on top of snow. Ergo, their steps are muffled and silent. Not only that, but her peitie frame helps too. She can squeeze through small openings or slip past people. Of course she didnt want to jump the gun on doing this alone. It was already brought up that they had to stick together. She shook her head,"But," she added after volunteering,"If we're going to approach this with silence, going as a group is going to make this a lot harder. Its easier to get caught in a group then alone." She thought for a moment,"Or we seperate.." she shrugged. "The assassain and myself could try through the roof, while the necromancer and his friend, stay and keep an eye out for any loose guards we might have missed." She gestured to Ana and Ether,"And by keep an eye, I mean kill," she clarified with a serious look. Eleniel turned her body slightly to look at Lilif,"And you...you can take you pick," she didnt really know what he was capable of. Having a necromancer who deals with shadows and darkness would be a great addition to the stealthy team but he is unable to at the moment, and Anaxileah, the elf could only assume, was not going to leave him (or let him go) like this. As for Atraxiah, he was an assassain. Stealth is second nature to him.


I listened intently to what they said, hoping to memorize their names. I hoped to memorize the elf's name most of all. I hoped she would let me accompany her after this was over. I listened to her say that we were splitting up and one group was focused on stealth and getting in while the other wasn't.

"I'm good with stealth and lockpicking so I can help in that department and I can go with your group" I responded to Eleniel.

@HoneyBear-Kat @shadowz1995 @Federoff @Anaxileah
Ana narrowed her eyes at the strange assassin who had spoken to himself and crossed her arms across her lightly armored chest. He needs to be watched, Ana thought to herself as she looked around at the group and sighed, her nose having been bothering her the entire time, especially during Atraxia's outburst. Her gaze went to the female elf and sharpened, however, because of her mention of Ana being on the sidelines. She was about to retort when she glanced at Ether and bit her lip, refraining from making a defiant outburst. Rather than say something rude, she quietly mentioned, "Had my friend here been in better condition, I'd head up there myself. You are not the only stealthy assassins present." Ana spoke, her green eyes hardened. She didn't like meeting so many people at once, and began feeling intimidated and cornered. This bothered her reptilian half, making her scales twitch along her lower back. Hopefully no one noticed.

"Now, since we're all properly acquainted, let's get a move on. Ether and I will keep guard down here and catch any stray guards that try to go and alert others through the front doors. I have my bows and my throwing knives so we can stay at a distance." The last part was more of a reassurance towards herself rather than a command to the others, because she valued everyone's safety, even though she just met the other three. "You lot can go up on the roof and whatnot, but try to keep quiet. Although I don't really have to tell you that..." Ana muttered, then shook her head. "Anywho, the people who are on our side consist of a tall, knight sorta guy - he looks different than the others, don't worry - a female wolf-elf hybrid, and a rotting corpse necromancer. Like this one, just not as...alive." Ana gestured to Ether, amused slightly. Her smile faded when she took another sniff and was overwhelmed by the smells once more. Damn. When I'm focused, the smell doesn't bother me as much. Ana thought to herself and resisted the urge to pinch her nose shut.

She wrinkled her nose in distaste however, and drew her bow from behind her, making sure not to entangle it in the quiver of arrows or her satchel's strap. She grabbed an arrow and set it in the notch of her bow, ready for any attacks. She nodded at the other four and turned her back on them, heading a little ways away from the group, mainly to get away from the overwhelming smells. She didn't care that she was turning her back on the strangers, she wanted them to know she was not afraid of them and didn't care that she was exposed. If anyone tried anything, she'd be ready.

@HoneyBear\-Kat @Sheaon13

Atraxia nodded his head lightly, he didn't like the idea of being all friendly with them but business was business and nothing could be changed now, all he had to do was put up with them until the end then he could go back to his normal ways. Although, he couldn't help but smirk at the way the light-elf was acting, definitely different then any other elf he had seen before. "Very well then, just don't slow me down" his reply was short and to the point, even if it sounded blunt. "You said your other half of the group is already inside, perhaps a rendezvous is a good option" Atraxia continued, he didn't know exactly what they were comfortable with, or really what he was facing yet, but he figured with this group, strength came in numbers. He didn't like the sound of the idea, he was always a lone wolf and preferred to go it alone; it had been that way his whole life, even during his years with The Liberators, a prestigious clan of assassins that had once been proclaimed the best, but then mysteriously ended up dead one day... It was thought none survived that slaughter. The monster of a man thought back to that day, it had been an amazing rush, killing each one individually; more brutal then the last. He almost wanted to smile, or worse...laugh (now there's a scary thought).

@HoneyBear-Kat )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


The elf gave a curt nod to Lilif,"Good, come with us then. Im sure thatll come in handy." She shifted her weight to lean on the other side, crossing her arms under chest and ontop of some her silver hair that dangled at her hip. She listened as Anaxileah spoke next, a hint of resentment was noticed in her response to staying with Ether. The elf shrugged,"If you want to leave the necromancer alone here, then you are more than welcome to come with us." Eleniel had no patience for this. Her previous occupation as a Captain of her king's guard made her easily bothered by back-talk and insubordination. But thats not who she is now. She tried to ignore it,'Im not a Captain anymore...' She had to remind herself. However, she was almost certain the female wouldnt want to leave the Morgûl alone. Someone had to stay with him, and even if Ana didnt want to, the Necromancer, it seems, only trusts her in the group, and wouldnt prefer anyone else. But Eleniel didnt bother trying to explain.

She listened as Ana described those inside, and the elf took mental note of the traits Ana had mentioned. Her face grimaced,'Oh joy...another Necromancer...' On the bright side, itll be easy to sense/find him. Then Atraxia spoke. Eleniel turned, an eye brow raised above her azure eyes,"Slow you down?" she asked indifferently. She scoffed then continued,"How do you know it wont be the other way around?" she smirked playfully then quickly returned to her seriousness. "A rendezvous is precisely what we need," her hand raised to her chin, and her gaze shifted to the ground, searching for answers, "Main entrances are too obvious, and will more than likely be blocked in the event our cover is blown...have you arranged one already with your group inside?" Time is wasting, they need to act quickly and soon.

@Sheaon13 @shadowz1995
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Atraxia smirked a little in response to how the Elf acted, going from friendly and back to serious within a few seconds; she definitely had her emotions under control to a point, at least, up front. He could smell the frustration growing in this one, perhaps he could use that to his advantage later. Atraxia made a mental note of that for later, at least something came from this disgusting team stuff. When Eleniel asked him about his group, he simply shook his head. "No need to, I've worked alone ever since The Liberators perished" Atraxia smirked a bit more, ah he remembered those days....he hated them fondly. Oh what he wouldn't give to have something to kill right ow, he was growing bored and quickly. "Let's move, we don't have much time" was the final statement Atraxia gave before pushing off the ground and landing on the roof with relative ease, he turned his head to face the direction on travel they were about to head, scanning for anything. He turned his head back, "Oh and be careful, I suspect about a fourth of my traps are still waiting to kill" warned the monster man, waiting for them to get a move on.

(To school I go, ugh, no more from me till 3 pst ;- ;)

@HoneyBear-Kat )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

"Ana go with them. I just remembered that none of them have actually met any of these people before. Roxii has seen Atraxia but they only know you. It actually might be better if you go. That way they don't react violently which I doubt they will. I still think they would rather see a known and friendly face." Ether turns his head and takes a quick look around the area. There wouldn't be a problem with him staying alone. Most of the guards were dead and any others that passed by would be fine he imagined. "I'll be fine here. Its just keeping an eye out and taking care of any stragglers that curious. Come on Ana. You know I won't die that easy." The mage scoffs and smiles under his cloak. No one can see it but it can clearly be heard through his voice. Ether was fairly confident this would work well. Not to mention he didn't like be treated like dead weight. He wouldn't let the others be hindered because of him.

Jassur Batal

The royal guardians were spotted in an instant by the party. The angels were like towers compared to the mercenary. The height is rather intimidating and the wings look like they could slap anyone through a wall. Thrill swept through his body, knowing something powerful will fight them. Jass unsheathes his sword, turning it once in his hand. He snorts at their hypocrisy; they were oblivious to the bullshit they've been causing to their citizens. Who were they to label the wicked and impure? Jass's answer is the people who live under their self-righteous feet.

The angel's current state boosts Jass's confidence of the their group's possible victory. But how long would these bastards stay like this? The mercenary nods to Morgrim's plan, glancing over to Darrius; he knew Roxii is capable - and deadly - enough to fight on her own. If she needed aid he could always switch opponents, an ability he's gotten through knight training - someone's gotta protect his friend's backs. He agreed with Morgrim's plan though; the guy with the shield will be troubling.

Darrius speaks venomously what Jass also had in mind too. The smuggler takes the lead, already taking a step forward from their position. The chain in his hand, catches the former knight's attention. It's unusual black flames emit from the metal. The smuggler whirls the chain. Jass notices the guy's eyes searching for advantages with the hall. Jass now steps further and says over his shoulder, "I'll make distractions as long as you need it. Just burn the feathered bastard for me." The former knight is confident in most of his defensive skills so holding the angel back for an hour would be his maximum limit depending if the guardian didn't regain his strength. He couldn't estimate the power these beings have but it was worth a shot than standing around and waiting for them to be strong again.

Jass pulls in his magic into his strength and endurance. This should be enough for him to fight on par with the angel. It'll be tough and he hopes Darrius finds any advantages to cause some good critical damages on the enemy. The shield has to go down somehow. He rushes into the angel - the shield already blocking his first swing, which is to be expected. The mercenary side steps but the shield follows. The mace swipes from out of the shield. Jass parries it, taking a step back

Movement from the other side turns his attention briefly. A unfamiliar voice shouts out in the hall, questioning their actions. Jass glances to Roxii who seems to be occupied with a new enemy in the room. The angel she was assigned to fight now has a chance to recover faster now that no one's fighting him. The shield Jass forgets he's facing bashes into him with enormous strength. The metal plated guard amor he's wearing makes a noisy sound from contact with the shield. "Shit," he curses stumbling a few steps back. He looks down to find the guard armor he's wearing is slightly dented. Hell, if these guys could do this, what could they do with their full strength? The thought hastes his goal to finish the angel off. Someone's got to take care off the other guardian; Jass hopes Roxii finishes dealing with the newcomer quickly.

| Tag:

@Morgrim @Javax @CarpeNoctem1213 | Character's Mood: Roar | Animus's Mood: bleh |


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What was so amusing? She couldnt help but wonder why the large, beast of an assassain smirked so fondly. I suppose she couldnt explain why she did the same either, just a few moments before he did. In anycase, their time was spent. Atraxia called it, it was time to go, now. With a great leap, he was on the roof. Guess theyre going with out a rendezvous.

Before she took off, she heard the necromancer behind her encourage Ana. She cut in,"Hes right you know. They wouldnt trust us so easily," how did she not realize that before? Its a good thing to Morgul did,"But what ever you decide, you need to decide now." She took a few steps backward and looked at Lilif,"Lets go." she commanded. She turned, jogged a couple steps then stopped. Once again she spun to face the Necromancer, raised her voice a tad so he could hear,"What ever she decides....take care of yourself....please." She meant it genuinely. No hint of sarcasm, or mockery, she meant it. And with that she took off again,"Keep an eye out for us when we're done!" She yelled to him with out stopping.

Eleniel slowed her pace at the palace wall, and with out a second wasted, quickly began to scale it, Assassain's Creed style, but a little faster. Hand over hand, foot over foot, using her upper body strength to hoist her onto the roof, it took a few seconds but she was there. She looked at Atraxia, and the plane of roof that extended behind him. This was a big palace. "Through the chimney, or through the windows?" She asked, not knowing his preference of entry. The chimney would have been ideal, but they would go in blind. They wouldnt know whats down there once theyve hit the bottom. The windows close to the roof would allow them to choose their point of entry but after that, they could get lost in the maze that is the palace. "I think i also noticed a balcony we can get to, just over there." She pointed behind Atraxia, giving another option. Then she remembered. Her eyes scanned the roof around them, "Wheres Lilif?" she asked herself aloud.

@Sheaon13 @Anaxileah
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I watched her go before a followed after. I silently made my way across the rooftops, I wouldn't be left behind. I had after all been doing this for a while, this whole sneaking thing. I jumped from building to building with eased grace and silence. The whole sneaking around thing is why I never took my hood off, people would be afraid if they saw a demon running about. I made my way over to the group where I heard her ask where I was.

"I'm right here" I said behind her.
Even averting attention on these worthy adversaries for more then two seconds can be painful as when Roxxi switched her aim to the angel boy he swung at her with his greatsword. It was a slow and sloppy attack compared to them at their full strength, but if it connects it could easily amputate whatever body part it was aimed at, in this case her head. "No! I will not allow you to hurt the boy, interfere and you will pay dearly harlot!" The Divine places himself in between her line of sight with Morgrim and the angel boy so that she can't launch another arrow at either of them. It could be seen the the feathered tips of his wings are slightly twitching, symbolizing he is started to regain control of his more secondary features, betraying that the poison is started to wear off, before long both the angels would be back to full fighting strength.

The larger angel occupying Jass's attention takes another swing at him with his shield with enough force to knock even Jass off of his feet, it seems in those few seconds he got even a bit stronger, further confirming the poison was not enough to completely neutralize the two powerful angels. He kept up a strong defence as he himself realized this, he could bide his time until he got strong enough to unflinchingly take hits from both Jass and Darrius while dishing out some Arcanism justice, which was more often then not death from a beating so memorable that it could be felt by their reincarnated souls. He backed up to a wall so that he wouldn't be flanked and righted his stance so that while he wouldn't be as quick he would be able to block almost every incoming attack.

Morgim saw the arrow wiz by his head, and he turned around with the intend to scowl at Roxxi, but saw Ryu standing there trying to cause trouble for him. "You stupid little shit, get out of here. I'll give you one chance to flee since I am on important 'business' with Marques, try to stop me and I'll make you regret the day you were ever born. Morgrim was willing to give the naive fool one chance to back down, sparing only enough time to deal with this nuisance before heading back to take down the priest. Every moment he wasted with someone else was a moment the fat fuck was getting away, thankfully Tuso hasn't had to move himself any farther from his bead then the toilet (Actually toilets thanks to Aetherion Elves development of plumbing, cause shitting in a bucket is just too 'immersive') or the kitchen to have a slave cook for him.
Darrius nods to Jass as the mercenary steps forward. "With pleasure." He watches carefully as the mercenary charges the angel with surprising speed and strength. Magical buffs. Impressive. He thinks to himself. He waits a bit longer for an opening to slip in behind the angel, but a voice rings out from the other side of the room. He looks over and sees some newcomer charging at Morgrim and Roxxi moving to defend him. The smaller angel swings a sword at Roxxi, it looks like a powerful blow. Unfortunately, Jass notices the situation, too and in his distraction gets bashed by the larger angel's shield. It looks like it hits hard, and there's a noticeable dent in the heavy armor. Darrius cringes. Even weakened these things are extremely strong. We'll just have to beat them fast, then. He starts forward, intending to use the angel's attack to get around behind him.

Unfortunately, the angel backs himself into a corner, blocking off any possibility of flanking. Darrius curses under his breath and dashes forward, moving around to the angel's. If he can't go from the back, he'll get as close to it as possible.He bounds over the corpse of a well-dressed woman and slides to a stop, swinging the chain in a circle again, faster this time, before whipping it over his head at the angel. The weapon trails black fire as it flies toward the shoulder of the angel's shield arm. Darrius silently prays that the weapon will make contact; even if the chain itself doesn't do much to damage the angel's body, the fire should at the very least cause enough pain to distract him long enough for Jass to get a few hits in.


Atraxia sighed lightly out of impatience, they both certainly took their sweet time getting up here. He suspected the Elven girl had too as she did not have as much physical strength as he did, but the demon boy took even longer then her. Great...he had his work cut out for him; hopefully the other part of their group was managing better then they were right now.

Before he could tell them to move out, Eleniel spoke out, asking how they were to get in. She imputed a few options, all that were perfectly validated yet still came with some form or risk, she definitely at least had common knowledge of the trade. But he suspected that was about it, he did not smell too much blood or death on the girl.
"If we take the chimney then it leaves us completely open to the threats below, the windows are always a good decision but usually takes away from the stealth part; the balconies are our best bets. They usually lead into a room of a royal staff or the royalty itself, they offer us the stealthier way in if we avoid the kings chamber" Atraxia informed them of the consequences and the perks of each option, he personally didn't care how they got in as long as it didn't leave them wide open to an attack. Usually he didn't have to worry about the supernatural aspects of contracts, but this one reeked of powerful supernatural. They needed to be careful if they were to all, or mostly, survive the day.

@Sheaon13 ,@HoneyBear-Kat )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

(By the way, Sheaon, the group is after the priest, Tuso; not the king. Meant to tell you that in Skype, but eh.)

Her arrow accomplished the job she gave it, the red-head turning to her with a growl. The wolf almost let out a fusillade of laughter at the male's ignorance, but she didn't have time as the angel behind her attempted to attack her while she was distracted. Unfortunately for him, the assassin was still highly sensitive to her surroundings. Her wolfen ears captured the grating of the greatsword scratching against the ground as it was picked up and the soft swish of it swinging through the air, heading straight for her neck. She crouched down underneath it, knowing fairly well that she shouldn't risk trying to move out of range of the six-foot blade. Once the blade's path cleared over her head, she sprung back up, aiming another arrow at the angel's forehead and releasing it, the bowstring snapping back with a twang due to the amount of force she put behind it.

@Sheaon13 @AnimusLight @CarpeNoctem1213
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