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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Ether takes in the view. The destruction, death, and misery surrounding. Everything smelling of soot and blood mixed together. The smell of survivors after a siege. This was not Morgrim's doing. This was someone else. Ether watched carefully as the fury and anguish filled Ana's eyes. She was pissed and heartbroken at the scene that lay before them. Many dead. Even more wounded. The young man had to admit. With all the corpses around he felt like he should start raising some to create some kind of a defense for them. However, he knew that would probably get an arrow in the back of his head. "Time and place Ether. Time and place." As Ana moves to help everyone after telling Ether he can go sit on the sidelines, the necromancer moves to assist her in any way he could. Calling her over to assist some of the wounded , using his own knowledge of herbs and remedies he carried on himself, his own extensive knowledge of emergency first aid or numbing their pain with dark magic as death comes to take them when it was too much to fix. It was the least he could do. Ether does occasionally glance back at the person who had offered help before they walked outside. This person also seemed rather distraught and shocked at the battlefield that lay before them. Ether only wished to meet up with Morgrim and the others. This wasn't looking too good.
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Darrius chuckles, flashing Morgrim a grin. "Part-demon, remember? If there's anything my asshole father gave me that I appreciate, it's his immunity to poison." He watches as Morgrim absorbs the poison into the strange device, his head tilted in interest as every last wisp of the poison is sucked into it. It's a bit unnerving when the gas in his lungs is removed, he feels a strange tickling sensation deep in his chest, which makes him cough a bit, releasing a few tiny wisps of the gas that are quickly sucked into the device.

He expects the question about his motives. People always want to know why he would go out of his way to help someone who had already paid for his services. He'd spent plenty of time telling himself why he was doing it when he was walking back to the manhole, and the truth came down to his nature. His face shifts to what could only be interpreted as serious, for him, anyway. "I want to help. Needy and childish as it sounds, I don't get much action around here. I wan't to say I did some good for this city," he pauses as another explosion sounds in the distance, "especially since I don't think I'll have much of a business or a home in this place when this is all said and done. I may as well get in on it and leave. No point hiding now. Plus, Tuso has it coming after all he's done." At the last part, his black eyes flash dark purple and he smirks again.

I walked outside of the house and my eyes widened, my hands clenched into fists. Why were humans so evil that they'd kill so many innocent people? I let out a growl from my throat and went to helping the wounded. I used my small healing spells that I knew. I helped anyone I could and went along trying to save people. I just didn't get it, why do humans have to do this? I didn't understand when my parents were killed and I don't now. I just wish that eventually they would stop, that they wouldn't kill anyone any more. Though I know this is a fools wish because humans can't stop killing, even if I kill their leaders. I still believe if their not oppressed then they will start feeling more free and eventually be able to stand up for themselves and others who were being oppressed. I would make sure this happens, I will make sure of it no matter what. Though for now I have to help these people. I have known these people for a long time, about two years now. They knew me and what I really was and they didn't care. They just cared about how kind I seemed and how much I wanted to help them. I always made sure to get food and clothing for those that couldn't afford it here. I hated seeing most of them like this, it made me sick to my stomach.

"L-Lillif" the old man I knew as Yoko said to me. He was about to die.

"What is it old man Yoko?" I asked him.

"My Kiko, make sure she's safe, take care of her" The old man said and he took his last breath. His Kiko was his pet dog, a dalmation, she ran up to her master and nuzzled him with a whine.

"He's dead Kiko, I'll make sure you'll stay safe alright?" I stated as I began to move on and treat the other people that weren't dying.
Ana held back tears as she continued helping people, complying to Ether's request of her aid with the wounded. She pulled out her vials and used almost everything she had trying to help the people there. She felt like she was being torn apart on the inside. Half of her was furious with whoever caused this, but the other half was heartbroken and needed to help the people. She tried to be peaceful and logical when it came to get decisions, so Ana used her salves and tonics to heal the people who were injured and sick, and escorted then to the wall of the city, which wasn't far. She returned quickly to continue helping people when she turned to speak to Ether.

"I don't think we'll have time to save the entire city. How much longer will we help? The city is going to be destroyed in some way or another, and I could only hope that Morgrim, Roxii, and Jass get out alive." Ana looked down, worried about the rest of the group. She looked back up at Ether, worry clear on her face. There were still many citizens in need of aid throughout the city, but Ana needed to gather more herbs in order to create tonics, none of which were accessible currently.


Atraxia quickly made his way up to the top of the hill in which Tuso's palace resigned, and in it; the fat bastard to be slaughtered. Not yet of course, but in due to; now was for some fun along with safety precautions. He moved silently and efficiently in his invisible state, setting up traps everywhere outside the palace, some extremely well hidden while others were purposely left out in the open for most to see, not only to cause alert and confusion among them but also to trick them as the paths around the plain sight traps were hidden traps. Traps within traps; trap-sception. They ranged from all types, explosive mine style traps, simple trip rope with sharpened objects tied into them, pitfalls that lead to poisonous plants and sharp objects, his personal favorite the black egg traps. They were small black pellets used to distort the foe, inside was crushed up glass, sand, dirt, and iron that would explode upon impact. Not only were they a bitch to step on but they could seriously damage someone, even more so if they got in the eye; the dangerous mixture would leave many temporarily blind and a few unlucky permanently blind. He chuckled at that thought as he had done that so many times to others, it helped to bring out the fear in them before he killed or used as a great escape tool as he demonstrated on those guards from before.

He had quite a bit of time on his hands, or claws, so he made sure that the whole palace was covered in these fine beauties. After finishing his laborious duties on the ground he still had extra time on his hands, as the poisonous clouds and explosions were just now going off around the city, so much damage destruction and bloodshed.

They will all perish within the day!

...That they will... It was rare that he agreed with the spirit but it was obvious. Down in a single day Dunheim will be, it was pathetic that a city as big as this would be dead so quickly, there was no fun for him yet though. He ascended all the way to the roof of the palace, looking down below through the glass windows he saw the inner part of the palace. Good. Now he waited for what was to come next in his stealthy ways.

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Palace of Dunheim

Mood: Cautious

With: None

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

"Well I suppose you are telling the truth, given your nature and employment and all that. All right you can come with me, but we must hurry now, he'll be eating dinner any minute now." Morgrim wasted no time and rushed off to the palace atop the hill where they would find Tuso's home, towering over even the other estates and villa's in the sky district. The journey was short, and he made sure to take the back entrance into the cellar were he would meet with the other two, Roxii and Jassur.. (Sorry not much detail I could add here.)

The explosions drew the attention of the King of Dunheim, his peons fleeing and dying did little to phase him, but some of the ratlings had defaced and destroyed a chunk of the grand temple of Arcanism. The king had an image to uphold, and anything that would threaten to destroy what his religion stood for would not be allowed in any circumstance. He donned his armour and headed out to the streets, the sounds of explosions pinpointing him to the rat king. The only thing is though the king is not a human, he is Arconis the Angel god of Arcanism. With a wingspan of over fifty feet and each feather a blade of the most lightweight and sharp metal that can be found in all of Skyshard he swung his wing at the rat king with a force of a god scorned he was launched into a wall breaking his back in seventeen different places. He took the Rat's paralysed body and dragged it through the city streets by it's neck right to the front gates and beyond into Wilhelm's camp.

"Wilhelm you disappoint me, I put so much faith in you to keep the order and exert control over this mortal worms, and you betray my faith by sacking my home and destroying my temple." The words must come as a surprised, but a little inferrencing would say that Arconis is the King of not only Dunheim, but the silver legion as well. In a further plot twist someone had been swapping out the letters the king has given Wilhelm with forgeries by some unknown entity that wants Wilhelm out of the picture. ".Wilhelm Falke, you are hearby renounced of your titles, your claim, and your position as Lord in the Silver Legion, by my good graces I grant you your life, but nothing more, leave now! And never return or I promise you the rest of your miserable little life will be spent in the service of my inquisition! Begone!" Any further against in defiance would result in the war Wilhelm so desperately wanted.
"Ana...." The necromancer places a hand on the alchemist's shoulder and looks into her grief struck eyes. Ether pulls down his hood so she can get a good luck at his eyes. Nothing but sadness and clarity reflected in his violet eyes. "Let's go Ana. We've done what we could. We can't save everyone. We can only help those we can reach. All the others here....." Ether takes a long look around himself before returning to her. "They're out of our hands now. Come on..." He gives her a light tug as he starts walking in the direction of the palace of the Marquis. The aide needed to die and the Marquis needed to die for the others. Ether just wanted this to be done so they could all go home. Maybe meet up with his new found allies at a tavern and drink the night away. Telling tall tales of their past adventures. An idiotic and naive dream but it brought a smile to the dark mage's face nonetheless.
(You could feel betrayed by your and country and whatnot..)
Darrius nods and follows behind Morgrim as he rushes up the hill. This is the first time he'd ever step foot in Tuso's palace, so he has no idea what they might be facing. He had never managed to pay off even one of the guard in Tuso's home to act as a spy for him, much to his irritation. They are far too loyal to Tuso, not to mention they're almost a pretentious as their employer. When they reach the cellar door, Darrius' hand goes to the chain around his waist, which begins to glow faintly again. His black eyes harden with determination as he stares around the cellar.

I couldn't understand how this much destruction was even possible, being sheltered all my life by mother wolf. I didn't get it. Why would people take so many lives? I didn't understand. I kept walking aimlessly and in a daze at how this could even happen. I didn't like it, it frightened me. I just didn't like it.

"How is this much destruction possible?" I asked no one in particular, it was little more than a mumble as I said it. I suddenly tripped over a dead body and I looked at him, backing away in fright. My stomach couldn't take it any more because it decided to empty itself right then and there. I barely made it to my knees before that happened.


I continued to treat more and more people with what little skills I had in healing magic. I continued to work feverishly, not even noticing the hylian that was there. I continued working, hoping to save as many as I could. I just had to save most of them. I just had to! I felt like crying, they had been my family for the last two years and now humans had once again tried to take that away from me. This is why I hate humanity, all of their needless bloodshed and whatnot.
Ana nodded and sniffled, listening to Ether's words. She admired the lovely purple color in his eyes when he looked at her, and she followed him when he tugged on her gently. She still felt awful about leaving people behind, some crying for help, but she knew their objective was clear. She walked with Ether towards the palace, her face clouded and expressionless. She occasionally did this so prior wouldn't worry about her and so she wouldn't have to feel her emotions.

As they walked towards the palace, Ana looked around at the undamaged parts of the district they were now entering. The people seemed unfazed and continued living their lives as if nothing had happened. "Are we headed to the palace? Or somewhere to meet the others?" Ana questioned Ether as she remained by his side.
@RedZombieWolf That was kind of an immature response but it makes sense. I was just trying to show you no character ever has full control over a situation, and that betrayal and plot twists are a big part of this rp, if your first response to that is to kill your main character maybe this isn't the best rp for you.))

Its been a while since shes been back at the city. Eleniel had taken time to be on her own. She does it often, it keeps her sane. Its a chance to gather her thoughts and collect herself. The human race often tired her out. Their conflicts and bickering against one another, the crimes they commit on each other. This "pilgrimage for clarity",if you want to call it, is refreshing vacation. Beyond the outskirts of civilization, miles away from any human or humanoid contact. Eleniel never disliked solitude, infact, she embraced it.

But, it was time to go back. Back to the chaos of life. The guards at the gates, recognize her by now. She constantly comes and goes. Her hand raised to pull back the black hood that covered her face, revealing her silver hair. Her face was soft, as well as her features. Pink, pursed lips, dark lashes that surround big sapphire eyes, and just a slight tint of pink on her fair, light skin. And who could forget, of course, those trademark pointed elvish ears. Gentley, she moved a piece of hair behind her ear, as if to show them off proudly. The gates were open, and with a nod she thanked the guards. Her arm scooped her hair and pulled it away from the back of her neck, pulling out its length that was tucked under her clothing. Her hair was straight and beautiful, not a single tangle. And dangled down to her thigh, while the upper half was twisted and braided in a traditional elvish fashion. The long part that draped, hung straight down until the end is met with a single curl.

Eleniel was very nomadic when it comes to settling. She goes where she thinks she is needed. She seeks out places that could use help, even if its just from elf such as her self. But Dunheim was just despicable. So much corruption went on in this bustling city. And yet everyone was quiet about it for somw reason....probably because of the tyrant who ruled it. She didnt agree that there was a religion forced upon the people, but to avoid trouble, she went along with it, but still followed her own customs and beliefs of her people in secret. She was surprised there hasnt been uprisings, or the that the political structure hasnt collapsed with in itself yet. How can the people stand this for so long? In this city, there was either poor or rich. No inbetween. No middle class system. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer, seeing as how they didnt pay taxes while those who have no money had to pay up or pay with punishment. It was unfair. The political system of Dunheim upsetted her the most.

Upon entering it didnt take too long to see smoke rising deeper in the city. Eleniel didnt take any chances and wasted no time, and immediately sprinted toward the source to see whats going on. The Light with in her, her sixth sense, was telling her something awful has happened. Sure enough, it was a massacre. Bodies lay lifeless on the ground. Too many to count. Men, women, and children all gone, their relatives and loved ones staying by their sides, as if mourning over them will bring them back. There was a heavy pressure that sunk ontop Eleniels heart. Pressing down onto it, making anger bubble up in her abdomen. Eleniel was no stranger to death, she was immune to the sight, but no matter how many times shes encountered death, it never fails to disturb her. Deaths of the innocent riled her up the most. Few travelers and able people came aid the injured and comfort the broken hearted. To her side she could see a woman with bright green hair (hard to miss) scrambling to frantically help those that she could, and the man with her putting a hand on her shoulder. Eleniel assumed he told her it was no use to tend to the dead. The fact that common folk and others had to deal with this was bad enough, but not seeing a single authoritive figure in the midst of all this was what really set her off. Why didnt anyome come to help?! Her electric blue eyes turned to look at the home where the king resided. Her eyebrows pinched together, her face formed into a scowel. Eyes narrowed and the bubbling in her belly ignited into a full on fire. Her hand tightened into a fist, she had enough of their neglect. And by the stars, someone was going to get a mouthful from her....

Mentioned: @Anaxileah @shadowz1995

There wasn't much I could do I wasn't a medic and the one that was just left these people to die. I hate humans like that with a passion, I saw the girl walk up, but I payed her no mind as I continued to work on healing the people the best I could. I just hopped I could save some of them. I cared deeply about them, staying here had made me care about them for the past two years. I just wanted them to be okay.



I finished throwing up and noticed the elf girl walk up. I shook off my queasiness and stood straight. I didn't like this at all. Why were people being killed for no reason I didn't understand it. I just didn't get it and it scared me. Mother wolf always told me that humans were violent but I didn't want to believe. Though now seeing this how could I not believe it. I shook these thought from my head and rushed towards the medic that was healing the injured.

"Ex-excuse me do you know a necromancer that smells of a dead corpse? If so can you lead me to him, I kinda was hoping to ask him something and he told me to wait here but I don't think that's a good idea incase it gets bombed again" I stated nervously, hoping they knew him.

@Anaxileah @shadowz1995
"We know that they were headed to kill the Marquis and that they probably had some kind of plan to do so. So if we are going to find them anywhere it's there. Maybe they aren't there yet but they will be. That's their goal. So I think its best to rendezvous there." Ether looks over as they approach the palace . Ana looks like she's trying to mask her emotions but the necromancer can still feel the negative emotions coming off of her person. Being a dark sorcerer, Ether is naturally In tune with the darker side of nature and emotion. Though with so much darkness and death around them it could just be his imagination that she was giving off some. "Let's just get to the palace and see what's what. After the bombings I'm going to assume they are in an uproar. " The necromancer takes a look around himself before muttering, "if they even give a slight of a damn about their people..."

She wanted to storm in. She wanted to unleash her wrath on these ignorant people running this hopeless city. Pretending like nothing is happening, shameful! She imagined the king sitting proudly watching his people suffer,'Dôl gîn lost!' she mentally insulted the king in her native tongue. Suddenly her attention turned back to the green haired female and her male partner. How did she not notice it before? As an Eldar elf, Eleniel holds a sacred light with in her. Allows her to see things that are evil or dark things and beings (which doesnt necessarily mean bad; dark as in dark magic and such) in ways normal people dont. As she observed the male, she could see what looked like wisps of black smoke emitting from him. She blinked, and her eyes narrowed once more,'He uses a dark magic..' she thought,'best to keep on eye on him...'

Her run in with those that used dark spells and magic were never good. So Eleniel had reason to be skeptical from his appearance. She did not know about the necromancer and his good intentions but its precisely the fact that she has no knowledge about him that explains why she was cautious. The light in her grew brighter upon seeing him, as if defending itself from the dark magic. Anyone with the same vision of the Eldar would be able to physically see the bright radiance coming from her. Her attenion turned to someone behind them. A male also attempting to tend to the injured. She could see it in his eyes, he had lost hope for these people, shes seen the look before, the "its useless" look. Her heart softened once again, and she approached him,"Your efforts will not go un noticed," her voice was soft and her tone sounded so sure. Her eye brows furrowed once more as she crouched beside him and looked him in the eye,"Do not let the carelessness of men keep you from helping," she put a hand on his,"Do not be discouraged. The little you can do will go a long way in the eyes of these people." she did not smile. Now wasnt the time or place for such a happy gesture. There was nothing to smile about, but hopefully itll help get the message across to him. Dont give up on helping these people. She gave a curt nod and stood up once again. Ocean blue eyes looked back to the palace,"I need to do something about it to," she stated, more to herself than the male beside her.

She exhanged quick goodbyes with the stranger and made her way toward the palace. She passed the two from before, her strides were heavy with anger, and she moved quickly. But how was she going to get in? It is the kings palace after all. Not exactly the least fortified place. They most certainly wouldnt allow her with weapons armed, and the look on her face that murder someone from a mile away. Though physical conflict is her last resort, they dont know that. And storming in like that would come off as threatning.

She needed a plan....

**(By the way, the literal translation to her elvish quote would be "they have empty heads" as in theyre stupid/idiots)**



@Anaxileah @shadowz1995

As I worked I heard the elf girl come up beside me and tell me how my helping would go a long way. She seemed to care about these people much like I did and that intrigued me. I knew I couldn't go and help her with her quest to give the king a peace of her mind. I had to save these people first.

"Lillif go, I'll take care of the injured and kiko" The old healer lady stated to me.

"This is too much for you to handle alone, I have to help in some way" I insisted, worried for their safety and we'll being.

"You have done enough already, go and help her. Besides we all know how much you want to free the people from the rule of a selfish king" The old lady stated to me. My eyes widened in surprise, I hadn't told them that.

"How?" I asked.

"We saw how you looked at the king when he came down here for taxes. We figured it out when you told us your history. Now go and free the people" The old lady said to me and I nodded. I just hoped they would be okay. I walked up to the elf girl.

"Do you need any help in giving the king a peace of you mind? Because the king just crosses a line with me in not caring enough to send help to my friends, no my family, so I would like to give him peace of my mind too. The old healer lady is going to take care of the others so don't worry. I know she'll do her best to save those she can" I stated. I didn't normally talk this much unless it was with the poor of this town, but this girl reminded me of them. She also reminded me of my mom, even if I hadn't known her for that long, and so I would help her the best I could.

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Let's see what I can do...)

The hybrid hadn't been making her way down the hall towards the basement too long before the entire structure shook with tremendous force, rattling the decorations hanging on the walls and resting on ornamental tables. She furrowed her brow; that wasn't a part of their plan. It came from outside of the building's walls. Was it Morgrim? Most likely not; he wanted this mission to be focused solely on stealth and precision. Explosions were too sporadic and risk-taking. Someone—or something—else had detonated those blasts.

Pushing that threat to the back-burner of her mind, she focused on her current task: rendezvous with the mercenary and necromancer in the cellar. A few guards jogged past her, heading towards, most likely, the armory to arm themselves and face the threat that was advancing upon and infiltrating the city. A young messenger boy was practically sprinting the other way, carrying a scrawled note that was presumably for Tuso.

Before he could escape her, the assassin gripped his forearm, halting him. He looked back at her with wide, fearful eyes. "
The high priest's food is ready," she informed the frightened boy. He nodded quickly and Roxii released her grip on him, allowing him to continue his rounds.

The wolf sauntered through the maze of hallways rather mindlessly; she had never known that halls could remain straight yet loop around and lead to a place she's already been to. And not to mention that the twists and turns were confusing, even though she had the advantage of sensitive scent and hearing. Still, she had made it to the cellar.

Even before she opened the door to the basement, she could smell the rotting odor of Morgrim. Along with the fierce scent of the demon, Darrius. He had accompanied him? The elf suddenly went rigid, preparing for an altercation. Demons were difficult to trust, and they were about as tricky as faeries. She wouldn't exactly expect the necromancer to be the type of get captured easily, but anything was possible.

The wolf-elf opened the door and shut it quietly behind her, slowly making her way down the stairs. The cellar was almost pitch black, save for the couple torches that illuminated only the ends of the basement, placed opposite from each other. But Roxii's wolf blood allowed her to see perfectly well in the darkness, and not to mention that she was a shadow elementalist; darkness was an extension of herself, a separate home. The smell of rodents, both alive and decaying, and stowed away produce and wines and mead intermingled with each other, creating a horrible mixture of sweet and rotten and bitter.

She gazed around the cellar carefully, her heterochromatic irises settling on Morgrim and Darrius. It didn't look like the necromancer was in any danger, but she couldn't let her guard down. There may be secret words being exchanged, either through telepathic communication, posture and motion communication, or words exchanged before they arrived. Absolutely anything was possible. So the wolf kept her distance, making sure to be ready for any sudden movements that would prove to harm either her or the necromancer.

@Morgrim @CarpeNoctem1213

(I hope that's okay.)

Jassur Batal

(Time to roll)

Jass waits at his position from outside of the dining hall, watching the dining event with anticipation. Most of the guards have either left the building to check on whats going on outside or have gathered inside the dining hall just the way he wanted. He listens to the boring speech Tuso or maybe his body double is giving. A clang of glasses indicated they were beginning to eat. Jass taps his foot on the marble floor, waiting for the gasps or any kind of distressed noise. Morgrim should be here by now. He wonders if Roxii has regrouped with him. The door to the basement should be open for them so he had no worries.

The shaking has stopped; he dreaded whatever disaster awaits outside. For now, focus on the mission. The problems outside can be examined later. A loud chocking and pained screaming emits from inside the hall. That's his cue. The mercenary hastily goes around the outside of the dining hall, closing every possible exit. Luckily, there were exits from all sides so he didn't have to think about other possible routes that lead inside. More wretched noise continues inside and the doors he's finally locked begin to have the people dying banging the large frame. It slightly bothered the former knight, remembering the destruction he caused in the past. As a mercenary, he isn't used to killing this many unarmed people before. But it was not his place to go against a large paying mission. He needed that money and the deaths of corrupted officials were nothing to the cries of village children and women. He's accepted his wrongdoings and will not care to have more blood on his hands - did he?

Memories flashback in his head.

"They aren't fucking demons or evil spirited, Jass! What the actual fuck did we just do?"

"We were following orders..."

"But for what?! The deaths of innocent children?!" Gavin grabs his shoulder and growls, "I didn't see any malpractices of evil rituals and sacrifices. Where were the bodies and fires that the higher ups said we'll find? We slaughtered them, Jass. We slaughtered them." He looks down at his hands, "I can still hear their screams but the others wouldn't stop. I couldn't just stop. That is betraying our order. Right? But for the cost of so many..." His dear friend falls to his knees, head hang low. Jass kneels on one knee, now placing a hand on his friend shoulder. He couldn't shake off the major regret that's been biting at him this whole mission. A knight is to protect the people, not to harm. He wanted to protect others. This isn't what he was asking for...

Some of the knights of their group have already piled the villagers onto a large bonfire with heavy hearts. Why did the receive orders for this?/

His teeth grind at the horrid memory, wishing it was wiped from his brain when his troubles were all over. The deaths here will be justified to find out the truth of why that village had to be destroyed and why was it so important to make his group of knights set as an example. The noises from the slowly dwindle down and Jass heads his way to the basement entrance.

| Tag:

@Morgrim , @Javax , @CarpeNoctem1213 | Character's Mood: "..." | Animus's Mood: asdfg |



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