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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Jassur Batal

Jass finally reaches the tall structure that is Tuso's palace. He called it a palace because it looked like one more than a religious temple. If his memories were clear, the Lord of Dunheim stayed in a much more fancy palace than this pig. He knew this is the right building. Jass hobbles his way to the front entrance, already being stopped by a few guards. One asks, "Where have you been all this time?" The former knight knew this wasn't going to go smooth for him. They will probably keep an eye on him after this confrontation. No matter.

Jass could feel sweat building in the helmet. He holds back a sigh and answers, "I only came back from the district below, sir. You know. I can't really say out loud my business, sir. It's a bit embarrassing." The guard he's talking to laughs and pats the metal shoulder guard. Jass cringes at the loud clang that echoes through the armor. The guy laughs with the other guard posted, "It's okay man. Why are you even calling me 'sir?' We are all the same rank here. I understand. I sometimes go down there myself to do some 'business' of my own if you know what I mean. Though you are the first fool I have ever seen to go in full armor." The two laugh more, "Go on in. Hurry to your post before any of the bosses notices you are missing." Jass nods; his helmet masking his amused confused face. He enters the building, not bothering to stay any longer than he should.

He didn't exactly know where this "post" he should stand at, feeling slightly panicked. "Gods..." he curses quietly as he walks around. The wide corridors were illuminated by the stain glass that depicted the religion of the city, Arcanism. The glass showed a fallen angel and their struggle against a demon army. It is a rather romantic story, not really Jass's tastes. His metal boots echo on the white marbled floor that looked like it is pure white. How many servants had to scrub this damn hallway to make it look like this? Jass shakes his head before turning the corner. He arrives in a great hall that had a long large table with chairs and expensive-looking silverware. This is the dining hall where their plan will take place.

"Hey you there, guard! What are you doing standing around? Go back to your post at the second door to the hall!" commands a man in tights who probably is the director of the event. Jass salutes before leaving the hall. He decides to stand next another guard who's standing still at one of the doors. He knew what Roxii's guard uniform looked like so he'll know when to being his task. He'll have to knockout a few of these guards around here. They won't be eating any of the poison.

| Tag:

@Morgrim , @Javax | Character's Mood: Awed | Animus's Mood: Coffee Buzz | Music |

For fucks......dammit! Ether thinks. He gets under Ana's arm and starts to support her on her good side. Unfortunately that was Ether's bad shoulder but the necromancer just grits his teeth and pushes through the pain. With the tendrils of darkness defending them and the thrall wall, Ether reaches over and roughly rips the arrow out of Ana's side. The arrow pierced just above her hip bone and into the deep flesh. No organ damage but definitely not something they could ignore any further. The necromancer lifts his sword and brings it across his side, the same side as Ana's injured hip. The blade bites deep into Ether's flesh and the necromancer can't help but give a small cry of pain as he does. He the proceeds to drop his own tendrils of darkness, leaving only Ana's up as he can't do all these things simultaneously. Commanding the thralls and keeping them animated, enhancing his physical and magical prowess through blood magic, simultaneously holding up a defensive darkness guardian and an offensive one and now the new spell he was doing. Ether was good but not that good.

Incarnate of blood, hear my plea. I give you my lifeblood and beseech thee to wipe away the ailments of my kin. Through my lifeblood, make my allies strong. "Blood Link." The blood flowing from Ether's fresh wound starts to float away from his body and becomes suspended in animation in front of Ana. It takes a second before the blood starts rushing out of Ether's wounds and into Ana's body. The blood flows quickly and changes it's properties to fit the person's body. Half way through the stream the blood turns green before their eyes and becomes blood Ana's body can accept. Ether's coughs a few times in succession and begins to shiver as the blood rapidly leaves his body and fills Ana's veins. The solution was temporary and the blood was still tainted with blood magic. It would not harm her but now Ether should have a sort of influence over her due to it being his blood. Not that he would use it maliciously of course. As the blood link ends, the wound on Ana's body starts to close and stitch itself back together. The rapid healing leaves a defining scar but its better than it being life threatening. This explanation was running through Ether's head so that she would understand the situation.

"Shh- shh- shhit..." The necromancer shivers and let's go of Ana to rub his own body. Black could be seen edging into Ether's vision and his eyes were becoming distant and unfocused. Somewhere far away, Ether heard Ana give some kind of suggestion to use this situation to get into the city walls. Yeah, make it...maakkfhds.....maake it work Ana. If you think it wiiill....work.... Even Ether's thoughts were starting to become clouded and the necromancer desperately tries to shake off this haze of blood loss that threatens to take his consciousness.
Darrius was used to the smell of the sewers. These tunnels are his commute most of the time. They smell horrible, but they were a quick way in and out of the different parts of the city. Not to mention the careless guards were easy to avoid most of the time. Unfortunately, this time they ran into a group of them.

When he sees them, thankfully before they see him and Morgrim, he tenses and wraps his hand around the chain at his waist. Runes etched into the metal begin to glow with a blackish purple energy, but before he can draw the weapon, the half-corpse releases a cloud of poison that explodes on contact with the burning tip of the incense. He tilts his head at Morgrim's words, still staring at the smoldering corpses. "Sure. That's impressive magic," he says, thinking of a similar attack of his own, but his causes anyone who breathes it debilitating pain. The difference between the magic of death and the magic of the hells, he figures.
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Ana gasped out in pain when Ether ripped the arrow out of her side, tearing her flesh even more. Her green blood was everywhere, until Ether began cutting himself. "W-what are you...?" Ana wondered aloud until Ether began explaining it to her through the mind link. She watched, wide-eyed, as his blood changed to green blood, similar to hers, then flowed into her own wound. The feeling of being lightheaded quickly left her, and she felt her strength returning. The wound closed up soon enough, leaving an awful scar, but she was no longer losing blood, thanks to Ether.

However, Ana could see how taxing this was on Ether, so now that she could see straight and focus properly, she worked on holding him up and pulling out her own salves. She couldn't help with blood loss, but she could try helping with the wound. Ana pulled out a vial containing a slimy substance and poured it into her palm, biting her lip as she did so. This plant was hard to come by, but it was worth using for her friend. She removed the arrow as gently as she could from Ether's shoulder, then lathered the salve over his wound, which now shone with a purple light. The salve would cover up the wound for about an hour or so, keeping him from losing more blood until she could properly treat him.

"Ether, let the thralls go. They're only attacking us with fire, now, so the thralls are unnecessary. And you don't have to protect me with these...um...things. I'll help you to the gate." Ana told him, hoping he'd listen to her. She went to his good side and put his arm over her shoulder, half dragging half carrying Ether towards the gate. The soldiers continued to miss hitting them thanks to their protection, so they were about to reach the gate safely.

"Guards, my friend and I were badly injured by the army out there who decided to attack your city! Please, let us inside so I can get him some help!" Ana exclaimed, her face lined with worry. The guards, being the large and unintelligent brutes they are, nodded and let Ana pass with Ether on her shoulder. She brought the two of them into the rank city, and instantly her nose scrunched up. "This isn't anywhere near being sanitary..." Ana muttered as she looked around, trying to find somewhere, anywhere that was clean. Most of the people here were sick, which saddened Ana greatly, but she couldn't do anything at that moment, her friend was low on blood and had given a lot of it to her.

Ana continued looking around, bringing Ether with her, until she was tapped on the shoulder by an old woman who was coughing faintly. "I...have a bed he can use, if you'll help my family." Ana looked at the old woman as she spoke, smiling gratefully. "Yes, thank you. I'll help." The woman led her into the small home and showed the bed to Ana, in which Ether was placed down. "Please still be awake, Ether. Don't close your eyes or anything." Ana told him as she grabbed a roll of bandages from her satchel. The woman gave her a glass of water to give to Ether, despite their low amounts of food and drink, thanks to the corruption of the city. Ana turned back to Ether, hoping he'd awake.
Ether was teetering on the edge of consciousness. His vision would fade in and out of the void that threatened to consume his wakened state. He could no longer hear but with the mind link he could hear Ana's thoughts as clear as his own. She wanted him to be rid of the thralls and while the idea made the necromancer very uncomfortable he complied. He needed all of his strength to stay conscious. Ether releases his hold on the undead and the flop to the ground like puppets whose strings were cut. The release of that magic let some strength flood back into Ether and his vision became slightly but only slightly. Ether is half dragged and half carried by Ana in some unknown direction. He doesn't know where they are heading but he had to trust her. The necromancer's vision ebbs after dome time of walking and Ether swears he can start smell something awful . not only that, Ether feels like he's been laid down somewhere. He can hear Ana questioningly asking questions about ....what? His status. How is he doing? And ...stay awake? Ether speaks through the mind link "I'm....conscious Ana....I'm ok...I'll be ok.."
Ana let out a relieved sigh and put the water in her hand beside Ether. "Good. I need you to stay awake and drink some of this water. Then I need your help in removing your cloak and whatever else is in the way of your wound so I can wrap it. Can you do that?" Ana asked as she lowered Ether's hood and brushed some of his hair out of his face. She grabbed the water and looked back at Ether, hoping some water would help and that he could sit up so she could help him.
Morgrim still didn't have much to say other then a quick thanks for his compliment. He kept following until he had reached the latter that lead up into the glamorous Sky district. He turned to Darrius and handed him a small pouch of silver coins, twenty in all as a way of saying thank you before leaving the man to go back about his business. Morgrim ascended up the later and pushed away the manhole cover taking in the first breath of fresh air in a long time. In a dramatic display he closed his eyes, lowered his head in took in a long breath of fresh air, and then opened his eyes again. "Ahhh yes! Time to get to work!" He quickly sifted through the backyards of houses, making sure to steer clear of the streets between each home, though home is a small term in comparison to what those people called homes, villa's and estates was a more appropriate word.

"Rich bastards, if only I could kill every dishonest one of you. Hmmm maybe I will, power to the people and all that. Huehehe!" Jass and Roxii wouldn't need him for the next hour since that is when the staff on off-duty guards eat their meals. Morgrim has been working on some new poison spells, a rune that would act as a trap if triggered. Morgrim can cast this spell from a range of 40 feet, and has an adjustable magnitude. From the backyard of each house he dashes past he places a rune on each of the front and back doors with a poison rune. If activated it would leave a continuous cloud of poison that would grow slowly based on the amount of flesh and materials it affects and dissolves, so that each person affected would only make the cloud worse, for them. The process takes no more then 30 minutes, but they would need some motivation to step outside, he wanted to see these corrupt people die. So he heads to the centre of the district, right were a grand tree grows, a golden grove tree, named for it's golden glow.

He stands proudly in the centre of the district and begins shouting like a mad man. "All right you fat pigs, come on out and play. I'm tired of your mother fucking taxes, and your mother fucking fancy food and clothes. I swear for every single fucking one of you who has a servant -finger quotes- 'Slave!'" I will bitch slap the day light outta you. Now come here and kiss my decrepit, decaying ass cheeks and bow before your new master!" Several minutes and hundreds of profanity later the rich of Sky district come out to figure out what is going on and to see if they can shut of the raving corpse. As each person comes out the rune triggers and poisons them in a huge cloud of poison that suffocates them. One by one more people come out and helplessly get killed by the trap he has set, and the clouds of poison grow to the point where they overlap each other until a thick blanket of poison miasma is worming its way into the small cracks and crevices of each house and the open windows. Even the people inside are no longer safe and by the dozens people are dying and screaming. "Twenty more minutes pass by and the screams fade, Morgrim leaves with a bounce in his step as only a few buildings remain. At the top of the hill where his poison has not yet reached is Tuso's palace.

  • proxy.php

    Atraxia watched silently from the shadows with a small grin on his face. Told you. he thought to himself, amused with all the people dying, all the fat pigs dying. He told them that they had more in common with him then they thought. He had also told his counter part of the possibility of poison, double satisfaction from his statement.

    Kill now?!?!?!
    the creature pushed at the walls of his mind, Atraxia forcibly having to stiffen up his body to prevent him from doing anything. No not yet, they can still do much for us... the monster man replied before moving swiftly and diligintly through the shadows of the district, all the way to where he could set something up...

    Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
    Location: Sky District

    Mood: Satisfied, Amused

    With: None

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


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(Yay, long posts.)

The wolf's choice of entry was simple. Only one guard stood there, and they seemed to have recognized the armor to be someone they knew. A short exchange of acknowledging nods was all that passed between them as she entered the building. It wasn't the fanciest place she's been to, but it made it to her top ten list. The High King's castle, however, has remained the number one most extravagant building she has ever infiltrated.

Her target ought to be in the kitchen, where he's meant to be. Unfortunately, the hybrid wasn't able to look at any floor plans of the temple beforehand, so she was basically wandering the halls with faux purpose. Hopefully she'd stumble upon the kitchen soon; the assassin would much rather not be stopped by some guards and have the plan set off. Every second counted, and she couldn't risk staying in the palace longer than she had to. The hybrid was on a time limit. Every mission had a time limit. But this had to be precise, no matter how much of a time crunch she was under. If she wasn't definite, she could ruin the entire mission.

The elf hybrid breathed in deeply and the scent of high-class foods entered her senses. The cook was talented in the art of food, that was obvious. But she couldn't be distracted now; not while she was so close. Roxii followed the scent of the delicious foods until she found the kitchen. There were two guards posted at the kitchen doors, and she stopped and waited just around the corner before they saw her. They wouldn't allow her to disturb the chef; she knew that. She'd have to either come up with a lie or distract them...

The wolf hybrid decided to go with the latter. She peered around the corner and focused on the shadows. There were very few dark spots in the hallways, but she could make do. Roxii muttered a short command—"
Icɇwyȕqa"—and began materializing a small puppy made of the dark substance. Once it was solidified, she commanded the shadow pup to bark. Its playful tone resonated throughout the hall, but the assassin made sure that it was trapped within that hall only. She didn't want others to hear it and come to investigate.

The guards snapped their gaze to the wolf pup. "
Hey!" one of them shouted, but the pup was already bounding around the corner and down another hallway. The guards, having forgotten their original job, chased after it, wanting to rid the palace of the fake animal.

The wolf hybrid was able to see in the pup's eyes, and noticed that down that other hallway was where Jass was posted at the moment. She ordered the wolf to yip at the mercenary alone, capturing his attention for a split moment. Roxii then allowed the shadows to dissipate and took the chance to slip into the kitchen undetected. The scents of wonderful foods was almost overwhelming now, but she ignored it. The chef was hard at work, being the only cook in the entire kitchen. He must've wanted to work alone. The assassin understood that. Sometimes it's more efficient to work alone than to have to worry about accomplices.

The wolf-elf approached the chef nonchalantly, watching him work as if she were actually interested. He looked at her with irritation and disappointment. "
I thought I had told those damn guards to not let anyone disturb the Great Chef Orviati." The wooden spoon he held was raised in the air on the word "Great", emphasizing the title.

The assassin held back the urge to snicker at his title and put on her most innocent front. She wiped away any trace of her natural accent and replaced it with the one that most of the humans in Dunheim possessed, making sure that her entire identity was disguised. "
I I apologize, Chef Orviati. I was I was just curious. I admire your work, sir. And..." She allowed her voice to trail, lowering her head in false shame as an added effect.

Orviati sighed then let out a chuckle, continuing his work. "
Okay, okay. It's always nice to meet a fan. A female one at that." He glanced at her with a smirk and a wink, and Roxii did all she could not to gag and growl in disgust. "You must be new?"

The disguised assassin nodded and went silent. She needed to make sure his eyes were strayed from her for an extended period of time. The hybrid watched him work and looked on with faux curiosity. She nodded her head towards his most recent finished product. "
How do you do that so well?" Roxii inquired. "I can't make it look that good, and not to mention taste well, too."

The chef, now given the opportunity to show off his talent, began rambling on and on about the chemistry of cooking: a skill that Roxii never acquired and never cared to acquire. Still, Orviati was distracted now. The assassin edged her way closer and closer to him, to the point where she was practically leaning on him. The wealthy cook didn't seem to mind, though; he must've been used to women flocking to his side and wanting to be as close as possible to him. She retrieved the needle of poison and firmly grasped it. Then, quickly and quietly, she plunged it into the base of the back of his neck. Just before he could reach back and feel was had pinched his skin, she pulled it out and put it back in her pocket.

Ah!" Orviati cried out, grasping at the back of his neck. "What was that?"

The wolf hybrid gazed at him curiously. Roxii inquired innocently, "
What was what?"

Chef Orviati rubbed his neck for a moment, pondering what had stung him. He began mumbling something about some "damn flying pests" and how the slaves never seemed to be doing their job correctly. He looked up at her and shook his head. "
Nothing, dear." She mentally cringed at the unnecessary word. "Say, could you go inform Tuso that the food will be done soon? Then maybe we will have a chance to practice your cooking." He flashed a devilish smirk and mischievous eyes in her direction.

The innuendo was almost enough to make the elven hybrid deck the man in the jaw, but instead, she nodded and left the kitchen quickly. Her job was done. Now all she had to do was rendezvous with the others and wait for the poison to take effect.

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"Urrrghh...." With a pained grunt, the necromancer wills himself to sit upright in what he now realized what a shabby bed. He groggily complies with Ana and removes his cloak and tunic. Ether, like his face, had a toned and tanned body. One of a person who was no stranger to combat as it was decorated with light sporadic scars. The wound that Ether had opened himself was no longer bleeding due to Ana's salve but the pain had not gone away. Ana...doo what you have to do. Just please do it quickly....Im not feeling to hot after all heheh. Ether grabs the glass of water with a shaky hand and start to takes sips of liquid. The water is cool and sates the thirst he didn't even realize he had.
Ana nodded and immediately began working. She grabbed a vial of cleansing water out of her satchel, which was now feeling much lighter due to her use of salves and whatnot, and pour some of the cleansing water onto a cloth she had beside the vial. She began cleaning the dried blood off of Ether's wound and the skin around it, biting her lip as she did so. She felt guilty about the whole thing, mainly because it was indeed her fault. She had wanted to investigate and get a closer look at the gate, slipped up (quite literally), and was caught.

"I'm...sorry, for this, Ether." Ana glanced at Ether's face as she tended his wound, then focused back on the wound. She knew it hurt him, but if she didn't bandage it soon it would become infected. Once she finished using the cleansing water, she gently lifted his arm slightly, at an angle, so that she could begin wrapping the roll of bandages around his shoulder. She made sure to wrap them tight enough to keep him from bleeding, but not tight enough to prevent complete blood flow.

Ana completely forgot about the mind link between them as she tended to his wounds and kept thinking about how she had caused this, and how she had to find a way to fix it.
The pain pierced deep in Ether's mind as Ana began tending to his wounds but rather than passing out, the pain brought him clarity. Ether had a serious survivors instinct and would often use pain to keep himself from passing out or to drive himself further. Pain was a very good motivator and pain was driving the shadows from his visions back and clearing the fog from his mind. He was now aware of everything....including Ana's thoughts of guilt and self-blame. The necromancer lets out a long sigh before lightly ruffling Ana's hair playfully, despite the pain it brought him. "Ana listen to me. You've been in my mind this whole time as I've been in yours. Tell me if you ever felt any feeling of animosity towards you. How about blame? Have you ever once heard or felt me blame you? Heheheh. I haven't even thought of blaming you Ana. It was an accident. The thought LITERALLY never crossed my mind. You know that better than anyone." Pain mixed with amusement flooded Ether's mind. This one was quite kind hearted. More so than most people he has met. Ether then moves into whatever position Ana would make her most comfortable while she continues tending his injuries.

Jassur Batal

Jass tries not to doze off. He forgot how terrible guard duty was. The former knight used to stand with his friend, Gavin, outside of the classroom as punishment for making fun of guards. Their first month, before becoming a full knight, they had to fill in for guards who were off duty. The group of rookies stood for hours trying to not sleep while standing. The helmet guards helped mask their exhaustion but sometimes it didn't help when a higher up passed by for inspection. The mercenary remembers sleeping while standing for four hours; it was so convincing that he was awake that Gavin admitted to having an hour long conversation with a passed out Jass.

The mercenary shakes off his boredom, reminding himself that he's currently on an important mission. The other guard beside him is too quiet that Jass is sure he's knocked out already. Saves him the trouble to do it for him. Where was Roxii though? "Hey!" As if the gods were answering him, a small black dog comes running around the corner emitting a small noise before disappearing into a black of smoke. He grins behind his helmet; she's here. The mercenary stands ready, waiting for the cook to come by, see the corruption drop likes flies and close the doors. The guards would be more focused here instead of any other areas in the building. He shouldn't have any problems opening the downstairs basement.

The building beings to shake and Jass swears he hears something loud outside. He narrows his eyes; what the hell is going on out there? Maybe they weren't the only ones wanting to change Dunheim. It gave a sense of haste, not wanting to find out what's going on outside. Whatever the trouble is, he didn't want it to affect the mission. Jass leaves his guard post, making his way to the basement entrance. All he had to do was open it. A guard comes running out of there, glances at him and says, "The Lord wants most of us checking on the explosions. Hurry up what you got to do, man. The city is under attack." The man leaves Jass, who's puzzled by the news.

Well shit, that wasn't his problem. The former knight continues his task, leaving the basement unlocked for his companions to come in and out. Jass returns back to his post in a few minutes later just in time for people already filling the dining hall.

| Tag:

@Morgrim , @Javax | Character's Mood: WTF and Anxious | Animus's Mood: Tired | Music |

Ana blushed bright green when Ether ruffled her hair, which was the same color. "I completely forgot about the mind link.." And muttered, completely embarrassed. She advised were contact with Ether and continued to dress his wound. She was just about finished when she felt a rumble go throughout the home and heard screams outside. Ana looked up, worried, then quickly finished tying up his wound.

"Ether, I want you to get rid of the mind link so you can use as much strength as possible. You're supposed to rest right now, but it seems others don't plan on letting that happen. So we need to move. Ana turned back to the old woman who helped them, then pulled out the vial with the poisonous flower from earlier. "Ma'am, I'm assuming this is what's been keeping you all sick. The smell of the flowers can cause sickness if you live around them for a long while, and that exposure will eventually cause death. Here," Ana waves a hand over the vial, dissolving the flower in a black liquid. She then put a hand on the bottom of the vial and the black liquid bubbled and turned into a bright pink liquid. "This is an antitoxin for the flower. Put a droplet of this on the skin of someone who is suffering and it should cure them." Ana smiled at the old woman, who thanked her repeatedly then hobbled off.

Ana returned to Ether's side and lifted the tunic and cloak. "Time to put these back on. We don't need you getting hurt again." Ana gave Ether a lopsided smile and tried focusing her thoughts on getting out of the city, rather than on...other things.

I heard the sounds of battle come to a halt then screaming from inside the city walls as I had managed to trick the guards into thinking I was human. I heard the screams of some people from the sky district.

"So someone did my job for me, perfect" I smirked, that meant less work for me. I headed into the house of an elder that I normally visit from time to time to help her. There I saw an injured person. I cursed my bad luck, I couldn't just leave them there when I knew a few healing spells. Though they weren't my specialty. I walked over to them and said "Do you need any help? I know a few healing spells and I could help" I stated, worried for the man the girl had. I know it was none of my business and that I should care what happened to them but I did. I don't want to be like the humans I despise and not help someone in need.
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"Aw and here I thought it was such a wonderful opportunity to understand a woman's heart hahaha." Ether jests as he takes his cloak and tunic and puts it back onto his person. He concentrates for a second before abolishing the shadows that linked their Minda together. The necromancer takes a breath in as he feels the weight of sustaining the spell lift off of his shoulders. He stands up and pulls the hood over his head, leaving only the luminescent purple glow of his eyes. He was still in pain and the cold hadn't gone away yet but Ether felt far better than he was. Maybe it was because his blood magic was still active and all of his abilities were still enhanced but he felt like he could fight the whole camp now if he wanted to.

The explosion in the distance did begin to worry Ether and Ana probably had the same thoughts. He was wondeing if Jassur and the others were still ok. Hell if anything that explosion was probably their doing.
Darrius takes the coin purse with a nod of thanks, watches Morgrim climb out of the sewer, then turns and walks off, thinking about the corpse's plan. Poisoning a hall full of nobles, fighting angels, that's adventure. Procuring illegal goods is nothing compared to that. He continues to ponder the situation as he walks and eventually comes to a stop, not long past the still smoldering corpses of the guards. "Ah, what the hell," he mutters to himself, turning on the spot and heading back the way he came. This is the ultimate opportunity for him to see some real action in this city, and he's not going to pass it up.

It takes him about fifteen minutes to make it back to the entrance and climb up and out. By this time, the poison gas has already spread through the district and there are nobles lying all over the street, completely still, surrounded by the green mist. The mist makes Darrius' skin itch, which says a lot about it's potency, but not enough to harm him. He silently thanks whichever of the gods that might be listening that his demonic heritage grants him immunity to poison, or he'd be writhing in pain like the nobles must have been not long before. As he walks down the street, he pokes at a few of the bodies, naturally, they don't respond, but one of them, an overweight middle-aged man in ornate clothes, inhales with a sickening gurgling noise and grabs weakly at Darrius' ankle for a few seconds before going limp once again.

It takes a moment, but Darrius remembers the man: Lord Nigel Vell. He was a highly paranoid noble, always under the impression that someone was trying to poison him, why anyone would want to poison a merchant noble who imports fine meats, Darrius never had any idea, but he never questions a chance to make money, especially if it's just for acquiring poison for a noble to sample and build up an immunity to. Highly ironic, given the current circumstances, but it explains how he lasted so long. Darrius chuckles a bit. The man was always an asshole to him. He always secretly hoped he would take too much of the poison some day. Shame it wasn't Darrius' poison that did him in, but that would have cost him a profit, which doesn't exist anymore anyway, considering. He shrugs and moves on. Maybe he'll be leaving the city after all. With a fair majority of his clients gone, work would be pretty sparse.

In the distance, a series of explosions go off and he whips around. He can't see anything past the green mist covering the district he's in, but he knows it came from the general direction of the armory, at least the first one did. He narrows his eyes, thinking hard to try to remember if the corpse had mentioned blowing up half the city during his mission. Nothing comes to his mind, and he figures if they mentioned murdering a high official right in front of him, they would likely have mentioned this, too. Besides, blowing up the city would put Tuso on high alert, they couldn't risk doing that before they even reached his palace. No, someone else was behind the explosions, but those would have to wait, if Tuso was going to die, it had to be soon, with the chaos that is likely to break out now. He takes off at a quick jog, continuing on toward Tuso's palace.
Ana blushed bright green at Ether's remark and let out a sigh of relief as the mind link was removed. The throbbing in her head went away, and now she could think about anything she wanted without having to worry about Ether seeing it. "Thank you. We should get going. And thank you for the...blood, thing, earlier." Ana thanked Ether awkwardly, not entirely sure what he had done to her. I am blushing way too much. Ana pinched her cheeks in annoyance, wanting the green to fade. Ana gave Ether a curious look, wondering if he was ever going to ask about her 'green' looks, but she was also grateful he hadn't, and grateful she didn't have any wounds near her lower back.

Ana shook her head so that she could focus on them getting out of there. Another explosion sounded nearby, and Ana was curious as to what was causing them, but she knew Ether needed to rest somewhere and not involve himself in combat of any sort.
(Okay rp on this thread seems to have slowed down quite a bit, so let's try to get in at least three posts per character each day. If it is not possible I understand, but I may have to invite another two or three people to join if things don't pick up.)

Morgrim stared stupidly at the monk and her princess, or whatever she was. (Oh on a side note, teleportation spells are banned on this thread even though this is the first time it was used. I was meaning to add it to the lore on top of several other things, but Teleportation is over-powered since it could be used to escape any imaginable scenario. So spells like blink or shadow step or whatever name have you for it is okay since it is not teleportation, blinking for those that don't know is a spell to create a burst of speed in a direction in a short period of time. Doesn't go through walls so that's fine. On a side note of the side not teleportation stones are permitted, but they are single use and expensive as hell in the rp. That will be all.) Those two certainly weren't like the other nobles and sub-royalty, mostly because of the fact they weren't currently choking on blood, but the fact they managed to escape using magic, a blink spell or some variation if he was correct. Well he paid them no heed, he had a priest to execute, and not much more time to do so. It was then he heard several explosions, and cursed under his breath. "Shit, what the hell was that, who was that?" His inner monologue was interrupted by the tiefling that came up through the manhole cover.

"The hell, what are you doing here, and how are you still alive? I mean I wasn't trying to kill you, don't let it sound like disappointment, but not everyone boasts a poison immunity." The nobles were dead and there was no point in the fog of poison remaining. Morgrim had been working on a special tool as well when he made the spell, and it was a gauntlet that look quite a bit like the container of a vacuum cleaner though a deeply rusted looking colour. He aimed it at the sky, and infused his magic into causing the clouds of deadly poison to be sucked inside of it, as more of the fumes filled the glove it adopted a poisonous green looking colour, shining brightly when there was no a single particle of poison left in the air. "So what are you doing here anyway?"
(You doubt my power?1 I am the room moderator, I am in control here! Mwuahaha! -Puts on serious face- I actually all ready had a plan for this, and two other people know about it. Can you guess who?)
(Oh my bad. I didn't know what to do? I thought we were sitting down lmao)
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With a pained grunt, Ether lifts himself out of the bed and gingerly rubs his new found injuries. They didn't hurt so much as felt sore now thanks to Ana's medicinal expertise. But there was something that caught his attention about her. The green blood was one thing, the green hair another but that could be anything right? When Ether was supporting her while she was wounded he had felt something near her hips. Ether couldn't exactly explain what that was but it was definitely not normal. Well, it didn't really matter to the necromancer. She would say something when she was ready he assumed....or hoped at least.

"These explosions are really getting pretty bad aren't they? Morgrim didn't say anything about using big booms to take out the target right? ....damn alright Ana let's get moving. Those three must have reached the city right now and are probably halfway to killing the Marquis if he isn't already dead.
Ana shrugged as Ether stood and wondered about the explosions being Morgrim's doing. "I honestly don't think it was them. Although you're right about leaving, we need to get out of here." Ana nodded in agreement and then turned to the old woman who had returned. "Ma'am, you should probably take your family and leave the city, I don't want you getting hurt." Ana smiled at the woman as the elderly female nodded and complied, retrieving her once sick family and leading them out the door. Ana followed, expecting Ether to follow, but stopped as soon as she exited the home.

People everywhere were wounded, coughing, and crying over lost ones who died from the explosions. Ana's eyes widened at the sight of people being hurt ruthlessly, and a sort of anger overcame her. She turned to face Ether and told him in a stern voice, "Whoever did this cannot get away with it. However, I want the rest of the people to be taken out safely, so rather than finding out who did this and sticking an arrow through his pea-sized brain, I'm going to escort groups of citizens out of the city. You're welcome to join me, but this is something I'm going to do without question. I believe you should rest, though, so maybe there will be someplace you can lie down outside the city." Ana said with a determined look on her face and turned away from Ether to begin helping people from under rubble or those with dead relatives. She pulled people out from underneath the damaged buildings and lifted a couple dead bodies so that their families could bury them outside the city.

I was scared, these explosions were getting to close for comfort. I had to leave the slums and I made my way towards the upper district. It didn't take me long to make it there. There I saw the bodies littering the street, I felt sick. I had never seen a dead human before. Sure I've seen dead animals when mother wolf brought them to me to eat, but I've never seem a dead human. At least I don't think I have. I seriously felt like throwing up, this much death and destruction is a little too much for me. I just couldn't take it, it was too much.

"Why? Why did they die?" I asked no one in particular. Though I did take note that the necromancer from before was there.

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